
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

3.1 Introduction

Collective degrees of freedom, in which groups of few nucleons behave as composing clusters, are a key aspect of nuclear structure. The fundamental ‘‘building blocks’’ elements of clustering are the lightest nuclei having no excited states—first of all, the 4He nucleus (α particles) as well as the deuteron (d), the triton (t) and the 3He nucleus (h, helion). This feature is clearly seen in light nuclei, where the number of possible cluster configurations is small (Fig. 3.1). In particular, the cluster separation thresholds in the nuclei of 7Be, 6,7Li, 11,10B, 11,12C and 16O are below the nucleon separation thresholds. The stable 9Be, and unbound 8Be and 9B nuclei have a clearly pronounced cluster nature. In turn, the cluster nuclei 7Be, 7Li, and 8Be serve as cores in the isotopes 8B and 9−12C. Descriptions of the ground states of light nuclei in the shell and cluster models are complementary. In the cluster pattern the light nuclei are represented as superpositions of different cluster and nucleon configurations. The interest in such states is associated with the prediction of their molecular-like properties [1, 2]. Nuclear clustering is traditionally regarded as the prerogative of the physics of nuclear reactions at low energies [3]. The purpose of these lecture notes is to present the potential of one of the sections of high-energy physics—relativistic nuclear physics—for the development of the concepts of nuclear clustering.

Fig. 3.1
figure 1

Diagram of cluster degrees of freedom in stable and neutron-deficient nuclei; abundances or lifetimes of isotopes, their spins and parities are indicated; orange circles correspond to protons and blue ones—to neutrons; clusters are marked as dark background

In the last decade, the concepts of ultracold dilute nuclear matter based on the condensation of nucleons in the lightest nuclei have been developed [47]. An α-particle Bose-Einstein condensate (αBEC) is considered as an analogue of atomic quantum gases [5, 7]. These developments put forward the problem of studying a variety of cluster ensembles and unbound nuclei as fundamental components of novel quantum matter. In a macroscopic scale coherent ensembles of clusters may play an intermediate role in nucleosynthesis, which makes the study of nuclear clustering more important and going beyond the scope of the problems of nuclear structure. At first glance, the studies of nuclear many-body systems seem to be impossible in laboratory conditions. Nevertheless, they can be studied indirectly in nuclear disintegration processes when the excitation is slightly above the appropriate thresholds. The configuration overlap of the ground state of a fragmenting nucleus with the final cluster states is fully manifested in interactions at the periphery of the target nucleus when the introduced perturbation is minimal. It appears that the phenomenon of peripheral dissociation of relativistic nuclei can serve as an alternative ‘‘laboratory’’ for studying an unprecedented diversity of cluster ensembles.

This idea is based on the following facts. At collisions of nuclei of the energy above 1 A GeV, the kinematical regions of fragmentation of the projectile and target nuclei are clearly separated, and the momentum spectra of fragments come to asymptotic behavior. Thus, the regime of the limiting fragmentation of nuclei is reached, which also means that the isotopic composition of the fragments remains constant with increasing collision energy. Of particular value for the cluster physics are the events of peripheral dissociation of the incident nucleus with preservation of the number of nucleons in the region of its fragmentation. At a projectile energy above 1 A GeV the probability of such dissociation reaches a few percent. Definition of interactions as peripheral ones is facilitated by increasing collimation of fragments. Thresholds of detection of relativistic fragments are absent, and their energy losses in the detectors are minimal. All these factors are essential for experimental studies.

The cluster ensembles produced in fragmentation of relativistic nuclei are best observed in nuclear track emulsion (NTE). As an example, Fig. 3.2 shows the macro photography of interaction in NTE of a 3.65 A GeV 28Si nucleus. The granularity of the image is about 0.5 μm. Of particular interest is a group of relativistic H and He fragments with the total charge ∑Z fr =13. In the top photo one can see the fragment jet in a narrow cone accompanied by four singly charged relativistic particles in a wide cone and three fragments of the target nucleus. Moving in the direction of the jet fragments (bottom photo) allows three H and five He fragments to be distinguished. An intense ‘‘track’’ on the bottom photo (third from top) splits into a pair of tracks with Z fr =2 and the opening angle of about 2×10−3 rad, which corresponds to the 8Be nucleus decay. Such narrow decays are frequently observed in the fragmentation of relativistic nuclei. They testify to the completeness of observations across the spectrum of cluster excitations.

Fig. 3.2
figure 2

Fragmentation of a 3.65 A GeV 28Si nucleus in nuclear track emulsion

According to NTE observations, the degree of dissociation of light nuclei as well as of the heaviest ones can reach a total destruction into the lightest nuclei and nucleons. Until now, information about this phenomenon has been fragmentary, and its interpretation has not been offered. Light nuclei are sources for the generation of the simplest configurations of the lightest clusters and nucleons. Being interesting by itself, their study provides a basis for understanding the dynamics of multiple fragmentations of heavy nuclei. The nuclear track emulsion exposed to relativistic radioactive nuclei makes it possible to diversify qualitatively the ‘‘tomography’’ of nuclear structure.

The study of cluster structure by relativistic dissociation has both fundamental and practical importance. First of all, the probabilities with which the cluster states are shown in dissociation are related to the fundamental parameters of the ground and excited states of light nuclei. The knowledge of probabilities allows one to determine possible initial configurations of nuclear clusters, which is important for the analysis of the whole variety of nuclear reactions. Clustering is the basis of the underlying processes accompanying the phenomenon of the physics of nuclear isobars, hypernuclei and quark degrees of freedom. The ideas about nuclear clustering obtained in high-energy physics are important for applications in nuclear astrophysics, cosmic ray physics, nuclear medicine, and perhaps even nuclear geology. In particular, the probability distributions of the final cluster states may suggest new ways of multiple particle nuclear fusion, as inverse processes to their dissociation.

At the JINR Nuclotron in 2002, the newly formed BECQUEREL collaboration launched a program of irradiation of NTE stacks in the beams of relativistic isotopes of beryllium, boron, carbon and nitrogen, including radioactive ones (Fig. 3.1). Coinciding with the name of the famous scientist, the project acronym indicates its key tasks—Beryllium (Boron) Clustering Quest in Relativistic Multifragmentation [8]. The physical design of the program consisted in a systematic verification of the assumption that in the dissociation of light relativistic nuclei it is possible to study the characteristics of their cluster structure. This idea is not obvious, and its implementation by means others than NTE face objective difficulties. Analysis of NTE exposures can best explore the structure and kinematical characteristics of a variety of ensembles of relativistic clusters. The ultimate goal of NTE application is the most complete identification and metrology of unusual configurations of clusters. Detailed information about the structure of dissociation will be very useful for the feasibility studies of electronic experiments with high statistics of events.

Earlier observations among those discussed below were made in NTE exposures with the nuclei 12C [9], 16O [10], 22Ne [11], 6Li [12] and 7Li [13] and were carried out at the JINR Synchrotron in the 70–90s. Within the BECQUEREL project the peripheral interactions were analyzed in NTE (Fig. 3.2) exposed to the following set of nuclei: 6He [14], 10B [15], 7Be [16], 14N [17], 9Be [18, 19], 11B [20], 8B [21], 9C [22], 10C, and 12N [2327]. These experimental results allow us to present a comprehensive picture of clustering for a family of nuclei at the beginning of the isotope table.

The references to works cited in these lecture notes cover mainly the experimental results on the fragmentation of relativistic nuclei obtained with the NTE technique. It is recognized that this list cannot claim to be complete. Our goal is limited by the desire to give the initial presentation and generate interest in self-immersion in an exciting and promising topic of fragmentation of relativistic nuclei. Some of the unique materials on the subject were not published sufficiently in the 70–90s due to circumstances beyond the authors’ control, which makes their formal quoting difficult. Their preprints in Russian are stored on the BECQUEREL site [8]. We referred to them as to physical ‘‘folklore’’ when writing these notes.

3.2 Physics of Relativistic Nuclei

The BECQUEREL program owes its existence to a glorious era of research that deserves at least a brief reminder. The discovery of radioactivity by A.H. BECQUEREL at the same time made him the founder of the photographic method of its detection. Since then the searches for new phenomena in microphysics have been raising more and more new waves of interest in the use of nuclear photographs. Despite the known limitations in the statistics of the analyzed events, the classical method gives an objective topology of tracks in the full geometry, which allows one to see the prospects for technically advanced experiments. Events of multiple fragmentation of relativistic nuclei were observed as early as the 40s in NTE exposed to cosmic rays in the stratosphere [28]. Their photographs presented in the classic book by C.H. Powell, P.H. Fowler and D.H. Perkins [29], among other fundamental observations can serve as a model of clarity in our time. Our research is implemented in keeping with this tradition.

Beams of light nuclei of several A GeV were produced at the JINR Synchrophasotron in Dubna and at the BEVALAC of the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory in the early 70s. Thus, prerequisites appeared for the application of the concepts and methods of high-energy physics for the development of the relativistic theory of atomic nuclei. At the same time experimental studies with the use of the NTE technique began at spectrometers and bubble chambers. Their main thrust was the search for the universal laws that describe the collisions of relativistic composite systems. Transition of spectra of nuclear fragments in the regime of limiting fragmentation and scale-invariant behavior was established. In the case of an uncorrelated formation of groups of relativistic fragments the description of their spectra could be reduced to the superposition of universal functions. However, meeting the generalizing principles the physics of relativistic fragmentation appears to be richer and deeper.

A.M. Baldin proposed to classify multiple particle production in nuclear collisions based on the relativistic-invariant description [30]. The particles are considered in the four-velocity space

$$ u_i=P_i/m_i, $$

where P i are 4-momenta of particles participating in the reaction, and m i are their masses. Experimental data are presented in dimensionless invariant variables

$$ b_{ik}=-(P_i/m_i-P_k/m_k)^2=-(u_i-u_k)^2=2 \bigl[(u_iu_k)-1\bigr] $$

The variables b ik are directly related to the Lorentz factor of the relative motion of particles γ ik =(u i u k ). In the range of relative velocities b ik ≫1, the hadrons involved in the process lose the role of quasiparticles, since the interaction of their constituents is so weakened that they can be considered within the framework of perturbative QCD. In the transition region 0.1<b ik <1, subnucleon degrees of freedom become important in the reconstruction of the structure and interactions of hadrons. The region b ik <10−2, corresponding to the interaction of weakly bound nucleon systems and nuclear clusters near the binding energy, is the domain of classical nuclear physics. It is a characteristic region for the physics of nuclear clustering. Invariant representation of the cluster kinematics can establish a connection with the findings of low-energy physics.

The discovery of exotic nuclei at the BEVALAC accelerator brought the nuclear beams to the forefront of nuclear physics and led to the production of beams of radioactive nuclei in many accelerators. Entirely new phenomena were established in the structure of light radioactive nuclei and in nuclear reactions with their participation. Anomalously large radii of light nuclei, explained on the basis of nuclear structures, which consisted of spatially separated nucleons and nuclear cores, were observed.

The Nuclotron, which replaced the JINR Synchrophasotron in the early 2000s, provides an opportunity to explore nuclear matter in the region b ik <10−2 for the optimal choice of the initial energy and the kinematics of detection. With the development of research in relativistic nuclear physics magneto-optical channels of particle transportation were built at this machine allowing secondary beams of 2 A GeV/c nuclei [31] to be formed. The channel used in our exposures has a length of about 50 m and consists of four bending magnets; its acceptance is about 2–3 %.

