
1 Introduction

Medical visual question answering is a challenging task in healthcare industry, which answers a natural language question with a medical image. Figure 1 shows an example of the Med-VQA data. It may aid doctors in interpreting medical images for diagnoses with responses to close-ended questions, or help patients with urgent needs get timely feedback on open-ended questions [13]. It is a challenging problem which processes multi-modal information. Different from general VQA, Med-VQA requires substantial prior domain-specific knowledge to thoroughly understand the contents and semantics of medical visual questions.

Many exiting techniques contribute to solving this task (e.g., [9]). However, they generally suffer from the data insufficient problem. They need to be trained on well-annotated large datasets, to learn enough domain-specific knowledge for understanding medical visual questions. Several works focus on constructing Med-VQA datasets [2, 11, 12, 15, 17]. However, these datasets seem to be a drop in the bucket. Other works employ data augmentation method to tackle the problem. VQAMix [9] has focused on generating Med-VQA training samples. However, it may incur noisy samples that affect the performance of models. Current work have adopted transfer learning to pre-train a visual encoder on external medical image-text pairs to capture suitable visual representations for subsequent cross-modal reasoning [6, 9, 13]. They achieve success by performing pre-training using large-scale data unannotated data. However, they have not been thoroughly evaluated in benchmark settings.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

An example of Med-VQA

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Publications on Med-VQA since 2016

To address the problems, we develop BESTMVQA, which is a benchmark evaluation system for Med-VQA. We first provide a data generation tool for users to automatically construct new datasets from self-collected clinical data. We implement a wide spectrum of SOTA models for Med-VQA in a model library. Accordingly, users can conveniently select a benchmark dataset and any model in model library for medical practice. Our system can automatically train the models and evaluate them over the selected dataset, and present a final comprehensive report to users. With our system, researchers can comprehensively study SOTA models and their applicability in Med-VQA. The impact of our contributions also can be inferred from Fig. 2, which shows the significant increase in Med-VQA publications since 2016. We provide a unified evaluation system for users to (i) reveal the applicability of SOTA models to benchmark datasets, (ii) conduct a comprehensive study of the available alternatives to develop new Med-VQA techniques, and (iii) perform various medical practice.

2 Research Scope and Task Description

The research scope is tailored to two types of readers: (i) Researchers who require Med-VQA techniques to perform downstream tasks; (ii) Contributors in the research community of Med-VQA who need to thoroughly evaluate the SOTAs.

Medical visual question answering is a domain-specific task that inputs a medical image and a related question, outputting an answer in natural language. It requires extensive domain knowledge, adding complexity beyond general VQA tasks. The lack of well-annotated large-scale datasets makes it hard to learn enough medical knowledge. To address the challenge, current work typically pre-train a visual encoder on large unlabeled medical image-text pairs.

In Fig. 3, Med-VQA models consist of four main components: vision encoder, text encoder, feature fusion, and answer prediction, which together process the image and question inputs to predict answers.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

The architecture of mainstream Med-VQA models

Table 1. The statistics of considered models, including the parameter size (Params), the training time (Training Time), supporting pre-training or not (Support PT), supporting fine-tuning or not (Support FT) and model category (Model Category). The left value of Training Time represents the smallest training time over all datasets, while the right value is the largest one.

3 Related Work

Med-VQA is a challenging task that combines natural language processing and computer vision. Early work employing traditional machine learning algorithms suffers from poor performance due to significant differences between visual and textual features [26]. Inspired by the success of deep learning in information systems, deep learning models for Med-VQA are reported to have performance gains over traditional models [23]. They can be classified into four categories: joint embedding, encoder-decoder, attention-based, and large language models (LLMs). Table 1 shows the statistics of SOTAs we reproduced.

The joint embedding models combine visual and textual embeddings into a final representation. We implement some representative models such as MEVF [19] and CR [32]. MEVF uses MAML [7] and CDAE [18] to initialize the model weights for visual feature extraction, while CR proposes question-conditioned reasoning and task-conditioned reasoning modules for textual feature extraction.

For encoder-decoder models, visual and textual features are extracted separately by encoders, and fused in a feature fusion layer. The decoder generates the answer based on the fused features. NLM [21], TCL [29], and MedVInT [33] are such representative models.

