
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

1 Internet of Things and Wireless Sensor Networks

More than a decade ago, the Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm was coined [1], in which the computers would be able to access data about objects and the environment without human interaction. Complementing human-entered data was important in order to increase the accuracy and pervasiveness of physical world information in ICT systems at a sustainable cost.

Initially adopted and popularized by the Auto-ID Center at MIT and market [2, 3], the IoT concept received growing attention until recently it became one of the most hyped terms. The vision encompass the ability to uniquely identify, represent and access objects at any time and anywhere, in an Internet-like virtual structure.

Traditionally, radio-frequency identification (RFID) was one technology considered key enabler for the IoT paradigm. Alongside, other low-cost identification and communication technologies are also used: device-centric technologies, such as near field communication (NFC), Bluetooth, barcodes, Quick Response (QR) codes, ZigBee, digital watermarking, and networking technologies, like 3GPP Long Term Evolution/Long Term Evolution-advance (3GPP LTE/LTE-A), Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks, Wireless Sensor Networks, and Wireless Local Area Networks. These blend the IoT concept into the Internet of Everything (IoE) vision, where nearly everything is connected to the Internet using machine-originated or machine-to-machine (M2M) communications. Almost all smartphones, tablets and PCs are always connected, and so are becoming other objects (like home appliances, cars, clothes, door locks, light bulbs, toys, thermostats, vending machines, industrial instruments, data collecting sensors) to provide a variety of services without human intervention.

The sheer versatility of the IoT paradigm makes it suitable for an ever increasing variety of applications. In turn, these applications make use and rely on the many diverse technologies and devices that concur to its realization. And all this widening diversity makes increasingly difficult to define “typical” requirements for the devices and their programming [4].

Along the RFID, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) were considered a key technology for IoT paradigm capillary pervasiveness able to bring richer, versatile low-cost sensing and actuation to applications. Intrinsically versatile, WSNs are suitable for a wide variety of applications and systems, with very diverse requirements and characteristics. However, this makes difficult to define specific application requirements and research directions, WSNs remaining a challenging multidisciplinary area. An efficient implementation very often requires a good collaboration between users, application domain experts, hardware designers, and software and firmware developers.

As a long-term value, the IoT technologies allow going beyond application-specific “vertical” pervasive systems. A single “horizontal” ecosystem of inter-operable objects and services can seamlessly co-operate to provide new services and optimization opportunities. In this vision, a key role is attributed to the tools that support their modeling, design and development, mainly because these can unify computing paradigms and development workflows among vendors, architects, integrators and application developers.

2 Developing IoT Systems: Context, Scenarios and Challenges

We will analyze several representative scenarios where the IoT technology is used attempting to extract a subset of abstract use-cases and their common key features. Based on this analysis, we will then extract the key challenges that impact on the IoT development tools and workflows.

2.1 A Reference Workflow for IoT Developments

Figure 1 shows a possible reference development workflow for IoT applications that allows to introduce the IoT development context.

Fig. 1
figure 1

IoT system design and development work-flow

Traditionally, requirement definition starts by considering scenarios of independent vertical domains or markets, also named “silos,” e.g., Intelligent Transportation System, Smart Grids, Logistics.

Multiple use cases can be defined within any of these scenarios. This phase normally entails a thorough analysis of domain-specific aspects, including the analysis of the expected uses and needs of key stakeholders and users. Even though a significant part of the IoT vision value lies in its “horizontality,” a main usage scenario is usually needed to secure the initial deployment funding.

The initial analysis can produce requirements of different styles and granularities. However, for adequate specificity, they must be mapped or split among a pre-defined set of architecture components. Standard Architecture Reference Models (ARMs) are defined to this purpose, such as that of the IoT-A projectFootnote 1. For instance, the mapping defines the information view of the system including all data structures, i.e., the models and protocols employed to share information across different components.

High-level architectures are often split into more controllable components within detailed component design phases. These are then implemented by teams with specific expertise (e.g., communication, interoperable services, low-power embedded systems) and skills for specific hardware/software platforms and tools. At this stage, new components are often integrated with COTS (Commercial Off-The-Shelf) devices at various levels. Where available, these provide specific functions within the system under development, including proper interplay with pre-existing legacy systems where needed.

After the integration and the optional validation phase, the system is ready for commissioning. This consists in its deployment and configuration in the final use scenario, and is often associated with the physical delivery to the end-users and their training. Finally, the operational system and receives local or remote maintenance.

The tools can support the development in different phases of the workflow. At high-level architecture definition they help describing and modeling all key aspects of the domain in a consistent information view. They should allow different levels of typing, specification, and semantic annotation for the project elements, such as protocols, key variables and parameters. Such models and parameters, possibly standardized, should be associated to all components and are converted in data structures for project algorithms.

The development-support tools cover a prominent role in detail design and development of specific components. At these levels, they typically link the design high-level abstractions (objects, variables) defined to their specific implementations. They help especially the joint developments by several different experts and to unit test the components.

In this phase, tool interoperability is key. Experts in specific IoT fields should use their specific tools, typically focusing on a well-defined set of technologies. At the same time, these tools should allow sharing models, interfaces and parts of the development process.

During the integration, commissioning and operation stages (including maintenance), the tools should support the development of IoT components able to interoperate with a broad set of COTS systems, legacy devices, and installation and maintenance tools. This may entail supporting the broadest set of available open protocols and standards, where applicable.

IoT Application Scenarios

A wide collection of studies on IoT markets, applications and use cases is available in the scientific, technical and business literature. However, due to high diversity and heterogeneity of the IoT definitions and deployments, a widely accepted taxonomy of IoT applications is still elusive.

