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In this chapter we introduce the basic concepts of representation theory of locally compact groups. Classically, a representation of a group G is an injective group homomorphism from G to some \({\rm GL}_n({\mathbb C})\), the idea being that the “abstract” group G is “represented” as a matrix group.

In order to understand a locally compact group, it is necessary to consider its actions on possibly infinite dimensional spaces like \(L^2(G)\). For this reason, one considers infinite dimensional representations as well.

6.1 Schur’s Lemma

For a Banach space V, let \({\rm GL}_{\rm cont}(V)\) be the set of bijective bounded linear operators T on V. It follows from the Open Mapping Theorem C.1.5 that the inverses of such operators are bounded as well, so that \({\rm GL}_{\rm cont}(V)\) is a group. Let G be a topological group. A representation of G on a Banach space V is a group homomorphism of G to the group \({\rm GL}_{\rm cont}(V)\), such that the resulting map \(G\times V\to V\), given by \((g,v)\ \mapsto\ \pi(g)v,\) is continuous.

Lemma 6.1.1

Let π be a group homomorphism of the topological group G to \({\rm GL}_ {\rm cont}(V)\) for a Banach space V. Then π is a representation if and only if

  1. (a)

    the map \(g\mapsto \pi(g)v\) is continuous at g = 1 for every \(v\in V,\) and

  2. (b)

    the map \(g\mapsto\Vert{\pi(g)}\Vert_{\rm op}\) is bounded in a neighborhood of the unit in G.


Suppose π is a representation. Then (a) is obvious. For (b) note that for every neighborhood Z of zero in V there exists a neighborhood Y of zero in V and a neighborhood U of the unit in G such that \(\pi(U)Y\subset Z\). This proves (b). For the converse direction write

$$\begin{aligned} \Vert{\pi(g)v-\pi(g_0)v_0\Vert} &\le \Vert{\pi(g_0)}\Vert_{\rm op}\Vert{\pi(g_0^{-1}g)v- v_0}\Vert\\ &\le \Vert{\pi(g_0)}\Vert_{\rm op}\Vert{\pi(g_0^{-1}g)(v-v_0)}\Vert\\ & + \Vert{\pi(g_0)}\Vert_{\rm op}\Vert{\pi(g_0^{-1}g)v_0-v_0}\Vert\\ &\le \Vert{\pi(g_0)}\Vert_{\rm op}\Vert{\pi(g_0^{-1}g)}\Vert_{\rm op}\Vert{v-v_0}\Vert\\ & + \Vert{\pi(g_0)}\Vert_{\rm op}\Vert{\pi(g_0^{-1}g)v_0-v_0}\Vert.\end{aligned}$$

Under the assumptions given, both terms on the right are small if g is close to g 0, and v is close to v 0. □

Examples 6.1.2

  • For a continuous group homomorphism \(\chi: G\to{\mathbb C}^\times\) define a representation \(\pi_\chi\) on \(V={\mathbb C}\) by \(\pi_\chi(g)v=\chi(g)\cdot v\).

  • Let \(G={\rm SL}_2({\mathbb R})\) be the group of real 2 × 2 matrices of determinant one. This group has a natural representation on \({\mathbb C}^2\) given by matrix multiplication.


Let V be a Hilbert space. A representation π on V is called a unitary representation if \(\pi(g)\) is unitary for every. That means π is unitary if \({\left\langle{\pi(g)v,\pi(g)w}\right\rangle}={\left\langle{v,w}\right\rangle}\) holds for every \(g\in G\) and all \(v,w\in V\).

Lemma 6.1.3

A representation π of the group G on a Hilbert space V is unitary if and only if \(\pi(g^{-1})=\pi(g)^*\) holds for every \(g\in G\).


An operator T is unitary if and only if it is invertible and \(T^*=T^{-1}\). For a representation π and \(g\in G\) the operator \(\pi(g)\) is invertible and satisfies \(\pi(g^{-1})=\pi(g)^{-1}\). So π is unitary if and only if for every \(g\in G\) one has \(\pi(g^{-1})=\pi(g)^{-1}=\pi(g)^*\). □

Examples 6.1.4

  • The representation \(\pi_\chi\) defined by a continuous group homomorphism \(\chi: G\to{\mathbb C}^\times\) is unitary if and only if χ maps into the compact torus \({\mathbb T}\).