The third category employs attention mechanisms to capture representative visual and textual features. MMBERT [14] employ Transformer-style architecture to extract visual and textual features. CMSA [8] introduce a cross-modal self-attention module to selectively capture the long-range contextual relevance for more effective fusion of visual and textual features. MedFuseNet [22] excels in open-ended visual question answering on recent public datasets through a BERT-based multi-modal representation, coupled with an LSTM decoder. We have implemented four representative models, including MMBERT [14], CMSA [8], PTUnifier [3] and METER [5].

Recently, motivated by the achievements of ChatGPT [27] and GPT-4 [1], alongside the efficacious deployment of open-source, instruction-tuned large language models (LLMs) within the general domain, a myriad of biomedical-oriented LLM chatbots have emerged. Notable among these are ChatDoctor [31], Med-Alpaca [10], PMC-LLaMA [25], DoctorGLM [28], and Huatuo [24]. LLMs are trained on large amounts of textual data that can help interpret complex and detailed information in medical images. Our model library also provides two recent models for generating the linguistic representation of the question in Med-VQA: MiniGPT-4 [34] has multi-modal abilities by properly aligning visual features with advanced LLMs, and LLaVA-Med [16] performs multi-modal instruction-tuning by leveraging large-scale biomedical data.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

System architecture of our BESTMVQA

4 System Overview

In Fig. 4, our BESTMVQA system has three components: data preparation, model library, and model practice. The data preparation component is developed based on a semi-automatic data generation tool. Users first upload self-collected clinical data. Then, medical images and relevant texts are extracted for medical concept discovery. We provide a human-in-the-loop framework to analyze and annotate medical concepts. To facilitate the effort, we first auto-label the medical concepts by employing the BioLinkBERT-BiLSTM-CRF [30]. Then, professionals can conveniently verify the medical concepts. After that, medical images, medical concepts and diagnosis texts are fed into a pre-trained language model for generating high-quality QA pairs. We employ a large-scale medical multi-modal corpus to pre-train and fine-tune an effective model, which can be easily incorporated into existing neural models for generating medical VQA pairs. our system provides a model library, to avoid duplication of efforts on implementing SOTAs for experimental evaluation. A wide spectrum of SOTAs have been implemented. The detailed statistics of the models can be seen in Sect. 3. Based our library, users can conveniently select a benchmark dataset and any number of SOTAs from our model library. Then, our system automatically performs extensive experiments to evaluate SOTAs over the benchmark dataset, and presents the final report to the user. From our report, the user can comprehensively study SOTAs and their applicability to Med-VQA. Users can also download the experimental reports and the source codes for further practice.

5 Empirical Study

Users can use our BESTMVQA system to systematically evaluate SOTAs on benchmark datasets for Med-VQA. To comprehensively evaluate the effectiveness of the models, we employ the metric of accuracy for open-ended, closed-ended, and overall questions. Five datasets are provided for users for model practice to investigate the applicability of models to diverse application scenarios.

Table 2. The statistics of datasets. NI, NQ and NA represent the number of images, questions and answers, respectively. MeanQL and MeanAL represent the length of questions and answers, respectively.

5.1 Considered Models

We emphasize the utilization of “out-of-the-box” models, defining a model as “usable out of the box” if it meets the following criteria: (i) publicly available executable source code, (ii) well-defined default hyperparameters, (iii) no mandatory hyperparameter optimization, and (iv) absence of requirements for language model retraining and vocabulary adaptation. To ensure consistent evaluation and practical applicability, all models are expected to generate predictions in a standard format. Adhering to the criteria is essential for models that can help guarantee aligning with the concept of “out of the box”.

Table 3. Default values for Batch Size, Learning Rate, and Epoch for each model
Fig. 5.
figure 5

Distribution of question types per dataset

Models are identified and classified as shown in Table 1, containing (i) those specifically tailored for Med-VQA, and (ii) the application of general VQA models to the medical domain.

5.2 Experimental Setup

Datasets. All models are evaluated using the following five datasets:

OVQA [12] has 2,001 images and 19,020 QA pairs, with each image linked to multiple QA pairs.

VQA-RAD [15] includes 314 images and 3,515 questions answered by clinical doctors, with 10 question types across the head, chest and abdomen.

SLAKE [17] is a bilingual dataset annotated by experienced doctors, which is represented as SLAKE-EN in English.

MedVQA-2019 [2] is a radiology dataset from the ImageClef challenge, which includes 642 images with over 7,000 QA pairs.

PathVQA [11] consists of 32,795 pairs generated from pathological images.

Datasets were chosen for their diversity in sample sizes (Table 2). For VQA-RAD and SLAKE, we have reorganized the datasets in a 70%-15%-15% ratio due to the lack of validation sets. As for the other datasets, We use the proportion of the corresponding data splits. The detailed statistics for data splits are shown in Table 4. The distribution of question types is illustrated in Fig. 5.

Table 4. The statistics of data splits. NI represents the number of images. MaxQL, MinQL and MeanQL represent the max, min and mean length of questions, respectively; NCF and NOF represent the number of close-ended and open-ended questions, respectively. MedVQA-2019 is not divided into open-ended and closed-ended questions.
Table 5. Experimental results for discriminative models on the test set of VQA-RAD, SLAKE-EN, PathVQA, and OVQA datasets, including the Accuracy (ACC) of three indicators: Closed-ended, Open-ended, and Overall.
Table 6. Experimental results for discriminative models on the test set of MedVQA-2019. Due to the fact that the MedVQA-2019 is not strictly divided into open-ended and closed-ended question types, the table only contains the values of Overall Accuracy
Table 7. Experimental results for generative models on the test set of VQA-RAD, SLAKE-EN, PathVQA, OVQA and MedVQA-2019 datasets, including the Accuracy (ACC) of Closed-ended and the Recall, METEOR of Open-ended.

Implementation Details. For pre-training, we use a large-scale publicly available dataset called by ROCO [20]. It contains image-text pairs collected from PubMed ( We selected 87,952 non composite radiographic images with relevant captions. For fine-tuning, we follow the training, validation, and testing data splits according to Table 4. Five benchmark Med-VQA datasets were used to train and evaluate SOTAs. Questions are divided into closed-ended and open-ended. Closed-ended questions are usually answered with “yes/no” or other limited options. Open-ended questions have no restrictive structure and can have multiple correct answers. All models are trained on dual graphics NVIDIA RTX V100 GPU. We use the AdamW optimizer with the same preheating steps. See Table 3 for detailed parameter settings of models.

5.3 Evaluation Metrics

To quantitatively measure the performance of models, we use the accuracy as an evaluation metric, and compute it for closed-ended and open-ended questions for discriminative models, as they can be defined as a classification task. Let \(P_i\) and \(L_i\) respectively denote the prediction and ground-truth label of sample i in the test set, and T represents the test set. The accuracy is calculated as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} accuracy = \frac{1}{|T|} \sum _{i\in T}l(P_i=L_i) \end{aligned}$$

where l equals 1 only if \(P_i=L_i\), otherwise 0.

For generative models such as MiniGPT-4 and LLaVA-Med, we report the accuracy for closed-ended questions as we leverage prompts to guide the model in answering these questions under a specified candidate set. For open-ended questions, we adopt recall to evaluate the ratio that ground-truth tokens appear in the generated sequences and METEOR to assess the word order consistency between generated answer and ground-truth. The recall can be formalized as:

$$\begin{aligned} recall = \frac{TP}{TP+FN} \end{aligned}$$

where TP is the number of ground-truth tokens that correctly predicted and FN stands for the number of ground-truth tokens that didn’t appear in the predicted answer.

5.4 Results

Tables 57 and 6 show the accuracy achieved by all the considered models.

(i) In closed-ended questions, discriminative models (Table 5), are more applicable to Med-VQA, compared with LLMs (Table 7). This is because the generative models focus on simulating and generating data that requires broader language understanding and visual information processing capabilities. For simple closed-ended questions, they may suffer from the over-generation problem.

(ii) Among discriminative models, the PTUnifier which is pre-trained in the medical domain performs the best on VQA-RAD, SLAKE-EN and OVQA, but not so well on PathVQA and MedVQA-2019. As for the pre-trained models in general domain, TCL and METER achieve better performance on PathVQA and MedVQA-2019. The possible reason is that PathVQA is collected from a wide range of sources, including textbooks and literature, while MedVQA-2019 is artificially generated and cannot represent formal clinical data. PTUnifier adopts a visual language pre-training framework and unifies the fused encoder and dual encoder, thereby excelling on multi-modal tasks.

(iii) For generative models, MiniGPT-4 performs worst in terms of both the accuracy and the word order of generating answer on every dataset. Although utilizing massive amounts of data for training, it is still unable to effectively mine the domain-specific knowledge to answer a medical question, then over-generate lots of irrelevant text, and finally resulting in poor performance. In addition, the usage of inappropriate prompts may further degrade the model performance.

(iv) The performance of lightweight models such as MEVF, CR, MMQ, and CMSA is significantly inferior to complex models like PTUnifier, TCL, and METER. This is because models like PTUnifier have more parameters and adopt a deeper neural network structure, which is beneficial for learning the alignment between images and texts.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Model performance varies with batch size and learning rate

5.5 Detailed Analysis

Figure 6 shows that the values of hyperparameters are determined based on the values set with the best performance on the validation dataset. The results of each model are obtained by changing the Batch Size (BZ) and Learning Rate (LR). Due to limited computing power, we only show parts of the results: (i) The results of MiniGPT-4 and LLaVA-Med are eliminated as they cannot be fine-tuned; (ii) We show part of results for PTUnifier in Fig. 6(a), as it requires more computing power for larger values of BZ; (iii) Similarly, we show part of results for PTUnifier, TCL, and METER with larger number of parameters in Fig. 6(b), as the value range of LR is not comparable to that of other models.

In Fig. 6(a), the performance of each model gradually increases when the BZ values increase, and then decrease after reaching a saddle point, due to the gradient calculation. However, when BZ is set to a large value, some models converge to local stationary points, such as METER and VQAMix-SAN. In Fig. 6(b), (i) with the increase of LR values, the performance of MMBERT shows a significant decline, and (ii) the performance of MEVF, CR, and CMSA first increase and then decrease with the increase of LR values.

Fig. 7.
figure 7

The Accuracy of different question types for discriminative models in OVQA

Fig. 8.
figure 8

The performance of different question types for LLMs in OVQA

Figures 7 and 8 show the results on various question types for discriminative and generative models over the OVQA dataset, respectively. In Fig. 7, we can derive that:(i) All discriminative models perform well on the Modality type of questions because MRI or CT image features are obvious, enabling the image encoder to effectively extract image features. (ii) All models have unsatisfactory performance on the Attribute Other type of questions, as descriptive questions are not suitable for label classification tasks. (iii) PTUnifier and VQAMix perform well on most types of questions. PTUnifier introduces visual and textual prompts for feature representation and improves the diversity of the prompts by constructing prompt pools, which enable different types of questions to select the appropriate prompts and enhance the image-text alignment in the fusion encoder. VQAMix incorporates a conditional label combination strategy for data augmentation, allowing for extracting more comprehensive image features.

In Fig. 8, LLaVA-Med performs better than MiniGPT-4 on almost all types of questions, as it contains extensive domain-specific knowledge by pre-training and instruction tuning based on a large-scale biomedical dataset. Especially, LLaVA-Med greatly outperforms MiniGPT-4 on the Plane type of open-ended questions, as these specialized questions require models to fully capture the medical image features and exert domain knowledge to generate answers.

Fig. 9.
figure 9

Two testing examples selected from OVQA

5.6 Qualitative Analysis

We provide a qualitative comparison of all models. Two examples from the OVQA dataset in Fig. 9 show that early discriminative models such as MEVF, CR, MMBERT, CMSA, and VQAMix, fail to answer Med-VQA questions, compared to the latest discriminative models such as TCL, METER, and PTUnifier. In Fig. 9, the Red Cross indicates that the prediction is wrong, and the green check indicates that the prediction is correct. The given question is to consult the abnormal position of orthopedic images. We observed that traditional models such as MEVF predict wrong abnormal positions. While TCL, and other advanced models can locate the abnormality to the correct position. This also indicates that the advanced VQA deep learning models with large parameters can not only correctly understand the image content, but also capture the region of interest related to the question, leading to predicting the correct answer.

6 Conclusion

Deep learning models for Med-VQA face unique challenges, necessitating urgent comprehensive empirical studies on SOTAs to advance techniques and medical practice. To address this, we implemented a benchmark evaluation system that compares user-selected models and reports detailed experimental results. Additionally, users can download datasets, reports, and source codes for further exploration. Our system provides a unified platform to facilitate diverse medical practices.