Referencing a common IoT application taxonomy is nevertheless important for the IoT community. It simplifies the information exchange and improves the targeting of investments in IoT technical developments. Moreover, it is also a primary tool helping to keep into account the various requirements. Common requirements across different domains shall influence general-purpose IoT features, while domain-specific requirements shall be considered for optional features to be supported by IoT development in specific markets.

This section provides an overview of the main IoT application domains currently identified by the research community. For each domain is suggested a set of key challenges that may potentially impact the IoT development-support tools. A restricted set of possible use cases is analyzed in each domain to identify specific challenges.

The analysis follows the categorization suggested in the IERC (European Research Cluster on the Internet of Things) Clusterbook [5], modified based on other international road-maps, white papers and review articles [4, 617].

Smart Cities

Smart Cities vision involves a broad set of applications aiming to make cities more sustainable, safe and enjoyable thanks to new ICT-supported models of cooperation among citizens, institutions and companies (e.g., utilities, service providers). Most applications require a large number of networked devices and systems deployed on city-wide scale, making of Smart Cities a primal playground for IoT technologies [18].

The applications of interest range from systems supporting urban mobility and its safety (e.g., Smart Parking, Traffic Congestion, Intelligent Transportation Systems), to applications monitoring or optimizing assets and critical infrastructures in cities (Structural Health, Smart Lightning, Smart Roads), to systems monitoring and protecting the citizens’ quality of life (Noise Urban Maps, Waste Management).

  • Structural healthfocuses on monitoring the status of buildings, bridges or other infrastructure, e.g., by sensing their vibrations [19]. The challenges include large scale deployment, unmanned operation, self-healing, processing and detecting events from raw data via (potentially complex) algorithms running on-board the nodes, embedding data transmission and management logic on tiny devices, low-power constraints, inter-node coordination (coherent data time-stamping).

  • Traffic congestionmonitors car and pedestrian traffic leveraging fixed [20] or mobile [21] sensors. The challenges include large scale deployments, integration of data from heterogeneous devices and data sources, interoperability of different vendor sensors, interoperability with other systems (e.g., mobile terminals, legacy traffic monitoring platforms), input and output location-awareness, distribution of intelligence (e.g., due to time constraints), minimizing the commissioning and maintenance effort.

  • Participatory sensingcollects, analyses and shares data through participation of local communities of volunteers [22]. The challenges include working with heterogeneous data and sensors, the need for data annotation and semantic interoperability, integration of crowd-sourced knowledge, interoperability with community-provided devices, trust and privacy.

Smart Environment

The Smart Environment domain include any system monitoring or preventing critical events in wide, unpopulated areas where significant environmental risks have been identified. Such areas require constant monitoring and alerting about critical events, such as fire in forests, landslides and avalanches in mountain areas, earthquakes in seismic areas, exceptional air or water pollution events in heavy industrial or safety-critical areas.

  • Forest fire detectionin remote forest areas to alert public authorities [23]. The challenges include large-scale deployments without fixed communication infrastructure, strict low-power constraints, effective use of energy harvesting, unmanned operation, integration of multi-hop communication solutions, need for efficient data processing on board constrained nodes, real-time reporting of critical events, self-configuration, self-healing.

  • Remote seismographycollects seismic data from remote areas [24], e.g., by means of microphones or seismic-acoustic sensors. The challenges include installations in harsh conditions, need for data-processing techniques to trigger event detection, synchronization and time-stamping of sensed data, reliable data retrieval with constrained bandwidth.

  • Pollution monitoringof potentially dangerous gases in both urban and remote areas using fixed or mobile sensors [25]. The challenges include data collection from fixed and mobile installations and geotagging, large sets heterogeneous sensor calibration or self-calibration, power supply management.

Smart Water

Smart Water applications include all systems for water monitoring in both civil and natural environments, such as water quality monitoring (e.g., presence of chemicals) in rivers or in water distribution infrastructure, water leakage detection in pipes or buffer tanks, monitoring of levels of rivers, dams and reservoir, e.g., for flood or drought early warning.

  • Water leakages detectionmonitors pipes or distribution networks, e.g., by means of pressure, flow or other types of sensors [26]. The challenges include installation and operation in harsh conditions (e.g., underground), time-correlation of spatial data, unmanned operation, combination and fusion of data from heterogeneous sensors possibly provided by different vendors, unmanned management of sensors in remote locations.

  • Level-monitoring and flood detectionfor basins, dams, rivers, lakes checks levels and detects floods [27]. The challenges include continuous monitoring and processing of sensed data, lack of communication infrastructure, strict real-time constraints when critical events occurs, resilient communication, distributed processing and monitoring.

Smart Metering

The Smart Metering domain is a wide area of application. It involves remote monitoring (and control) of a large population of networked meters that provide data for accounting and consumption billing of various commodities, such as electricity (both consumed and generated in the so-called “Smart Grid”), water, gas and oil in storage tanks, cisterns or transportation systems (e.g., water pipes, oil pipelines), level of silos stock. The most mature Smart Metering solutions are currently in the electric power distribution market.

  • Metering in the smart electric gridare applications for monitoring and accounting consumption via remote, automated meters [28]. The challenges include security, privacy, reliability and transparency, interoperable standardized and certified solutions, low-latency and robust communication for more advanced control applications.

  • Metering of heating systemsfor monitoring consumption and efficiency of heating systems, e.g., to optimize or to partition heating costs across different units [29]. The challenges include low cost, ease of installation and maintenance, interoperable standardized and certified solutions, interoperability with legacy systems.

Security and Emergency

The Security and Emergency domain, among the first explored in the WSN for IoT field [30], includes protection of areas sensitive to people intrusion (e.g., perimeter access control) or to environmental factors that increase the risks for people and goods (e.g., monitoring liquids in areas with dense electric outlets, detecting presence of gases and leakages in chemical factories, detecting radiations close to nuclear power stations).

