
1 Introduction

A hash function F takes an arbitrarily long bit string m as input and outputs a fixed length bit string H (called hash value or digest). A cryptographic hash function is meant to satisfy certain security properties, the most important of which are the following.

  • (First) preimage resistance: given H, it is computationally infeasible to find an \(m'\) such that \(F(m') = H\).

  • Second preimage resistance: given an m and F(m), it is computationally infeasible to find an \(m' \ne m\) such that \(F(m') = F(m)\).

  • Collision resistance: it is computationally infeasible to find an m and an \(m' \ne m\) such that \(F(m) = F(m')\).

The general model for cryptographic hash functions involves what is called a compression function. The function transforms a bit string of a fixed length into a shorter string of a fixed length. The arbitrarily long message is partitioned into blocks after a process called padding (described later in the context of Streebog). The blocks are then sequentially processed, with the compression function acting on every block until all the blocks are processed. The final output is the hash value. The general model is described in good detail in [9, Sect. 2.4.1].

Streebog is a set of two hash functions and a Russian cryptographic standard (GOST R 34.10–2012) [5]. It was developed by the Center for Information Protection and Special Communications of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, with participation of the Open Joint-Stock Company “Information Technologies and Communication Systems” (JSC “InfoTeCS”) [5], following a demand for “a hash function to meet modern requirements for cryptographic strength” [5]. In 2012, Streebog replaced GOST R 34.11–94 as the national standard.

The hash functions comprising Streebog have 256 bits and 512 bits as their digest lengths. We shall call the hash functions “Streebog-256” and “Streebog-512”, respectively. The compression function, common to both the versions, operates on 512-bit blocks in the Miyaguchi-Preneel mode, has 13 rounds, is based on a substitution-permutation network and uses a linear transformation.

In 2010–2011, open research workshops were organised by the Chinese Academy of Sciences to discuss cryptographic algorithms proposed for inclusion in the LTE/4G mobile standards. In a seemingly similar fashion, between 2013 and 2015, the Russian Technical Committee for Standardization “Cryptography and Security Mechanisms” (TC 26), with the participation of the Academy of Cryptography of the Russian Federation and support from the JSC InfoTeCS, held an open research competition for the analysis of Streebog. In this period, several results were reported, notably in [13, 6, 10].

In [1, 10], the rebound attack is used to find (semi-free-start) collisions for reduced versions of the Streebog compression function; [2] presents integral distinguishers on up to 7 rounds of the compression function; [3] reports preimages for 6-round Streebog; and [6] describes second preimage attacks on the full Streebog-512. The drawback of the attacks in [6] is that they work well only with long messages. For instance, if the length of the message is at least \(2^{188}\) bits, then \(2^{342}\) compression function evaluations are required. The time complexity can be brought down to as low as \(O(2^{266})\) provided that the message is at least \(2^{268}\) bits in length. For shorter messages, of bit-length \(\gamma < 2^{188}\) (but greater than 512 bits), the number of compression function evaluations is estimated at \((\log _2{\gamma } - 9) \cdot 2^{522 - \log _2{\gamma }}\). We present in this paper the first side channel attack on the full Streebog. We also discuss the implications of our attack on the security of Streebog-based keyed-hash message authentication code (HMAC).

Processors have registers that store information on operations performed by their ALUs. For example, in the Intel IA-32 architecture, the status flags of the EFLAGS register indicate the result of arithmetic instructions such as ADD and DIV (divide) [7]. One of these flags, known as the carry flag, is a single bit that indicates an overflow in unsigned integer arithmetic. For instance, when two unsigned integers are added, the carry flag is set (to 1) if a carry is generated by the addition at the most significant bit position (we shall call this an end carry) and the flag is cleared (i.e., 0) otherwise. This may be exploited by an attacker as in [8] where Kelsey et al. use carry flag information to attack the block cipher RC5. In our side channel attack too we use the state of the carry flag. Our attack recovers a message block in about \(2^{511}\) time with 99.9 % success rate (number of successful recoveries per 100 messages uniformly distributed at random) if the carry flag is set and 66.8 % otherwise. The only other attack known on the full Streebog is due to Guo et al. [6].

The paper is organised as follows. Section 2 describes Streebog and Sect. 3 details our meesage recovery attack. We propose countermeasures to our attack in Sect. 4 and conclude in Sect. 5.

2 Description of Streebog

Table 1 lists the notation and conventions followed in the rest of this paper.

