1 Introduction

Authenticated encryption schemes with associated data (AEAD) [47] are the main employed cryptographic scheme when it comes to securing the communication between two parties who already share a secret key by ensuring both confidentiality and authenticity of the exchanged messages. Several works show that AEAD schemes can be constructed purely from sponges [21,22,23,24, 35], which were initially introduced as a tool to construct cryptographic hash functions. Recent examples of such sponge-based AEAD schemes are \({ \textsc {Isap}}\)  [22, 23] and \({ \textsc {Slae}}\)  [21]. Observe that these schemes are already analysed showing that they are even secure against side-channel leakage, however, their security against quantum adversaries has yet to be studied.

Unlike public key cryptography that is based on number theoretic problems, which is completely broken by Shor’s algorithm [49], AEAD schemes are often assumed to be only mildly affected by Grover’s algorithm [31], although this assumption turns out to be delusive in some cases [13]. To compensate this, usually one simply doubles the key length. This approach indeed works for many symmetric schemes in the standard model, namely those where their security proofs can be easily translated to one against quantum adversaries [50]. However, schemes that rely on random oracles [7] cannot be translated in a straightforward manner and hence require more attention. In particular, translating their security to hold against quantum adversaries requires a proof in the quantum random oracle model (QROM) [10], and it has recently been shown that proofs cannot always be translated from the ROM to the QROM [56]. In particular, this will also apply to sponge-based AEAD schemes where we typically model the block function that underlies the sponge construction as a random oracle and includes the schemes in [21,22,23].

The security of cryptographic primitives against quantum adversaries can nowadays be divided into two cases [27, 37]. The first case corresponds to the setting of post-quantum security (usually abbreviated as QS1) where the adversary only has quantum computing power. This setting covers the scenario once the first large-scale quantum computer exists and corresponds to the setting described above which typically requires switching from the ROM to the QROM. The second case deals with the setting of quantum security (usually referred to as QS2) where protocol participants also have quantum computing power. This covers a scenario where quantum computers are ubiquitous but also earlier scenarios using more sophisticated attacks such as the frozen smart-card attack [28].

Observe that security in the QS2 setting is more involved since the adversary gets superposition access to the primitive, e.g., it can encrypt/sign messages in a superposition. Many schemes that are secure in the QS1 setting are however completely broken in the QS2 setting as is shown by a series of works [2, 4, 33, 36, 41, 42, 48]. Yet another difficulty in the QS2 setting is that there are many different security notions [1, 12, 14, 15, 25, 28,29,30, 43]. These notions use different approaches to formalise the idea of allowing the adversary to “encrypt/sign messages in a superposition” in order to obtain a security notion that translates the classical intuition of the corresponding security notion to the QS2 setting.

Our Contribution. In this work, we study the security of sponge-based authenticated encryption schemes against quantum attackers which has so far only received very little attention. In particular, we scrutinize the scheme \({ \textsc {Slae}}\) as put forward by Degabriele et al. [21] in both settings, namely in the QS1 and QS2 setting. Observe that the beauty of \({ \textsc {Slae}}\) is its simplicity in terms of their construction, i.e., \({ \textsc {Slae}}\) is a N2-composition [44] of a symmetric key encryption scheme and a message authentication code. In particular, Degabriele et al. show that \({ \textsc {Slae}}\) can be viewed in terms of smaller components (with slight improvements by [39]), i.e., the encryption scheme consists of a sponge-based pseudorandom function (PRF) and a sponge-based pseudorandom generator (PRG) while the MAC consists of the combination of a sponge-based hash function and a sponge-based PRF (a more detailed description can be found in Sect. 3). Note that our analysis does not only contribute towards the study of \({ \textsc {Slae}}\) but rather also provides a QS1 and QS2 analysis of the core primitives themselves which is of independent interest. Note that \({ \textsc {Slae}}\) is a leakage-resilient AEAD scheme. However, in this work we do not consider the leakage setting but rather use the scheme \({ \textsc {Slae}}\) due to its simplicity in order to provide a thorough security analysis of sponge-based AEAD schemes and the employed core primitives in the QS1 and QS2 setting closing this gap in the literature.

In the QS1 setting, we are able to establish security for \({ \textsc {Slae}}\). In particular, by using the one-way to hiding lemma [3, 53], we can show that the underlying building blocks, namely the sponge-based PRF and PRG are secure with respect to quantum adversaries. For the sponge-based hash function, we show that we can leverage existing results [18] to the construction specifics of \({ \textsc {Slae}}\). Finally, being equipped with the established results, we can overall establish security of \({ \textsc {Slae}}\) in the QS1 setting.

