
1 Introduction

Irrespective of the fact that the yearly release of plastic in the soil is around 4–23 times greater than that discharged in the sea, analysis of oceanic plastic pollution preceded that of the soil contamination by plastics (Wong et al., 2018). There has been an increasing curiosity and concern regarding plastic pollution, as it is revealed that plastics build up and stay in the setting for a few hundred years under low-oxygen and low-light circumstances. Moreover, their integral monomers and oligomers, for instance, styrene and bisphenol A, are noxious since, as the monomers of PVC, they are carcinogenic and endocrine system disrupting (Demello, 2006). Some plasticizers and plastic additives are toxic materials like brominated flame retardants and phthalates (diesters of 1,2–benzenedicarboxylic acid). Both noxious additives and monomers are emancipated in the gradual process of plastic breakdown in soil and may enter the aquatic environs. Additionally, plastic rubble serves as a carrier that absorbs hydrophobic inorganic and organic pollutants in addition to pathogens, which reside in water and soil, consequently escalating the noxiousness of these environments. Nevertheless, their mobility and adsorption characteristics rely on the surface-area-to-volume ratio that is high in MPs and NPs (Echevarria et al., 2016). Amelung and Bläsing studied the techniques for estimating plastics along with their input and fate in the soil, while Horton et al. reevaluated the occurrence, fate, and behavior of MPs in terrestrial environments and freshwater. Given the high ratio of surface area to volume, MPs and NPs are acutely noxious as they may enter in the food chain easily, as they can be consumed by the animals due to their diminutive dimensions (Faivre & Bennet, 2016). Plastic materials are employed as a bulk product of our routine life and economy because of their wide spectrum of favorable characteristics. The deterioration of larger particles of plastic into smaller yet highly persistent ones in the range of nanometer to micrometer intensifies the existing sink issue. Fibers and particles less than five millimeters in size are generally referred to as MPs. Soils have a crucial role in the environment (Freiberg & Zhu, 2004).  The pollutants like MP and NP particles which are presented into the soil can collector be freed from the soil through, for example, deep displacement or erosive processes, and therefore be relocated to other environmental sections like the oceans. Damaging outcomes of MPs on the structure of soil and consecutively on soil water balance, soil life, soil microbiology, and soil chemistry as well as on tissue and root characteristics of the plants are scientifically postulated (Garrigue et al., 2004). NP particles can be picked up by the microorganisms or they attach themselves to the tissue of the root or penetrate it and thus alter the cell structure of the roots of plant. As a consequence, NP particles may enter the human food chain during the harvest of plants which have captivated these particles. Plastic particles of size greater than 10 μm are usually seeped in the soil; petite particles of plastic however possess the capacity to travel within the soil (Guo et al., 2014). Bulkier plastics present in soil will decompose to form MPs and NPs over a period of time by erosion, causing plastics to become more susceptible to subsurface transportation. Furthermore, interactions with suspended organic particles and microorganisms may provide MPs and NPs more hydrophilic, thus enabling subsurface transportation. Moreover, soil creatures may relocate plastic particles by the process of bioturbation, and plastic may influence the soil hydraulic characteristics themselves (Handy et al., 2008). Even though many former kinds of research have concentrated on the transfer of immaculate plastic particles, emphasis must be on environmentally pertinent plastics, because of the intricacies of uneven shape, heterogeneous surface properties and polydisperse size, and also the progressive variations of these characteristics instigated by continued environmental amendments (Castelli & Sulis, 2017). The fragmentation and surface crumbling of plastics by the virtue of weathering and human degradative activities create both MPs and NPs, whose size relies on the surface heterogeneity besides layer thickness (Heinze, 2019). The bare groups of chemicals bind the exogenic chemicals by mechanical modification, along with an effect on the rate of plastic degradation. Conclusively, the development of potentially damaging MPs and NPs causes abiotic hydrolysis which may take place in the course of gradual mineralization of biodegradable plastics (Bahadar et al., 2016).