  • Let G be a locally compact group. On the Hilbert space \(L^2(G)\) consider the left regular representation \(x\mapsto L_x\) with

$$L_x\phi(y)= \phi(x^{-1}y),\qquad \phi\in L^2(G).$$

This representation is unitary, as by the left invariance of the Haar measure,

$$\begin{aligned} {\left\langle{L_x\phi,L_x,\psi}\right\rangle} &= \int_G L_x\phi(y){\overline{L_x\psi(y)}}\,dy\\ &= \int_G\phi(x^{-1}y){\overline{\psi(x^{-1}y)}}\,dy\\ &= \int_G \phi(y){\overline{\psi(y)}}\,dy={\left\langle{\phi,\psi}\right\rangle}.\end{aligned}$$


Let \((\pi_1,V_1)\) and \((\pi_2,V_2)\) be two unitary representations. On the direct sum \(V=V_1\oplus V_2\) one has the direct sum representation \(\pi=\pi_1\oplus\pi_2\). More generally, if \(\{\pi_i:i\in I\}\) is a family of unitary representations acting on the Hilbert spaces V i , we write \({\bigoplus}_{i\in I}\pi_i\) for the direct sum of the representations π i , \(i\in I\) on the Hilbert space \({\widehat{\bigoplus}}_{i\in I}V_i\). See also Exercise 6.3 and appendix C.3.

Example 6.1.5

Let \(G={\mathbb R}/{\mathbb Z}\), and let \(V=L^2({\mathbb R}/{\mathbb Z})\). Let π be the left regular representation. By the Plancherel Theorem, the elements of the dual group \(\widehat{G}=\{e_k: k\in{\mathbb Z}\}\) with \(e_k([x])=e^{2\pi\! ikx}\) form an orthonormal basis of \(L^2({\mathbb R}/{\mathbb Z})\) so that π is a direct sum representation on \(V={\widehat{\bigoplus}}_{k\in{\mathbb Z}}{\mathbb C} e_k\), where \(e_k(x)=e^{2\pi\! ikx}\) and G acts on \({\mathbb C} e_k\) through the character \(\bar e_k\).


A representation \((\pi,V_\pi)\) is called a subrepresentation of a representation \((\eta,V_\eta)\) if \(V_\pi\) is a closed subspace of \(V_\eta\) and π equals η restricted to \(V_\pi\). So every closed subspace \(U\subset V_\eta\) that is stable under η, i.e., \(\eta(G)U\subset U\), gives rise to a subrepresentation.

A representation is called irreducible if it does not possess any proper subrepresentation, i.e., if for every closed subspace \(U\subset V_ \pi\) that is stable under π, one has U = 0 or \(U=V_\pi\).

Example 6.1.6.

Let \({\rm U}(n)\) denote the group of unitary \(n\times n\) matrices, so the group of all \(u\in{\mathrm M}_n({\mathbb C})\) such that \(uu^*=I\) (unit matrix), where \(u^*=\bar u^t\). The natural representation of \({\rm U}(n)\) on \({\mathbb C}^n\) is irreducible (See Exercise 6.5).


Let \((\pi,V_\pi)\) be a representation of G. A vector \(v\in V_\pi\) is called a cyclic vector if the linear span of the set \(\{\pi(x)v: x\in G\}\) is dense in \(V_\pi\). In other words, v is cyclic if the only subrepresentation containing v is the whole of π. It follows that a representation is irreducible if and only if every nonzero vector is cyclic.

Lemma 6.1.7

(Schur) Let \((\pi,V_\pi)\) be a unitary representation of the topological group G. Then the following are equivalent

  1. (a)

    \((\pi,V_\pi)\) is irreducible.

