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In this chapter we prove the Stone-von Neumann Theorem, which gives a full characterization of the unitary dual of the Heisenberg group \({\cal H}\). We then apply the trace formula to describe the spectral decomposition of \({L^2}(\Lambda \backslash H)\), where π is the standard integer lattice in \({\cal H}\).

10.1 Definition

The Heisenberg group \({\cal H}\) is defined to be the group of real upper triangular 3 × 3 matrices with ones on the diagonal:

$$\cal H{\ \stackrel{{\rm def}}{=}} \left\{\left. \left(\begin{array}{ccc} 1 & x & z \\ & 1 & y \\ & & 1\end{array}\right) \right| x,y,z\in{\mathbb R}\right\}.$$

It can also be identified with \({\mathbb R}^3\), where the group law is given by

$$(a,b,c)(x,y,z){\ \stackrel{{\rm def}}{=}\,} (a+x,b+y,c+z+ay).$$

The inverse of \((a,b,c)\) is

$$(a,b,c)^{-1}= (\!\!-\!a,-b,ab-c).$$

The center of \({\cal H}\) is \(Z({\cal H})=\{(0,0,z)\mid z\in{\mathbb R}\}\) , and the projection to the first two coordinates induces an isomorphism

$$\cal H/Z({\cal H})\ \cong\ {\mathbb R}^2.$$

An easy calculation ([Dei05] Chap. 12) shows that \({\cal H}\) is unimodular and that a Haar integral on \({\cal H}\) is given by

$$\int_{\cal H} f(h)\, dh{\ \stackrel{{\rm def}}{=}} \int_{\mathbb R}\int_{\mathbb R}\int_{\mathbb R} f(a,b,c)\, da\, db\, dc,\ \ f\in C_c({\cal H}).$$

We will use this Haar measure on \({\cal H}\) for all computations in the sequel.

10.2 The Unitary Dual

In this section we are going to describe the unitary dual \(\widehat{\cal H}\) of the Heisenberg group \({\cal H}\).

Let \(\widehat{\cal H}_0\) denote the subset of \(\widehat{\cal H}\) consisting of all classes \(\pi\in\widehat{\cal H}\) such that \(\pi(h)=1\) whenever h lies in the center \(Z({\cal H})\) of \({\cal H}\). Since \({\cal H}/Z ({\cal H})\cong{\mathbb R}^2\), it follows that

$$\widehat{\cal H}_0=\widehat{{\cal H}/Z({\cal H})}\ \cong\ \widehat{{\mathbb R}^2}\ \cong\ \left(\widehat{\mathbb R}\right)^2,$$

and the latter can be identified with \({\mathbb R}^2\) in the following explicit way. Let \((a,b)\in{\mathbb R}^2\) and define a character

$$\begin{array}{cccl} \chi_{a,b}: & H & \to & {\mathbb T},\\ & (x,y,z) &\mapsto & e^{2\pi\! i(ax+by)}.\end{array}$$

The identification is given by \((a,b)\mapsto \chi_{a,b}\). In particular, it follows that all representations in \(\widehat{\cal H}_0\) are one-dimensional. This observation indicates the importance of the behavior of the center under a representation.

As a consequence of the Lemma of Schur 6.1.7, for each \(\pi\in\widehat{\cal H}\) there is a character \(\chi_\pi: Z({\cal H})\to{\mathbb T}\) with \(\pi(z)=\chi_\pi(z){\rm Id}\) for every \(z\in Z({\cal H})\). This character \(\chi_\pi\) is called the central character of the representation π.

For every character \(\chi\ne 1\) of \(Z({\cal H})\), we will now construct an irreducible unitary representation of the Heisenberg group that has χ for its central character. So let \(t\ne 0\) be a real number and consider the central character

$$\chi_t(0,0,c)= e^{2\pi\! i ct}.$$

For \((a,b,c)\in{\cal H}\) we define the operator \(\pi_t(a,b,c)\) on \(L^2({\mathbb R})\) by

$$\pi_t(a,b,c)\phi(x){\ \stackrel{{\rm def}}{=}\,} e^{2\pi\! i (bx+c)t} \phi(x+a).$$

It is straightforward that π t is a unitary representation.