1.1 Soil Pollution by Microplastics and Nanoplastics: A Global Scenario

The agglomeration of mismanaged plastic waste (MPW) in the atmosphere is a growing universal concern. Recognizing accurately where clutters are engendered is central for focusing critical vicinities for the administration of improved ment policies (Gautam et al., 2020). In 2005, MPW ranging in between 60 and 99 million metric tons (Mt) was generated globally. The MPW load is expected to remain unduly soaring in Asian and African continents in the coming years also. Commercial manufacture of plastics which initiated around the 1950s has witnessed exceptional progress, to reach the current global annual production of 330 million metric tons (Mt) for the year 2016. At the current growth rate, plastic manufacturing is expected to twofolding coming 20 years. The projected rise in plastic use in the future will result in a concomitant augmentation of post-consumer plastic waste. For example, the global urban population is approximated to generate solid waste >6 Mt on daily basis. Even with the current use of about 10% of the plastic in solid waste pill, this represents more than 200 Mt of plastic waste, which is the absolute plastic manufacture in 2002 globally (Jones et al., 2008). The unpromisingly slow escalation in recycling rates and the increased likelihood of single use products both aggravate this situation. The forthcoming rise in the production of plastic waste at the regional or even national level is spatially heterogeneous (Acharya et al., 2010a). Coastal communities in these localities will create a lopsided burden of environmental plastic waste. Understanding these spatial variations in the plastic incursion into the environment demands the creation of high-resolution maps of global plastic consumption (Liu et al., 2015) which would indicate geographical bias in future trends of plastic waste. Microplastics or tiny fragments are pervasive in soil, lakes, rivers, and also the oceans. Soil can receive microplastics and nanoplastics from a variety of daily activities of humans as well as natural means. The major sources include agricultural procedures like mulching, the use of plastic-containing soil conditioners, and irrigation using water polluted with plastic. Other sources include cluttering on roadsides and tracks, unlawful discarding of wastes, and road spillages (Huerta Lwanga et al., 2016). Natural sources include atmospheric influx and inundation from lake water and river water. (Navarro et al., 2008). The soil contamination naturally caused by undating polluted water bodies was estimated to be 0.82–4.42 plastic fragments per cubic meter. Till now there is no proper estimation methods of soil pollution is caused by NPs and also no techniques for their identification of NPs in the soil owing to their size have been identified. Thus, these days such pollution serves as an obscure and unidentified ecological biohazard (Howdle et al., 2001). Majority of the 300 million tons of plastic manufactured each year is discharged into the atmosphere, while soil behaves like a continuing sink for that waste. The future of microplastics and nanoplastics in the soil is largely governed by the material characteristics of the plastic, while their chemical structures have negligible effect. The process of decomposition of plastics, known as aging, can stimulate significant alterations on their physical and chemical properties that have pertinent results on their activity (Rawat et al., 2011), besides the generation of micro- and nano-sized debris. In addition, these processes may perhaps instigate the emission of poisonous monomeric as well as oligomeric components from the plastics and also harmful additives that might enter in the food chain, posing a potential threat to the health of humans and possibly concerning the flora and fauna. The list of bacteria, fungi, and insects that inhabits and eats plastic in the soil is expanded daily (Hwisa et al., 2013). One of the most important ecological functions that can be attributed to microplastics is linked to their role as a vector of microbes within soil. Nevertheless, the major environmental influence of nanoplastics depends on their competence for crossing prokaryotic as well as the eukaryotic cell membrane. Soil organisms, predominantly ground worms and collembolan (Sigmund et al., 2006), can be carriers of microplastics and nanoplastics across soil. However, the annual release of the plastic in the soil estimates around 4–23 times the amount released in water bodies; the research on oceanic plastic effluence preceded that of soil contamination. Interest and consternation about plastic pollution have increased, as plastic was proclaimed to accrue and persevere in nature for a few hundred years in dim light and low oxygen conditions. Furthermore, their integrant monomers and oligomers, styrene and bisphenol A (Wan et al., 2009), are noxious as like the monomer units of polyvinyl chloride, these are carcinogenic and also disturbing for the endocrine system. Some plastic accompaniments and plasticizers are toxicants, for example, phthalates and bromine flame inhibitors. Both poisonous accompaniments and monomers are emancipated in the course of the gradual disintegration of plastic in soil and could enter the water habitats via leaching. In addition, plastic rubbles act as transporters that pick up hydrophobic pollutants and pathogens, thereby augmenting ecological deadliness. Howbeit, the properties like surface adhesion and kinesis rely on the ratio of their surface area to the volume that is higher for microplastics and nanoplastics (Kapoor et al., 2015). Regardless of the fact that chemical composition is varied in plastics, its nature in soil is largely dependent on its physical characteristics. Amorphous plastic particles have higher reactivity than the crystalline ones, which may be because of the greater pore dimensions and more chemical adsorption that could improve deterioration as well as the genesis of supplementary secondary microplastics and nanoplastics (Kestens et al., 2016). As already mentioned, microplastics and nanoplastics vary in size and hence the ratio of their surface area to volume, with microplastics possessing a greater chemical activity and kinesis than that of microplastics in addition to varying colloidal properties. Colloidal characteristic affects steady or unsteady hetero-accumulation of nanoplastics that also rely on pH value and ionic force of the solution and therefore on organic matter content as well as soil mineral composition (Möller et al., 1994). Ecological-corona or eco-corona or the microenvironment of the plastics’ surface area leads to an organic surface layer called corona that alters the properties of plastics and also their interaction with soil constituents and living organisms. Furthermore, the components of the ecological-corona plastic film may be degraded by the organisms. Ecological-corona could be pliable or firm, based on its affinity for getting adsorbed to the intended molecule. The hard ecological-corona possesses a higher affinity for binding, slow exchange time, and extended residence period and might cause substantial structural alterations in existing contaminating particles (Khlebtsov & Dykman, 2010). Soft eco-coronas, on the other hand, are composed of layers of exogenous molecules that are loosely bound and rapidly exchangeable, resulting in a small level of structural changes. Microplastics exist in the environment as spheres or microbeads, fibers, granules, and fragments, whereas due to the methodological issues related to the detection and characterization of nanoplastics, their shapes are relatively unknown in the environment. Microplastic dissemination from the dumping ground to the surrounding soil can be caused by wind, storms, and water disasters (Qi et al., 2016). The operations underlying degradative procedures that produce secondary microplastics in dumping ground rely on the plastic locale. The high adsorption and scattering of UV radiations cause tainting of those particles that are located on the surface level; however, those stationed in more profound landfill layers are debased by leached acidity and chemical activity of the molecules extant in concerning layers. The European Commission has suggested eradicating plastics in the landfills by the year 2025 (Kosmala et al., 2011). The annual estimate of MPs appended to farmlands in North America and Europe are 44 thousand to 300 thousand and 63 thousand 430 thousand tons, respectively, either via the usage of waste procured from processed biosolids or the direct administration of sewage sludge. The main vectors for MPs are represented by the wastewaters from treatment plants, derived from landfills, industry, stormwater, and domestic wastewater. Therefore, these wastewaters ought to be purified before being utilized to water farming land. The productivity of those cycles is determined by the employed technological advancement, whereas plastics’ threshold aggregation is set up by law controlling the biosolid utilization and wastewaters on farming grounds (Shaalan et al., 2016). At present time, no policy has been designed in Europe to ward off microplastics and nanoplastics from polluting the environment. The efficiency to adequately oust microplastics from water is reliant upon the size, as elimination efficacy lessens with particle size. After the wastewater treatment, a significant part of the eliminated microplastics get collected in the sewage sludge; henceforth, utilizing it as fertilizer may acquaint soil with microplastics (Watson et al., 2007). Present-day technologies may decrease the concentration of plastic in sewage slop while keeping other nutrients in it intact. An all-inclusive information set of municipality-level trash production records for several nations is presently unavailable. Increased migration into metropolitan areas is an important trend that would likely aggravate evolving hot-spots, thus making use of high-resolution population density along with divisions of GDP to demonstrate the information of waste in a precise geographical network (Zhang et al., 2012). The employment of both of these markers allows to denote plastic trash production proximate to vast metropolitan regions as well as to probably anticipate the probable aggregation around key carriage axes like roadways and rail routes that might not be delineated by municipality-level records.