  • Perimeter control and tracking detects and localizes trespassers (e.g., thieves, enemy troops) using distributed sensors and alarms [31]. The challenges include tight security requirements, resilience to interference and disruption, complex data management and processing for intruder detection.

  • Disaster recovery solutions assist rescuers after major disasters like radiation leaks or floods [32]. The challenges include resilience to interference and disruption (e.g., many sensors disabled or moved), real-time requirements during emergency, interoperability with mobile networks (e.g., aerial vehicles or land robots), geolocation, self-healing and reconfiguration.


The Retail domain includes systems to simplify stocking (Supply Chain Control), storage (Smart Product Management), marketing (Intelligent Shopping Applications) and selling (NFC Payment) in shops and malls.

  • Smart shopping employs marketing-oriented applications in retail environments, e.g., to track customers’ behaviour or feed targeted advertisements in malls [33]. The challenges include context awareness (e.g., location-dependent behaviour, time awareness), interoperability with existing business systems, location and time-awareness, fusion of heterogeneous data sources to detect user behaviour.

  • Stock control for shelves and stocks real-time monitoring in shops to simplify the supply chain management, e.g., alerting for stocks that run out [34]. It includes M2M monitoring of automated vending machines. The challenges include real-time operation, ease of maintenance, integration with legacy enterprise systems, deployment-specific configurations.

  • E-Payments enable payments via short-range communication technologies like NFC [35]. The challenges include strong security requirements, interoperability with payment systems available on COTS devices.


The Logistics domain includes systems to support scenarios involving storage and shipping of goods. It includes good monitoring during transportation (e.g., monitoring of vibrations, strokes, box opening, break of cold chain), detection of improper storage conditions (e.g., flammable materials close to heat sources), location of items (e.g., in storages, harbours) or vehicles (e.g., for navigation support or theft prevention).

  • Smart transport supports good monitoring during transport, e.g., in trucks or cargo ships [36]. The challenges include monitoring system reliability and trust (e.g., anti-tampering), automatic association of sensor readings to goods, interoperability across different logistics platforms.

  • Smart logistics support good detection and tracking in warehouses [37] and combined monitoring [38]. The challenges include standard identification and addressing schemes, tight integration with Enterprise systems, large scale operations, reliable readings, standard solutions for tagging.

Industrial Control

Industrial control is one of the first application domains for IoT technologies (e.g., for remote monitoring of manufacturing lines through SCADA systems). These systems are typically deployed in manufacturing or process industries in order to remotely check machineries (e.g., M2M applications), diagnose the status and position of moving vehicles or robots or to monitor the conditions of the manufacturing environment (e.g., air quality monitoring in food processing industries). These systems help the transition of industrial automations from custom, closed developments towards more flexible internet-oriented schemes, directly integrated with enterprise and management systems. They simplify data-intensive applications like real-time tracking or predictive maintenance.

  • Manufacturing applications leverage autonomous M2M interactions to monitor and optimize production lines [39]. The challenges include interoperability across heterogeneous system, context-awareness, fusion of information from various data sources, reliability in harsh industrial environments, large scale operations, strong safety constraints.

  • Mobile robotics applications in industry in which mobile robots interact with fixed IoT infrastructures, e.g., to support internal logistics in manufacturing plants. The challenges include support for mobile operations, context-aware behaviour, interoperability of robots with fixed sensors.

Smart Agriculture

Smart Agriculture focuses on monitoring the soil used for growing agricultural products, plants, greenhouses, or the environmental conditions (e.g., weather).

  • Crop monitoring for moisture, salinity, acidity, etc. using sets of chemical sensors, e.g., to ensure product quality [40]. The challenges include operation in harsh conditions, lack of central infrastructure, self-configuration, self-powered operations, cost constraints.

  • Smart green houses are controlled and optimized via wireless sensors and actuators [41]. The challenges include reliable operation (especially for control), integration of heterogeneous sensors, control logic support using distributed sensors and actuators, simple maintenance, low-cost.

  Smart Animal Farming

Closely related to Smart Agriculture, Smart Animal Farming enhances the productivity of animals for meat and related products (e.g., milk, eggs) by monitoring the animal health conditions at different stages, animal tracking and identification (also used for product traceability), and living environment.

  • Animal monitoring looks for animal behavior, e.g., to detect states of sickness or stress [42]. The challenges include data integration from heterogeneous sensors, processing of large sensor datasets, data processing algorithms and techniques, operation in harsh conditions.

  • Meat traceability from farm to fork for animal-derived products, including monitoring of physical parameters during various operation phases [43]. The challenges include intermittent connectivity, standard identification and addressing schemes, tight integration with enterprise systems, large scale operations.

  Domotics and Home Automation

The Domotics and Home Automation are centered on homes and commercial buildings. They include applications to improve home safety, ease of use and sustainability, e.g., through resource consumption monitoring (energy, heating, water), remote control of appliances, optimization of air and ventilation or prevention of theft and intrusion.

  • Building automation monitors and optimizes building subsystems, such as lighting or heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) [44]. The challenges include interoperability up to the semantic level, integration with legacy solutions, need for standard protocols and interfaces, secure and safe operation.

  • Appliances control, automatic and remote, for, e.g., energy usage optimization in Smart Grid Environments [45]. The challenges include interoperability up to the Semantic level, standard protocols and interfaces, ease of use, context-awareness features, real-time operations, secure and safe operations, privacy.


e-Health systems focus on monitoring of patients or assets needed to assist the health of people in any specific condition, including, e.g., disabled or elderly or under special training or dietary situation. Specific applications include, e.g., detection of fall of elderly people living alone, or monitoring of stocks of medicines in hospitals.

