
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

1 Introduction

For HPC applications, scale is a major opportunity. Massive parallelism with 100,000+ nodes is the most viable path to achieving sustained petascale performance. Future platforms will enrol even more computing resources to enter the exascale era. Unfortunately, scale is also a major threat. Resilience is the first challenge. Even if each node provides an individual MTBF (Mean Time Between Failures) of, say, one century, a machine with 100,000 such nodes will encounter a failure every 9 h in average, which is larger than the execution time of many HPC applications. Furthermore, a one-century MTBF per node is an optimistic figure, given that each node is composed of several hundreds of cores. Worse, several types of errors need to be considered when computing at scale. In addition to classical fail-stop errors (such as hardware failures), silent errors (a.k.a silent data corruptions) cannot be ignored any longer.

Another challenge is energy consumption. The power requirement of current petascale platforms is that of a small town, hence measures must be taken to reduce the energy consumption of future platforms. A widely-used strategy is to use DVFS techniques: modern processors can run at different speeds, and lower speeds induce big savings in energy consumption. In a nutshell, this is because the dynamic power consumed when computing at speed \(s\) is proportional to \(s ^{3}\), while execution time is proportional to \(1/s \). As a result, computing energy (which is time times power) is proportional to \(s ^{2}\), and using lower speeds reduces global energy consumption in most practical settings, where static power is not too high. To further complicate the picture, energy savings have an impact on resilience. Obviously, the longer the execution, the higher the expected number of errors, hence using a lower speed to save energy may well induce extra time and overhead to cope with more errors throughout execution. Even worse (again!), lower speeds are usually obtained via lower voltages, which themselves induce higher error rates and further increase the latter overhead.

In this paper, we introduce a model that addresses both challenges: resilience and energy consumption. In addition, we address both fail-stop and silent errors, which, to the best of our knowledge, has never been achieved before. While checkpoint and rollback recovery is the de-facto standard for dealing with fail-stop errors, there is no widely adopted general-purpose technique to cope with silent errors. The problem with silent errors is detection latency: contrarily to a fail-stop error whose detection is immediate, a silent error is identified only when the corrupted data is activated and/or leads to an unusual application behavior. However, checkpoint and rollback recovery assumes instantaneous error detection, and this raises a new difficulty: if the error stroke before the last checkpoint, and is detected after that checkpoint, then the checkpoint is corrupted and cannot be used to restore the application. To solve this problem, one may envision to keep several checkpoints in memory, and to restore the application from the last valid checkpoint [23]. This multiple-checkpoint approach has three major drawbacks. First, it is very demanding in terms of stable storage. The second drawback is the possibility of fatal failures. Indeed, if we keep \(k\) checkpoints in memory, the approach assumes that the error that is currently detected did not strike before all the checkpoints still kept in memory, which would be fatal: in that latter case, all live checkpoints are corrupted, and one would have to re-execute the entire application from scratch. The third drawback of the approach is the most serious, and applies even without memory constraints, i.e., if we could store an infinite number of checkpoints in storage. The critical question is to determine which checkpoint is the last valid one. We need this information to safely recover from that point on. However, because of the detection latency, we do not know when the silent error has indeed occurred, hence we cannot identify the last valid checkpoint, unless some verification system is enforced.

We introduce such a verification system in this paper. This approach is agnostic of the nature of this verification mechanism (checksum, error correcting code, coherence tests, etc.). It is also fully general-purpose, although application-specific information, if available, can always be used to decrease the cost of verification: see the overview of related work in Sect. 2 for examples. In this context, the simplest protocol is to take only verified checkpoint (VC). This corresponds to performing a verification just before taking each checkpoint. If the verification succeeds, then one can safely store the checkpoint. If the verification fails, then a silent error has struck since the last checkpoint, which was duly verified, and one can safely recover from that checkpoint to resume the execution of the application. Of course, if a fail-stop error strikes, we also safely recover from the last checkpoint, just as in the classical checkpoint and rollback recovery method. This VC-only protocol basically amounts to replacing the cost \(C\) of a checkpoint by the cost \(V+C\) of a verification followed by a checkpoint. However, because we deal with two sources of errors, one detected immediately and the other only when we reach the verification, the analysis of the optimal strategy is more involved. We extend both the classical bound by Young [33] or Daly [11], and the dynamic programming algorithm of Toueg and Babaoglu [31], to deal with these error sources.

While taking checkpoints without verifications seems a bad idea (because of the memory cost, and of the risk of saving corrupted data), taking a verification without checkpointing may be interesting. Indeed, if silent errors are frequent enough, it is worth verifying the data in between two (verified) checkpoints, so as to detect a possible silent error earlier in the execution, and thereby re-executing less work. We refer to VC+V as the protocol that allows for both verified checkpoints and isolated verifications. One major objective of this paper is to study VC+V algorithms coupling verification and checkpointing, and to analytically determine the best balance of verifications between checkpoints so as to minimize either makespan (total execution time) or energy consumption. To achieve this ambitious goal, we restrict to a simplified, yet realistic, application framework. We consider application workflows that consist of a number of parallel tasks that execute on the platform, and that exchange data at the end of their executions. In other words, the task graph is a linear chain, and each task (except maybe the first one and the last one) reads data from its predecessor and produces data for its successor. This scenario corresponds to a high-performance computing application whose workflow is partitioned into a succession of (typically large) tightly-coupled computational kernels, each of them being identified as a task by the model. At the end of each task, we can either perform a verification on the task’s output, or perform a verification followed by a checkpoint.

In addition, we have to select a speed for each execution of each task. We envision three different execution scenarios. In the simple SingleSpeed scenario, a unique speed \(s\) is available throughout execution. In the intermediate ReExecSpeed scenario, the same speed \(s\) is used for the first execution of each task, but another speed \(\sigma \) is available for re-execution after a fail-stop or silent error. Here the first speed \(s\) can be seen as the regular speed, while the second speed \(\sigma \) corresponds to an adjusted speed to either speed up or to slow down the re-execution after an error strikes, depending on the optimization objective. Finally, in the advanced MultiSpeed scenario, two different speeds \(s _{i}\) and \(\sigma _{i}\) can be used to execute the tasks in between two consecutive checkpoints (which we call a task segment). Each speed \(s _{i}\) or \(\sigma _{i}\) can be freely chosen from a set of \(K\) discrete speeds. Note that these speeds may well vary from one segment to another. For each execution scenario, we provide a dynamic programming algorithm to determine the optimal locations of checkpoints and verifications (and for the MultiSpeed scenario we also provide the corresponding optimal pair of speeds for each segment).