  2. (b)

    If T is a bounded operator on \(V_\pi\) such that \(T\pi(g)=\pi(g)T\) for every \(g\in G\), then \(T\in{\mathbb C}\,{\rm Id}\).


Since \(\pi(g^{-1})=\pi(g)^*\), the set \(\{\pi(g):g\in G\}\) is a self-adjoint subset of \({\cal B}(V_\pi)\). Thus the result follows from Theorem 5.1.6. □

Let \((\pi, V_\pi),(\eta,V_\eta)\) be representations of G. A continuous linear operator \(T: V_\pi\to V_\eta\) is called a \(G\) -homomorphism or intertwining operator if


holds for every \(g\in G\). We write \({\rm Hom}_G(V_\pi,V_\eta)\) for the set of all G-homomorphisms from \(V_\pi\) to \(V_\eta\). A nice way to rephrase the Lemma of Schur is to say that a unitary representation \((\pi,V_\pi)\) is irreducible if and only if \({\rm Hom}_G(V_\pi,V_\pi)={\mathbb C}\,{\rm Id}.\)


If \(\pi,\eta\) are unitary, they are called unitarily equivalent if there exists a unitary G-homomorphism \(T:V_\pi\to V_\eta\).

Example 6.1.8.

Let \(G={\mathbb R}\), and let \(V_\pi=V_\eta= L^2({\mathbb R})\). The representation π is given by \(\pi(x)\phi(y)=\phi(x+y)\) and η is given by \(\eta(x)\phi(y)=e^{2\pi\! ixy}\phi(y)\). By Theorem 3.3.1 in [Dei05] (see also Exercise 6.4), the Fourier transform \(L^2({\mathbb R})\to L^2({\mathbb R})\) is an intertwining operator from π to η.

Corollary 6.1.9

Let \((\pi,V_\pi)\) and \((\eta,V_\eta)\) be two irreducible unitary representations. Then a G-homomorphism T from \(V_\pi\) to \(V_\eta\) is either zero or invertible with continuous inverse. In the latter case there exists a scalar \(c>0\) such that cT is unitary. The space \({\rm Hom}_G(V_\pi,V_\eta)\) is zero unless π and η are unitarily equivalent, in which case the space is of dimension 1.


Let \(T:V_\pi\to V_\eta\) be a G-homomorphism. Its adjoint \(T^*:V_\eta\to V_\pi\) is also a G-homomorphism as is seen by the following calculation for \(v\in V_\pi\), \(w\in V_\eta\), and \(g\in G\),

$$\begin{aligned} {\left\langle{v,T^*\eta(g) w}\right\rangle}&= {\left\langle{Tv,\eta(g)w}\right\rangle}= {\left\langle{\eta(g^{-1})Tv,w}\right\rangle}\\ &= {\left\langle{T\pi(g^{-1})v,w}\right\rangle}= {\left\langle{\pi(g^{-1})v,T^*w}\right\rangle}\\ &= {\left\langle{v,\pi(g)T^*w}\right\rangle}.\end{aligned}$$

This implies that \(T^*T\) is a G-homomorphism on \(V_\pi\), and therefore it is a multiple of the identity \({\lambda}\,{\rm Id}\) by the Lemma of Schur. If T is non-zero, \(T^*T\) is non-zero and positive semi-definite, so \({\lambda}> 0\). Let \(c=\sqrt{{\lambda}^{-1}}\), then \((cT)^*(cT)={\rm Id}\). A similar argument shows that \(TT^*\) is bijective, which then implies that cT is bijective, hence unitary. The rest is clear. □


For a locally compact group G we denote by \(\widehat{G}\) the setFootnote 1 of all equivalence classes of irreducible unitary representations of G. We call \(\widehat{G}\) the unitary dual of G. It is quite common to make no notational difference between a given irreducible representation π and its unitary equivalence class \([\pi]\), and we will often do so in this book.