A study conducted in 2019 calculated the mismanaged plastic waste per year in million metric tons (Mt):

  • New Zealand, Australia, etc. – 0.1 Mt

  • US & Canada – 0.3 Mt

  • Europe – 3.3 Mt

  • Latin America and the Caribbean – 7.9 Mt

  • Africa – 17 Mt

  • Asia – 52 Mt

Top 12 mismanaged plastic waste polluters are China, 27.7%; Indonesia, 10.1%; the Philippines, 5.9%,;Vietnam, 5.8%; Sri Lanka, 5.0%; Thailand, 3.2%; Egypt, 3.0%; Malaysia, 2.9%; Nigeria, 2.7%; Bangladesh, 2.5%; South Africa, 2.0%; India, 1.9%; and the rest of the world, 27.3% (as shown in Fig. 2.1).

Fig. 2.1
A pie-chart presents the 12 mismanaged plastic waste polluters globally. China is the main lead followed by the rest of the world, Indonesia, etcetera.

Mismanaged plastic waste polluter

1.2 Transport of Micro- and Nanoplastics

Due to the huge wealth of information available on the movement of microplastics and nanoplastics a porous media, these particles are commonly employed as prototypical colloids to assess simple percolation and shipping mechanisms. Researchers have employed immaculate spherical polystyrene particles, explicitly primary microplastics and nanoplastics, having varied dimensions and surface qualities, as well as glass beads or sand as porous medium, in the majority of experiments. These well-controlled researches laid the groundwork for the development of particle-collector interaction theories, which were then confirmed using microscopic imaging, verified in soil columns and on-site field experiments (Jordan et al., 2010). More recent experiments have used sophisticated non-spherical polystyrene units to test the influence of the shape of particle on conveyance. Microplastics and nanoplastics are also being utilized as tracers in soils and sediments to assess their transport paths and distances. Under conductive conditions, the attachment takes place in the primary energy minimum, while when the conditions are adverse, the attachment takes place largely in the secondary energy minimum (Lee et al., 2013). The adhesion of element particles on the solid-water interface is enhanced by the surface heterogeneity of the particles and collectors and it may head to the addition in primary energy minimum under adverse conditions of attachment also. The buildup of particles on solid-water interface can increase or decrease the adhesion due to ripening or blocking. Even the physical factors influence the transit of plastic fragments (Koushik & Kompella, 2004). Wedging and straining of pores capture colloidal-sized and bigger particles in tiny pores of the porous media (Table 2.1). For colloid-sized particles, reduced repulsive interfacial interactions ameliorate their pore straining and wedging. Size exclusion accounts for the prompt influx of those particles in the effluent as contrasted to conventional tracers. The air-water interface in unsaturated porous media which provides a supplementary attachment locus for colloidal-sized microplastics and nanoplastics (Li et al., 2016). Particles can adhere to water-air interfaces directly via hydrophobic contacts and can even breach the water-air interface and are then pinned to the interface by capillary forces. In addition, wedging and straining are accentuated, and slim water film straining becomes effective.

Table 2.1 Transport of micro- and nanoplastics by soil fauna

1.3 Sources of Soil Contamination

Soils can obtain microplastics and nanoplastics as a result of several of natural processes and human activities. Farming practices like mulching of plastic, employment of plastic-containing soil enhancers, and irrigation with wastewaters contaminated with plastic represent key human sources (Millstone et al., 2010). Further anthropogenic sources include landfills, illegal waste dumping, littering along streets and trails, and road overspill. Natural supplies are characterized by flooding with river or lake water and atmospheric inputs. The average soil contamination induced by overflowing of river and lake water is estimated to be 0.82–4.42 plastic particles per cubic meter. Lastly, because of their tiny size, there are no approaches for detecting nanoplastic pollution in soil; hence there are no estimates of nanoplastic pollution in soil. Thus, this pollution nowadays represents an unknown and hidden environmental biohazard (Lu et al., 2014).

