
1 Introduction

Server-aided cryptography (starting with, e.g., [1, 11, 22]) addresses the problem of resource-constrained clients, such as IoT devices, delegating or outsourcing cryptographic computations to computationally more powerful servers. Currently, this area is seeing a renewed interest because of the increasing popularity of various computing trends (i.e., computing over IoT devices’ data, cloud/edge/fog computing, etc.), and the need to efficiently implement cryptographic schemes and their sometimes relatively expensive operations on them.

The ubiquitous deployment of resource-constraint devices makes the security designer’s life harder, in that the task of guaranteeing the security of these devices becomes less and less manageable. The natural approach of running a preprocessing phase where cryptographic keys and credentials are stored on these devices and then allowing them to participate in state-of-the-art cryptography protocols based on this stored information, may not always succeed, since sometimes these devices are deployed in use cases where physical security (specifically, confidentiality and/or integrity) of any stored secret keys or data cannot be guaranteed.

This motivated the problem studied in this paper: is it possible for a resource-constrained client to efficiently, privately and securely delegate to a server the computation of operations used in currently applied cryptography schemes, without need for a preprocessing phase? A solution to this problem needs to make computation for the client more efficient than in a non-delegated computation, but also needs to withstand server’s attacks in learning any new information about the input to the computation (when input privacy is desired), or in disrupting the computation and fooling the client into accepting an incorrect computation result. All of the above needs to be achieved without a preprocessing phase storing data on the client’s memory.

More generally, we require a solution to the delegation of a function F to be a 2-party protocol between client C and server S, where C and S have a brief message exchange (typically, a message from C to S followed by one from S to C; see Fig. 1), and where the following requirements are satisfied (see also Appendix A for more formal definitions):

  1. 1.

    \(\delta _c\)-result correctness: if C and S honestly run the protocol, at the end of the protocol C returns F(x) with some high probability \(\delta _c\);

  2. 2.

    \(\epsilon _p\)-input privacy: except for some small probability \(\epsilon _p\), no new information about input x is revealed to S;

  3. 3.

    \(\epsilon _s\)-result security: S should not be able, except possibly with some small probability \(\epsilon _s\), to convince C to return a result different than F(x) at the end of the protocol; and

  4. 4.


    • client runtime efficiency: C’s runtime, denoted as \(t_C\), should be significantly smaller than the runtime, denoted as \(t_F\), of computing F(x) without delegation;

    • small S’s runtime \(t_S\) (i.e., a small constant times \(t_F\));

    • small online phase communication complexity cc (i.e., ideally a small constant times input and output sizes);

    • small number of online phase messages mc (i.e., ideally, \(\le 2\)).

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Delegated computation of \(y=F(x)\) without preprocessing

Our Contribution and Comparison with Previous Work. We show single-server protocols, without preprocessing, for the delegation of

  1. 1.

    modular multiplication of two public group values,

  2. 2.

    modular inverse of a public group value,

  3. 3.

    modular inverse of a private group value, and

  4. 4.

    exponentiation of a public base to a small public exponent in the RSA group.

All of our protocols satisfy the following 4 properties:

  • \(\delta _c\)-result correctness, for \(\delta _c=1\);

  • \(\epsilon _p\)-input privacy (unless the input is public), for \(\epsilon _p=0\);

  • \(\epsilon _s\)-result security, for \(\epsilon _s=2^{-\lambda }\), where \(\lambda \) is a configurable statistical parameter which in applications can be set, for instance, as \(=50\)); and

  • client runtime efficiency, with a software implementation that achieves ratio \(t_F/t_C\) significantly larger than 1, when \(\lambda =50\) and when the value range of input length \(\sigma \) is consistent with the use of these operations in applied cryptography.

In the case of modular multiplication of two public values, we are not aware of any previous work satisfying these 4 properties without preprocessing. The closest results we know of are: (a) the protocol in [7], which satisfies these 4 properties with preprocessing, and (b) a protocol obtained by a direct adaptation to modular multiplication of the integer multiplication verification test [15, 32], which at best achieves client efficiency in an asymptotic sense.

In the case of modular inverses, previous work (see, e.g., [5]) did achieve an efficient delegation protocol without preprocessing, even in the case where the input needs to remain private. The protocols in this paper have improved client efficiency, since the client only performs a few modular reductions with a small modulus, while in [5] the client performed a few modular multiplications.

