
1 Introduction

Automated planning is a research discipline that addresses the problem of generating a totally- or partially-ordered sequence of actions that transforms the environment from an initial state to a desired goal state. It has matured to such a degree that there exists a wide range of applications utilising planning, including UAV manoeuvring [21], space exploration [1], and train dispatching [7].

A critical aspect of domain-independent planning is the domain knowledge that must be fed into a planning engine that comes under the form of a domain model, a symbolic representation of the environment and actions, that has to be engineered prior its use [16]. The importance of good quality domain models in planning, and of the corresponding knowledge engineering process, has been well-argued [17, 27, 28]. However, there is a lack of approaches to support the knowledge engineering process. In particular, there is no “diff” tool that compares different versions of a domain model and highlights differences among them. Tools such as D-VAL [25] or a recent work of Coulter et al. [10] provide some limited support to compare domain models focusing on the state space they can generate, and the model reconciliation problem focuses on explaining why two models cannot create the same optimal plans [8].

To address the highlighted research gap, we propose a novel concept of domain model similarity and present a theoretical framework underlying the concept, which employs an extension of the notion of strong equivalence informally introduced by Shoeeb and McCluskey [24], which determines whether domain models are the same except naming. We propose a directed graph representation of lifted domain models and we show that domain models are strongly equivalent if and only if the graphs representing them are isomorphic. Then, we define distance between domain models as the minimum number of modifications that have to be made to both models to make them strongly equivalent. It corresponds to the notion of edit distance between two graphs (representing the domain models). The introduced theoretical framework gives us the notion of similarity by measuring the distance between domain models and enumerating the modifications that need to be done to make the models (strongly) equivalent. Then, we present an approach based on Answer Set Programming (ASP) [3, 5, 14, 20] that allows to compare planning domain models to assess their similarity. This is not the first time that declarative programming, in particular ASP, is employed in this context, but considering either different problems in the planning domain (the already mentioned [25]), or not focused on planning [26]. Our solution relies on a directed graph representation of the lifted domain models, and is capable of providing optimally minimal sets of changes to transform one model into the other. Beside providing the first concrete approach to assess if two domain models are strongly equivalent, the proposed notion of similarity, and the ASP-based approach to measure it, have several practical implications: (i) it can be incorporated into a “diff” tool for highlighting differences between two versions of a domain model, to help knowledge engineers in understanding modifications; (ii) it can support the evaluation of tools for automated domain model acquisition (e.g., LOCM [11]) by comparing acquired domain models to the reference domain models; (iii) it can be exploited as an advanced plagiarism checker, where it can provide a “similarity” score to flag potential cases of plagiarism, and (iv) it can support the evaluation of models in competitions on domain modelling such as ICKEPS [9] and provide useful insights into how groups of experts differ in developing models.

We evaluate the approach on well-known benchmark domains from international competitions, of different size with regards to the number of models’ predicates and operators. We present a fully declarative approach, which is able to compare a number of planning domains, except the largest, and an improved solution, that exploits a preprocessor via imperative programming that acts as a sort of “problem-aware pre-grounder”, which complements the declarative encoding. The related empirical evaluation shows that, by employing the improved solution, the comparison can be performed in less than a CPU-time second for all evaluated models, hence suggesting that it can be fruitfully exploited to support the knowledge engineering process of domain models in real time.

2 Background

In this section we present, in two separate subsections, needed preliminaries about automated planning and graph similarity, respectively.

Automated Planning. In the STRIPS representation, the environment is represented by propositions. States are defined as sets of these propositions (or atoms). An action is a quadruple \(a=({\textit{name}}(a),{\textit{pre}}(a),{\textit{del}}(a),{\textit{add}}(a))\), where \({\textit{name}}(a)\) represents a unique action name, \({\textit{pre}}(a)\), \({\textit{del}}(a)\) and \({\textit{add}}(a)\) are sets of atoms representing the precondition of a, the delete and add effects of a, respectively. We assume a is always well defined, i.e., \({\textit{add}}(a)\ne \emptyset \) (as an action without any add effect would be useless). We say that an action a is applicable in a state s if and only if \({\textit{pre}}(a)\subseteq s\). Application of a in s (if possible) results in a state \((s\setminus {\textit{del}}(a))\cup {\textit{add}}(a)\).

In the lifted STRIPS representation, the environment is represented by first-order logic predicates. A planning operator \(o=({\textit{name}}(o), {\textit{pre}}(o), {\textit{del}}(o), {\textit{add}}(o))\) is specified such that \({\textit{name}}(o) = {\textit{op}}\_{\textit{name}}(x_1,\dots ,x_k)\) (\({\textit{op}}\_{\textit{name}}\) represents a unique operator name and \(x_1,\dots x_k\) are variable symbols (parameters) appearing in the operator), \({\textit{pre}}(o)\) is a set of predicates representing the operator’s preconditions, \({\textit{del}}(o)\) and \({\textit{add}}(o)\) are sets of predicates representing the operator’s delete and add effects, respectively. Again, we assume o is always well defined, i.e., \({\textit{add}}(o)\ne \emptyset \). A (lifted) domain model \(\mathcal {D}=(P,O)\) is specified via a set of predicates P and a set of operators O. A problem instance \(\mathcal {P}=(Obj,I,G)\) for a lifted domain model \(\mathcal {D}\) is specified via a set of objects Obj, the initial state I and a set of atoms representing the goal G. Atoms are obtained by grounding of the predicates from P, i.e., by substituting objects for predicates’ variables. Actions are grounded instances of planning operators.

A planning task \((\mathcal {D},\mathcal {P})\) consists of a domain model \(\mathcal {D}\) and a problem instance \(\mathcal {P}\). A solution plan for a planning task is a sequence of actions such that consecutive application of the actions in the plan (starting in the initial state) results in a state in which all the goal atoms are true. We say that predicates are equal if they have the same name and their parameters including their order are identical. We define a function \(pars(\cdot )\) that returns the set of variable symbols of a predicate or an operator. We also define a function \(arity(\cdot )\) that returns the number of variable symbols of a predicate or an operator. With regards to substitution mappings that map free variables into terms (variables or constants in our case), we use a specific notation in order to disambiguate with other types of mappings. In particular, for a substitution mapping \(\chi \) and a predicate (or an operator) \(p(x_1,\dots ,x_n)\), \((p|\chi )\) refers to substituting \(x_1,\dots ,x_n\) for terms according to \(\chi \), i.e., \((p|\chi )\equiv p(\chi (x_1),\dots ,\chi (x_n))\).

Graph Similarity. Comparing graphs, in terms of how similar they are, belongs under of the umbrella of graph matching [4]. For our purpose, we will consider (labelled) directed graphs with different types of edges. Let \(\mathcal {G}_1=(V_1,E_1^1,E_1^2,\dots ,E_1^k)\) and \(\mathcal {G}_2=(V_2,E_2^1,E_2^2,\dots ,E_2^k)\) be directed graphs with k different types of edges, and \(\mathcal {L}_1\) and \(\mathcal {L}_2\) be the sets of their edge labels. We say that \(\mathcal {G}_1\) and \(\mathcal {G}_2\) are isomorphic if and only if there exist bijective mappings \(\xi : V_1\rightarrow V_2\) and \(\nu :\mathcal {L}_1\rightarrow \mathcal {L}_2\) such that for each \(1\le i\le k: (x,l,y)\in E_1^i\Leftrightarrow (\xi (x),\nu (l),\xi (y))\in E_2^i\). Note that for unlabelled directed graphs it is the case that \(\mathcal {G}_1\) and \(\mathcal {G}_2\) are isomorphic if and only if there exist a bijective mapping \(\xi : V_1\rightarrow V_2\) such that for each \(1\le i\le k: (x,y)\in E_1^i\Leftrightarrow (\xi (x),\xi (y))\in E_2^i\). Let \(\mathcal {G}'_1\) and \(\mathcal {G}'_2\) be subgraphs of \(\mathcal {G}_1\) and \(\mathcal {G}_2\), respectively. We say that \(\mathcal {G}'_1\) and \(\mathcal {G}'_2\) are common isomorphic subgraphs of \(\mathcal {G}_1\) and \(\mathcal {G}_2\) if and only if \(\mathcal {G}'_1\) and \(\mathcal {G}'_2\) are isomorphic.

Let elem denote the number of elements in a graph (with k different types of edges), i.e., for \(\mathcal {G}=(V,E^1,\dots ,E^k)\), \(elem(\mathcal {G})=|V|+\sum _{i=1}^k|E^i|\). We say that \(\mathcal {G}'_1\) and \(\mathcal {G}'_2\) are maximum common isomorphic subgraphs of \(\mathcal {G}_1\) and \(\mathcal {G}_2\) if and only if (i) \(\mathcal {G}'_1\) and \(\mathcal {G}'_2\) are common isomorphic subgraphs of \(\mathcal {G}_1\) and \(\mathcal {G}_2\) and (ii) for every pair \(\mathcal {G}''_1\) and \(\mathcal {G}''_2\) being also common isomorphic subgraphs of \(\mathcal {G}_1\) and \(\mathcal {G}_2\) it is the case that \(elem(\mathcal {G}'_1)\ge elem(\mathcal {G}''_1)\) (and \(elem(\mathcal {G}'_2)\ge elem(\mathcal {G}''_2)\)). Then, we define a function \({\textit{dist}}\) representing a distance between graphs \(\mathcal {G}_1\) and \(\mathcal {G}_2\) as \({\textit{dist}}(\mathcal {G}_1,\mathcal {G}_2)=elem(\mathcal {G}_1)+elem(\mathcal {G}_2)-2*elem(\mathcal {G}'_1)\) with \(\mathcal {G}'_1\) and \(\mathcal {G}'_2\) being maximum common isomorphic subgraphs of \(\mathcal {G}_1\) and \(\mathcal {G}_2\). Note that our notion of distance is a variant of Graph Edit Distance [22] in which vertex and edge substitutions are not explicitly counted.

3 Strong Equivalence of Domain Models

Equivalence of domain models can be understood in a similar fashion as equivalence of grammars, i.e., two domain models are equivalent if a planning task specified in one model can be also specified in the other model and both models generate same plans for the corresponding planning tasks [24]. An alternative understanding of domain model equivalence, “functional equivalence”, compares corresponding state-transition systems such that two domain models are (functionally) equivalent if and only if for corresponding planning tasks the sets of reachable states are equivalent [25]. In this paper, we focus on strong equivalence of domain models that has been informally defined in [24] as models being logically identical up to naming. It assumes that there exist bijective mappings between particular elements (e.g., atoms, action names).

To formally define strong equivalence for lifted domain models, we have to make sure that for each corresponding grounded instance of two strongly equivalent lifted domain models it is the case that those instances are strongly equivalent too. Whereas the (bijective) mapping between predicates needs to consider only naming and arity (without loss of generality we assume that free variables in each predicate are distinct), the (bijective) mapping between planning operators has to take into account ordering of their parameters (free variables). We formally define strong equivalence for two lifted domain models as follows.

Definition 1

Let \(\mathcal {D}=(P,O)\) and \(\mathcal {D}'=(P',O')\) be lifted domain models. If there exist bijective mappings \(\mathcal {P}:P\rightarrow P'\) and \(\mathcal {O}:\{{\textit{name}}(o)\ |\ o\in O\}\rightarrow \{{\textit{name}}(o')\ |\ o'\in O'\}\) such that

  • for each \(p\in P\), \(arity(p)=arity(\mathcal {P}(p))\)

  • for each \(o\in O\), \(arity({\textit{name}}(o))=arity(\mathcal {O}({\textit{name}}(o)))\) and there exists \(o'\in O'\) and a bijective substitution mapping \(\chi ^o: pars(o)\rightarrow pars(o')\), where

    • \({\textit{name}}(o')=\mathcal {O}({\textit{name(o)}})\)

    • \({\textit{pre}}(o')=\{(\mathcal {P}(p)|\chi ^o)\ |\ p\in {\textit{pre}}(o)\}\)

    • \({\textit{del}}(o')=\{(\mathcal {P}(p)|\chi ^o)\ |\ p\in {\textit{del}}(o)\}\)

    • \({\textit{add}}(o')=\{(\mathcal {P}(p)|\chi ^o)\ |\ p\in {\textit{add}}(o)\}\)

then \(\mathcal {D}\) and \(\mathcal {D}'\) are strongly equivalent.

Next, we will construct a Lifted Domain Model Graph (LDMG) which is a labelled directed graph connecting operators with predicates in a given lifted domain model. LDMG has vertices standing for both predicates and operator names, and three types of edges referring to preconditions, delete, and add effects, respectively. Edge labels represent matchings between operators’ and predicates’ variables. To show that two domain models are strongly equivalent their respective LDMGs have to be isomorphic.

Definition 2

Let \(\mathcal {D}=(P,O)\) be a lifted domain model. We assume, without loss of generality, that all variable symbols defined in \(\mathcal {D}\) are distinct. We say that \(\mathcal {G}=(V,E_{{\textit{pre}}},E_{{\textit{del}}},E_{{\textit{add}}})\) is a Lifted Domain Model Graph (LDMG) of \(\mathcal {D}\), where \(V=P\cup \{{\textit{name}}(o)\ |\ o\in O\}\) is a set of vertices, \(E_{{\textit{pre}}}=\{({\textit{name}}(o),\varTheta ^{o},p)\ |\ p\in ({\textit{pre}}(o|\varTheta ^{o})), o\in O, p\in P \}\), \(E_{{\textit{del}}}=\{({\textit{name}}(o),\varTheta ^{o},p)\ |\ p\in ({\textit{del}}(o|\varTheta ^{o})), o\in O, p\in P \}\) and \(E_{{\textit{add}}}=\{({\textit{name}}(o),\varTheta ^{o},p)\ |\ p\in ({\textit{(}}{add}(o|\varTheta ^{o})), o\in O, p\in P \}\) are sets of labelled directed edges, where \(\varTheta ^{o}\) is the substitution mapping from pars(o) to \(\bigcup _{p\in P}pars(p)\) for each operator o.

Theorem 1

Let \(\mathcal {D}=(P,O)\) and \(\mathcal {D}'=(P',O')\) be lifted domain models. We assume, without loss of generality, that all variable symbols defined in both \(\mathcal {D}\) and \(\mathcal {D}'\) are distinct. Let \(\mathcal {G}=(V,E_{{\textit{pre}}},E_{{\textit{del}}},E_{{\textit{add}}})\) and \(\mathcal {G}'=(V',E'_{{\textit{pre}}},E'_{{\textit{del}}},E'_{{\textit{add}}})\) be LDMGs of \(\mathcal {D}\) and \(\mathcal {D}'\), respectively. \(\mathcal {D}\) and \(\mathcal {D}'\) are strongly equivalent if and only if \(\mathcal {G}\) and \(\mathcal {G}'\) are isomorphic with a bijective mapping \(\xi :V\rightarrow V'\) such that for each \(x\in V: arity(x)=arity(\xi (x))\).


The “if” part: If \(\mathcal {D}\) and \(\mathcal {D}'\) are strongly equivalent, then there exist bijective mappings \(\mathcal {P}\) and \(\mathcal {O}\) between atoms and operator names of both domain models as in Definition 1. We can combine \(\mathcal {P}\) and \(\mathcal {O}\) into \(\xi \) such that for each \(f\in P: \xi (f)=\mathcal {P}(f)\) and for each \(o\in O:\xi ({\textit{name}}(o))=\mathcal {O}({\textit{name}}(o))\). Hence, \(\xi \) is a bijective mapping from V to \(V'\). Then, we can observe that for each \(o\in O\) there exists \(o'\in O'\) such that \(\xi ({\textit{name}}(o))={\textit{name}}(o')\), \(arity(\xi ({\textit{name}}(o)))=arity({\textit{name}}(o'))\). There also exist substitution mappings \(\chi ^o\) for each \(o\in O\) as in Definition 1 and \(\varTheta ^{o}:pars(o)\rightarrow \bigcup _{p\in P}pars(p)\) and \(\varTheta ^{o'}:pars(o')\rightarrow \bigcup _{p'\in P'}pars(p')\) for each \(o\in O\) and \(o'\in O'\) as in Definition 2. Now we can define a bijective substitution mapping \(\nu :\bigcup _{o\in O}pars(o)\times \bigcup _{p\in P}pars(p)\rightarrow \bigcup _{o'\in O'}pars(o')\times \bigcup _{p'\in P'}pars(p')\) (since variable symbols are distinct) such that for all \(o\in O\) and \(x\in pars(o)\), \(((x,(x|\varTheta ^o))|\nu )=((x|\chi ^o),((x|\chi ^o)|\varTheta ^{o'})\). Then, if for \(o\in O\) and \(p\in P\) it is the case that \(p\in ({\textit{pre}}(o|\varTheta ^{o}))\), then there exists \(o'\in O'\) such that \((\xi (p)|\chi ^o)\in ({\textit{pre}}(o'|\varTheta ^{o'}))\). Hence, if \(({\textit{name}}(o),\varTheta ^{o},p)\in E_{{\textit{pre}}}\), then \((\xi ({\textit{name}}(o)),(\varTheta ^{o}|\nu ),\xi (p))\in E'_{{\textit{pre}}}\). For \(E_{{\textit{del}}}\) and \(E_{{\textit{add}}}\), it can be proven analogously.

The “only if” part: From Definition 2 and the fact that every operator is well defined, we can derive that \(X=\{x\ |\ (x,y)\in E_{{\textit{add}}}\}=\{{\textit{name}}(o)\ |\ o\in O\}\). If \(\mathcal {G}\) and \(\mathcal {G}'\) are isomorphic, then there exist a bijective mapping \(\xi :V\rightarrow V'\) and a bijective substitution mapping \(\nu :\bigcup _{o\in O}pars(o)\times \bigcup _{p\in P}pars(p)\rightarrow \bigcup _{o'\in O'}pars(o')\times \bigcup _{p'\in P'}pars(p')\). Hence, we can “split” \(\xi \) into two bijective mappings \(\mathcal {P}\) and \(\mathcal {O}\) such that for each \(x\in X: \mathcal {O}(x)=\xi (x)\) and for each \(y\in (V\setminus X): \mathcal {P}(y)=\xi (y)\). Also, with \(\forall x\in V:arity(x)=arity(\xi (x))\) we can derive \(arity(p)=arity(\mathcal {P}(p))\) and \(arity({\textit{name}}(o))=arity(\mathcal {O}({\textit{name}}(o)))\). We can also observe (from the isomorphism of \(\mathcal {G}\) and \(\mathcal {G}'\)) that for each \(o\in O\) and \(x\in pars(o)\), \(((x,(x|\varTheta ^o)|\nu )=(y,(y|\varTheta ^{o'}))\) for some \(o'\in O'\) and \(y\in pars(o')\). Since \(\varTheta ^o\) and \(\varTheta ^{o'}\) are substitution mappings, then we can define a substitution mapping \(\chi ^o:pars(o)\rightarrow pars(o')\) such that \((x|\chi ^o)=y\) (with \(((x,(x|\varTheta ^o))|\nu )=(y,(y|\varTheta ^{o'}))\)) and \(\chi ^o\) is bijective. Hence, we can derive for each \(o\in O\) and \(p\in {\textit{pre}}(o)\) that there exists \(o'\in O'\) such that \((\mathcal {P}(p)|\chi ^o)\in {\textit{pre}}(o')\). For \({\textit{del}}(o')\) and \({\textit{add}}(o')\), it can be proven analogously.    \(\square \)

Example 1 (Running example)

We consider as running example a simplified version of the well-known Logistics domain, originally introduced in the IPC 2000. In the simplified version, a number of trucks are used to deliver packages from a location of origin to a destination location. The domain model includes 4 predicates: (at-truck ?Loc ?Truck), (at-package ?Loc ?Pkg), (in-package ?Pkg ?Truck), (in-city ?Cty ?Loc) and 3 operators: load(?Loc ?Pkg ?Truck), unload(?Loc ?Pkg ?Truck), and move(?Cty ?Loc1 ?Loc2 ?Truck).

We can define another domain model that concerns transporting passengers from one location to another by shuttles. The domain model includes 4 predicates: (at-shuttle ?Loc ?Shtl), (at-passenger ?Loc ?Psg), (in-passenger ?Psg ?Shtl), (in-city ?Cty ?Loc) and 3 operators: embark(?Loc ?Psg ?Shtl), debark(?Loc ?Psg ?Shtl), and move(?Cty ?Loc1 ?Loc2 ?Shtl). We can observe that the structure of the domain model is identical to the Logistics model apart of naming of (most of) predicates and operators. Hence, the domain models are strongly equivalent.

4 Domain Model Similarity

Informally speaking, domain model similarity stands for quantifying how close domain models are to each other, in terms of how many manipulations (adding/modifying an element in either of the models) are needed to make the models strongly equivalent.

Initially, we define the notion of submodel that describes the relation between domain models based on the subgraph relation between their LDMGs.

Definition 3

Let \(\mathcal {D}\) and \(\mathcal {D}'\) be domain models. We say that \(\mathcal {D}'\) is a submodel of \(\mathcal {D}\) if the LDMG of \(\mathcal {D}'\) is a subgraph of the LDMG of \(\mathcal {D}\). We say that a domain model \(\mathcal {D}''\) is a strongly equivalent submodel of \(\mathcal {D}\) if \(\mathcal {D}''\) is strongly equivalent with \(\mathcal {D}'\) (being a submodel of \(\mathcal {D}\)).

In more general cases, domain models share the same structure only partially. In other words, they share common (strongly equivalent) submodels.

Definition 4

Let \(\mathcal {D}_1\) and \(\mathcal {D}_2\) be domain models. We say that submodels \(\mathcal {D}'_1\) and \(\mathcal {D}'_2\) of \(\mathcal {D}_1\) and \(\mathcal {D}_2\), respectively, are common strongly equivalent submodels of \(\mathcal {D}_1\) and \(\mathcal {D}_2\) if and only if \(\mathcal {D}'_1\) and \(\mathcal {D}'_2\) are strongly equivalent. We say that \(\mathcal {D}'_1\) and \(\mathcal {D}'_2\) are maximum common strongly equivalent submodels of \(\mathcal {D}_1\) and \(\mathcal {D}_2\) if and only if they are common strongly equivalent submodels and the value of elem is maximum for their LDMGs compared to other common strongly equivalent submodels of \(\mathcal {D}_1\) and \(\mathcal {D}_2\).

Proposition 1

Let \(\mathcal {D}'_1\) and \(\mathcal {D}'_2\) be submodels of domain models \(\mathcal {D}_1\) and \(\mathcal {D}_2\), respectively. It holds that \(\mathcal {D}'_1\) and \(\mathcal {D}'_2\) are (maximum) common strongly equivalent submodels of \(\mathcal {D}_1\) and \(\mathcal {D}_2\) if and only if the LDMG of \(\mathcal {D}'_1\) and the LDMG of \(\mathcal {D}'_2\) are (maximum) common isomorphic subgraphs of the LDMGs of \(\mathcal {D}_1\) and \(\mathcal {D}_2\), respectively.


The claim of the proposition is directly implied from the definition of (maximum) common isomorphic subgraphs (see the Background Section) and Theorem 1.    \(\square \)

The above proposition connects our variant of edit distance of graphs and the distance of domain models. The definition below summarizes the concept.

Definition 5

Let \(\mathcal {D}_1\) and \(\mathcal {D}_2\) be domain models and \(\mathcal {G}_1\) and \(\mathcal {G}_2\) be their LDMGs, respectively. We define a \({\textit{dist}}\) function representing the distance between \(\mathcal {D}_1\) and \(\mathcal {D}_2\) as \({\textit{dist}}(\mathcal {D}_1,\mathcal {D}_2)={\textit{dist}}(\mathcal {G}_1,\mathcal {G}_2)\).

The notion of distance between two domain models determines a minimum number of elementary operations to modify these two models to make them strongly equivalent. That corresponds to adding vertices and edges to the LDMGs of these two models. Let \(\mathcal {D}=(P,O)\) be a domain model and \(\mathcal {G}=(V,E_{{\textit{pre}}},E_{{\textit{del}}},E_{{\textit{add}}})\) its LDMG. The elementary operations over \(\mathcal {D}\) and \(\mathcal {G}\) are defined as follows:

  1. (1)

    Add p into \({\textit{pre}}(o)\) (resp. \({\textit{del}}(o)\), resp. \({\textit{add}}(o)\)) iff (op) is added into \(E_{{\textit{pre}}}\) (resp. \(E_{{\textit{del}}}\), resp. \(E_{{\textit{add}}}\)).

  2. (2)

    Add o into O iff o is added into V and (op) is added into \(E_{{\textit{add}}}\) for some p.

  3. (3)

    Add p into P iff p is added into V and no edge from p is added to \(E_{{\textit{add}}}\).

We would like to emphasise that we do not explicitly distinguish operator and predicate nodes. We can observe that a well defined operator has to have at least one add effect and hence the corresponding vertex in the underlying LDMG has to have at least one outgoing “add” edge. Note, again, that we assume that all operators are well defined. On the other hand, each predicate node has no outgoing edge.

It is known that the problem of graph edit distance is NP-hard [29]. Due to specific structure of LDMGs, again, the question whether determining distance between domain models is NP-hard is still open.

Example 2 (Example 1 cont’d)

[Example 1 cont’d] Let us simplify the model introduced in Example 1 by removing the (in-city ?Cty ?Loc) predicate. The simplified model is a submodel of the original one. Now, let us add a macro-operator move-load(?Pkg ?Truck ?Loc1 ?Loc2 ?Cty) encapsulating the sequence of move and load operators into the simplified model. The simplified model is a submodel of the “macro” model. Finally, we can compare the “macro” Logistics model with the “passenger” model from Example 1. The models are not strongly equivalent. We can, on the other hand, find their maximum common strongly equivalent submodels, i.e., the simplified Logistic model and the “passenger” model which is simplified by removing (in-city ?Cty ?Loc).

5 Comparing Domain Models via ASP

In this section, we describe our approach based on Answer Set Programming (ASP), and its results. Note that the ASP terminology may be not perfectly aligned to the one of planning in the usage of some terms, e.g., atoms and predicates.

figure a
Fig. 1.
figure 1

ASP Program \(\varPi '\).

Answer Set Programming. ASP is a well-known declarative language. An ASP program [6] is made of (a combination of): (1) facts of the form head.; (2) rules of the form head :- body.; (3) choice rules of the form {atoms} = 1 :- body.; (4) constraints of the form :- body.; and (5) weak constraints of the form \(\sim \) body. [weight@level,terms]; where head is an atom, atoms is a set of atoms, and body is a set of (possibly negated) atoms, also including aggregate functions, such as #sum, and terms is a sequence of terms, i.e., variables (strings starting with uppercase letter) or constants (non-negative integers or strings starting with lowercase letters). Atoms can be made over terms. The semantics is given in terms of its answer sets, that is, sets A of ground atoms, where atoms in A are said to be true (false, otherwise), such that: (1) head is in A; (2) whenever the body is true (i.e., all positive atoms are in A and all negated atoms are not in A), head is in A; (3) exactly one of the atoms in atoms is in A whenever the body is true; or if = 1 is omitted then one of the atoms in atoms can be in A whenever the body is true; (4) the body must be false. Moreover, weak constraints of the form (5) allow expressing preferences among answer sets, where level represents the priority and weight is a numerical cost that is paid whenever the body of a weak constraint is true w.r.t. an answer set. Overall, the preferred weak constraints are the ones with the lowest costs at the highest levels. For formal details about syntax and semantics of ASP programs, the reader is referred to [5, 6].

ASP-based Comparison. Following the theory presented in previous sections, we implemented an ASP-based approach depicted in Algorithm 1. The algorithm receives two LDMGs (referred to as \(\mathcal {G}_1\) and \(\mathcal {G}_2\)) as input, and prints a minimal number of changes to the graphs to make them isomorphic as output. In the following, we assume that the number of vertices representing an operator (resp. a predicate) of \(\mathcal {G}_1\) is less than or equal to the number of vertices representing an operator (resp. a predicate) of \(\mathcal {G}_2\). The idea of the algorithm is as follows: Firstly, a processing step creates an ASP program \(\varPi \) starting from the input graphs; then, \(\varPi \) is combined with the ASP encoding reported in Fig. 1, and an ASP solver is invoked on the resulting program. Finally, the output of the ASP solver is processed by a postprocessing part which produces human-readable instructions to make the two graphs isomorphic. In more detail, the ASP program operates on atoms over the predicates \( ver \), \( edge \), and \( map \), as follows. Atoms of the form \( ver \)(\( id \), \( status ,\) \( graph ,\) \( name ,\) \( type ,\) \( parameters ,\) \( changes \)) denote the vertices of the input graphs, where \( id \) is a unique identifier of the vertex, \( status \) denotes if the vertex was in the input graph (\( orig \)) or if it must be added (\( add \)), \( graph \) indicates the graph of the vertex (between \(\mathcal {G}_1\) and \(\mathcal {G}_2\)), \( name \) is the name of the vertex, \( type \) indicates if vertex is a predicate or an operator, \( parameters \) is a string representing the parameters of the predicate, and \( changes \) indicates if (and how) the parameters of the vertex must be changed for a correct match. Atoms of the form \( edge \)(\( status \), \( graph \), \( id\_ver1 \), \( id\_ver2 \), \( type \), \( label \)) denote the edges of the input graphs, where \( status \) and \( graph \) are as the ones of \( ver \), \( id\_ver1 \) and \( id\_ver2 \) are the identifiers of the vertices connected by the edges, \( type \) denotes if the edge is in \(E_{pre}\), \(E_{del}\), or \(E_{add}\), respectively, and \( label \) is the label of the edge. Atoms of the form \( map \)(\( id\_ver1 \),\( id\_ver2 \),\( params1 \),\( params2 \)) denote the mapping from vertices of the different graphs, where \( id\_ver1 \) and \( id\_ver2 \) belong to \(\mathcal {G}_2\) and \(\mathcal {G}_1\), respectively, \( params1 \) and \( params2 \) denote the parameters of the two matched vertices, respectively. The preprocessing step creates the rules:

  1. (1)

    \( ver \)(\( id \), \( orig \), \( gr _i\), \( name \), \( t \), \(`` x_1,\ldots ,x_k \text {''}\),\(`` x_1,\ldots ,x_k \text {''}\)).

    for each vertex \( name (x_1, \ldots , x_k)\) in \(\mathcal {G}_i (i \in \{1,2\})\) representing a vertex of type \( t \), where \( t \) is \( predicate \) or \( operator \), and \( id \) is an identifier of the vertex;

  2. (2)

    \( edge \)(\( orig \), \( gr _i\), \( v_1 \), \( v_2 \), \( x \), \( label \)).

    for each edge \((v_1, v_2)\) in \(E_{ x } (x \in \{ pre , del , add \})\) of the graph \(\mathcal {G}_i (i \in \{1,2\})\), where \( label \) is the label of the edge;

  3. (3)

    \(\{ ver \)(\( id \), \( add \), \( gr _1\), \( name \), \( t \), \(`` x_1,\ldots ,x_k \text {''}\),\(`` x_1,\ldots ,x_k \text {''}\))}.

    for each vertex \(name(x_1, \ldots , x_k)\) in \(\mathcal {G}_2\) of type \( t \) such that there is no vertex \(name(x_1, \ldots , x_k)\) of type \( t \) in \(\mathcal {G}_1\), where \( t \) can be either \( predicate \) or \( operator \);

  4. (4)

    \(\{ ver \)(\( id \),\( orig \),\( gr _1\),\( name \),\( t \),\(`` x_1,\ldots ,x_k \text {''}\),\(`` y_1,\ldots ,y_z \text {''}\))}.

    for each vertex \(name(x_1, \ldots , x_k)\) in \(\mathcal {G}_1\) of type \( t \) and for each vertex \(name(y_1,\ldots ,y_z)\) in \(\mathcal {G}_{2}\) of type \( t \), with the set of the parameters \( x_1,\ldots ,x_k \) different from the set of the parameters \( y_1,\ldots ,y_z \), where \( t \) can be either \( predicate \) or \( operator \).

The program \(\varPi \) produced by the preprocessing is combined with the ASP encoding of Fig. 1, whose behaviour is described in the following. Rules \(r_1\) and \(r_2\) associate each vertex of \(\mathcal {G}_2\) to exactly one vertex of the same type of \(\mathcal {G}_1\). Rule \(r_3\) ensures that the number of vertices of the two graphs are the same. Rules \(r_4\) and \(r_5\) generate missing edges between the vertices after the mapping. Finally, weak constraints \(r_6\), \(r_7\), and \(r_8\) minimise the number of vertices with different parameters, i.e., the number of added vertices, and the number of added edges, respectively. Observe that weak constraints \(r_7\), and \(r_8\) have a higher level than \(r_6\), that is, preserving the same number of vertices and edges has a higher priority than changing the parameters of the vertices.

An ASP solver is then executed on the resulting program, and its output is processed to produce human-readable instructions on how to make the two graphs isomorphic.

Example 3 (Example 2 cont’d). Let \(\mathcal {G}_1\) and \(\mathcal {G}_2\) be the LDMGs of the Logistics domains considered in Example 1 and the “macro” variant with the \( incity \) predicate (see Example 2), respectively. For the sake of compactness, we shorten the name of variables of STRIPS predicates and operators to a single capital letter. Thus, \(\mathcal {G}_2\) consists of the vertices of \(\mathcal {G}_1\) extended with a vertex of the form \( moveload (?P, ?T, ?L1, ?L2, ?C)\). Moreover, \(E^2_{ t } = E^1_{ t } \cup E'_{ t }\) \((t \in \{ pre , del , add \})\), where \(E'_{ pre }\) is

$$ \begin{array}{l} \{( moveload , ?T=?T,?L1=?L, attruck ),\\ ( moveload , ?L1=?L,?C=?C, incity ),\\ ( moveload , ?L2=?L,?C=?C, incity ),\\ ( moveload , ?P=?P,?L1=?L, atpackage )\}\\ \end{array} $$

\(E'_{ add }\) is \(\{( moveload \), \(?T=?T\),\(?L1=?L\), \( atpackage )\), \(( moveload \), \(?P=?P\), \(?T=?T\), \( inpackage )\}\) and \(E'_{ del }\) is \(\{( moveload \), \(?T=?T\), \(?L1=?L\), \( attruck )\), \(( moveload \), \(?P=?P\), \(?L1=?L\), \( atpackage )\}\). Note that rules (1) and (2) produced by the preprocessing step of Algorithm 1 encode the vertices and the edge, for instance \( ver (0, orig , gr_1, load , operator , ``L,P,T'', ``L,P,T'')\) represents the vertex \( load \) of \(\mathcal {G}_1\), where 0 is a unique identifier of the vertex, and \( ``L,P,T\text {''}\) corresponds to the (ordered) parameters. Moreover, there is only one rule of type (3), i.e., \(\{ ver \)(7, \( add \), \(gr_1\), \( moveload \), \( operator \), \( ``C,L,L,P,T\text {''}\), \( ``C,L,L,P,T\text {''}\))\(\}\), since there is only one vertex in \(\mathcal {G}_2\) that is not in \(\mathcal {G}_1\). Finally, an excerpt of the rules of type (4), are the following (where \( or \), \( o \), and \( p \) stand for \( orig \), \( operator \), and \( predicate \), respectively):

$$ \begin{array}{l} \{ ver (0, or , gr_1, load , o ,``L,P,T\text {''}, ``C,L,L,T\text {''})\}.\\ \{ ver (0, or , gr_1, load , o , ``L,P,T\text {''}, ``C,L,L,P,T\text {''})\}.\\ \{ ver (1, or , gr_1, unload , o , ``L,P,T\text {''}, ``C,L,L,T\text {''})\}.\\ \{ ver (1, or , gr_1, unload , o , ``L,P,T\text {''}, ``C,L,L,P,T\text {''})\}.\\ \{ ver (2, or , gr_1, move , o , ``C,L,L,T\text {''}, ``L,P,T\text {''})\}.\\ \{ ver (2, or , gr_1, move , o , ``C,L,L,T\text {''}, ``C,L,L,P,T\text {''})\}.\\ \{ ver (3, or , gr_1, attruck , p , ``L,T\text {''}, ``L,P\text {''})\}.\\ \{ ver (3, or , gr_1, attruck , p , ``L,T\text {''}, ``P,T\text {''})\}.\\ \{ ver (3, or , gr_1, attruck , p , ``L,T\text {''}, ``C,L\text {''})\}.\\ \{ ver (4, or , gr_1, atpackage , p , ``L,P\text {''}, ``L,T\text {''})\}.\\ \{ ver (4, or , gr_1, atpackage , p , ``L,P\text {''}, ``P,T\text {''})\}.\\ \{ ver (4, or , gr_1, atpackage , p , ``L,P\text {''}, ``C,L\text {''})\}.\\ \{ ver (5, or , gr_1, inpackage , p , ``P,T\text {''}, ``L,P\text {''})\}.\\ \{ ver (5, or , gr_1, inpackage , p , ``P,T\text {''}, ``L,T\text {''})\}.\\ \{ ver (5, or , gr_1, inpackage , p , ``P,T\text {''}, ``C,L\text {''})\}.\\ \{ ver (6, or , gr_1, incity , p , ``C,L\text {''}, ``L,P\text {''})\}.\\ \{ ver (6, or , gr_1, incity , p , ``C,L\text {''}, ``L,T\text {''})\}.\\ \{ ver (6, or , gr_1, incity , p , ``C,L\text {''}, ``P,T\text {''})\}.\\ \end{array} $$

The preprocessing step allows generating only the meaningful combinations of vertices and terms in a graph via imperative programming. These combinations are added as choice rules, which can then be utilised by the solver as possible newly added vertices. Without preprocessing, all choice rules for mapping all terms/operator combinations are instead generated, and is left to the solver to derive new vertices by combining original vertices with every choice to potentially change terms. After the preprocessing (line 1 of Algorithm 1), the ASP solver is executed (line 3) on the resulting program extended with \(\varPi '\) (line 2). Then, Algorithm 1 analyses its output (from line 4 on) and produces the following instructions:

  • Add vertex \( moveload \) in \(g_1\).

  • Add \( pre \) edge with label T=T,L1=L from vertex \( moveload \) to vertex \( attruck \) in \(g_1\).

  • Add \( pre \) edge with label L1=L,C=C from vertex \( moveload \) to vertex \( incity \) in \(g_1\).

  • Add \( pre \) edge with label L2=L,C=C from vertex \( moveload \) to vertex \( incity \) in \(g_1\).

  • Add \( pre \) edge with label P=P,L1=L from vertex \( moveload \) to vertex \( atpackage \) in \(g_1\).

  • Add \( add \) edge with label T=T,L1=L from vertex \( moveload \) to vertex \( attruck \) in \(g_1\).

  • Add \( add \) edge with label P=P,T=T from vertex \( moveload \) to vertex \( inpackage \) in \(g_1\).

  • Add \( del \) edge with label T=T,L1=L from vertex \( moveload \) to vertex \( attruck \) in \(g_1\).

  • Add \( del \) edge with label P=P,L1=L from vertex \( moveload \) to vertex \( atpackage \) in \(g_1\).

  • Map vertex \( v \) of \(g_2\) to vertex \( v \) of \(g_1\), where \(v \in \{ load \), \( unload \), \( move \), \( attruck \), \( atpackage \), \( inpackage \), \( incity \), \( moveload \}\).

Finally, note how Algorithm 1 can be easily extended in order to deal with the generation of multiple answer sets, corresponding to minimal sets of changes.