Table 1. Notation and conventions

Streebog is a simple design that uses only a few elementary arithmetic operators such as XOR and modular addition, and simple functions such as substitution, permutation and linear transformation. The hash function accepts any message M of length less than \(2^{512}\) bits and returns a digest of length 256 bits or 512 bits. The round function or compression function has 13 iterations, the first twelve of which involve a substitution-permutation layer. If \(512 \not \mid |M|\), then padding prefixes M with a bit string \(pad {:}{=} \{0\}^{511 - (|M| \mod \, 512)} \Vert 1\). The padded message is then partitioned into (\(k + 1\)) 512-bit blocks \(M_k, M_{k - 1}, \ldots , M_0\); i.e., \(pad \Vert M = M_k \Vert M_{k - 1} \Vert \cdots \Vert M_0\). The compression function g that processes the message block \(M_i\) takes as additional inputs the chaining value \(H_i\) (of size 512 bits) and a length counter \(N_i\), and outputs \(H_{i + 1}\). Algorithm 1 describes the working of Streebog. The IV in the algorithm is the initial value \(H_0\) (Streebog-256 and Streebog-512 use different 512-bit IVs).

figure a

The substitution-permutation layer includes the following components.

  • Substitution function S: The input, a 512-bit string, is first partitioned into bytes. Every byte is then substituted by a byte from a set \(\pi '\), which is a permutation of \(\{0, 1, \ldots , 255\}\), and concatenated.

  • Permutation function P: Partitions its 512-bit input into bytes, permutes the bytes (i.e., shuffles their positions) and concatenates them.

  • Linear transformation L: This is also a 512-bit-to-512-bit mapping. If the input is W, then \(L(W) = \ell (\varGamma _7(W)) \Vert \ell (\varGamma _6(W)) \Vert \cdots \Vert \ell (\varGamma _0(W))\), where \(\ell \) is a 64-bit-to-64-bit linear transformation that outputs the right multiplication of its input with a constant matrix \(\mathbf {A}\) over GF(2).

  • The function \(X[\cdot ]\): If K and W are 512-bit strings, then \(X[K](W) = K \oplus W\).

The compression function g is now given by:

$$\begin{aligned} g(H_i, M_i, N_i) = E(L(P(S(H_i \oplus N_i))), M_i) \oplus H_i \oplus M_i\,, \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned} E(L(P(S(H_i \oplus N_i))), M_i)= & {} X[K_{13}]LPSX[K_{12}]LPSX[K_{11}] \ldots \nonumber \\&LPSX[K_1](M_i)\,, \end{aligned}$$

(recall from Table 1 that \(f g = f \circ g\)) and

$$\begin{aligned} K_0= & {} LPS(H_i \oplus N_i)\,,\end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} K_{j + 1}= & {} LPS(K_j \oplus C_j)\,,{\text {for}}\; j = 0, 1, \ldots , 12,{\text {and constants}}\; C_j. \end{aligned}$$

The subkeys \(K_1, K_2, \ldots , k_{13}\) are the round keys; in deriving them, \(K_0\) is used as an initial value.

3 The Message Recovery Attack

The functions S and P do not involve modular addition or multiplication. The function X is a simple XOR operation. The linear transformation \(\ell \) works as follows. Denoting its 64-bit input by \(\beta {:}{=} \beta _{(63)} \Vert \beta _{(62)} \Vert \cdots \Vert \beta _{(0)}\), we have:

$$\begin{aligned} \ell (\beta ) = \bigoplus _{i = 0}^{63} \beta _{(63 - i)} \odot A[i]\,, \end{aligned}$$

where the product \(\odot \) is defined as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} \beta _{(63 - i)} \odot A[i] = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \{0\}^{64} &{} \beta _{(63 - i)} = 0\,;\\ A[i] &{} \beta _{(63 - i)} = 1\,. \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$

Hence, from (1)–(4), it immediately follows that Streebog compression does not involve any operation, such as addition modulo \(2^{512}\), that can alter the state of the carry flag. This means that only steps 6, 7, 9 and 10 of Algorithm 1 can potentially affect the carry flag.Footnote 1

Now, the maximum length of M is \(2^{512} - 1\). Given a message of this length, the number of blocks will be \(\lceil (2^{512} - 1) / 512\rceil = 2^{503}\).Footnote 2 If \(k + 1 < 2^{503}\) (to simply calculations, this can be considered a sure event as it happens with a probability that is very close to 1 if |M| is uniformly distributed at random over \(\{0, 1, \ldots , 2^{512} - 1\}\)), then \(N_k = 512 k\), \(512 k < N_{k + 1} \le 512 (k + 1)\), and the carry flag will be unaffected by steps 6 and 9. This leaves us with steps 7 and 10. Now,

$$\begin{aligned} \varSigma= & {} \left( \sum _{i = 0}^{k - 1} M_{i}\right) \mod \, 2^{512} + M_k \mod \, 2^{512}\,.\end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned}= & {} T_{k - 1} + M_k \mod \, 2^{512}\,,{\text {say}}. \end{aligned}$$

Let \(C {:}{=} [C_{(511)} C_{(510)} \cdots C_{(0)}]\) denote the vector of carries generated in (6) such that \(C_{(0)}\) is the carry at the LSB position. When \(k \ge 1\) (this can also be considered a sure event), we have the following attack.

