
1 Introduction

Clustering is a significant tool for data mining and data analysis. It reveals intrinsic patterns in many real-world problems and is widely used in many fields [4, 23]. In many scenarios, different dimensions of the same records are held by two parties respectively, that is, the dataset is split vertically. For example, a bank wants to perform cluster analysis on customers, but the customer clustering based on the customer information held by the bank is not accurate enough. The government holds private information such as the income status of citizens, which can help banks obtain more accurate clustering results. Note that government data is generally stored on specific servers and cannot be transmitted to any organization or individual in any form. Additionally, these two organizations typically communicate over a WAN, with no guarantees of latency or bandwidth. Therefore, to obtain more accurate results, the bank (the data owner) needs to send the data to the government (the server), and the government (the server) performs clustering on the joint dataset and returns the result. However, sending customer information to the government in plaintexts can lead to the disclosure of private information. Thence, it is necessary to propose a privacy-preserving and efficient clustering scheme.

Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) is a cryptographic primitive that protects private information contained in data by performing homomorphic operations on encrypted data. FHE is more suitable for scenarios with high latency as the FHE-based algorithms allow non-interactive setting. However, the previous FHE-based privacy-preserving clustering works [3, 11, 18] leak partial private information to servers during the calculation. To avoid the disclosure of private information during the calculation, Jäschke and Armknecht [13] propose a fully privacy-preserving clustering scheme based on FHE. However, their approximate ciphertext division introduces errors, and their expensive bitwise ciphertext comparison leads to impractical run times (about 6 days for 400 records).

To solve the above problems, in this paper, we propose a fully privacy-preserving, effective, and efficient clustering scheme based on FHE. We choose the approximate homomorphic encryption scheme CKKS [7] as our encryption algorithm, which performs approximate arithmetic and is able to encode floating point numbers. It is a challenge that CKKS does not directly support ciphertext comparison and division used in the clustering algorithm. To achieve ciphertext comparison, we construct an iterative formula with two fixed points of opposite signs to approximate the sign function. For ciphertext division, we construct a function whose root is the reciprocal of the divisor, and apply Newton’s method to approximate the root of this function. After making minor changes to k-means clustering algorithm, we propose a fully privacy-preserving and efficient clustering algorithm that prevents the server from inferring private information.

Although, our fully privacy-preserving clustering algorithm has outperformed existing schemes, executing it on some well-known large datasets (e.g. MNIST, CIFAR-10, etc.) leads to unacceptable run time and memory consumption (about 3500 minutes and 1303GB memory on MNIST). Through theoretical analysis, the number of clusters k is an important factor affecting the run time and memory consumption, therefore, reducing k can greatly increase the practicability of our algorithm. To reduce k, we split the input vectors into disjoint subvectors and cluster these subvectors. We refer to this optimized clustering algorithm as the block privacy-preserving clustering algorithm. In addition, this optimized scheme also reduces the number of consecutive multiplications, which is limited by a pre-determined parameter since CKKS is a leveled homomorphic encryption.

We first test our fully privacy-preserving clustering scheme on several popular small datasets to assess clustering accuracy and efficiency. In terms of accuracy, the results show that our method performs as well as the original k-means clustering algorithm and significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art privacy-preserving clustering work [13]. As for efficiency, we adopt two implementation optimization techniques, one batching, and the other multithreading. The results show that these two optimizations reduce the run time by three orders of magnitude in total, making our scheme more efficient. Then, we compare the efficiency of our scheme with state-of-the-art [13]. We use our fully privacy-preserving clustering algorithm with batching, which achieves nearly identical accuracy as the original (plaintext) k-means clustering algorithm. Compared with the FHE-based scheme [13], our method is about 19573x faster. In summary, our fully privacy-preserving clustering scheme is efficient and effective compared to existing works.

Afterwards, we test our block privacy-preserving clustering algorithm on two large datasets (MNIST, CIFAR-10) on which our vanilla fully privacy-preserving clustering algorithm fails to run using our server due to the long run time and excessive memory consumption. As can be seen from the results, our block clustering solution can be performed on these datasets with acceptable run time and memory consumption. In addition, this block clustering algorithm is also suitable for users who would like to trade a little accuracy for high efficiency.

  • We construct two iterative formulas to solve the ciphertext comparison and division problems respectively, and propose a fully privacy-preserving clustering scheme based on FHE, which can ensure that no private information is revealed during the calculation.

  • To further reduce the run time and memory consumption of our algorithm, we propose the block privacy-preserving clustering algorithm. This algorithm divides the input vectors into disjoint subvectors and performs clustering on these subvectors.

  • We conduct a series of experiments on various widely used datasets to evaluate our scheme. From the results, it can be concluded that our block clustering solution performs well in terms of both efficiency and memory consumption.

2 Related Works

In recent years, privacy-preserving clustering has been widely discussed in the literature. Some literature [27, 29, 30, 36] leverage Partially Homomorphic Encryption (PHE) and two non-colluding clouds and design an interactive protocol between them. However, these schemes are not suitable for large data scenarios due to the high communication cost. Some previous works [5, 12, 26, 31, 32] apply differential privacy to protect the private information of individuals. However, the accuracy drops significantly due to the noise introduced in the clustering algorithm. Multiparty Computation (MPC) is proposed to implement privacy-preserving clustering in [24, 35], which requires interaction between data owners.