In the QS2 setting, we analyse the ciphertext indistinguishability of \({ \textsc {Slae}}\). Unlike the QS1 setting, there are different notions for ciphertext indistinguishability in the QS2 setting which do not form a strict hierarchy. We consider the two strongest, incomparable notions by Gagliardoni et al. [28] and Mossayebi and Schack [43]. We extend these notions to the nonce-based setting and show that \({ \textsc {Slae}}\) achieves neither of these notions by showing attacks. Finally, we argue that one may establish QS2 security in the sense of [12] of the generic construction that underlies \({ \textsc {Slae}}\). However, the security when studying the sponge-based construction is left as an open problem.

As mentioned above, we chose to analyse \({ \textsc {Slae}}\) rather than other relevant sponge-based schemes due to its modularity. Since \({ \textsc {Slae}}\) is based on a random transformation, we can leverage techniques for the QROM, whereas other sponge-based primitives are typically based on a random permutation. Our results yield post-quantum secure pseudorandom functions, pseudorandom generators, and hash functions all constructed entirely from sponges. Since these are fundamental cryptographic building blocks our contribution is more than just a post-quantum security proof for an AEAD scheme and can be applied elsewhere. In particular, it provides a starting point for proving post-quantum security of more practical schemes.

Related Work. Sponges were introduced by Bertoni et al. [8] as a tool to construct cryptographic hash functions which resulted in the hash function SHA-3. Since then, sponges were shown to be a versatile tool allowing not only the construction of hash functions but also primitives including authenticated encryption schemes [21,22,23,24, 35].

Research in the realm of QS1 security of sponges mainly targets the security of hash functions. The first result addresses sponge-based hash functions based on random transformations or non-invertible random permutations [18]. The ultimate goal is a post-quantum proof for SHA-3 which is targeted both by Unruh [55]Footnote 1 and Czajkowski [16] using Zhandry’s compressed oracle technique [58]. Apart from that we are not aware of other works considering the QS1 security of sponge-based constructions.

In the QS2 setting, [20] studies the quantum indifferentiability of sponges and [19] analyses the quantum indistinguishability of sponge-based pseudorandom functions. The analysis in [19] uses keyed functions for the underlying block function which allow the adversary only classical access to these block functions while it has superposition access to the resulting pseudorandom function.

Soukharev et al. [51] study the generic composition paradigms for authenticated encryption in the QS2 setting according to the security notions put forth by Boneh and Zhandry [12]. However, their proof implicitly assumes that superposition queries by the adversary can be recorded which, at this point, was unclear how to do as was pointed out Chevalier et al. [15].

Structure of the Paper. In Sect. 2 and Appendix A, we provide the necessary notation and background. The general sponge construction and the particular instantiation \({ \textsc {Slae}}\) is provided in Sect. 3. In Sect. 4, we provide a security analysis in the QS1 setting while in Sect. 5, we provide an analysis in the QS2 setting. We conclude the paper in Sect. 6 and provide proof details in Appendices B and C.

2 Preliminaries

2.1 Notation

For any positive integer \(n \in \mathbb {N}\), we use [n] to denote the set \(\{1, \dots , n\}\). For any two bit strings x and y of length n, |x| denotes the size of x, \(x \parallel y\) denotes their concatenation and by \(x \cdot y = x_1y_1 \oplus x_2y_2 \oplus \dots \oplus x_ny_n\) we denote their inner product. Furthermore, for a positive integer \(k \le |x|\), we use the notation \(\left\lfloor x \right\rfloor _{k}\) to denote the string when truncated to its k least significant bits while \(\left\lceil x \right\rceil ^{k}\) denotes the string when truncated to its k most significant bits. We denote the set of bit strings of size n by \(\{0,1\}^{n} \), and we denote by \(\{0,1\}^{*} \) the set of all bit strings of finite length. By writing , we denote the process of sampling at random a value from a finite set \({\mathcal {X}} \) and assigning it to x. We simply denote by \(\textsf{par}(x)\) the parity of x. Furthermore, we denote by \({\mathcal {Y}}^{{\mathcal {X}}}\) the set of all functions from \({\mathcal {X}}\) to \({\mathcal {Y}}\). We assume familiarity with the basics of quantum computation such as bra-ket notion for quantum states, e.g., \(\mathinner {|{x}\rangle }\), Hadamard operators, and measurements. For an in-depth discussion we refer to [46].

2.2 Definitions

Due to space restrictions, we provide basic definitions about authenticated encryption with associated data (AEAD) and message authentication codes (MAC) in Appendix A.