1.3.1 Landfills

Microplastic dispersion from landfills of the surrounding soils can be caused by wind, storms, and droughts. The procedures underlying indiscriminate degradative processes which produce consequent micro plastics in dumping grounds are based on plastics’ locale. The high adsorption and scattering of UV radiations cause tainting of those particles that are located on the surface level (Cao, 2002); however, those stationed in more profound landfill layers are debased by leached acidity in concerning layers. Chemicals discharged from the breakdown of plastic might scatter in the environment, and their circulations rely on the size of the pore of plastic and molecular size of additives (Mazurais et al., 2015).

1.3.2 Floods, Rise Up of Salt Water in Coastal Soil, and Aeolian Transport

Approximately 80% plastic debris in water bodies are emanated by land sources, primarily via soil erosion and leaching. Coastal regions are susceptible to plastic pollution caused by human activities in addition to the pollution from the sea (Martis et al., 2012). In case of seawater debasing the groundwater, a pertinent cause of microplastics and nanoplastics in it, the farming soil along the coastal regions would be inundated by salt water. As evidenced from the occurrence of microplastics in Swiss floodplain soil stationed away from metropolitan regions, aeolian transit represents a primary use of plastics.

1.3.3 Soil Fertilized with Sewage Sludge or Irrigated with Wastewater

Wastewater from treatment plants embodies key carriers for microplastics originating from landfill, industries, stormwater, and household water. Therefore, these wastewaters must be purified before being used to irrigate farming land. Efficacy of those procedures relies upon the used technology, while the maximum amount of plastic content is determined by legislature administering the usage of biosolids as well as wastewaters to agronomic fields (Oprea et al., 2015). No specialized strategy has been intended to ward off the ecological effluence caused by microplastics and nanoplastics, as of now. Since elimination effectiveness lowers as the size of the object enlarges, the efficient reduction of microplastics from watercourses is proportional to the size of the object. The efficiency to adequately oust microplastics from water is reliant upon the size, as exclusion efficacy lessons in accordance with the particle size plus it is less for tinier particles (Mabena et al., 2011). After the wastewater treatment, a significant part of the eliminated microplastics get collected in the sewage sludge; henceforth, utilizing wastewater for irrigation or sludge as a soil fertilizer may lead to the introduction of microplastics in soil and later into water bodies.

1.3.4 Soil Under Plastic Mulching

Mulching of plastic is a ubiquitous agronomic procedure that regulates the temperature of soil, improves the efficiency of water usage, and controls pathogens to ameliorate crop quality and yield. Globally, the surface area masked by this practice is anticipated to increase 5.7% each year (Manucci & Franchini, 2017). PVC and low-density polystyrene are the most commonly used polymers, given their expensive rates. Mulching operations create plastic waste and liberate toxic compounds such as phthalates. Both additives and microplastics have the potential to enter the food chain through the contaminated soil and hence pose serious health hazards to humans (Mansha et al., 2017). The use of bioplastics and biodegradable plastics can help mitigate the environmental risks associated with mulching of plastic, although their application is restricted because of the expensive price.

1.4 Fate of Microplastics and Nanoplastics in Soil

Plastic detrition in topsoil essentially relies upon plastic’s physicochemical characteristics, type of soil, presence of a functioning microbial community, and ecological conditions (Mashaghi et al., 2013). For instance, weathering forces and exposure to UV radiation speed up plastic composition that is greater in clayey soil as compared to sandy soil, which could be an effect of dissimilarities in microbial action of two soils. Biodegradation of plastics occurs in two stages in soil: surface decomposition of polymer is trailed by decomposition of particles deriving from the initial stage (Park et al., 2014). The early plastic biodegradation rate relies upon the accessible surface area of plastics and is represented as a dense growth of mycelia on plastic’s surface in addition to the development of bacterial biofilms. A few microorganisms residing in the soil can partially or wholly debase engineered plastics by co-metabolism as the key degradative pathway. Nutrient accessibility is not significantly restricting as pectin plastic decomposition in soil; however, the detrition of microplastics and nanoplastics relies upon hetero- as well as auto-accumulation, henceforth on surface hydrophobicity (Leon et al., 2015), as recounted in water bodies. As previously stated, even decomposition of additional carbon-based substances may take place in the course of plastic degradation, initiating the creation of tiny fragments which may blow out in ecosystem. Ecological-corona can pick up bacteria which colonize the outside surface of plastics. As a matter of fact, the instance of impurities adsorbed on the surface of plastic and metagenomic investigations of surface colonizers may give rise to unique microorganisms that degrade pollutants. Coming investigation making use of amplicon as well metagenome sequencing might offer discernments on the occurrence of decomposers of plastics in soil (Rochman et al., 2014). The fate and impacts of microplastics and nanoplastics in soil rely upon ecological-corona characteristics that, for instance, may influence the interaction of plastics with carbon-based substance in addition to mud minerals, and plastic consumption and noxiousness by soil eaters, like annelids. Moreover, it’s imperative to have understanding on:

  1. (a)

    Adsorption of significant biomolecules, like root exudates, deoxyribonucleic acid, enzymes, etc. on the surface of microplastics and the impacts they show on ecological-corona characteristics.