The nuclear track emulsion technique at the JINR Synchrophasotron began to be used in the 50s with irradiations by 10 GeV protons [32]. Analysis of inelastic interactions of protons with nuclei of NTE composition pointed to the significant role of peripheral interactions. Often protons produced groups of mesons on Ag and Br nuclei which were visibly not destroyed. Later, these processes called coherent dissociation were studied in NTE irradiated by 70 GeV protons [33]. Similar reactions are possible in nucleus-nucleus interactions when the nucleus acts as a projectile, and the end result of coherent interaction is not the production of new particles, but the dissociation of the projectile nucleus. For the coherent dissociation of a projectile nucleus of the mass M 0 into a system of fragments with masses m i the threshold momentum of the nucleus is estimated as

$$ p_{0\mathit{min}}\approx M_0B^{1/3} \varDelta/\mu $$

where μ is the mass of the π meson, B is the mass number of the target nucleus, and Δ=∑m i M 0 is mass defect with respect to the dissociation channel [9]. In particular, for the coherent dissociation of 12C→3α in the Pb nucleus the estimate p 0min is equal to approximately 300 MeV/c, and in the case of 16O→4α p 0min is roughly twice as much. Thus, the events of coherent dissociation of nuclei characterized by high thresholds should be investigated by experimental methods of high-energy physics.

The establishment in the early 70s of relativistic nuclear physics was supported by the community which had rich experience in NTE applications. The particle accelerators opened a possibility of exploring the interactions of different nuclei of certain values of energy that allowed the spectra of relativistic fragments to be studied by the NTE technique. NTE was irradiated by nuclei that were first accelerated at the JINR Synchrophasotron, at the BEVALAC and later at the accelerators AGS (BNL) and SPS (CERN). The developed stacks of NTE pellicles were transferred for analysis to research centers worldwide in the spirit of traditions of the emulsion collaborations that arose as far back as in the pioneer period of cosmic ray research.

The method received a motivation for further use because of its record-breaking resolution [29, 34]. It still retains uniqueness in the cone of relativistic fragmentation. The spatial resolution of the nuclear emulsion BR-2 (Russia) is 0.5 μm, and its sensitivity ranges from the most highly charged relativistic ions to singly charged relativistic particles. These features can be estimated in the photograph combining the pictures of the interaction of a relativistic sulfur nucleus and a human hair with a thickness of 60 μm (Fig. 3.3). Both images were obtained under identical conditions using a microscope and a digital camera. It can be argued that the nuclear emulsion gives the best projection of the events that occurred on the microcosm scale.

Fig. 3.3
figure 3

Superposed photographs of a collision of a relativistic sulphur nucleus and a human hair obtained in the same scale by means of a microscope and a digital camera

Over time, the observation of such beautiful images was considered to be taken for granted. Demonstration of nucleus-nucleus interactions was replaced by the classification of tracks, not obvious to specialists in other techniques. The value of such a classification began to be forgotten with the weakening of interest in NTE caused by complexity of measurements. To make the results available to the perception, conservation of the patterns of peripheral interactions of relativistic nuclei was resumed in our video collection [8].

The emulsion method contributed to the establishment of the fundamental properties that characterize the collision of relativistic composite systems. As a rule, the event search was conducted for the primary tracks without selection providing systematized observations. However, this approach limits the statistics of rare events. Particular attention was given to central collisions as candidates for exotic events. The labor consuming analysis of its many tracks was motivated by searches for nuclear matter at the highest concentration of density and energy—the intranuclear cascade and shock waves in nuclear matter and, to the greatest extent, the quark-gluon plasma. The modern development of this area is widely known.

The results of the 70–90s retain the value in the aspect of relativistic fragmentation. Among the observed interactions of a few percent of events were the peripheral fragmentation of nuclei into the narrow jets of light nuclei, nucleon clusters and nucleons with a total charge close to the initial charge of the nucleus [912, 3545]. Often, the peripheral events were not accompanied by the formation of fragments of the target nuclei, in the case of which there appeared an analogy with the coherent dissociation of protons proceeding at multiple smaller mass differences between the final and initial states. One of the most striking examples is given in Fig. 3.4, which clearly shows the breakdown of ionization as a result of multiple fragmentation of the incident nucleus Au.

Fig. 3.4
figure 4

Consecutively photographed event of the peripheral interaction of a 158 A GeV 207Pb nucleus in nuclear track emulsion: primary nucleus track and interaction vertex followed by projectile fragment jet (Shot 1); jet core with apparent tracks of singly and doubly charged particles (Shot 2); jet core with a secondary interaction star (Shot 3); completely resolved jet core (Shot 4, 3 cm distance from the vertex)

Speaking about the nature of this phenomenon, it is possible to associate the probability of dissociation channels with the spectroscopic factors of the various cluster components of its ground state. These events indicate the disappearance of the Coulomb barrier of the nucleus and the exit of virtual clusters on the mass shell, followed by a rescattering. It is possible that the generation of fragment ensembles occurs not only in the states of the continuous spectrum. In the most ‘‘delicate’’ collisions, population of the excited states above the decay thresholds is possible. In addition, nucleon clusters formed in the peripheral dissociation of relativistic nuclei may have a diffractive scattering. Thus, the peripheral collisions contain unique information about the quantum-mechanical aspects of the formation of the cluster ensembles. This assumption requires verifications with clearly interpretable examples. Positive findings will provide a basis for the development of ideas about the physics of multiple cluster systems.

Despite their hidden aesthetics, peripheral interactions attracted a limited interest. Their study turned out to be in a shadow of ‘‘romantic’’ physics of central collisions. No less important is the fact that, although the possibility of a relativistic approach to the study of nuclear structure was recognized, its application without a complete registration of relativistic fragments appeared to be limited. The apparent simplicity of the fragmentation cone study is deceptive. With respect to such peripheral interactions NTE remains the only means of observation that provide not only unique observation, but also a reasonable statistics. Of course, NTE does not provide momentum analysis. However, due to the development of relativistic physics of few-nucleon systems based on magnetic spectrometers and bubble chambers a variety of data about the fragmentation of relativistic nuclei may be attracted.

Our study is aimed at exploring the coherent dissociation of neutron deficient nuclei, adjacent to the beginning of the table of isotopes (Fig. 3.1), since the NTE technique offers special advantages for this. The following issues were raised:

  1. 1.

    How does relativistic dissociation reflect the α-cluster structure of light nuclei?

  2. 2.

    How does 2,3H and 3He clustering manifest itself in relativistic dissociation?

  3. 3.

    Is the population of cluster ensembles requiring nucleon rearrangement beyond α-clustering is possible in relativistic dissociation?

  4. 4.

    What is the proportion of nuclear diffractive and electromagnetic mechanisms of dissociation on heavy nuclei of NTE composition?

The stages of this study were closely related to the opportunities that arose at the JINR Nuclotron in the 2000s. In the final period of the operation of the JINR Synchrophasotron (1999), first experience of analysis was obtained when NTE was exposed to a mixed secondary beam of 6He and 3H nuclei. Construction of the system of slow extraction of accelerated nuclei from the Nuclotron (2002) made it possible to perform irradiation by 10B nuclei. The 2α+d clustering was established for the 10B dissociation which motivated the irradiation by 14N nuclei to study the 3α+d clustering and later by 11B nucleus exposure to study the 2α+t clustering. The interest in the 11B nucleus quickened analysis of the α+t clustering in the early 7Li irradiation. To develop ideas about 3He-based clustering, irradiation was carried out in the secondary beam of 7Be nuclei formed in charge-exchange reactions of primary 7Li nuclei (2004–2005). The acceleration of the 10B nuclei allowed secondary beams of 9Be and 8B isotopes to be created. The results of these exposures gave grounds for exposures in the beams of 9,10C and 12N isotopes formed in the fragmentation of primary 12C nuclei (2005–2006). The resumption of the use of nuclear emulsion has led to the survival of the NTE technology, to the preservation of the experience in data analysis, and to the involvement of young researchers.

The next section presents the approaches taken to analyze the interactions of relativistic nuclei in emulsion and the key facts on the peripheral dissociation of light stable nuclei. Their combined use became the basis for the proposal of the BECQUEREL experiment for the study of radioactive nuclei.

3.3 Dissociation of Relativistic Nuclei

3.3.1 Advantages of the NTE Technique

An emulsion chamber is assembled as a stack of pellicles 550 μm thick and 10×20 cm2 in size (Fig. 3.5). The factors in obtaining large event statistics are thickness reaching 80 g/cm2 along the long side and complete efficiency of charged particle detection. NTE contain Ag and Br nuclei as well as H nuclei in similar concentrations. By the density of hydrogen NTE is close to a liquid hydrogen target. This feature allows one to compare in the same conditions the disintegrations of projectile nuclei in nuclear diffractive and electromagnetic dissociation on heavy target nuclei as well as in collision with protons.

Fig. 3.5
figure 5

Photograph of an NTE pellicle on a glass substrate and of a microscope with an installed photo camera

The fragments of the relativistic nuclei are concentrated in a cone limited by the angle

$$ \theta_{\mathit{fr}}\approx p_{\mathit{fr}}/p_0 $$

where p fr =0.2 GeV/c is a quantity characterizing the Fermi momentum of nucleons, and p 0 is the momentum per nucleon of projectile nucleus. If the beam is directed parallel to the pellicles, the tracks of all relativistic fragments can stay long enough in a single pellicle for 3-dimensional reconstruction. The distribution of events over the interaction channels with different composition of charged fragments (or the charged topology) is a direct feature of the fragmentation of relativistic nuclei. The results on charge topology of coherent dissociation for the relativistic nuclei 16O, 22Ne, 24Mg, 28Si and 32S are summarized in [46].

In NTE the angular resolution for the tracks of relativistic fragments is of the order of 10−5 rad. Measurements of the polar angles θ of fragment emission are not sufficient for comparison of data for different values of the initial energy of nuclei. More generic is a comparison by the values of the transverse momentum P T of fragments with the mass number A fr according to the approximation of

$$ P_T \approx A_{\mathit{fr}}P_0 \sin{\theta} $$

which corresponds to conservation by the fragments of the velocity of the primary nucleus (or momentum P 0 per nucleon). Obviously, the most important is the θ angle resolution, since the θ distributions are ‘‘pressed against’’ zero. For α-cluster nuclei the assumption about the correspondence of a relativistic fragment with the charge Z fr =2 to the 4He isotope is well justified. Separation of the isotopes 3He and 4He is required for neutron-deficient nuclei.

In the fragmentation of the NTE nuclei, strongly ionizing target fragments (Fig. 3.2) can be observed including α particles, protons with energy below 26 MeV energy and light nuclei—n b  (b-particles), as well as non-relativistic protons above 26 MeV—n g (g-particles). In addition, the reactions are characterized by a multiplicity of mesons produced outside the cone of fragmentation—n s (s-particles). Using these parameters, conclusions can be drawn about the nature of the interaction.