Scenario 1: Suppose that the carry flag is set at the end of Algorithm 1. If \(|pad| \ge 2 \Rightarrow M_{k(511)} = 0\), or \(|pad| = 0\) and \(M_{k(511)} = 0\), then \(T_{k - 1(511)} = C_{(511)} = 1\). If the attacker knows \(M_0, M_1, \ldots , M_{k - 2}\), and all but the MSB of \(M_{k - 1}\), then she can recover \(M_{k - 1(511)}\) from \(T_{k - 1(511)} = 1\) performing \(k - 1 < 2^{503} - 2\) additions (recall (5) and (6)).

If \(|pad| = 0\) and \(M_{k(511)} = 1\), or \(|pad| = 1 \Rightarrow M_{k(511)} = 1\), then there are three possibilities: (i) \(T_{k - 1(511)} = C_{(511)} = 1\), (ii) \(T_{k - 1(511)} = 0\) and \(C_{(511)} = 1\), (iii) \(T_{k - 1(511)} = 1\) and \(C_{(511)} = 0\). Assuming these cases to be equally likely,Footnote 3 the attacker can assume with 2/3 probability that \(T_{k - 1(511)} = 1\), and recover \(M_{k - 1(511)}\).

Table 2 lists the above cases and their probabilities assuming that (i) \(|M_{k}|\) is uniformly distributed at random over \(\{0, 1, \ldots , 511\}\), and (ii) every message block other than \(M_{k}\) is uniformly distributed at random over \(\{0, 1, \ldots , 2^{512} - 1\}\). The attack methodology is as follows. The attacker, knowing \(M_0, M_1, \ldots , M_{k - 2}\) and \(M_{k}\), makes a guess for the 511 LSBs of \(M_{k - 1}\), obtains a value for the MSB of \(M_{k - 1}\) (assuming that \(T_{k - 1(511)} = 1\)), hashes \(M_k \Vert M_{k - 1} \Vert \cdots \Vert M_0\), and compares the digest with the given hash value. If the values do not agree, the guess is incorrect and the attacker makes another guess. The process is repeated until the hash values agree. The sum \(\sigma \) of \(M_0, M_1, \ldots , M_{k - 2}\) modulo \(2^{512}\) can be precomputed (cost is \(k - 2\)); \(\sigma + M_{k - 1} \mod 2^{512}\) can be performed at each guess and, in doing so, can be avoided while computing the digest (i.e., \(\sigma + M_{k - 1} \mod 2^{512}\) can be stored and reused). To minimise memory usage, the storage element can be rewritten at the next guess. The probability of success is the probability that \(T_{k - 1(511)} = 1\) holds true. From Table 2, this probability is simply \(510/512 + 1/768 + 1/1024 + 1/1536 \approx 0.999\). The attack requires \(2^{511}\) hash function evaluations plus a precomputation cost of \(k - 2 < 2^{503} - 3\). Memory requirements are negligible.

Table 2. Computing \(Pr(T_{k - 1(511)} = 1)\) when the carry flag is 1; the probability q is given the condition on |pad| and r is given the conditions on |pad| and \(M_{k(511)}\)

Scenario 2: Suppose that the carry flag is 0 at the end of Algorithm 1. If \(|pad| \ge 2 \Rightarrow M_{k(511)} = 0\), or \(|pad| = 0\) and \(M_{k(511)} = 0\), then at least one of \(T_{k - 1(511)}\) and \(C_{(511)}\) is 0. Knowing \(M_0, M_1, \ldots , M_{k - 2}\), and all but the MSB of \(M_{k - 1}\), the attacker can recover \(M_{k - 1(511)}\) assuming that \(T_{k - 1(511)} = 0\). The assumption is valid in two out of the three possible cases: (i) \(T_{k - 1(511)} = C_{(511)} = 0\), (ii) \(T_{k - 1(511)} = 0\) and \(C_{(511)} = 1\), (iii) \(T_{k - 1(511)} = 1\) and \(C_{(511)} = 0\). Assuming that these cases are equally likely, \(Pr(T_{k - 1(511)} = 0) = 2/3\).