In the case of modular exponentiation of a public base to a small public exponent in the RSA group [25], we are not aware of any previous work satisfying this set of 4 properties without any preprocessing. The closest results we are aware of are a protocol that satisfies these 4 properties but requires preprocessing [8], and the following protocols without preprocessing for large public exponents: (a) delegation of a batch of exponentiations where the client does compute a single exponentiation [9], and (c) delegation of a single exponentiation which only provably satisfies result correctness and client efficiency [24, 28, 33]. We note that exponentiation to a small exponent is of much interest since many library implementations of RSA encryption use small exponents, for efficiency reasons.

We show the client runtime efficiency property of our protocols in two ways: with analytical runtime expressions, and by performance measurements for a software implementation of our protocols as well as some previous protocols (see Tables 123, and 4 for details). Our protocols also perform well with respect to the other targeted efficiency properties; specifically:

  • low exchanged communication (a constant number of group values; i.e., \(cc=O(1)\) for modular multiplication and inverses, and a logarithmic number; i.e., \(cc=O(\log x)\) for modular exponentiation to small exponent x),

  • only 1 or 2 exchanged messages (client delegating to server, and server responding; i.e., \(mc\le 2\)), and

  • low server runtime (only lower order computations in addition to the delegated function).

Our main technical contribution consists of a 2-parameter generalization of Pippenger’s probabilistic test [15, 32] on efficiently verifying integer equations. Given an integer equation \(y=a\cdot b\), this test consisted of checking whether this identity holds modulo a small random prime. We generalize this test in two ways: by using a small random integer instead of a small random prime, and by optimizing the length of this random integer as a function of the desired error probability for the test. We also give a self-contained proof of the lemma proving the effectiveness of this test.

More Related Work. Almost all past work showing proved guarantees in delegation of operations used in cryptography protocols (starting with, e.g., [14] for exponentiation and [30] for pairings), made critical use of preprocessing, as follows. The delegation protocol was divided into an offline phase and an online phase, and the client was assumed to have time resource constraints only in the online phase. While this assumption may be reasonable in many practical scenarios, it may also not be so in scenarios where we cannot guarantee the integrity and/or confidentiality of the data stored on the client’s memory at the offline phase or even cached across multiple protocol executions. Thus, delegation without preprocessing of operations used in cryptography schemes, although much harder to achieve, seems to be an important capability to have for applications with resource-constrained devices.

We are only aware of the following few exceptions (i.e., single-server delegation protocols proved to satisfy the above 4 properties, without requiring any preprocessing): a protocol to delegate an inverse in a group (see, e.g., [5]), and a recent protocol to delegate any single pairing computation with public inputs [19]. With respect to batch computations, we are aware of the following solutions proved to satisfy the above 4 properties, without preprocessing: 2 protocols to delegate a batch of public-base, public-exponent, exponentiations in prime-order or RSA groups, where the client does perform a single exponentiation computation [9], and protocols to delegate a batch of public-input pairings, where the client does perform one or some pairing computations [10, 23, 30]. We note that in these latter protocols the client does cache some values across the batch delegation, and stress that if cached for a long time, the confidentiality and integrity of these values is also at risk (similarly as discussed for values stored during any preprocessing).

In the case of no-preprocessing delegation of a single large-exponent exponentiation modulo a composite integer, previous attempts satisfied result correctness and client efficiency [24, 28, 33] but were later showed to satisfy neither input privacy nor result security [4, 24]. Similarly for the case of no-preprocessing delegation of a single pairing: the scheme in [13] satisfies result correctness, input privacy and client efficiency but does not target result security, and protocol 1 in [20] satisfies result correctness and client efficiency but was showed to satisfy neither input privacy nor result security in [19]. Some literature papers achieved delegation without preprocessing in the presence of 2 or more non-colluding servers; see, for instance, [29] for the delegation of pairings.

There is also much other work on delegation for operations in a different domain than what studied here, for which we refer to reader to the survey in [27] for other operations beyond cryptography and the survey in [2] for computation of arbitrary functions, with clients more powerful than considered here.

Preliminary Definitions. Let \((G,\cdot )\) denote a group, where we refer to operation \(\cdot \) as multiplication, and let 1 denote G’s identity element. For any \(a\in G\), let \(b=a^{-1}\) denote the multiplicative inverse of a; i.e., the value b such that \(a \cdot b = 1\). We consider the following functions:

  • \(F_{mul}:G\times G\rightarrow G\), mapping any \(a,b\in G\) to their multiplication \(a\cdot b\).