In coherent dissociation events there are no fragments of the target nuclei (n b =0, n g =0) and charged mesons (n s =0). Events of this type were informally named as ‘‘white’’ stars due to the absence of tracks of strongly ionizing particles n h (n h =n b +n g ). ‘‘White’’ stars are produced by nuclear diffraction and electromagnetic interactions on heavy target nuclei. Their share in the total number of inelastic events is a few percent. The name ‘‘white’’ stars aptly reflects the ‘‘breakdown’’ of ionization in the transition from the primary nucleus track to a narrow cone of the secondary tracks down to Z pr times. This feature constitutes the main difficulty for electronic techniques, since the greater the degree of dissociation at the event, the harder it is to register. In nuclear track emulsions the situation is quite opposite.

The practical task of determining charge topology is identification of fragment charges Z fr . Due to 4-fold difference in ionization, the charges of relativistic fragments Z fr =1 and 2 are determined already by visual search. The values of fragment charges Z fr ≥3 are determined by the density of gaps on tracks or by the density of δ-electrons N δ depending on charges as \(Z_{\mathit{fr}}^{2}\). A valuable condition is the conservation by relativistic fragments of the charge of the beam nuclei Z pr , i.e. Z pr =∑Z fr for the interpretation of ‘‘white’’ stars in NTE exposed to mixed secondary beams. It allows one to separate in the beam the contribution of lighter nuclei with a similar charge to mass ratio. This criterion is fundamentally important for NTE exposures in beams with complex composition. An example of charge separation of the beam nuclei and secondary fragments in the mixed-beam exposure to 7Be, 10C and 12N for events ∑Z fr =6 and 7 is shown in Fig. 3.6 [2527]. In cases of light neutron-deficient nuclei the determination of charges allows one to determine their mass numbers.

Fig. 3.6
figure 6

Distribution of the beam particle tracks N ev (solid line) and secondary fragments (dashed line) with respect to the mean number of δ-electrons N δ , over 1 mm of the track length in nuclear track emulsion exposed to a mixed beam of 7Be, 10C and 12N nuclei

Relativistic H and He isotopes are identified by their values pβc, where p is fragment momentum and βc is its velocity. Due to ‘‘quantization’’ of fragment momenta their mass numbers A fr are defined as p fr β fr c/(p 0 β 0 c). The pβc value is determined by the average angle of multiple Coulomb scattering estimated via the track offsets |D| on 2–5 cm track sections. It is necessary to measure |D| not less than in 100 points in order to achieve 20–30 % accuracy of pβc determination comparable to the difference A fr for 3He and 4He. This labor-intensive method is not a routine procedure, and its use is justified in fundamentally important cases for limited number of fragment tracks.

In particular, this method was applied in the analysis of NTE exposure [22] to 2 A GeV/c 9C nuclei in a situation when the 3He nuclei having the same magnetic rigidity as the 9C were predominant in the beam. The average value \(\langle p\beta c\rangle_{{}^{3}\mathrm{He}}\) for the beam 3He nuclei was (5.1±0.1) GeV with RMS of 0.8 GeV, which is close to the expected value of 5.4 GeV (for 4He—7.2 GeV) and is acceptable for separation of the isotopes 3He and 4He. The ‘‘white’’ stars with fragments of Z fr =5 and 4 and with the beam particle charges Z pr =6 found in this exposure were interpreted as 9C→8B+p and 7Be+2p. Indeed, the distribution of particles Z fr =1 has 〈pβcH=(1.5±0.1) GeV and RMS of 0.4 GeV, which corresponds to protons.

The states of 33He became a central subject of study of the coherent dissociation of 9C. Only for 22 He tracks in 16 found ‘‘white’’ stars C→3He it was possible to perform \(p\beta c_{^{3}\mathrm{He}}\) value measurements (Fig. 3.7). The average value is \(\langle p\beta c_{^{3}\mathrm{He}}\rangle =(4.9 \pm 0.3)~\mathrm{GeV}\) for RMS of 0.9 GeV and corresponds to the calibration of the 3He beam nuclei. Only for three 3He ‘‘white’’ stars the determination of pβc was possible for all of the fragments allowing these events to be identified as 33He most reliably.

Fig. 3.7
figure 7

Distribution of the measured values pβc for fragments from ‘‘white’’ stars 10C→2He+2H (solid line—He, shaded histogram—H) and 9C→3He (dashed line)

The values \(p\beta c_{^{4}\mathrm{He}}\) were measured for H and He tracks of 16 ‘‘white’’ stars 10C→2He+2H in the NTE exposed to a mixed beam of isotopes 7Be, 10C and 12N [2527] with the same momentum per nucleon as in the case of 9C. The dominance of 1H and 4He isotopes confirms the separation of 10C (Fig. 3.7). In the case of He nuclei, 23 tracks were taken from the 8Be g.s. decays. For all He tracks measured in the exposure to 9C (including 3He calibration) the average value is \(\langle p\beta c_{^{3}\mathrm{He}}\rangle =(5.0\pm 0.1)~\mathrm{GeV}\) at RMS of 0.8 GeV, and in the of 10C it is \(\langle p\beta c_{^{4}\mathrm{He}}\rangle =(7.9 \pm 0.2)~\mathrm{GeV}\) at RMS of 0.8 GeV. Thus, two groups of measurements clearly correspond to different He isotopes. Figure 3.7 shows the distribution of the measured values of pβc for He fragments of the events 9C→33He [22]. 3He and 4He fragments are clearly separated by pβc.

The excitation energy of a fragment system Q is defined as the difference between the invariant mass of the fragmenting system M and the mass of the primary nucleus M, i.e. Q=M M. M is the sum of all products of the fragment 4-momenta P i,k M ∗2=∑(P i P k ). 4-momenta P i,k are determined in the approximation of conservation of the initial momentum per nucleon by fragments. The opening angle distributions of α-particle pairs Θ are superposed in Fig. 3.8 for the dissociation 9Be→8Be g.s. at 2 A GeV/c [18, 19] and for 14N→8Be g.s. at 2.9 A GeV/c [17]. Their average values differ significantly: (4.4±0.2)×10−3 rad and (3.0±0.2)×10−3 rad, which points to the sensitivity of the measurements to the reduction of the decay cone with increasing momentum. Overlaying when transformed to the Q 2α (Fig. 3.8) points to on the identity of the source of narrow α pairs in both cases to 8Be g.s.(0+) decays with the average energy 〈Q 2α 〉=(68±14) keV for 9Be and (78±14) keV for 14N. Thus, the observation of the ground state decay of the 8Be nucleus shows a fine resolution of angle measurements as well as convenience of invariant representation.

Fig. 3.8
figure 8

Distribution of the opening angles Θ in α-particle pairs (left) and energy Q 2α (right) for fragmentation events 9Be→8Be g.s.(0+) at 2 A GeV/c and 14N→8Be g.s.(0+) at 2.9 A GeV/c

3.3.2 Coherent Dissociation of Relativistic 12C and 16O Nuclei

At the JINR Synchrophasotron in the early 70s, NTE was exposed to 4.5 A GeV/c 12C nuclei (energy of 3.65 A GeV). The statistics of 2468 interactions found along a 338 m scanned path of primary tracks included 28 ‘‘white’’ stars. The only option for these stars was the cluster breakup 12C→3α (threshold E th =7.3 MeV) limited in the cone θ<3 (example in Fig. 3.9). Later the NTE was enriched with lead to enhance the electromagnetic dissociation [9]. The search for events was carried out in an accelerated manner over the NTE pellicle area. As a result, the statistics had already 72 ‘‘white’’ stars 12C→3α. A key observation became relativistic 8Be decays that constituted at least 20 %.

Fig. 3.9
figure 9

Coherent dissociation 12C→3He at 4.5 A GeV/c; upper photo: an interaction vertex and a fragment jet; middle and lower photo: shifting from the vertex along the fragment jet allows three tracks of doubly charged fragments to be distinguished

The same approach was extended to the 16O nucleus. Table 3.1 shows an increased variety of channels. This distribution leads to a probability distribution. The channels C+He (E th =7.2 MeV, example in Fig. 3.10) and N+H (E th =12.1 MeV) are leading. The statistics of ‘‘white’’ stars 16O→4α (example in Fig. 3.11) that were found in an accelerated search reached 641 events [10], demonstrating in NTE the possibility of studying processes with the cross-section 10−2–10−3 of the inelastic cross-section. The probabilities of cascading channels defined by simulation were ≈25 % for the 8Be+2α and ≈20 % for 28Be. Thus, the relativistic 4α-system proved to be strongly correlated.

Fig. 3.10
figure 10

Coherent dissociation 16O→C+He at 4.5 A GeV/c

Fig. 3.11
figure 11

Coherent dissociation 16O→2He+8Be g.s. at 4.5 A GeV/c; arrow points to tracks of the decay 8Be g.s.→2α

Table 3.1 Charge topology of the fragments of the coherent dissociation of 4.5 A GeV/c 16O nuclei

3.3.3 Features of the Dissociation of Heavier Nuclei

The progress in the development of the JINR Synchrophasotron as a source of relativistic nuclei achieved in the 80s has made it possible to perform exposures with the 22Ne, 24Mg, 28Si and 32S nuclei. The information received at that time about the peripheral fragmentation of nuclei retains its uniqueness and provides motivation for future experiments. We illustrate this statement, basing on the measurements of interactions of 3.22 A GeV 22Ne nuclei. The statistics of events is traced in Table 3.2 for the channels ∑Z fr =10 with multiplicities of the target fragments n b and n g . There are channels present, starting from the separation of single fragments Z fr =1 and 2 down to the destruction into the lightest nuclei (example in Fig. 3.12). An obvious feature is the dominance of ‘‘white’’ stars. Such distributions for relativistic Mg, Si and S nuclei have similar pattern.

Fig. 3.12
figure 12

Coherent dissociation 20Ne→3He+8Be g.s.(0+) at 4.5 A GeV/c

Table 3.2 The distribution of the peripheral interactions of 3.22 A GeV 22Ne nuclei over multiplicity of target fragments n b and n g (n s =0); in parenthesis is share in %

A nuclear state analogous to the dilute Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) can manifest itself in the formation of Nα-particle ensembles with a narrow velocity distribution in the center of mass. However, the c.m.s. definition is difficult enough, while the analysis of jets in the 4-velocity space b ik can represent Nα-systems in a universal way. Events 22Ne→Nα were selected, satisfying the criterion of b ik <10−2 for each α-pair for N α =3, 4 and 5. Figure 3.13 shows the distribution of normalized excitation energy Q′=Q/(4Nα). Despite the increase in multiplicity, Nα-jets remain similar. Three ‘‘white’’ stars were found among the events of 22Ne→5α. Of these there were two ‘‘golden’’ events containing all α-particles within the 1 cone. For these two events, the values Q′ are very small—400 keV and 600 keV per nucleon. The detection of these 5α-states is an argument in favor of searching for α-particle Bose-Einstein condensate in relativistic fragmentation.

Fig. 3.13
figure 13

Distribution of α-particle pairs produced in the fragmentation 22Ne→Nα over energy Q′ (per nucleon of a fragment)

3.3.4 Cluster Structure of 6Li and 7Li Nuclei

The data on the interactions of 4.5 A GeV/c 6Li nuclei [12] attracted our attention to the NTE technique for addressing the issues of cluster structure. The 6Li nucleus is the only among stable nuclei except the deuteron that are attributable to nuclei with exotic structure. Due to increased sizes and weak nucleon coupling the exotic nuclei are characterized by enhanced interaction cross-sections and narrowed momentum distributions of their cores in fragmentation. These properties of the 6Li nucleus are manifested in the relativistic fragmentation in NTE.

