
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

1 Introduction

Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) have been successfully applied for the difficult task of handwritten digit recognition. However, ANN that train their weights with the traditional backpropagation (BP) algorithm suffer from slow learning speed. This has been a major bottleneck for ANN applications in the past.

Recently, Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) has been proposed as an alternative to BP for the task of training ANN [8]. ELM follows an approach that aims to reduce human invention, increase learning accuracy, and to reduce the time to train an ANN. This is done by randomly initiating the weights, then fixing the weights of the hidden layer nodes and subsequently determining the weights of the output layer analytically. Human invention is reduced as hyper-parameters, such like the learning rate and the momentum of traditional BP do not have to be determined manually.

ELM was applied successfully on a variety of classification and function approximation tasks [7]. In this paper, a novel classifier based on ELM will be presented that achieves competitive accuracy results while keeping the training time low and limiting human invention.

The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. In Sect. 2 the handwriting recognition problem and the corresponding dataset will be explained in detail. In Sect. 3 recent classifier for this task will be reviewed. This includes conventional ANN, but also very successful variations of ANN called convolutional neural networks (CNN) that fall into the research area of Deep Learning. Section 4 introduces ELM and ELM ensemble models. Furthermore, the novel classifier will be presented in the same section. The results of the experimental work conducted will be shown in Sect. 5, and Sect. 6 concludes the paper.

2 Problem Definition

Automatic handwriting recognition is a challenging problem that caught academic and commercial interest. Some commercial applications are: letter sorting in post offices, personal check reading in banks, or large-scale digitization of manuscripts [5]. The Mixed National Institute of Standards and Technology Database (MNIST) is the most widely used benchmark for isolated handwritten digit recognition [10]. It consists of 70,000 images from approx. 250 writers. 60,000 images represent the training sample, and the remaining 10,000 images the test sample for evaluation. The images have \(28\,\times \,28 = 784\) gray-scale pixels (0: background—255: maximum foreground intensity). Figure 1 shows examples of the ten digits in the MNIST database.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Examples from the MNIST database

3 Related Work

3.1 Single Hidden Layer Feedforward Neural Networks

ANN are massively parallel distributed processors made up of simple processing units. ANN are inspired by the human brain and the way it processes information. One of the main benefits of ANN is their ability to detect nonlinear relations and patterns. Single Hidden Layer Feedforward Neural Networks (SLFN) are ANN with only one hidden layer. Conventional SLFN train the weights of the ANN with the BP algorithm. BP is a gradient-based learning algorithm that tunes iteratively all parameters of the SLFN.

LeCun et al. [9] evaluated SLFN against the MNIST database. A SLFN with 300 hidden layer nodes had an error rate of 4.7 % on the test set. A SLFN with 1,000 hidden layer nodes achieved a slightly better error rate of 4.5 % on the test set.

3.2 Multiple Hidden Layer Feedforward Neural Networks

Multiple Hidden Layer Feedforward Neural Networks (MLFN) are identical to SLFN, but with the main difference that they have more than one hidden layer. Although it is proven that SLFN are universal approximators [6], MLFN were used in the past for the handwritten digit recognition problem. In [9] error rates as low as 3.05 and 2.95 % were achieved with a 300-100-10 and a 500-150-10 MLFN.

3.3 Convolutional Neural Networks

LeCun et al. [9] proposed CNN with a focus on automatic learning and higher order feature selection. CNN combine three architectural ideas to ensure shift, scale, and distortion invariance: local receptive fields, shared weights, and spatial subsampling.

A node in the hidden layer is not connected to all inputs from the previous layer, but only to a subregion. The advantage of local receptive fields is that they reduce dramatically the number of weights compared to fully connected hidden layer. Furthermore, this approach is computationally less expensive.

Hidden layer nodes are organized in so called feature maps that share the same weights. As each hidden layer node within a feature map has a different local receptive field, the same pattern can be detected across the whole receptive field. Each feature map is specialized to recognize a different pattern by having different weights. The architectural idea of weight sharing reduces even more the number of weights.

The idea of spatial subsampling refers to the reduction of the receptive field resolution. In the case of LeNet-5 [9] a non-overlapping 2x2 neighborhood in the previous layer is aggregated to a single output. The aggregation could be either the maximum, or the average of the 2x2 neighborhood. The subsampling layer reduces the number of inputs by the factor 4. Spatial subsampling provides invariance to local translations.

