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FormalPara Indication:

To evaluate for androgen excess in diagnosing nonclassic CYP21A2 deficiency. If Basal 17-hydroxyprogesterone (17 OHP) < 2 ng/ml, diagnosis is unlikely and ACTH stimulation may not be necessary [1, 2].

FormalPara Preparation:

Women are best tested in the early follicular phase of the menstrual cycle. It is recommended to hold glucocorticoids for 24 h prior to testing to avoid any effect on 17 OH progesterone level.

FormalPara Materials Needed:

Two (2) gold top tubes labeled as baseline and 60 minutesCortrosyn 250 mcgSyringes/needles

figure a
FormalPara Assay for 17 OHP:

Radioimmunoassay (RIA) .

FormalPara Interpretation:

With late onset 21-hydroxylase deficiency, the absolute value of 17-hydroxyprogesterone at 60 min sample is > 10 ng/dl [2, 3].

FormalPara Caveats:
  • Baseline androgen levels return to baseline after 8 weeks of discontinuation of oral contraceptive pills (OCP) [4].

  • There is not enough data in regards to the effect of OCP on 17 OHP levels after ACTH stimulation.

FormalPara Procedure:

Completed as outpatient.

  1. 1.

    Obtain baseline blood sample for (17 OHP) and cortisol.

  2. 2.

    Give cortrosyn 250 mcg IM.

  3. 3.

    At 60 min, obtain sample for (17 OHP) and cortisol.

ACTH stimulation





30 min


60 min