Example 6.1.10

If G is a locally compact abelian group, then every irreducible representation is one-dimensional, and therefore the unitary dual \(\widehat{G}\) coincides with the Pontryagin dual of G. To see this, let \((\pi, V_\pi)\) be any irreducible representation of G. Then \(\pi(x)\pi(y)=\pi(xy)=\pi(yx)=\pi(y)\pi(x)\) for all \(x,y\in G\), so it follows from Schur’s Lemma that \(\pi(x)=\lambda(x){\rm Id}_{V_\pi}\) for some \(\lambda(x)\in{\mathbb T}\). But this implies that every non-zero closed subspace of \(V_\pi\) is invariant, hence must be equal to \(V_\pi\). This implies \({\rm dim} V_\pi=1\).

6.2 Representations of \(L^1(G)\)

A unitary representation \((\pi,V_\pi)\) of G induces an algebra homomorphism from the convolution algebra \(L^1(G)\) to the algebra \({\cal B}(V_ \pi)\), as the following proposition shows.

Proposition 6.2.1

Let \((\pi,V_\pi)\) be a unitary representation of the locally compact group G. For every \(f\in L^1(G)\) there exists a unique bounded operator \(\pi(f)\) on \(V_\pi\) such that


holds for any two vectors \(v,w\in V_\pi.\) The induced map \(\pi: L^1(G)\to{\cal B}(V_\pi)\) is a continuous homomorphism of Banach-*-algebras.


Taking complex conjugates one sees that the claimed equation is equivalent to the equality \({\left\langle{w,\pi(f)v}\right\rangle}=\int_G{\overline{f(x)}}{\left\langle{w,\pi(x)v}\right\rangle}\,dx.\) The map \(w\mapsto \int_G{\overline{f(x)}}{\left\langle{w,\pi(x)v}\right\rangle}\,dx\) is linear. It is also bounded, since

$$\begin{aligned} \left|\int_G{\overline{f(x)}}{\left\langle{w,\pi(x)v}\right\rangle}\,dx\right| &\le \int_G|f(x){\left\langle{w,\pi(x)v}\right\rangle}|\,dx\\ &\le \int_G|f(x)|\Vert{w}\Vert \Vert{\pi(x)v}\Vert\,dx\\ &= \Vert{f}\Vert_{1}\Vert w\Vert v \Vert.\end{aligned}$$

Therefore, by Proposition C.3.1, there exists a unique vector \(\pi(f)v\in V_\pi\) such that the equality holds. It is easy to see that the map \(v\mapsto \pi(f)v\) is linear. To see that it is bounded, note that the above shows \(\Vert{\pi(f)v}\Vert^2={\left\langle{\pi(f)v,\pi(f)v}\right\rangle}\ \le\ \Vert{f}\Vert_1\Vert v\Vert \Vert{\pi(f) v}\Vert,\) and hence \(\Vert{\pi(f)v}\Vert\le\Vert f\Vert_1\Vert v\Vert\). A straightforward computation finally shows \(\pi(f*g)=\pi(f)\pi(g)\) and \(\pi(f)^*=\pi(f^*)\) for \(f,g\in L^1(G)\). □

Alternatively, one can define \(\pi(f)\) as the Bochner integral \(\pi(f)=\int_G f(x)\pi(x)\,dx\) in the Banach space \({\cal B}(V_\pi)\). By the uniqueness in the above proposition, these two definitions agree.

The above proposition has a converse, as we shall see in Proposition 6.2.3 below.

Lemma 6.2.2

Let \((\pi,V_\pi)\) be a representation of G. Then for every \(v\in V_\pi\) and every \({\varepsilon}>0\) there exists a unit-neighborhood U such that for every Dirac function φ U with support in U one has \(\Vert{\pi(\phi_U)v-v}\Vert<{\varepsilon}\). In particular, for every Dirac net \((\phi_U)_U\) the net \((\pi(\phi_U)v)\) converges to v in the norm topology.