  2. (b)

    How various properties of ecological-corona influence environmental conduct of microplastics and nanoplastics, that is, their interactivity with the constituents of soil, therefore on the mobility, endurance, toxicity, and biological availability (Mueller & Nowack, 2008). As it is related to the interfaces of microplastics and nanoplastics with surface-receptive soil units, for example, soil organic matter (SOM) and clays, soil pH of soil may influence the charge of the surface of those plastics, excluding the ones distinguished by hydrophobic surfaces (Siepmann et al., 2004) that do not have any charge. In untouched environmental soils, descending travel of microplastic is sought to be preferred by the incidence of preferential path flows as well as macro-pores, like cracks and bio-pores, and restricted by microporosity through microplastic buildup on soil top deposit. Of course, soil plastic mobility additionally relies on clay minerals and dissolved organic matter since particles of plastic may combine to those components of soil, as debated underneath. Also, capillary percolation or transport of microplastics and nanoplastics might take place via soil, as it happens for the compounds to higher molecular weight (Holzinger et al., 2014); however, this must be experimentally demonstrated. Siegfried et al. and Nizzetto et al. developed model frameworks for the transit of microplastics by draining and erosion of soil to measure the microplastic division in terrestrial as well as aquatic settings. Lack of investigational records, however, implied that the precision of suggested prototypes cannot be substantiated (Nagarajan et al., 2014). Tillage exercises have a positive impact on the surface soil porosity and accumulation, consequently further developing percolation. Scientists have detected a great measure of plastic wastes correlated with 72% accumulates in addition to the occurrence of the fibers of microplastics in microaggregates of modified soil. Plastic waste incorporation in aggregates may advance their buildup. This might influence accumulated incomings as well as an exchange of biological components residing in accumulates along with soil components (Kappos et al., 2004). The end product relies upon the kind of microplastics as, for instance, polypropylene and polyethylene augmented cluster development. Thus, microplastics may influence the structure of soil and hence its function. Nevertheless, tilling might even restrict microplastic and nanoplastic portability in top soil because of the development of plough pan, which may augment the plastic intensity in top soil layers. The analysis of plastic waste present in the river sediments along with the soil overflowed by these ashore might offer understandings on plastic waste movement as well as its destiny in that soil (Yuan et al., 2015). The accumulation of microplastics from water tanks on the deposits is delayed because of small solidity of microplastics, yet the rate of accumulation grows with hetero-accretion of microplastics by particulate inorganic and organic substance because of the heightened solidity of those hetero-particles in comparison with distinct fragments.

1.5 Impacts of Microplastics and Nanoplastics on the Properties of Soil

1.5.1 Physical-Chemical Properties of Soil

Manifestation of soil microplastics and nanoplastics may modify physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of the soil and alter the approximation of carbon segregation in soil (Nixon et al., 2010). Plastics affect the soil aggregate formation and also the properties of humic acid. Certainly, some researchers perceived that plastic granule appendage augmented overall biological carbon matter of soil because the recent techniques applied for reckoning soil biological carbon additionally govern the imperceptible microplastics portion of soil accumulates (Thote & Gupta, 2005). Consequently, Rillig suggested reconsidering the “true” soil repository of carbon in soil polluted with plastics. Effects of microplastics exhibiting various shapes; densities and chemical composition, on water holding capacity; bulk density; microbial activities; and water-stable aggregates of the soil, were studied by De Souza Machado et al. It leads to the inference that microplastic can presumably initiate working modifications in the soil which are tough to anticipate because of the intricacy of soil structure (Nikalje, 2015).

1.5.2 Active Extracellular Molecules of Soil

Decay of extreme molecular-weight natural polymers is caused by the activities of extracellular enzymes and thus plays an important role in soil functioning (Wang et al., 2013). Hydrophobic microplastics and nanoplastics adsorb extracellular enzymes which may extend the enzyme’s half-life attributable to the shield counter to proteolysis and decline in thermal denaturation. Frang et al. suggested that after 28 days of incubation, polystyrene nanoplastics reduced the extracellular enzyme activity of soil. The genesis of the enzyme activity, however, is ambiguous. The measurement carried out by a few scientists can be both from extracellular and intracellular enzymes. Moreover, an unconstructive effect of polystyrene nanoplastics was perceived on microbial biomass. Howbeit, this impact would not endure when their clusters are formed.

1.5.3 Soil Microbial Community

Due to methodological issues, the transfer of invasive microbial entities using plastic trash, particularly the function of microplastics in the transportation of microbes, is inadequately recognized. According to Sanna et al. (2015) pesticides could migrate via soil structure with microplastics. Concerns about such cases would spur upcoming studies to better realize the task of microplastics as vectors to contaminants as well as other impurities (Sanna et al., 2015). Microplastics can influence several microbial properties; for instance, bacteria associated with microplastics exhibited greater rates of plasmid transfer as compared with free-living bacteria. As the community of bacteria that lives in a biofilm can develop a vast range of resistance against antibiotics, it’s plausible to believe them to develop resistance to a wide range of antibiotics. DNA transmission in the biofilm may occur through both conjugation and transformation. Nanoplastics can easily infiltrate lipid membranes in cells, influencing the functionality of cells (Fang et al., 2013). Microorganisms, on the other hand, can prevent NPs from entering into the cells by employing various self-protective mechanisms, like changes in cellular membrane structure, the secretion of contaminants-neutralizing molecules, and obstructions imposed by any kind of biofilm matrix or bacterial cell walls.

