
1 Introduction

In current information systems, a huge number of IoT (Internet of Things) devices [1, 2] are deployed in a system and each IoT device collects various types of data like temperature and humidity which are required by an application. A huge volume of data is gathered from these IoT devices in order to realize applications and the data gathered from IoT devices is encapsulated along with methods to manipulate data as an object [3] like database systems. An application is composed of multiple objects distributed to multiple physical servers in an object-based system [3, 4, 6]. A transaction [7, 8] is an atomic sequence of methods to manipulate objects. In order to utilize an application service, a transaction is created on a client and issues methods supported by each target object. Multiple conflicting transactions have to be serialized [4, 6,7,8,9,10,11] to keep every object mutually consistent. The MVCC (Multi-Version Concurrency Control) [9, 10] is proposed to not only serialize conflicting transactions but also increase the concurrency of transactions and scalability of a system. In the MVCC, each read method is ensured to read the latest committed version of each object. In addition, each read method is not blocked by the other methods. As a result, the MVCC can increase the concurrency of transactions and the throughput of a system. In order to realize the MVCC, the MVTO (Multi-Version Timestamp Ordering) algorithm [9, 10] is proposed. However, the more number of transactions are issued in a system, the larger amount of electric energy is consumed by servers since every method issued to each target object is surely performed on each object. Hence, it is critical to discuss how to not only increase the concurrency of transactions and the throughput of a system but also reduce the total electric energy consumption of servers as discussed in Green computing systems [5, 6, 12,13,14,15].

In our previous studies, meaningless write methods [16] which are not required to be performed on each object are defined based on the precedent relation among transactions and the semantics of methods. Then, the EEMVTO (Energy-Efficient Multi-Version Timestamp Ordering) algorithm [16] is proposed to not only reduce the total electric energy consumption of servers but also increase the throughput of a system by not performing meaningless write methods on each object. In this paper, we newly introduce meaningless read methods which are not required to be performed on each object. Then, the Improved EEMVTO (IEEMVTO) algorithm is newly proposed to furthermore reduce the total electric energy consumption of servers and the execution time of each transaction by not performing both meaningless read and write methods. The IEEMVTO algorithm is evaluated in terms of the total electric energy consumption of servers and the average execution time of each transaction compared with the EEMVTO algorithm. Evaluation results show the total electric energy consumption of servers and the average execution time of each transaction in the IEEMVTO algorithm can be more reduced than the EEMVTO algorithm.

In Sect. 2, we present the system model and the MVTO algorithm. In Sect. 3, we propose the IEEMVTO algorithm. In Sect. 4, we evaluate the IEEMVTO algorithm compared with the EEMVTO algorithm.

2 System Model

2.1 Object-Based Systems

A system is composed of a cluster S of multiple servers \(s_1\), ..., \(s_n\) (n \(\ge \) 1) and clients interconnected in reliable networks. Let O be a set of objects \(o_1\), ..., \(o_m\) (m \(\ge \) 1) in the system. An object [3] is an unit of computation resource like a database. Each object \(o_h\) is an encapsulation of data \(d_h\) and methods to manipulate data \(d_h\) in the object \(o_h\). Each object \(o_h\) is allocated to a server \(s_t\) in the cluster S. Methods are classified into read (r) and write (w) methods in this paper. Write methods are furthermore classified into full write (fw) and partial write (pw) methods, i.e. w \(\in \) {fw, pw}. A full write method fully writes a whole data \(d_h\) in an object \(o_h\). A partial write method writes only a part of data \(d_h\) in an object \(o_h\).

