
How Realize Integrated Shock Absorber—Air Spring

To realize ISAS uses a standard damper and apply some minor modifications, presented below:

  1. Step 1

    replace the standard dust shield with other one resistant to pressure

  2. Step 2

    apply an annular body on the outer cylinder, the annular body containing one or more channels with one or more seal elements, their sealing lip/s sliding sealing on the inner surface of the new dust shield

  3. Step 3

    seal new resistant dust shield against rod with a seal member

  4. Step 4

    apply an air filling valve on the dust shield and connect it to a pressure air source, respectively to a compressed air tank or a compressor

  5. Step 5

    adjust manually or automatically the vehicle trim, by modifying the gas/air pressure

Figure 1 shows evolution from standard damper to integrated damper-air spring.

Fig. 1
figure 1

The genesis of integrated shock absorber-air spring based a standard shock absorber. a The standard shock absorber. b Integrated shock absorber-air spring, realized based standard shock absorber from position A

The components presented in Fig. 1 are explained in Table 1.

Table 1 The components of standard damper and of integrated spring-damper

The elements 1 ÷ 8 are commune elements for both variants.

The washer 18 is utilized when the support shoulder of the rod 3 is enough.

In Fig. 2 are presented other two sealing solutions against the rod and filler rod solution.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Other sealing and filling solutions. a Sealing when the rod shoulder is enough. b Sealing by conical fit. c Filler rod solution

In the Fig. 3 is presented solution for full trim control.

Fig. 3
figure 3

The block diagram for step by step or in real time vehicle trim control

The main elements presented in Fig. 3 are:


air spring units C1, C2, C3, C4, controlling each semi-axle


pressure transducers


position transducers


source of pressured gas/air


pressured gas/air reservoir




analysis, command and control unit

149, 150, 206, 207:

indicators for pressure, position, pitch and roll

The Realized Integrated Shock Absorbers—Air Springs

The elements are the same presented in Fig. 1 and explained in Table 1, excepting the positions 19, 20, representing (Fig. 4):


centering ring


protecting seal

Fig. 4
figure 4

The realized trim corrector devices

The Quarter Car Model Realized in Adams-View Module

The quarter car model realized with ADAMS, module View is presented in the Fig. 5.

Fig. 5
figure 5

The quarter car model with integrated spring-damper and standard spring

The damping characteristic is defined by damping forces at different speed for each strokes respectively one for rebound and other for compression.

The contact force road-wheel (CONTACT_1) is defined based on the tire rigidity.

The stopper buffer forces on compression (CONTACT_2) and rebound (CONTACT_3) are defined based on the each specific rigidity characteristics.

The road excitation is realized with a function generator.

The software allow the model evolution visualisation in real time, also generating the diagrams of displacements, forces, accelerations, speeds, for each elements or for relative evolution between diverse elements.

The elements are:


Vehicle body


Translational joint for sprung mass


Integrated spring-damper


Main suspension spring


Compression stopper buffer




Translational joint for axle


Rebound stopper buffer




Translational joint for road


Under body bottom level

In the figure the padlocks represents the fixed joints linking the elements belongs to the each parts.

C—body-ground clearance.

The model covers both solutions, respectively solution:

  • with two springs e.g. mains suspension spring (4) and correction spring included in integrated spring-damper (3);

  • with one spring e.g. only spring included in integrated spring-damper (3), this spring taking the role of the main suspension spring, but being adjustable, situation in which the spring (4) has null rigidity.

The Tested Corrections

The springs forces and lengths used for trim corrector evaluation are presented in the Table 2.

Table 2 The springs forces and lengths used for trim corrector efficiency evaluation

Numerical Application

The road/car vertical interaction has been simulated using ADAMS software View module.