Focusing on FHE, Liu et al. [18] propose an outsourced clustering scheme. Almutairi et al. [3] create an updatable distance matrix (UDM) and apply it to improve the efficiency of their clustering algorithm. Gheid et al. [11] present a clustering protocol that does not use any cryptographic scheme. However, these works leak intermediate values which contain private information, such as the sizes of clusters or the distances between records and cluster centers. Wu et al. [37] propose an efficient and privacy-preserving outsourced k-means clustering scheme based on Yet Another Somewhat Homomorphic Encryption (YASHE). There are two non-colluding cloud servers in their model, one of which is used for addition and multiplication in ciphertexts, and the other is responsible for comparison in plaintexts. Therefore, the server that computes in plaintexts can infer partially private information from the data. Different from these works, our clustering scheme is fully privacy-preserving, which allows data owners to outsource clustering without revealing any private information.

Jäschke and Armknecht present a completely privacy-preserving clustering scheme based on FHE in [13]. Due to the impractical run time of their algorithm, they trade accuracy for efficiency. In other words, they create an approximate comparison scheme by truncating the few least significant bits in ciphertexts. However, the run time of the dataset with 400 records is still 25.79 days, which is far from practical for large datasets. Different from their bitwise approximate comparison scheme, our ciphertext comparison is more efficient through an iterative approach. Also, their ciphertext division is approximate and introduces errors into their clustering algorithm, whereas our ciphertext division is exact.

3 Background

3.1 Approximate Homomorphic Encryption CKKS

To achieve privacy-preserving clustering, we choose the approximate homomorphic encryption algorithm CKKS [7] as our cryptographic scheme. We use CKKS instead of other RLWE-based schemes for two main reasons, one is its ability to encode floating point numbers, and the other is its high efficiency.

Cheon et al. propose the formal definitions of CKKS in [7]. We define that N is a power of two and \(R=\mathbb {Z}[X]/(X^{N}+1)\) is a ring of integers, where \(\mathbb {Z}[X]\) is a polynomial ring with integer coefficients. A message \(\textbf{m} \in \mathbb {C}^{N/2}\) is firstly encoded into a polynomial \(m \in R\) called plaintext. Let L be a level parameter and \(q_{l}=2^l\) for \(1 \le l \le L\). We denote \(R_q=\mathbb {Z}_q [X]/(X^{N}+1)\) as a modulo-q quotient ring of R. The modulo q operation on each element of \(R_q\) is denoted as \([\cdot ]_{q}\). The distribution \(X_{\text {s}} = HWT(h)\) outputs a polynomial with coefficients \(\{-1,0,1\}\), whose Hamming weight is h. The distributions \(X_{\text {enc}}\) and \(X_{\text {e}}\) are the discrete Gaussian distribution.

Set the secret key to be \(sk \leftarrow (1, s)\) and the public key to be \(pk \leftarrow ([-a\cdot s+e]_{q_L}, a)\), where \(s \leftarrow X_{\text {s}}\), \(a \leftarrow U(R_{q_L})\), and \(e \leftarrow X_{\text {e}}\). To encrypt the plaintext m, we can compute \(c = [v \cdot pk+(m+e_0, e_1)]_{q_L}\), where \(v \leftarrow X_{\text {enc}}\) and \(e_0, e_1 \leftarrow X_{\text {e}}\). The ciphertext \(c = (c_0, c_1)\) is decrypted by calculating \(m' = [c_0+c_1 \cdot s]_{q_l}\).

CKKS is a leveled homomorphic encryption, which means that this homomorphic encryption scheme limits the number of consecutive multiplications by a pre-determined parameter. Cheon et al. [6] extend CKKS to a fully homomorphic encryption scheme by proposing a bootstrapping algorithm that can refresh low-level ciphertexts. The input of the bootstrapping algorithm is a ciphertext with the lowest modulus \(c \in R^2_{q_1}\) and the output is a ciphertext with a refreshed modulus \(c' \in R^2_{q_{L'}}\), where \(L' < L\). And the results of decrypting c and \(c'\) are almost equal.

3.2 Newton’s Method

Newton’s method is an approximate root-finding algorithm. This method can solve equations of the form \(f(x) = 0\), where f is a real-valued function and the derivative of f is denoted by \(f'\).

Suppose \(x_0 \in [a, b]\) is an initial guess for a root of f, denoted as r. We find the line tangent to f(x) at \(x = x_0\) and compute the intersection of the x-axis with this tangent, denoted by \((x_1,0)\). \(x_1 = x_0 - \frac{f(x_0)}{f'(x_0)}\), where \(x_1\) is a better approximation of r than \(x_0\). Repeat the above steps to continuously refine the approximation, and \(x_{n+1}\) can be computed as follows [10]:

$$\begin{aligned} x_{n+1} = x_n - \frac{f(x_n)}{f'(x_n)} \end{aligned}$$

If Newton’s method converges on [ab], a sufficiently accurate value can be reached when the number of iterations is large enough [25]. That is \(\lim \limits _{n \rightarrow + \infty } x_n = r\).

4 System Architecture and Threat Model

4.1 System Architecture

In our system architecture, there are two actors (server and data owner). The dataset is split vertically, with the server and the data owner holding different dimensions of the same records. The joint dataset, denoted D, has n records of m dimensions. We assume that the dataset \(D_1\) held by the data owner contains n records of \(m_1\) dimensions, and the dataset \(D_2\) owned by the server contains the same n records of \(m_2\) dimensions, where \(m = m_1 + m_2\). Since the private set intersection technique has been proposed in previous work, we can suppose that \(D_1\) and \(D_2\) are already aligned. Therefore, \(D = D_1 || D_2\).