When \(|pad| = 0\) and \(M_{k(511)} = 1\) or when \(|pad| = 1 \Rightarrow M_{k(511)} = 1\), then \(T_{k - 1(511)} = C_{(511)} = 0\).

Table 3 lists the above cases and their probabilities under the assumption that (i) \(|M_{k}|\) is uniformly distributed at random over \(\{0, 1, \ldots , 511\}\), and (ii) every message block other than \(M_{k}\) is uniformly distributed at random over \(\{0, 1, \ldots , 2^{512} - 1\}\). The attack methodology is identical to that described under Scenario 1, except that the attacker here assumes that \(T_{k - 1(511)} = 0\). The probability of success is the probability that \(T_{k - 1(511)} = 0\) holds true. From Table 3, this probability is \(170/256 + 1/512 + 1/1536 + 1/1024 \approx 0.668\). The time complexity and memory requirements are the same as that in Scenario 1.

Note: The probability that \(T_{k - 1} = 0\) given that the carry flag is 0 and \(M_{k(511)} = 0\) is at least 1/2 since \(Pr(\text{ case } \text{(i) } \text{ or } \text{ case } \text{(ii) }) = Pr(T_{k - 1}) = 1/2\) (given the assumption that the message blocks other than \(M_{k}\) are uniformly distributed). Even if the conditional probability is 1/2, the success probability will be \(255/ 512 + 1/512 + 1/2048 + 1/1024 > 1/2\) (see Table 3). The success probability calculated from Table 2 changes negligibly when 2/3 is replaced by 1/2.\(\quad \square \)

Table 3. Computing \(Pr(T_{k - 1(511)} = 0)\) when the carry flag is 0; the probability q is given the condition on |pad| and r is given the conditions on |pad| and \(M_{k(511)}\)

In summary, by simply guessing \(T_{k - 1(511)}\) to be equal to the carry flag, the attacker is able to recover \(M_{k - 1}\) with \(2^{511}\) hash function evaluations and \(k - 2\) precomputations. The number of precomputations can be negligible in comparison to \(2^{511}\) and even the maximum number of precomputations (\(2^{503} - 4\)) is considerably smaller than \(2^{511}\). Moreover, each precomputation is only an addition of two 512-bit integers. Consequently, the precomputation cost can be ignored. The success probability is 0.668 if the carry flag is 0 and 0.999 otherwise. Arriving at a single value for the probability is involved given the difficulty in determining the distribution of the carry vector C. It is easy to see that the attack works for any \(i \in \{0, 1, \ldots , k - 2\}\) in place of \(k - 1\). In the ideal case, either \(2^{512}\) hash function evaluations are required or the success probability is 1/2 for \(2^{511}\) evaluations.Footnote 4 Since the compression functions of Streebog-256 and Streebog-512 are identical, our attack applies to both the hash functions.

3.1 Implications of Our Attack

Our attack may be particularly relevant to HMACs. Proposed by Bellare et al. [4] as a message integrity checking mechanism, a HMAC employs a hash function h in conjunction with a secret key K and generates a MAC value as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} HMAC(K, m) = h((K_0 \oplus opad) \Vert h((K_0 \oplus ipad) \Vert m))\,, \end{aligned}$$

where m is the message, opad and ipad are public constants, and \(K_0\) is the secret key or a function of K. The lengths of \(K_0\), opad and ipad equal the length of a message block. Given the HMAC value and \(h((K_0 \oplus ipad) \Vert m)\), in certain cases, our attack appears to speed up the recovery of \(K_0\) by a factor of 2. This is being further investigated.

4 Countermeasures

A simple way to preclude our attack is to introduce a low-cost arithmetic operation, after step 12 of Algorithm 1, that permanently sets or clears the carry flag. However, the approach fails if the attack model assumes that the attacker can determine the status of the carry flag after step 12.Footnote 5

A faster and safer countermeasure is to implement the checksum using XOR; i.e., replace the addition modulo \(2^{512}\) in steps 7 and 10 of Algorithm 1 with XOR.

5 Conclusions

In this paper, we have presented the first known side channel attack on Streebog. The attack speeds up message recovery by a factor of 2 with a probability that lies in [0.668, 0.999]. The attack is conjectured to be applicable to Streebog-based HMAC. We have also proposed some countermeasures.

It may be possible to improve the attack by recovering bits other than the MSB, but calculating the success probabilities is involved and beyond the scope of this paper. We leave it as a problem for future work. Use of other processor flags such as the parity flag is also worth investigating.