The free path with respect to inelastic interactions, which happened to be about 3 cm shorter than the one calculated by the Bradt-Peters formula (≈17 cm) [28], suggests an anomalously large radius of the 6Li nucleus. In the model of the geometric overlap of nuclear densities its value is equal to (2.7±0.1) Fermi which is consistent with the data on the radius of the 6Li nucleus. A feature of the isotopic composition of 6Li fragments was an unusually high yield of deuterons nearly equal to the yield of protons, which was not observed in the fragmentation of the 4He, 12C, 22Ne, and 28Si nuclei. For the fragmentation 6Li→α the value of the mean transverse momentum of α particles turned out to be reduced—\(\langle P_{T_{\alpha}}\rangle =(0.13\pm 0.01)~\mathrm{GeV}/c\), while for the interactions of 12C nuclei this value was \(\langle P_{T_{\alpha }}\rangle =(0.01 \pm 0.24)~\mathrm{GeV}/c\). 31 ‘‘white’’ stars in which fragments were completely identified can be regarded as ‘‘golden’’ events (example in Fig. 3.14). Among them there are 23 events corresponding to the dissociation channel α+d (E th =1.47 MeV), and there are 4 events in the channels 3He+t (E th =15.8 MeV) and t+d+p (E th =21.2 MeV). Thus, the α+d cluster structure is clearly manifested.

Fig. 3.14
figure 14

Coherent dissociation 6Li→He+H at 4.5 A GeV/c

The question of the triton as a cluster was resolved based on an analysis of the ‘‘white’’ stars 7Li→He+H [12]. Determination of the masses of the relativistic fragments showed that 50 % of these events represent the channel α+t (E th =2.5 MeV), while the channel α+d+n constitued 30 % (E th =6.1 MeV) and α+p+2n (E th =7 MeV)—20 %. These findings stimulated the analysis of the relationship of nuclear and electromagnetic diffraction mechanisms of cluster dissociation on a mixture of NTE nuclei [47]. The first type of interaction for the α+t channel covers the total momentum range 50<P T <500 MeV/c, and the second—considerably narrower—P T <50 MeV/c (Fig. 3.15).

Fig. 3.15
figure 15

Differential cross-section of the coherent dissociation 7Li→4He+3H at 4.5 A GeV/c over the total transverse momentum Q [47]; experimental data and theoretical dependences of Coulomb (C) and nuclear diffractive (N) interactions

3.3.5 Exposure in a Mixed Beam of 6He and 3H Isotopes

Before the beginning of exposures under the BECQUEREL project experience was gained in the analysis of nuclear emulsion exposed to the beam ‘‘cocktail’’ of a mixture of 6He and 3H nuclei [14, 29]. An extracted beam of 2.67 A GeV/c 6Li nuclei was directed to a plexiglass target located at the focal point of the beam transport channel. The 6He nucleus beam was formed by using the selection of products of the charge-exchange process 6Li→6He. The secondary particles produced almost at a zero angle were seized by the channel tuned to the selection of particles with charge to mass number Z pr /A pr =1/3. The percentage of 6He nuclei was about 1 %, and 3H nuclei were dominant.

A few ‘‘white’’ stars with a noticeable change in the direction of doubly charged tracks in which the 6He nucleus lost a neutron pair and emitted α particles were found in this exposure. The average transverse momentum of these α particles is \(\langle P_{T_{\alpha}}\rangle \approx35~\mathrm{MeV}/c\). Thus, an indication for a drastically narrower distribution \(P_{T_{\alpha}}\) for the coherent dissociation of 6He was obtained, in which the neutron halo is exhibited as a structural feature of this nucleus. However, the value of the 6He mean free path, including the registered coherent interactions, was 16.3±3.1 cm, being significantly greater than for 6Li. It can be assumed that excessive mean range for 6He is due to lack of efficiency of observations of the coherent dissociation 6He→4He+2n (no more than 50 %). This assumption means that the contribution of coherent interactions is not less than 20 %. This experiment indicated the importance of selecting ‘‘white’’ stars together with neutrons to determine the characteristics of the cluster structure. It should be recognized that in the case of neutron-rich nuclei per nucleon electronic experiments in the energy range of a few tens of A GeV with the detection of neutrons by hadron calorimeters have the best prospects.

3.4 First Exposures at the JINR Nuclotron

3.4.1 Dissociation of the 10B Nucleus

The α+d clustering of the 6Li nucleus, which was demonstrated with remarkable detail [12], led to an idea to identify a more complicated clustering—2α+d—in the next odd-odd nucleus—10B [15]. The thresholds of separation of nucleons and lightest nuclei are close for this nucleus—E th (6Li+α)=4.5 MeV, E th (8Be+d)=6.0 MeV, E th (9Be+p)=6.6 MeV. It was found that in approximately 65 % of peripheral interactions (∑Z fr =5,n s =0) of 1 A GeV 10B nuclei occur via the 2He+H channel (example in Fig. 3.16). A singly charged particle in ≈40 % of these events is the deuteron. The abundant deuteron yield is comparable with the 6Li case and points to the deuteron clustering in the 10B nucleus. Events in the He+3H channel constitute 15 %. 10 % of the events contain both Li and He fragments. The presence (or absence) of fragments of the target nucleus has practically no effect on the charge topology of the projectile nucleus fragmentation.

Fig. 3.16
figure 16

Coherent dissociation 10B→2He+H at 1.8 A GeV/c

Just 2 % of the events contain fragments with charges Z fr =4 and 1, i.e. the 9Be nucleus and the proton. This ‘‘negative’’ observation merits attention because it serves as a test of the relation of the shell and cluster description of the 10B nucleus. Indeed, the spin of this nucleus is equal to 3, which explains the p-shell filling order. Removal of a proton from the p-shell leads to the formation of the 9Be nucleus with spin 3/2. Thus, the separation of the proton does not require the transfer of the angular momentum. However, this channel is suppressed, which indirectly favors the leading role of the 2α+d structure in the 10B ground state.

A valuable finding of the exposure is an event of the coherent dissociation 10B→3He. Associated with the rearrangement of nucleons in α clusters, the process 10B→23He+4He could proceed via the charge-exchange reaction 10B→6Li+4He→3H+3He+4He→23He+4He (E th =20 MeV). By the charge composition this event is almost certainly identified as 10B→23He+4He, since the threshold of breakup of the second α cluster 10B→33He+n is even 16 MeV higher. The measurements of multiple scattering of the He tracks have confirmed this interpretation.

3.4.2 Dissociation of the 11B Nucleus

The determining role of the 3H cluster in the fragmentation of 7Li motivated a study of the triton cluster in the breakups of 2.75 A GeV 11B nuclei [20]. The experiment was aimed at the channels with low thresholds of cluster separation—E th (7Li+α)=8.7 MeV, E th (2α+t)=11.2 MeV and E th (10Be+p)=11.2 MeV. A leading channel, 2He+H, was also established for the 11B nucleus. Similarly to the case of 10B, a large proportion of tritons in the 11B ‘‘white’’ stars favor its existence as a cluster. However, the increasing excess of neutrons that require (as in the case of 7Li) an increasing volume of measurements of multiple scattering leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of our approach.

Eight ‘‘white’’ stars of the charge-exchange reaction 11B→11C7Be+4He have been found. Charge exchange events through other channels were not observed. This fact demonstrates that while a three-body channel leads in 10B and 11B breakups, the two-body leads in the 11C case. These observations motivate a direct study of 11C dissociation through the channels 7Be+α (E th =7.6 MeV), 10B+p (E th =8.7 MeV) and 3He+2α (E th =9.2 MeV).

One should note the practical value of information about the 11C structure for nuclear medicine. In contrast to the 12C nucleus there should also be a significant contribution of the 7Be nucleus in the final states of 11C fragmentation. This circumstance leads to less ‘‘spreading’’ of ionization from 11C fragmentation products.

3.4.3 Dissociation of the 7Be nucleus

The next stage was peripheral interactions of the 7Be nuclei obtained in charge-exchange reactions of 1.2 A GeV 7Li nuclei [16, 29]. The numbers of events in various channels of 7Be fragmentation with the charge topology ∑Z fr =4 are presented in Table 3.3 (examples in Fig. 3.17). Statistics of 94 coherent N ws (n h =0) and 55 non-coherent events N tf (n h >0) is presented. Dissociation thresholds for the given channels E th are indicated (MeV).

Fig. 3.17
figure 17

Examples of events of the peripheral dissociation of 7Be nuclei at 2 A GeV/c; top photo: splitting on two He fragments with production of a pair of target nucleus fragments; below: ‘‘white’’ stars 2He, \(\rm He+ 2H\), \(\rm Li+H\) and 4H

Table 3.3 Distribution of 7Be interactions over identified fragmentation channels ∑Z fr =4

Approximately 50 % of the dissociation events occur without neutron emission, i.e., when ∑A fr =7. In general, the coherent dissociation ∑Z fr =4 and ∑A fr =7 is determined by the configuration of 4He+3He in the 7Be structure. The channels with a high threshold, in which there is no 4He cluster play a noticeable role. The statistics of the channels with He clusters shows a weak dependence on the values of dissociation thresholds. Apparently, the role of the 3He cluster in the 7Be nucleus goes beyond the 4He+3He bond. Table 3.3 gives suggestions for the probabilities of possible configurations in the 7Be ground state including unobserved neutrons.

3.5 Fragmentation of the 9Be Nucleus

The 9Be nucleus having the properties of the loosely bound system 2α+n is the ‘‘cornerstone’’ of cluster physics. Due to its low neutron separation threshold, dissociation of 9Be can be a source of unstable 8Be nuclei. The 8Be isotope is known as the only nucleus whose ground state is characterized as the α-particle Bose condensate. Investigation of the 9Be nucleus fragmentation in α-particle pairs seems to be an obvious starting point towards more complicated Nα-systems. However, there is a practical obstacle on the way of studying this stable nucleus. Beryllium is a toxic element which makes immediate acceleration of 9Be nuclei impossible. Therefore, a secondary beam of relativistic 9Be nuclei was obtained in the fragmentation reaction 10B→9Be [18, 19, 29]. The share of 9Be nuclei was approximately 2/3, while 1/3 fell on He and Li isotopes.

In the two-body model used for the calculation of the magnetic moment [48, 49] of the 9Be nucleus, the latter is represented as a bound state of the neutron and 8Be core in the 0+ (g.s.) and 2+ states with neutron separation thresholds being E th =1.67 and 4.71 MeV. The weights of these states are 0.535 and 0.465. Therefore, in the 9Be dissociation it is possible to observe the 8Be 0+ and 2+ states with a similar intensity and in the simplest terms. In the 8Be nucleus there is a clear separation in energy E ex and width Γ of the ground 0+ (E ex =92 keV, Γ=5.6 eV), the first 2+ (E ex =3.1 MeV, Γ=1.5 MeV) and second excited 4+ (E ex =11.4 MeV, Γ=3.5 MeV) states. Observation of these states can serve as a test of NTE spectroscopic capabilities. The excitation structure of 9Be itself is much more complicated—there are 10 levels from the threshold to 12 MeV. There is uncertainty about the contribution of the 5He state.