Convolutional layer implement the local receptive field concept and also the weight sharing. Subsampling layer realize the idea of spatial subsampling.

Figure 2 illustrates the architecture of LeNet-5 [9]. It consists of 6 layers and convolutional layers are labeled Cx, subsampling layers Sx, and fully connected layers Fx, where x is the layer index. The first convolutional layer C1 has 6 28x28 feature maps followed by the subsampling layer S2 with also 6 feature maps that reduce the size to 14x14. Layer C3 is a 10x10 convolutional layer having 16 feature maps. Layer S4 is again a subsampling layer that reduces the size further down to 5x5. Layer C5 is a convolutional layer with 120 1x1 feature maps. Layer F6 is a fully connected layer that computes a dot product between the input vector and the weight vector and a bias like in traditional ANN.

It can be summarized that CNN scan automatically the input image for higher order features. The exact position of these higher order features is less relevant, only the relative position to other higher order feature is relevant. In the case of the number 7 a CNN would look for the endpoint of a horizontal element in the upper left area, a corner in the upper right area, and an endpoint of a roughly vertical segment in the lower portion of the image.

LeNet-5 could reach a test error rate of 0.95 % [9] on the MNIST dataset, more recent classifier based on CNN could reach test error rates as low as 0.23 % [4]. These error rates are comparable to error rates of humans performing the same task [11].

Fig. 2
figure 2

Architecture of the CNN LeNet-5 [9]

3.4 Other Approaches

Image deformation is a technique that was applied in some studies for the problem discussed in this paper. Ciresan et al. [5] deformed the 60,000 training images to get more training samples. They combined rotation, scaling, horizontal shearing, and elastic deformations in order to emulate uncontrolled oscillations of hand muscles and trained with the original and additional training samples several MLFN. A test error of 0.32 % was reached. Although, 12.1 M weights had to be trained with a total training time of 114.5 h (Table 1).

Table 1 Error rates on MNIST database in [5]

Alonso-Weber et al. [1] followed a similar approach. In addition to the above mentioned deformations, noise was fed into the MLFN by wiping out a proportion of pixels and also adding pixels randomly. The MLFN had a topology of 300-200-10. A test error rate of 0.43 % was achieved. No statistics about the training times were provided (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3
figure 3

Image deformation examples applied in [1]

4 Extreme Learning Machines

4.1 Review of Extreme Learning Machine

Huang et al. [8] proposed ELM as a new learning algorithm to train SLFN. The original design objectives and key advantages of ELM compared to conventional BP are: least human invention, high learning accuracy, and fast learning speed [7].

Due to the slow learning speed, BP has been a major bottleneck for SLFN applications in the past decades [8]. ELM follows a very different approach: hidden layer weights are chosen randomly and the output layer weights determined analytically by solving a linear system using the least square method. Hence, no hyper-parameters such like the learning rate or the momentum need to be determined manually compared to traditional BP.

For N arbitrary distinct training samples \(\{(x_i,t_i)\}^N_{i=1},\) where \(x_i \in R^d\) and \(t_i \in R^m\), the output of a SLFN with L hidden nodes is:

$$\begin{aligned} f_L(x)=\sum ^{L}_{i=1}\beta _i h_i (x) = h(x)\beta \end{aligned}$$

where \(\beta =\left[ \beta _1,\ldots ,\beta _L\right] ^T\) is the output weight vector between L hidden layer nodes and \(m\ge 1\) output nodes. \(h_i(x)\) is the output in form of a nonlinear activation function of the ith hidden node for the input x. Table 2 lists the most common activation functions.

For all N training samples, Eq. 1 can be written in an equivalent compact form as:

$$\begin{aligned} T = H\beta \end{aligned}$$

where H is the hidden layer output matrix:

$$\begin{aligned} H = \left[ \begin{array}{c} h(x_1) \\[3pt] \vdots \\[3pt] h(x_N) \\ \end{array} \right] = \left[ \begin{array}{ccc} h_1(x_1) &{} \ldots &{} h_L(x_1)\\[3pt] \vdots &{} \ddots &{} \vdots \\[3pt] h_1(x_N) &{} \ldots &{} h_L(x_N)\\ \end{array} \right] \end{aligned}$$

and T is the training sample target matrix:

$$\begin{aligned} T = \left[ \begin{array}{c} t_1 \\[3pt] \vdots \\[3pt] t_N \\ \end{array} \right] = \left[ \begin{array}{ccc} t_{11} &{} \ldots &{} t_{1m}\\[3pt] \vdots &{} \ddots &{} \vdots \\[3pt] t_{N1} &{} \ldots &{} t_{Nm}\\ \end{array} \right] \end{aligned}$$
Table 2 Activation functions in ELM