1.5.4 Soil Fauna

Soil biota, predominantly the collembolan and annelids, may absorb both microplastics and nanoplastics, hence transporting those across soil settings, as earthworms are mostly efficient due to great soil filtering ability (Wang et al., 2015). Given their abundance, which ranges between 10 thousand and 100 thousand individuals per square meters of the soil in the top 10 cm of soil setting, the outcome of collembolan on microplastics and nanoplastics movement in soil is significant. Nevertheless, the impact of more naturally viable biota of soil, for instance protists, which are primary soil bacteria consumers, remains unknown. These organisms can be the important carriers for microplastic delivery in the food chain in soil. Protists may differentiate among various bacteria types other than in between bacterial cells and latex microplastic spheres. The rate of microplastic absorption and incorporation by protists is determined by species, their age, nutritional state, and the concentration of microplastics (Dreaden et al., 2012). Feeders of plastic appear to favor older microplastics due to microorganism’s residence in them. The  feeders take up evenly shaped microplastics more readily in comparison to the uneven ones. Consumption of microplastics and nanoplastics by the fauna of soil may alter the constitution of microflora in collembolan gut as well as the oligochaete Enchytraeus crypticus.

1.5.5 Pedogenesis of Soil

An interesting element discussed in the above-stated consequence of microplastics and nanoplastics on soil characteristics, resulting from their protracted period of habitation along with strong reactivity, relates with their potential impacts on pedological developments of soil. Incidence of microplastics and nanoplastics as distinguishing features in classifying top soil along with the soil of subsurface layers may be conceivably postulated (Torchynska et al., 2016). Furthermore, how this waste could alter the pedological processes is still a point of discussion. This prospect is distinguished as well as the herald of exciting advancements. It is critical to contemplate newly found pyroplastics, which are derived from the widely used technique of blazing trash. These types of plastics may become a part of the geological cycle of soil, due to their resistance to degradation (Reiss & Hutten, 2005).

1.5.6 Plants

Plastic pollution in the soil may have both indirect and direct impacts on grown flora by the virtue of root absorption or consequences of biological and physicochemical properties of soil; correspondingly about the straight consequences, there has been a rise in the total of indications of microplastic and nanoplastic pollution in flora in the previous 2 years; metabolism of contaminants in plants or storing of resistant impurities might be the primary cause of concern (Hajipour et al., 2012). The physiological and anatomical properties of the plants, the properties of plastics, and environmental conditions impacting surface chemistry and behavior altogether influence the absorption of MPs and NPs by plants. The key issues to consider when discussing microplastics’ and nanoplastics ‘secondary impacts on farmed plants are their pollutant adsorption and diffusion, influences on the structure of the soil, soil microbial community, immobilization of nutrients, root symbionts, as well as root-associated microbiome (Rillig et al., 2017).

1.6 Agricultural Soils

The microplastics and nanoplastics are released by various polluters from a variety of materials. Therefore, the particles differ in their physicochemical properties as well as in their life cycle and consequences on organisms and environmental systems (Rogozea et al., 2016). Agricultural production is also conflicted when it comes to the subject of microplastic and nanoplastic pollution problem. This plastic is released into agricultural soils from littering and tire wear by runoff and aerial dispersal. Compost and sewage sludge contaminated with microplastics and nanoplastics are used in agriculture as fertilizers. As a result, agricultural soils serve as sinks for microplastic particles, which may have harmful impacts on the organisms and soil structure (Zhu et al., 2018). Moreover, soils polluted with microplastics and nanoplastics are in danger from unknown adulterants in plastic fragments. Changing the biophysicochemical properties of soil may influence its ecology and efficacy. During the application of plastic film, secondary microplastic is accidentally discharged into the environment through the fragmentation process. Also, microplastics are released from agricultural soil into other environmental systems. Henceforth, the agriculture industry also contributes to pollution. Microplastic and nanoplastic particles are potentially transported into surface and ground water bodies and drainage by leaching via tiles and soil pores (Ullah et al., 2017). Microplastics are transported into surface water as well as other environmental systems by soil erosion caused by wind or water. Agricultural production necessitates the use of natural resources, which has both constructive and destructive effects. Society, on one hand, associates agricultural output with environmental services. While on other hand, society blames the agriculture industry for adverse environmental effects. Intensive agricultural practice generates a variety of pollutants and negative environmental repercussions (Gore et al., 2016). Microplastic as a pollutant is not the only challenging problem due to the number of polluters and victims. The partially known attributes and the presumed characteristics (but not verified with evidence) are comparable to the properties of finer recognized pollutants. Because of a number of properties of microplastics and nanoplastics, it is challenging to comprehend the fate and effect of this pollutant. For instance, nitrate is a water-soluble material that enters the land and surface water bodies via runoff and leaching. Phosphate is linked to the particles of soil and is so transferred into surface waters through soil erosion. The amount of leaching into the ground water body is comparatively negligible. The transport of microplastics into groundwater is yet to be proved (Saud et al., 2012).