Recall from Exercise 3.17 that the Schwartz space \({\cal S}({\mathbb R}^n)\) consists of all \(C^\infty\)-functions \(f:{\mathbb R}^n\to{\mathbb C}\) such that \(x^\alpha\partial^\beta f\) is bounded for all multi-indices \(\alpha,\beta\in{\mathbb N}_0^n\). We have \({\cal S}({\mathbb R}^n)\subseteq L^p({\mathbb R}^n)\) for every \(p\geq 1\) and \({\cal S}({\mathbb R}^n)\) is stable under Fourier transform.

Theorem 10.2.1

(Stone-von Neumann). For \(t\ne 0\) the unitary representation π t is irreducible. Every irreducible unitary representation of \({\cal H}\) with central character \(\chi_t\) is isomorphic to π t . It follows that

$$\widehat{\cal H}=\widehat{\mathbb R}^2\ \cup\ \{\pi_t: t\ne 0\}.$$


We show irreducibility first. Fix \(t\ne 0\), and let \(V\subset L^2({\mathbb R})\) be a closed non-zero subspace that is invariant under the set of operators \(\pi_t({\cal H})\). If \(\phi\in V\), then so is the function \(\pi_t(\!\!-\!a,0,0)\phi(x)=\phi(x-a)\). As V is closed, it therefore contains \(\psi *\phi(x)=\int_{\mathbb R}\psi(a)\phi(x- a)\,da\) for \(\psi\in{\cal S}={\cal S}({\mathbb R})\). These convolution products are smooth functions, so V contains a smooth function \(\phi\ne 0\). One has \(\pi_t(0,-b,0)\phi(x)= e^{-2\pi\! ibtx}\phi(x)\ \in\ V.\) By integration it follows that for \(\psi\in{\cal S}\) one has that \(\hat\psi(tx) \phi(x)\) lies in V. The set of possible functions \(\hat\psi(tx)\) contains all smooth functions of compact support, as the Fourier transform is a bijection on the space of Schwartz functions to itself. Choose an open interval I, in which φ has no zero. It follows that \(C_c^\infty(I)\subset V\). Translating, taking sums, and using a partition of unity argument gives \(C_c^\infty({\mathbb R})\subset V\). This space is dense in \(L^2({\mathbb R})\), so \(V=L^2({\mathbb R})\), which means that π t is irreducible.

For the second assertion of the theorem, let π be an irreducible unitary representation with central character χ t . We want to show that π is isomorphic to π t . For notational ease, let’s first reduce to the case t = 1. Consider the map \(\theta_t:{\cal H}\to{\cal H}\) given by \(\theta_t(a,b,c)=(a,bt,ct)\). A calculation shows that θ t is an automorphism of \({\cal H}\) with \(\chi_1\circ\theta_t=\chi_t\). So we conclude that π has central character χ t if and only if \(\pi\circ\theta_t^{-1}\) has central character χ1. It therefore suffices to show the uniqueness for t = 1.

Let \((\eta,V_\eta)\) be an irreducible unitary representation of \({\cal H}\) with central character χ1. Let \({\Gamma}\) be the subgroup of \({\cal H}\) consisting of all \((0,0,k)\) with \(k\in{\mathbb Z}\). Then \({\Gamma}\) lies in the center and \(\chi_1({\Gamma})=\{1\}\). So the representation η factors over the quotient group \(B{\ \stackrel{{\rm def}}{=}} {\cal H}/{\Gamma},\) which is homeomorphic to the space \({\mathbb R}^2\times{\mathbb R}/{\mathbb Z}\). For \(\phi\in{\cal S}({\mathbb R}^2)\), let \(\phi_B(a,b,c)=\phi(a,b)e^{-2\pi\! ic}\). Then \(\phi(a,b)=\phi_B(a,b,0)\). For \(\phi,\psi\in{\cal S}({\mathbb R}^2)\), one computes

$$\begin{aligned} \hspace{-20pt}\phi_B *\psi_B (a,b,c)&= \int_B\phi_B(h)\psi_B(h^{-1}(a,b,c)) \,dh\\ &= \int_{{\mathbb R}^2}\int_{{\mathbb R}/{\mathbb Z}}\phi(x,y)e^{-2\pi\! iz}\psi_B(a-x,b-y,c-z+xy-xb) \,dx\,dy\, dz\\ &= \int_{{\mathbb R}^2} \int_{{\mathbb R}/{\mathbb Z}}\phi(x,y)e^{-2\pi\! iz}\psi(a-x,b-y)e^{-2\pi\! i(c-z +xy-xb)}\,dx\,dy\,dz\\ &= e^{-2\pi\! ic} \int_{{\mathbb R}^2} \phi(x,y)\psi(a-x,b-y)e^{2\pi\! i x(b-y)}\,dx \,dy.\end{aligned}$$