In the scenario we describe, to get better clustering results, the data owner has to send \(D_1\) to the server, which executes the clustering algorithm on the joint dataset D. The server is untrusted, which means it tries to infer private information from the data, thus the data owner needs to outsource the clustering to the server in ciphertexts (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Our System Architecture

Before exploiting the outsourced clustering service, the data owner needs to generate the secret key sk kept private by itself as well as the public key pk and the evaluation key evk both shared with the server. Then, the data owner encodes n records into plaintexts and encrypts these plaintexts into ciphertexts. After that, the data owner sends these ciphertexts and some parameters to the server. Among them, the parameters include \(m_1\), the number of clusters denoted by k, and the number of iterations for clustering denoted by T. After receiving these ciphertexts and parameters, the server executes k-means clustering in ciphertexts and returns the ciphertext results to the data owner. Finally, the data owner decrypts the results and obtains the labels of all records through a simple calculation.

4.2 Threat Model

In this paper, we consider a semi-honest security model, which means that the server and the user strictly follow the protocol, but they may try to infer private information about the datasets \(D_1\) and \(D_2\). We assume that \(m_1, k, T\) are the public system parameters known by both parties: \(m_1\) only represents the dimensions of the records owned by the data owner, and k, and T are the parameters for clustering. Furthermore, we consider the communication channel to be insecure, which means that eavesdropping attacks are possible.

In our protocol, \(D_1\) is homomorphically encrypted locally and transmitted to the server as ciphertexts for clustering. Therefore, an adversary eavesdropping the communication channel or the server cannot deduce private information from the encrypted \(D_1\). In addition, all records in \(D_2\) are not sent to the user in any form, so the user cannot infer any private information from \(D_2\).

Baiyu and Micciancio [16] point out that CKKS does not satisfy indistinguishability under chosen plaintext attacks with decryption oracles (\(\text {IND-CPA}^\text {D}\)) security. However, chosen plaintext attacks with decryption oracles cannot occur in our system, since (1) only the data owner can choose the plaintexts to be encrypted; (2) no ciphertext and the corresponding plaintext are sent to the server simultaneously; (3) the data owner never sends the decryption results to the server.

4.3 Security

In this paper, our goal is to achieve a simulation-based security definition.

Definition.  A protocol \(\mathrm {\Pi }\) between a data owner having as input a dataset \(D_1\) and a server having as input a dataset \(D_2\) is a cryptographic clustering protocol if it satisfies the following guarantees:

  • Correctness. On each input dataset \(D_1\) of the data owner and each dataset \(D_2\) held by the server, the output of the data owner at the end of the protocol is the correct clustering result on the joint dataset.

  • Security:

    • We require that a corrupted, semi-honest data owner does not learn anything about the input \(D_2\) of the server. Formally, we require the existence of an efficient simulator \(\texttt {Sim} _C\) such that \(\texttt {View} _C^{\mathrm {\Pi }} \approx _c \texttt {Sim} _C(D_1, \texttt {out} )\), where \(\texttt {View} _C^{\mathrm {\Pi }}\) denotes the view of the data owner in the execution of \(\mathrm {\Pi }\) and \(\texttt {out} \) denotes the output of the clustering.

    • We also require that a corrupted, semi-honest server does not learn anything about the input \(D_1\) of the data owner. Formally, we require the existence of an efficient simulator \(\texttt {Sim} _S\) such that \(\texttt {View} _S^{\mathrm {\Pi }} \approx _c \texttt {Sim} _S(D_2)\), where \(\texttt {View} _S^{\mathrm {\Pi }}\) denotes the view of the server in the execution of \(\mathrm {\Pi }\).

5 Fully Privacy-Preserving Clustering Scheme Based on FHE

In this section, we propose a fully privacy-preserving clustering scheme based on FHE algorithm CKKS. We choose Lloyd’s algorithm to solve the k-means clustering problem. The reasons for choosing Lloyd’s algorithm are (1) it is simple to implement; (2) it has effective local fine-tuning capability [9]. However, CKKS cannot directly support division and comparison in ciphertexts, which are used in Lloyd’s algorithm. Therefore, we adopt iterative method and Newton’s method to solve ciphertext comparison and division respectively. After making minor changes to Lloyd’s algorithm, we implement a fully privacy-preserving clustering algorithm.

5.1 Preliminaries

The goal of k-means clustering is to partition the dataset into k sets [21]. Lloyd’s algorithm [19] can solve the k-means clustering problem and is one of the most extensively used clustering algorithms for statistical data analysis.

The dataset D held by the data owner contains n records denoted \(t_1, \ldots , t_n\). Each record \(t_i\) is an m-dimensional real vector, denoted as \(t_i = (t_{i1}, \ldots , t_{im}) \in \mathbb {R}^m\). Lloyd’s algorithm divides the dataset into k clusters \(u_1, \ldots , u_k\), whose centroids are denoted by \(c_1, \ldots , c_k \), where \(c_i = (c_{i1}, \ldots , c_{im}) \in \mathbb {R}^m\). The complete Lloyd’s algorithm is shown in Algorithm 1.

figure a

Since we are concerned with the vertical partition scenario, for each record \(t_i\), the data owner holds \(t_{i1}, \ldots , t_{im_1}\) and the server holds \(t_{i(m_1+1)}, \ldots , t_{im}\). According to our threat model (described in Sect. 4.2), the data owner only provides encrypted \(t_{i1}, \ldots , t_{im_1}\) to the server, so the operation between ciphertext and plaintext is involved in Step 3 because \(t_{i(m_1+1)}, \ldots , t_{im}\) is in plaintexts. Since CKKS supports addition, subtraction, and multiplication between ciphertext and plaintext, and the results of these operations are in ciphertexts, the distance array \(\textrm{diff}\) is in ciphertexts.

In addition, in Step 3, since CKKS cannot directly support square root and absolute value operations, we calculate the square of the Euclidean distance between each record \(t_i\) and each cluster center \(c_j\) as \(\textrm{diff}_{ij}\). Each element \(\textrm{diff}_{ij}\) in \(\textrm{diff}\) array is only used to compare with some other elements, so squaring all elements in \(\textrm{diff}\) does not affect the result. Step 4 to 6 must be calculated in ciphertexts, and the ciphertext comparison in Step 4 and the ciphertext division in Step 6 are challenging for CKKS.