1.6.1 Reduction of the Input of Microplastic and Nanoplastic in Agricultural Soils

The reduction or elimination of microplastics and nanoplastics in soils, particularly agricultural land, is critical to minimize contamination of the food chain and other ecosystems, including humans. Plastic content in waters, composts, and wastewater sludge should be reduced through the use of procedures (Sikora et al., 2016). Also significant is the promotion of the use of degradable plastics, for instance, bioplastic or biodegradable plastic for mulching like poly-(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate) for mulching. Disposable and bio-based plastics are becoming increasingly popular.

Bio-Based and Biodegradable Plastics

Bioplastics are partly or wholly perishable materials may be classified into three types, namely, synthetic, partially biological, and completely biological. Polycaprolactone and poly(butyl adipate-co-terephthalate) are the chief biodegradable synthetic plastics whose acyclic molecular component is liable for their compostability (Barrow, 2004). Conversely, bio-based plastics are basically composed of polylactic acid, poly hydroxyl alkanoic acids, PBS-co-adipate, and poly-butylene succinate. There are numerous applications for these plastics, including the replacement of traditional ones in the agricultural and medical industries, as well as in the milk industry. Actinomycetes, bacteria, and fungi may destroy both synthetics and natural plastic, and they do so by causing alterations in the physical and chemical characteristics of the substances. For the most part, biodegradation occurs under aerobic conditions, although it can also occur under anaerobic environments in sediments and landfills, as well as under partial oxygen concentration in soils and compost (Thomas et al., 2015). The chemical composition of bioplastics and the bacterial biomass available in the soils govern the rate at which bioplastics degrade, but not the biodiversity of bacteria. The rate of microbial degradation rises with the surge in surface-area-to-volume ratio, enhancing the consumption of water and oxygen, along with the stimulation of hydrolytic and oxidative processes. Generally, biodegradable products are more costly than non-perishable products, but the prolonged consequences of their non-usage, like environment affluence and greater landfills exploitation, lay the amount into a prospect. Additionally, the utmost appropriate resolution is not based merely on the properties of plastics but even on their amount in the marketplace, the collection presented, and the ground work processing (Tratnyek & Johnson, 2006). Howbeit, it is imperative that existing industries must be restructured in place to enable the production and maintenance of biodegradable plastics as well as their emissions.

Cleanup and Bioremediation Technology Development

A fascinating and potentially effective technique for lowering soil contamination of microplastics and nanoplastics includes the augmentation of on-site abasement by boosting engagement of soil organisms, such as fungus, bacterium, as well as other microorganisms (Huerta Lwanga et al., 2017). Enterococcus sp., Alcaligenes sp., Corynebacterium sedlakii, Citrobacter sedlakii, and Brevundimonas diminuta were identified and proven to be proficient in the degradation of polystyrene and also microelectronic plastics that contain antimony trioxide and decabromodiphenyl oxide. Muenmee et al. examined the bioremediation of discarded plastic products by carrying out a lysimeter experiment. Pre-aged UV light plastics and in sanitary steadied carbon-based trash taken from uncovered landfills were combined by them. Heterotrophs, autotrophs, and methanotrophs were shown to be the predominant detritivores of plastic pollution in a bacterium community that was identified in plastic waste (Acharya et al., 2010a, b). Screening of plastic decomposing organisms from several discarded soils underlined that the plastics had been completely digested by Bacillus species, Aspergillus species, Streptococcus species, and two Fusarium species. Contemplating that the biodecomposition of plastics occurs on the surface, it’s rational to postulate that the efficacy of biodegradation might be governed by the ratio of surface area to volume of plastic waste (Della Porta et al., 2013; Demello, 2006). Howbeit, the disintegration rate of polymers can also be influenced by a wide range of physical properties like crystallinity, glass transition point, melting point, and modulus of storage as well as by chemical nature of polymers, activity of the microbial degraders, and environmental conditions. Moreover, degradation of microplastics and nanoplastics happens in hot spots, like the gut of worms, where the quantity and activity of microbial decomposers are greater than in other sites. Bacteria discovered in the gut of mealworms may disintegrate plastics, and the wax moth larvae and bacteria Ideonella sakaiensis 201-F6 may degrade polyethylene and polyethylene terephthalate, respectively (Wilson & Suh, 1997). Lysinibacillus, Bacillus sp. T2, and other gut bacteria have been found to help termites chew and eat plastics indirectly way. Carbon-based compounds may escalate the speed of biodegradation of plastics. Usually, the end products of plastic decomposition formed through hydroxylation and/or carboxylation are organic compounds having small molecular mass that can be biodegraded easily as an outcome of plastic rubbles elimination in setting. There are, however, certain exceptions to this rule.