  • \(F_{inv}:G\rightarrow G\), mapping any value \(x\in G\) to its multiplicative inverse \(x^{-1}\).

  • \(F_{exp,c}:G\times \{0,1\}^c\rightarrow G\), mapping any values \(x\in G\) and any c-bit exponent e to the exponentiation \(x^e\).

In the rest of the paper, we will consider these functions over the group \((\mathbb {Z}_m^*,\cdot \mod m)\), for an arbitrary integer m. In particular, when m is a positive integer of one of the following two forms: (1) m is a prime; (2) m is the product of two same-length primes pq. Note that these definitions capture groups where the discrete logarithm problem or RSA/factoring problems are conjectured to be hard.

For asymptotic efficiency evaluation of our protocols, we will use the following definitions:

  • \(a(\ell )\): runtime for modular addition/subtraction of \(\ell \)-bit values

  • \(m(\ell )\): runtime for modular multiplication of \(\ell \)-bit values

  • \(d(\ell )\): runtime for modular inversion of an \(\ell \)-bit value

  • \(m_r(\ell )\): runtime for modular reduction to an \(\ell \)-bit modulus

  • \(p(\ell )\): runtime for a random generation of an \(\ell \)-bit prime number

  • \(i(\ell )\): runtime for a random generation of an \(\ell \)-bit integer

  • \(\eta _1=\lceil \lambda +\log _2\lambda +\log _2(\pi (2\sigma ))\rceil ,\) where \(\pi (z)\) is the number of primes \(\le z\)

  • \(\eta _2=\lceil \lambda +\log _2\sigma \rceil \).

For practical runtime evaluation, we have produced a software implementation, in Python 3.8 using the gmpy2 package, of our protocols on a macOS Big Sur Version 11.4 laptop with a 3.2 GHz Apple M1 processor with 8 cores (4 performance cores and 4 efficiency cores at 1/10th of the power) and 16 GB RAM.

2 An Identity Verification Test Modulo Small Integers

We show a 2-parameter generalization of Pippenger’s probabilistic test [15, 32]. Given an integer equation \(y=a\cdot b\), this test consisted of randomly choosing a small prime q, and checking whether y mod \(q=(a\) mod \(q)\cdot (b\mod q)\). We generalize this test in two ways: by using a small random integer s instead of the small random prime q, and by setting the length of s as a function of the desired error probability for the test. We now show the key lemma proving the effectiveness of this test (stated in terms of zero testing since verifying the integer equation \(y=a\cdot b\) is equivalent to verifying that \(y-a\cdot b=0\)).

Lemma 1

Let \(\lambda ,\sigma \) be integers such that \(\lambda \ge 2\) and \(7\le \sigma \le 10^8\). Also, let \(N_\eta \) be the set of positive integers \(\le 2^{\eta }\) and \(>1\). For any integer x such that \(1\le x\le 2^{\sigma }\), if \(\eta =\lceil \lambda +\log _2\sigma \rceil \), it holds that

$$\textrm{Prob}\left[ \, q\leftarrow N_\eta \,:\,x=0\mod q \,\right] \le 2^{-\lambda }.$$

We start the proof of Lemma 1 by providing some definitions and facts. Our goal is to compute an upper bound on the probability, denoted as \(p_{\eta ,\lambda ,x}\), in the lemma statement; i.e., the probability that after randomly choosing an integer \(q\le 2^\eta \) and \(>1\), it holds that \(x=0\mod q\). To compute an upper bound on \(p_{\eta ,\lambda ,x}\), we first elaborate on known bounds on the product of prime numbers.

Theorem 18 in [26] states that for any integer \(u<10^8\), the product of all prime integers \(\le u\) is \(>e^{t}\), for \(t=u - 2.05282\sqrt{u}\), which is \(>2^u\) for all integers \(u\ge 49\). By direct calculation, one can see that the product of all prime integers \(\le u\) is \(>2^u\) for all \(7\le u\le 49\). This implies the following

Fact 1

For any integer u such that \(7\le u\le 10^8\), the product of all prime integers \(\le u\) is \(>2^u\).

We now need a result almost identical to Corollary 1 in [18].