An accelerated search for 9Be→2He events was carried out ‘‘along the strips’’. Focusing on a simple topology allowed bypassing the complicated problem of the identification of the secondary beam nuclei. As a result of scanning, 500 α-particle pairs were found in the projectile fragmentation cone. Measurements of immersing angles and angles in the emulsion plane were performed for all α-pair tracks which made it possible to determine the pair opening angles Θ. A peculiarity of the resulting Θ distribution is the formation of two peaks. About 81 % of the events formed two roughly equal groups—‘‘narrow’’ α-pairs in the interval 0<Θ n(arrow)<10.5 mrad and ‘‘wide’’ ones—\(15.0<\varTheta_{\mathit{w(ide)}}<45.0~\mathrm{mrad}\). The remaining 19 % of the events are classified as ‘‘intermediate’’ pairs \(10.5<\varTheta _{\mathit{m(ediuum)}}<15.0~\mathrm{mrad}\) and ‘‘wider’’ pairs—\(45.0<\varTheta _{\mathit{v(ery)}\mathit{w(ide)}}<114.0~\mathrm{mrad}\).

The physical meaning of this observation is explicitly manifested in the distribution of the α-pair energy Q 2α (Fig. 3.18). (75±10) % of events with ‘‘narrow’’ opening angles Θ n are characterized by mean 〈Q 2α 〉=(86±4) keV with a standard deviation σ(Q 2α )=(48±2) keV. This value 〈Q 2α 〉 corresponds to the 8Be g.s. 0+ state decay. The value σ(Q 2α ) can serve as an estimate of resolution. For events with ‘‘wide’’ opening angles Θ w the value 〈Q 2α 〉 is equal to (3.1±0.11) MeV with σ(Q 2α )=(1.30±0.08) MeV. In this case 〈Q 2α 〉 and σ(Q 2α ) correspond to the 8Be 2+ state. Events with ‘‘intermediate’’ opening angles Θ m , may be associated with the formation of 5He, and Θ vw —with the decay of the 8Be 4+ state. For events Θ vw an important factor is the accuracy of the determination of energy and of identification of He isotopes. Thus, the formation of Θ n pairs is matched to decays of the 8Be 0+ ground state and Θ w pairs—of the first excited 2+ state. The shares of the events Θ n and Θ w constitute 0.56±0.04 and 0.44±0.04, respectively. These values demonstrate the compliance with the weights of the 8Be 0+ and 2+ states adopted in [48, 49] and point to the presence of these states as components of the 9Be ground state.

Fig. 3.18
figure 18

Distribution of events of the peripheral fragmentation 9Be→2α at 2 A GeV/c over energy Q 2α ; obliquely shaded histogram—events with opening angles Θ n ; vertically shaded histogram—events with opening angles Θ w ; solid line—total distribution of opening angles Θ; on insertion—magnified distribution Q 2α for angular region Θ n

In two important cases the events can be attributed to the target nucleus that participated in the interaction. First, these are ‘‘white’’ stars (n b +n g =0) due to interactions on the heavy target nuclei Ag and Br. Second, these are events with single g-particles accompanying interactions with the H nuclei. Approximately 80 % of the ‘‘white’’ stars 9Be→2α are characterized by the Rayleigh distribution parameter σ AgBr(P Tsum )=(77±7) MeV/c. This value is explainable within the framework of the statistical model for the fragment with mass number A=8 and the outer neutron in 9Be. When the radius of the 9Be nucleus is 2.5 Fermi the corresponding value of the dispersion of the neutron momentum distribution should be equal to σ 0=81.4 MeV/c. The remaining 20 % of the Ag–Br events are associated with a large angle scattering of ‘‘narrow’’ α-particle pairs (8Be g.s.) with σ AgBr(P Tsum )=(267±45) MeV/c. The P Tsum distribution of 88 % events for the H group is characterized by σ H (P Tsum )=(126±23) MeV/c. This value indicates that the breakup 9Be→2α on protons corresponds to a harder interaction (less peripheral) than in the case of Ag and Br nuclei.

Significant statistics of ‘‘white’’ stars allow checking whether there is a correlation between the α-pair momentum transfer P Tsum and the emergence of the 8Be nucleus in the ground and excited states. Samples from the intervals Θ n and Θ m +Θ w +Θ vw are described by the Rayleigh distribution with parameters σ AgBr(P Tsum )=(75±9) MeV/c and (80±10) MeV/c. Thus, there is no significant difference of the P Tsum distributions for coherent dissociation events via the 0+ and 2+ states of the 8Be nucleus. In general, the data can be viewed as evidence that the nuclear structure of 9Be has with high probability a core in the form of the two states of the 8Be nucleus and an outer neutron. These results are consistent with the descriptions of the 9Be nucleus structure suggesting the presence of the 0+ and 2+ states of the 8Be nucleus with approximately equal weights.

3.6 Peripheral Interactions of 14N Nuclei

The 14N nucleus is of interest as intermediate between the cluster nucleus 12C and the doubly magic nucleus 16O. The study of 14N nuclei can expand understanding of the evolution of increasingly complex structures beyond the α-clustering. The information about the structure of 14N has an applied value. As a major component of the Earth’s atmosphere the 14N nucleus can be a source of the light rare earth elements Li, Be and B, as well as of deuterium. Generation of these elements occurs as a result of bombardment of the atmosphere during its lifetime by high-energy cosmic particles. Therefore, the cluster features of the 14N fragmentation can determine the abundances of lighter isotopes. Beams of 14N nuclei can be used in radiation therapy, which also gives a practical interest in obtaining detailed data about the characteristics of the 14N fragmentation.

For the first time the fragmentation of relativistic 14N nuclei was studied in NTE exposed at the Bevatron in the 70s [35]. Limitations in measurement of angles and fragment identification [35] motivated a study of the dissociation of 2.9 A GeV/c 14N nuclei in NTE exposed at the JINR Nuclotron [17]. The starting task was to reveal the role of external nucleon clustering in the form of a deuteron. This type of clusterization is expected for odd-odd light stable nuclei, whose number is small.

Events were selected in which the total charge of the fragments ∑Z fr was equal to the projectile nucleus charge Z pr =7 and there were no produced mesons (see Table 3.4). The main contribution is provided by the channels C+H, 3He+H, and \(\rm 2He+3H\) (77 %). The share of events \(\rm C+H\) (E th =7.6 MeV) is sufficiently significant—25 %. The share of B+He events (E th =20.7 MeV) turned out to be small—only 8 %. A significant reduction in the proportion of deuterons relative to protons in comparison with 6Li and 10B nuclei was demonstrated. A leading role both for ‘‘white’’ stars and events with the formation of target fragments is taken by the multiple channel 14N→3He+H (E th =15 MeV) having a probability of about 35 %. Thus, the 14N nucleus manifests itself as an effective source of 3α-systems. It was found that 80 % of the 3α ensembles correspond to the excitations of the 12C nucleus from the breakup threshold to 14 MeV. 14N produces fragments in the channel \(\rm 3He+H\) via the formation of 8Be with approximately 20 % probability. Events 11C+3H, 6He+4He+3He+p, 4He+23He+d have been identified; for these partial rearrangement of the α-structure is necessary.

Table 3.4 Distribution of the peripheral interactions of 14N nuclei over the configurations ∑Z fr =7 including ‘‘white ’’ stars N ws and events N tf with target fragments

3.7 Coherent Dissociation of 8B Nuclei

8B fragments produced by 1.2 A GeV 10B nuclei were selected for exposure of NTE [21, 29]. The charge composition of the relativistic fragments for the events ∑Z fr =5 accompanied by target nucleus fragments and (or) produced mesons N tf and ‘‘white’’ stars N ws (examples in Figs. 3.19 and 3.20) show a qualitative difference (Table 3.5). The main conclusion is that the contribution of the dissociation 8B→7Be+p is leading among ‘‘white’’ stars. This situation is qualitatively different from the dissociation of the 10B isotope. Data on N ws may be useful as estimates of the probabilities of few body configurations in the 8B ground state.

Fig. 3.19
figure 19

Coherent dissociation 8B→7Be+p at 2 A GeV/c (IV is interaction vertex)

Fig. 3.20
figure 20

Coherent dissociation 8B→2He+H at 2 A GeV/c

Table 3.5 Distribution of the peripheral interactions of 8B nuclei over the configurations ∑Z fr =5

Due to the record low binding energy of the external proton (E th =138 keV), the 8B nucleus is the most sensitive probe of the electromagnetic interaction with the target nucleus. In the center of mass of the system 7Be+p the average transverse momenta of the particles is \(\langle P_{T}^{*}\rangle =(62\pm 11)~\mathrm{MeV}/c\) at RMS of 54 MeV/c. This small value indicates a weak bond of the proton and the core. The distribution of the total transverse momenta of the pairs in the ‘‘white’’ stars has an average value of 〈P T (8B)〉=(95±15) MeV/c at RMS of 73 MeV/c, and a significantly greater one for events with target nucleus fragments or produced mesons 〈P T (8B)〉=(251±29) MeV/c at RMS of 112 MeV/c.

Analysis of angular correlations allowed establishing the criteria of the electromagnetic dissociation events by the total transverse momentum P T (8B)<150 MeV/c, energy Q pBe<5 MeV and by the azimuth angle ε pBe>π/2 between the fragments. Because of Z 2 dependence of the electromagnetic cross-section on a nucleus target charge species, the proportional contribution can be assumed from Ag and Br nuclei. Then the obtained cross-sections comprise σ Ag=(81±21) mb and σ Br=(44±12) mb. Analysis of the ratio of the Coulomb and nuclear dissociation and stripping in the dissociation of 8B→7Be+p for the Pb target up to the energy of ≈2 A GeV was carried out in [50]. Extrapolation σ Ag to the Pb nucleus leads to the value σ Pb=(230±60) mb, which is close to the theoretical value of ≈210 mb [50].

3.8 Coherent Dissociation of 9C Nuclei

The 9C nucleus became the next studied object on the proton border of nuclear stability. The coherent dissociation of 9C can proceed through the channels 8B+p (E th =1.3 MeV) and 7Be+2p (E th =1.4 MeV) as well as the 7Be core breakups (E th >3 MeV). Besides, the population of the 33He system, which has a relatively low formation threshold (about 16 MeV), is possible by means of neutron rearrangement from the 4He cluster to 3He cluster being formed. Probability of the transition 9C→33He can point to the 33He component weight in the 9C ground state and may be important in calculating the characteristics of the 9C nucleus based on the cluster wave functions taking into account such a deeply bound state. Being a non-trivial cluster excitation, the 33He state may be important for the development of nuclear astrophysics scenario with one more initial state of the fusion reaction similar to the 3α-process. An intriguing problem is to find a resonant 23He state in the 9C→33He dissociation similar to the dissociation 12C→4He8Be.

In the study of 9C interactions there is a need to overcome two practical problems. First, the 3He nuclei, having the same ratio of the charge Z pr to the mass number A pr , are dominant in the generated beam. Thus, it was important to avoid NTE overexposure to 3He nuclei. Second, it was necessary to ensure the 9C dominance over the contributions of the 10,11C isotopes. A comparative analysis of the coherent dissociation of the studied neighboring isotopes helped this problem to be solved.