  • Patient surveillance in Ambient-Assisted Living (AAL) applications [46] and other systems to monitor patients inside or outside hospitals [47], including monitoring of living parameters and position tracking. The challenges include ensuring the privacy of patients’ data, data protection, management of sensed data, support for patient mobility, wearable systems – low-power operation.

  • Fall detection, prevention and reaction for elderly or disabled people [48]. The challenges include location-awareness, data processing complexity for fall detection, mobile and nomadic operations, reliability requirements.

  IoT Application Challenges

The analysis of the main IoT application scenarios in Sect. 2.1 leads to a set of challenges that are currently faced by the field, summarized in Table 1.

Table 1 IoT application challenges by use case domains

Beyond the technical/scientific factors mentioned in the table, it is important to remember that the IoT domain is also impacted by non-technical challenges of different nature, including social, process reliability, training, awareness, collaboration and economic challenges, which should be addressed as the IoT domains and technologies evolve and mature.

3 WSN Application Development Overview

The IoT paradigm valued since the beginning the low-cost long-term WSN-based data gathering solutions able to provide versatile sensing and actuation through distributed resilient bidirectional communications.

Early WSN projects made use of large-scale ad hoc, multi-hop, unpartitioned networks of randomly deployed and mostly fixed and homogeneous tiny, resource-constrained devices. This traditional definition is still applicable to a significant class of applications (e.g., for the military and outdoor environmental monitoring domains).

Fig. 2
figure 2

A wide variety of technologies converge into a typical tiered WSN platform

For instance, Fig. 2 shows the main components of a typical tiered WSN platform for monitoring applications and some of the hardware and software technologies it is made of. The block diagram in the middle section shows one or more sensors (transducers) that are attached to the sensor nodes. These are typically small (in size, resources and cost) and are suitably deployed within the application field to perform the measurements needed by the application. The sensors typically have limited data storage, processing, energy reserves, and short-range communication capabilities that can be used to process locally and forward the field measurements required. Often they are expected to operate reliably and unattended for very long periods (years).

The data sent by the sensor nodes ultimately reach a gateway (or sink) node, either directly or after a few forwarding hops through the network. The gateway nodes usually have larger memory, data processing, energy reserves, and long-range out-of-field communication capabilities. Among other functions, the gateway nodes can, e.g., buffer and further process the field data, and communicate with the application server to transfer field data and configuration instructions.

The server is typically located outside (and can be far away from) the application field and has processing, storage, and supply power to reliably store field data for long periods of time, and allow to retrieve them in formats suitable for visualization or further processing. Also, the server may be able to issue alerts on specific field conditions or events.

However, many emerging WSN applications cannot be adequately defined in this way and the structure of this generic platform and its components often need to be adapted to best suit the application requirements and environmental conditions [49]. For instance, the sensor nodes, the gateways, or the server can be omitted for specific applications. Also, the communication channels between the sensors (if any) and with the gateways can be uni- or bidirectional, and form peer-to-peer, star, tree or mesh topologies.

The top and bottom sections of Fig. 2 shows some of the many and multidisciplinary technologies, both hardware and software that concur to the realization of the WSN platform for most applications. Mastering all these technologies is difficult for most WSN and IoT players, and keeping up with their rapid pace of change adds to the challenges. Very often an efficient collaboration between users, experts of the application domain, hardware designers, and software and firmware developers is necessary to achieve efficient WSN implementations [50].

Considering all these, a definition of the WSN design space can be used as a framework for discussion and coordination of both research efforts and the development of flexible WSN platforms, which can be easily adapted to effectively support the many application needs. Both industry and academic research can benefit from a versatile and reusable WSN platform, easy to tailor to support a broad range of applications, and including development tools, support for several hardware devices, a library of software components for both the embedded and server parts of the application, and tools to support the field planning and deployment [51]. However, the development and maintenance of such a platform can be very costly and also involve professionals with very diverse expertise, from advanced web and UI design to low level firmware, and from IDE design to code generation techniques for high level application descriptions. Quality assurance is also very important, since overall unreliability perception is still a limiting factor to WSN wider adoption.

Hardware vendors usually provide WSN development platforms tailored around the devices they produce. These usually consider most typical uses of the vendor’s hardware, being often hardware-centric rather than application-centric. As such, they can require significant extension or adaptation to cover a broader range of applications and may significantly lag the state of the art in the WSN field, since they follow the progress of the producer.

Most of the open projects for embedded (TinyOS, freeRTOS, Contiki) or server (GSN) components of the WSN platform are largely vendor- and hardware-independent. But they also fail to address all development needs of a complete WSN application, often requiring significant adaptation and integration for an effective use by system integrators.

3.1 WSN Development Abstractions

Wireless sensor networks often operate under tight resource and budget constraints, their range of application continuously diversifies, and, traditionally, WSNs are and deployed by single organizations. These circumstances often facilitate the optimization across the typical layers, which are valuable for component interchangeability and reuse for better reliability and lower costs [52]. The early WSN advances and applications, some of which are shown in Table 2, clearly display the tendency to blur the boundaries between layers even after the efficiency benefits of the layers was generally recognized.

Table 2 WSN layers are usually unevenly covered by development frameworks and applications. Often layer separation is blurred for better implementation efficiency

Along with the perceived lack of reliability, application development is still an issue that hinders WSN wider adoption. Real-world applications continue to rely mostly on node programming very close to the embedded operating system, which increase the development time, costs, skill requirements, and limit the component reuse and the overall application reliability.

