
1 Introduction

Modern medical systems have progressed from traditional electronic medical records, where patient clinical information resides digitally within a single medical center (typically a hospital), to the era of Electronic Health Records (EHR). In EHR systems, patient medical information is distributed across the healthcare system, enabling access and sharing among various entities. This evolution coincides with the integration of an expanding array of Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) devices that collect patient-related medical and environmental data. IoMT devices serve the primary purpose of furnishing additional medical information to the medical corps, aiming to enhance the assessment of a patient’s health condition and potentially improve medical treatment and services. Notably, IoMT devices have proven efficient in remote monitoring and medical follow-ups, eliminating the necessity for the physical presence of the patient. The IoMT market in the United States reached US$30.56 billion in 2022 and is projected to exceed US$327.08 billion by 2032, reflecting a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 26.80% from 2023 to 2032, according to a report by [1]. However, this technological advancement has introduced complexities, particularly in the management of data, similar to Electronic Health Records (EHR). Ensuring security and privacy in handling this data is paramount due to the unique nature of the healthcare environment, where security threats can have life-threatening consequences for patients, making it more critical than in any other domain.

For highly sensitive data, ensuring properties such as data integrity, confidentiality, authentication, and non-repudiation becomes imperative. However, in distributed environments, and considering the constraints associated with IoT, maintaining these properties becomes challenging. Specifically, for IoMT data, we must: 1) Ensure that only authorized entities and devices can interact with the medical system, ensuring confidentiality. 2) Guarantee that collected medical data remains unaltered, both accidentally and intentionally, preserving integrity. 3) Ensure the traceability and authentication of data, addressing both authentication and non-repudiation concerns.”

In order to solve some of these issues, the Blockchain emerged as a disruptive solution to add a security and privacy layer to the IoMT environment. Blockchain is proven to be a tamper-proof digital ledger that enables secure peer-to-peer exchange of data. It enables data exchange even between unreliable endpoints without a third party. In this paper, we discuss the potential of Blockchain, and in particular the private ones, in IoMT networks and propose a solution to guarantee the privacy, confidentiality, and integrity of medical data collected through medical IoT devices. The solution uses the Hyperledger Fabric (HLF) developed by IBM [9] as a core in order to build a private blockchain. The latter is used to manage our IoMT data between the different entities involved in the process. In this case, only the authorized and registered peers (hospitals for instance) can check and read the data from the private ledger.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Sect. 2 provides a summary of related works. In Sect. 3, we present our proposed architecture, including a discussion of use cases. Section 4 provides details about the implementation of our proposal as a proof of concept, and the various interactions among the components of our system. The paper concludes in Sect. 5, where we also draw some lines for future work.

2 Related Work

In [13] and in [14], the authors designed a Blockchain architecture, based on the Hyperledger Fabric, to secure IoT-based health monitoring systems. The proposed architecture consists of two Blockchain networks: a) a Local one that is a single-node Blockchain embedded in the Perception Domain (i.e., IoT edge network), and b) a Global one that connects each Perception Domain to a Blockchain. The authors in [12] used the IoT and Blockchain to improve drug traceability in the pharmaceutical supply chain. The solution relies on the distributed ledger (DLT) to keep an immutable record of all transaction data. In [2], and for mesh-based IoT networks, the authors introduced DAGSec, a secure version of directed acyclic graphs (DAG), for IoT environments with high throughput and low latency. They used directed acyclic graphs and local transaction validation instead of global transaction validation to attain a high transaction rate. Also, they developed a Blockchain-based witness system to approximate the chronological order of independent transactions. In [10], the authors developed a novel decentralized Blockchain-based IoMT framework named Electronic Medical Record Infrastructure (EMRI), where all the clinical reports and IoT data are added. EMRI is an immutable and secure platform for the transaction of healthcare data. However, it is still to be implemented in a healthcare organization. In [3], the authors presented a solution for a collaborative healthcare management system, surgical process management, using IoT and Blockchain integration architecture, ERTCA, which relies on Ethereum. They also solve the issues related to constrained IoT resources when adopting the Blockchain mining process by using a rich-thin IoT client categorization approach. In [5], the authors proposed a model based on Blockchain for the remote patient monitoring scenario, where the patient is equipped with wearable IoT devices. Their model consists of five key parts: a Blockchain Network using Proof of Authority (PoA), Cloud Storage, Healthcare Providers, Smart Contracts, and Patients equipped with healthcare wearable IoT devices. Moreover, in [4], the authors developed a platform for combining IoT-based smart healthcare systems and Blockchain. The proposed system is based on HLF and it consists of five components: an IoT gatway devices, HTTP-based API gateway as device-to-Blockchain interface, membership service provider (MSP), peers, and orderers. Finally, the authors in [15] introduced a permissioned Blockchain-based architecture, built in HLF, to manage access control to medical data and to preserve patient data privacy. The data are collected via an IoT Fog Gateway connected to wearable health devices. The ledgers and transactions are stored in the cloud. The proposed architecture is designed for remote patient monitoring.

