
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

1 Introduction

One of the unfortunate consequences of the current trend of our ageing population is the increase in age-related diseases and human conditions and among those one of the most worrysome is the expected increase in prevalence of dementia. With an ageing population, it is inevitable that there will be an increase of dementia incidence, making it one of our the biggest, global public health challenges. Today, there are an estimated 35.6 million people living with dementia worldwide and it is estimated that this number will increase to 65.7 million by 2030 and 115.4 million by 2050 [51].

Apart from the personal implications, dementia is a costly condition as it draws on a variety of public and private, formal and informal resources to provide appropriate care [40]. It is estimated that the total worldwide costs of dementia for the year 2010 were US$604 billion [51] and the cost of care increases with the progression of the disease as a person in the late stages usually requires admission into long-term care [25].

Dementia is an umbrella term for many different disease processes, all of which cause some memory, behavioural andor cognitive problems. The disease is progressive and currently incurable. There has been some small progress in the pharmaceutical industry in finding treatments for dementia but psychosocial interventions have been relatively under researched [4, 15]. Psychosocial interventions are based on the premise of person-centred care which promotes actively engaging the will and preference of people with dementia and promoting choice and rights [13, 26]. In the context of communication difficulties, common in dementia, getting to know the person, their will and preference and their valued identity is problematic. Putting all these together, the result is that caring for people with dementia is often complex, and costly, and we often have the situation that people living in a nursing home or care facility, especially those who are reported to have a dementia, have a poor quality of life.

Reminiscence therapy serves two purposes; it allows the care-giver a structured approach to communicating with people with dementia in order to engage with them in a meaningful manner and have insight into will, preference and identity, and it gives the person with dementia a legitimate and safe place to express those valued identities thus maintaining or curating them.

Reminiscence therapy (RT) has seen success in recent years as a method of therapy for people with Alzheimer’s and other dementias. RT refers to the guided recollection of previous life experiences or subjects of interest either in a group or individual context. RT has been proven to have a positive effect in terms of increased life satisfaction, decreased depression, and increased communication skills and patient-caregiver interactions [7].

In a typical RT session, a facilitator (for example a clinician or activity co-ordinator) uses cues to stimulate recall of memories. These cues may be objects from a person’s past or old family photographs, for example. More recently, digital cues have been used in the form of multimedia content.

Identifying relevant content to use in reminiscence therapy can be a time-consuming and resource-intensive task. Traditionally, therapy facilitators have kept either paper or mental records of a person’s life history and interests so that they may make an informed decision about which content would likely be beneficial for use in an RT session. RT participants are also encouraged to maintain scrapbooks of their own past, known as lifebooks and these generally depend on loved ones gathering such material. These methods have significant drawbacks in terms of scalability because of the resources necessary to produce them, if such information is available at all, and the challenges inherent in trying to re-purpose materials or identify generalisable materials for use in a group setting.

Other factors which make identification of reminiscence materials a challenging task include generational and cultural barriers between the facilitator and person with dementia, acquired communication difficulties in dementia and a lack of a collateral history to inform patient biography where such difficulties exist.

During group or even individual RT sessions, the facilitator often needs to make decisions quickly and monitor participants’ reactions, which limits the time they can devote to finding new materials, say from a digital library, during the RT sessions. A common approach therefore is to plan sessions beforehand. However, apart from the extra time required, such a rigid approach limits flexibility in terms of adapting when a pre-planned stimulus has proven ineffective during a session or one that is proving upsetting, or to follow a topic thread of material which proves to be of interest, and so sessions need to be dynamic and reactive to the circumstances of how it is unfolding.

Thus the requirements of a system to support group RT are that it should be efficient, accurate, personalised and provide a high degree of utility to the facilitator, ultimately leading to successful group RT outcomes. It should also not distract from other tasks and should seek to be relevant to all group members. Our system, REMPAD (Reminiscence Therapy Enhanced Material Profiling in Alzheimers and other Dementias), addresses these requirements using a novel group-recommender approach to multimedia RT.

Many of the existing digital solutions to RT have focused on personal content to support people with dementia. For example, Yashuda et al. [53] proposed a system to use personalized content with predefined themes. Sarne-Flaischmann et al. [44] concentrated on patients’ life stories as reminiscent content while Hallberg et al. [19] developed a reminiscence support system to use lifelog entities to assist a person with mild dementia.

The REMPAD system uses generic content rather than personal material, and operates as shown in the following series of screenshots which are taken from a tablet interface. Figure 1a shows the screen used to start a new session where the facilitator can add or edit an existing participant or group.

Fig. 1
figure 1

(a) Start screen and (b) video recommendation

This leads to a recommendation of two pieces of multimedia video content, a selection of photographs from Dublin in the 1980s and a clip from a Hurling final from 1975, shown in Fig. 1b. The facilitator can play either of these, add to favourites or can request the next two recommendations from the system. Our feedback from facilitators has been that they always like to make an A-B choice among content.

Once a video selection has been made and played on an accompanying wall-mounted big screen, the facilitator is then asked to give feedback on the chosen video in order to improve recommendations for the benefit of the present RT session as well as improving the accuracy of participants’ profiles. Feedback is done based on a group, and optionally on a per-participant basis and Fig. 2 shows two feedback screens, Fig. 2a indicating the content as appropriate and useful and Fig. 2b indicating the opposite.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Video feedback screen (a) indicated as not useful or inappropriate and (b) indicated as useful

Any given video can be marked as a favourite or “like/starred” and this can be based on a per-group as well as a per-participant basis, as shown in Fig. 3a. If an RT group session is starting and the group composition is new, i.e. not a regular group arrangement then a new group can be formed and named as shown in Fig. 3b, selecting participants from those registered and already known to REMPAD, in this case Mary, Sheila, Tom, etc. (names anonymised).