The main contributions of this paper are the following:

  • We introduce a general-purpose model to deal with both fail-stop and silent errors, combining checkpoints with a verification mechanism.

  • We consider several execution scenarios, first with a single speed, then in case of re-execution, and finally with several discrete speeds that can freely change after each checkpoint.

  • For all scenarios and for both makespan and energy objectives, we consider two approaches, one using verified checkpoints only, and the other using additional isolated verifications. We provide a dynamic programming algorithm that determines the best locations of checkpoints and verifications across application tasks for each scenario/approach/objective combination.

  • We provide an extensive set of simulations to support the theory and which enables us to assess the usefulness of each algorithm.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 provides an overview of related work. Section 3 is devoted to formally defining the framework and all model parameters. Section 4 deals with the main algorithmic contributions: for all three execution scenarios, we design optimal algorithms for the VC-only approach, and then for the VC+V approach, targeting either time or energy minimization. Then in Sect. 5, we report on a comprehensive set of experiments to assess the impact of each scenario and approach. Finally, we outline main conclusions and directions for future work in Sect. 6.

2 Related Work

2.1 Fail-Stop Errors

The de-facto general-purpose error recovery technique in high performance computing is checkpoint and rollback recovery [9, 16]. Such protocols employ checkpoints to periodically save the state of a parallel application, so that when an error strikes some process, the application can be restored back to one of its former states. There are several families of checkpointing protocols, but they share a common feature: each checkpoint forms a consistent recovery line, i.e., when an error is detected, one can rollback to the last checkpoint and resume execution, after a downtime and a recovery time.

Many models are available to understand the behavior of checkpoint and restart [7, 11, 25, 33]. For a divisible load application where checkpoints can be inserted at any point in execution for a nominal cost \(C\), there exist well-known formulas due to Young [33] and Daly [11] to determine the optimal checkpointing period. For an application composed of a chain of tasks, which is also the subject of this paper, the problem of finding the optimal checkpoint strategy, i.e., of determining which tasks to checkpoint, in order to minimize the expected execution time, has been solved by Toueg and Babaoglu [31], using a dynamic programming algorithm. One major contribution of this paper is to extend both the Young/Daly formulas and the result of Toueg and Babaoglu to deal with silent errors in addition to fail-stop errors, and with several discrete speeds instead of a single one.

2.2 Silent Errors

Most traditional approaches maintain a single checkpoint. If the checkpoint file includes errors, the application faces an irrecoverable failure and must restart from scratch. This is because error detection latency is ignored in traditional rollback and recovery schemes, which assume instantaneous error detection (therefore mainly targeting fail-stop failures) and are unable to accommodate silent errors. We focus in this section on related work about silent errors. A comprehensive list of techniques and references is provided by Lu, Zheng and Chien [23].

Considerable efforts have been directed at error-checking to reveal silent errors. Error detection is usually very costly. Hardware mechanisms, such as ECC memory, can detect and even correct a fraction of errors, but in practice they are complemented with software techniques. The simplest technique is triple modular redundancy and voting [24], which induces a highly costly verification. For high-performance scientific applications, process replication (each process is equipped with a replica, and messages are quadruplicated) is proposed in the RedMPI library [18]. Elliot et al. [15] combine partial redundancy and checkpointing, and confirm the benefit of dual and triple redundancy. The drawback is that twice the number of processing resources is required (for dual redundancy).

Application-specific information can be very useful to enable ad-hoc solutions, which dramatically decrease the cost of detection. Many techniques have been advocated. They include memory scrubbing [22] and ABFT techniques [6, 21, 30], such as coding for sparse-matrix vector multiplication kernels [30] and coupling a higher-order with a lower-order scheme for PDEs [5]. These methods can only detect an error but do not correct it. Self-stabilizing corrections after error detection in the conjugate gradient method are investigated by Sao and Vuduc [28]. Heroux and Hoemmen [19] design a fault-tolerant GMRES capable of converging despite silent errors. Bronevetsky and de Supinski [8] provide a comparative study of detection costs for iterative methods.

A nice instantiation of the checkpoint and verification mechanism that we study in this paper is provided by Chen [10], who deals with sparse iterative solvers. Consider a simple method such as the PCG, the Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient method: Chen’s approach performs a periodic verification every \(d\) iterations, and a periodic checkpoint every \(d \times c\) iterations, which is a particular case of the VC+V approach with equi-distance verifications. For PCG, the verification amounts to checking the orthogonality of two vectors and to recomputing and checking the residual. The cost of the verification is small in front of the cost of an iteration, especially when the preconditioner requires much more flops than a sparse matrix-vector product.

As already mentioned, our work is agnostic of the underlying error-detection technique and takes the cost of verification as an input parameter to the model.

2.3 Energy Model and Error Rate

Modern processors are equipped with dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS) capability. The total power consumption is the sum of the static/idle power and the dynamic power, which is proportional to the cube of the processing speed \(s \) [3, 32], i.e., \(P(s) = P_{idle} + \beta \cdot s ^3\), where \(\beta > 0\). A widely used reliability model assumes that radiation-induced transient faults (soft errors) follow a Poisson process with an average arrival rate \(\lambda \). The impact of DVFS on the error rate is, however, not completely clear.

On the one hand, lowering the voltage/frequency is believed to have an adverse effect on the system reliability [13, 35]. In particular, many papers (e.g., [2, 12, 34, 35]) have assumed the following exponential error rate model: \(\lambda (s) = \lambda _0\cdot 10^{\frac{d(s _{\max }-s)}{s _{\max }-s _{\min }}}\), where \(\lambda _0\) denotes the average error rate at the maximum speed \(s _{\max }\), \(d > 0\) is a constant indicating the sensitivity of error rate to voltage/frequency scaling, and \(s _{\min }\) is the minimum speed. This model suggests that the error rate increases exponentially with decreased processing speed, which is a result of decreasing the voltage/frequency and hence lowering the circuit’s critical charge (i.e., the minimum charge required to cause an error in the circuit).