2.2 Multi-Version Timestamp Ordering (MVTO) Algorithm

A transaction is an atomic sequence of methods [8]. A transaction \(T^i\) issues read (r) and write (w) methods to manipulate objects in the set O. Let T be a set {\(T^1\), ..., \(T^k\)} (k \(\ge \) 1) of transactions issued in a system. Multiple conflicting transactions are required to be serializable [7, 8] to keep all the objects mutually consistent. The MVCC (Multi-Version Concurrency Control) [9] is proposed to increase the concurrency of transactions and the throughput of a system. Let H be a schedule [9] of the transaction set T. Each object \(o_h\) has a totally ordered set \(D_h\) of multiple versions \(d_h^1\), ..., \(d_h^l\) (l \(\ge \) 1) of data \(d_h\). A totally ordered relation \(\ll _h\) (\(\subseteq \) \(D_h^2\)) shows an order of versions of data \(d_h\) of an object \(o_h\) written in a schedule H. \(d_h^i\) \(\ll _h\) \(d_h^j\) means \(d_h^i\) is written before \(d_h^j\) in an object \(o_h\). Let \(\ll \) be an union of version orders \(\ll _h\) for every data \(d_h\) in a schedule H, i.e. \(\ll _h\) = \(\bigcup _{o_h \in O}\) \(\ll _h\). A transaction \(T^j\) reads data from another transaction \(T^i\) (\(T^i\) \(\rightarrow _{H}\) \(T^j\)) in a schedule H iff the transaction \(T^j\) reads a version \(d_h^i\) of an object \(o_h\) written by the transaction \(T^i\). \(T^i\) \(\Vert _H\) \(T^j\) iff neither \(T^i\) \(\rightarrow _{H}\) \(T^j\) nor \(T^j\) \(\rightarrow _{H}\) \(T^i\). A schedule H is \(\langle \)T, \(\rightarrow _{H}\) \(\rangle \) (\(\subseteq \) \(\textbf{T}^2\)).

[One-Copy Serial]. A schedule H = \(\langle \)T, \(\rightarrow _{H}\) \(\rangle \) is one-copy serial [9] iff (if and only if) for every pair of different transactions \(T^i\) and \(T^j\) in T, either \(T^i\) \(\rightarrow _{H}\) \(T^j\), \(T^j\) \(\rightarrow _{H}\) \(T^i\), or \(T^i\) \(\Vert _H\) \(T^j\).

In an one-copy serial schedule OH = \(\langle \)T, \(\rightarrow _{OH}\) \(\rangle \) (\(\subseteq \) \(\textbf{T}^2\)), if \(T^i\) \(\rightarrow _{H}\) \(T^j\), \(T^i\) \(\rightarrow _{OH}\) \(T^j\), and the relation, \(\rightarrow _{OH}\) is acyclic.

Let \(r_t^i\)(\(d_h^j\)) be a read method issued by a transaction \(T^i\) to read a version \(d_h^j\), which is written by a transaction \(T^j\), of an object \(o_h\) on a server \(s_t\). Let \(w_t^i\)(\(d_h^i\)) be a write method issued by a transaction \(T^i\) to write a version \(d_h^i\) in an object \(o_h\) on a server \(s_t\).

A multi-version schedule MVS is \(\langle \)T, \(\rightarrow _{MVS}\) \(\rangle \) (\(\subseteq \) \(\textbf{T}^2\)) where for every pair of transactions \(T^i\) and \(T^j\) in T, the following conditions hold:

  1. (1)

    If \(T^i\) \(\rightarrow _{OH}\) \(T^j\), \(T^i\) \(\rightarrow _{MVS}\) \(T^j\).

  2. (2)

    If \(T^i\) writes a version \(d_h^i\), \(T^j\) reads a version \(d_h^k\), and \(T^i\) \(\rightarrow _{MVS}\) \(T^j\), \(d_h^i\) \(\ll _h\) \(d_h^k\) or \(d_h^i\) = \(d_h^k\).

[One-Copy Serializability]. A multi-version schedule MVS = \(\langle \)T, \(\rightarrow _{MVS}\) \(\rangle \) is one-copy serializable [9] iff for every pair of transactions \(T^i\) and \(T^j\) in T, either \(T^i\) \(\rightarrow _{MVS}\) \(T^j\), \(T^j\) \(\rightarrow _{MVS}\) \(T^i\), or \(T^i\) \(\Vert _{MVS}\) \(T^j\).