Fig. 3
figure 3

(a) Reviewing videos marked as favourites and (b) forming and naming a new group of participants

For participants new to the system, we need to learn something about them in order to bootstrap the recommendation process and Fig. 4a,b shows two screens used to enter details including name, age, places where the participant has lived in the past, a 1.5 rating for the kind of entertainment he/she likes, music preferences, interests in different sports, etc. Thus selection of profile aspects come from various interactions with nursing homes and facilitators and indicate the kinds of topics which make a good basis for collaborative and group RT.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Registering a new participant, screens (a) and (b)

The rest of this chapter is structured as follows. In the next section we provide some background and description of related work so that we can position our research in the context of the fields of Reminscence Therapy and Recommender Systems. We then elucidate the challenges around building a system which combines these, and we then describe our approach to the design and development of the REMPAD system in Sect. 4, followed by Experiments and Results and Discussion in Sects. 5 and 6. We conclude in Sect. 7.

2 Background and Related Work

We now discuss related work in the field of recommender systems. First however, we look more closely at reminiscence therapy, and in particular how it is suited to a recommender systems approach.

2.1 Reminiscence Therapy

Reminiscence Therapy (RT) is an intervention that is commonly used to address the psychosocial problems of persons living with dementia [52]. RT involves the discussion of past activities, events or experiences with another person or group of people, usually with the aid of tangible prompts such as photographs, household and other familiar items from the past, music or archive sound recordings [52]. More recently the video sharing website YouTube has been used as a source to facilitate access to digital RT content [39].

Reminiscence groups typically involve structured group meetings in which participants are encouraged to talk about past events at least once a week. A group leader or facilitator assists and guides the group members to recall previous life experiences and facilitates the group’s affirmation of the value of these experiences [9]. This activity aims to improve mood, well-being, communication and to stimulate memory and strengthen a sense of personal identity [8, 52]. This treatment is based on the assumption that autobiographical memory remains intact until the later stages of dementia and may be used as a form of communication with the person with dementia [37].

There is evidence to suggest that RT is effective in improving mood in older people without dementia and its effects on mood, cognition and well-being in dementia are present, but less well understood [52]. Improvements in autobiographical memory selectively in RT groups for mild-to-moderate degree dementia have also been described [18, 36]. Despite the limited empirical study of reminiscence undertaken, the most results indicate the positive effects of reminiscence [18, 52].

Autobiographical memory is characterized by multiple types of knowledge, and refers to a memory system consisting of episodes recollected from an individual’s life. This is based on a combination of episodic memories (personal experiences and specific objects, people and events experienced at a particular time and place) and semantic memories (general knowledge and facts about the world) [17, 50]. Flashbulb memories are a particular type of autobiographical memory of vivid mile-marker events with associated personal and meaningful experiences [45]. They rely on elements of personal importance, consequentiality, emotion, and surprise [16]. They may include collectively shared public events marked by their uniqueness and emotional impact. Autobiographical memories may be accessed more easily and with greater frequency in old age, precisely because they are more robust and less likely to dissipate than memories of everyday commonplace experiences such as what you had for dinner last week. Autobiographical memories include multi-sensory information about the experiential context, including sights, sounds and other sensory and perceptual information. A song, a scent, or simply a word can evoke a cascade of autobiographical memories.

RT can also be conducted on a one-to-one level but is distinct from life review therapy (LRT). LRT typically involves individual sessions in which the person is guided chronologically through life experiences, encouraged to evaluate them, and may produce a life story book as a result. Although the procedures are different, both RT and LRT involve the recollection of past experiences (events, emotions and relationships).

Facilitated reminiscence exploits the relatively well-preserved autobiographical memories to enhance communication opportunities for older adults who may differ in abilities, cultural background, or life experiences [22]. In facilitating a traditional RT group the facilitator manages the selection of topics, scheduling, group composition and communicative interactions between and among group participants. An understanding of the participants’ shared historical experiences is the starting place for topic selection [22]. This is achieved by firstly, considering the personal interests, likes and dislikes of individuals. Secondly, the flashbulb memories shared by particular age cohorts and thirdly, universally experienced developmental life events such as childhood, schooldays, adulthood, marriage, work life, and retirement.

Creative therapeutic approaches are required to facilitate the socialization needs of residents and to appeal to an increasingly culturally and linguistically diverse population. Facilitated RT programmes therefore need to be simultaneously engaging, relevant, cost effective and culturally sensitive [21]. Mismatches can arise in age, life experience and culture between the majority of culture clinicians and older adults from non-mainstream populations [41] or vice versa. Hence the need for detailed group member profiling is important to enable positive and successful reminiscence facilitation. REMPAD builds on our previous research in which the use of video and other digital multisensory content to stimulate conversation and social interaction was found to be a feasible in group reminiscence therapy sessions [39].

A comprehensive approach towards the person with dementia that takes into account their life history is essential. The person-centred approach to dementia situates the person with dementia at the centre of all aspects of caregiving [12, 27]. The focus is on identifying and meeting the needs of the person, in contrast to the medical model which focuses on identifying and treating symptoms. The person-centred approach aims to enhance well-being by improving relationships and communication between people with dementia, their families and professional caregivers. This is achieved by taking into account the life experiences and the likes and dislikes of each person with dementia in order to develop a greater understanding of the individual. This in turn allows for care tailored specifically to the individual to take place. Person-centredness can be achieved when carers and family members focus more on the individual than on the illness. This is enabled by knowing the person which is challenging in the context of communications difficulties. RT allows a structured communication strategy to enable care givers to engage with the person with dementia, to get to know them and to acknowledge their unique identity.

To address the needs of the residential care population and their associated activity coordinators REMPAD proposes a solution to enhance facilitator knowledge and provide access to personalized reminiscence material for the benefit of aiding conversation and memory recollection amongst nursing home participant users in a group context.

2.2 Recommender Systems

In this section we provide background and related work in the area of recommender systems. There are broadly three categories of recommender system: those based on user matching (collaborative), those based on learning content preferences (content-based) and those that use a knowledge base approach (case-based reasoning). We describe each of these in turn and how they relate to the REMPAD system.