On the other hand, the failure rates of computing nodes have also been observed to increase with temperature [17, 20, 26, 29], which generally increases together with the processing speed (voltage/frequency). As a rule of thumb, Arrenhius’ equation when applied to microelectronic devices suggests that the error rate doubles for every \(10^\circ \)C increase in the temperature [17]. In general, the mean time between failure (MTBF) of a processor, which is the reciprocal of failure rate, can be expressed as [29]: \(MTBF = \frac{1}{\lambda } = A \cdot e^{-b\cdot T}\), where \(A\) and \(b\) are thermal constants, and \(T\) denotes the temperature of the processor. Under the reasonable assumption that higher operating voltage/frequency leads to higher temperature, this model suggests that the error rate increases with increased processing speed. Clearly, the two models above draw contradictory conclusions on the impact of DVFS on error rates. In practice, the impact of the first model may be more evident, as the temperature dependency in some systems has been observed to be linear (or even not exist) instead of being exponential [14]. Generally speaking, the processing speed should have a composite effect on the average error rate by taking both voltage level and temperature into account. In the experimental section of this paper (Sect. 5), we adopt a tradeoff model to include the impact of temperature.

3 Framework

In this section we introduce all model parameters. We start with a description of the application workflows. Then we present parameters related to energy consumption. Next we detail the resilient model to deal with fail-stop and silent errors. We conclude by presenting the various execution scenarios.

Application Workflows. We consider application workflows whose task graph is a linear chain \(T_1 \rightarrow T_2 \dots \rightarrow T_n\). Here \(n\) is the number of tasks, and each task \(T_i\) is weighted by its computational cost \(w_i\). We target a platform with \(p\) identical processors. Each task is a parallel task that is executed on the whole platform. A fundamental characteristic of the application model is that it allows to view the platform as a single (albeit very powerful) macro-processor, thereby providing a tractable abstraction of the problem.

Energy Consumption. When computing (including verification), we use DVFS to change the speed of the processors, and assume a set \(S =\{s_{1}, s_{2}, \dots , s_{K}\}\) of \(K\) discrete computing speeds. During checkpointing and recovery, we assume a dedicated (constant) power consumption. Altogether, the total power consumption of the macro-processor is \(p\) times the power consumption of each individual resource. It is decomposed into three different components:

  • \(P_{idle}\), the static power dissipated when the platform is on (even idle);

  • \(P_{cpu}(s)\), the dynamic power spent by operating the CPU at speed \(s\);

  • \(P_{io}\), the dynamic power spent by I/O transfers (checkpoints and recoveries).

Assume w.l.o.g. that there is no overlap between CPU operations and I/O transfers. Then the total energy consumed during the execution of the application can be expressed as: \(Energy = P_{idle} (T_{cpu} + T_{io}) + \sum _{i=1}^{K} P_{cpu}(s_{i}) T_{cpu}(s_{i}) + P_{io} T_{io}\), where \(T_{cpu}(s_{i}) \) is the time spent on computing at speed \(s_{i}\), \(T_{cpu} = \sum _{i=1}^{K} T_{cpu}(s_{i}) \) is the total time spent on computing, and \(T_{io}\) is the total time spent on I/O transfers. The time to compute tasks \(T_{i}\) to \(T_{j}\) at speed \(s\) is \(T_{i,j} (s) = \frac{1}{s} \sum _{k=i}^{j} w_{i}\) and the corresponding energy is \(E_{i,j} (s) = T_{i,j} (s) (P_{idle} +P_{cpu}(s))\).

Resilience. We assume that errors only strike during computations, and not during I/O transfers (checkpoints and recoveries) nor verifications. We consider two types of errors: fail-stop and silent.

To cope with fail-stop errors, we use checkpointing, and to cope with silent errors, an additional verification mechanism is used. The time to checkpoint (the output of) task \(T_{i}\) is \(C_{i}\), the time to recover from (the checkpoint of) task \(T_{i}\) is \(R_{i}\), and the time to verify (the output of) task \(T_i\) at speed \(s\) is \(V_{i}(s)\). We assume that both fail-stop errors and silent errors follow an exponential distribution with average rates \(\lambda ^F (s)\) and \(\lambda ^S (s)\), respectively, where \(s \) denotes the current computing speed. Given an error rate \(\lambda \), let \(p(\lambda , L) = 1-e^{-\lambda L}\) denote the probability that a error strikes during an execution of length \(L\). For convenience, we define \(p_{i,j}^{F} (s) = p(\lambda ^F (s), T_{i, j}(s))\) to be the probability that a fail-stop error strikes when executing from \(T_i\) to \(T_j\), and define \(p_{i,j}^{S} (s) = p(\lambda ^S (s), T_{i, j}(s))\) similarly for silent errors.

Resilience also has a cost in terms of energy consumption. Specifically, the energy to checkpoint task \(T_{i}\) is \(E_{i}^{\text {C}} = C_{i} (P_{idle} +P_{io})\), to recover from task \(T_{i}\) is \(E_{i}^{\text {R}}\) = \(R_{i}\) (\(P_{idle}\) +\(P_{io}\)), and to verify task \(T_{i}\) at speed \(s\) is \(E_{i}^{\text {V}}(s) = V_{i}(s) (P_{idle} +P_{cpu}(s))\).

Execution Scenarios. We consider three different execution scenarios: (i) SingleSpeed: a single speed \(s\) is used during the whole execution (\(K=1\)); (ii) ReExecSpeed: there are two speeds, \(s\) for the first execution of each task, and \(\sigma \) for any potential re-execution (\(K=2\)); (iii) MultiSpeed: we are given \(K\) discrete speeds, where \(K\) is arbitrary. The workflow chain is cut into subchains called segments, which are delimited by checkpoints. For each segment, we can freely choose a speed for the first execution, and a (possibly different) speed for any ulterior execution, among the \(K\) speeds.

Optimization Problems. For each execution scenario, we deal with four problems: (i) Time-VC: minimize the makespan using the VC-only approach; (ii) Time-VC+V: minimize the makespan using the VC+V approach; (iii) Energy-VC: minimize the total energy consumption using the VC-only approach; (iv) Energy-VC+V: minimize the total energy consumption using the VC+V approach. For the SingleSpeed and ReExecSpeed scenarios, we have to decide for the optimal locations of the checkpoints (VC-only) and of the verifications (VC+V). For the MultiSpeed scenario, we further have to select a pair of speeds (first execution and re-execution) for each segment.