Fact 2

For any integers \(\sigma ,x\) such that \(7\le \sigma \le 10^8\) and \(x<2^{\sigma }\), the number of positive integers that divide x is \(\le \sigma -1.\)

To show why Fact 2 holds, we see that by assuming that there are \(b>\sigma -1\) distinct positive integers \(q_1,\ldots ,q_b\) which divide x, one reaches the contradiction

$$\begin{aligned} 2^{\sigma } {} & {} > x \\ {} & {} \ge \text{ lcm }(q_1,\ldots ,q_b) \\ {} & {} \ge \text{ lcm(smallest } \,b\, \text{ positive } \text{ integers) } \\ {} & {} \ge \text{ product } \text{ of } \text{ all } \text{ primes } \le b \\ {} & {} > 2^{\sigma } \end{aligned}$$

where the last inequality follows from Fact 1, after setting \(u=\sigma \).

Using the above facts, we can now compute the desired upper bound on probability \(p_{\eta ,\lambda ,x}\) as follows.

$$\begin{aligned} p_{\eta ,\lambda ,x} {} & {} \le \frac{\text{ number } \text{ of } \text{ positive } \text{ integers } \text{ dividing } x}{\text{ number } \text{ of } \text{ integers } \le 2^\eta \,\text{ and } >1} \\ {} & {} \le \frac{\sigma -1}{2^\eta -1} \,\le \, \frac{\sigma }{2^\eta } \le \frac{\sigma }{2^{\lambda +\log _2\sigma }} \,\le \, \frac{1}{2^\lambda }, \end{aligned}$$

where the first inequality follows by the definition of \(p_{\eta ,\lambda ,x}\), the second inequality follows from Fact 2, the fourth inequality follows from the definition of \(\eta \) in the lemma statement, and the third and fifth inequalities follow by algebraic simplifications.    \(\square \)

3 No-Preprocessing Delegation of Group Multiplication

In this section we show the first single-server delegation protocols for group multiplication, without any preprocessing. Formally, we obtain the following

Theorem 1

Let \(\sigma \) be computational security parameter, let m be a \(\sigma \)-bit integer, and let \(\lambda \) be a statistical security parameter. There exist (constructively) a single-server protocol \(\mathcal{P}^{mul}\) without preprocessing for delegating computation of function \(F_{mul}\) in group \((\mathbb {Z}_m^*,\cdot \mod m)\), satisfying the properties of 1-correctness, \(2^{-\lambda }\)-security, and \((t_{F},t_{S},t_{C},mc,cc)\)-efficiency, where, for \(\eta =\lceil \lambda +\log _2\sigma \rceil \),

  • \(t_C=\) 5 \(\eta \)-bit-modulus reductions of \(\sigma \)-bit integers

          + 2 \(\eta \)-bit-values multiplications + 1 \(\eta \)-bit-value addition;

  • \(t_S=\) 1 multiplication + 1 division mod m,

  • \(mc=1\), \(cc=2\)

We also remark that the asymptotic expression of \(t_C\) is \(O(m_{r}(\eta )+m(\eta )+a(\eta ))\), which improves over non-delegated computation runtime \(t_F=m(\sigma )\) of ring multiplication for a large region of the \((\lambda ,\sigma )\) parameter space, including values of highest practical interest, when using the most recommended algorithms in applied cryptography (i.e., Karatsuba’s algorithm, Toom-Cook’s algorithm and the grade-school algorithm).

In the rest of this section we show the proof of Theorem 1.

Informal Description of \({\mathcal P}^{mul}\). Our starting point is the delegation protocol, with preprocessing, for multiplication modulo primes from [7], here denoted as \({\mathcal P}^{mul}_{pre}\). In this latter protocol, the online input to C and S consists of two integers ab and a prime modulus p, and its online phase starts with S computing the product \(w=a\cdot b\) over the integers and sending to C the decomposition of w modulo p (i.e., the quotient \(w_0\) and the remainder \(w_1\) of the division of w by p). After that, C verifies the equation \(a\cdot b = w_0\cdot p+w_1\) modulo a small random prime q, which was chosen in the offline phase. Protocol \({\mathcal P}^{mul}_{pre}\) uses a verification test which extended a well-known test for probabilistic verification of multiplication over the integers, mentioned by Yao [32] and Kaminski [15], and credited in both papers to Pippenger (see, e.g., example 2 in [15] for a description of the protocol). The extension consists in a configurable choice of the size of the small prime modulus q, based on the desired error probability for the test.