The output layer weights \(\beta \) are determined by minimizing the squared approximation error:

$$\begin{aligned} {\min }_{\beta \in R^{L \times m}} \left\| H\beta - T \right\| ^2, \end{aligned}$$

The optimal solution to 5 is given by

$$\begin{aligned} \hat{\beta } = H^{+}T, \end{aligned}$$

where \(H^{+}\) denotes the Moore-Penrose generalized inverse of matrix H. Algorithm 1 summarizes the ELM learning algorithm.

figure a

4.2 Ensemble ELM

The combination of multiple classifiers reduces the risk of overfitting and leads to better accuracy compared to single model classifiers. Such combined classifiers are referred to as ensemble classification models. Based on promising results of ensemble models for ELM presented in [3], an ensemble model called Ensemble ELM (EELM) will be built and evaluated against the MNIST database.

ELM constructs a nonlinear separation boundary in classification problems. Samples that are located near the classification boundary might be misclassified by one single ELM model. Figure 4 illustrates on the left hand side such a misclassification near the boundary. The classification boundary depends on the randomly initiated weights of the hidden layer neurons. As these weights are not changed during the training phase, the classification boundary remains as initialized. The majority vote of several ELM that are initialized with independent random weights reduces the misclassification of samples near the classification boundary. Algorithm 2 summarizes the EELM algorithm.

figure b

Figure 4 illustrates for a \(K = 3\) EELM model the correct classification of a sample near the classification boundary due to a majority vote of two ELM models. Additional to [3], further ELM ensembles are mentioned in [7].

Fig. 4
figure 4

ELM instances with different random parameters

4.3 Multilayer ELM

Kasun et al. [2] proposed a multilayer ELM (ML-ELM) based on the idea of autoencoding. That is, extract higher order features by reducing the high dimensional input data to a lower dimensional feature space similar to CNN. This is done as follows: unsupervised learning is performed by setting the input data as the output data \(t = x\). The random weights are chosen to be orthogonal as it tends to improve the generalization performance. Figure 5 visualizes the output weights of an 784-20-784 ELM autoencoder. It can be seen that the autoencoder is able to extract digit specific patterns. ML-ELM consists of several stacked ELM autoencoder. In [2] the presented model has a topology of 784-700-700-15000-10 achieving a test error rate of 0.97 % while it took only 7.4 m to train the model on a system with an Intel i7-3740QM CPU at 2.7 GHz and 32 GB RAM.

Fig. 5
figure 5

ELM autoencoder output weight visualization

4.4 Multilayer Ensemble ELM

The novel classifier called Multilayer Ensemble ELM (ML-EELM) presented in this paper combines concepts of CNN, ensemble models, and the ELM training algorithm. The architectural idea of shift invariance is realized by spatial subsampling. In order to classify correctly a digit, it is not necessary to know the grey-scale intensity of each pixel. Instead, it is sufficient to know the approximate position of high intensity activations on the receptive field. Hence, a convolution layer reduces the image size from 28x28 down to 26x26 by applying an aggregation function to overlapping 3x3 regions. A subsampling layer then halves the image resolution further down to 13x13 by applying an aggregation function to non-overlapping 2x2 regions. The image is then fed into an EELM model with K instances. The topology of a single instance is illustrated on Fig. 6.

Fig. 6
figure 6

ML-EELM single instance architecture

5 Experimental Setup and Evaluation

Experimental work is focused on ELM, EELM, and the novel classifier: Multilayer EELM.

Table 3 ELM evaluation results for MNIST database

Four ELM models with different number of nodes in the hidden layer were created and tested. The number of hidden layer nodes ranges from 800 to 3,200. Each model was trained and tested ten times in order to validate the robustness of the model. The training and testing time, the error rate on the training and test sample, as well as the standard deviations (SD) for all ten iterations were measured. Table 3 lists all statistics for the ELM model evaluation. A model with 3,200 hidden nodes could achieve a test error rate of 5.04 % (SD: 0.09 %). It took on average 6.4 min (SD: 0.1 min) to train the ELM.