4 Optimal Algorithms

In this section, we present optimal algorithms for the three execution scenarios. For each scenario, we have four combinations: two approaches—VC-only and VC+V, and two objectives—makespan and energy. Due to the lack of space, we include only two (representative) proofs here, namely those of the Time-VC and Time-VC+V algorithms for the SingleSpeed scenario. The other proofs can be found in the companion research report [4] of this paper.

4.1 SingleSpeed Scenario

In this scenario, we are given a single processing speed, and we investigate the VC-only and VC+V approaches. For each approach, we present an optimal polynomial-time dynamic programming algorithm. As only one speed is present, the speed parameter \(s\) is omitted in all expressions for notational convenience.

VC-Only: Using Verified Checkpoints Only. In this approach, we aim at finding the best checkpointing positions in order to minimize the total execution time (Time-VC) or the total energy consumption (Energy-VC).

Theorem 1

For the SingleSpeed scenario, the Time-VC and Energy-VC problems can be solved by a dynamic programming algorithm in \(O(n^{2})\) time.


Due to the lack of space, we only present the optimal algorithm to compute the expected makespan for the Time-VC problem. The optimal solution for the Energy-VC problem can be similarly derived.

We define \(Time_{C} (j)\) to be the optimal expected time to successfully execute tasks \(T_1, \ldots , T_j\), where \(T_j\) has a verified checkpoint, and there are possibly other verified checkpoints from \(T_1\) to \(T_{j-1}\). We always verify and checkpoint the last task \(T_n\) to save the final result. Therefore, the goal is to find \(Time_{C} (n)\). To compute \(Time_{C} (j)\), we formulate the following dynamic program by trying all possible locations for the last checkpoint before \(T_{j}\):

$$\begin{aligned} Time_{C} (j)&= \min _{0 \le i < j} \{ Time_{C} (i) + T_C(i+1,j)\} + C_j, \end{aligned}$$

where \(T_C(i,j)\) denotes the expected time to successfully execute tasks \(T_i\) to \(T_j\), provided that \(T_{i-1}\) and \(T_j\) are both verified and checkpointed while no other task in between is verified nor checkpointed. Note that we also account for the checkpointing cost \(C_{j} \) for task \(T_j\), which is not included in the definition of \(T_C\). To initialize the dynamic program, we define \(Time_{C} (0) = 0\).

In the following, we show how to compute \(T_C(i,j)\) for each \((i, j)\) pair with \(i \le j\). We start by considering only silent errors and use the notation \(T_{C}^{S} (i,j)\) for that purpose. Silent errors can occur at any time during the computation but we can only detect them after all tasks have been executed. Thus, we always have to pay \(T_{i,j} +V_{j} \), the time to execute from task \(T_{i}\) to \(T_{j}\) and then to verify \(T_{j}\). If the verification fails, which happens with probability \(p_{i,j}^{S} \), a silent error has occurred and we have to recover from \(T_{i-1}\) and start anew. For convenience, we assume that there is a virtual task \(T_0\) that is always verified and checkpointed, with a recovery cost \(R_{0} = 0\). Mathematically, we can express \(T_{C}^{S} (i,j)\) as

$$\begin{aligned} T_{C}^{S} (i,j)&= T_{i,j} + V_{j} + p_{i,j}^{S} \left( R_{i-1} + T_{C}^{S} (i,j)\right) ,\\ \Rightarrow T_{C}^{S} (i,j)&= e^{\lambda ^S T_{i,j} }\left( T_{i,j} + V_{j} \right) + (e^{\lambda ^S T_{i,j} }-1)R_{i-1}. \end{aligned}$$

Things are different when accounting for fail-stop errors, because the application will stop immediately when a fail-stop error occurs, even in the middle of the computation. Let \(T_{{lost}_{i,j}} \) denote the expected time lost during the execution from \(T_i\) to \(T_j\) if a fail-stop error strikes, and it can be expressed as

$$\begin{aligned} T_{{lost}_{i,j}} = \int _0^{\infty } x\mathbb {P}(X = x|X < T_{i,j} )dx = \frac{1}{\mathbb {P}(X < T_{i,j} )}\int _0^{T_{i,j} } x\lambda ^F e^{-\lambda ^F x} dx, \end{aligned}$$

where \(\mathbb {P}(X = x)\) denotes the probability that a fail-stop error strikes at time \(x\). By definition, we have \(\mathbb {P}(X < T_{i,j} ) = 1-e^{-\lambda ^F T_{i,j} }\). Integrating by parts, we get

$$\begin{aligned} T_{{lost}_{i,j}} = \frac{1}{\lambda ^F} - \frac{T_{i,j} }{e^{\lambda ^F T_{i,j} }-1}. \end{aligned}$$

Therefore, the expected execution time \(T_{C}^{F} (i,j)\) when considering only fail-stop errors is given by

$$\begin{aligned} T_{C}^{F} (i,j)&= p_{i,j}^{F} \left( T_{{lost}_{i,j}} + R_{i-1} + T_{C}^{F} (i,j)\right) + \left( 1-p_{i,j}^{F} \right) T_{i,j} ,\\ \Rightarrow T_{C}^{F} (i,j)&= (e^{\lambda ^F T_{i,j} }-1)\left( \frac{1}{\lambda ^F} + R_{i-1} \right) . \end{aligned}$$

We now account for both fail-stop and silent errors, and use the notation \(T_{C}^{SF} (i,j)\) for that purpose. To this end, we consider fail-stop errors first. If the application stops, then we do not need to perform verification since we must do a recovery anyway. If no fail-stop error stroke during the execution, we can then proceed with the verification and check for silent errors. Therefore,

$$\begin{aligned} T_{C}^{SF} (i,j)= & {} p_{i,j}^{F} \left( T_{{lost}_{i,j}} + R_{i-1} + T_{C}^{SF} (i,j)\right) \\&+ \left( 1-p_{i,j}^{F} \right) \left( T_{i,j} + V_{j} + p_{i,j}^{S} \left( R_{i-1} + T_{C}^{SF} (i,j)\right) \right) . \end{aligned}$$