Inspired by this, we define a new, non-commutative convolution product on \({\cal S}({\mathbb R}^2)\) by

$$\phi *_B\psi (a,b) {\ \stackrel{{\rm def}}{=}} \int_{{\mathbb R}^2} \phi(x,y)\psi(a-x,b-y)e^{2\pi\! i x(b-y)} \,dx\,dy.$$

For \(\phi\in{\cal S}({\mathbb R}^2)\) we define \(\eta(\phi)=\eta(\phi_B)\). This equals

$$\eta(\phi)=\int_{{\mathbb R}^2}\phi(a,b)\eta(a,b,0)\,da\,db.$$

By construction of the convolution product one gets \(\eta(\phi *_B\psi)=\eta (\phi)\eta(\psi)\), so η is an algebra homomorphism of the algebra \({\cal A}= ({\cal S}({\mathbb R}^2),*_B)\). One computes that \((\phi_B)^*=(\phi^*)_B\), where the involution on the left is the usual involution of functions g on the group B, given by \(g^*(b) ={\overline{g(b^{-1})}}\). The involution on the algebra \({\cal A}={\cal S}({\mathbb R}^2)\) on the other hand is defined by \(\phi^*(a,b)={\overline{\phi(\!\!-\!a,-b)}}e^{2\pi\! iab}\). So η is a homomorphism of *-algebras.

Lemma 10.2.2

The *-algebra homomorphism \(\eta: {\cal A}\to{\cal B}(V_\eta)\) is injective.


Assume \(\eta(\phi)=0\). Then, for \(h=(a,b,0)\in B\) and \(v,w\in V_\eta\) we have

$$\begin{aligned} 0&= {\left\langle{\eta(h)\eta(\phi)\eta(h^{-1})v,w}\right\rangle}\\ &= \int_{{\mathbb R}^2}{\left\langle{\eta\, \textit{(x,\;y,\;0)\;v,\;w}}\right\rangle}\phi(x,y)e^{2\pi\! i(ay-bx)}\,dx\,dy\end{aligned}$$

The continuous, rapidly decreasing function \({\left\langle{\eta(x,y,0)v,w}\right\rangle}\phi(x,y)\) therefore has zero Fourier transform, hence is zero. Varying v and w, this leads to φ being zero. □

In the special case \(\eta=\pi_1\) the lemma has the consequence that relations among the \(\pi_1(\phi)\) for \(\phi\in{\cal A}\) already hold in \({\cal A}\). We will make use of this principle for special elements as follows. For \(F,G\in{\cal S}({\mathbb R})\) let \(\tilde\phi_{F,G}(a,b)= {\overline{F(a+b)}}G(b),\) and \(\phi_{F,G}(a,b)={\cal F}_2\tilde\phi_{F,G}(a,b)\ \in\ {\cal S}({\mathbb R}^2),\) where \({\cal F}_2\) denotes taking Fourier transform in the second variable. An application of the properties of the Fourier transform yields

$$\begin{aligned} \pi_1(\phi_{F,G})f(x) &= \int_{{\mathbb R}^2} \phi_{F,G}(a,b)\pi_1(a,b,0)f(x)\,da\,db\\ &= \int_{{\mathbb R}^2} \phi_{F,G}(a,b)f(x+a)e^{2\pi\! i bx}\,da\,db\\ &= \int_{{\mathbb R}^2} {\cal F}_2\tilde\phi_{F,G}(a-x,b)f(a)e^{2\pi\! i bx}\,da\,db\\ &=\int_{\mathbb R}\tilde\phi_{F,G}(a-x,x)f(a)\,da\\ &= \int_{\mathbb R} {\overline{F(a)}}G(x)f(a)\,da= {\left\langle{f,F}\right\rangle}G(x).\end{aligned}$$

In particular, if the norm of F is one, then \(\pi_1(\phi_{F,F})\) is the orthogonal projection onto the one dimensional space \({\mathbb C} F\).

For \(h\in B={\cal H}/{\Gamma}\) and \(\phi\in{\cal S}({\mathbb R}^2)\) define \(L_h\phi\) by the formula \(\left(L_h\phi\right) _B=L_h(\phi_B)\). Explicitly, one computes that \(L_{(x,y,z)}\phi(a,b)= \phi(a-x,b-y)e^{2\pi\! i(bx-xy+z)}.\) For \(\phi,\psi\in{\cal A}\) we also write \(\phi\psi\) for the convolution product \(\phi *_B\psi\).