As the offline of \({\mathcal P}^{mul}_{pre}\) essentially only consists of randomly choosing a small prime and storing it on C’s memory, a natural approach to obtain a delegation protocol without preprocessing consists of moving this step into C’s program in the online phase. We denote the resulting protocol as \({\mathcal P}^{mul}_{opm}\). As detailed in Table 1, when implementing \({\mathcal P}^{mul}_{opm}\) for practical parameter values, C’s runtime is significantly slower than a non-delegated computation. After we realized that this is due mainly to the random choice and testing of the small prime, we considered using a version of this probabilistic verification test based on arbitrary small integers as moduli (instead of primes), as in Sect. 2, for which the random modulus choice is very efficient and no primality testing of the modulus is needed. Our Lemma 1 shows that this approach is sound, and the size of this integer is not much different (in fact, slightly smaller) than the size of the prime integer chosen in [7]. As a consequence, in the resulting delegation protocol, denoted as \({\mathcal P}^{mul}\), C’s runtime is smaller than non-delegated computation, even if no preprocessing is used.

Formal Description of \({\mathcal P}^{mul}\). Consider the group \((\mathbb {Z}_m^*,\cdot \mod m)\), for some positive integer m. We now formally describe a 1-server protocol \({\mathcal P}^{mul}=(C, S)\) for the delegation of multiplication of public online group values a and b in \(\mathbb {Z}_m^*\), where \(|a|=|b|= \sigma \), and with statistical parameter \(\lambda \).

Online Input to C and S: \(1^\sigma ,1^\lambda \), integer \(m\in \{0,1\}^\sigma \), \(a,b\in \mathbb {Z}_m^*\)

Online Phase Instructions:

  1. 1.

    S computes \(w:=a\cdot b\) (i.e., the product, over \(\mathbb {Z}\), of integers a and b)

    S computes \(w_0,w_1\) such that \(w=w_0\cdot m+w_1\) (over \(\mathbb {Z}\)), where \(0 \le w_1 <m\)

    S sends \(w_0,w_1\) to C

  2. 2.

    C randomly chooses an integer \(s<2^\eta \), where \(\eta =\lceil \lambda +\log _2\sigma \rceil \)

    C computes \(w_0':=w_0 \mod s\) and \(w_1':=w_1 \mod s\)

    C computes \(a':=a \mod s\), \(b':=b \mod s\) and \(m':=m \mod s\)

    If \(a'\cdot b'\ne w_0'\cdot m'+w_1' \mod s\) then

          C returns: \(\perp \) and the protocol halts

    C returns: \(y:=w_1\)

Properties of \({\mathcal P}^{mul}\): The proofs for the result correctness and result security of \(\mathcal{P}^{mul}\), the latter using Lemma 1, can be found in Appendix B.

The efficiency property follows by protocol inspection. In particular, S computes one multiplication of two \(\sigma \)-bit values over \(\mathbb {Z}\), and one reduction of a \(\sigma \)-bit integer modulo m, and C computes five reductions modulo the \(\eta \)-bit integer s of integers of size at most \(\sigma \) and one verification check which requires one addition and two multiplications modulo the \(\eta \)-bit integer s.

In Table 1 we report on the practical efficiency of the scheme, based on our software implementation of the scheme, one main takeaway being that C’s runtime \(t_C\) is smaller than non-delegated computation \(t_F\) (i.e., the delegation improvement ratio \(t_F/t_C\) is \(>1\)) for all values of most interest of parameters \(\lambda ,\sigma \); specifically, \(\lambda =50\) and \(\sigma \in \{1024, 2048, 3072\}\). We also report the ratio \(t_F/t_C\) for two related protocols: protocol \({\mathcal P}^{mul}_{pre}\) from [7] with preprocessing, and the protocol \({\mathcal P}^{mul}_{opm}\) which has no preprocessing, where C chooses a prime modulus s in the online phase. The takeaways there are that, for such practical parameter values: (1) delegation would not improve C’s runtime in \({\mathcal P}^{mul}_{opm}\); (2) delegation does improve C’s runtime in \({\mathcal P}^{mul}\) by a multiplicative factor between 1.7 and 4 depending on the modulus size; and (3) the delegation improvement ratio for \({\mathcal P}^{mul}\), not using preprocessing, is about half the ratio of \({\mathcal P}^{mul}_{pre}\), which does use preprocessing, or larger.