Consequently, domain experts rarely develop efficient WSN applications [50]. The characteristics and requirements of the WSN devices on the one hand, and the approaches for application development on the other provide a rich set of functions which can meet many diverse applications requirements. However, a good understanding of these is needed in order to choose the best platform and methodology for a given application.

Various programming models were proposed to overcome WSN programming difficulties. Considering the level of abstraction from the operating system (OS) and the operation of the underlying hardware, these can fall under the categories of:

  1. 1.

    OS-level programming;

  2. 2.

    virtual machine (VM) or middleware programming;

  3. 3.

    network macroprogramming.

The first two address the node-level programming [53] while the latter hinges on network-level WSN programming (macroprogramming) abstractions [54].

OS-Level Programming

OS-level programming models consist in developing the application logic using directly the resources made available by the embedded OS. Of the latter, one of the first and widely used is TinyOS [55], a component-based OS that allows modular programming using the C-based nesC language [56]. The modules have interfaces that are connected using configurations, the latter being used to describe also the application. The encapsulation provided by the modules hides the implementation details, but the low level of abstraction, the event-based style, and the blocking nature of the operations may complicate the implementation even of simple applications.

Asynchronous messages is one technique to reduce the programming complexity, e.g., TinyGALS [57], which allows a globally asynchronous (message passing through asynchronous FIFO queue), locally synchronous (within sequential modules) programming model. SOS [58] implements message passing between modules using a priority queue, and CoMOS [59] uses preemptive inter-module message handling.

More OS layers or the extension of the event model can also reduce the programming complexity. SNACK [60] facilitates the design and reuse of parameterizable service libraries and applications can be defined by combining services. T2 [61] provides a telescopic abstraction hybrid made of a horizontal decomposition (to support different hardware devices at low level) and a vertical decomposition (to support platform-independent functionality at high level). OSM [62] addresses the limitations of the static association of states to actions and the implicit change of the program state in a pure event-driven programming model. OSM separates the state and transitions, the latter and the associated actions being a function of state and events, adds parallel composition for concurrency and hierarchical composition for program refinement.

Thread abstraction is also proposed to address the limitations and complexity of an event-driven programming model. While the event-driven model tends to optimize the microcontroller sleep time, the static per-thread stack allocation may be too expensive for the typically limited RAM of the sensor nodes. However, the blocking execution context of threads can significantly simplify the programs and the programming.

An early lightweight concurrency model is proposed by Fiber [63] on top of TinyOS, while MANTIS OS [64] provides fully preemptive, time-sliced multithreading. TinyThread [65] implements cooperating multithread as a library for TinyOS with explicit and implicit execution context yielding, and per-thread stack estimation. Protothreads [66] implement a similar multithreading approach for another event-driven OS, Contiki, but without a per-thread stack, to improve efficiency. Y-Threads [67] concept is similar to Fiber, but implements preemptive multithreading with a shared stack for non-blocking computation behaviours and separate stacks for blocking control behaviours. The latter typically need a small stack which leads to better overall hardware resource utilization.

Virtual Machine/Middleware Abstraction

Virtual Machines/Middleware (VM/MW) simplify the remote node reprogramming at the expense of some processing overhead and total code size. The latter can be minimized by limiting the generality of the VMs to subsets relevant to application domain(s). Also, VMs provide platform-independent execution models facilitating code reuse.

Interpreter-based VM as Maté [68] and ASVM [69] are implemented on top of TinyOS and provide increased safety and reduced application code size, while Melete [70] extends Maté for concurrent applications. VMStar [71] allows the remote update of both VM and application code. Remote programming is also included at OS- or MW-level, for complete application or at finer grains (module or thread), as the necessity to update the application in the field rises. t-Kernel [72] addresses reliability by providing OS protection and virtual memory through application code modifications at load time.


Other WSN programming abstractions address the development of applications as distributed processing at the network level, providing models and semantics to define the communication and coordination among nodes. Unlike node-centric abstractions, where the network behavior emerges from the processing and interactions defined for single nodes, macroprogramming abstractions allow high-level behavioral descriptions at network-level.

The programming paradigm that defines how the program elements (functions, variables, computations) and their interactions can be expressed. It has a significant impact on the learning curve, especially for domain experts that may have limited programming experience.

Application description using imperative statements, which indicate explicitly the way to change program state, are by far the most used, be these event-driven (e.g., nesC) or sequential (e.g., Pleiades [73]). Declarative programming allows the description of the application goal without explicitly defining how to accomplish it. The programming can be functional (e.g., Regiment [74, 75]), rule-based (e.g., Snlog [76]), SQL-like (e.g., TinyDB [77]), and special-purpose (e.g., Logical Neighborhoods [78]). Hybrids mix declarative and imperative programming approaches, such as imperative for node computation and declarative for inter-node communications (e.g., ATaG [79]).

Pleiades extensions to C language allow to address the network nodes and their internal state. Its network-level instructions are executed by only one network node at a time with constructs designed to iterate through nodes, which make it particularly suited to guarantee the distributed execution of concurrent applications. Regiment constructs allow to apply functions and store the output on one or more nodes in a region and Snlog uses logical programming constructs as predicates, tuples, facts, and rules. The rules express the processing, the facts are the initial tuples (initial state), and the tuples (the data) is structured according to predicates, similar to relational database tables. TinyDB, as the earlier TAG [80], implements an energy-optimized WSN-wide SQL query system from the base station. A sensor table implements the data model as one line per sensor node and one column for each sensing capability. It can be filled with field data following SQL queries or proactively, simplifying the expression of data collection applications. Logical Neighborhoods allows the definition of node connections based on their logical affinity in the application, regardless of their physical location. It is mostly suited for heterogeneous and decentralized sense-and-react applications. ATaG is built around the abstract task and data item, with copies of tasks that can run on different nodes and abstract channels that connect data items to the tasks that consume them. It is mostly suited for sense-and-react applications that require complex operations to decide the actions.