Pseudorandom Function. Next we define pseudorandom functions and their respective security.

Definition 1

Let \(\mathcal {F} :{\mathcal {K}} \times {\mathcal {X}} \rightarrow {\mathcal {Y}}\) be a deterministic function. We define the PRF advantage of an adversary \(\mathcal {A}\) against \(\mathcal {F}\) as

figure b

Pseudorandom Generator. Next we define a pseudorandom generator and its security. Observe that we specify a PRG with variable output length, where the length is specified as part of the input.

Definition 2

Let \(\mathcal {G} :\mathcal {S} \times \mathbb {N}\rightarrow \{0,1\}^{*} \) be a pseudorandom generator with associated seed space \(\mathcal {S}\) and let \(\ell \in \mathbb {N}\) define the PRG’s output length. We define the PRG advantage of an adversary \(\mathcal {A}\) against \(\mathcal {G}\) as

figure c

Hash Function. Hash functions are a versatile cryptographic primitive that are efficiently computable functions that compress bit strings of arbitrary length to bit strings of fixed length. Hash functions do enjoy a variety of security properties and next we define collision resistance over a domain \({\mathcal {X}} =\{0,1\}^{*} \).

Definition 3

Let \(\mathcal {H} :{\mathcal {X}} \rightarrow \{0,1\}^{w} \) be a hash function constructed from a random transformation \( \rho \). We define the collision-resistance advantage of an adversary \(\mathcal {A}\) against \(\mathcal {H}\) where the adversary has (quantum) oracle access to \( \rho \) as

figure d

Since we consider hash functions in the QS1 and QS2 setting in this work, we require two additional properties when arguing about the security of a hash function, namely collapsing hash functions and zero-preimage resistance.

The collapsing property of hash functions is due to Unruh [54], who observed that collision resistance is not sufficient to construct commitment schemes secure against quantum adversaries.Footnote 2 Intuitively, a hash function is collapsing if an adversary can not distinguish between a measurement of the output (the hash value) and a measurement of the input. In [52, Lemma 25], Unruh shows that collapsing hash functions are also collision resistant. We present the formal definition of collapsing security in Appendix A.3.

Zero-preimage resistance states that it is infeasible for the adversary to output an element from the function’s domain which evaluates to the zero string.

Definition 4

Let \(f^{ \rho } :\{0,1\}^{x} \rightarrow \{0,1\}^{y} \) be a function. We define the zero-preimage resistance advantage of an adversary \(\mathcal {A}\) against \(f^{ \rho }\) where the adversary has (quantum) oracle access to \( \rho \) as

figure e

Quantum Random Oracle Model and One-way to Hiding Lemma. The quantum random oracle model (QROM) was formalised by Boneh et al. [10] extending the random oracle model (ROM) [7] to the quantum setting. The QROM has become the de-facto standard for analysing primitives which rely on random oracles. Boneh et al. [10] gave a separation between the ROM and the QROM, yet under non-standard assumptions. Recently, Yamakawa and Zhandry [56] provided a separation under standard assumptions. More precisely, let \({\textsf{H}} :\{0,1\}^{ n } \rightarrow \{0,1\}^{ n } \),Footnote 3 then the QROM allows a quantum adversary access to the unitary \(U_{{\textsf{H}}}\) that does the following

$$\begin{aligned} \sum _{x,y\in \{0,1\}^{ n }} \alpha _{x,y }\mathinner {|{x}\rangle }\mathinner {|{y}\rangle } \mapsto \sum _{x,y\in \{0,1\}^{ n }} \alpha _{x,y}\mathinner {|{x}\rangle }\mathinner {|{y \oplus {\textsf{H}}(x)}\rangle }\,. \end{aligned}$$

We write \(\mathcal {A} ^{{\textsf{H}}}\) to denote that \(\mathcal {A}\) has oracle access to \({\textsf{H}}\) which means having access to an oracle performing the unitary above.

The one-way to hiding (O2H) lemma is a fundamental tool for proofs in the quantum random oracle model (QROM). It provides an upper bound on the distinguishing advantage of a quantum adversary between different random oracles when having superposition access to it. The first variant was given by Unruh [53]. Subsequently, variants achieving tighter bounds were given in [3, 9, 40], yet at the cost of a more restricted applicability.

Below we recall the O2H lemma by Unruh [53], albeit in the formulation put forth by Ambainis et al. [3].