The MVTO (Multi-Version Timestamp Ordering) algorithm [9, 10] is proposed to make transactions one-copy serialize. Each transaction \(T^i\) is given an unique timestamp TS(\(T^i\)) which shows time when the transaction \(T^i\) is created. Suppose a transaction \(T^i\) issues a method op to manipulate an object \(o_h\) in a server \(s_t\). In the MVTO algorithm, a method op issued by a transaction \(T^i\) is performed by the following procedure [9, 10]:

  1. 1.

    If a method op is a read method \(r_t^i\)(\(d_h^k\)), the read method op reads a version \(d_h^k\) written by a transaction \(T^k\) whose timestamp TS(\(T^k\)) is the maximum in TS(\(T^k\)) < TS(\(T^i\)).

  2. 2.

    If a method op is a write method \(w_t^i\)(\(d_h^i\)), the write method op is rejected if a read method \(r_t^j\)(\(d_h^k\)) is performed on the object \(o_h\) such that TS(\(T^k\)) < TS(\(T^i\)) < TS(\(T^j\)). Otherwise, the write method \(w_t^i\)(\(d_h^i\)) is performed.

By using the MVTO algorithm, each read method reads the latest committed version of an object \(o_h\). In addition, each read method is not blocked by the other methods.

2.3 Data Access Model

Methods which are being performed and already terminate are current and previous at time \(\tau \), respectively. Let \(RP_t\)(\(\tau \)) and \(WP_t\)(\(\tau \)) be sets of current read (r) and write (w) methods on a server \(s_t\) at time \(\tau \), respectively. A notation \(P_t\)(\(\tau \)) shows a set of current read and write methods on a server \(s_t\) at time \(\tau \), i.e. \(P_t\)(\(\tau \)) = \(RP_t\)(\(\tau \)) \(\cup \) \(WP_t\)(\(\tau \)). Each read method \(r_t^i\)(\(d_h^j\)) in a set \(RP_t\)(\(\tau \)) reads a version \(d_h^j\) in an object \(o_h\) at rate \(RR_t^i\)(\(\tau \)) [Byte/sec (B/sec)] at time \(\tau \). Each write method \(w_t^i\)(\(d_h^i\)) in a set \(WP_t\)(\(\tau \)) writes a version \(d_h^i\) in an object \(o_h\) at rate \(WR_t^i\)(\(\tau \)) [B/sec] at time \(\tau \). Let \(maxRR_t\) and \(maxWR_t\) be the maximum read and write rates [B/sec] of read and write methods on a server \(s_t\), respectively. The read rate \(RR_t^i\)(\(\tau \)) (\(\le \) \(maxRR_t\)) and write rate \(WR_t^i\)(\(\tau \)) (\(\le \) \(maxWR_t\)) are \(dr_t(\tau )\) \(\cdot \) \(maxRR_t\) and \(dw_t(\tau )\) \(\cdot \) \(maxWR_t\), respectively. Here, \(dr_t\)(\(\tau \)) and \(dw_t\)(\(\tau \)) are degradation ratios. 1 / (\(|RP_t(\tau )| + rw_t \cdot |WP_t(\tau )|\)) and 1 / (\(wr_t \cdot |RP_t(\tau )| + |WP_t(\tau )|\)), respectively, where 0 \(\le \) \(rw_t\) \(\le \) 1 and 0 \(\le \) \(wr_t\) \(\le \) 1. 0 \(\le \) \(dr_t\)(\(\tau \)) \(\le \) 1 and 0 \(\le \) \(dw_t\)(\(\tau \)) \(\le \) 1.

The read laxity \(rl_t^i\)(\(\tau \)) [B] and write laxity \(wl_t^i\)(\(\tau \)) [B] of methods \(r_t^i\)(\(d_h^j\)) and \(w_t^i\)(\(d_h^i\)) show the amount of data to be read and written in an object \(o_h\) by the methods \(r_t^i\)(\(d_h^j\)) and \(w_t^i\)(\(d_h^i\)) at time \(\tau \), respectively. Suppose that methods \(r_t^i\)(\(d_h^j\)) and \(w_t^i\)(\(d_h^i\)) start on a server \(s_t\) at time \(st_t^i\). At time \(st_t^i\), the read laxity \(rl_t^i\)(\(\tau \)) = \(rb_h^j\) [B] where \(rb_h^j\) is the size of the version \(d_h^j\) in an object \(o_h\). The write laxity \(wl_t^i\)(\(\tau \)) = \(wb_h^i\) [B] where \(wb_h^i\) is the size of the version to be written in an object \(o_h\). The read laxity \(rl_t^i\)(\(\tau \)) and write laxity \(wl_t^i\)(\(\tau \)) at time \(\tau \) are \(rb_h^j\) - \(\Sigma _{\tau = st_t^i}^{\tau } RR_t^i(\tau )\) and \(wb_h^i\) - \(\Sigma _{\tau = st_t^i}^{\tau } WR_t^i(\tau )\), respectively.

2.4 Power Consumption Model of a Server

In our previous studies, the PCS model (Power Consumption model for a Storage server) [17] to perform storage and computation processes are proposed. Let \(E_t\)(\(\tau \)) be the electric power [W] of a server \(s_t\) at time \(\tau \). \(maxE_t\) and \(minE_t\) show the maximum and minimum electric power [W] of the server \(s_t\), respectively. In this paper, we assume only read and write methods are performed on a server \(s_t\). According to the PCS model [17], the electric power \(E_t\)(\(\tau \)) [W] of a server \(s_t\) to perform multiple read and write methods at time \(\tau \) is given as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} E_t(\tau ) = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} WE_t &{} \text {if}~|WP_t(\tau )| \ge 1~\text {and}~|RP_t(\tau )| = 0.\\ WRE_t(\alpha ) &{} \text {if}~|WP_t(\tau )| \ge 1~\text {and}~|RP_t(\tau )| \ge 1.\\ RE_t &{} \text {if}~|WP_t(\tau )| = 0~\text {and}~|RP_t(\tau )| \ge 1.\\ minE_t &{} \text {if}~|WP_t(\tau )| = |RP_t(\tau )| = 0. \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$

A server \(s_t\) consumes the minimum electric power \(minE_t\) [W] if no method is performed on the server \(s_t\), i.e. the electric power in the idle state of the server \(s_t\). The server \(s_t\) consumes the electric power \(RE_t\) [W] if at least one r method is performed on the server \(s_t\). The server \(s_t\) consumes the electric power \(WE_t\) [W] if at least one w method is performed on the server \(s_t\). The server \(s_t\) consumes the electric power \(WRE_t\)(\(\alpha \)) [W] = \(\alpha \) \(\cdot \) \(RE_t\) + (1 - \(\alpha \)) \(\cdot \) \(WE_t\) [W] where \(\alpha \) = \(|RP_t(\tau )|\) / (\(|RP_t(\tau )|\) + \(|WP_t(\tau )|\)) if both at least one r method and at least one w method are concurrently performed. Here, \(minE_t\) \(\le \) \(RE_t\) \(\le \) \(WRE_t\)(\(\alpha \)) \(\le \) \(WE_t\) \(\le \) \(maxE_t\). The total electric energy \(TEE_t\)(\(\tau _1\), \(\tau _2\)) [J] of a server \(s_t\) from time \(\tau _1\) to \(\tau _2\) is \(\Sigma _{\tau = \tau 1}^{\tau _2}\) \(E_t\)(\(\tau \)). The processing electric power \(PEP_t\)(\(\tau \)) [W] of a server \(s_t\) at time \(\tau \) is \(E_t\)(\(\tau \)) - \(minE_t\). The total processing electric energy \(TPEE_t\)(\(\tau _1\), \(\tau _2\)) of a server \(s_t\) from time \(\tau _1\) to \(\tau _2\) is given as \(TPEE_t(\tau _1, \tau _2)\) = \(\Sigma _{\tau = \tau 1}^{\tau _2} PEP_t(\tau )\).