When plugging \(p_{i,j}^{F} \), \(p_{i,j}^{S} \) and \(T_{{lost}_{i,j}} \) into the above equation, we get

$$\begin{aligned} T_{C}^{SF} (i,j) = e^{\lambda ^S T_{i,j} }\left( \frac{e^{\lambda ^F T_{i,j} } - 1}{\lambda ^F} + V_{j} \right) + \left( e^{(\lambda ^F + \lambda ^S)T_{i,j} }-1\right) R_{i-1}. \end{aligned}$$

By setting \(T_C(i,j) = T_{C}^{SF} (i,j)\), we can now compute \(Time_{C} (j)\) for all \(j = 1, \cdots , n\). For the complexity, the computation of \(T_{C}^{SF} (i,j)\) for all \((i,j)\) pairs with \(i\le j\) takes \(O(n^2)\) time. The computation of the dynamic programming table for \(Time_{C} (j)\) also takes \(O(n^2)\) time, as \(Time_{C} (j)\) depends on at most \(j\) other entries in the same table, which are already computed. Therefore, the overall complexity is \(O(n^2)\), and this concludes the proof.\(\quad \square \)

Theorem 1 nicely extends the result of Toueg and Babaoglu [31] to a linear chain of tasks subject to both fail-stop and silent errors. For the sake of comparing with the case of a divisible load application, we can extend Young/Daly’s formula [11, 33] in the following. Again, the proof can be found in [4].

Proposition 1

For a divisible load application subject to both fail-stop and silent errors, a first-order approximation of the optimal checkpointing period is

$$\begin{aligned} T_{opt}(s) = \sqrt{\frac{2(V+C)}{\lambda ^F +2\lambda ^S}}, \end{aligned}$$

where \(C\) is the checkpointing cost, \(V\) is the verification cost, \(\lambda ^F \) is the rate of fail-stop errors and \(\lambda ^S \) is the rate of silent errors.

VC+V: Using Verified Checkpoints and Single Verifications. In this approach, we can place additional verifications between two checkpoints, which allows to detect (silent) errors before reaching the next checkpoint, and hence to avoid wasted execution by performing early recoveries. We aim at finding the best positions for checkpoints and verifications in order to minimize the total execution time (Time-VC+V) or the total energy consumption (Energy-VC+V). For both objectives, adding extra verifications between two checkpoints adds an extra step in the algorithm, which results in a higher complexity.

Theorem 2

For the SingleSpeed scenario, the Time-VC+V and Energy-VC+V problems can be solved by a dynamic programming algorithm in \(O(n^{3})\) time.


Due to the lack of space, we only deal with the Time-VC+V problem, while the solution for Energy-VC+V can be similarly derived.

The main idea is to replace \(T_C\) in the dynamic program of Theorem 1 by another expression \(Time_{V} (i,j)\), which denotes the optimal expected time to successfully execute from task \(T_i\) to task \(T_j\) (and to verify it), provided that \(T_{i-1}\) has a verified checkpoint and only single verifications are allowed from task \(T_i\) to task \(T_{j-1}\). Furthermore, we use \(Time_{VC} (j)\) to denote the optimal expected time to successfully execute the first \(j\) tasks, where \(T_{j}\) has a verified checkpoint, and there are possibly other verified checkpoints and single verifications before \(T_j\). The goal is to find \(Time_{VC} (n)\). The dynamic program can then be formulated as:

$$\begin{aligned} Time_{VC} (j)&= \min _{0 \le i < j} \left\{ Time_{VC} (i) + Time_{V} (i+1,j) \right\} + C_{j}. \end{aligned}$$

In particular, we try all possible locations for the last checkpoint before \(T_j\), and for each location \(T_i\), we compute the optimal expected time \(Time_{V} (i+1,j)\) to executed tasks \(T_{i+1}\) to \(T_{j-1}\) with only single verifications in between. We also account for the checkpointing time \(C_{j} \), which is not included in the definition of \(Time_{V}\). By initializing the dynamic program with \(Time_{VC} (0)=0\), we can then compute the optimal solution as in the Time-VC problem.

It remains to compute \(Time_{V} (i,j)\) for each \((i, j)\) pair with \(i\le j\). To this end, we formulate another dynamic program by trying all possible locations for the last single verification before \(T_j\):

$$\begin{aligned} Time_{V} (i,j) = \min _{i - 1 \le l < j}\left\{ Time_{V} (i,l) + T_{V}(l+1,j,i-1)\right\} , \end{aligned}$$

where \(T_{V}(i,j,l_c)\) is the expected time to successfully execute all the tasks from \(T_i\) to \(T_j\) (and to verify \(T_j\)), knowing that if an error strikes, we can recover from \(T_{l_c}\), the last task before \(T_i\) to have a verified checkpoint.

First, we show how to compute \(T_{V}(i, j, l_c)\). When accounting for only silent errors (with notation \(T_{V}^{S}\)), we always execute from task \(T_i\) to task \(T_j\) and then verify \(T_j\). In case of failure, we recover from \(T_{l_c}\) and redo the entire computation from \(T_{l_c+1}\) to \(T_j\), which contains a single verification after \(T_{i-1}\) and possibly other single verifications between \(T_{l_c +1}\) and \(T_{i-2}\). Hence, we have

$$\begin{aligned} T_{V}^{S} (i,j,l_c)&= T_{i,j} + V_{j} + p_{i,j}^{S} \left( R_{l_c} + Time_{V} (l_c +1, i-1) + T_{V}^{S} (i,j,l_c)\right) ,\\ \Rightarrow T_{V}^{S} (i,j,l_c)&= e^{\lambda ^S T_{i,j} }\left( T_{i,j} + V_{j} \right) + (e^{\lambda ^S T_{i,j} }-1)\left( R_{l_c} + Time_{V} (l_c+1,i-1)\right) . \end{aligned}$$