Lemma 10.2.3

In the algebra \({\cal A}\) , one has the relations

$$\phi_{F,G}\phi_{H,L}={\left\langle{L,F}\right\rangle}\phi_{H,G}\ {\rm and}\ \phi_{F,G}^*=\phi_{G,F}.$$

For \(h\in B\) one has \(L_h\phi_{F,G}=\phi_{F,\pi_1(h)G}\).


Using the formula \(\pi_1(\phi_{F,G})f= {\left\langle{f,F}\right\rangle}G\) one computes for \(f\in L^2({\mathbb R})\),

$$\begin{aligned} \pi_1(\phi_{F,G}\phi_{H,L})f &= \pi_1(\phi_{F,G})\pi_1(\phi_{H,L})f\\ &= {\langle{\pi_1(\phi_{H,L})f,F}\rangle}G\\ &= {\left\langle{{\left\langle{f,H}\right\rangle}L,F}\right\rangle}G= {\left\langle{L,F}\right\rangle}{\left\langle{f,H}\right\rangle}G.\end{aligned}$$

This implies the first claim as π1 is injective. The second follows from


For the last claim compute

$$\begin{aligned} \pi_1(L_h\phi_{F,G})f &= \pi_1(h)\pi_1(\phi_{F,G})f= \pi_1(h){\left\langle{f\!,F}\right\rangle}G\\ &= {\left\langle{f\!,F}\right\rangle}\pi_1(h)G=\pi_1(\phi_{F,\pi_1(h)G})f.\end{aligned}$$

The lemma follows. □

As \({\cal S}({\mathbb R})\) is dense in \(L^2({\mathbb R})\), by the orthonormalizing scheme one can find a sequence F j in \({\cal S}({\mathbb R})\) that forms an orthonormal base of \(L^2({\mathbb R})\). For \(j,k\in{\mathbb N}\) write \(\phi_{j,k}\) for \(\phi_{F_j,F_k}\). Lemma 10.2.3 implies that \(\phi_{j,k}\phi_{s,t}=\delta_{j,t}\phi_{s,k}\) (Kronecker-delta), and \(\phi_{j,j}^2=\phi_{j,j}=\phi_{j,j}^*\).

Let now \((\eta,V_\eta)\) again denote an irreducible unitary representation with central character χ1. By integration, η gives an algebra homomorphism \({\cal A}\to{\cal B}(V_\eta)\).

Lemma 10.2.4

The \(\eta(\phi_{j,j})_{j\in{\mathbb N}}\) are non-zero projections. They are pairwise orthogonal. Write V j for the image of \(\eta(\phi_{j,j})\). Then \(\eta(\phi_{j,k})\) is an isometry from V j to V k and it annihilates every V l for \(l\ne j\).


Since \(\phi_{j,j}^2=\phi_{j,j}=\phi_{j,j}^*\), the same holds for \(\eta(\phi_{j,j})\) hence the latter are projections. They are non-zero by Lemma 10.2.2. For \(v\in V_j\) one computes \({\langle{\eta(\phi_{j,k})v,\eta(\phi_{j,k})v}\rangle}= {\langle{\eta(\phi_{k,j}\phi_{j,k})v,w}\rangle} = {\langle{\eta(\phi_{j,j})v,w}\rangle}={\langle{v,v}\rangle}.\) The claim follows. □

Now choose \(v_1\in V_1\) of norm one and set \(v_j=\eta(\phi_{1,j})v_1\). Then (v j ) is an orthonormal system in \(V_\eta\). Define an isometry \(T: L^2({\mathbb R})\to V_\eta\) by mapping F j to v j . Then

$$\begin{aligned} \eta(h)T(F_j)&= \eta(h)v_j= \eta(h)\eta(\phi_{j,j})v_j\\ &= \eta(L_h\phi_{j,j})v_j=\eta(\phi_{F_j,\pi_1(h)F_j})v_j.\end{aligned}$$

By the fact that (F j ) is an orthonormal basis, one concludes


So that by Lemma 10.2.3

$$\begin{aligned} \eta(h)T(F_j)&= \sum_k{\langle{\pi_1(h)F_j,F_k}\rangle}\eta(\phi_{F_j,F_k})v_j\\ &=\sum_k{\langle{\pi_1(h)F_j,F_k}\rangle}v_k= T(\pi_1(h)F_j).\end{aligned}$$