Table 1. Performance results for the delegation of \(F_{mul}(a,b)=a\cdot b \mod m\) in \(\mathbb {Z}_m^*\), where \(|m|=\sigma \), \(\lambda =50\), \(t_{Cm}(\eta )\le 5 m_r(\eta )+2 m(\eta )+ a(\eta )\) and \(t_F\) = 1.19E-05 s.

4 No-Preprocessing Delegation for Group Inverses

In this section we present single-server protocols for delegated computation of group inverses which have improved client efficiency over previous work. Our protocols build on the multiplication delegation protocol in Sect. 3. Formally, our result is the following

Theorem 2

Let \(\sigma \) be computational security parameter, let m be a \(\sigma \)-bit integer, and let \(\lambda \) be a statistical security parameter. There exist (constructively) two single-server protocols \(\mathcal{P}^{inv}_1\), for input scenario ‘x public online’, and \(\mathcal{P}^{inv}_2\), for input scenario ‘x private online’, for delegating computation of function \(F_{inv}\), in group \((\mathbb {Z}_m^*,\cdot \mod m)\), satisfying the properties of 1-result-correctness, \(2^{-\lambda }\)-result-security, and \((t_{F},t_{S},t_{C},mc,cc)\)-efficiency, where, for \(\eta =\lceil \lambda +\log _2\sigma \rceil \),

  • for \({\mathcal P}^{inv}_1\): \(\epsilon _s=2^{-\lambda }\), \(t_F=1\) inversion,

    \(t_C=\) 5 \(\eta \)-bit-modulus reductions + 2 \(\eta \)-bit-values multiplications

       + 1 \(\eta \)-bit-value addition,

    \(t_S= 1\) inversion + 1 multiplication + 1 division mod m,

    \(mc=1\), \(cc=3\)

  • for \({\mathcal P}^{inv}_2\) (also satisfying input-privacy): \(\epsilon _s=2^{-\lambda }\), \(t_F=1\) inversion,

    \(t_C=\) 2 group multiplications + 5 \(\eta \)-bit-modulus reductions

       + 2 \(\eta \)-bit-values multiplications + 1 \(\eta \)-bit-value addition,

    \(t_S= 1\) inversion + 1 multiplication + 1 division mod m,

    \(mc=2\), \(cc=4\).

In the rest of this section we prove Theorem 2, by describing the two claimed protocols in the two different input scenarios and their properties. Specifically, we describe delegation of inversion \(F_{inv}(x)=x^{-1}\mod m\) in group \((\mathbb {Z}^*_m,\cdot \mod m)\), using a protocol \({\mathcal P}^{mul}\) for delegation of multiplication \(F_{mul}(a,b)=a\cdot b\mod m\), such as the protocol from Sect. 3, where inputs a and b are public online.

4.1 The “x Public Input” Scenario

Our first protocol consists of a single message by the server including the inverse value \(x^{-1}\mod m\) of the input x and the client delegating the computation of the product \(x\cdot x^{-1}\mod m\), using protocol \(\mathcal{P}^{mul}\) from Sect. 3, and checking that the result obtained at the end of this protocol execution is equal to 1.

Formal Description of Protocol \({\mathcal P}^{inv}_1\).

Input Scenario: x public online

Online Input to C and S: \(\sigma ,\lambda \), \(desc(F_{inv})\), x

Online Phase Instructions:

  1. 1.

    S computes \(w:= x^{-1}\mod m\) and sends w to C

  2. 2.

    C and S use protocol \({\mathcal P}^{mul}\), for \(a=x\) and \(b=w\), and parameters \(\sigma ,\lambda \),

       resulting in C obtaining z;

  3. 3.

    If \(z\ne 1\) then C returns \(\perp \) and the protocol halts

  4. 4.

    C returns \(y:=w\) and halts.

Properties of \({\mathcal P}^{inv}_1\): The proofs for the result correctness and result security properties, the latter using Lemma 1, can be found in Appendix C.

The efficiency properties follow directly by protocol inspection and the same properties of \({\mathcal P}^{mul}\). In particular, we note that if \({\mathcal P}^{mul}\) consists of a single message from S to C, as the protocol in Sect. 3, then so does \({\mathcal P}^{inv}_1\).