However, compared to our solution, most of these works do not take into account contextual IoT data along with users’ immediate environment of in order to enhance medical services such as teleconsultation, remote monitoring, or medical follow-up. Moreover, most of them do not take into account the security inside their perception layer (i.e., between the sensors and the gateway) before even sending the data to the blockchain, which can be exploited by an adversary to meddle with such sensitive data. Finally, we propose to use a permissioned Blockchain, which allows only selected and verified participants to interact with the Blockchain, which we believe is more suitable in the medical domain to protect data confidentiality and integrity, and hence the privacy of the patients.

3 Permissioned Blockchain for IoMT Medical Data

In this paper, a solution based on Hyperledger Fabric (HLF) Blockchain [9], a private and permissioned blockchain, is developed to secure sensitive incoming data from an IoMT sensors network. To do so, Node-RED [7] is used to manage and interact with the different IoMT devices possessed by the patient to collect health data. The data are then sent to the permission Blockchain. Moreover, a User Interface (UI) is also provided to view the history of transactions committed to the ledger. The Blockchain secures the IoMT data with an identity Membership Service Provider (MSP) encapsulated in an X.509 digital certificate and data encryption. The transactions are available and verifiable in the immutable Blockchain ledger ensuring privacy, confidentiality, and integrity to secure the IoMT data. Figure 1 illustrates the functional architecture of the introduced solution along with its main components.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Blockchain-based architecture for securing IoT health data from the patient’s smart space

In what follows, we first present what is a patient’s smart space. Then, we illustrate our solution with some use cases and we explain in detail the interaction between the main components. Next, we introduce the HLF chaincode lifecycle together with how Node-RED interacts with the ledger. Finally, we focus on the dashboard representing the Visualization part.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Definition of a patient’s smart space

3.1 Patient’s Smart Space

The medical IoT devices are located in the immediate environment of the patient, or in what is called the patient’s smart space, as shown in Fig. 2. The goal is to use such medical data, which is considered contextual data, to assist/help the remote medical entity in making decisions.

In this context, a Smart Space (SS) [6] is defined as a user-centric set of heterogeneous Smart Objects (SO)s (i.e., medical IoT devices) communicating using different communication protocols, such as BLE, WIFI, Zigbee, MQTT and so on, and which are accessible through a gateway, in our case via Node-RED, which acts as a manager of all these SOs and an aggregator to all of their data. The latter will be responsible for exchanging and securing the data with the Blockchain, as it will be explained later. For instance, the smart home of a patient can be considered a smart space.

3.2 Use Cases

Several use cases can be identified in the field of healthcare where Blockchain can be a great asset to improve efficiency, availability, and trust within an IoMT-based environment [8, 11]. Relevant use cases for our approach can be tele-consultation and remote medical monitoring of the elderly, as shown in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Tele-consultation and remote monitoring use cases

The use cases can be implemented as distributed autonomous application based on Blockchain. The different identified actors are as follows:

  • Patients with all their sensors that create and write new data into the Blockchain.