When there are only fail-stop errors, we do not need to perform any single verification, and hence the problem becomes simply the Time-VC problem. When accounting for both silent and fail-stop errors (with notation \(T_{V}^{SF} \)), we apply the same method as in the previous proof. Specifically, if a fail-stop error strikes between two verifications, we directly perform a recovery; otherwise we check for silent errors:

$$\begin{aligned}&T_{V}^{SF} (i,j,l_c) = p_{i,j}^{F} \left( T_{{lost}_{i,j}} + R_{l_c} + Time_{V} (l_c+1,i-1) + T_{V}^{SF} (i,j,l_c)\right) \\&~~~+ (1-p_{i,j}^{F}) \left( T_{i,j} + V_{j} + p_{i,j}^{S} \left( R_{l_c} + Time_{V} (l_c+1,i-1) + T_V^{SF}(i,j,l_c)\right) \right) ,\\&\Rightarrow T_{V}^{SF} (i,j,l_c) = e^{\lambda ^S T_{i,j} }\left( \frac{e^{\lambda ^F T_{i,j} } - 1}{\lambda ^F} + V_{j} \right) \\&~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+ (e^{(\lambda ^F + \lambda ^S)T_{i,j} } -1)\left( R_{l_c} + Time_{V} (l_c+1,i-1)\right) . \end{aligned}$$

Notice that \(T_{V}(i,j,l_c)\) depends on the value of \(Time_{V} (l_c+1,i-1)\), except when \(l_c + 1 = i\), in which case we initialize \(Time_{V} (i,i-1) = 0\). Hence, in the dynamic program, \(Time_{V} (i,j)\) can be expressed as a function of \(Time_{V} (i,l)\) for all \(l = i-1, \cdots , j-1\).

Finally, the complexity is dominated by the computation of the second dynamic programming table for \(Time_{V} (i,j)\), which contains \(O(n^2)\) entries and each entry depends on at most \(n\) other entries that are already computed. Hence, the overall complexity of the algorithm is \(O(n^{3})\), and this concludes the proof.

4.2 ReExecSpeed Scenario

Despite the additional speed, the ReExecSpeed scenario turns out to have the same complexity as the SingleSpeed scenario.

Theorem 3

For the ReExecSpeed scenario:

  • The Time-VC and Energy-VC problems can be solved by a dynamic programming algorithm in \(O(n^{2})\) time.

  • The Time-VC+V and Energy-VC+V problems can be solved by a dynamic programming algorithm in \(O(n^{3})\) time.

4.3 MultiSpeed Scenario

Optimal algorithms for the MultiSpeed scenario are more intricate and have higher complexity than the other scenarios.

Theorem 4

For the MultiSpeed scenario:

  • The Time-VC and Energy-VC problems can be solved by a dynamic programming algorithm in \(O(n^{2}K^{2})\) time.

  • The Time-VC+V and Energy-VC+V problems can be solved by a dynamic programming algorithm in \(O(n^{3}K^{2})\) time.

5 Experiments

We conduct simulations to evaluate the performance of the dynamic programming algorithms under different execution scenarios and parameter settings. We instantiate the model parameters with realistic values taken from the literature, and we point out that the code for all algorithms and simulations is publicly available at, so that interested readers can build relevant scenarios of their choice.

5.1 Simulation Settings

We generate linear chains with different number \(n\) of tasks while keeping the total computational cost at \(W = 5\times 10^4\,\mathrm{{s}} \approx 14\,\mathrm {h}\). The total amount of computation is distributed among the tasks in three different patterns: (1) Uniform, all tasks share the same cost \(W/n\), as in matrix multiplication or in some iterative stencil kernels; (2) Decrease, task \(T_i\) has cost \(\alpha \cdot (n+1-i)^2\), where \(\alpha \approx 3W/n^3\). This quadratically decreasing function resembles some dense matrix solvers, e.g., using LU or QR factorization. (3) HighLow, a set of identical tasks with large cost is followed by tasks with small cost. This distribution is created to distinguish the performance of different execution scenarios. In this case, we fix the number of large tasks to be 10 % of the total number \(n\) of tasks while varying the computational cost dedicated to them.

We adopt the set of speeds from the Intel Xscale processor. Following [27], the normalized speeds are {0.15, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1} and the fitted power function is given by \(P(s) = 1550s^3+60\). From the discussion in Sect. 2.3, we assume the following model for the average error rate of fail-stop errors:

$$\begin{aligned} \lambda ^F(s) = \lambda ^F_{\text {ref}}\cdot 10^{\frac{d \cdot |s _{\text {ref}} - s |}{s _{\max } - s _{\min }}}, \end{aligned}$$

where \(s _{\text {ref}} \in [s _{\min }, s _{\max }]\) denotes the reference speed with the lowest error rate \(\lambda ^F_{\text {ref}}\) among all possible speeds in the range. The above equation allows us to account for higher fail-stop error rates when the CPU speed is either too low or too high. In the simulations, the reference speed is set to be \(s_\text {ref}= 0.6\) with an error rate of \(\lambda _\text {ref}^F = 10^{-5}\) for fail-stop errors, and the sensitivity parameter is set to be \(d = 3\). These parameters represent realistic settings reported in the literature [1, 2, 34], and they correspond to \(0.83\sim 129\) errors over the entire chain of computation depending on the processing speed chosen.

For silent errors, we assume that its error rate is related to that of the fail-stop errors by \(\lambda ^S(s) = \eta \cdot \lambda ^F(s)\), where \(\eta > 0\) is constant parameter. To achieve realistic scenarios, we try to vary \(\eta \) to assess the impact of both error sources on the performance. However, we point out that our approach is completely independent of the evolution of the error rates as a function of the speed. In a practical setting, we are given a set of discrete speeds and two error rates for each speed, one for fail-stop errors and one for silent errors. This is enough to instantiate our model.

In addition, we define \(cr\) to be the ratio between the checkpointing/recovery cost and the computational cost for the tasks, and define \(vr\) to be the ratio between the verification cost and the computational cost. By default, we execute the tasks using the reference speed \(s_{\text {ref}}\), and set \(\eta = 1\), \(cr = 1\) and \(vr = 0.01\). This initial setting corresponds to tasks with costly checkpoints (same order of magnitude as the costs of the tasks) and lightweight verifications (average cost 1 % of task cost); examples of such tasks are data-oriented kernels processing large files and checksumming for verification. We will vary these parameters to study their impacts on the performance.