Lemma 5

(One-way to hiding (O2H) [3]). Let \({\textsf{G}}\), \({\textsf{H}} :{\mathcal {X}} \rightarrow {\mathcal {Y}}\) be random functions, let z be a random bitstring, and let \({\mathcal {S}} \subset {\mathcal {X}}\) be a random set such that \(\forall x \notin {\mathcal {S}}\), \({\textsf{G}}(x) = {\textsf{H}}(x)\). \(({\textsf{G}},{\textsf{H}},{\mathcal {S}},z)\) may have arbitrary joint distribution. Furthermore, let \(\mathcal {A} ^{{\textsf{H}}}\) be a quantum oracle algorithm which queries \({\textsf{H}}\) at most \( q \) times. Define an oracle algorithm \(\mathcal {B} ^{{\textsf{H}}}\) as follows: Pick . Run \(\mathcal {A}_{ q } ^{{\textsf{H}}}(z)\) until just before its i-th query to \({\textsf{H}}\). Measure the query in the computational basis, and output the measurement outcome. Then it holds that

$$\begin{aligned} \left| \Pr [\mathcal {A} ^{{\textsf{H}}}(z) \rightarrow 1] - \Pr [\mathcal {A} ^{{\textsf{G}}}(z) \rightarrow 1]\right| \le 2 q \sqrt{\Pr [x \in {\mathcal {S}} \,|\, \mathcal {B} ^{{\textsf{H}}}(z) \rightarrow x]}\,. \end{aligned}$$

3 The Sponge Construction and Slae

In this section, we provide the basic syntax about the sponge construction. Being equipped with the required syntax, we review \({ \textsc {Slae}}\) which is a N2-based authenticated encryption scheme [44] based on the sponge construction. Recall that a N2-construction follows the Encrypt-then-MAC paradigm and \({ \textsc {Slae}}\) is a refinement that builds a nonce-based AEAD scheme from a nonce-based symmetric key encryption scheme and a vector MAC.

3.1 Sponge Construction

The sponge construction has been introduced by Bertoni et al. [8] and has been used to build various cryptographic primitives. In Fig. 1, we provide an illustration of the plain sponge construction.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Plain sponge using four rounds of absorbing and two rounds of squeezing.

The sponge construction consists of a so-called absorbing phase and a squeezing phase that is built upon a transformation \( \rho \) that is iteratively called on its input. This transformation basically maps strings of length \( n \) to strings of the same length, and in particular one can decompose \( n \) into two values \( r + c \) where \( r \) is called the rate and \( c \) is called the capacity. After each iteration of the transformation we refer to its output as the state \( S \). Furthermore, we usually refer to the leftmost \( r \) bits of the state as the outer part \( \bar{ S } \), which is equivalent to \(\left\lceil S \right\rceil ^{ r }\), and we refer to the remaining \( c \) bits as the inner part \( \hat{ S } \), which is equivalent to \(\left\lfloor S \right\rfloor _{ c }\). In order to input some element \( N \), this input is first padded to a non-zero multiple of the rate \( r \). For this, we use an injective padding function \(\texttt{pad} \) to get \( l \ge 1\) input blocks \( N _{1} \parallel N _{2} \parallel \dots \parallel N _{ l } = \texttt{pad} ( N )\). At the ith iteration, \( N _{i}\) is XORed with the outer part \( \bar{ S } \) before being inputted to the transformation, i.e., more formally \( Y _{i} \leftarrow ( N _{i} \oplus \bar{ S }_{i})\parallel \hat{ S }_{i} \) and evaluating \( S _{i+1} \leftarrow \rho ( Y _{i})\). In the squeezing phase, one can produce an output in one or more iterations obtaining \( r \) bits of output per iteration, i.e., more formally at the jth iteration the output \( Z _{j}\) is produced by \( Z _{j} \leftarrow \bar{ S }_{j} \).

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Pseudocode of \({ \textsc {Slae}}\) and the underlying components. We only provide the details of the encryption and tagging algorithms. Decryption and verification works in the obvious reversed way.

3.2 The FGHF’ Construction and Slae

Degabriele et al. [21] provide a generic N2-construction [44] of a leakage-resilient authenticated encryption scheme with associated data called the FGHF’ construction. In particular, they show that the encryption component can be constructed from a fixed-input length function family that retains pseudorandomness in the presence of leakage (F) combined with a (standard) pseudorandom generator (G) while the authentication component is built from a collision-resistant hash function (H) and a fixed-input length function family that retains both pseudorandomness and unpredictability in the presence of leakage (\(F'\)). Overall this yields a leakage-resilient AEAD scheme. Observe that Krämer and Struck [39] showed that leakage-resilient pseudorandom functions suffice to build the scheme of Degabriele et al. [21] dropping the unpredictability requirement.