5.2 Ciphertext Comparison

In Step 4, we compare the distance between each record and each centroid to find the closest centroid for each record. Since CKKS does not support comparison in ciphertexts directly, the \(\textrm{label}\) array cannot be simply calculated, and we need to transform it into some HE-friendly representation.

Considering that the result of Step 4 is used to count the number of records in each cluster and update centroids (Step 5 and 6), it is natural to construct a one-hot encoding vector for each record. The one-hot encoding vector of record \(t_i\) is denoted as \(\textrm{minIndex}_i\) (\(i = 1, \ldots , n\)):

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} \textrm{minIndex}_i &= (0, \ldots , 0, 1, 0, \ldots , 0) \\ \textrm{minIndex}_{ij} &= {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 1, &{} j = \textrm{label}_i \\ &{} (\min \{\textrm{diff}_{i1}, \ldots , \textrm{diff}_{ik}\} = \textrm{diff}_{ij}) \\ 0, &{} j \ne \textrm{label}_i \\ &{} (\textrm{diff}_{ij} ~ \text {is not the minimum})\\ \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

where only the \(\textrm{label}_i\)-th dimension of \(\textrm{minIndex}_i\) is set to 1 and all other dimensions are 0. In other words, \(\textrm{minIndex}_{ij}\) equals one only when \(c_j\) is the closest centroid to \(t_i\). After this transformation, Steps 5 and 6 can be immediately rewritten as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} \text {Step 5:} ~~~ \textrm{cnt}_{j} = \sum _{i=1}^n \textrm{minIndex}_{ij} \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} \text {Step 6:} ~~~ c_{j} = \frac{\sum \limits _{i=1}^n t_{i} \cdot \textrm{minIndex}_{ij}}{\textrm{cnt}_{j}} \end{aligned}$$

Now the challenge is to calculate the \(\textrm{minIndex}\) array in ciphertexts. And we introduce the sign function \(\mathrm {sgn(x)}\) to facilitate comparison, where \(\mathrm {sgn(x)} = 1\) if \(x > 0\), \(\mathrm {sgn(x)} = 0\) if \(x = 0\), and \(\mathrm {sgn(x)} = -1\) if \(x < 0\).

During the ciphertext calculation process, the server will not obtain any intermediate results and related information. Therefore, in order to find the cluster center closest to the record \(t_i\) and mark the corresponding dimension of \(\textrm{minIndex}_i\) as 1, the server needs to compare the k numbers pairwise. Obviously, if \(\textrm{diff}_{ij}\) is the minimum value, then for any \(q \in [1, k]\) and \(q \ne j\), \(\frac{\textrm{sgn}(\textrm{diff}_{iq} - \textrm{diff}_{ij}) + 1}{2}\) always equals 1. If \(\textrm{diff}_{ij}\) is not the minimum, then there exists \(q \in [1, k]\) and \(q \ne j\) such that \(\frac{\textrm{sgn}(\textrm{diff}_{iq} - \textrm{diff}_{ij}) + 1}{2} = 0\). Therefore, to compute \(\textrm{minIndex}_{ij}\), we compare \(\textrm{diff}_{ij}\) with the other \(k-1\) distance differences and multiply all the results:

$$\begin{aligned} \textrm{minIndex}_{ij} = \prod \limits _{q=1,~q\ne j}^k \frac{\textrm{sgn}(\textrm{diff}_{iq} - \textrm{diff}_{ij}) + 1}{2} \end{aligned}$$

According to Eq. 5, if \(\textrm{diff}_{ij}\) is the minimum value over \(\{\textrm{diff}_{i1}, \ldots , \textrm{diff}_{ik}\}\), then all \(k-1\) factors of \(\textrm{minIndex}_{ij}\) equal to 1, i.e., \(\textrm{minIndex}_{ij} = 1\); otherwise, \(\textrm{minIndex}_{ij}\) has at least one 0 in its multiplication factors, thus \(\textrm{minIndex}_{ij} = 0\). Therefore, \(\textrm{minIndex}_{ij}\) in Eq. 5 satisfies the definition in Eq. 2.

However, \(\textrm{sgn}(x)\) cannot be computed in CKKS directly since it is not a polynomial function. Therefore, the goal is to approximate \(\textrm{sgn}(x)\) using HE-friendly operations. We use the iterative method to solve the above problem. We construct an iterative formula containing two fixed points, requiring that the signs of these two fixed points be different:

$$\begin{aligned} a_{i+1} = \varphi _c(a_i) = - \frac{ 3 }{ 2 } a_i (a_i - 1)(a_i + 1) \quad (i \in \mathbb {N}) \end{aligned}$$

We can determine the convergence of Eq. 6 with \(a_0 \in (-1,1)\):

$$\begin{aligned} \lim \limits _{n \rightarrow + \infty } \sqrt{3} a_n = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 1,&{} a_0 \in (0, 1) \\ -1,&{} a_0 \in (-1, 0) \\ 0,&{} a_0 = 0 \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$

Therefore, the domain of Eq. 6 is defined as \((-1, 1)\), and the initial value \(a_0\) is chosen as the input to the sign function denoted as \(x_{in}\), where \(x_{in} \in (-1, 1)\).

figure b

We can also handle the case where \(x_{in}\) are not in the range \((-1, 1)\). Suppose \(x'_{in}\) is in \((-M, M)\) for some constant M. In this case, the initial value \(a_0\) is assigned as \(x'_{in} / M\). Since the above ciphertext sign function only contains HE-friendly operations, CKKS can directly compute it.