12C6+ ions, created by a laser source, were accelerated to 1.2 A GeV and extracted to the production target. Further, the secondary beam tuned for selection of 9C nuclei was guided on the emulsion stack [22, 29]. With dominance of C nuclei, the beam contained an insignificant admixture of 6Li, 7Be and 8B.

The main branch of the coherent dissociation is represented by events ∑Z fr =6, which is to be expected due to the dominance of C nuclei in the beam. The most valuable is the analysis of the channels corresponding to the 9C nucleus dissociation with the lowest thresholds 8B+p and 7Be+2p, as well as the 3He channel. The events in the last channel could be eligible for the coherent dissociation 9C→33He. The events Z pr =6 and Z fr =5 and 4 are interpreted as 9C→8B+p and 7Be+2p. The events \(\rm 2He+2H\) and \(\rm He+4H\) are dominant (Table 3.6). In the case of 9C, events in these channels occur with approximately equal probability as expected due to the dissociation of the 7Be core [16]. This ratio does not correspond to the isotope 10C, for which the probability of the \(\rm 2He+2H\) channel is approximately by an order of magnitude higher than for the \(\rm He+4H\) channel [25, 27]. Besides, ‘‘white’’ stars 6Li+3p and 6H produced as a result the dissociation of the 7Be core were observed.

Table 3.6 Distribution of ‘‘white’’ stars N ws of 9C nuclei over the configurations ∑Z fr =6

The 33He states are the central subject of the current study. The dissociation probability via this channel (≈14 %) is comparable to the nucleon separation channels. The significant probability of the coherent dissociation channel 9C→33He makes it an effective source for the search for a resonant 23He state near the threshold analogous to the 8Be ground state. The opening angle distribution Θ 2He of the fragment pairs in the ‘‘white’’ stars 9C→33He is shown in Fig. 3.21. The main part corresponding to 30 pairs of 2He is described by a Gaussian distribution with parameters 〈Θ 2He〉=(46±3)×10−3 rad at RMS of 16×10−3 rad. The corresponding energy distribution is limited to the region Q(23He)<20 MeV.

Fig. 3.21
figure 21

Total distribution of opening angles Θ 2He between the relativistic He fragments in the ‘‘white’’ stars 9C→33He and in the events 8B→2He+H with the formation of target nucleus fragments or mesons; dotted line indicates the contribution of ‘‘white’’ stars 9C → 33He

Eight narrow 2He pairs with opening angles limited to Θ 2He<10−2 rad are reliably observed thanks to the NTE resolution. They are allocated in a special group with an average of 〈Θ(23He)〉=(6±1)×10−3 rad at RMS of 3×10−3 rad. The energy distribution has a mean value 〈Q(23He)〉=(142±35) keV at RMS of 100 keV. Thus, despite the low statistics, this distribution points to an intriguing possibility of the existence of a resonant 23He state slightly above the mass threshold of 23He [51].

To test a possible 23He resonance (conventionally called ‘‘dihelion’’), an analysis of data on the 8B nucleus [21] was carried out. Events 8B→2He+H accompanied by target nucleus fragments or mesons were selected in order to enhance the effect. This condition provides an effective selection of interactions with neutron knocking out from the 4He cluster in the 8B nucleus. Thus, the distribution Θ(23He) takes the same view as in Fig. 3.4 and also includes a separate group of narrow pairs with 〈Θ(23He)〉=(4.5±0.5)×10−3 rad (RMS 1.5×10−3 rad), corresponding to the case of the ‘‘white’’ stars 9C→33He. The total distribution of the opening angles Θ 2He between the relativistic He fragments in the ‘‘white’’ stars 9C→33He and in the events 8B→2He+H with the formation of target nucleus fragments or mesons shown in Fig. 3.21 enhances evidence for the existence of a near-threshold 23He resonance. Moreover, the question arises about the nature of a broad peak with maximum near Θ(23He)≈(40–50)×10−3 rad. Possibly in this Θ region the decays 23He are similar to the decay of the 8Be 2+ state [23, 24].

Of course, this finding is worth studying and testing with much higher statistics. One of its more technically simple options may be the dissociation of 7Be→23He with a neutron knock out and the formation of fragments of target nuclei or mesons. However, it is possible that the ‘‘dihelion’’ formation is associated with the presence of a 23He component in the 9C and 8B structures. In the 7Be nucleus such a component can be suppressed, which means the suppression of ‘‘dihelion’’ formation in the fragmentation of this nucleus. Therefore it is important to implement a search for the 23He resonance with larger statistics using fragmentation of low-energy 9C and 8B nuclei. Pointing to the existence of‘‘dihelion’’, this observation motivates the search for a mirror state of the 3H pair—‘‘ditriton’’.

3.9 Coherent Dissociation of 10C and 12N Nuclei

3.9.1 Exposure to a Mixed Beam of 12N, 10C and 7Be Nuclei

A secondary beam containing 12N, 10C and 7Be nuclei can be formed by selection of products of charge-exchange and fragmentation reactions of relativistic 12C nuclei. Such a composition is not so much desirable but unavoidable since the Z pr /A pr ratios of these nuclei differ by only 3 %. Separation of these nuclei is not possible in a channel with the momentum acceptance of 2–3 %, and they are simultaneously present in the beam, forming the so-called ‘‘beam cocktail’’. The contribution of 12N nuclei is small relative to 10C and 7Be nuclei in accordance with the charge-exchange and fragmentation cross-sections. Because of the momentum spread, 3He nuclei can penetrate into the channel. For the neighboring nuclei 8B, 9C and 11C the difference of Z pr /A pr from 12N is about 10 %, which causes their suppression in the secondary beam. An event-by-event identification of 12N in the exposed NTE is possible for ‘‘white’’ stars by fragment topologies and beam nucleus charges determined by δ-electron counting on the beam tracks. In the case of dominant 10C nuclei it is sufficient to make sure that the contribution of the neighboring C isotopes by the overall pattern of the composition of ‘‘white’’ stars is small.

Based on these considerations it was suggested to expose NTE to a mixed beam of 2 A GeV/c 12N, 10C and 7Be nuclei [25, 29]. The amplitude spectrum from a scintillation counter installed in the location of NTE irradiation pointed to the dominance of He, Be, C isotopes and to a small admixture of N nuclei in the substantial absence of 8B nuclei. A stack of 15 NTE layers was exposed to a secondary beam with such a composition. The initial stage of analysis was to search for beam tracks with charges Z pr =1,2 and Z pr >2. The ratio of beam tracks Z pr =1,2 and Z pr >2 was ≈1:3:18. Thus, the contribution of 3He nuclei decreased dramatically in this exposure as compared with the 9C case.

The analysis presented below is based on the search for events along the tracks of primary particles with charges visually valued as Z pr >2 over a length of about 1088 m. As a result, 7241 inelastic interactions were found, including 608 ‘‘white’’ stars containing only relativistic particle tracks in the angular cone θ fr <11. In the ‘‘white’’ stars, which might be created by 12N nuclei, the average densities of δ-electrons N δ were measured on the tracks of the beam nuclei and secondary fragments with charges Z fr >2. As was shown in the study of the nuclei 8B [21] and 9C [22], the application of this method allows one to eliminate the contribution from the charge-exchange reactions with production of mesons of accompanying lighter nuclei. The dominance of C nuclei in this irradiation has made such selection particularly relevant and has justified the use of a cumbersome procedure of δ-electron counting.

3.9.2 Dissociation of 10C Nuclei

The 10C nucleus is the only example of a stable 4-body structure in which the removal of any of the constituent clusters or nucleons leads to an unbound state condition. The breakup threshold of the 10C→2α+2p process is E th =3.73 MeV. The next threshold via 8Be g.s.+2p is slightly higher—E th =3.82 MeV. Knocking out one of the protons (E th =4.01 MeV) leads to the formation of an unstable 9B nucleus, which decays into a proton and a 8Be nucleus. By way of α-cluster separation (E th =5.10 MeV) a 6Be resonance can be formed, its decay energy being 1.37 MeV. The decay of 6Be via the 5Li resonance is impossible, because the threshold for the formation of 5Li g.s.+p is 0.35 MeV higher than the 6Be ground state. In addition, the channel 5Li g.s.+α is closed since this threshold is 1.5 MeV higher than the 9B ground state. Therefore, in the 10C dissociation the resonances 6Be g.s. and 5Li g.s. can only be produced directly and not in cascade decays of 9B.

Events ∑Z fr =6 were selected among the found peripheral interactions [25, 27]. Their distribution on the charge topology is presented in Table 3.7. The subject of the analysis was a sample consisting of 227 ‘‘white’’ stars N ws . A peculiarity of this class of events is the dominance of the channel \(\rm 2He+2H\), which is indeed the most expected one for the 10C isotope. The channels N ws requiring destruction of α-clustering in 10C nuclei and having substantially higher thresholds are manifested with much lower probabilities. The macro photography of a typical event is shown in Fig. 3.22. The interaction vertex in which a group of fragments formed is marked in the top photo. Further, one can distinguish two H (middle photo) and two He fragments (bottom photo). The most remote track originated in the dissociation 10C→9B g.s.+p. The other tracks correspond to the decay of the unbound 9B nucleus. The pair of the He tracks corresponds to the following decay of another unbound 8Be nucleus.

Fig. 3.22
figure 22

Coherent dissociation 10C→p+9B g.s. at 2 A GeV/c

Table 3.7 Distribution over the charge configurations of relativistic fragments ∑Z fr =6 of 10C fragmentation events for ‘‘white’’ stars N ws and collisions with produced mesons, target fragments or recoil protons N tf

Comparison of the N ws topology distribution with the version for the 627 10C N tf events accompanied by the production of mesons, fragments of target nuclei or recoil protons, points to the ‘‘turning on’’ of the \(\rm He+4H\) channel in the latter case (Table 3.7). First of all, a much smaller perturbation of the 10C cluster structure in the ‘‘white’’ stars with the respect to the N tf case is confirmed. In addition, the comparison shows that the probabilities of the fragmentation channels beyond the ‘‘pure’’ clustering 2α−2p do not differ too much in the cases N ws and N tf (Table 3.7). This fact indicates the existence in the 10C structure of a small admixture of virtual states with participation of deeply bound cluster-nucleon configurations.

Angular measurements were carried out for the tracks of the ‘‘white’’ stars \(\rm 2He+2H\). The Rayleigh distribution parameters which describe the statistics of the angles of fragment emission are equal to \(\sigma_{\theta_{\mathrm{H}}}=(51\pm 3)\times10^{-3}~\mathrm{rad}\) and \(\sigma _{\theta_{\mathrm{He}}}=(17\pm 1)\times10^{-3}~\mathrm{rad}\). These values are consistent with those of the statistical model [52, 53] \(\sigma_{\theta_{p}}\approx47\times10^{-3}~\mathrm{rad}\) and \(\sigma_{\theta_{\alpha}}\approx19\times10^{-3}\) rad for 1H and 4He fragments. Measurements of the angles allow the transverse momenta of the fragments and their ensembles to be estimated. The distribution of the ‘‘white’’ stars \(\rm 2He+2H\) for the full transverse momentum P T is described by the Rayleigh distribution with parameter \(\sigma_{P_{T}}(2\alpha+2p)=(161 \pm 13)~\mathrm{MeV}/c\). Such a value is expected for the diffraction dissociation [47].