5.2 Results

SingleSpeed Scenario for Makespan. The first set of experiments is devoted to the evaluation of the time-optimal algorithms in the SingleSpeed scenario.

Impact of \(n\) and cost distribution. Figure 1(a) shows the expected makespan (normalized by the ideal execution time at the default speed, i.e., \(W/0.6\)) with different \(n\) and cost distributions. For the HighLow distribution, the large tasks are configured to contain 60 % of the total computational cost. The results show that having more tasks reduces the expected makespan, since it enables the algorithms to place more checkpoints and verifications, as can be seen in Fig. 1(b). The distribution that renders a larger variation in task sizes create more difficulty in the placement of checkpoints/verfications, thus resulting in worse makespan. The figure also compares the performance of the Time-VC algorithm with that of Time-VC+V. The latter algorithm, being more flexible, naturally leads to improved makespan under all cost distributions. Because of the additionally placed verifications, it also reduces the number of verified checkpoints in the optimal solution.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Impact of \(n\) and cost distribution on the performance of the Time-VC and Time-VC+V algorithms. In (b), the thick bars represent the verified checkpoints and the yellow thin bars represent the total number of verifications.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Performance comparison of the Time-VC algorithm for tasks with Uniform cost distribution and the optimal checkpointing algorithm for divisible load application.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Impact of \(\eta \) and speed \(s\) on the performance. F denotes fail-stop error only and S denotes silent error only. Speed \(s = 0.15\) leads to extremely large makespan, which is omitted in the figure.

Comparison with a divisible load application. Figure 2(a) compares the makespan of the Time-VC algorithm under Uniform cost distribution with the makespan of a divisible load application, whose total load is \(W\) and whose checkpointing cost is the same as the corresponding discrete tasks. For the divisible load application, we use Proposition 1 to compute the optimal period, the waste and then derive the makespan. In addition, Fig. 2(b) compares the number of verified checkpoints in the two cases. We see that the makespan for divisible load is worse for large \(cr\) and becomes better as \(cr\) decreases. Furthermore, the makespans in both cases get closer when the number of tasks increases. This is because the checkpointing cost decreases with \(cr\) and as \(n\) increases, which makes the first order approximation used in Proposition 1 more accurate. Moreover, as divisible load does not impose restrictions in the checkpointing positions, it tends to place more checkpoints than the case with discrete tasks.

We could think of the following greedy algorithm as an alternative to the Time-VC algorithm for a linear chain of tasks: position the next checkpoint as soon as the time spent on computing since the last checkpoint plus the checkpointing cost of the current task exceeds the optimal period given by Proposition 1. Figure 2 suggests that this linear-time algorithm (with cost \(O(n)\)) would give a good approximation of the optimal solution (returned by the Time-VC algorithm with cost \(O(n^{2})\)), at least for uniform distribution of task costs.

In the rest of this section, we will focus on the Time-VC+V algorithm and \(n=100\) tasks with Uniform cost distribution.

Impact of \(\eta \) and error mode. Figure 3(a) compares the performance under different error modes, namely, fail-stop (F) only, silent (S) only, and fail-stop plus silent with different values of \(\eta \). As silent errors are harder to detect and hence to deal with, the S-only case leads to larger makespan than the F-only case. In the presence of both types of errors, the makespan becomes worse with larger \(\eta \), i.e., with increased rate for silent errors, despite the algorithm’s effort to place more checkpoints as shown in Fig. 3(b). Moreover, the performance degrades significantly as the CPU speed is set below the reference speed \(s_{\text {ref}}\) for the error rate increases exponentially. A higher CPU speed, on the other hand, first improves the makespan by executing the tasks faster and then causes degradation due to a larger increase in the error rate.

Impact of \(cr\) and \(vr\) . Figure 4(a) presents the impact of checkpointing/recovery ratio (\(cr\)) and verification ratio (\(vr\)) on the performance. Clearly, a smaller \(cr\) (or \(vr\)) enables the algorithm to place more checkpoints (or verifications), which leads to better makespan. Having more checkpoints also allows the algorithm to use faster speeds to complete the tasks. Finally, if checkpointing cost is on par with verification cost (e.g., \(cr = 0.1\)), reducing the verification cost can additionally increase the number of checkpoints (e.g., at \(s = 0.6\)), since each checkpoint also has a verification cost associated with it. For high checkpointing cost, however, reducing the verification cost could no longer influence the algorithm’s checkpointing decisions.

SingleSpeed Scenario for Energy. This set of experiments focuses on the evaluation of the Energy-VC+V algorithm in the SingleSpeed scenario. The default power parameters are set to be \(P_{idle} = 60\) and \(P_{cpu}(s) = 1550s^3\) according to [27]. The dynamic power consumption due to I/O is equal to the dynamic power of the CPU at the lowest discrete speed 0.15. We will also vary these parameters to study their impacts.

Impact of CPU speed \(s\). Figure 5 compares the performance of the Energy-VC+V algorithm in comparison with its makespan counterpart Time-VC+V for \(n=100\) tasks. At speed 0.15, the power consumed by the CPU is identical to that of I/O. This yields the same number of checkpoints placed by the two algorithms, which in turn leads to the same performance for both makespan and energy. As the CPU speed increases, the I/O power consumption becomes much smaller, so the energy algorithm tends to place more checkpoints to improve the energy consumption at the expense of makespan. From Fig. 3, we know that the makespan of Time-VC+V degrades at speed \(s=1\). This diminishes its makespan advantage at the highest discrete speed. Figure 5 also suggests that the Time-VC+V algorithm running at speed \(s=0.8\) offers a good energy-makespan tradeoff. Compared to the Energy-VC+V algorithm, it provides more than 25 % improvement in makespan with only 10 % degradation in energy under the default parameter settings.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Impact of \(cr\) and \(vr\) on the performance with different CPU speeds.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Relative performance of the Energy-VC+V and Time-VC+V algorithms with different CPU speeds.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

(a) and (b): Impact of \(P_{idle}\) and \(P_{io}\) on the relative performance of the Energy-VC+V and Time-VC+V algorithms at \(s = 0.6\). (c): Number of checkpoints placed by the Energy-VC+V algorithm with different \(P_{io}\), \(P_{idle}\) values (\(= 1550s^3\)) at \(s = 0.6\).