Much work in recent years in the area of recommender systems has focussed on user-item rating prediction through inference over large datasets. A common approach is to make predictions of user-item ratings based on the previous ratings for that item of similar users, known as collaborative recommendation. Perhaps the most salient example is the Netflix prize [5] which pushed forward the state of the art in large-scale collaborative recommendations systems. A characteristic of collaborative recommender systems is that they rely on the availability of large amounts of data. Also, a collaborative approach relies solely on user-item rating information, rather than any information about the items themselves. These user ratings may not be able to model certain aspects of the recommendation task.

A second popular category of recommendation is content-based recommendation. In content-based recommender systems, a user’s preferences are stored based on their previous interactions or ratings of items. The system then learns from these preferences so that they may identify new items to recommend. Content-based recommenders rely on the system being able to explicitly model properties of objects. The advantages of content-based systems include transparency in the recommendation decisions and the ability to recommend new items never seen before by the system, provided the necessary features can be extracted. A drawback is the uncertainty when a new user uses the system and the limitations in terms of how items can be modelled, sometimes referred to as the semantic gap. Pazzani and Billsus provide an overview of content-based recommenders [42] and Lops et al. provide a recent review of the state of the art [30].

A third approach to recommender systems is based on case-based reasoning (CBR). CBR approaches are those which rely on a knowledge base representation of known items and item context. Although CBR approaches can vary, in particular to the extent that they implement the full CBR process, the most common CBR Recommenders use a stated preference from a user and a similarity function to match the parameters in that preference to the item descriptors in the knowledge base [31]. This process could also involve other information relevant to the recommendation task such as user profile, preference refinement and previous uses of the system. A limitation of CBR systems is the need to create and maintain a knowledge base of items and as with content-based recommenders, the semantic gap. An advantage is the intuitiveness with which a user can express their preference and if necessary, refine their requirements, in many ways similar to interactive search systems. CBR systems are of particular use in e-commerce where users are looking for products to purchase. Overviews of the adaptation of the CBR process to recommendation tasks are provided by Bridge et al. [11] and by Smyth [47].

For group-based RT, a collaborative approach is not feasible due to the small size of the user group. Our system uses a hybrid approach consisting of a CBR and a content-based recommender, supported by a traditional search feature for query refinement, and a novelty multiplier. To mitigate the limitations of these approaches we use the CBR approach to bootstrap the content-based approach. In order to create our knowledge base of users and items we adapt traditional methods for profiling RT participants and use an efficient curation and annotation process to produce low-cost item descriptors.

Some recent works have examined the more complex task of recommending content for groups of individuals. In groups with disparate sets of preferences, it is not clear how to optimally recommend content for a given group context. Popular approaches seek to minimize misery, maximize individual utility or use an aggregated measure of group satisfaction.

McCarthy et al.’s work has tackled the group problem from a case-based perspective using iterative interactive critiquing of cases among group members to reach an optimal solution [3335]. An early review of group recommenders is provided by Jameson and Smyth, outlining the significant challenges in moving from individual to group recommendation [24]. Another early work from O’Connor et al. uses collaborative filtering to produce lists of movie recommendations for groups to watch [38]. They introduce a minimum misery strategy i.e. the overall satisfaction in a group is directly related to the satisfaction of the least happy group member. Later we will see this is a principle we employ in REMPAD. Recently, Masthoff has compared group recommender systems from the literature, noting the different strategies used for aggregating individual profiles [32]. Although many systems use relatively straightforward strategies to simulate group recommender systems using individual recommenders, more complex approaches have been tried to explicitly model group preferences [14]. However, perhaps due to the typical dearth of group-level ratings, or the complexity of the task, most approaches use an array of individual recommenders.

Although we are aware of some recent works which investigated using digital systems for RT [3, 20, 29], to the best of our knowledge the REMPAD system is the first system to implement an algorithm to recommend content in the context of group RT. We take inspiration from the aforementioned CBR and content-based approaches, but design our system with specific considerations for the RT application domain such as minimizing interactivity and task complexity, and maintaining tight constraints on preventing dissatisfaction among group members and recommendation dead-ends.

Later in this chapter we describe the design, development, deployment, testing and evaluation of the REMPAD system but first we highlight the underlying challenges that the situation with using recommender systems in a reminiscence therapy application, presents.

3 REMPAD Challenges

There are a number of benefits of performing reminiscence therapy in a group context. In particular, therapy sessions enjoy a social component as participants can share experiences and discussion. Whereas it can be challenging to identify suitable content in a one-on-one context, identifying suitable content for a group of individuals is a much more difficult task for facilitators. The facilitators must identify content which optimally benefits the group, while minimising any negative effect. For example, a video which some group members find engaging might be undesirable overall if this induces a negative effect in other members.

Thus there are motivations and challenges for the application of a recommendation and search approach to supporting group digital reminiscence therapy. Due to the nature of RT, there are a number of task-specific requirements and constraints which make it different from other group recommender systems which have been traditionally focused on tasks in areas such as e-commerce and entertainment. The approach we take addresses specific challenges related to RT as an application area.

Public or more generalised content are now being recognised as valuable reminiscence prompts, from which individuals obtain personal meaning. The benefit of this type of content for RT is that different people have their own memories associated with the same public event, which can stimulate conversation about shared experiences and interests, as well as personal reminiscence. André and colleagues [1] explored the concept of workplace reminiscence by creating personally evocative collections of content from publicly accessible media. Other studies examined the use of interactive systems, displaying generalized content to support people with dementia in clinical settings, such as hospitals or nursing homes. For example, Wallace et al. [49] designed an art piece for people with dementia and hospital staff to interact with. This consisted of a cabinet containing themed globes, which when placed in a holder initiated videos displayed on a TV screen, which were based on the associated theme, for example nature, holiday, or football. CIRCA, an interactive computer system designed to facilitate conversation between people with dementia and care staff, used a multimedia database of generic photographs, music and video clips to support reminiscence [2]. Astell et al. maintain that generic content is more beneficial than personal content as it promotes a failure-free activity for people with dementia as there are no right or wrong memories in response to the stimuli.