The norm \(\Vert{\pi(\phi_U)v-v}\Vert\) equals \(\Vert{\int_G\phi_U(x)(\pi(x)v-v)\,dx}\Vert\) and is therefore less than or equal to \(\int_G \phi_U(x)\Vert{\pi(x)v-v}\Vert\,dx.\) For given \({\varepsilon}>0\) there exists a unit-neighborhood U 0 in G such that for \(x\in U_0\) one has \(\Vert{\pi(x)v-v}\Vert<{\varepsilon}\). For \(U\subset U_0\) it follows \(\Vert{\pi(\phi_U)v-v}\Vert<{\varepsilon}\). □


We say that a \(*\)-representation \(\pi:L^1(G)\to{\cal B}(V)\) of \(L^1(G)\) on a Hilbert space V is non-degenerate if the vector space

$\pi ({{L}^{1}}(G))V\ \overset{\text{def}}{\mathop{=}}\,\text{span}\{\pi (f)v:f\in {{L}^{1}}(G),v\in V\}$

is dense in V. It follows from the above lemma that every representation of \(L^1(G)\) that comes from a representation \((\pi, V_\pi)\) as in Proposition 6.2.1, is non-degenerate. The next proposition gives a converse to this.

Proposition 6.2.3

Let \(\pi:L^1(G)\to{\cal B}(V)\) be a non-degenerate \(*\)- representation on a Hilbert space V. Then there exists a unique unitary representation \((\tilde\pi, V)\) of G such that \({\left\langle{\pi(f)v,w}\right\rangle}=\int_G f(x){\left\langle{\tilde\pi(x)v,w}\right\rangle}\,dx\) holds for all \(f\in L^1(G)\) and all \(v,w\in V\).


Note first that π is continuous by Lemma 2.7.1. We want to define an operator \(\tilde\pi(x)\) on the dense subspace \(\pi(L^1(G))V\) of V. This space is made up of sums of the form \(\sum_{i=1}^n\pi(f_i)v_i\) for \(f_i\in L^1(G)\) and \(v_i\in V\). We propose to define \(\tilde{\pi }(x)\sum\limits_{i=1}^{n}{\pi }({{f}_{i}}){{v}_{i}}\ \overset{\text{def}}{\mathop{=}}\,\sum\limits_{i=1}^{n}{\pi }({{L}_{x}}{{f}_{i}}){{v}_{i}}.\) We have to show well-definedness, which amounts to show that if \(\sum_{i=1}^n\pi(f_i)v_i=0\), then \(\sum_{i=1}^n\pi(L_xf_i)v_i=0\) for every \(x\in G\). For \(x\in G\) and \(f\!,g\in L^1(G)\) a short computation shows that \(g^**(L_xf)=(L_{x^{-1}}g)^**f\). Based on this, we compute for \(v,w\in V\) and \(f_1,\dots, f_n\in L^1(G)\),

$$\begin{aligned} {\left\langle{\sum_{i=1}^n\pi(L_xf_i)v,\pi(g)w}\right\rangle} &=\sum_{i=1}^n{\left\langle{\pi\big(g^**(L_xf_i)\big)v,w}\right\rangle}\\ = \sum_{i=1}^n{\left\langle{\pi((L_{x^{-1}}g)^**f_i)v,w}\right\rangle}&={\left\langle{\sum_{i=1}^n\pi(f_i)v, \pi(L_{x^{-1}}g)w}\right\rangle}.\end{aligned}$$

Now for the well-definedness of \(\tilde\pi(x)\) assume \(\sum_{i=1}^n\pi(f_i)v_i=0\), then the above computation shows that the vector \(\sum_{i=1}^n\pi(L_xf_i)v_i\) is orthogonal to all vectors of the form \(\pi(g)w\), which span the dense subspace \(\pi(L^1(G))V\), hence \(\sum_{i=1}^n\pi(L_xf_i)v_i=0\) follows. The computation also shows that this, now well-defined operator \(\tilde\pi(x)\) is unitary on the space \(\pi(L^1(G))V\) and since the latter is dense in V, the operator \(\tilde\pi(x)\) extends to a unique unitary operator on V with inverse \(\tilde\pi(x^{-1})\), and we clearly have \(\tilde\pi(xy)=\tilde\pi(x)\tilde\pi(y)\) for all \(x,y\in G\). Since for each \(f\in L^1(G)\) the map \(G\to L^1(G)\) sending x to L xf is continuous by Lemma 1.4.2, it follows that \(x\mapsto \tilde\pi(x)v\) is continuous for every \(v\in V\). Thus \((\tilde\pi,V)\) is a unitary representation of G.