Impact of \(P_{idle}\) and \(P_{io}\). Figure 6 shows the relative performance of the two algorithms by varying \(P_{idle}\) and \(P_{io}\) separately according to the dynamic power function \(1550s^3\), while keeping the other one at the smallest CPU power, i.e., \(1550\cdot 0.15^3\). The CPU speed is fixed at \(s=0.6\). Figure 6 further shows the number of checkpoints in the Energy-VC+V algorithm at different \(P_{idle}\) and \(P_{io}\) values. (The Time-VC+V algorithm is apparently not affected by these two parameters and always places 11 checkpoints in this experiment.) First, setting the smallest value for both parameters creates a big gap between the CPU and I/O power consumptions. This leads to a large number of checkpoints placed by the Energy-VC+V algorithm. Increasing \(P_{idle}\) closes this gap and hence reduces the number of checkpoints, which leads to the performance convergence of the two algorithms. While increasing \(P_{io}\) has the same effect, a larger value than \(P_{cpu}=1550\cdot 0.6^3\) further reduces the number of checkpoints below 11, since checkpointing is now less power-efficient. This again gives the Energy-VC+V algorithm advantage in terms of energy.

ReExecSpeed and MultiSpeed Scenarios. This set of experiments evaluates the ReExecSpeed and MultiSpeed scenarios for both makespan and energy. To distinguish them from the SingleSpeed model, we consider the HighLow distribution, which yields a larger variance among the computational costs of the tasks. In the simulation, we again focus on the VC+V algorithms for \(n=100\) tasks, and vary the cost ratio, which is the percentage of computational cost in the large tasks compared to the total computational cost.

Figure 7(a) compares the makespan of the Time-VC+V algorithms under the three scenarios. For the SingleSpeed and ReExecSpeed scenarios, only \(s=0.6\) and \(s=0.8\) are drawn, since the other speeds lead to much larger makespans. For a small cost ratio, no task has a very large computational cost, so the faster speed \(s=0.8\), despite its higher error rate, appears to give the best performance as we have already seen in Fig. 3(a). When the cost ratio increases, tasks with large cost start to emerge. With the high error rate of \(s=0.8\), these tasks will experience many re-executions, thus degrading the makespan. Here, \(s=0.6\) becomes the best speed due to its smaller error rate. In the ReExecSpeed scenario, regardless of the initial speed \(s\), the best re-execution speed \(\sigma \) is always 0.6 or 0.8 depending on the cost ratio, and it improves upon the respective SingleSpeed scenario with the same initial speed, as we can see in Fig. 7(b) for cost ratio of 0.6. However, the improvement is marginal compared to the best performance achievable in the SingleSpeed scenario. The MultiSpeed scenario, with its flexibility to choose different speeds depending on the costs of the tasks, always provides the best performance. The advantage is especially evident at medium cost ratios with up to 6 % improvement, as this situation contains a good mix of large and small tasks, which is hard to deal with by using fixed speed(s). Figure 8 shows similar results for the energy consumption of the Energy-VC+V algorithms under the three scenarios, with more than 7 % improvement in the MultiSpeed scenario. In this case, speed \(s=0.4\) consumes less energy at small cost ratio due to its better power efficiency.

Fig. 7.
figure 7

Performance comparison of the Time-VC+V algorithms in MultiSpeed, ReExecSpeed and SingleSpeed scenarios for \(n=100\) tasks with HighLow cost distribution. In (b), the cost ratio is 0.6.

Fig. 8.
figure 8

Performance comparison of the Energy-VC+V algorithms in MultiSpeed, ReExecSpeed and SingleSpeed scenarios for \(n=100\) tasks with HighLow cost distribution. In (b), the cost ratio is 0.6.

Fig. 9.
figure 9

Impact of cost ratio on the relative performance of the Energy-VC+V and Time-VC+V algorithms under the MultiSpeed scenario.

Finally, Fig. 9 shows the relative performance of the Energy-VC+V and Time-VC+V algorithms under the MultiSpeed scenario. As small cost ratio favors speed 0.4 for the energy algorithm and 0.8 for the time algorithm, it distinguishes the two algorithms in terms of their respective optimization objectives, by up to 100 % in makespan and even more in energy consumption. Increasing the cost ratio creates more computationally demanding tasks, which need to be executed at speed 0.6 for both makespan and energy efficiency as it incurs fewer errors. This closes the performance gap of the two algorithms as well as the number of checkpoints placed by them. In either case, the number of checkpoints also reduces with the cost ratio, because the total computational cost in the small tasks shrinks, thus fewer checkpoints are needed among them.

Summary. To summarize, we have evaluated and compared various algorithms under different execution scenarios. The algorithms under the most flexible VC+V and MultiSpeed scenario generally provide better performance, which in practice would translate to shorter makespan or lower energy consumption.

For tasks with similar computational costs as in the Uniform distribution, we observe that the SingleSpeed algorithm, or the greedy approximation in the context of divisible load application, could in fact provide comparable solutions with lower computational complexity. The ReExecSpeed algorithms show only marginal benefit compared to SingleSpeed, but clear performance improvements are observed from the MultiSpeed algorithms, especially for tasks with very different costs. The results also show that the optimal solutions are often achieved by processing around the reference speed that yields the least number of failures.

In terms of computation time, the most advanced VC+V algorithms in the MultiSpeed scenario take less than a second to find the optimal solution for \(n=100\) tasks. As application workflows rarely exceed a few tens of tasks, these algorithms could be efficiently applied in many practical contexts to determine the optimal checkpointing and verification locations.

6 Conclusion

In this paper, we have presented a general-purpose solution that combines checkpointing and verification mechanisms to cope with both fail-stop errors and silent data corruptions. By using dynamic programming, we have devised polynomial-time algorithms that decide the optimal checkpointing and verification positions on a linear chain of tasks. The algorithms can be applied to several execution scenarios to minimize the expected execution time (makespan) or energy consumption. In addition, we have extended the classical bound of Young/Daly for divisible load applications to handle both fail-stop and silent errors. The results are supported by a set of extensive simulations, which demonstrate the quality and tradeoff of our optimal algorithms under a wide range of parameter settings. One useful future direction is to extend our study from linear chains to other application workflows, such as tree graphs, fork-join graphs, series-parallel graphs, or even general DAGs.