
1 Introduction

Radio frequency identification (RFID) technology is rapidly emerging as a leading ubiquitous computing technology. RFID systems provide the ability to automatically identify and track objects and/or personnel in a non-contact, non-line-of-sight manner. This enables the development of very efficient automated item management frameworks and as such provides a compelling business case for the rapid adoption of RFID systems. However, due to the very nature of being able to read an RFID tag without line-of-sight, presents significant security challenges that must be addressed in order for this technology to transfer seamlessly and securely into industry.

A typical RFID system consists of a reader, R, composed of a set of transceivers together with a backend database, and a set of tags, \(T_{i}\) \((1 \le i \le N\), N is the total number of tags), where each tag is a passive transponder identified by a unique ID. The communication between a reader and the tags is defined by the EPCglobal Generation 2 (Gen2) specification. This specification includes the physical layer and medium access control parameters for ultra high frequency (UHF) RFID passive tags operating in the frequency band between 860 MHz and 960 MHz [1]. The international standard group, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 31, is in the process of standardizing the security extension to the ISO/IEC 18000-63 standard that is based on the EPCglobal Gen2 protocol [2]. Amongst several candidates, ISO/IEC 29167-14 that is based on advanced encryption standard-output feedback (AES-OFB) mode of operation has been proposed to define a variety of authentication protocols and session key generation applicable to the ISO/IEC 18000-63 standard [3].

The initial proposal that defines an RFID mutual authentication protocol and session key generation was ISO/IEC working draft (WD) 29167-6 [4]. ISO/IEC 29167-6 WD proposal describes three security protocols, namely Protocol 1, 2, and 3. ISO/IEC 29167-14 succeeds this and includes the authentication protocols and main contents of ISO/IEC 29167-6 WD proposal. Protocol 1 considers the RFID mutual authentication and secure communication in security mode. In a recent letter [5], it was highlighted that Protocol 1 is vulnerable to an attack that results in the manipulation of a communication parameter, called the Handle, such that the tag and the reader fail to share the same Handle for subsequent communications during a run of the protocol. This attack is named as a man-in-the-middle attack in the letter. In the same letter, a cryptographic countermeasure was presented that introduced dependency between security parameters in a message using a more complex variable length shift technique, and constructed the Handle as the concatenation of the challenge from the reader and the challenge from the tag.

In this paper, we review the vulnerability to the man-in-the-middle attack proposed in [5] and introduce different points of view about the man-in-the-middle attack presented in [6, 7]. In addition, we point out that the effect of the man-in-the-middle attack on the RFID mutual authentication protocol is just a relay between a legitimate reader and a legitimate tag. We also analyze a correlation between link timing parameters and the man-in-the-middle attack. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. We review the man-in-the-middle attack together with an improved mutual authentication protocol proposed in [5] in Sect. 2. In Sect. 3, we analyze the attack effects in terms of security weakness and link timing parameters. Finally, we conclude the paper in Sect. 4.

2 Review of Handle Manipulation Attack

For the sake of completeness, we review Protocol 1 of ISO/IEC 29167-6 WD (shown in Fig. 1) and the Handle manipulation attack together with the associated countermeasure presented in [5]. Protocol 1 assumes that the tag shares the same 128-bit master key with the reader and that the key stream is produced using AES algorithm as the encryption engine. Step 0 to step 9 (see Fig. 1) are concerned with the setting up of the secure channel. During this exchange of messages, the security parameters RnInt (step 7) and RnTag (step 8), which are 64-bit random numbers, are generated and exchanged by the reader and tag, respectively. RnInt and RnTag are then concatenated to create the initial vector (IV) as input to the AES algorithm and the master key is used as the AES key for the first iteration of key stream generation. Subsequent iterations of AES uses the output generated from the previous iteration as the input to AES algorithm. We note that even though RnInt and RnTag are sent in the clear, without knowledge of the master key the key stream cannot be determined.

Fig. 1.
figure 1figure 1

Protocol 1 - RFID mutual authentication protocol.