It remains to show that \(\pi(f)\) equals \(\tilde\pi(f)\) for every \(f\in L^1(G)\). By continuity it is enough to show that \({\left\langle{\tilde\pi(f)\pi(g)v,w}\right\rangle}={\left\langle{\pi(f)\pi(g)v,w}\right\rangle}\) for all \(f\!,g\in C_c(G)\) and \(v,w\in V\). Since \(g\mapsto{\left\langle{\pi(g)v,w}\right\rangle}\) is a continuous linear functional on \(L^1(G)\) we can use Lemma B.6.5 to get

$$\begin{aligned} {\left\langle{\tilde\pi(f)\pi(g)v,w}\right\rangle}&= \int_G f(x){\left\langle{\tilde\pi(x)(\pi(g)v),w}\right\rangle}\,dx\\ &= \int_G {\left\langle{\pi(f(x)L_xg)v,w}\right\rangle}\,dx\\ &={\left\langle{\pi\left(\int_G f(x)L_xg\,dx\right)v,w}\right\rangle}\\ &={\left\langle{\pi(f*g)v,w}\right\rangle}={\left\langle{\pi(f)\pi(g)v,w}\right\rangle},\end{aligned}$$

which completes the proof. □

Remark 6.2.4

If we define unitary equivalence and irreducibility for representations of \(L^1(G)\) in the same way as we did for unitary representations of G, then it is easy to see that the one-to-one correspondence between unitary representations of G and non-degenerate \(*\)-representations of \(L^1(G)\) preserves unitary equivalence and irreducibility in both directions. Note that an irreducible representation π of \(L^1(G)\) is automatically non-degenerate, since the closure of \(\pi(L^1(G))V_\pi\) is an invariant subspace of \(V_\pi\). Thus, we obtain a bijection between the space \(\widehat{G}\) of equivalence classes of irreducible representations of G and the set \(L^1(G){\widehat{}}\) of irreducible \(*\)-representations of \(L^1(G)\).

Example 6.2.5

Consider the left regular representation on G. Then the corresponding representation \(L: L^1(G)\to{\cal B}(L^2(G))\) is given by the convolution operators \(L(f)\phi=f*\phi\) whenever the convolution \(f*\phi\) makes sense.

6.3 Exercises

Exercise 6.1

Let G be a topological group and let V be a Banach space. We equip the group \({\rm GL}_{\rm cont}(V)\) with the topology induced by the operator norm. Show that any continuous group homomorphism \(G\to{\rm GL}_{\rm cont}(V)\) is a representation but that not every representation is of this form.

Exercise 6.2

If π is a unitary representation of the locally compact group G, then \(\Vert{\pi(g)}\Vert=1\). Give an example of a representation π, for which the map \(g\mapsto\Vert{\pi(g)}\Vert\) is not bounded on G.

Exercise 6.3

Let I be an index set, and for \(i\in I\) let \((\pi_i,V_i)\) be a unitary representation of the locally compact group G. Let \(V=\bigoplus_{i\in I}V_i\) be the Hilbert direct sum (See Appendix C.3). Define the map \(\pi:G\to{\cal B}(V)\) by

$$\pi(g)\sum_i v_i=\sum_i\pi_i(g)v_i.$$

Show that this is a unitary representation of the group G. It is called the direct sum representation.

Exercise 6.4

Show that the Fourier transform on \({\mathbb R}\) induces a unitary equivalence between the the unitary representations π and η of \({\mathbb R}\) on \(L^2({\mathbb R})\) given by \(\pi(x)\phi(y)=\phi(x+y)\) and \(\eta(x)\phi(y)=e^{2\pi\! i xy}\phi(y)\).