Furthermore, Degabriele et al. [21] show that the generic construction FGHF’ can be instantiated entirely from the sponge construction using a random transformation. Their particular sponge construction is called \({ \textsc {Slae}} \) which is composed of a symmetric key encryption scheme \({ \textsc {SlEnc}} \) and a MAC \({ \textsc {SlMac}} \) according to the N2-construction. In particular, viewing each of the schemes in terms of their smaller components, Degabriele et al. build \({ \textsc {SlEnc}} \) from a leakage-resilient function \({ \textsc {SlFunc}}\) and a pseudorandom generator \({ \textsc {SPrg}}\) while \({ \textsc {SlMac}} \) can be built from a collision-resistant hash function \({ \textsc {SvHash}}\) and a leakage-resilient function \({ \textsc {SlFunc}}\), and a formal description is given in Fig. 2. Regarding the security of \({ \textsc {Slae}}\), they prove the security via a composition theorem for the N2-construction in the leakage setting as established by Barwell et al. [5].

However, the quantum resistance of \({ \textsc {Slae}}\) has not been considered yet. In the following, we will scrutinize the \({ \textsc {Slae}}\) construction in this regard and we set the respective leakage sets to be empty. Therefore, we analyse the construction in the standard setting without leakage.

4 Post-Quantum (QS1) Security

In this section we analyse the security of \({ \textsc {Slae}}\) against quantum adversaries in the QS1 setting. The respective proofs of this Section can be found in Appendix B.

4.1 Security of SlFunc

The sponge-based pseudorandom function \({ \textsc {SlFunc}}\) is illustrated in Fig. 3 while the pseudocode can be found in Fig. 2. The function initialises the state of the sponge with the key and then absorbs the input, in case of \({ \textsc {Slae}}\) the nonce \( N \), \( r \) bits at a time. After the nonce has been absorbed, the output is obtained by applying the transformation \( \rho \) a final time and outputting the state. Note that the function outputs the full state rather than squeezing it over several rounds. That is also the reason why \( \rho \) is required to be a random transformation rather than a random permutation. Otherwise, an adversary could simply undo the transformation from the output by applying the inverse permutation. The theorem below gives a bound on distinguishing \({ \textsc {SlFunc}}\) from a random function when having superposition access to the underlying random oracle \( \rho \). The proof utilises the O2H lemma (cf. Lemma 5).

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Sponge-based pseudorandom function \({ \textsc {SlFunc}}\).

Theorem 6

Let \(\mathcal {F} = { \textsc {SlFunc}} \) be the function displayed in Fig. 3. Then for any quantum adversary \(\mathcal {A}\), making \( q _{\mathcal {F}}\) (classical) queries to \({ \textsc {SlFunc}}\) and \( q _{ \rho }\) (quantum) queries to \( \rho \), it holds that

$$\begin{aligned} \textbf{Adv}_{{ \textsc {SlFunc}}}^{{\textsf{PRF}}}(\mathcal {A}) \le \frac{ q _{\mathcal {F}} ^2+ q _{\mathcal {F}}}{2^{ n +1}} + 2 q _{ \rho } \sqrt{\frac{2^{ \nu }}{2^{ n }}} \,. \end{aligned}$$


Let \( l = \left\lceil \tfrac{ \nu }{ r } \right\rceil \) be the number of absorption steps and we assume for simplicity that \( \nu \) is a multiple of the rate. We further recursively define sets \({\mathcal {Y}}_i\) as

$$\begin{aligned} {\mathcal {Y}}_{0} = \{ \textsf{K} \} \text { and } {\mathcal {Y}}_{i} = \{ R \parallel \left\lfloor \rho (x) \right\rfloor _{ c }\ \,|\, R \in \{0,1\}^{ r }, x \in {\mathcal {Y}}_{i-1} \} \end{aligned}$$

for all \(i\in \{1,\dots , l \}\), i.e., \({\mathcal {Y}}_i\) is the set of all possible values that can occur as input to \( \rho \) while evaluating \(\mathcal {F} ( \textsf{K},\cdot )\). It follows that \(|{\mathcal {Y}}_{i}| \le 2^{i r }\) and, in particular, \(|{\mathcal {Y}}_{ l }| \le 2^{ l r } = 2^{ \nu }\). Note that every input \( N \) defines a sequence of states \( Y _{0}, Y _{1},\dots , Y _{ l } \) that occur while evaluating the sponge. For an input \( N \), let \( