
1 Introduction

The ongoing evolution of mobile devices in recent years has significantly impacted our lives. Developers of mobile apps share their products in the rapidly expanding markets of Google Play Store (GPS) [2] for Android and App Store (AS) [1] for iOS. On these platforms, developers must select a relevant category to help users find suitable apps easily. However, with thousands of apps in each category, finding apps that match consumer interests can be challenging. Moreover, some may be misclassified, making their discovery even more difficult.

Existing work is focused to find subcategories of apps which are hidden in the main markets’ categories. Supervised and Unsupervised Machine Learning classification techniques combined with Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques were applied to solve this challenging task. However, few of researchers mention misclassified apps on the markets [11].

We focus on validating categories’ content and automating the process of identification of misclassified apps for prevention, and finding possible subcategories of apps on the markets to facilitate appropriate user app selection. We apply semantic similarity [10] and hierarchical clustering [15] to determine misclassifications, and Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) [6] to find apps subcategories. A text-to-text semantic similarity metric is applied, as it outperforms traditional text similarity metrics [10]. Hierarchical clustering is applied for its capacity to represent data and to identify clusters that deviate significantly from the rest of the data. Lastly, LDA is applied to find mobile apps subcategories for its capacity to resume content, and to find relevant groups of words (called topics) which can provide insights of the main data categories. Specifically, we aim to:

  • Propose an automated method for detection of miscategorized apps based on apps description using semantic similarity, hierarchical clustering, and markets classification recommendations [18, 19];

  • Discover hidden subcategories of apps by applying LDA on a well-defined and processed data set containing apps descriptions;

  • Apply LDA to classify apps in proposed subcategories;

2 Literature Survey

This section explores existing methods of mobile apps classification based on their description corpus and reviews applied NLP techniques.

Several works are focused on exploiting the content of existing categories to extend current classification on the markets. For instance, [16, 20] exploited the capacity of LDA and discovered multiple topics as an extension to the initial classification. Al-Subaihin et al. [3], extracted features from apps descriptions using the algorithm proposed in [12]. Then, a greedy hierarchical clustering algorithm was applied and the clusters, interpreted by humans, denoted that the initial categories can be extended. Ebrahimi et. al [11] encoded apps descriptions using different word embeddings and achieved the best classification results with GloVe and Support Vector Machines. Apps from Education and Health &Medical categories were manually labeled by researchers to find subcategories of apps.

The researchers applied NLP techniques to encode the descriptions: stop words removal and tokenization [11, 13, 20], part of speech tagging (identification of nouns, verbs, etc.) and stemming [13] or lemmatization [3, 11], and adding n-grams [3]. All of these can help in boosting the performance of the classification techniques if they are combined in a proper manner.

Compared to the preceding works, our initial aim is to validate the content of the categories based on the similarity between the apps descriptions and the markets recommendations. For data processing, we combine various NLP techniques compared to previous researchers (Sect. 3.2). Then, we apply the method proposed by [10] to compute semantic similarity between apps’ descriptions and fed the similarity distance matrix into hierarchical clustering algorithm [15]. Based on the distribution of the apps into clusters, we propose a new method to establish if a category presents misclassified apps and we search for subcategories of apps. Due to its promising results [20], we apply LDA to determine subcategories of apps in each category. We analyse the granularity of the categories and perform human interpretation [9] of the generated topics to validate our findings.

3 Methodology

The work discussed in Sect. 2 was adapted by combining more NLP techniques to reduce the noise of the data and to strengthen its semantic quality (Sect. 3.2). We searched for misclassified apps using semantic similarity measures and hierarchical clustering and we used LDA to find subcategories of apps included in each main category. Moreover, contrary our predecessors, we validate the content of the categories before investigating the fine-grained categories.

Data Set Gathering (Sect. 3.1) and Data Set Processing (Sect. 3.2) are the first two phases in our research. In the third phase we propose our method for Categories’ Content Validation (Sect. 3.3). In the fourth phase we apply LDA in Mining the Categories’ Content (Sect. 3.4) to discover the fine-grained categorization of the initial categories. The Evaluation (Sect. 3.5) phase describes the steps applied to validate our approach.

3.1 Data Set Gathering

We use a set of 9,265 Android apps to analyse fine-grained categories of GPS. It consists in English descriptions of apps from GPS between 2019-2023. They are classified in 32 categories based on the short outlines provided by the market [19]. We excluded the Game category as it already encompasses numerous fine-grained subcategories. The apps’ descriptions were processed and LDA was applied to determine topics for subcategories (Sect. 4). To evaluate the performance of LDA in topics identification we used the data set proposed in [11]. It consists in apps crawled from AS. We selected educational apps and compared the ground-truths set by prior work (Sect. 4) with our finding.