However, what all these systems have in common is that their content is static and requires uploading and selection by either system developers or reminiscence facilitators. Multimedia websites potentially hold a wide range of subject matter that can be easily accessed. The question naturally arises: can we leverage the extensive range of online multimedia content, so that the reminiscence experience is maximized ? We postulate that video sharing websites, in particular YouTube which is what we use in our work, are a valuable tool in promoting interaction and social engagement during group RT [6, 39].

In our work we have developed a multimedia system for modelling group preferences and recommendation algorithms and integrating them into an RT system based on video content from YouTube. Our approach uses a combination of case-based reasoning recommendation, content-based recommendation and search to address RT facilitators’ content needs in real time. The focus of our evaluation is to assess the efficacy of the recommendation algorithm. Our results are based on a user trial we conducted in residential care homes with seven user groups. We examine the accuracy and utility of content suggested by the REMPAD system through analysis of system usage logs as well as explicit ratings from users, comparing a number of system configurations. We also report on usability interviews with RT facilitators who participated in the trial.

4 Approach

In our approach we model a system for use in a care setting with a group of people with mild-moderate dementia and an activity co-ordinator. In this section we describe the design of the system, the data curation process, user profiling and our approach to recommendation. There are two types of users in our system: the activity co-ordinator, or clinician, who facilitates the session, and the therapy participants themselves. We use item to refer to a video indexed by our system; user to refer to a therapy participant; group to refer to a therapy group, consisting of a set of users; and facilitator to refer to the clinician or therapist who runs the session and physically interacts with the system.

4.1 Design of the REMPAD System

As mentioned earlier, REMPAD is a cloud-based service which is accessed through a mobile device such as a tablet. This interface controls the application flow, interpreting participant requirements, selecting content to display on a second larger screen and providing online feedback to the system.

A typical session involves creating a new session and registering participants, examining the recommended videos and selecting one to play on the shared viewing screen and then feeding back to the system indicators of perceived user and group satisfaction on which are based subsequent recommendations. The system is designed to support sessions with minimal intrusion on the facilitator who must also monitor and engage with the group participants during the sessions. Typically a session lasts about 45 min and a group will watch several videos in a session.

Healthcare systems are characterized by complex user requirements and information-intensive applications. Usability research has shown that a number of potential errors can be reduced by incorporating users perspectives into the development life cycle [23]. Thus, employing a user-centred design (UCD) approach throughout the development cycle, may lead to high quality intelligent healthcare systems. In order to conduct a UCD research study, we need to define user characteristics, tasks, and workflows so that we can understand different stakeholder needs.

4.1.1 Participant Sample

The primary stakeholders of the REMPAD system are the facilitators who lead group RT sessions and interact directly with the system. For this study we focused on how the system supports these users to conduct RT sessions. The participant sample consisted of 14 health professionals, including 7 speech and language therapists (SLTs). All participants currently run RT sessions in hospitals, day care centres or residential nursing homes.

The secondary stakeholders of the system are the therapy participants—people with dementia who attend RT sessions. Although these participants do not directly interact with the tablet PC, information is displayed to the group through the TV monitor and information is also relayed through the facilitator. Current practice requires the facilitator to make subjective judgments after a session regarding the success of the material used in RT sessions to support inter-group interaction and their communication, mood and well-being. This was the method we used to gauge secondary stakeholder satisfaction in our field trials study.

The study was designed in three parts: (1) exploratory interview, (2) low-fidelity prototype test, and (3) field evaluation. We implemented findings from each stage into the system design which we then re-examined. We now discuss these methods.

4.1.2 Study 1: Exploratory Interviews

The purpose of the exploratory interviews was to understand current RT practices, the types of technology used in these sessions if any, and the challenges that facilitators experience during these sessions. The types of questions that the facilitators were asked included: what types of technology do you use during a RT session? Do you prepare material before a group session? What are the challenges you experience? The findings were divided into four categories: current practices; technical skills; session challenges; and technical challenges.

Facilitators spoke about their RT practices using physical and digital prompts. Each facilitator may work with several groups, in several different locations. It was most common for them to use paper-based objects in these sessions, such as photos, newspaper clippings, or printed images. Physical objects were selected for their texture and smell to stimulate memories, for example polish or lavender. The most common method used throughout the RT sessions was to begin with general or current themes. The conversation would then develop from these topics. After the session, the facilitator would write up a report on what material or topics worked well.

We learned that facilitators had different levels of technological expertise, from novice (n = 1), average (n = 5), to above average (n = 1) skills, and some (43 %) had little or no exposure to using tablet PCs. This poses a need for clear and intuitive interfaces with easy-to-use interaction modalities. Facilitators reported experiencing several challenges when using technology in the RT sessions. For example, internet connectivity might be very good in some sections of a nursing home or care facility but poor in others, while some locations also have blocked access to certain websites, including YouTube. Facilitators told us that most of their working time is spent preparing for sessions, searching for appropriate material based on previous discussions or group preferences. On the one hand, this meant that the facilitators were confident that the material would stimulate conversation, but it also meant that topics were fixed and did not allow for spontaneous deviation. Five of the seven facilitators had used video websites (such as YouTube) during their sessions to support spontaneous deviation. They reported difficulties finding content about a topic before the conversation drifted onto another topic. Currently, the practice is to prepare a number of video clips prior to the RT session to ensure that they are of good visual and sound quality.