In Table 2 we report on the practical efficiency of the scheme, based on our software implementation of \({\mathcal P}^{inv}_1\), one main takeaway being that C’s runtime \(t_C\) is smaller than non-delegated computation \(t_F\) (i.e., the delegation improvement ratio \(t_F/t_C\) is \(>1\)) for all values of most interest of parameters \(\lambda ,\sigma \); specifically, \(\lambda =50\) and \(\sigma \in \{2048, 3072, 4096\}\). We also report the ratio \(t_F/t_C\) for two related protocols: protocol \({\mathcal P}^{inv}_{1,pre}\) with preprocessing (using the multiplication protocol with preprocessing from [7]), and the protocol \({\mathcal P}^{inv}_{1,opm}\) which has no preprocessing, where C chooses a prime modulus s in the online phase. The takeaways there are that, for such practical parameter values: (1) delegation would not improve C’s runtime in \({\mathcal P}^{inv}_{1,opm}\); (2) delegation does improve C’s runtime in \({\mathcal P}^{inv}_1\) by a multiplicative factor between 4.8 and 8.1 depending on the modulus size; and (3) the delegation improvement ratio for \({\mathcal P}^{inv}_1\), not using preprocessing, is about half the ratio of \({\mathcal P}^{inv}_{1,pre}\), which does use preprocessing, or larger.

Table 2. Performance results for the delegation of \(F(x)=x^{-1} \mod m\) in \(\mathbb {Z}_m^*\), where x is public, m is a \(\sigma \)-bit prime, \(\lambda =50\), \(t_{Cm}(\eta )\le 5 m_r(\eta )+2 m(\eta )+ a(\eta )\) and \(t_F\) = 3.19E-05 s.

4.2 The “x Private Input” Scenario

Our second protocol \(\mathcal{P}^{inv}_2\) starts with the client sending a randomized version of the input to the server. Then it continues with the client delegating the computation of the inverse of the randomized input, using our first protocol \(\mathcal{P}^{inv}_1\). Finally, the client derives the result by removing the randomizer. Input masking techniques have already been used in many delegation protocols in the literature. In the case of inverse delegation, it is interesting to note that it does not require the client to store any preprocessing values.

Formal Description of Protocol \({\mathcal P}^{inv}_2\).

Input Scenario: x private online

Online Input to C \(\sigma \), \(desc(F_{inv})\), x

Online Input to C \(\sigma \), \(desc(F_{inv)}\)

Online Phase Instructions:

  1. 1.

    C randomly chooses \(r\in G\), computes \(z:=x\cdot r\mod m\), and sends z to S;

  2. 2.

    S computes \(w:= z^{-1}\) and sends w to C

  3. 3.

    C and S use protocol \({\mathcal P}^{mul}\) for \(a=z\) and \(b=w\), and parameters \(\sigma ,\lambda \),

       resulting in C obtaining v;

  4. 4.

    If \(v\ne 1\) then C returns \(\perp \) and the protocol halts

  5. 5.

    C returns \(y:=r\cdot w \mod m\) and halts.

Properties of \({\mathcal P}^{inv}_2\): The proofs for the result correctness, input privacy and result security properties, the latter using Lemma 1, can be found in Appendix D.

The efficiency properties of \({\mathcal P}^{inv}_2\) follow directly by protocol inspection and the same properties of \({\mathcal P}^{inv}_1\) and \({\mathcal P}^{mul}\). In particular, note that \(t_C\) only increases by \(2\cdot m(\sigma )\) with respect to protocol \({\mathcal P}^{inv}_1\).

In Table 3 we report on the practical efficiency of the scheme, based on our software implementation of \({\mathcal P}^{inv}_2\), where we reach analogue conclusions as for \({\mathcal P}^{inv}_1\) on the effectiveness of delegation.

Table 3. Performance results for the delegation of \(F(x)=x^{-1} \mod m\) in \(\mathbb {Z}_m^*\), where x is private, m is a \(\sigma \)-bit prime, \(\lambda =50\), and \(t_F\) = 3.11E-05 s

5 No-Preprocessing Delegation for Small-Exponent Exponentiation in RSA Groups

We discuss the first protocol to delegate small-exponent exponentiation in the RSA group \(\mathbb {Z}_n^*\), in the input case where both the base and the exponent are public, without preprocessing. This is obtained by carefully combining a specific variant of the square-and-multiply algorithm with the delegation protocol \({\mathcal P}^{mul}\) for multiplication from Sect. 3. Formally, we obtain the following