  • Doctors who consume data and create new data as diagnoses and prescriptions.

  • Pharmacists who consume data and execute contracts delivering the medication to the patients.

  • Heath insurers who consume data and execute contracts related to health expenses (related to doctors, hospitals, etc.).

  • Hospital emergency where nurses and doctors can have access to the historical data of a given patient and can also generate data.

  • Nurses who need to have access to data in case of ambulatory health service.

  • Researchers who need to have access to the historical data for research purposes

Sensors perform measurements and save the data into the blockchain. The doctor analyses the data, makes a diagnosis, and creates the prescription. The prescription is accessible to the pharmacist and to the health insurers. The pharmacist serves the patient and validates the prescription and the insurer processes the prescription for the check out. When sensors generate alarming data, a contract can be executed: call the emergency services, call a nurse, schedule an appointment, etc. All these services generate transactions for payments such as a transaction refers to executing a contract. For privacy concerns, the contract can include clauses for the pharmacists who need only to know the prescription content and basic patient information (Social Security Number), and for the insurers who need only to know the client identifier, and the amount of money to pay to a given doctor or hospital.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

IoMT devices - gateway communication using MQTTS

4 Implementation of a Proof of Concept

The initial step involves establishing an environment conducive to deploy and implement our solution. To do so, we have used an HPC with a CPU 12th generation intel® core(tm) i9-12900k, 32 GB RAM and a GPU Nvidia GP102 Titan XP. As for the software, the Hyperledger Fabric (HLF), an open source enterprise-grade permissioned distributed ledger technology (DLT) platform, Node-RED, Docker, and Kubernetes were deployed.

4.1 Component Interactions

Before delving into details, we first outline the three types of peers offered by HLF. Each peer is a docker container that is managed by Kubernetes in the Cloud as shown in Fig. 5.

  • Endorser peers: with installed chaincode, simulate transaction execution in isolated containers upon receiving a proposal. Using this simulation, they generate a transaction proposal sent to the orderer peer, avoiding the need for sequential transaction execution by all peers.

  • Orderer peers: they receive endorsed transactions and organize them into blocks. After grouping transactions, orderers ensure consensus by distributing these blocks to Endorsing peers, where validation occurs before committing the transactions to the shared ledger. Orderer peers maintain records of both valid and invalid transactions, while other peers only store valid transactions.

  • Anchor peers: they act as intermediaries between peers within their organization and those belonging to an external one. For instance, an anchor peer is used when a legitimate peer from one organization needs to communicate with a given peer in another organization.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Kubernetes Dashboard (Cloud)

Next, the main interactions between the different components of Fig. 1 are as follows.

  1. 1.

    First, Node-RED is used as a gateway to collect medical data from the patient’s smart space using the lightweight MQTT protocol, as shown in Fig. 4. Moreover, to enhance security, MQTT over TLS (MQTTS) has been used in order to guarantee end-to-end security from the IoT device to Node-RED. It relies on certificates issued by a Certification Authority (CA) to both encrypt the data and guarantee the identity of the communicating parties, hence, guaranteeing the confidentiality, integrity (by using SHA-256 as a hash function), authentication, and non-repudiation in this part of the architecture. The Node-RED, which represents the front end in this case, interacts directly with the Hyperledger Fabric Client SDK APIs.

  2. 2.

    In order to invoke the chaincode (i.e. read, update, and write data to the blockchain), nodes inside the Node-RED are configured to perform HTTPS requests and return the response to the APIs defined by the Hyperledger Fabric Client SDK. The chaincode invocation/lifecycle is explained below.

  3. 3.

    The APIs in HLF Client SDK can directly interact with the chaincode inside the HLF Network (composed of multiple health organizations contributing to the ledger) and can also update and read from the ledger.

  4. 4.

    Endorser Peer “PEER 2” executes the functions that are defined in the chaincode in accordance with the request received from the API and then sends the results to the Ordering Service.

  5. 5.