The facilitators also commented on the challenge of preparing for a group RT session when they do not know the participants or groups preferences. These challenges revolve around learning about an individual’s interests if they are unable to suggest topics or interaction, and in a group setting it can be unhelpful to direct attention to them by putting them on the spot. We know that the best way to present the technology behind the proposal is through a worked example. Based on the functional requirements provided, we created initial wireframe prototypes of the REMPAD system, consisting of a series of 12 use cases including Start a new session; Edit an existing group; Browse video clips; and Enter feedback (see Fig. 5). A use case walkthrough was undertaken to familiarize participants (7 SLTs from Study 1) with the proposed task flow and interaction paradigm of the prototype system.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Example wireframe screens used in use case walkthrough method

Participants expressed high enthusiasm and positive response towards the initial prototype design believing it to be simple and straightforward, and that users with low technology experience would feel comfortable interacting with it.

One of the crucial elements of an intelligent reminiscence system is to offer customizable content to users. Diversity exists inside a group in areas of individual backgrounds, interests and preferences. As one of the facilitators mentioned, “the biggest challenge is finding relevant videos”. It is believed that automatic recommendation would save facilitators a significant amount of time, which is currently used planning RT sessions and would allow them to interact with the group rather than searching for appropriate material.

The presentation of the videos was also discussed with the facilitators. It was decided that an option of two videos at a time was preferable as the facilitator could then relay this choice to the group without overloading them. Information about the video is also necessary so that the facilitator can have some knowledge about the subject being discussed. Finally, facilitators emphasised the importance of having control over topics. Maintaining the current practice of beginning a session with general topics and moving into more specific topics, facilitators said that they would use recommended videos for the most part, but would like to have the option to search for a video based on how a discussion develops.

Design alternatives were displayed to participants to search for a topic, or refine by category. We decided that the most appropriate design would be to include a search bar, which the user could refine according to a different year or decade. The ability to save successful video clips into a “favourites” section for future sessions was also requested by participants.

Another challenge highlighted in building an intelligent reminiscence system is to ensure content is of high quality. In order to maximize group reminiscence experience, it was proposed that the recommendation engine should monitor patients’ engagement levels, and adapt based on real-time user feedback. We designed the feedback screen layout as showed in Fig. 5. After each video, the group facilitator enters individual patient and group reactions to the presented video, so the selection of videos is improved in future sessions. However, we were unsure whether this function would add too much burden on the facilitator. During the discussion stage, participants unanimously confirmed that this level of feedback was achievable and understood and valued the benefit it would bring. The facilitators reported that they currently use pictures and icons to rate group satisfaction and topics discussed etc., in order to keep track of group progress. It was suggested that an end-of-session feedback report also be included in the system for the facilitator’s records. This feedback was used to improve user interface design and justify design decisions, which were then implemented into a fully functional REMPAD system.

4.2 Data Curation and Annotation

The data we use in our system is from the popular video sharing website, YouTube, which has been previously used successfully in reminiscence therapy by some of the authors [39]. By its nature, YouTube is suitable for use in our system. There is an abundance of content available through standard APIs and each video is accompanied with rich metadata. The content itself is diverse and esoteric, reflecting the variety of uploaders and sharing habits on YouTube. This content is useful for RT as there is often content relevant to niche subjects, people, places, events, etc., which may not be covered in more mainstream content sources.

Although we had intended using YouTube metadata for organising and presenting videos in the REMPAD system, initial testing revealed that the quality and consistency of metadata were not of sufficient standard to support the system requirements. To address this we used a curation and annotation process. A project team consisting of research assistants, clinicians, and postdoctoral researchers, curated content using a custom curation interface. This interface offers a search functionality which uses the YouTube search API to find videos relevant to areas of interest, times and locations which are suggested to the curator. We provided curators with subject matter targets reflecting a broad range of media types and content. The curator then previews videos and if happy with the content can queue the videos for annotation.

The index used in the system contains a wide range of video content. Examples include documentary excerpts, home videos, music recordings, interviews and sports. Curators were advised to search for videos ideally less than 5 min and no more than 10 min in duration so that they were appropriate for use in RT.

An important concept in RT is orientation towards people, places and times. To offer a personalised experience, we also wish to model a user’s preferences and interests. The metadata produced by the annotation process for a video includes title, description, location(s), date, people, seasons/holidays as well as vectors describing relevance to a variety of genres, media, music, interests and sports.

Initially the authors annotated 343 videos. This can be a time-intensive task, taking approximately 3 or 4 min per video. To reduce the cost of indexing content, we obtained a further 258 video annotations using the crowdsourcing service, CrowdFlower.Footnote 1

The crowdsourced annotations were added to the video index at approximately the halfway stage in the trials to prevent staleness of content. In order for the system to perform effectively, it needs to provide usable recommendations amongst the top results (ideally top 2) or otherwise risk slowing the facilitator and disrupting the momentum of the RT session. Even though the index we use in these trials is relatively small, it is still a significant challenge to produce useful recommendations at the very top of the results list. We have designed the system and processes to be scalable as significantly expanding the user base and index is a goal of future work.

4.3 User Profiling

The user profiles are gathered through short interviews with users before their first use of the system. This is inspired by existing practices in care settings where a record is often made of people’s life history and interests. Similar to video metadata, the metadata we collect for users includes date of birth, locations lived in, and interest vectors related to genre, media, music, interests, sports, similar to the video vectors. A key difference with users is we allow them to also express dislike using a 5-point Likert scale whereas the equivalent for video was either categorical or on a 3-point relevance scale: not relevant, relevant, highly relevant. In the following section we refer to the concatenation of the genre, medium, music, interests, sports vectors as simply the feature vector for users and items.

4.4 A Recommender Model for RT

Our recommender algorithm consists of a scoring function which is used to proactively rank items for a given recommendation context consisting of a group of users, their previous item ratings and interactions, and optionally a search query.