1.7 Urban Soil

Soil constitutes a combination of a number of liquids, gases, minerals, and carbon-based materials capable of supporting natural life. Soil is a channel for a variety of functions, including carbon sequestration, biogeochemical cycling, and promotion of biodiversity (Yu et al., 2013). Soil serves as a prospective ecological reservoir of microplastics and may instigate a number of land-dwelling problems. Microplastics are capable of making their way amidst waterways via soil. For instance, numerous coastal areas as well as beaches are being exploited as landfills, and also uprising oceanic levels ensue the wearing away. As a result, microplastics in coastal landfills are expected influence waterways. The world’s urban landfills, which are used to dispose of garbage, can retain 21–42% of plastic trash produced around the globe (Zhang et al., 2012). Hence, trash disposal at landfills, agricultural technology development, and industrial manufacturing are all linked with the emancipation of primary as well as secondary microplastics that eventually enter the earthly situation via physical drift and energy drift. Given their absorption ability, microplastics does not merely filtrate the soil; rather they take up natural contaminants, and they also function like a catalytic agent to integrate heavy metal availability in the soil. Consequently, the microplastics collected in soil in a greater amount may be consumed by the biological entities residing in soil. Physical plus chemical characteristics of microplastics and nanoplastics make them further more harmful for the environment than bigger plastic wastes. Therefore, the physical and chemical properties of the soil can be changed that may present a negative influence on biological diversity and also different soil procedures as breakdown fashion of carbon-based substance (Draheim et al., 2015). Key cause of microplastic and nanoplastic pollution is wearing of tire as it is very copious as compared to another type of plastic units. Demolition of those plastic fragments causes the creation of fragments along with fibers. Primary microplastics have the potential to alter terrestrial ecosystems by entering the environment. Machado et al. visibly indicated that microplastics and nanoplastics may alter the characteristics of the soil and their effect on the plant performance. According to He et al., microplastics were discovered in several soil samples of landfill with 99.36% of microplastics originating from landfill plastic trash fragmentation (Gross et al., 2016). The process of degradation of plastic relies on several factors like the type of polymer and its age as well as some environmental processes including acidity, alkalinity, weathering processes, and temperature. Plastic sources in catchments subjected to significant anthropogenic influences, particularly urban soil regions, should be given special consideration. Only main plastics and microplastics should be allowed to enter the city, which can be termed as a closed system. During their life span, the produced secondary plastics and MPs may make their way into the three elements of environment: atmosphere, soil, and water. Plastic pollution in the atmosphere can come from particle resuspension, industrial emissions, and other anthropogenic sources such as buildings, urban infrastructure, traffic, etc. Plastics can also enter the aquatic element due to negligent conduct or the urban water system, whether “combined” or “separate.” Conclusively, because wastewater treatment sludge, which may comprise plastics, is frequently used on agricultural lands, the soil element is also at a risk of contamination (Falco et al., 2012). Furthermore, plastic particle fallout in the atmosphere may also lead to soil pollution. Almost everything is obscure about the behavior of plastics in these elements and the dynamics between or within them, so as the first step, it was chosen to focus on the channels interacting directly with the collecting water system, namely:

  1. (a)

    MPs released into the water bodies from urban water system, particularly from the wastewater treatment plants (Fig. 2.2)

  2. (b)

    MPs arising from the atmosphere

Fig. 2.2
An illustration presents the atmospheric fallout. It includes landfills, industrial sectors, water treatment plants, Agro-Systems, and few others. Their cumulative impact leads to river traffic and the discharge of plastics, and microplastics into the marine environment.

MPs released into the water bodies from urban water system

1.8 Other Soils

1.8.1 Domestic Soil

The varieties of MPs and NPs identified with higher affluence in domestic land include polystyrene (PS), polyethylene (PE), polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polypropylene (PP), polyamide (PA), polyethylene terephthalate (PET), polyurethane (PU), and acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS). The main shapes of these plastics are fibers, films, spheres. and fragments (Abulateefeh & Alkilany, 2016).

1.8.2 Industrial Soil

Synthetic polymers are manufactured using basic raw materials such as coal, natural gas. and oil and are labeled as plastics (Freitas et al., 2005). Both of these varieties of plastic have been tagged as substitutes for synthetic plastic because; as their names suggest, they will biodegrade more promptly. Nevertheless, there is no concrete affirmation that either biodegradable plastics or bioplastics will disintegrate any better in the natural environment than synthetic plastics (Yu et al., 2019).

Important examples of such synthetic polymers include:

  • High-density polyethylene (HDPE), polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polyethylene terephthalate (PET), polyurethane (PUR), polystyrene (PS), low-density polyethylene (LDPE), and polypropylene (PP)

2 Conclusion

Regardless of the fact that soil pollution caused by microplastics and nanoplastics is a crucial subject today, various information loopholes regarding their effects and fate are present which future researches need to address. A fundamental precondition in such framework is to advance the currently used methods which are exemplified by superior class level for microplastics, yet they turned out to be a tough technical task for nanoplastics. Its striving aim is the syndication of effectiveness, time request, standardization, and minimal cost regardless of extreme variability and complex soil setting. The significance of such a goal is validated by the increasing number of articles published on that topic in the past several years. Forthcoming research undertakings would need to be capable of covering the microplastic and nanoplastic extensive dissemination top soil from the scale of nanometers to micrometers and commencing quite a lot of complicated interactions. Such interfaces encompass entire abiotic as well as biotic constituents of soil and frequently instigate noticeable impacts on the reactivity and properties. To accomplish this object, the research approach would appeal an all-inclusive methodology that is capable of syndicating information from explicit facets in a common structure which review the outcomes at ecosystem level. The abovementioned methodology would additionally consent to gauge the activities as well as actions of microplastics and nanoplastics in a better way and will also make available a well-defined representation of its significance at the level of bio network. Preceding information would signify primary preconditions to deep-seated analysis on microplastics and nanoplastics effluence of soil and also neutralize the perilous outcomes they have on ecosystem of soil. A collective application of the abovementioned methodologies would promote the investigations of primary obstruction associated with microplastics and nanoplastics in soil.