3 Improved EEMVTO (IEEMVTO) Algorithm

3.1 Meaningless Methods

Let \(MH_h\) be a local schedule of methods which are performed on an object \(o_h\) in a multi-version schedule MH. A method \(op^1\) of a transaction \(T^1\) locally precedes another method \(op^2\) of a transaction \(T^2\) in a local schedule \(MH_h\) (\(op^1\) \(\rightarrow _{MH_h}\) \(op^2\)) iff \(T^1\) \(\rightarrow _{MH}\) \(T^2\) and \(op^1\) is performed before \(op^2\) on an object \(o_h\). Suppose a partial write method \(pw^i\)(\(d_h^i\)) issued by a transaction \(T^i\) locally precedes another full write method \(fw^j\)(\(d_h^j\)) issued by a transaction \(T^j\) in a local schedule \(MH_h\) (\(pw^i\)(\(d_h^i\)) \(\rightarrow _{MH_h}\) \(fw^j\)(\(d_h^j\))) on an object \(o_h\). Here, the partial write method \(pw^i\)(\(d_h^i\)) is not required to be performed on the object \(o_h\) if the full write method \(fw^j\)(\(d_h^j\)) is surely performed on the object \(o_h\) just after the partial write method \(pw^i\)(\(d_h^i\)), i.e. the full write method \(fw^j\)(\(d_h^j\)) can absorb the partial write method \(pw^i\)(\(d_h^i\)).

[Absorption of Write Methods]. A full write method \(op^1\) absorbs another partial or full write method \(op^2\) in a local subschedule \({MH_h}\) on an object \(o_h\) iff one of the following conditions is hold:

  1. 1.

    \(op^2\) \(\rightarrow _{MH_h}\) \(op^1\) and there is no read method \(op'\) such that \(op^2\) \(\rightarrow _{MH_h}\) \(op'\) \(\rightarrow _{MH_h}\) \(op^1\).

  2. 2.

    \(op^1\) absorbs \(op^3\) and \(op^3\) absorbs \(op^2\) for some method \(op^3\).

[Absorption of Read Methods]. A read method \(op^1\) absorbs another read method \(op^2\) in a local subschedule \(H_h\) of an object \(o_h\) iff one of the following conditions is hold:

  1. 1.

    \(op^1\) \(\rightarrow _{H_h}\) \(op^2\) and there is no write method \(op'\) such that \(op^1\) \(\rightarrow _{H_h}\) \(op'\) \(\rightarrow _{H_h}\) \(op^2\).

  2. 2.

    \(op^1\) absorbs \(op^3\) and \(op^3\) absorbs \(op^2\) for some method \(op^3\).

[Meaningless Methods]. A method op is meaningless iff the method op is absorbed by another method \(op'\) in the local subschedule \({MH_h}\) on an object \(o_h\).

3.2 IEEMVTO Algorithm

In this paper, the IEEMVTO (Improved EEMVTO) algorithm is newly proposed to furthermore reduce not only the total electric energy consumption of a cluster of servers but also the average execution time of each transaction by not performing meaningless read and write methods on each object. In this paper, we assume transactions are serialized based on the MVTO algorithm [9, 10].