The secure channel commences upon a successful acknowledgement of the 16-bit random number RN16 at step 9. Taking \(k_{i}\) to be consecutive blocks of the key stream whose block length is determined by the length of the parameter it is XOR’d with, the first message of the secure channel (step 10) is sent from the tag to the reader and is given as,

$$\begin{aligned} T \rightarrow R : (PC, XPC, UII) = (PC \oplus k_{1}, XPC \oplus k_{2}, UII \oplus k_{3}) \end{aligned}$$

where PC is the protocol control, XPC is the extended protocol control and UII is the actual unique item identifier (note a random or void UII was sent earlier in step 4 of the protocol procedure). It is at the next step that the attack described in [5] begins.

The message sent from the reader to the tag in step 11 is


where RN16 is the encrypted version of RN16 that was sent earlier in the clear, ChInt is a random challenge from the reader and Len is a 3 bit indicator of the wordlength of ChInt (one word is 16 bits). Hence the value of Len can range from 0 to 7, where all zeros are interpreted as a value of 8. This implies that the length of ChInt can range from 16 bits to 128 bits. In the attack, the adversary intercepts and changes the random parameter 2 of this message denoted by Eq. (2), with a different random number, so that the message becomes

$$\begin{aligned} R \rightarrow T: (Len \oplus k_4, R_{1}, RN16 \oplus k_6) \end{aligned}$$

Upon receiving this message the tag will decrypt using the key stream and check that the RN16 parameter matches the RN16 that was sent earlier in the clear, if true the tag authenticates the reader. At this point, however, the tag does not contain the actual challenge that was sent by the reader, but instead it registers \(R_{1} \oplus k_{5}\) as the challenge.

Step 12 contains the reply from the tag to the reader and according to Protocol 1 the message is intended to be

$$\begin{aligned} T \rightarrow R: \mathbf{Reply }(ChInt, Handle) = (ChInt \oplus k_7, Handle \oplus k_8) \end{aligned}$$

however, because of the manipulation of the previous message (shown in Eq. (3)), which results in the tag registering \(R_{1} \oplus k_{5}\) as the challenge from the reader, the actual message sent from the tag is

$$\begin{aligned} T \rightarrow R: ((R_{1} \oplus k_{5}) \oplus k_7, Handle \oplus k_8) \end{aligned}$$

where Handle is defined as a 16 bits temporary tag identification number, that the tag generates and backscatters to the reader, and is thus used in subsequent communications by the tag and the reader.

The adversary continues with the attack by manipulating parameter 1 of Eq. (5) with \(ChInt \oplus k_5\), observed in step 11 of the protocol (see Eq. (2)), together with the random number \(R_1\) that was injected in step 11 (see Eq. (3)), and further manipulates parameter 2 of Eq. (5) to produce

$$\begin{aligned} T \rightarrow R: ((R_{1} \oplus k_{5}) \oplus k_7 \oplus (ChInt \oplus k_5) \oplus R_1, R_2) = (ChInt \oplus k_7, R_2) \end{aligned}$$

The reader decrypts using the key stream and checks that the ChInt sent from the tag matches the reader’s ChInt, if true the reader authenticates the tag. However, at this point the reader and the tag fail to share the same Handle as the reader’s Handle is now \(R_2 \oplus k_8\). Note here that the manipulation of ChInt in steps 11 and 12 does not contribute to the manipulation of the Handle, the Handle manipulation attack would have just as easily occurred had the adversary only intercepted and manipulated parameter 2 of the message in step 12. Also note that at no point in the attack is the security of the key stream compromised.

We now turn our attention to the proposed countermeasure presented in [5]. The idea here is to create a dependency between the parameters of the message by using a variable length shift to build integrity into the message. In the countermeasure the message in step 11 becomes,


where now parameter 2 contains a bitwise rotation by \(k_5\) whose bit length is determined by the value of Len and is given as \(\lceil \log _{2}(Len \times 16)\rceil \), hence the bit length of \(k_5\) can range from 4 bits to 7 bits. The left-most 16 bits of the challenge parameter ChInt (i.e., \(L_{16}(ChInt)\)) is included in parameter 3 XOR’d with RN16. Thus ChInt is now contained within two parameters of the message in different formats (one rotated by a secret amount and one not), so that any manipulation en-route may be detected by the tag.