3.2 Data Set Processing

We applied various NLP techniques to process the descriptions of the apps. We prepared the data to minimize the noise and to enable the algorithms to uncover latent relationships between words. We applied the following steps: uppercase characters were lowered; special characters, stop words, words with less than three characters, URLs, emojis, and numerical values were removed. Thus, we kept the most appropriate words and reduced the computational time. Then, we applied tokenization and each obtained term was labeled corresponding to its part of speech (e.g., noun, verb) to compute semantic similarity scores (Sect. 3.3). For subcategories discovering phase (Sect. 3.3), the remaining terms were converted to their lemma equivalent to maintain the inherent nature of words and we improved the description corpus with co-occurring word pairs of length 2, called bi-grams [14], as they were proven to bring improvements in topics discovering [7]. Finally, we filtered out words occurring in less than 10% and in more than 50% of the description corpus to allow LDA to build stronger relationships between the most relevant words.

3.3 Categories’ Content Validation

This section proposes a method to validate the content of the categories by applying semantic similarity measures and hierarchical clustering algorithm.

Semantic Similarity Measure. To preserve the semantic similarity relations between the words, we applied the method for text similarity proposed in [10] on the apps descriptions level. The algorithm was applied to each pair of descriptions from the same category: for each part of speech from one description, we identified the one with the highest similarity (\(max\_sim\)) to the other. For nouns and verbs the similarity is computed based on Wu and Palmer similarity [21], as it computes the degree of similarity between word senses and where the rings of synonyms occur relative to each other. As we removed cardinals (Sect. 3.2), we computed lexical similarity only for adjectives and adverbs. Therefore, a directional similarity score is given by: \(sim(D_1,D_2)_{D_1}=\frac{\sum _{w_i \epsilon D_1}max\_sim(w_i, D_2) \times idf(w_i)}{\sum _{w_i\epsilon D_1} idf(w_i)}\), where \(D_1, D_2\) are descriptions, \(w_i\) is the \(i^{th}\) word in a description, and \(idf(w_{i})\) is the Inverse Document Frequency [17]. Both directional scores can be combined into a bidirectional similarity function: \(sim(D1,D2) = \frac{sim(D1, D2)_{D_1} + sim(D1, D2)_{D_2}}{2}\). As its value ranges from 0 to 1, it allows the conversion into a normalized distance function: \(dist\_sem(D_1,D_2) = 1 - sim(D_1, D_2)\) [5].

Hierarchical Clustering. We used hierarchical clustering [15] to investigate the granularity levels from the categories of mobile apps. Using the similarity distance function (\(dist\_sem\)), we computed the semantic similarity distance matrix. The shape of the matrix is given by the number of apps from a category. Let \(E(D_i, D_j)\) the value of a matrix entry, where \((D_i, D_j)\) is a pair of apps descriptions, and ij general notations for line and column indices in the matrix. If \(i = j\), we set \(E(D_i, D_j) = 0\), else \(E(D_i, D_j) = dist\_sem(D_i, D_j)\). We fed the similarity distance matrix obtained into the complete linkage clustering [15] to determine the clusters based on the maximum distance between the data points.

Possible Outliers Identification. We define an outlier as a misclassified app and analyse the distribution of the apps in the formed clusters to discover possible outliers. We consider the first two formed clusters to establish the existence of possible outliers. If they are highly unbalanced (e.g., a cluster contains only one or two descriptions), we compute the semantic similarity between the possible outlier app’s description and each one of the categories recommendations proposed by the market source [18, 19]. If the maximum similarity is obtained for its main category, then it is not an outlier. The identified outliers were removed.

3.4 Mining the Categories’ Content with LDA

The process continues with the discovery of different subcategories of apps within a category. We chose LDA [6], as it uses statistical models to infer topics in text data [4]. The main objective of LDA is to discover the document topics, within a text document. This produces a topic-keyword matrix. In our research, LDA is applied to the description corpus of the Android apps and the resulting topics are assumed to represent mixtures of a basic set of keywords that may describe a subcategory of apps. The number of the LDA topics, was determined based on the highest coherence score, as it measures the interpretability and semantic coherence of the generated topics.

3.5 Evaluation Framework

For evaluation we used topic labeling with human interpretation [9]. In the case of the second data set, we measured the performance of LDA to group mobile apps in the same category. Given the ground truth labels, we evaluated the performance of LDA by: \(F2 Score = \frac{(\beta ^2 + 1) \times Precision \times Recall}{\beta ^2 \times Precision + Recall}\) (\(\beta =2\)), \(Precision = \frac{TP}{TP + FP}\), and \(Recall = \frac{TP}{TP + FN}\). We define: TP (true positive) as the number of the apps whose label of the assigned topic matches the initial category label; TN (true negative) as the number of apps correctly classified as not belonging to inappropriate topics; FP (false positive) as the number of apps incorrectly assigned; FN (false negative) as the number of apps incorrectly excluded from appropriate topics.

4 Experiments and Results

In this section we analyse the results of outlier identification (Sect. 4.1), and the fine-grained categorization resulted using LDA (Sects. 4.2 and 4.3).