4 Model-Based Design, Simulation and Debugging Framework for WSNs

WSN application developing and testing is often labor-intensive and error-prone due to the wide diversity of requirements and application domains. A rich set of tools to support WSN application development, testing and deployment is available addressing different aspects of the process: high-level modeling, architectural design, abstract and detailed code development, code generation, application- and network-simulation, co-simulation, deployment, validation, debugging, performance monitoring and evaluation [5581].

The rich choice of tools, devices, and techniques can provide adequate functionality to meet most application requirements. However, a single comprehensive approach has not yet emerged (see Sect. 3.1). The widening technology and tool diversity is still difficult to master to obtain satisfactory implementations and the application-domain experts often need to collaborate with the users and developers to achieve efficient solutions.

In response to this need, the WSN development tools evolve to improve the support for functional composition and complex distributed scenarios, with service-driven models playing a key role.

In the following we present a complete and flexible framework that can speed up and facilitate the programming of distributed WSN applications. It is based on the graphical design tools Simulink\({}^{\textregistered }\) Footnote 2 and Stateflow\({}^{\textregistered }\) Footnote 3, both part of the widely used MatlabFootnote 4 environment. It provides the application developers a set of development tools and software component libraries that allow a high-level description of the application architecture, a graphical environment for the definition and simulation of component behaviour, and automatic generation of network simulation models and of code for target nodes.

The application architecture is described using the standard Web Service Description Language (WSDL). The functional design of the architecture components can be described as either white, gray or black boxes. The white boxes can be graphically constructed using high-level abstract concurrent models, as Stateflow\({}^{\textregistered }\) diagrams. The black boxes are either binary components or code written in the C language. The gray boxes are a suitable combination between diagrams and external code.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Overview of the framework development flow

Figure 3 shows the main phases of the development flow. After the high level application design and simulation phase, the high-level abstract application model can be used to automatically generate several representations, using a Model-Based Design methodology. It can be used to generate network simulation models for the widely used OMNeT++ and MiXiM simulation environments, and for some of the most popular WSN operating systems, TinyOS and Contiki OS for deployment on target nodes. Moreover, hardware-in-the-loop simulation can be used to increase the simulation accuracy with real-time physical data from a few node running in sync and communicating with the software simulation.

The integration of the WSN into IoT applications can be simplified when targeting the Contiki OS. In this case, the framework can generate support for web services which can make the node application accessible through typical web-oriented methods (e.g., a normal web browser).

In the following we will illustrate the operation of the platform and how the framework can facilitate WSN application design from high-level conceptual application description, platform-independent graphical design, rapid prototyping, and automatic target code generation for multiple targets.

4.1 Abstract Design Model

The proposed framework [82] makes use of a high-level abstract functional unit, called Abstract Design Model (ADM), to define the structure and behaviour of the target WSN application.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Components of a typical Abstract Design Model of the framework

As shown in Fig. 4, each ADM is a programming abstraction, a self-contained unit. It is perceived as a black box by other units and is externally characterized by the tunable attributes and services it uses and provides. The internal details of the ADMs do not depend on external entities, and they can be connected together in a loosely-coupled fashion.

Therefore, the WSN applications running on the nodes can be modeled as a set of interconnected ADMs that exchange service messages through their service ports. An inbound service port (e.g., InServ_1, ..., InServ_X in Fig. 4) imports the incoming messages for an associated service used by the host ADM, while an outbound service port (e.g., OutServ_1, ..., OutServ_Y in Fig. 4) exports the outgoing messages for a service it provides. Inbound and outbound service ports can also be combined into a bidirectional port (e.g., InOutServ_1, ..., InOutServ_Z in Fig. 4), useful when a request-response communication pattern is needed. Moreover, the tunable attributes that are exposed by an ADM (e.g., Attr_1, ..., Attr_N in Fig. 4) allow the developer to modify how it performs without changing its internal logic.

An outbound service port of an ADM can be wired to an inbound service port as long as they share the same service type. These are similar to function calls and can be used to transmit service-specific messages between ADMs, without exposing their implementation. The service ports can also be left disconnected, meaning no incoming messages for the floating input ports and outgoing messages discarded on the floating output ports.

ADM behavior is represented using an event-driven hierarchical Finite State Machine (FSM) described using state charts, as shown in Fig. 4. The logic flow (i.e., the transition from the current state to the next) can be controlled either by its internal default transitions or by service messages imported from other ADMs. These messages are processed by the FSM according to the values of its tunable attributes. Computation results are attached to outgoing service messages sent through output service ports. User-defined operations can be implemented inside each state or between state transitions. They will be executed upon entry, permanence, or exit phases of each state.

Besides tunable attributes, each ADM can have local variables (e.g., loc_var_1 and loc_var_2 in Fig. 4) and local events (e.g. Evt_1 and Evt_2).

FSMs can be nested using sub-charts. These can be integrated into higher level FSMs in sequential or parallel execution order, sharing the incoming and outgoing messages, attributes, local variables and local events.

ADMs modularity and loosely-coupled port binding allows to construct an application independent of ADM location within its architecture. ADM port binding can be both intra-node and inter-node. When all application ADMs are within a node, the ports are locally connected and the service messages are implemented by platform-dependent messages or data sharing mechanisms. When not all ADMs are located on the same node, neutral service messages are exchanged by the nodes (e.g., nodes in the radio transmission range) to implement the logic binding of ADM service ports. Moreover, when the ADM service ports are published on the Internet, the developer can raise the target application abstraction level from a single node or local group to the whole Internet.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Framework development flow

4.2 Development Flow

Figure 5 shows the V-shape diagram of the development flow of the framework.