Step 12 of the countermeasure then becomes


where \(BitLen (k_8)=\lceil \log _{2}(Len \times 16)\rceil \), and \(BitLen (k_9)=BitLen (k_{10})=BitLen (ChInt)\). Here the tag now also produces a challenge, ChTag, which is of the same bit length as ChInt (i.e. from 16 bits to 128 bits). ChTag is bitwise rotated by a secret amount and is delivered to the reader in both the parameters of the Reply message, again in different formats so that any manipulation may be detected by the reader. Upon decryption the reader checks for a match on the ChInt and ChTag and the Handle now becomes a shared parameter that comprises both the tag and the reader challenges as,

$$\begin{aligned} Handle = L_{8}(ChInt) \Vert R_{8}(ChTag) \end{aligned}$$

where \(\Vert \) denotes concatenation.

Recently, Bagheri et al. [6] showed that the improved protocol presented in [5] suffers from the same man-in-the-middle attack as Protocol 1. In [5, 6], the attack is considered as an man-in-the-middle attack. However, Kang et al. [7] pointed out that the attack of [5] comes from a misunderstanding regarding a communication parameter called Handle and claimed that the attack is not a security threat. In the next Section, we analyze the practical effects of the man-in-the-middle attack in terms of a role of Handle and link timing parameters.

3 Analysis of Attack Effects

3.1 Attack Effects

We analyze tag access operations and tag authentication under the man-in-the-middle attack. The first analysis is related to tag access operations. In the passive UHF RFID system, tags located within communication range of a reader can receive all access commands from the reader. Tags check whether the received Handle is the same as the Handle backscattered by them, and only a tag with the same Handle executes the access command. A Reader utilizes a Handle in the same manner for a tag access operation. In general, the reader and the tag use the same Handle value in the same session. It is, however, possible to use dual Handles in a session. That is, all a tag needs to do is to check the Handle backscattered by itself and a reader has only to use the Handle received at step 12.

Figure 2 illustrates the procedures of the man-in-the-middle attack. Assuming that E can intercept and replace the air interface data, it can replace the tag’s Handle \(\oplus \) \(k_{8}\) with \(R_{2}\) at step 12. And, E can relay an access command to T and forward the tag’s Reply to R like Steps 13 and 14 in Fig. 2, respectively. It is, however, a real-time data injection over the radio rather than a man-in-the-middle attack. In the general man-in-the-middle attack, the role of E in a tag access operation is to fake and forward data. In the case that someone can manipulate air interface data, he/she can perform the same operations as the man-in-the-middle attack without Handle manipulation. Steps 13 and 14 are the same situation as an attacker intervenes in tag-reader communication to change the payload into fake data over the radio.

Fig. 2.
figure 2figure 2

Procedures of the man-in-the-middle attack on Protocol 1.

Fig. 3.
figure 3figure 3

Practical effect of the man-in-the-middle attack on Protocol 1.

Figure 3 is equivalent to Fig. 2. The practical effect of the man-in-the-middle attack is that Protocol 1 utilizes the dual Handles such as \(Handle_{T}\) and \(Handle_{R}\). The \(Handle_{T}\) is the backscattered Handle which is the same as the Handle of step 12 in Fig. 2, and the \(Handle_{R}\) is \(R_{2} \oplus k_{8}\) which is accepted by R. In other words, even though the man-in-the-middle attack manipulates the Handle between T and R, it is practically only the dual Handles. In addition, E can neither decrypt the original ciphertext nor encrypt any of its own data because it has no session key. Furthermore, it is impossible to reuse the current fabricated information at other sessions or other tags because E’s intervention works only when a legitimate reader communicates with a legitimate tag in the current session. As a result, there is no meaning to E’s intervention using Handle manipulation. That is, the man-in-the-middle attack of [5] does not interfere with tag access operations, but is just a relay using the dual Handles between a legitimate reader and a legitimate tag.

The second analysis is related to tag authentication. In the general man-in-the-middle attack, R authenticates E as T when it receives the returned challenge number which is intercepted and replaced by E. However, in the man-in-the-middle attack of [5], despite a successful authentication, E cannot send any data independently of a legitimate reader because it knows neither session key nor original Handle. The man-in-the-middle attack manipulates only the encrypted version of Handle. That is, there is no effect from fake authentication. Furthermore, it does not matter whether E intervenes in tag authentication procedure or not, because the fake authentication is successful only if the legitimate tag exists in the authentication procedure at the current session. It is no more than the authentication for the legitimate tag. As a result, the man-in-the-middle attack of [5] does not interfere with tag authentication.