5.3 Ciphertext Division

In Step 6, we need to divide the sum \(\sum \limits _{i=1}^n t_{i} \cdot \textrm{minIndex}_{ij}\) by the count \(\textrm{cnt}_{j}\) to get the centroid \(c_{j}\). We apply Newton’s method (described in Sect. 3.2) to solve the ciphertext division. We define the output of the function \(\textrm{div}(a)\) as the reciprocal of a, where a is in (0, M) for some constant M. Construct a function f(x), whose root is \(\frac{ 1 }{ a }\), such as: \(f(x) = \frac{ 1 }{ x } -a\). And we utilize Newton’s method to approximate the root of this function. According to Eq. 1, we can obtain the iterative formula:

$$\begin{aligned} {\begin{matrix} x_{i+1} = \varphi _d(x_i) = x_i - \frac{f(x_i)}{f'(x_i)} = x_i (2 - a \cdot x_i) \end{matrix}} \end{aligned}$$

We need to determine the domain (a neighborhood of \(\frac{1}{a}\)) where the above iteration converges, and choose an appropriate initial value \(x_0\) in the domain. Equation 8 converges if \(x_0 = \frac{1}{a}\) or \(\exists \delta > 0, \forall x \in (\frac{1}{a} - \delta , \frac{1}{a} + \delta ) \setminus \{\frac{1}{a}\} \) satisfy

$$\begin{aligned} \left| \varphi _d(x) - \frac{1}{a} \right| < \left| x - \frac{1}{a} \right| \end{aligned}$$

According to the above criteria, we can calculate that the domain is \((0,\frac{2}{a})\). Since \(0<a<M\), we choose \(x_0=\frac{2}{M} \in (0,\frac{2}{a}) \) as the initial value. Therefore, we utilize this iteration to construct our ciphertext division algorithm (Algorithm 3).

figure c

The above complete division algorithm uses only subtractions and multiplications in ciphertexts, which are directly supported by the CKKS homomorphic encryption. Hence \(c_{j} = \sum _{i=1}^n t_{i} \cdot \textrm{minIndex}_{ij} \cdot \textrm{div}(\textrm{cnt}_j)\), where \(\textrm{cnt}_j \in (0,n]\).

5.4 Converting the One-Hot Vectors to Label in Plaintexts

To achieve Step 5 and 6, we convert the \(\textrm{label}\) array into the one-hot encoding array \(\textrm{minIndex}\). After receiving and decrypting the \(\textrm{minIndex}\) array, the data owner needs to extract the \(\textrm{label}\) from the \(\textrm{minIndex}\). The data owner finds the index of the element which equals one in \(\textrm{minIndex}_{ij}\) for each record i as \(\textrm{label}_i\):

$$\begin{aligned} \textrm{label}_{i} = j ~ s.t. ~ \textrm{minIndex}_{ij} = 1 \end{aligned}$$

5.5 The Complete Algorithm for Privacy-Preserving Clustering

We summarize the above steps and describe the complete algorithm for fully privacy-preserving clustering. Our scheme contains only HE-friendly operations and is completely secure which means that no private information is revealed to the server during calculation. In Step 2, the data owner randomly generates k cluster centers \(c_1, \ldots , c_k\) and encrypts them.

In Step 3, the server calculates the distance between each record \(t_i\) and each cluster center \(c_j\), denoted as \(\textrm{diff}_{ij}\). According to our problem setting, the records in \(D_1\) are in ciphertexts, the records in \(D_2\) are in plaintexts, and the centroids are in ciphertexts. CKKS directly supports addition, subtraction, and multiplication between ciphertext and plaintext, and the results of these operations are in ciphertexts. Therefore, all terms of sum are in ciphertexts, and \(\textrm{diff}_{ij}\) is also in ciphertexts. In Step 4, the server compares \(\textrm{diff}_{ij}\) with \(\textrm{diff}_{iq}\) by computing \(\textrm{sgn}(\textrm{diff}_{iq} - \textrm{diff}_{ij})\) (Algorithm 2), where \(1 \le q \le k, q \ne j\). Then, the server multiplies the \(k - 1\) results to get \(\textrm{minIndex}_{ij}\), where \(\textrm{minIndex}_{ij} = 1\) when \(\textrm{diff}_{ij}\) is the minimum value, and \(\textrm{minIndex}_{ij} = 0\) otherwise.

In Step 5, the server counts the number of records belonging to each cluster. In Step 6, the server recalculates each cluster center \(c_j\). Afterwards, the server repeats Step 3 to 6 for T iterations. In Step 7, the server sends the encrypted \(\textrm{minIndex}\) array to the data owner. After decrypting \(\textrm{minIndex}\), the data owner extracts the \(\textrm{label}\) array according to Eq. 10.

figure d

5.6 Security Proof

The view of the server includes the ciphertext dataset from data owner, the dimension of the input dataset, the number of clusters, and the number of iterations for clustering. When the data owner is corrupted, \(\texttt {Sim}\) receives the plaintext parameters \(m_1, k, T\), the public key and the ciphertext \(\texttt {HE.Enc}(pk,D_1)\) from the data owner. In return, it sends \(\texttt {HE.Enc}(pk, \texttt {res})\) for a randomly chosen \(\texttt {res}\) from \(\mathbb {R}^n\), and the data owner cannot distinguish between real-world distributions and simulated distributions.

The view of the data owner includes the input dataset of the data owner, the dimension of the input dataset, the number of clusters, and the number of iterations for clustering. When the server is corrupted, \(\texttt {Sim}\) sends the plaintext parameters \(m_1, k, T\), a randomly chosen \(\texttt {inp}\) from \(\mathbb {R}^n\) and the public key \(\texttt {HE.Enc}(pk, \texttt {inp})\) to the server. The server cannot distinguish between real-world distributions and simulated distributions.