We model a user u as having three features: a location, a date of birth and a feature vector whose values are normalised to between − 1 and 1.

$$\displaystyle{ u =< u_{l},u_{d},u_{f} > }$$

Similarly, we model an item i as having four features: a location i l , a date i d , an interest vector with values normalised between 0 and 1 i f , and a textual description i t .

$$\displaystyle{ i =< i_{l},i_{d},i_{f},i_{t} > }$$

A search query q is given by two optional fields: a text query q t and a decade q d .

$$\displaystyle{ q =< q_{t},q_{d} > }$$

The scoring function for an item i, given a group of users, G, and an optional search query, q is:

$$\displaystyle{ S(i,G,q) = \left (\frac{w_{1}S_{CBR}(i,G) + w_{2}S_{C}(i,G) + w_{3}S_{Rel}(i,q)} {\sum \limits _{j=1,2,3}w_{j}} \right ) {\ast} N }$$

where S CBR is the CBR scoring function; S C is the content-based scoring function; S Rel is the relevance function; and N is a novelty multiplier. In our system, we present two options for S CBR . In the first, S CBRlate , we aim to aggregate individual preferences at a late stage using a minimum misery approach.

$$\displaystyle{ S_{CBRlate}(i,G) =\min _{u\in G}(S_{CBRlate}(i,u)) }$$

For each individual user the function uses a linear combination of three similarity functions:

$$\displaystyle{ S_{CBRlate}(i,u) = Sim_{date}(i_{d},u_{d}) + Sim_{loc}(i_{l},u_{l}) + Sim_{feat}(i_{f},u_{f}) }$$

In line with the priorities of good reminiscence content, the date similarity function upweights items related to recent events or to events that occurred when the user was aged below 30. We also provide a small bonus to items from before the user was born which may be of historical or cultural interest.

$$\displaystyle{ Sim_{date}(i_{d},u_{d}) = \left \{\begin{array}{@{}l@{\quad }l@{}} 1 \quad &\mathit{when}i_{d} - u_{d} < 30\mathit{yrs} \\ 0.75\quad &\mathit{when}now - i_{d} < 10\mathit{yrs} \\ 0.25\quad &\mathit{when}i_{d} < u_{d} \\ 0 \quad &\mathit{otherwise.} \end{array} \right. }$$

Similarly, the location similarity function upweights the best specific matches between user and item:

$$\displaystyle{ Sim_{loc}(i_{l},u_{l}) = \left \{\begin{array}{@{}l@{\quad }l@{}} 1 \quad &\mathit{when regions match} \\ 0.5\quad &\mathit{when countries match}\\ 0.1\quad &\mathit{when continents match} \\ 0 \quad &\mathit{otherwise.} \end{array} \right. }$$

The similarity between feature vectors is given by the Cosine Similarity between the feature vectors:

$$\displaystyle{ Sim_{feat}(i_{f},u_{f}) = \mathit{CosineSimilarity}({\boldsymbol i_{f}},{\boldsymbol u_{f}}) }$$

In the second of our CBR scoring functions, we aggregate preferences into a single meta profile for the group from the outset. S CBRearly , consists of a linear combination of similarity functions, but this time interpreted at a group level:

$$\displaystyle{ S_{CBR_{early}}(i,G) = Sim_{date}(i_{d},G_{d}) + Sim_{loc}(i_{l},G_{l}) + Sim_{feat}(i_{f},G_{f}) }$$
$$\displaystyle{ \mathit{where}G_{x} =\{ u_{x}: u \in G\} }$$

This can be seen as treating the group as a meta-user. For date, we simply model the date for the group as the mean point in time, given the range of dates of birth:

$$\displaystyle{ Sim_{date}(i_{d},G_{d}) = Sim_{date}(i_{d},\overline{u_{d}}) }$$
$$\displaystyle{ \mathit{where}\overline{u_{d}} = \frac{1} {\left \vert G_{d}\right \vert }\sum \limits _{u_{d}\in G_{d}}u_{d} }$$

For locations we use the best match for a common location in the group:

$$\displaystyle{ Sim_{loc}(i_{l},G_{l}) =\max \limits _{u_{l}\in G_{l}}(i_{l},u_{l}) }$$

where u l  ∈ G l and u l is common to 2 or more members of group G.

To compare features at a group level we consider positive features and common negative features:

$$\displaystyle{ Sim_{feat}(i_{f},G_{f}) = Common_{pos}(i_{f},G_{f}) - Common_{neg}(i_{f},G_{f}) }$$

In order to identify the common positive features we rank the features according to the number of users in the group who have declared each feature as an interest or strong interest and take the top m features, F pos . Similarly, in order to identify the common negative features we rank the features according to the aggregate score from the users in the group, and take the top n features, F neg . For the negative ranking we assign 1 to a dislike and 2 to a strong dislike, thus emphasising extreme negative preferences. We also create a set of relevant features for each item, F rel . The commonality scores are then given by:

$$\displaystyle{ Common_{pos}(i_{f},G_{f}) = \frac{\left \vert F_{pos} \cap F_{rel}\right \vert } {m} }$$
$$\displaystyle{ Common_{neg}(i_{f},G_{f}) = \frac{\left \vert F_{neg} \cap F_{rel}\right \vert } {n} }$$

In our experiments we set m to 40 and n to 20.

S C (i, G) is given by the output classification probability of the positive class from a multinomial naive Bayes classifier trained on positive and negative examples for the group G. An item i is a positive example for group G if it satisfies the following criteria:

  • There has been no negative item ratings from group G for item i.

  • There has been no negative item ratings for user u for item i, u ∈ G.

  • There has previously been a positive item rating from group G, or from u ∈ G, for item i.

There is just a single criterion for an item to become a negative example:

  • There has been negative group-level or individual feedback from Group G for item i.

If the number of examples in the positive set is below a threshold r, we bootstrap the process by adding the r top-ranked examples by S CBR to the positive set. Similarly if the size of the negative set is less than r, we add r lowest-ranked examples by S CBR to the negative set. In our experiments we set r to 5. The features used for classification are the item feature vector i f .