    The Ordering Service (or Orderer) creates the corresponding blocks and sends them to “PEER 1”, representing the Anchor Peers, which will then broadcast the blocks to the Endorser Peers. Anchor peers are only configured to broadcast blocks for our application. Such functionalities provide a private environment for different use cases and applications using private Blockchain.

  6. 6.

    Finally, the Endorser Peers broadcast the message to the API defined by the Hyperledger Fabric SDK and the response can be verified by a debugger on Node-RED.

The transaction history of IoMT data can be verified by checking the history of data coming from the Ledger where it is stored securely and immutably in the Blockchain. Moreover, the data received by the blockchain from the IoMT sensor is encrypted (using the AES256 algorithm) and then packaged onto the chaincode. The chaincode is invoked and data is processed through the ledger. Each input data from the sensor is packed into blocks of immutable datasets. This packaging of data into blocks is performed when the HTTPS request initiates the chaincode lifecycle and invokes the chaincode in the blockchain to commit key-value pairs to the ledger.

4.2 Hyperledger Fabric Chaincode Lifecycle

The HLF chaincode lifecycle is a sequence of actions performed by organizations to agree on the parameters that define a chaincode (such as name, version, endorsement policy, etc.) and deploy the chaincode to a channel for collaborative use. Channel members come to an agreement via the steps below:

  1. 1.

    Package a chaincode: Every organization (e.g., healthcare organizations such as hospitals in our use case) that wants to call chaincode functions obtains the source code of a chaincode and packages it into an appropriate format.

  2. 2.

    Install the chaincode package: The chaincode should be installed on every organization’s peer that is supposed to execute or endorse chaincode transactions.

  3. 3.

    Approve a chaincode definition: Every organization that is going to use the chaincode composes and submits a chaincode definition—a set of configuration parameters considered to be acceptable by an organization.

  4. 4.

    Commit the chaincode definition to a channel: Once a required number of channel participants have approved the same chaincode definition, this definition can be then committed to a channel. The commit transaction is performed once and can be triggered by any organization.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

IoMT sensors network simulated using Node-RED

4.3 Node-RED Interactions with the Ledger

Figure 6 provides views from the IoMT nodes simulated using Node-RED. The real sensors were replaced by simulated sensors in Node-RED for simplicity’s sake. In our testbed, the medical sensors (blood pressure sensor, pulse sensor, oxygen level sensor, and temperature sensor) were connected to an MQTT broker, and the generated data is then published in the “MQTT subscribe (input)" node, as shown previously in Fig. 4.

4.4 Visualization

Following the implementation of previous interactions in HLF with medical data from simulated IoMT sensors using Node-RED, Fig. 7 illustrates the digital representation of the value generated by the IoMT pulse sensor.

Fig. 7.
figure 7

IoMT data fetching and visualization

Fig. 8.
figure 8

Sensors data transaction history table

Moreover, Fig. 8 shows the history of the ledger, which contains transaction Identities (T\(\times \)Id), Sensor number, timestamp data, and the value of the data generated by the sensor and fetched from the Hyperledger Fabric API. For instance, in the last transaction details, we can confirm that it is identical to the sensor data generated in Fig. 7. The history is fetched from the Ledger where the data is stored immutably in the Blockchain.

5 Conclusion

In this paper, a permissioned Blockchain solution based on HLF is used to enhance the security and privacy of the IoMT environment. In this environment, the involved parties are well-known and trusted since X.509 certificates are used to identify each stakeholder. The solution encrypts IoMT data to ensure its privacy and integrity. Moreover, the IoMT data stored in the Blockchain is tamper-proof and cannot be modified. Furthermore, transaction hashes and the history of the ledger are verifiable, ensuring, hence, accountability and traceability of the IoMT data. A proof-of-concept using Node-RED, HLF, and IoMT sensors, has also been developed and showed the successful configuration and the real-time deployment of our solution. In future work, we plan to extend our approach to execute smart contracts among the stakeholders involved in healthcare ecosystems, including insurers, practitioners, nurses, pharmacists, etc. to implement a secure end-to-end distributed application. Furthermore, we plan to conduct extensive experiments to validate and assess the performance of our approach.