Suppose a read method \(r_t^i\)(\(d_h^k\)) issued by a transaction \(T^i\) is performed on the object \(o_h\) as shown in Fig. 1. A transaction \(T^j\) issues a read method \(r_t^j\)(\(o_h^k\)) to the object \(o_h\) while the read method \(r_t^i\)(\(d_h^k\)) is being performed on the object \(o_h\). In the MVTO algorithm, the read method \(r_t^j\)(\(o_h^k\)) is performed on the object \(o_h\) as soon as the object \(o_h\) receives the read method \(r_t^j\)(\(o_h^k\)). In the IEEMVTO algorithm, the read method \(r_t^j\)(\(o_h^k\)) is meaningless since the read method \(r_t^i\)(\(o_h^k\)) issued by the transaction \(T^i\) is being performed on the object \(o_h\) and the read method \(r_t^i\)(\(o_h^k\)) absorbs the read method \(r_t^j\)(\(o_h^k\)). Hence, the read method \(r_t^j\)(\(o_h^k\)) is not performed on the object \(o_h\) and a result obtained by performing the read method \(r_t^i\)(\(o_h^k\)) is sent to a pair of transactions \(T^i\) and \(T^j\).

Fig. 1.
figure 1

A meaningless read method.

Suppose a transaction \(T^i\) issues a partial write method \(pw_t^i\)(\(d_h^i\)) to an object \(o_h\) allocated to a server \(s_t\) as shown in Fig. 2. In the MVTO algorithm, the partial write method \(pw_t^i\)(\(d_h^i\)) is performed on the object \(o_h\) as soon as the object \(o_h\) receives the partial write method \(pw_t^i\)(\(d_h^i\)). In the EEMVTO algorithm, the object \(o_h\) sends a termination notification of the partial write method \(pw_t^i\)(\(d_h^i\)) to the transaction \(T^i\) as soon as the object \(o_h\) receives the partial write method \(pw_t^i\)(\(d_h^i\)). However, the partial write method \(pw_t^i\)(\(d_h^i\)) is not performed until the object \(o_h\) receives a method op which is performed just after the partial write method \(pw_t^i\)(\(d_h^i\)) on the object \(o_h\), i.e. the partial write method \(pw_t^i\)(\(d_h^i\)) is delayed. Suppose a transaction \(T^j\) issues a full write methods \(fw_t^j\)(\(d_h^j\)) to the object \(o_h\) after the transaction \(T^i\) commits. Here, the partial write method \(pw_t^i\)(\(d_h^i\)) issued by the transaction \(T^i\) is meaningless since the full write method \(fw_t^j\)(\(d_h^j\)) issued by the transaction \(T^j\) absorbs the partial write method \(pw_t^i\)(\(d_h^i\)) on the object \(o_h\). Hence, the full write method \(fw_t^j\)(\(d_h^j\)) can be performed on the object \(o_h\) without performing the partial write method \(pw_t^i\)(\(d_h^i\)). This means that the meaningless write method \(pw_t^i\)(\(d_h^i\)) is not performed on the object \(o_h\).

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Omission of a meaningless write method.

Suppose a transaction \(T^j\) issues a read method \(r_t^j\)(\(d_h^i\)) after another transaction \(T^i\) commits. Here, the partial write method \(pw_t^i\)(\(d_h^i\)) issued by the transaction \(T^i\) has to be performed before the read method \(r_t^j\)(\(d_h^i\)) is performed since the read method \(r_t^j\)(\(d_h^i\)) has to read a version \(d_h^i\) written by the partial write method \(pw_t^i\)(\(d_h^i\)).

Let \(o_h\).Cr be a read method \(r_t^i\)(\(d_h^k\)) issued by a transaction \(T^i\), which is being performed on a object \(o_h\). A notation \(o_h\).Dw is a write method \(w_t^i\)(\(d_h^i\)) issued by a transaction \(T^i\) to write data \(d_h^i\) of an object \(o_h\) in a server \(s_t\), which is waiting for a method op to be performed on the object \(o_h\) after \(w_t^i\)(\(d_h^i\)). Suppose a transaction \(T^i\) issues a method op to an object \(o_h\). In the IEEMVTO algorithm, the method op is performed on the object \(o_h\) by the following IEEMVTO procedure:

figure a

In the IEEMVTO algorithm, the total electric energy consumption of a cluster S of servers can be furthermore reduced than the EEMVTO algorithm since the number of read and write methods performed on each object can be more reduced. In addition, the computation resources which are used to perform meaningless read and write methods can be used to perform the other methods in each server \(s_t\). As a result, the execution time of each transaction can be more reduced in the IEEMVTO algorithm than the EEMVTO algorithm. This means that the throughput of a system can increase in the IEEMVTO algorithm than the EEMVTO algorithm.