In a case where a user has chosen to enter a search query, the search query-item relevance is given by:

$$\displaystyle{ S_{Rel}(i,q) = \frac{w_{4}Rel_{text}(i_{t},q_{t}) + w_{5}Rel_{date}(i_{d},q_{d})} {\sum \limits _{j=4,5}w_{j}} }$$

where Rel text (i t , q t ) is the score given by a search over an index item text fields (title, description, people), i t , using the search platform SOLR.Footnote 2 We reward queries if they are from the same decade or a neighbouring decade as a candidate items:

$$\displaystyle{ Rel_{date}(i_{d},u_{d}) = \left \{\begin{array}{@{}l@{\quad }l@{}} 1 \quad &\mathit{whenfromsamedecade} \\ 0.5\quad &\mathit{whenfromneighbouringdecades} \\ 0 \quad &\mathit{otherwise.} \end{array} \right. }$$

We set w 4 = 2 and w 5 = 1, emphasising the specificity of a text query, particularly as a common search task is known-item search, where the facilitator is trying to find an item they are aware is in the index.

Novelty often has an important role in recommender systems [48]. In order to prevent the results list becoming predictable and familiar, we penalise results if they have been recently browsed or played. This novelty function has a decay so as to allow familiar videos to move back up the results list as the time since they were last browsed or played increases. In REMPAD there is both a requirement to show novel results in the list and to ensure that known familiar and useful content is re-discoverable.Footnote 3

Let n b (i, G) be the number of queries since item i was last browsed in a results list for group G. Let n p (i, G) be the number of queries since item i was last played in group G. We define the novelty multiplier N then to be:

$$\displaystyle{ N(i,G) = \frac{w_{6}\log (\min (n_{p}(i,G),h)) + w_{7}\log (\min (n_{p}(i,G),k))} {\sum \limits _{j=6,7}w_{j}} }$$

We set h = 5 and k = 10 in our experiments, and upweight the importance of playing an item over browsing, with w 6 = 2 and w 7 = 1.

5 Experiments

We trialled our system over a period of several weeks involving over 50 users in 7 therapy groups across 6 locations, each being a residential care home. See Table 1 for details of groups and sessions for those groups.

Table 1 Session and video play counts for trial groups

Our evaluation has two focuses. First we wish to ascertain the degree to which the recommender has supported the reminiscence therapy sessions for the groups in our study. Secondly, we wish to investigate the comparative performances of different configurations of our algorithm.Footnote 4 The four configurations we use are (i) S CBRearly without S C , (ii) S CBRearly with S C , (iii) S CBRlate without S C , (iv) S CBRlate with S C . These configurations were assigned to sessions for groups in a latin squares arrangement.Footnote 5

In both cases, our evaluation focuses on three aspects: (i) accuracy, (ii) utility and (iii) perceived usefulness. Unlike some recommenders, our multimedia system is based on ranked recommendation lists, akin to a search system. For accuracy we compare system-ranked lists to reference rank lists as rated using a given group of annotators, using Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient, ρ. In this approach, we construct ideal lists for users and groups given knowledge of their item ratings. We then use these as references with which we correlate a given ranking produced by the system [46].

For utility we use R-Score. R is appropriate in scenarios like ours, where the user can only use a small set of items and the user is unlikely to be exposed to the majority of the items in the ranked list. R incorporates a half-life, α, which is equivalent to approximately the rank at which the user has a 0.5 chance of browsing the item, thus incorporating likelihood of observation of a given recommendation [10, 46]. In our experiments we set α to 5. For calculating both ρ and R we use user-item ratings and group-item items and present them as mean values over a given set of ranked lists returned by the system.

Recently there has been an emphasis on the importance of user experience and the perceived usefulness in evaluation of recommender systems [28, 43]. To reflect this in our evaluation we also use end-of-session group and user ratings. For reporting these scores, we conflated any Likert or other ordinal scales to a three-point scale: positive, neutral, negative. We then average these values assigning +1 to positive, −1 to negative, 0 to neutral, giving an average score, r, in the range (−1,1) for a rating of feedback values.

It is worth noting that in our multimedia system, these ratings are important as they are the clinician’s interpretation of the satisfaction of the individuals, and group, in the therapy sessions. This is a natural extension of the facilitator’s role in terms of monitoring, interpreting reacting to therapy participants’ reaction to stimulus.

6 Results and Discussion

The results overall from our trials are positive and show that the system is effectively supporting the content discovery task for the facilitator during a group RT session. Sixty-nine percent of queries successfully resulted in a played video. Typically, unsuccessful queries resulted in the facilitator either refreshing to obtain a new list of recommendations, refining the query using the search function, or playing a previously viewed video from favourites or history. Inspection of our logs reveals that search was only used in a minority of cases. The search query terms suggest that the most common search need was to find a result either viewed previously or previously browsed in a results list, a pattern sometimes called known-item search.

In 43 % of successful queries, the video chosen was on the first screen (top two recommendations), 73 % in the first three screens (top six recommendations) and 86 % in the first five screens (top ten recommendations, see Fig. 6). Facilitators appear to be comfortable choosing from near the top of the results list, consistent with a high level of satisfaction and trust in the recommendations.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Cumulative rank of selected item for successful queries

Looking closer at the explicit online ratings that the facilitators provide to the system, we see they are overall very positive (see Table 2). Sixty-two percent of user-item ratings were positive, with just 1 % negative. Similarly, 49 % of group-item ratings were positive, with just 3 % negative. The reason the group-item ratings were not as positive as the user-item ratings likely reflects the comparative difficulty in recommending items for a group rather than an individual. Looking at end-of-session feedback, we observe the same pattern.

Table 2 Ratings for each group (A to G) and for total

For six of the seven groups, the user session-ratings were more positive than item-ratings. This pattern also holds for group ratings for five of the seven groups. This is interesting as it agrees with the intuition that the probability of overall satisfaction is higher if the user or individual is evaluating over a series of recommendations, as they may be tolerant of some inaccuracies i.e. a user may be satisfied with a session without necessarily giving a positive rating for each video in that session.

Unlike the ratings, R and ρ show no significant difference between groups and users when it comes to either accuracy or utility (see Table 3). The R-Score for groups does vary in some cases, showing much higher group utility than user utility for group A and a lower group utility than user utility for group D. In the former case, group A has by far the lowest proportion of non-neutral item ratings, so perhaps this has an effect, although how is unclear. For accuracy, we see that each of the rank correlations are positive, although relatively weak. It should be noted that novelty has had negative effect on both accuracy and utility as we report it here. The novelty multiplier deliberately pushes recently seen videos far down the results list. As we have seen, the majority of these will have had a positive rating, and R and ρ will be negatively affected as a result (Table 4).

Table 3 Utility (R score) and accuracy (Spearman’s ρ) scores for groups and total
Table 4 Utility (R Score) and accuracy (Spearman’s ρ) scores for four system configurations

With the recommender configurations, we wish to compare the two forms of S CBR and to look at the impact of including S C . Thus, two important questions in our experiments are (a) does altering the method of computing S CBR have an effect? and (b) does integrating S C into the scoring function have an effect? In Table 5 we examine the difference in four system configuration comparisons: comparing early aggregation CBR with late aggregation CBR (i) and (ii); and comparing CBR with and without content-based recommendation (iii) and (iv). See Table 6 for user and group ratings according to system configuration and Table 4 for ρ and R.

Table 5 Difference in recommender configurations (B-A) with statistical significance at p < 0. 05 () and p < 0. 001 (∗∗)
Table 6 Ratings for four system configurations, altering method for computing S CBR , and optionally including S C

For the base case (i) we find S CBRearly performs better than S CBRlate for ρ, but lower on all other measures. Thus our method for combining profiles into a meta-profile before employing CBR similarity functions does not perform as well as a minimum misery late aggregation approach in terms of utility or ratings, but has a higher accuracy. Integrating S C (ii) appears to reduce the disparity between the CBR approaches. In this case, ρ is still significantly higher for S CBRearly than S CBRlate , but the difference is smaller. We also see the gap lessen for R and ratings, particularly user-session ratings, where S CBRearly performs significantly better, producing the highest ratings for user-session, group-session and group-item. It would appear that S CBRearly with S C is somewhat of a sweet spot, balancing the individual and group preferences in S C with the meta-profile used for S CBRearly .

Adding S C to S CBRlate (iii) appears to significantly hurt performance from a user perspective, but not for groups. This is the standout case in which we observed a difference in how users and groups respond to different experimental conditions.

Our results show that ρ is at odds with some of the other measures. For example, configurations using S CBRlate have a higher R but a lower ρ; adding S C to S CBRearly dis-improves ρ but performance improves across other measures. This intriguing observation suggests it is possible that switching between late aggregation and early aggregation CBR, or indeed using a weighted combination, would enable us to tune the system by trading accuracy for utility.

After our trials, the facilitators participated in a semi-structured interview. Two aspects we focused on were ease of use and perceived usefulness of the recommendations (see Fig. 7). The responses were positive, with all facilitators agreeing that the system was satisfying and useful. They were also predominantly positive about the ease and efficiency with which they could find those items and the usefulness of those items. Some unstructured feedback emphasised the requirement that speed, efficiency, novelty and accuracy are important, and even the smallest delay or frustration with the system can have a negative effect, unlike other applications where users are perhaps more tolerant.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Facilitators’ responses to usability questions

7 Conclusion

In this chapter we have contributed a novel approach to recommending multimedia content for use in group RT. We provided background and related work in the fields of RT and recommender systems, motivating the work and outlining the limitations of existing approaches. We introduced a series of design discussions and interactions with stakeholders in order to design the interface and functionality of REMPAD, the system we built and tested. The recommendation method in REMPAD is based on a hybrid system using CBR recommendation, content-based recommendation and search to satisfy user requirements. We developed and trialled this system over a period of several weeks in residential care homes and have reported on the efficacy of the proposed approach in terms of accuracy, utility and perceived usefulness.

We find, in general, a higher proportion of positive item ratings for individual users than groups, reflecting the greater difficulty in recommending for groups. We also find that session ratings are higher both for groups and users than individual item ratings. These observations suggest that although it is harder to recommend for groups than individuals, recommending a set or sequence of videos (as in our sessions) may have significant advantages over single recommendations. We see some variance for utility across groups and in general we find accuracy and utility to be consistent between group and user ratings.

Our best performing system configuration uses a combination of an early aggregation CBR and a learning-based content method, possibly reflecting the richest representation of user and group preferences. We also observe that a late aggregation CBR approach with minimum misery appears to favour utility, whereas an early aggregation CBR approach favours accuracy. This potentially gives scope to build a system which is tunable for accuracy versus utility.

Finally in interview feedback from users we learn of a unanimous satisfaction with the system and a reinforcement of the initial requirements for a responsive, accurate, efficient and easy-to-use system to support facilitation of RT sessions. This is perhaps a strong motivation to focus on a utility as evaluation measure for systems in this area.

For the work we have done to date, the features we used are quite specific to the RT application and somewhat heuristic and so for future work we intend to enrich our preference representations further, in particular using text features such as TF-IDF. We will also expand our content collection and investigate the possibility of introducing collaborative recommendation approaches. In order to enrich our content collection we also will explore using other sources of video and other forms of content. It would have been interesting to compare testing of REMPAD with existing systems currently adopted by practitioners in Reminiscence Therapy but there simply are none to compare against.

Overall we find recommending content for use in group RT challenging task and one that is naturally suited to a recommender systems approach. A discussion point that naturally falls out of our work is one of the relationship between modelling group and user preferences. There is evidently an interplay between the two, as, although the ultimate goal is individual therapy participant satisfaction and successful reminiscence, this may not be possible without achieving group satisfaction. Similarly, group satisfaction is likely not attainable without individual satisfaction. This is an important question to address and provides an interesting avenue for future research both for group RT systems and more generally in the area of group recommender systems.