Exercise 6.5

Show that the natural representation of \({\rm U}(n)\) on \({\mathbb C}^n\) is irreducible.

Exercise 6.6

(a) For \(t\in{\mathbb R}\) let \(A(t)=\left(\begin{smallmatrix}1 & t \\ 0 & 1\end{smallmatrix} \right)\). Show that A(t) is not conjugate to a unitary matrix for \(t\ne 0\).

(b) Let P be the group of upper triangular matrices in \({\rm SL}_2({\mathbb R})\). The injection \(\eta:P\hookrightarrow{\rm GL}_2({\mathbb C})\) can be viewed as a representation on \(V={\mathbb C}^2\). Show that η is not the sum of irreducible representations. Determine all irreducible subrepresentations.

Exercise 6.7

Let G be a locally compact group and H a closed subgroup. Let \((\pi,V_\pi)\) be an irreducible unitary representation of G, and let

$$V_\pi^H=\{v\in V_\pi: \pi(h)v=v\ \forall h\in H \}$$

be the space of H-fixed vectors. Show: If H is normal in G, then \(V_\pi^H\) is either zero or the whole space \(V_\pi\).

Exercise 6.8

Show that \(G={\rm SL}_2({\mathbb R})\) has no finite dimensional unitary representations except the trivial one.


  • For \(m\in{\mathbb N}\) show

    $$\left(\begin{array}{cc}m & \\ & m^{-1}\end{array}\right) A(t) \left(\begin{array}{cc}m & \\ & m^{-1}\end{array}\right)^{-1} = A(m^2t)=A (t)^{m^2}.$$

    Let \(\phi: G\to{\rm U}(n)\) be a representation. Show that the eigenvalues of \(\phi(A(t))\) are a permutation of their m-th powers for every \(m\in{\mathbb N}\). Conclude that they all must be equal to 1.

  • Show that the normal subgroup of G generated by \(\{A(t): t\in{\mathbb R}\}\) is the whole group.

Exercise 6.9

Let \((\pi,V_\pi)\) be a unitary representation of the locally compact group G. Let \(f\in L^1(G)\). Show that the Bochner integral

$$\int_G f(x)\pi(x)\,dx\ \in\ {\cal B}(V_\pi)$$

exists and that the so defined operator coincides with \(\pi(f)\) as defined in Proposition 6.2.1.

(Hint: Use Corollary 1.3.6 (d) and Lemma B.6.2 as well as Proposition B.6.3.)

Exercise 6.10

In Lemma 6.2.2 we have shown that for a representation π and Dirac functions φ U the numbers \(\Vert{\pi(\phi_U)v-v}\Vert\) become arbitrarily small for fixed \(v\in V_ \pi\). Give an example, in which \(\Vert{\pi(\phi_U)-{\rm Id}}\Vert_{\rm op}\) does not become small as the support of the Dirac function φ U shrinks.

Exercise 6.11

Give an example of a representation that possesses cyclic vectors without being irreducible.

6.3.1 Notes

As for abelian groups, one can associate to each locally compact group G the group \(C^*\)-algebra \(C^*(G)\). It is defined as the completion of \(L^1(G)\) with respect to the norm

$\|f{{\|}_{{{C}^{*}}}}\ \overset{\text{def}}{\mathop{=}}\,\sup \{\|\pi (f)\|:\pi \ \text{a}\,\text{unitary}\,\text{representation}\,\text{of}\,\text{G}\},$

which is finite since \(\|\pi(f)\|\leq \|f\|_1\) for every unitary representation π of G. By definition of the norm, every unitary representation π of G extends to a \(*\)-representation of \(C^*(G)\), and, as for \(L^1(G)\), this extension provides a one-to-one correspondence between the unitary representation of G to the non-degenerate \(*\)-representations of \(C^*(G)\). Therefore, the rich representation theory of general \(C^*\)-algebras, as explained beautifully in Dixmier’s classic book [Dix96] can be used for the study of unitary representations of G. For a more recent treatment of \(C^*\)-algebras related to locally compact groups we also refer to Dana William’s book [Wil07].