
1 Introduction

Communication, “the mode for transferring, sharing, and receiving information”, which is performed by either verbal, non-verbal or visual means. Language, “a structured system of communication”, conveyed through speech (spoken), writing or signs. In this paper, we focus on the spoken aspect of language. In this era, where population and technology is increasing rapidly, communication among and between them is essential. Language plays its role well for human interaction as well as for human-machine interaction. Moreover, language is the engine of cultivation and human speech is its most powerful form.

Voice Transformation (VT) aims at changing one or more aspects of a speech signal while preserving its linguistic information. Voice Conversion (VC) aims at changing source speaker’s voice in such a way that, it sounds as if the target speaker has spoken that sentence [7]. In this context, Emotional Voice Conversion (EVC) aims to convert the emotional state of the utterance, while preserving the linguistic and speaker information [14]. This paper focuses on analysis of emotions in Mandarin vs. English in the context of EVC as it has significant application in human-machine interaction [9], and aids at developing emotional Text-To-Speech (TTS).

The earlier work on EVC dates back to around 2003 [5], where neutral speech was converted to other emotions, such as joy, anger, happiness, etc. For emotion recognition, one of the prominent features is prosodic feature extraction, which includes tone, rhythm, intonation, energy, duration, fundamental frequency (\(F_{0}\)), and loudness parameters [10]. For this paper, we use prosodic features, such as energy, loudness, \(F_{0}\) to compare the emotions produced in Mandarin and English languages. This feature is selected as Mandarin is known to be a tonal language and English is a stress-timed language and thus, prosodic features will aid in its analysis [12].

In this paper, we analyze five emotions, namely, anger, happy, neutral, sad, and surprise in English and Mandarin language using narrowband spectrograms, \(F_{0}\), Root Mean Square Energy (RMSE) and Zero-Crossing Rate (ZCR) to investigate prosodic parameters that are essential and more significant for emotional voice conversion between languages. Observations indicate that RMS and ZCR values can be used for EVC between languages.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows: In Sect. 2, we discuss the proposed work. Section 3 gives the details of the experimental setup. Section 4 presents the analysis of the results. Section 5 concludes the paper along with potential future research directions.

2 Proposed Work

Several languages in Southeast Asia and Africa are tonal languages, where pitch or \(F_{0}\) differences are used to differentiate meanings of words or to convey grammatical distinctions. In contrast, English is a stress-timed language, i.e., in this language, the tone is used to convey an attitude or change a statement to a question, however, it does not affect the meaning of individual words [1].

In the baseline paper [13], EVC was performed in the same language, i.e., English neutral was converted to English sad or happy. The analysis presented in this paper is useful for conversion between languages and between emotions. In this paper, we analyze the loudness parameter using RMSE, voiced and unvoiced components using ZCR, and \(F_{0}\) and its harmonics using narrowband spectrograms.

2.1 Spectrographic Analysis

Spectrograms are a visual representation of acoustic signals with time (X-axis), frequency (Y-axis), and amplitude measures in parameter representation. Pauses and harmonic components are also seen. In this paper, we study the narrowband spectrograms (as they give good frequency resolution, i.e., show pitch source harmonics as horizontal striations, useful for tonal language analysis), and \( F_{0} \) of English and Mandarin sentences spoken in 5 emotions, namely, anger, happy, neutral, sad, and surprise. The energy distribution, pitch source harmonics, and silences are compared. Figures 1 and 2 shows the \( F_{0} \) changes, plot, and spectrograms of female speakers uttering the same sentence in English and Mandarin, respectively.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Time-domain signal, narrowband spectrograms, \( F_{0} \) contour of English sentences by female speakers in 5 emotions: (a) anger, (b) happy, (c) neutral, (d) sad, and (e) surprise.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Time-domain signal, narrowband spectrograms, \( F_{0} \) contour of Mandarin sentences by female speakers in 5 emotions: (a) anger, (b) happy, (c) neutral, (d) sad, and (e) surprise.

2.2 Root Mean Square (RMS) Energy

RMS for speech signal is a crucial acoustic cue for target speech perception [11]. It is the squared signal value (amplitude), averaged over time, and its square root is calculated. In particular,

$$\begin{aligned} RMS_t = \sqrt{1/K \sum \limits _{n= t.K}^{\ (t+1)(K-1)}{|s(n)^2|}}, \end{aligned}$$

where \({s(n)^2}\) is the energy of \(n^{th}\) sample, then we sum the energies of all the samples at time t. To get the mean, it is then divided by frame size, K.

This feature has significant applications in audio segmentation and music genre classification. In this paper, we plot the RMS values of audio to find the loudness measure. Amplitude envelope (AE) can also be used to measure loudness, however, RMS is preferred as it is less sensitive to outliers than the AE. In addition, it gives us perceived loudness, i.e., the way our ear perceives loudness. In Fig. 3, each plot depicts the RMS values of the same sentences spoken in English (yellow colored) and Mandarin (Red colored) by 2 female (1 for English and 1 for Mandarin) speakers in 5 emotions, namely, anger, happy, neutral, sad, and surprise, respectively.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

RMS for Mandarin vs. English for a sentences in (a) anger, (b) happy, (c) neutral, (d) sad, and (e) surprise by female speakers.

2.3 Zero-Crossing Rate (ZCR)

ZCR is “the rate at which a signal changes from positive to zero to negative or from negative to zero to positive”. Historically, it is known to have a correlation with formants, thus, helpful for speech perception [6]. Its expressed as-

$$\begin{aligned} ZCR_t = (1/2). \sum \limits _{n= t.K}^{\ (t+1)(K-1)}{|sgn(s(n))- sgn(s(n+1))}, \end{aligned}$$

where s(n) and s(n+1) represent the amplitude at sample n and its consecutive amplitude sample, respectively.

It is an useful measure to recognize percussive (random ZCR) vs. pitched sounds (stable ZCR) [4]. For this work, we use ZCR for monotonic pitch estimation and for analyzing the voiced and unvoiced segments of audio signal [3]. Figure 4 shows the ZCR plot for 2 females (1 for English and 1 for Mandarin) speaking the same sentence in both languages with 5 emotions, namely, anger, happy, neutral, sad, and surprise, respectively.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

ZCR for Mandarin vs. English for a sentences in [a] anger, [b] happy, [c] neutral, [d] sad, and [e] surprise by female speakers. The box at the beginning of the plot indicates the whisper sound |h| in “he” uttered.

2.4 Teager Energy Operator (TEO)

Speech is produced by non-linear, vortex airflow interaction in the vocal tract. A stressful situation affects the muscle tension of the speaker which results in an alteration of the airflow during the production of the sound [2]. This is captured via TEO, in particular, \( \Psi \){x(n)}\( = x^2 (n) - x(n+1)x(n-1) \), where \(\Psi \{\}\) is the Teager Energy Operator (TEO), and x(n) is the discrete-time signal. TEO features are extensively used in distinguishing genuine vs. replay speech in spoofing. In this paper, we use TEO to analyze the glottal closure impact, i.e., bumps within the glottal cycle are studied [8]. Figures 5 and 6 have the TEO profile of a female speaker uttering the same sentence with 5 emotions in English and Mandarin, respectively, with the X-axis representing frames and the Y-axis, amplitude. Figures 5 and 6 show that the TEO gives a running estimate of the signal’s energy w.r.t. time. Further, the TEO profile seems to vary across emotions for a particular language (here, either Mandarin or English).

Fig. 5.
figure 5

TEO profile of a female speaker uttering an English sentence in [a] anger, [b] happy, [c] neutral, [d] sad, and [e] surprise.

3 Experimental Results

3.1 Dataset Used

In this paper, we have used a recently developed ESD dataset [13]. It consists of 350 parallel utterances spoken by 10 native English (5 female and 5 male), and 10 native Mandarin speakers (5 female and 5 male) speakers. The emotions captured in it are - anger, happy, neutral, sad, and surprise, whose audio is sampled at 16 kHz. This dataset is chosen as it is a relatively large-scale, multi-speaker and publicly available dataset with good recording conditions [14], thus, making the analysis relatively accurate.

3.2 Experimental Results

All the results mentioned are generalized results which were taken and compared with atleast 5 sentences for each emotion, but for the paper readability, results using only 1 sentence (from female speakers) are given. The analysis for male speakers was similar to that of female speakers, but the distinction between emotions was clearer for females than males. The detailed analysis of spectrograms (shown in Figs. 1 and 2) is presented in Fig. 7. We infer that high energy contents are seen in all 5 emotions of Mandarin speech and thus, indicating that Mandarin speech is usually louder in comparison to English speech. A significant difference seen in spectrograms is that all English sentences with 5 emotions had energy components present only at the higher frequency at the end of a sentence, which wasn’t seen in any spectrograms for Mandarin. The width between the two consecutive horizontal striations in the narrowband spectrogram gives pitch (the way the auditory system perceives frequency) information, which is higher in Mandarin than in English. The silences were seen more in Mandarin than in English.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

TEO profile of a female speaker uttering a Mandarin sentence in [a] anger, [b] happy, [c] neutral, [d] sad, and [e] surprise.

The study of \(F_{0}\) contour is represented in the form of a boxplot (which gives the spread or variance of \(F_0\)) in Fig. 8. It is noted that neutral emotion has the least spread in both languages and the highest spread is seen in emotions; surprise and anger in English and Mandarin speech, respectively. Almost no outliers are seen for Mandarin speech, i.e., there is not much difference between the \(F_0\) values as compared to English. Another distinction seen is that the median values for all emotions in Mandarin are higher than that in English. These conclude that the \(F_{0}\) contours are at higher frequencies, and with wide fluctuations for Mandarin speech.

In the RMS plots (Fig. 3), it is observed that all the emotional sentences spoken in Mandarin has significant fluctuations in peaks compared to the English statements. Anger and surprise emotions have similar peaks in both the languages. Neutral and sad sentences in English have almost no variations in peaks. Happy in Mandarin has broader peaks. These results state that Mandarin sentences are perceived louder (as have more energy content, as seen from spectrograms) than the corresponding English sentences.

The ZCR plots shown in Fig. 4, give the idea on percussive vs. pitched sounds. We can consider two extreme cases of spectral energy density, i.e., the low frequency and high frequency regions. It is observed that ZCR peaks are less in lower frequency regions and high in higher frequency regions of spectrograms. ZCR peaks of Mandarin are less than that of English as tonal sounds are pitch-dependent and have voiced speech as compared to English, which has unvoiced and whisper elements (beginning of the sentence, as shown in Fig. 4 for the sentence analyzed, and thus, proving that ZCR peaks are high for unvoiced sounds in comparison to their voiced counterpart).

The TEO plots in Figs. 5 and 6 show that Mandarin sentences have higher energy profiles (peaks reach higher amplitudes) than English sentences. This is because a higher pitch leads to higher loudness and thus, higher amplitude.

Fig. 7.
figure 7

Analysis of narrowband spectrograms for English vs. Mandarin emotions.

Fig. 8.
figure 8

Boxplot of \( F_{0} \) contour of female speaker uttering an [a] English and [b] Mandarin sentence in [1] anger, [2] happy, [3] neutral, [4] sad, and [5] surprise.

4 Summary and Conclusion

In this study, we analyze a tonal language (Mandarin), and a stress-timed language (English) using prosodic features, such as energy, \(F_{0}\), loudness, and TEO-based features. Our analysis indicate, Mandarin language has higher \(F_{0}\) fluctuations due to variations in pitch, are louder, and have higher energy profiles than English language. Therefore, for EVC, RMS, and ZCR features can be used to maintain the speaker’s identity. It would be interesting to analyze how RMS and ZCR features would work if, replaced with \(F_{0}\) in the baseline paper [13] for EVC. The study presented in this paper may help in analyzing the confusion matrices that are obtained from the SER task. Future work includes using these results in classifiers for performing EVC in the same and in multi-languages and developing more datasets w.r.t. EVC.