Hence T is an \({\cal H}\)-homomorphism onto a non-zero closed subspace of \(V_\eta\). As η is irreducible, T must be surjective, so T is unitary and \(\eta\) is equivalent to π1. This finishes the proof of the Theorem of Stone and von Neumann. □

10.3 The Plancherel Theorem for \({\cal H}\)

We have an identification \({\cal H}\cong{\mathbb R}^3\). We interpret \(f\in{\cal S}({\mathbb R}^3)\) as a function on \({\cal H}\), and we write \({\cal S}({\cal H})\) for this space of functions.

Theorem 10.3.1

(Plancherel Theorem). Let \(f\in{\cal S}({\cal H})\). For every \(t\in{\mathbb R}^\times\) the operator \(\pi_t(f)\) is a Hilbert-Schmidt operator, and we have

$$\int_{{\mathbb R}^\times} {\left|\hspace{-1pt}\left| {\pi_t(f)}\right|\hspace{-1pt} \right|}_{HS}^2\, |t|\, dt=\int_{\cal H} |f(h)|^2\, dh.$$

It follows that the Plancherel measure of \({\cal H}\) in the sense of Theorem 8.5.3 equals \(|t|\,dt\) and that the set of one dimensional representations of \({\cal H}\) has Plancherel measure zero.


This is proved in [Dei05], Chap. 12. □

10.4 The Standard Lattice

Let \({\Lambda}\) be the set of all \((a,b,c)\in{\cal H}\), where \(a,b,c\) are integers. The multiplication and inversion keep this set stable, so \({\Lambda}\) is a discrete subgroup.

Lemma 10.4.1

\({\Lambda}\) is a uniform lattice in \({\cal H}\).


Let \(K=[0,1]\times[0,1]\times[0,1]\subset{\cal H}\). Then K is a compact subset. We claim that the projection map \(K\to{\cal H}/{\Lambda}\) is surjective. This means we have to show that for every \(h\in{\cal H}\) there exists \({\lambda}\in{\Lambda}\) such that \(h{\lambda}\in K\). Let \(h=(x,y,z)\in{\cal H}\), and let \({\lambda}=(a,b,c)\in{\Lambda}\). Then \(h{\lambda}=(x+a,y+b,z+c+xb)\). So we can find \(a,b\in{\mathbb Z}\) such that \(x+a\) and \(y+b\) lie in the unit interval. So we may assume as well that \(x,y\in [0,1]\). Assuming that, we only consider such \({\lambda}\), which are central, i.e., of the form \({\lambda}=(0,0,c)\) and it becomes clear that we can find \({\lambda}\) such that \(h {\lambda}\in K\). □

By Theorem 9.2.2 we conclude that as \({\cal H}\)-representation one has the decomposition

$$L^2({\Lambda}{\backslash}{\cal H})\ \cong\ \bigoplus_{\pi\in\widehat{\cal H}}N(\pi)\pi,$$

with finite multiplicities \(N(\pi)\).

We want to apply the trace formula to compute the numbers \(N(\pi)\). For this recall the characters of \({\cal H}\) given by \(\chi_{r,s}(a,b,c)=e^{2\pi\! i(ra+sb)}\), where \(r,s\in{\mathbb R}\).

Theorem 10.4.2

For a character \(\chi_{r,s}\) of \({\cal H}\) the multiplicity \(N(\chi_{r,s})\) in \(L^2({\Lambda}{\backslash} {\cal H})\) is equal to one if r and s are both integers. Otherwise it is zero. For \(t\in{\mathbb R}\), \(t\ne 0\), the multiplicity \(N(\pi_t)\) is \(|t|\) if t is an integer and zero otherwise. So the decomposition of the representation \(\left(L^2({\Lambda}{\backslash} {\cal H}), R\right)\) reads

$$R\ \cong\ \bigoplus_{r,s\in{\mathbb Z}}\chi_{r,s}\ \oplus\ \bigoplus_{^{k\in{\mathbb Z}}_{k\ne 0}}|k|\pi_k.$$


We first consider the subspace H of \(L^2({\Lambda}{\backslash} {\cal H})\), which is invariant under the action of the center \(Z\subset{\cal H}\). This is isomorphic to \(L^2\left({\mathbb Z}^2{\backslash} {\mathbb R}^2\right)\) as \({\Lambda}{\backslash} {\cal H}/Z\cong{\mathbb Z}^2{\backslash} {\mathbb R}^2\) and the representation of \({\cal H}\) on H factors through the representation of \({\mathbb R}^2\) on \(L^2\left({\mathbb Z}^2{\backslash} {\mathbb R}^2\right)\). By the theory of Fourier series this gives us the value of \(N\left(\chi_{r,s}\right)\) as in the theorem. The difficult part is to determine \(N(\pi_t)\).