There are three types of development activities in the development flow: manual tasks, supported tasks and automatic tasks.

Manual tasks are development activities that are not directly supported by the framework and are performed using other development tools. The supported tasks imply some activities performed manually by the developer, but they are also supported by specific tools of the framework. Automatic tasks are fully performed by the framework.

The development flow allows the application developer to perform different tasks to design, build, implement or transform the application constituent ADMs. Each ADM can be instantiated in different forms in the framework, for different purposes. For instance, it can be represented by a Simulink\({}^{\textregistered }\)/Stateflow\({}^{\textregistered }\) block in the high-level implementation and simulation phase, for high-level description and debugging. Or it can be an OMNeT++/MiXiM module for large network simulation. It can also be a TinyOS component or Contiki OS process for node deployment, which will be further detailed in the following.

Task I: Requirement Analysis

The first step in the design flow is a manual task. It consists in the analysis of the requirements of the target WSN application by listing the desired functionality and supported attributes, e.g., measurands monitored by the application, operations expected from the nodes, state variables exposed as tunable attributes, and criteria employed to validate the application and evaluate its performance.

We will assume a use case where the nodes collect and perform a distributed processing of the data from a temperature sensor. Each WSN node wakes up periodically to carry out the following tasks:

  1. 1.

    sample the temperature values with the desired sampling frequency;

  2. 2.

    collaboratively average these values with those from its one-hop neighbors within a sliding time window;

  3. 3.

    broadcast its calculated average temperature value to its neighbors.

Task II: Application Structure Design

The analysis result can be used to drive the application structure design phase, where the developer conceptually decomposes the application into a set of interconnected ADMs, each carrying out a part of the entire functionality. Since the ADMs are characterized by services and attributes exposed on their boundary, their internal behaviour may not be detailed in this step. The developer just assigns the requirements listed earlier to the constituent ADMs by defining their boundaries. This can be done describing the ADM services and attributes either manually or by importing them from a library (e.g., created in previous designs).

The framework employs Representational State Transfer-based (REST) web service design approaches for their flexible WSN integration. REST is a software architecture for distributed systems [83], such as the World Wide Web that has smoothed the way of developing, sharing and reusing IoT applications. It relies on stateless, client-server, cacheable communication protocols, virtually always HTTP.

These help the application developer to construct the ADMs, while WSDL 2.0 is adopted as the ADM description language. The definition of conceptual structures of the application models and related ADMs are manual task that can be accelerated using a WSDL graphical editor, such as [84] and [85].

In the proposed use case, the following parameters have been identified as potential tunable attributes for each node:

  1. 1.

    its own node identifier (NodeId);

  2. 2.

    sample refresh interval inside the averaging algorithm (SenseInterval);

  3. 3.

    the sampling period of the temperature sensor (SamplingInterval);

  4. 4.

    the size of the time window to compute averages, which is equal to the node duty interval (DutyInterval).

Based on the requirement analysis (first step in Fig. 5), the design is split on three interconnected ADMs: a Sensor, Radio model, and Algorithm (TempAverager) models, as shown in Fig. 6.

Fig. 6
figure 6

The model structure of the node application

The Sensor model samples and pre-processes temperature data. The Radio model interfaces with the protocol stack for short range communication with neighbor nodes. The TempAverager model handles all on-board data processing. Both the Sensor and the Radio models are connected to the TempAverager model to exchange service messages (e.g., Sense and Msg in Fig. 6).

The developer manually defines a boundary description file for each ADM. These are imported in the framework for the next step, template generation.

Task III: Skeleton Template Generation

This step starts by supplying the ADM description files to the framework to be automatically mapped to skeleton templates defined as a Stateflow\({}^{\textregistered }\) blocks. All ADM services and attributes defined in the ADM templates are interpreted as ports or pair of ports (for a request-response service).

For each port, a driver function is automatically created inside the skeleton template, which hides the low-level Simulink\({}^{\textregistered }\) handling of signals and service messages. These functions handle the service messages exchanges through ports. As the input services, each tunable attribute has an input port and a state port variable allowing to set the attribute value from outside the ADM.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Overview of the generated skeleton template

Figure 7 shows the skeleton template generated automatically for Stateflow\({}^{\textregistered }\). Each skeleton template is created with three FSMs that run in parallel: InputDrivers, Application and OutputDrivers.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Application subchart

The Application FSM (shown in Fig. 8) contains the ADM main logic.

Fig. 9
figure 9

InputDrivers subchart

Fig. 10
figure 10

OutputDrivers subchart

The InputDrivers and OuputDrivers FSMs handle the generated input detectors and output actuators for the input and output ports (shown in Figs. 9, 10). These do not need to be changed by the developer.

The generated skeleton templates can be used as the starting point for the implementations in the next step.

Task IV: High-Level Design and Simulation

In this phase, the developer performs a supported task involving the high-level application implementation, simulation and debugging. The implementation consists mainly in skeleton template completion combination:

  • Skeleton template completion consists in adding the application-specific functions to the skeleton template. These mainly process the imported service messages based on the values of the exposed tunable attributes, and generate the outgoing service messages.

    The ADM internal logic is defined at high level, using state charts and flow graphs, independent on the specifications of the target platform. As shown in Fig. 4, the operations defined inside the states will be executed on state entry, permanence or exit phases. The operations defined between two connected states will be executed when the state changes through that state connection. The developer-defined operations can execute any local functions (e.g., loc_func_1, ..., loc_func_2 in Fig. 4) to perform computational tasks or generate outbound service messages.