3.2 Link Timing Analysis

ISO/IEC 18000-63 defines two link timing parameters related to single tag reply [2, 8]. The first parameter, \(T_{1}\), is the time from reader transmission to tag response (specifically, the time from the last rising edge of the last bit of the reader transmission to the first rising edge of the tag response), measured at the tag’s antenna terminals. That is, a reader starts a new session if it receives no reply from a tag in defined time. The nominal value of \(T_{1}\) is MAX(RTcal, \(10\cdot T_{pri}\)), where, RTcal is reader-to-tag calibration symbol and \(T_{pri}\) is backscatter-link pulse-repetition interval. According to [2], the values for RTcal and \(T_{pri}\) are in the range of [\(15.625\mu \)s, \(75\mu \)s] and [\(1.5625\mu \)s, \(25\mu \)s], respectively. The second parameter, \(T_{2}\), is the reader response time required if a tag is to demodulate the reader signal, measured from the end of the last bit of the tag response to the first falling edge of the reader transmission. That is, a tag transitions to the arbitrate state if \(T_{2}\) expires. The value of \(T_{2}\) is \(3\cdot T_{pri}\) to \(20\cdot T_{pri}\). (refer to [2] for notations and values.) Therefore, the \(T_{1}\) time is \(15.625\mu \)s (= minimum RTcal) to \(250\mu \)s (= maximum \(10\cdot T_{pri}\)), and the \(T_{2}\) time is \(4.6875\mu \)s (= minimum \(3\cdot T_{pri}\)) to \(500\mu \)s (= maximum \(20\cdot T_{pri}\)). In other words, E shall intercept, replace, and forward Sec_ReqRN of step 11 in \(T_{2}\) time (at most, \(500\mu \)s) and Reply of step 12 in \(T_{1}\) time (at most, \(250\mu \)s).

In Fig. 2, the minimum length of Seq_ReqRN is 35 bits (= Len of 3 bits, ChInt of 16 bits, and RN16 of 16 bits). The first action of E is to intercept Seq_ReqRN over the radio. Assuming the maximum \(T_{2}\) time (that is, \(500\mu \)s), E needs a reader-to-tag data rate (RTrate) of 70 kbps (= 35 bits/\(500\mu \)s) in order to intercept Seq_ReqRN of step 11. In other words, if RTrate is less than 70 kbps, the man-in-the-middle attack cannot work because the \(T_{2}\) time expires during intercepting 35 bits data. Therefore, a simple countermeasure against the man-in-the-middle attack is to adjust the RTrate to less than 70 kbps. Link timing-constrained condition is applied to Reply of step 12 in the same way. The minimum length of Reply is 32 bits (= \(ChInt'\) of 16 bits and Handle of 16 bits). Assuming the maximum \(T_{1}\) time (that is, \(250\mu \)s), the required tag-to-reader data rate (TRrate) for intercepting Reply is at least 128 kbps (= 32 bits/\(250\mu \)s). Therefore, the man-in-the-middle attack cannot work if TRrate is less than 128 kbps. According to [2], the RTrate ranges between 26.7 kbps and 128 kbps and the TRrate ranges between 5 kbps and 320 kbps in case of Miller encoding. The proposed threshold values of 70 kbps for RTrate and 128 kbps for TRrate exist in the allowable ranges. So, the proposed link timing countermeasure has no influence on the existing passive UHF RFID system.

4 Conclusion

In this paper, we have reviewed the man-in-the-middle attack on the RFID mutual authentication protocol of ISO/IEC 29167-6 WD and the subsequent countermeasure recently presented in [5]. After reviewing the attack scenario, we have analyzed practical security effects of the man-in-the-middle attack in terms of tag authentication service and link timing conformance. Our analysis shows that the attack does not interfere with tag access operations and tag authentication service, but is just a relay using the dual Handles between a legitimate reader and a legitimate tag. We have also drawn the threshold values of 70 kbps for RTrate and 128 kbps for TRrate which can fundamentally protect the passive UHF RFID system from the data manipulation by any man-in-the-middle attack. We hope that our analysis helps the reader understand security features of the passive UHF RFID system.