Let \(h\in C_c^\infty({\cal H})\) and set \(f=h*h^*\). Then the trace formula says,

$$\hspace{1pt}{\rm tr}\hspace{2pt} R(f)=\sum_{\pi\in\widehat{\cal H}}N(\pi){\hspace{1pt}{\rm tr}\hspace{2pt}}\pi(f)=\sum_{[{\lambda}]}{\rm vol}\left({\Lambda}_{\lambda}{\backslash}{\cal H}_{\lambda}\right)\, {\cal O}_{\lambda}(f),$$

where the sum is taken over all conjugacy classes \([{\lambda}]\) in \({\Lambda}\), \({\Lambda}_{\lambda}\) and \({\cal H}_{\lambda}\) denote the centralizers of \({\lambda}\) in \({\Lambda}\) and \({\cal H}\), respectively, and \({\cal O}_{\lambda}(f)=\int_{{\cal H}_{\lambda}{\backslash}{\cal H}} f(x^{-1}{\lambda} x)\, dx\). First consider \(\pi\in\widehat{\cal H}\) with trivial central character, say \(\pi=\chi_ r,s\). Then

$$\begin{aligned} {\hspace{1pt}{\rm tr}\hspace{2pt}}\pi(f)&=\chi_{r,s}(f)=\int_{\mathbb R}\int_{\mathbb R}\int_{\mathbb R} f(a,b,c) e^{2\pi\! i (ar+bs)}\,da\,db\,dc\\ &={\cal F}_1{\cal F}_2{\cal F}_3f(\!\!-\!\!r,-s,0),\end{aligned}$$

where \({\cal F}_i\) denotes Fourier transform on \({\mathbb R}\) applied to the i-th component of \({\cal H}\). Next the center \(Z_{\Lambda}\) of \({\Lambda}\), the set of all \((0,0,k)\) for \(k\in{\mathbb Z}\), is contained in the center of \({\cal H}\) and therefore acts trivially on \(L^2({\Lambda} {\backslash}{\cal H})\). This implies that for \(\pi\in\widehat{\cal H}\) one has that \(N(\pi)\ne 0\) implies \(\pi(Z_{\Lambda})=\{1\}\). Therefore, \(N(\pi_t)\ne 0\) implies that \(t\in{\mathbb Z}\). For \(t=k\in{\mathbb Z}\) one computes

$$\begin{aligned} \pi_k(f)\phi(x) &= \int_{\mathbb R}\int_{\mathbb R}\left(\int_{\mathbb R} f(a,b,c)e^{2\pi\! ikc}\,dc \right) e^{2\pi\! ikbx}\phi(a+x)\, da\,db\\ &= \int_{\mathbb R} {\cal F}_2{\cal F}_3f(a-x,-kx,-k)\phi(a)\,da\end{aligned}$$

So \(\pi_k(f)\) is an integral operator with kernel

$$k(x,y)={\cal F}_2{\cal F}_3f(y-x,-kx,-k).$$

Analogously, the kernel of \(\pi_k(h)\) is \({\cal F}_2{\cal F}_3h(y-x,-kx,-k)\). The latter kernel is in \({\cal S}({\mathbb R}^2)\) and therefore is admissible. By Proposition 9.3.1 and Fourier inversion, we have

$$\hspace{1pt}{\rm tr}\hspace{2pt}\pi_k(f)=\int_{\mathbb R}{\cal F}_2{\cal F}_3f(0,-kx,-k)\,dx= \frac 1{|k|}{\cal F}_3f(0,0,-k).$$

Together we get

$$\hspace{1pt}{\rm tr}\hspace{2pt} R(f)= \sum_{r,s\in{\mathbb Z}}{\cal F} f(r,s,0)+\sum_{k\in{\mathbb Z}{\smallsetminus}\{0\}} \frac{N(\pi_k)}{|k|}{\cal F}_3f(0,0,k),$$

where \({\cal F} f={\cal F}_1{\cal F}_2{\cal F}_3 f\).