The distribution of these events over the energy Q 2α of the 2α pairs and Q 2αp of the 2α+p triples is shown in Fig. 3.23. In 68 of them 2α pairs with emission angles not exceeding 10−2 rad are observed. The distribution Q 2α of these 2α pairs with an average 〈Q 2α 〉=(63±30) keV at RMS of 83 keV allows concluding that the formation of 8Be g.s. is observed in these events. In turn, the distribution Q 2αp indicates that the dissociation 10C→2α+2p is accompanied by the formation of unbound 9B nuclei. The average value 〈Q 2αp 〉=(254±18) keV at RMS of 96 keV corresponds to the energy and width of the decay 9B g.s.8Be g.s.+p. A clear correlation between Q 2α and Q 2αp points to the cascade process 10C→9B→8Be. The contribution of these decays allows concluding that the 9B nucleus manifests itself with a probability of (30±4) % in the 10C structure. Earlier, the 9B nuclei from the fragmentation of 12C were reconstructed in an experiment with transverse orientation of NTE pellicles [54].

Fig. 3.23
figure 23

Distributions of the ‘‘white’’ stars 10C→2α+2p over energy Q 2α of pairs 2α (a) and over Q 2αp of triples 2α+p (b); on insertions—magnified distributions Q 2α and Q 2αp

For 40 events 10C→9B (73 %) the Rayleigh parameter \(\sigma_{P_{T}}(^{9}\mathrm{B})\) of the distribution over the total transverse momentum P T2αp of the 2α+p triples is (92±15) MeV/c. It corresponds to the value of 93 MeV/c expected in the statistical model. Within this model the radius of the region emission of an outer proton by the 10C nucleus is R p =(2.3±0.4) Fermi which does not contradict to the value derived from the geometric overlap model [28] based on measurements of inelastic cross-sections. The 9B decays unaccounted herein belong to 9B scatterings at large angles as compared to the angular decay cone.

The \(\sigma_{P_{T}{}^{9}\mathrm{B}}\) and R p values can be compared with the data on the fragmentation 10C→9C. These events are classified as interactions in which target nucleus fragments or mesons are generated, while a heavy relativistic fragment retains the primary nucleus charge (Table 3.7). In 21 interactions of this type no more than one b- or g-particle was observed, which allows them to be attributed to neutron knockouts The distribution of the transverse momentum \(P_{T^{9}\mathrm{C}}\) values of 9C nuclei is described by the Rayleigh parameter \(\sigma_{P_{T^{9}\mathrm{C}}}=(224\pm49)~\mathrm{MeV}/c\). Thus, the \(P_{T^{9}\mathrm{C}}\) spectrum appears to be much harder than the P T2αp spectrum of 9B. This fact is associated with the knocking out of neutrons that are bound much more strongly than the outer protons. On the other hand, the knockout of a neutron by a proton is, generally speaking, not a peripheral process, but rather a ‘‘probing’’ of the overall density of a projectile nucleus. The radius of a neutron knockout region is (1.0±0.2) Fermi by the statistical model. Of course, this is a naive estimate. Nevertheless, it points to a more compact ‘‘package’’ of neutrons than protons in the 10C nucleus.

The distribution of opening angles Θ αp for 736 αp pairs allows the resonance decay contribution 5Li g.s.αp to be estimated (Fig. 3.24). The features of Θ αp , which are a narrow peak and a broad maximum, are clarified in the Q αp energy distribution of αp pairs. The peak, pinned to zero, reflects 9B decays. The αp pairs of the region 20×10−3<Θ αp <45×10−3 rad are grouped in Q αp , corresponding to 5Li g.s. decays. Their distribution is described by a Gaussian with a mean value of (1.9±0.1) MeV with σ of 1.0 MeV, which is consistent with the decay energy (1.7 MeV) and the width (1.0 MeV) of the 5Li g.s. resonance. About 110 pairs of αp can be attributed to the 5Li g.s. decays. There is a small contribution from the 6Be resonance decays at the intermediate values of Q αp which are lower than those of the 5Li g.s. decay.

Fig. 3.24
figure 24

Distribution over energy Q αp of αp pairs in ‘‘white’’ stars 10C→2α+2p; solid line—histogram of all combinations Q αp ; shaded histogramQ αp with 9B and 8Be production; dashed histogramQ αp without 9B and 8Be production; the curve indicates the expected position of the 5Li resonance; on insertion—magnified distribution Q αp

Among the ‘‘white’’ stars (Table 3.7) the events \(\rm Be+He\) and 3He are observed having thresholds E th =15 MeV and 17 MeV for the 10C nucleus. Identification of the He fragments by the pβc parameter confirms their interpretation as 7Be+3He and 23He+4He and does not contradict the assumption that it was exactly the 10C nuclei that were dissociated. The population of these states requires a rearrangement of the neutrons from one of the α-particle clusters to a 3He cluster to be produced. Another interpretation points to the presence in the 10C ground state of deeply bound cluster states 7Be+3He and 23He+4He with a weight of 8 %.

An inverse ‘‘packaging’’ 23He4He→7Be3He→2p24He→10C will result in a powerful release of energy. Replacing of one more 3He nucleus by 4He gives a state close to the 11C ground state. The formation of 10,11C isotopes in astrophysical 3He–4He mediums leads one to 10,11B isotopes. Their abundance in cosmic rays can be indicative of nucleosynthesis in 3He and 4He mixtures. Such an assertion is not commonly accepted. Boron isotopes are believed to be generated in the bombardment of carbon stars by high-energy particles or in the splitting of heavier nuclei of cosmic rays. Nevertheless, the studies of 3He states with various isotopic compositions can add new information to the already known scenarios of nucleosynthesis.

3.9.3 Coherent Dissociation of 12N Nuclei

Clustering of the insufficiently explored 12N nucleus is the next goal in the further development of the 7Be, 8B and 9,10,11C studies in the relativistic dissociation approach. In an astrophysical aspect its existence provides an alternative scenario for the synthesis of the 12C isotope via the fusion 11C+p. For 12N ‘‘white’’ stars, the channels 11C+p (E th =0.6 MeV), 8B+4He (E th =8 MeV) and p+7Be+4He (E th =7.7 MeV) and the channels associated with the dissociation of the 7Be core are expected to play a leading role. The threshold of the channel 3He+9B g.s. is located at E th =10 MeV. A small difference in the binding energy compared with the channels containing fragments Z fr >2 suggests a possible duality of the 12N nucleus. On the one hand, its basis can be represented by the bound 7Be and 8B nuclei, on the other hand by the unbound 8Be and 9B nuclei. Therefore, a particular feature of the coherent 12N dissociation could be a competing contribution of 8Be and 9B decays.

Measurements of the charges of the beam nuclei Z pr and relativistic fragments Z fr >2 in the candidate events of the 12N dissociation made it possible to select 72 ‘‘white’’ stars which satisfy the condition Z pr =7 and ∑Z fr =7 [25, 26]. The charge topology distribution of these stars is shown in Table 3.8. Accidentally, the mass numbers A fr become definite for isotopes Z fr >2. According to the ‘‘white’’ star statistics, the share of 12N nuclei in the beam is estimated to be 14 %, while those of 10C and 7Be nuclei are about 43 % each (excluding H and He nuclei). These values do not reflect the ratio of the cross-sections of the charge exchange and fragmentation reactions and have a technical importance. The significant contribution to the beam of charge-exchange products 12C→12N compared with 10C and 7Be fragments of 12C is explained by the fact that the beam was tuned to the ratio Z pr /A pr =5/12 of 12N, which is slightly different from the values for 10C and 7Be.

Table 3.8 Distribution of the 12N ‘‘white’’ stars; middle row—selection with the condition θ fr <11, bottom rowθ fr <6

For a further selection of events containing specifically 12N fragments (not ‘‘participants’’), the condition on the angular cone of coherent dissociation was enhanced to θ fr <6, which is determined by a ‘‘soft’’ constraint on the nucleon Fermi momentum. In the distribution of 45 selected events (Table 3.8) the share of the channels with heavy fragments Z fr >2 reaches approximately 2/3, and the contribution of the channels containing only He and H fragments is quite significant. A noticeable contribution of a very ‘‘fragile’’ 8B points to a ‘‘cold’’ fragmentation with minimal perturbation of the 12N structure. As judged by the facts of approximate equality of the probabilities of the channels 2He and \(\rm He + 2H\) in the dissociation of the 7Be nucleus [16], 7Be core of 8B [21] and 9C [22], one would expect that for the 12N nucleus the probabilities of the channels \(\rm 2He+3H\) and \(\rm 3He+H\) are nearly equal. In contrast, the statistics in the \(\rm 2He+3H\) channel turned out to be unexpectedly large.

Angular measurements were used to study the contribution of 8Be decays. Only two candidates for 8Be g.s. decays were found in the distribution on the opening angle Θ 2He for the ‘‘white’’ stars \(\rm 2He+3H\) and \(\rm 3He+H\). Thus, the contribution of 8Be g.s. to the 12N structure is estimated to be only 4±2 %. For the neighboring nuclei 12C [8], 10C [25, 27], 10B [15] and 14N [17] it amounted to about 20 %. The data on Θ 2He for 12N do not exclude a possibility of dissociation via 8Be 2+ state decays. The latter question requires statistics at a new level.

When searching for an analogy between 9C and 12N nuclei by replacing one of the outer protons in the system 2p+7Be by an α cluster, there arises the following difficulty. The probability of channels, which require the splitting of the outer α cluster in the 12N nucleus, roughly coincides with the values for channels that can be associated with the separation of only α cluster. A ‘‘simple’’ picture of the 12N nucleus as a p+7Be+4He structure appears to be insufficient. It is most likely that the cluster structure of the 12N ground state constitute a complex mixture of the 7Be core states and all possible configurations of H and He nuclei.

3.10 Stopped Radioactive Nuclei

Studies of nuclei along the neutron stability border formed an area of research—the physics of nuclei with exotic structure (Fig. 3.25). New phenomena in the structure of such nuclei and in nuclear reactions with their participation have been discovered. Great progress has been made in studying the structure of the nuclei 6He, 8He, 11Li and 14Be [55]. Small values of the binding energy allow the structure of exotic nuclei to be determined as molecule-like. Evidences for their abnormally large radii which are interpreted as the formation of spatially separated clusters and nucleons have been received.

Fig. 3.25
figure 25

Diagram of cluster degrees of freedom in stable and neutron-deficient nuclei; lifetimes of isotopes are indicated

The exotic nature of the structure has been established in the measurement of interaction cross-sections of relativistic nuclei with neutron excess that were found to be enhanced in comparison with the geometric type dependence. However, the relativistic energy range turned out to be inconvenient for deeper investigations of these nuclei. For an increasingly greater neutron excess in the study of relativistic nuclei it would be required to accelerate increasingly heavier nuclei with large intensities. Therefore, research with moving neutron-rich nuclei shifted to low-energy accelerators, where advantages exist for magnetic analysis and neutron detection.