6 An Optimized Algorithm

In this section, to further reduce the run time and memory consumption, we propose an optimized clustering algorithm called block privacy-preserving clustering algorithm. We have described a fully privacy-preserving clustering scheme in Sect. 5.5, however, when we test this algorithm on the popular MNIST dataset [15], the results show that the run time and memory consumption are unacceptable (about 3500 min and 1303 GB memory).

In terms of run time, since ciphertext multiplication is a time-consuming operation, multiple multiplications dramatically affect the efficiency of our clustering algorithm. On the other hand, CKKS is a leveled homomorphic encryption and limits the multiplication level by a pre-determined parameter. Multiple consecutive multiplications are also unfriendly to CKKS. In our algorithm, computing the \(\textrm{minIndex}\) array (Step 4 in Algorithm 4) requires multiple multiplications in ciphertexts. This step contains two parts: evaluating the sign function using the difference of two distances and multiplying the evaluation results. And there are \(\varTheta (nk^2)\) ciphertext multiplications in the second part of this step, where \(\varTheta (k)\) consecutive multiplications are required to calculate each element in the \(\textrm{minIndex}\) array. That is, reducing k can reduce run time.

In terms of memory consumption, in order to calculate the \(\textrm{minIndex}\) array with multithreading enabled, \(\varTheta (nk^2)\) memory is required. That is, when k is large, calculating the \(\textrm{minIndex}\) requires a large amount of memory.

However, with the advent of the big data era, the scale of the dataset to be clustered is gradually increasing, and the number of clusters k of the dataset becomes larger. Therefore, it is necessary to propose a new clustering algorithm that reduces run time and memory consumption by reducing k.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Schematic Diagram of Splitting the Dataset

6.1 Block Clustering Scheme

To reduce k, we split the input vectors into disjoint subvectors and cluster these subvectors. As shown in Fig. 2, each record \(t_i\) in the dataset D is divided into d subvectors denoted \(r_{i1}, \ldots , r_{id}\). Each subvector \(r_{iq}\) is of m/d dimensions, where m is a multiple of d and q is in [1, d]. We denote the set of subvectors \(r_{1q}, \ldots , r_{nq}\) as the subdataset \(D_q\).

We perform our privacy-preserving clustering scheme on each subdataset \(D_q\) independently, and each subvector \(r_{iq}\) is identified by a label \(L_{iq}\). The label \(L_i\) of the record \(t_i\) is defined as the Cartesian product of the labels of its corresponding subvectors:

$$\begin{aligned} L_i = L_{i1} \times L_{i2} \times \ldots \times L_{id} \end{aligned}$$

Since all subdatasets are equally important, they have the same number of subclusters. In that case, each subdataset is divided into \(k'\) subclusters, where

$$\begin{aligned} k' = \root d \of {k} \end{aligned}$$

We assume that \(k'\) is always a positive integer. The centroid \(c_j\) is the concatenation of the centroids of its corresponding subclusters.

figure e

We now summarize our complete scheme for block privacy-preserving clustering. Before delivering the ciphertexts and the parameters to the server, the data owner needs to preprocess the dataset D, including dividing \(t_i\) to generate \(r_{iq}\) and calculating \(k'\). Then, the fully privacy-preserving block clustering algorithm can be described as Algorithm 5.

In Step 7, the data owner needs to extract the label of each subvector from \(\mathrm {minIndex'}\) according to the method described in Sect. 5.4. Afterward, the data owner obtains the label of each record by calculating the Cartesian product of its corresponding subvector labels according to Eq. 11.

The above algorithm only contains HE-friendly operations and does not break our threat model in Sect. 4.2. As shown in Table 1, we compare the number of multiplications in each calculation step between Algorithm 4 and Algorithm 5. The efficiency of the block clustering algorithm has been significantly improved, especially when calculating the \(\textrm{minIndex}\) array.

The number of consecutive multiplications also decreases in Algorithm 5. When calculating each element in \(\textrm{minIndex}\) array, the number of consecutive multiplications decreases from \(\varTheta (k)\) to \(\varTheta (\root d \of {k})\). Additionally, memory consumption drops from \(\varTheta (nk^2)\) to \(\varTheta (nk^{\frac{2}{d}})\).

Although Algorithm 5 can greatly reduce the run time and memory consumption, it loses the clustering accuracy compared to Algorithm 4. In addition, Algorithm 5 is more suitable for datasets whose records are relatively evenly distributed in m-dimensional space.

Table 1. The number of multiplications involved in each step of Algorithm 4 and Algorithm 5 in each step. Note that no multiplication is needed in Step 5.

6.2 Block Clustering Scheme with Cluster Selection

The fully privacy-preserving block clustering scheme described in Sect. 6.1 is efficient. However, Algorithm 5 only works on datasets with a certain k. When for any d, there is no positive integer \(k'\) such that \(k = {k'}^d\), this algorithm fails. Therefore, to make our block clustering algorithm applicable to datasets with arbitrary k, we add a function called cluster selection to it.

We still split each input vector into d disjoint subvectors, where each subvector is of m/d dimensions. Then we cluster each subdataset (defined in Sect. 6.1) separately and compute the Cartesian product of corresponding subvectors’ labels to obtain the label for each vector according to the Eq. 11. Since \(\root d \of {k}\) is not a positive integer, we require each subdataset to be divided into \(k_s\) subclusters, where \(k_s > \root d \of {k}\) and \(k_s \in \mathbb {N^*}\), and the specific value of \(k_s\) is determined by the data owner. Thus, the dataset D is partitioned into \({k_s}^d\) clusters, where \({k_s}^d > k\).