4.1 Outliers Identification Analysis

We investigated the feasibility of our approach to identify misclassified apps among the GPS data set (Sect. 3.3) and discovered two categories with outliers: Medical and Weather. Hierarchical clustering was applied for two clusters, grouping 370 samples in cluster 1 and leaving 1 sample in cluster 2 for Medical category. For Weather category, it grouped 293 in the first cluster, and left 1 in the second one. We noticed that the outlier of the Medical category could better fit in the Education category. Moreover, the maximum semantic similarity score (Sect. 3.3) between the Medical outlier and the categorization recommended by GPS [19] was 0.40 for Education. For the Weather category outlier, we analysed the app and decided that it should be classified as a Game. We did not applied the same validation as in case of the other outlier, as GPS market only provides a list of games subcategories.

4.2 Google Play Store-Fine-Grained Categorization

To obtain consistent categories, we first searched for and removed possible outliers. We then applied LDA to explore the fine-grained categorization of mobile apps. For an optimal number of topics we investigated the behavior of coherence scores in relation to changes in granularity within clustering apps, which proved beneficial in practice [9]. We provided LDA with granularity levels ranging from 2 topics per category to the maximum based on apps count. We evaluated the coherence scores for each category cluster, selecting the topic count that maximized coherence scores, as topic words might define a subcategory. Given the GPS data set, the number of obtained topics sums up to 236 and hints the existence of more than 200 possible subcategories (Sect. 4.3). The subcategories coherence scores range from 0.37 (Libraries & Demo) to 0.58 (Video Players & Editors), and their average is 0.48. As the score typically ranges from 0 to 1 (Sect. 3.4), these can be promising results. The number of determined topics, might correspond to the number of existing subcategories. It ranges from 2 to 20 and does not depend on the number of the apps in each category, but on the logical relations among the keywords that exhibit higher probabilities (Sect. 3.4).

4.3 App Store Fine-Grained Categorization

To assess the ability of LDA to generate fine-grained app categories, we used the data set from [11]. We considered the 300 educational apps, which were manually labeled with specific subcategories. We took into consideration this category as it contains misfit apps. The researchers [11] labeled them into: Skill-based apps, Content-based apps, Function-based apps, Games, and Misfits.

We evaluated LDA on: classification into all five types of apps (Scenario 1); classification into Skill-based, Content-based, Function-based, and Games - to analyse the effect of removing misclassified apps (Scenario 2). Furthermore, we analyse the semantic similarity between the misfits and Education category content recommendations and analyse their inclusion in this category. We processed the apps descriptions (Sect. 3.2) and used LDA to generate a number of topics equal to the number of subcategories. To compare our results to those obtained in [11], we labeled the topics based on contained words (Table 1) and through human interpretation: 1 - Skill-based, 2 - Function-based, 3 - Content-based, 4 - Games. We assigned topics to each description and applied evaluation metrics (Sect. 3.5). Scenario 1 achieved the lowest performance: 0.36 precision, 0.38 recall and f2-measure; compared to Scenario 2: 0.614 precision, 0.582 recall, and 0.588 for f2-measure. However, Scenario 1 overachieved in terms of precision several classification algorithms applied in [11] on LDA vectorized descriptions (Naïve Bayes - 0.27, SVM - 0.35, Logistic Regression - 0.35). Our results show that removing misclassified apps from the categories can increase the performance of a classifier by approximately 25%. Therefore, we obtained better results compared to [11] after Misfits removal. We overachieved results from [11] when description was encoded using VSM (Naïve Bayes, AdaBoost, Decision Trees) and BM25 (Naïve Bayes, AdaBoost, Random Forest, KNN, SVM, etc.). For Misfits we applied the bidirectional semantic similarity measure (Sect. 3.3) between each app description and AS categories recommendations [8] to discover their most suitable main categories. E.g., we found out that: A &A Days is more suitable for Productivity, Vuga Conf should correspond to Social Networking, Weather Saying to Weather, AR Paintings to Graphics & Design, etc.

Table 1. Word topics used to establish subcategories for the markets

5 Conclusion and Future Work

This paper proposed the identification of misclassified mobile apps in the markets and evaluated the performance of LDA in discovering subcategories of apps based on their descriptions. The process was done by applying NLP techniques (Sect. 3.2) and the experimental setup was based on averaged semantic similarity and hierarchical clustering to determine misclassified apps on GPS. Apps proposed in [11] were used to evaluate LDA in finding topics. We labeled the identified topics corresponding to [11] through human interpretation and evaluated LDA in classification based on the labeled descriptions. Our method for identifying misclassified apps is promising, as it found misclassified apps in the Weather and Medical categories. Moreover, our LDA based approach determined 236 possible subcategories of apps on GPS for a total of 9,265 apps. Our proposed LDA classifier out-performed LDA based classifiers applied in existing works (Sect. 4.3). Moreover, removing misclassified apps from the proposed data set, LDA can substantially improve classification process achieving a precision of 0.614.

For future work, a closer examination of the formed LDA topics is necessary to observe the fine-grained categorization of apps published on the markets. This could suggest appropriate subcategories of apps, and markets can use this to improve existing classification recommendations to avoid misclassification.