In the energy range of nuclei several MeV per nucleon, there is a possibility of implantation of radioactive nuclei into detector material. Of course, in this approach daughter nuclei are investigated rather than the nuclei themselves. In this respect it is worth mentioning the known, although somewhat forgotten, possibilities of NTE for the detection of slow radioactive nuclei. More than half a century ago, ‘‘hammer’’ tracks from the decay of 8Be nuclei through the first excited state 2+ of about 2.0 MeV were observed in NTE. They occurred in the α decays of stopped 8Li and 8B fragments, which in turn were produced by high-energy particles [29]. Another example is the first observation of the 9C nucleus from the decay 2α+p [56]. When used with sufficiently pure secondary beams, NTE appears to be an effective means for a systematic study of the decay of light nuclei with an excess of both neutrons and protons. In NTE the directions and ranges of the beam nuclei and slow products of their decay can be measured, which provides a basis for α spectrometry. A question of major importance is to supplement the 3α spectroscopy of 12N and 12B decays [5759] with data on 3α angular correlations.

In March 2012 NTE was exposed at the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions (JINR) at the ACCULINNA spectrometer [60, 61]. The beam in use was enriched by 7 A MeV 8He nuclei. A 107 μm thick NTE pellicle was oriented at a 10 angle during irradiation, which provided approximately a five-fold effective thickness increase. Figure 3.26 shows a decay of the 8He nucleus stopped in NTE. For ten minutes of irradiation, statistics of about two thousand of such decays was obtained. It is pleasant to note that the used NTE have been recently reproduced by the enterprises ‘‘Slavich’’ (Pereslavl-Zalessky, Russia) [62].

Fig. 3.26
figure 26

Decay of a stopped 8He nucleus; arrows indicate directions of emission of relativistic electrons; on insertion—magnified decay vertex with a pair of α-particle tracks (ranges of about 5 μm)

The use of automated microscopes in searching for and measuring such decays will open the possibility of an unprecedented level of detail and statistics. One of such microscopes is PAVICOM-2 (Fig. 3.27) of FIAN (Moscow). The PAVICOM complex [63] was originally designed for handling NTE exposed to Pb nuclei at the SPS accelerator (CERN). Currently, almost all types of solid-state track detectors (emulsions, x-ray films, mylar, plastic, crystals) are handled at the PAVICOM. Automatic analysis of nuclear decays appears to be an exciting prospect for application of the PAVICOM team experience. In this way a synergy can be achieved from the classical technique culture combined with modern technology.

Fig. 3.27
figure 27

Automated microscope PAVICOM-2 (FIAN, Moscow)

3.11 High-Energy Frontier

The presented studies of light nuclei are only the first step toward complex cluster-nucleon ensembles He–H–n produced in the dissociation of heavy nuclei. The question that has to be answered is what kind of physics underlies the “catastrophic” destruction shown in Fig. 3.4? Events of dissociation of relativistic nuclei down to a complete destruction into the lightest nuclei and nucleons without visible excitation of target nuclei were reliably observed in NTE for Au and Pb and even U projectile nuclei [36]. The existence of this phenomenon is certain. It is possible that it confirms the essential role of the long-range quantum electrodynamics interaction. The charges of relativistic heavy nuclei make possible multiphoton exchanges and transitions in many-particle states (Fig. 3.28), which are almost impossible to observe in electron-nucleus interactions.

Fig. 3.28
figure 28

Scenario of coherent dissociation of a heavy nucleus in the electromagnetic field of a heavy target nucleus. The nuclei approach each other with an impact parameter larger than their radii (1). The intersection of electromagnetic field of the target nucleus leads to absorption of several virtual photons and to excitation of the projectile nucleus (2). The projectile nucleus turns into an ensemble of lightest fragments and nucleons (3). The ensemble breaks down (4)

The predicted dependence of these processes on the target nucleus charge has the form Z 2n, where n is the number of virtual photons in the interaction [64]. Experimentally, such a phenomenon can be established by an enhanced cross-section dependence on the target nucleus charge using the hadron calorimeter method. An alternative scenario of coherent dissociation consists in virtual meson exchanges. In any case the excitation of multiple nuclear giant resonances can give rise to unexpected and even exotic configurations of nucleons and clusters in the final states of decays of these resonances.

The phenomenon of electromagnetic dissociation of relativistic nuclei was discovered in Berkeley in the 70s, when the fragmentation of 12C and 16O nuclei in a variety of isotopes was studied at 1.05 A and 2.1 A GeV [65]. A sharp rise of the cross-sections was observed as compared with the overlap dependence of colliding nuclei. The observed effect was explained by the Z 2 dependence on the target charge and was described by the equivalent photon method using the data on the cross-sections of photon-nucleus interactions. For the 18O nucleus at 1.7 A GeV, the fragmentation cross-sections with separation of one or two nucleons were obtained in interactions with nuclei from Be to U [66]. Despite a relatively high threshold for nucleon separation (above 12 MeV), an increase of Coulomb-type (Z 2) cross-section was also observed. Channels with lower thresholds remained unreachable (for instance, 18O(γ,α)14C with E th =6 MeV). However, the electromagnetic nature of the effect was revealed in an obvious way.

Observations of coherent dissociation in nuclear emulsion and fragmentation in magnetic spectrometers stimulate ideas of experiments with neutron-rich nuclei at energies above 10 A GeV, when an effective identification of relativistic nuclei and neutrons becomes possible in segmented hadron calorimeters. Identification of the dissociation channels 6Li→3He+t, 9C→33He and 10C→23He+α raises the problem of search for mirror transitions with replacement of helions (3He) with tritons. The probabilities of the coherent dissociation channels 6He→2t, 9Li→3t and 10Be→2t+α will allow establishing the role of deeply bound configurations with triton participation. On the other hand, the triton is a long-lived nucleus. The generation and subsequent fusion of tritons in astrophysical processes can lead to new branches of the synthesis of neutron-rich nuclei. For the study of cluster ensembles with participation of tritons the calorimetric method provides an alternative to low-energy nuclear physics approaches.

The possibility of the existence of a cluster of four neutrons or a tetraneutron 4 n is under discussion [6773]. Even being unstable, the 4 n state can be manifested as a resonance. A calorimeter-based experiment on the photodisintegration of 8He nuclei above 10 A GeV produced in fragmentation of relativistic 12C nuclei [74] will allow a search for the tetraneutron to be accomplished.

3.12 Conclusions

Thanks to its record spatial resolution and sensitivity, the method of nuclear track emulsions allowed carrying out a ‘‘tomography’’ for a whole family of light nuclei, including neutron deficient ones. In the case of peripheral interactions a relativistic scale of collisions of nuclei not only does not impede investigation of the cluster aspects of nuclear structure, but also offers advantages for studying few-particle ensembles. The facts collected in ‘‘mosaic’’ in these notes can serve as experimental ‘‘lighthouses’’ for developing theoretical concepts of nuclear clustering as well as for planning new experimental studies with relativistic nuclei.

In the 10B and 11B dissociation the three-body channels \(\rm 2He+H\) are dominant (about 75 %). For the 10B nucleus an enhanced deuteron yield is observed, which is comparable with the 6Li nucleus case and points to the deuteron clustering in 10B. A large share of tritons in the dissociation of the 7Li and 11B nuclei points to the triton clustering in these nuclei. Observation of the 11B coherent charge exchange only for the two-body channel 7Be+4He(11C) points to a sensitivity of the dissociation to the peculiarities of the mirror nuclei.

In the coherent dissociation of 6He nuclei, an average transverse momentum of α particles is about 35 MeV/c. Its value, which is noticeably smaller than in the inclusive 6He fragmentation, shows that it is desirable to use most peripheral interactions in studies of the neutron halo in nuclei.

The share of 3He fragments in the 7Be dissociation, which is twice exceeds the content of 4He fragments, points to clustering based on the helion (3He nucleus). It is most clearly manifested in the leading role of the coherent dissociation 4He+3He. At the same time the role of the 3He cluster is beyond partnership in the bond 4He+3He, and the presence of more complex configurations involving 3He in the 7Be structure is possible.

The fragmentation 9Be→2α occurs mainly (80 %) via the 0+ and 2+states of the 8Be nucleus with close probabilities. There is no difference between the total transverse momentum distributions of α pairs for the coherent dissociation via these states. These facts support the 9Be concept suggesting the presence of superposition of the 8Be 0+ and 2+ states with close probabilities in its ground state.

In the peripheral fragmentation of 14N nuclei the channel 14N→3He+H is dominant (50 %) and manifests itself as an effective source of 3α ensembles. The formation of 80 % of 3α triples corresponds to 12C excitations from the threshold up to 14 MeV. With a probability of about 20 % the 14N nucleus forms fragments via the 8Be nucleus.

The contribution of 7Be+p in the coherent dissociation of 8B is dominant. The contribution of few-body configurations consisting of He and H nuclei in the 8B structure is estimated to be 50 %. In electromagnetic dissociation of 8B nuclei a limiting value of the total transverse momentum of pairs 7Be+p does not exceed 150 MeV/c.

A particular feature for the 9C nucleus is events of coherent dissociation into three 3He nuclei, the probability of which is approximately equal to the values for the channels with the separation of one or a pair of protons (about 14 %). This observation points to a considerable contribution of 33He component to the 9C ground state. In the channel 9C→33He pairs of 3He nuclei with opening angles less than 10−2 rad are observed, which indicates the possibility for the existence of a resonant state 23He (‘‘dihelion’’) with a decay energy of (142±35) keV.

For the 10C nucleus the share of the coherent dissociation events 2α+2p is about 80 %. About 30 % of them belong to the channel 9B g.s.+p with a subsequent decay 8Be+p.

There are no obviously leading channels in the coherent dissociation of 12N nuclei. At the same time there is an intensive formation of 7Be and 8B fragments. Most probably, the role of the 12N core can be attributed to the 7Be nucleus.

Further advance to heavier neutron-deficient isotopes by means of the emulsion method remains promising, although it is getting more difficult. In this way, a further increase of the diversity of the ensembles p3He−α under study is possible.

In general, the presented results confirm the hypothesis that the known features of light nuclei define the pattern of their relativistic dissociation. The probability distributions of the final configuration of fragments allow their contributions to the structure of the investigated nuclei to be evaluated. These distributions have an individual character for each of the presented nuclei appearing as their original ‘‘autograph’’. The nuclei themselves are presented as various superpositions of light nuclei-cores, the lightest nuclei-clusters and nucleons. Therefore, the selection of any single or even a pair of configurations would be a simplification determined by the intention to understand the major aspects of nuclear reactions and nuclear properties rather than the real situation. The data presented are intended to help estimate the degree and effects of such simplifications.

The approach based on the dissociation of relativistic nuclei, opens new horizons in the study of the cluster structure of nuclei and unbound cluster systems. At present only first steps which nevertheless are quite necessary have been made. Dissociation of relativistic nuclei leads to the appearance of multiple particle combinations with kinematical characteristics that are of interest in nuclear astrophysics and that cannot be formed in other laboratory conditions. On the other hand, in multiple dissociations of neutron-rich nuclei into light fragments the presence of a significant neutron component becomes unavoidable which is caused by a symmetrical composition of light nuclei. Thus, there is a prospect of exploration of polyneutron states. Besides, an applied interest appears here too.

Thus, producing new knowledge, nuclear photography awakens ‘‘nuclear imagination’’. One cannot exclude that the completeness of the observations provided by the nuclear track emulsion may remain unattainable for the electronic detection methods. In this case, conclusions of emulsion studies will allow one to recognize their limitations and give confidence to ‘‘rich’’ experiments with a great variety of detectors.