Theorem 3

Let \(\sigma \) be computational security parameter, let m be a \(\sigma \)-bit integer, let \(\lambda \) be a statistical security parameter, and let e be a \(c-bit\) integer, where c is constant with respect to \(\sigma \) and \(\lambda \). There exist (constructively) a single-server protocols \(\mathcal{P}^{exp}\), for input scenario ‘x and e public’, for delegating computation of function \(F_{exp}\), in group \((\mathbb {Z}_m^*,\cdot \mod m)\), satisfying the properties of 1-result-correctness, \(2^{-\lambda }\)-result-security, and \((t_{F},t_{S},t_{C},mc,cc)\)-efficiency, where, for \(\eta =\lceil \lambda +\log _2\sigma \rceil \),

  • \(\epsilon _s=2^{-\lambda }\), \(t_F=1\) exponentiation to a c-bit exponent,

  • \(t_C= O(c)\) \(\eta \)-bit-modulus reductions of \(\sigma \)-bit integers

             + O(c) \(\eta \)-bit-values multiplications

  • \(t_S= O(c)\) multiplications and divisions mod m,

  • \(mc=1\), \(cc\le 8c\).

Informal Description of \({\mathcal P}^{exp}\). Our protocol \({\mathcal P}^{exp}\) can be seen as an optimized simulation of the (iterative) square and multiply algorithm for modular exponentiation, while using a multiplication delegation subprotocol, such as protocol \({\mathcal P}^{mul}\) in Sect. 3, to compute squares and multiplications modulo n in this algorithm. A similar approach has already been taken in [8], where, however, both protocols for multiplication and exponentiation did need a preprocessing phase including the generation and storage of the small prime modulus.

The natural approach to remove the preprocessing phase would be similar as for the results in Sects. 2 and 3: replacing the small prime modulus with a small integer modulus, and letting C generate the small modulus during the protocol (as opposed to doing that in some preprocessing phase). It turns out that this is not yet sufficient to achieve effective delegation (i.e., for the delegation improvement ratio \(t_F/t_C\) to be \(>1\)), and further optimizations are needed. Thus, we consider the iterative protocol structure of the square and multiply algorithm, and try to let the client run as many operations as possible only once instead of once for each multiplication, as it would happen on a direct simulation of the algorithm, with calls to protocol \({\mathcal P}^{mul}\) from Sect. 3. In particular, we apply the following 3 optimizations:

  1. 1.

    C only chooses the small integer modulus s once;

  2. 2.

    C only compute the reduction of m modulo the small modulus s once.

  3. 3.

    The protocol uses the version of the square and multiply algorithm where the exponent is expressed in binary and the ‘multiply’ part of the algorithm only multiplies the value computed until then by a fixed number (i.e., the input base); accordingly, C only computes the reduction of the input base modulo the small integer s once, instead of once for each multiplication operation carried out for each exponent bit \(=1\).

Formal Description and Properties of \({\mathcal P}^{exp}\). A formal description of \({\mathcal P}^{exp}\) is very similar as the construction in [8] and is detailed in Appendix E.

The result correctness and result security properties of \({\mathcal P}^{exp}\), the latter using Lemma 1, follow from the above informal description.

In Table 4 we report on the practical efficiency of the scheme, based on our software implementation of \(\mathcal{P}^{exp}\), where we reach analogue conclusions as for our previous protocols, on the effectiveness of delegation.

Table 4. Performance results for the delegation of \(F(x)=x^e \mod n\), when x and e are public, m is a \(\sigma \)-bit product of 2 same-length primes, e is a c-bit integer, and \(\lambda =50\).

6 Conclusions

We showed single-server protocols, without preprocessing, for the single-server delegation of the following operations, used in several cryptosystems:

  1. 1.

    modular multiplication of two public group values,

  2. 2.

    modular inverse of a public group value,

  3. 3.

    modular inverse of a private group value, and

  4. 4.

    exponentiation of a public base to a small public exponent in the RSA group.

Our protocols satisfy result-correctness, input-privacy (unless the input is public), result-security, and client-efficiency (with respect to non-delegated computation) for parameter values of interest in cryptography applications. To the best of our knowledge, the only other single-server protocols in the literature satisfying these properties were presented for the delegation of:

  1. 1.

    a pairing, with both inputs being public, and

  2. 2.

    a batch of public-base and public-exponent exponentiation operations in discrete-log and RSA groups.

Several open problems remain in this area of single-server delegation without preprocessing, especially with respect to operations where input privacy is required, and our results should be interpreted as a step in this direction.