  • Skeleton template combination allows to compose the application structure (e.g., as in Fig. 6). This is done by wiring the ADMs outgoing ports to incoming ports and assigning suitable values to the their attribute ports.

Once the implementation of the skeleton templates is completed, the high-level application models can be simulated and debugged at node-level. Afterwards, they can be used to generate the implementations for different simulation or target platforms.

Task V: Code Generation

The skeleton template filled with functional interconnected ADMs, simulated and debugged, can be used for automatic code generation. A framework tool converts the high-level and platform-independent design into target code that runs in different network simulation environments or on target operating systems (OSs) and platforms. These can be:

  • \(Simulink{\textregistered }/Stateflow{\textregistered }\) platform that can be used for node-level and small-scale network simulation. No application translation is necessary;

  • OMNeT++/MiXiM that can be used for large-scale network simulation. Each ADM that composes the target WSN application is mapped to a simple component, the programming unit used by the simulators;

  • TinyOS which is a popular event-driven embedded OS for WSN nodes. This can be used for code deployment on target nodes. Each functional ADM of the application is automatically converted to a TinyOS module component containing the ADM internal logic;

  • Contiki OS is another popular event-driven embedded OS for WSN nodes. Each ADM is instantiated as a protothread process and the code generated can also be run in the COOJA simulator.

    Moreover, Contiki OS allows to generate a RESTful web service support if needed. This allows publishing the application as a standard web service on the Internet without code modifications.

Task VI.a: Network-Level Simulation

Before network deployment, node behaviour and performance should be checked and the target application optimized at node- or network-level.

Model generation converts the high-level functional ADMs to simple modules in a node instance for the simulation environment. For the use case proposed, the Sensor, Radio and TempAverager functional blocks are converted to simulator simple modules, as shown in Fig. 11. An “adaptor” object is provided by the development framework as a layer that conveys the messages exchanged across the node instance borders.

Fig. 11
figure 11

Simulation in MiXiM and OMNeT++

Node instances are manually interconnected and configured using the simulation initialization file. It can specify configurations like field size, node receiver sensitivity, initial position and mobility. For example, it can assign values to node properties like NodeId, AvgWinSize, SamplingPeriod and define the properties of the communication channels between nodes. The network simulation environments also allow the definition of various scenarios, e.g., node mobility or variable communication channel properties.

Any algorithm for the application logic provided by the simulation environments can be easily connected to node instances allowing its performance evaluation in a large-scale simulation.

Fig. 12
figure 12

HIL simulation on TinyOS platform

Fig. 13
figure 13

Deployment on Contiki OS with REST web service support

Task VI.b: Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation and Deployment

The framework supports automatic code generation for hardware-in-the-loop (HiL) simulations for both target OSs:

  • TinyOS generation maps each ADM to a Module component. These components react and process the internal and external events, service messages, and post internal tasks. They can be manually wired together and assigned values to their attributes using the generated OS Configuration file.

    HiL simulation can be set up for TinyOS as shown in Fig. 12. The code for the stub node that is connected to the development framework configures it to act as a gateway bridging the virtual and hardware nodes. It forwards the physical network messages to the framework when queried and broadcasts the virtual network messages to the physical net. The stub can also transfer real sensing samples (e.g., the real temperature value) from its on-board sensors when requested by the virtual nodes.

  • Contiki OS generation maps each ADM to a Contiki OS protothread process, such as Sensor, TempAverager and Radio Processes in Fig. 13. These run in parallel reacting to internal and external events, processing the service messages using the functions from ADM behavioural description.

    Particularly interesting for IoT applications, Contiki OS provides the essential support for web services. The ADM service description WSDL file can be exposed on the Internet to provide a standard remote access to the services, as shown in Fig. 13. The border router is provided by Contiki OS to bridge the Internet and the WSN.

    Each Contiki node running applications with REST web service support can be internally decomposed in two type of processes: daemon processes and application processes. A daemon process (identified by PID:0 in Fig. 13) can be automatically generated by the framework. It receives and transforms CoAP Internet requests to internal events, dispatches the events to the application processes, and returns a CoAP response to the Internet requester. Each ADM-exposed service port is considered a resource of the Contiki node and can be reported by accessing the dedicated resource discover.

    The COOJA simulator can be used to simulate large scale networks of Contiki nodes. It can trace low-level communications among virtual nodes and monitor network traffic, as shown in Fig. 14.

Once the developer validates the simulation results and the deployment performance against the WSN application requirements, the design can be refined and improved.

Fig. 14
figure 14

Large scale network simulation in COOJA

For instance, the sample application can be used to validate the framework capabilities. The code generation was set to transform the high-level design ADMs to nesC modules, suitable for a simple test-bed set up using Memsic Telos rev. B nodes running TinyOS.

The generated nesC modules (Radio, Sensor and TempAverager) are configured, interconnected and encapsulated in a wrapper nesC module that is then wired in TinyOS to adapt the existing radio communication services.

Table 3 shows the code size and memory usage measured for the binary code generated using the development framework and the same application logic implemented manually. The results show a penalty for the generated code of less than 20  % in code size and less than 7  % in RAM requirements.

Table 3 Code size and the memory usage for the use case application

5 Conclusion

IoT rapid evolution, diversification and pervasiveness benefit from holistic approaches and improvements of the collaboration among domain experts, developers, integrators and operators of pervasive systems.

The development tools that support shared abstractions can play a primal role in IoT application modeling and implementation at all levels.

In this context, we introduced a workflow and toolset aimed to support the definition and implementation of modular IoT systems based on WSNs, enabling hybrid simulation and HiL emulation to accelerate and simplify the evaluation of system behavior in complex, large-scale scenarios.