The considered car has the following characteristics:

\( m_{U} = 240\,[{\text{kg}}] \) :

sprung mass at unloaded

\( m_{F} = 360\,[{\text{kg}}] \) :

sprung mass at fully loaded

\( m_{US} = 35\,[{\text{kg}}] \) :

unsprung mass

\( l = 0.236\,[{\text{m}}] \) :

the overall suspension stroke

\( d_{RB} = 0.014\,[{\text{m]}} \) :

the rebound stopper buffer deformation, under 5000 [N]

\( d_{CB} = 0.040\,[{\text{m}}] \) :

the compression stopper buffer deformation, under 1000 daN

\( k_{1} = 14085\,[{\text{N/m}}] \) :

the suspension rigidity

\( k_{T} = 2.18 10^{8} \,[{\text{N/m}}] \) :

the maximal tire rigidity at the deformation of 0.06 [m]

\( k_{2} = 14085\,[{\text{N/m}}] \) :

the trim corrector rigidity (took identically with main spring)

\( k_{CB} = 245166\,[{\text{N/m}}] \) :

the compression stopper buffer rigidity

\( k_{TD} = 350237\, \left[ {\text{N/m}} \right] \) :

the rebound stopper buffer rigidity

\( \delta_{U - F} = 0.0835\,[{\text{m}}] \) :

the suspension stroke between unloaded to fully loaded state

$$ \delta_{U - F} = \frac{{G_{F} - G_{U} }}{{k_{S} }} = \frac{{\left( {360 - 240} \right)\cdot9.80665}}{14085} = 0.0835 \,[{\text{m}}] $$

Test Conditions

The simulation was realized for fully loaded car using a road generated by a sum of harmonic functions presented in Eq. (2).

The excitation covers the specific frequencies area, being under the body frequencies up to the wheel proper frequencies.

$$ h = 0.05\,\sin \left( {2\pi \cdot0.4 \cdot t} \right) + 0.04\,\sin \left( {2\pi \cdot3 \cdot t} \right) + 0.03\,\sin \left( {2\pi \cdot8 \cdot t} \right) + 0.02\,\sin \left( {2\pi \cdot15 \cdot t} \right) $$


The simulation were realized for the suspension no trim corrector action and with trim corrector lifting the car body 0.04175 [m] (representing medium stroke position) and 0.06 [m], the result being presented in the Table 3.

Table 3 The simulation results

The parameters for behavior evaluation are:

  • Body-road clearance, evaluated by RMS and minimal values

  • Comfort, evaluated by RMS and maximal car body vertical accelerations;

  • Adherence, evaluated by wheel-road RMS contact force;

  • Body and axles protection, evaluated by RMS and maximal buffer strike force

Where: RMS—root mean square

In the diagrams:

  • PART_7.CM_Position.Y—represents the vertical body position

  • PART_7.CM_Acceleration.Y—represents the vertical body acceleration

  • PART_9.CM_Position.Y—represents the longitudinal road profile

  • (CONTACT_1), (CONTACT_2) and (CONTACT_3) were defined previous

In the Table 4 are presented the performances improvement, due to the trim corrector action.

Table 4 The performances improvement, due to the trim corrector action

The evaluation is realized comparing each result with value corresponding situation without trim corrector.


The simulations confirm the trim corrector increases the suspension performances, thus for the analyzed case the trim corrector increase simultaneous:

• Body-ground clearance

—evaluated by RMS values

between 14 ÷ 22.3 %

—evaluated by minimal value

between 4.4 ÷ 34.4 %

• Body comfort

—evaluated by RMS values

between 7.9 ÷ 8.3 %

—evaluated by maximal body acceleration

between 43.3 ÷ 42.5 %

• Adherence

—evaluated by RMS wheel-ground contact force

between −18.2 ÷ 14.7 %

• Body/axles protection

—evaluated by RMS buffer force

between 46.8 ÷ 100 %

—evaluated by maximal buffer force

between 9.3 ÷ 48.1 %

The novel trim corrector solutions can be applied even on the Macpherson variants improving performances on all variants by trim correction step by step or for better behavior in real time trim control.

On good roads, by reducing body-ground clearance, decreases pitch and roll axes and thus increasing stability at pitch and roll, increasing stability and cruise speed.

On bed roads, by increasing body-ground clearance, increasing passing capacity and body protection.