Next we consider the geometric side of the trace formula. Let \({\lambda}\in{\Lambda}\). First assume that \({\lambda}\) lies in the center of \({\Lambda}\). Then \({\lambda}=(0,0,k)\) for some \(k\in{\mathbb Z}\), and the centralizer \({\cal H}_{\lambda}\) equals \({\cal H}\), so that the orbital integral equals \({\cal O}_{\lambda}(f)= f({\lambda})= f(0,0,k).\) Next let \({\lambda}=(r,s,t)\in{\Lambda}={\mathbb Z}^3\) with \((r,s)\ne (0,0)\). Let \(h=(a,b,c)\in{\cal H}\), then \(h{\lambda} h^{-1}=(r,s,t+as-br).\) So h lies in the centralizer \({\cal H}_{\lambda}\) if and only if as = br. It follows that \({\cal H}_{\lambda}\) is the subspace generated by the vectors \((r,s,0)\) and \((0,0,c)\) as a subspace of \({\mathbb R}^3\). On \({\cal H}_{\lambda}\) we pick the Haar measure that comes from the euclidean length in \({\mathbb R}^3\); then the volume of \({\Lambda}_{\lambda}{\backslash}{\cal H}_{\lambda}\) is the minimal value \(\sqrt{a^2+b^2}\) where \(a,b\in{\mathbb Z}\), not both zero, and as = br. This minimum is taken in \(a=\frac{r}{{\rm gcd}(r,s)}\) and \(b=\frac{s}{{\rm gcd}(r,s)}\), where \({\rm gcd}(r,s)\) denotes the greatest common divisor of r and s. Therefore,

$$\rm vol({\Lambda}_{\lambda}{\backslash}{\cal H}_{\lambda})=\frac{\sqrt{r^2+s^2}}{{\rm gcd}(r,s)}.$$

The orbital integral equals

$$\cal O_{\lambda}(f)=\int_{U^\perp}f(r,s,t+xs-yr)\,d(x,y),$$

where U is the subspace of all \(\left(\begin{smallmatrix}a\\ b\end{smallmatrix} \right)\in{\mathbb R}^2\) with as-br = 0. Then \(U={\mathbb R}\left(\begin{smallmatrix}r \\ s\end{smallmatrix}\right)\) and the orthogonal space is spanned by the norm one vector \(\frac 1{\sqrt{r^2+s^2}}\left(\begin{smallmatrix}s\\ -r\end{smallmatrix}\right).\) So we get

$$\cal O_{\lambda}(f) = \int_{\mathbb R} f\left(r,s,t+x\frac{s^2+r^2}{\sqrt{r^2+s^2}}\right)\,dx= \frac 1{\sqrt{r^2+s^2}}\,{\cal F}_3f(r,s,0).$$

The number of conjugacy classes with given \((r,s,*)\) equals \({\rm gcd}(r,s)\), hence

$$\hspace{1pt}{\rm tr}\hspace{2pt} R(f)=\sum_{k\in{\mathbb Z}}f(0,0,k) +\sum_{(r,s)\ne (0,0)}{\cal F}_3f(r,s,0).$$

Using the Poisson summation formula in the first two variables we get

$$\sum_{(r,s)\in{\mathbb Z}^2}{\cal F}_3f(r,s,0)=\sum_{(r,s)\in{\mathbb Z}^2}{\cal F} f(r,s,0)$$

with \({\cal F}={\cal F}_1{\cal F}_2{\cal F}_3\) and using the formula in the third variable gives

$$\sum_{k\in{\mathbb Z}}f(0,0,k)=\sum_{k\in{\mathbb Z}}{\cal F}_3 f(0,0,k).$$

Combining this with the two expressions for \({\hspace{1pt}{\rm tr}\hspace{2pt}} R(f)\) we conclude

$$\sum_{k\ne 0}\frac{N(\pi_k)}{|k|}{\cal F}_3f(0,0,k)=\sum_{k\ne 0}{\cal F}_3 f(0,0,k).$$

By Lemma 9.3.5 this implies \(N(\pi_k)=|k|\). The theorem is proven. □

10.5 Exercises and Notes

Exercise 10.1

Let \({\cal H}\) be the Heisenberg group, and let \(\cal Z\) be its center. Show that every normal subgroup of \({\cal H}\) lies in the center \({\cal Z}\) or contains the center.