Twelve EELM models were trained and evaluated. The hidden layers of the models have 800 to 3,200 nodes. The parameter K for the number of independent models per EELM was set to 3, 9, and 15. Table 4 lists the training and testing times, as well as the training and test error rates for all twelve EELM models. The EELM model #12 (3,200 nodes, \(K = 15\)) was trained in 97 min achieving a test error of 4.07 %. The model #11 (3,200 nodes, \(K = 9\)) however, could be trained after only 58 min having only a slightly higher test error of 4.16 %.

Table 4 EELM evaluation results for MNIST database

The novel classifier ML-EELM was built and evaluated after having determined the aggregation functions applied in the convolution and subsampling layers. This was done by training a simple ELM model with one additional 2x2 subsampling layer. The average, standard deviation, maximum, and minimum value of all 4 pixels were evaluated as aggregation functions. Table 5 lists the results. The average function achieved the lowest test error rate and was subsequently used as the aggregation function in the convolution and subsampling layers of the ML-EELM model. A ML-EELM model with \(K=15\) and 3,200 hidden layer nodes achieved a test error rate as low as 2.73 % and was trained in only 96 min.

Table 5 ELM evaluation results for MNIST database with 2x2 subsampling
Fig. 7
figure 7

Graphical evaluation of the results

It was observed that with increasing number of hidden layer nodes, and in the case of EELM with increasing K, the test error rate decreases. The training time grows linearly with K, and exponentially with the number of hidden layer neurons.

Although the accuracy on the training data set becomes very high with more hidden layer nodes, the test error rate does not increase. The effect of improving accuracy on the training data and decreasing accuracy on the test data, known as overfitting could not be observed which speaks for the good generalization performance of ELM.

Other models presented in the literature outperform with regards to the test error rate the SLFN ELM models presented in this paper. However, the experimental results confirm the initial design objectives of ELM: least human invention, high learning accuracy and fast learning speed. No training times were provided in most of the papers mentioned previously. The training time of 114 h in [5] acts as a guiding value for the training time of the other models identified in the literature.

ML-EELM, first introduced in this paper, achieves competitive test error rates on the MNIST database while requiring only fractions of training time on commodity hardware. The results confirm the conceptual ideas of CNN. Due to the convolution and subsampling layers in ML-EELM, the feature space could be reduced from 784 down to 169 leading to further improved accuracy rates (Fig. 7).

ML-ELM presented in [2] achieves slightly higher test error rates than CNN, but training the model in less time. In general, models trained with ELM outperform all other models with regards to training time. This is inline with experimental results from Huang et al. [8]. Table 6 lists a comparison of the models.

Table 6 Model comparison (NA \(=\) Not available)

Matlab R2014a ( was used for the computation of the ELM, EELM, and ML-EELM models on a Windows 7 64 bit system with 8 GB RAM and an Intel Core i5-2310 CPU at 2.90 GHz.

6 Conclusion

ELM could successfully be applied for the task of handwritten digit recognition based on the MNIST dataset. Competitive results were achieved with a test error rate of only 2.73 % with a novel multilayer ensemble ELM model presented first in this paper. While these results cannot beat the results of CNN, classifier based on ELM are relatively easy to create, have good generalization performance and most important, have fast learning speed. An ELM model with 3,200 hidden layer nodes can be trained in just about 6 min on a standard commodity desktop PC.

Moreover, Huang et al. [8] applied ELM to a variety of classification and function approximation problems and found that ELM learns up to hundreds times faster than BP. Furthermore, they observed that ELM does not face BP specific issues like local minima, improper learning rates and overfitting. The results presented in this paper confirm the initial design objectives of ELM.

ELM has great potential for applications where the training data changes frequently and hence the models need to be re-trained often. This could be the case when writing styles of different individuals have to be learned in high frequencies.

Moreover, the parallel computation possibility of EELM and ML-EELM models with a large number of K individual instances could further improve the accuracy of ELM based classifier while keeping the training time low. Wang et al. [12] have made first efforts to implement parallel ELM using MapReduce on some classification problems. A parallel implementation of EELM or ML-EELM is recommended as possible future research.