Since the goal of the data owner is to divide D into k clusters, we now propose the cluster selection algorithm to remove \({k_s}^d - k\) redundant clusters. We sort all \({k_s}^d\) clusters according to the number of records in each cluster from most to least, then keep the top k clusters and record their centroids. The records that do not belong to these top k clusters are called remaining records and need to be reassigned to these clusters. We separately calculate the distance between each remaining record and each centroid, then assign each remaining record to the nearest centroid. Afterward, the centroids of these k clusters need to be recalculated.

We recommend that the data owner implement the cluster selection algorithm. The reason is that this algorithm is time-consuming in ciphertexts, but requires a small amount of computation resource in plaintexts. In addition, the communication costs remain almost unchanged.

The data owner needs to own all dimensions of the records and centroids to guarantee correct clustering of the remaining records. Therefore, our block clustering scheme with plaintext cluster selection only works if the data owner possesses the complete dataset. At this time, the data owner outsources clustering in order to utilize the computation resource of the server. Only Algorithm 4 and Algorithm 5 support the user to simultaneously utilize the server’s dataset and computation resource.

7 Experiment Results

7.1 Experiment Setup

Server Configuration. We use the Lattigo library [1] (version 4.1.0) to implement our fully privacy-preserving clustering algorithm. We choose a Ubuntu-20.04 server with an Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v4 (2.1 GHz, 32 threads) and 100GB RAM to perform all experiments. Our approach is written in Go.

Datasets. We select several datasets from different sources to evaluate our algorithm. G2 [9] is a series of synthetic datasets, each of which contains 2048 points divided into two Gaussian clusters of equal size. We choose G2-1-20, G2-2-20, G2-4-20, G2-8-20, and G2-16-20 for experiments, where 1,2,4,8,16 represent the dimensions of the dataset.

The fundamental clustering problems suite (FCPS) [33] contains nine different datasets, and we choose seven of them which are widely used in [8, 17, 20, 28, 34]. As shown in Table 2, these datasets with known labels are low-dimensional and simple, and each of them solves a certain problem in clustering.

To demonstrate the effectiveness of the scheme described in Sect. 6, we select two large datasets to test our block clustering scheme. The MNIST dataset [15] of handwritten digits contains 60000 training images and 10000 testing images, where \(m = 784\). We run our algorithm on the testing images with 10 clusters. The CIFAR-10 dataset [14] consists of 60000 images divided into 10 clusters. We choose 10000 test images to perform our approach.

Table 2. The datasets chosen from FCPS [33].

Parameter Selection. We choose the following parameters for our experiments:

  • Parameters of CKKS: We use a default parameter set in the Lattigo library called PN16QP1761CI. logN is 16, which means that at most 65536 values can be batched simultaneously. The multiplication level is 34, indicating that the number of consecutive multiplications cannot exceed 34.

  • Number of iterations: 5, 10, 20.

In all experiments, the initial k centroids are uniformly and independently randomly sampled from \([0,1]^m\). We run each experiment with five different random seeds and average the results.

Since we focus on the vertical partition scenario, the input to Algorithm 4 consists of encrypted dataset \(D_1\) and unencrypted dataset \(D_2\). The operation between plaintext and ciphertext is faster than that between ciphertext, therefore, in order to make the result more convincing, we encrypt all dimensions of the records in all experiments.

7.2 Clustering Accuracy

In this section, we conduct experiments on datasets G2 and FCPS to test the clustering accuracy of the algorithm described in Sect. 5. We then compare the accuracy of our approach with the state-of-the-art privacy-preserving clustering algorithm proposed in [13].

Table 3. Clustering accuracy of our algorithm and Lloyd’s algorithm on G2 and FCPS.

We separately run our algorithm and vanilla Lloyd’s algorithm on the datasets and count the number of records that are correctly clustered. Then we calculate the clustering accuracy by dividing the number of correctly clustered records by n. In this part, we choose \(T = 5\) for G2 and \(T = 10\) for FCPS. Since the order of clusters in the experiments may be different from that in the ground truths, we enumerate full permutations of \(\{1,\ldots ,k\}\) as the mapping of labels from the algorithm outputs to the ground truth, and find the one with most correctly clustered records.

As shown in Table 3, for all datasets, the clustering accuracy of our approach is almost identical to that of Lloyd’s algorithm. On most datasets, our algorithm correctly clusters the same number of records as Lloyd’s algorithm. Therefore, we conclude that adding privacy protection to the clustering scheme does not affect accuracy.

We compare the clustering accuracy of our approach with that of the approximate algorithm proposed in [13] and record the results in Table 4. Since the bitwise ciphertext comparison used in their algorithm would lead to unacceptable run time, they propose an approximate version that improves efficiency by truncating several least significant bits. They compute the difference in clustering accuracy between the exact clustering and their approximate algorithm to demonstrate the accuracy (\(\mathrm {exact - approximate}\)). In addition, we calculate the difference in clustering accuracy between Lloyd’s algorithm and ours, and compare our results to theirs on the four datasets, as shown in Table 4. There are two negative numbers in the second line, indicating that the accuracy of our scheme is higher than that of Lloyd’s algorithm. For these four datasets, our algorithm obviously outperforms theirs in clustering accuracy.

Table 4. Accuracy difference between exact algorithm and privacy-preserving version

7.3 Run Time

In this section, we test the run time of our fully privacy-preserving clustering algorithm described in Sect. 5. Then, we compare the efficiency of our algorithm with that of the state-of-the-art FHE-based clustering scheme [13].