4 Evaluation

4.1 Environment

We evaluate the IEEMVTO algorithm in terms of the total processing electric energy of a cluster S of homogeneous servers and the average execution time of each transaction compared with the EEMVTO algorithm [16]. The cluster S of servers is composed of ten homogeneous servers \(s_1\), ..., \(s_{10}\) (n = 10), where every server \(s_t\) (t = 1, ..., 10) follows the same data access model and power consumption model. Parameters of each server \(s_t\) are shown in Table 1, which are obtained based on the experimentations [17]. There are thirty objects \(o_1\), ..., \(o_{30}\) in a system. The size of data in each object \(o_h\) is randomly selected between 50 and 100 [MByte]. Each object \(o_h\) supports read (r), full write (fw), and partial write (pw) methods. Each object is randomly allocated to a server \(s_t\) in the cluster S.

Table 1. Homogeneous cluster S of servers (t = 1, ..., 10)

The number nt (0 \(\le \) nt \(\le \) 500) of transactions are issued to manipulate objects. Each transaction issues three methods randomly selected from one-hundred fifty methods on the fifty objects. The total amount of data of an object \(o_h\) is fully written by each full write (fw) method. On the other hand, a half size of data of an object \(o_h\) is written and read by each partial write (pw) and read (r) methods, respectively. The starting time of each transaction \(T^i\) is randomly selected in a unit of one second between 1 and 360 [sec].

4.2 Total Processing Electric Energy Consumption

Figure 3 shows the total processing electric energy consumption [KJ] of the cluster S of servers to perform the number nt of transactions in the IEEMVTO and EEMVTO algorithms. For 0 \(\le \) nt \(\le \) 500, the total processing electric energy consumption of the cluster S of servers can be more reduced in the IEEMVTO algorithm than the EEMVTO algorithm. In the IEEMVTO algorithm, meaningless read and write methods are not performed on each object. As a result, the total processing electric energy consumption of the cluster S of servers can be more reduced in the IEEMVTO algorithm than the EEMVTO algorithm.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Total processing electric energy consumption [KJ] of a cluster S of servers.

4.3 Average Execution Time of Each Transaction

Figure 4 shows the average execution time [sec] of the nt transactions in the IEEMVTO and EEMVTO algorithms. In the IEEMVTO and EEMVTO algorithms, the average execution time increases as the total number nt of transactions increases since more number of transactions are concurrently performed. For 0 < nt \(\le \) 500, the average execution time of each transaction can be more reduced in the IEEMVTO algorithm than the EEMVTO algorithm. In the IEEMVTO algorithm, each transaction can commit without waiting for performing meaningless methods. Hence, the average execution time of each transaction is shorter in the IEEMVTO algorithm than the EEMVTO algorithm.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Average execution time [sec] of each transaction.

Following the evaluation, the total processing electric energy consumption of a homogeneous cluster S of servers and the average execution time of each transaction can be more reduced in the IEEMVTO algorithm than the EEMVTO algorithm. Hence, the IEEMVTO algorithm is more useful than the EEMVTO algorithm.

5 Concluding Remarks

In this paper, we newly proposed the IEEMVTO algorithm to reduce not only the total processing electric energy consumption of a cluster of servers but also the average execution time of each transaction by not performing meaningless read and write methods. We evaluated the IEEMVTO algorithm compared with the EEMVTO algorithm. The evaluation results showed the total processing electric energy consumption of a cluster of servers and the average execution time of each transaction can be more reduced in the IEEMVTO algorithm than the EEMVTO algorithm. Following the evaluation, the IEEMVTO algorithm is more useful than the EEMVTO algorithm.