Evaluation. We selected 7 different domain models from well-known international competitions. In particular, we considered the domains of Barman, Blocksworld, (simplified) Logistics, Rovers, Satellite, and Sokoban from various editions of the International Planning Competition (IPC), and the RPG domain from the 2016 International Competition on Knowledge Engineering for Planning and Scheduling (ICKEPS).Footnote 1 The number of operators ranges between 2 and 12, and the number of predicates between 4 and 25. To obtain a different model for each benchmark domain, but RPG, we reformulated the original models by considering a mix of entanglements and macro-actions, and by modifying preconditions and effects of original operators. For the RPG domain, we compared two models crafted by two of the teams that took part in the competition: Such models present significant differences in terms of predicates and operators as they embody very different interpretations of the domain at hand. Details of the LDMGs corresponding to the models are shown in the left part of Table 1. Year indicates when the model was introduced. Finally, to perform a stress test of the proposed approach, we compared models designed for diverse domains too. Table is divided horizontally in two parts: The top part considering cases where a model has been reformulated, while the bottom part focuses on comparing very different models (RPG, Barman vs Logistics, Rovers vs Satellite). We performed experiments on an Intel Core i5-10210U machine with 1.6 GHz, 8 GB of RAM and Linux operating system. Each system run was given an overall memory limit of 6 GB and 5 CPU-time minutes. As ASP system we used the state-of-the-art tool clingo [13], configured with the option –parallel-mode=4, which enables the use of multiple threads (with different solving strategies). We used 4 threads and in our experiments this helps improve the performance of Clingo compared to the default configuration. Moreover, we used the open-source python library pyspel [2] which simplifies the implementation of Algorithm 1. We tested two approaches: The first one is the implementation of Algorithm 1 as described in Sect. 5, and the second one is the same implementation where rules (3) and (4) of the preprocessing (line 1 of Algorithm 1) are produced using plain ASP rules. We preliminary tested, on Logistics and Rover domains, the ability of our solution to compare models that are exactly the same but for the names of the involved operators and predicates, i.e., if they are strongly equivalent. The results indicate that the ASP solution employing preprocessing always identifies the compared graphs as isomorphic, and provides an appropriate mapping between the nodes of the compared LDMGs, in less than 0.5 CPU-time seconds.

Table 1. Size of the generated graphs for each benchmark domain model (Left) and performance of the proposed ASP-based approach without/with preprocessing (Right). Vertices and Edges give information of the size of the graphs to compare, \(\mathcal {G}_1\) is the graph obtained by considering the original domain model, \(\mathcal {G}_2\) is obtained from the reformulated model for all the domains but RPG, where two original models independently crafted are compared. RPG is the only domain presented at ICKEPS, while other domains have been used as IPC benchmarks. Results are presented in terms of seconds needed to enumerate all the optimal solutions, and the number of optimal models (Opt Mod.). Square brackets indicate that the optimal solution was not proved. (# Rules) shows the size of the ASP program.

Then, we move to the general case and the results of the experimental analysis are shown in the right part of Table 1 where, for each domain and tested approach, we report the number of optimal models found, the CPU time, and the number of rules generated by the grounding. Square brackets indicate that an optimal solution has been found in the reported CPU time (checked manually), but has not been proved by clingo. As a first observation, the approach employing preprocessing is extremely fast, since for all the tested benchmarks we are able to find an optimal solution (through not proved) in less than 1 CPU-time second. Instead, plain ASP encoding exceeds the memory limits when executed on large domains (Barman and Rovers) or in the presence of significant difference between the compared domains, showing that preprocessing is indeed necessary in challenging cases. Note that even the mid-size Satellite leads to more than 2 Million rules, whereas the approach using preprocessing produces only around 10 thousands rules. In models where differences are limited, (i.e., modification of 2-3 vertices and a few tens of edges), there is no substantial difference between finding one optimal solution and finding all of them. This result can be explained by the fact that the number of optimal solutions is rather small (maximum 4) and this paves the way for the development of more comparison techniques, e.g., by proposing preferences among the possible solutions.

Turning our attention more on the stress test, it is easy to notice that despite the fact that the optimal solution for models of different domains required over 100 modifications/additional elements (nodes and edges) and for the RPG domain required 4 additional nodes and 78 edges, the proposed solution was able to generate an optimal result in less than 1 CPU-time second. However, differently from the other tests, in these cases the approach was able to generate a single optimal solution and not to enumerate all the optimal ones. On the one hand, this result confirms that ASP is a viable tool to be used; on the other hand, it may suggest that additional optimisation could be beneficial for fully enumerate all optimal cases.

Summarising, the performed experimental analysis indicates that the presented ASP system, enhanced with the preprocessing step, is very efficient in generating optimally minimal sets of modifications that allows to transform a model into the compared one, on the basis of the corresponding LDMGs. Considering that results are generated efficiently, the proposed tool can also be exploited during the domain encoding step, for comparing alternative representations of a domain’s dynamics.

6 Related Work and Discussion

The notion of strong domain model equivalence has been informally introduced in [24]. On a similar note, [25] proposed an automated approach, D-VAL, to check the functional equivalence of two domain models, i.e., their ability to parse the same set of problems. D-VAL focuses on comparing models of the same domain that has been reformulated, to ensure that the reformulation process did not undermine the domain model capabilities. The approach proposed in this paper is more general, and allows to compare even very different models in terms of their corresponding solution spaces, and to obtain a measure of their similarity.

An application-specific investigation of the engineering of different models has been proposed in [23], and ICKEPS introduced metrics to manually compare models [9].

Notably, an approach based on ASP has been proposed also for the MRP in planning [19], while [26] deals with the MRP but specifically defined on two logic programs and their answer sets. Some authors of [26] followed a similar direction in [18], but in the context of (numerical) scheduling and employing clingo-dl language, which is an extension of ASP enriched with a limited form of arithmetic [15].

7 Conclusion

This paper contributes to theory and practice of the problem of comparing planning domain models: We defined the concept of similarity of domain models, which builds on the notion of strong equivalence of domain models, also introduced in the paper. We proposed an approach based on Answer Set Programming for specifying and solving the problem – with particular attention given to the identification of optimal minimal sets of modifications that allows to transform one model into the compared one. Experiments on well-known planning benchmarks of different size show that the approach can find a minimal set of corrections in very short time. Future work will focus on extending the approach to more expressive planning representation languages, such as PDDL+ [12], that can also consider hybrid discrete-continuous numeric changes, and to improve the explanations provided as output.