Due to the inefficiency of direct implementation based on CKKS, we optimize our method for efficiency by parallelizing ciphertext computation (a.k.a. batching) and multithreading. First, we leverage the SIMD capability of CKKS to parallelize operations. Denote N as the ring dimension, which defines the number of coefficients of the plaintext/ciphertext polynomials. Since we choose the conjugate-invariant variant of CKKS for the ring type, at most N real values of the plaintext can be packed into one ciphertext. In Algorithm 4, the calculation of the \(\textrm{diff}\) array and the \(\textrm{minIndex}\) array can be parallelized \(\min (n, N)\) times by simply packing \(\min (n, N)\) coordinates into a single ciphertext. When counting the number of records in each cluster, we sum the n values (w.l.o.g. assuming \(n \le N\)) in the packed \(\textrm{minIndex}\) array, which can be solved by rotations and additions.

Second, we can further improve the efficiency of our algorithm by multithreading. All operations in our algorithm are independent of each cluster. When computing the distances and the \(\textrm{minIndex}\) array, the operations are independent of each record. Therefore, we can achieve multithreading across different batches and different clusters.

Table 5. Run time of G2 and FCPS with and without batching

We execute the unoptimized algorithm and the algorithm with batching and multithreading on G2 and FCPS respectively, then record the results in Table 5. In this part, we choose \(T = 5\) for G2 and \(T = 10\) for FCPS. As shown in Table 5, batching and multithreading can significantly reduce the run time of our scheme, and the total speedup of these two optimizations reaches a maximum value of about 6426x on G2-16-20. As shown in Table 6, our optimized algorithm is 4\(\sim \)5 orders of magnitude slower than vanilla Lloyd’s algorithm. It is known that FHE-based algorithms are generally 9 orders of magnitude slower than corresponding plaintext algorithms [22]. We conclude that our privacy-preserving clustering scheme is efficient.

Table 6. Plaintext run time of vanilla Lloyd’s algorithm on G2 and FCPS

We then compare the efficiency of our algorithm with that of [13] on the Lsun dataset. The run time reported in [13] is single-threaded. Thus, to achieve a fair comparison, we test the run time of our algorithm with a single thread. Since our method does not lose clustering accuracy, we choose the exact version of their work for comparison. As shown in Table 7, our approach spends 1606.36 s on the Lsun dataset, which is 19573x faster than [13]. Furthermore, our approach is still 1258x faster than their approximate algorithm (the fastest version in [13]), which trades accuracy for efficiency. To sum up, our fully privacy-preserving clustering scheme significantly outperforms  [13] in terms of efficiency.

Table 7. Efficiency comparison with [13] on Lsun.

7.4 Performance of Block Clustering Scheme with Cluster Selection

In this section, we evaluate the efficiency, memory consumption, and accuracy of our block clustering scheme described in Sect. 6. To demonstrate the superior performance of our block clustering algorithm, we select two large-scale, widely used datasets (MNIST, CIFAR-10) to test the run time and memory consumption. For CIFAR-10, we use the resnet20 model [2] to extract the feature vectors with \(m = 64\). We choose \(T = 20\) for all experiments in this section. Since \(k = 10\) for MNIST and CIFAR-10, there is no d greater than 1, making \(\root d \of {k}\) a positive integer. Therefore, we execute our block clustering scheme with cluster selection described in Sect. 6.2 on them, where \(d = 4, k_s = 2\) for MNIST, and \(d = 2, k_s = 4\) for CIFAR-10.

As shown in Table 8, we first measure the run time and memory consumption of our block clustering algorithm, where \(\textrm{time}_{\textrm{block}}\) and \(\textrm{memory}_{\textrm{block}}\) represent the run time and memory consumption of the block clustering algorithm respectively, and \(\textrm{time}_{\textrm{original}}\) and \(\textrm{memory}_{\textrm{original}}\) represent these two indicators of our vanilla privacy-preserving clustering algorithm. Since our server configuration does not support our original algorithm to perform on such large datasets, \(\textrm{time}_{\textrm{original}}\) and \(\textrm{memory}_{\textrm{original}}\) in Table 8 are estimated. Notably, our block clustering solution can be executed on these datasets with acceptable run time. Among them, only 127 min and 47GB memory are required on CIFAR-10. That is, our block clustering scheme makes it possible to outsource privacy-preserving clustering on large datasets.

Table 8. Efficiency of block clustering scheme on MNIST and CIFAR-10

We then test the clustering accuracy of our method on MNIST and CIFAR-10. We count the number of correctly clustered records and divide them by n to calculate the accuracy. The experimental results show that the accuracy loss is 10.35% on MNIST and 8.55% on CIFAR-10, which can be acceptable. In summary, our block privacy-preserving clustering algorithm is suitable for data owners who would like to trade a little accuracy for high efficiency. Furthermore, this solution enables outsourced clustering of large-scale datasets while preserving privacy.

8 Conclusions

We achieve ciphertext comparison by constructing an iterative formula with two fixed points of opposite signs to approximate the sign function. The solution of ciphertext division is to use Newton’s method to approximate the reciprocal of the divisor. After solving the challenging ciphertext comparison and division, we propose a fully privacy-preserving, effective, and efficient clustering algorithm based on CKKS. However, executing our fully privacy-preserving clustering scheme on the large-scale datasets results in unacceptable run time and memory consumption. To further reduce the run time and memory consumption of our algorithm, we propose a block privacy-preserving clustering algorithm that splits records into subvectors and clusters these subvectors. Experiment results show that our original clustering algorithm has the same accuracy as Lloyd’s algorithm and has a huge efficiency advantage over the baseline. In experiments testing our block clustering algorithm, it can be concluded that this algorithm performs well in terms of both efficiency and memory consumption.