Exercise 10.2

On \({\mathbb R}^2\) consider the bilinear form

$$\begin{aligned} b(v,w) \stackrel{\rm def}{=}\, v^t\left(\begin{array}{@{}rr@{}}0 & 1 \\ -1 & 0\end{array} \right)\,w.\end{aligned}$$

Let L be the group \({\mathbb R}^2\times{\mathbb R}\) with the multiplication \((v,t)(w,s){\ \stackrel{{\rm def}}{=}\,} (v+w,s+t+\frac 12 b(v,w)).\) Show: The map \(\psi:{\cal H}\to L\), defined by \(\psi(a,b,c)= ((a,b)^t,c-\frac 12 ab)\) is a continuous group isomorphism with continuous inverse.

Exercise 10.3

Let L be defined as in Exercise 10.2. The group \(G={\rm SL}_2({\mathbb R})\) acts on L via \(g(v,t)=(gv,t)\). Show that G acts by group homomorphisms, which fix the center of L point-wise. Conclude that for every \(g\in G\) one has \(\pi_1\circ g\cong\pi_1\). Conclude that for every \(g\in G\) there is a \(T(g)\in U(L^2({\mathbb R}))\), which is unique up to scalar multiplication, such that \(\pi_1(gl)= T(g)\pi_1(l) T(g)^{-1},\) where we consider π1 as a representation of L via Exercise 10.2. Show that the map \(g\mapsto T(g)\) is a group homomorphism \(G\to U(L^2({\mathbb R}))/{\mathbb T}\).

Exercise 10.4

Let \({\rm Aut}({\cal H})\) be the group of all continuous group automorphisms of \({\cal H}\). Every \(\phi\in{\rm Aut}({\cal H})\) preserves the center \({\cal Z}\), hence induces an element of \({\rm Aut}({\cal H}/{\cal Z})={\rm Aut}({\mathbb R}^2)={\rm GL}_2({\mathbb R})\). Show that the ensuing map \({\rm Aut}({\cal H})\to{\rm GL}_2({\mathbb R})\) is surjective.

Exercise 10.5

For \(h\in{\cal H}\) let \(\phi_h\in{\rm Aut}({\cal H})\) be defined by \(\phi_h(x)=hxh^{-1}\). Every such automorphism is called an inner automorphism . Let \({\rm Inn}({\cal H})\) be the group of all inner automorphisms. Show that \({\rm Inn}({\cal H})\cong{\mathbb R}^2\), and that, together with the last exercise, one gets an exact sequence

$$1\to{\mathbb R}^2\to{\rm Aut}({\cal H})\to{\rm GL}_2({\mathbb R})\to 1.$$

Exercise 10.6

Let \(N\subset{\rm GL}_n({\mathbb R})\) be the group of all upper triangular matrices with ones on the diagonal. Show that \({\Gamma}=N\cap{\rm GL}_n({\mathbb Z})\) is a uniform lattice in N.

Exercise 10.7

The \((2n+1)\)-dimensional Heisenberg group \({\cal H}_n\) is defined as the group of all matrices of the form \(\left(\begin{smallmatrix}1 & x^t & z \\ & 1 & y \\ & & 1\end{smallmatrix}\right)\) in \({\rm GL}_{n+2}({\mathbb R})\) where \(x,y\in{\mathbb R}^n\) and \(z\in{\mathbb R}\). Determine its unitary dual along the lines of the Stone-von Neumann Theorem.

Exercise 10.8

Let L be as in Exercise 10.2. Let \(\Lambda\subset{\mathbb R}^2\) be a lattice with \(b({\Lambda}\times{\Lambda})\subset 2{\mathbb Z}\). Show that \({\Lambda}\times{\Lambda}\times{\mathbb Z}\) is a uniform lattice in L. Use the proof of Theorem 10.4.2 to find the decomposition of \(L^2({\Lambda}{\backslash} L)\).

10.5.1 Notes

As shown in Exercise 10.3, the Stone-von Neumann Theorem yields a group homomorphism \({\rm SL}_2({\mathbb R})\to U(L^2({\mathbb R}))/{\mathbb T}\). There is a unique non-trivial covering group \({\rm SL}_2^2({\mathbb R})\) of degree 2. On this group the homomorphism induces a proper unitary representation \({\rm SL}_2^2({\mathbb R})\to U(L^2({\mathbb R}))\). This representation is known as the Weil representation . It is used to explain the behavior of theta-series, in particular with respect to lifting of automorphic forms [How79, LV80, Wei64].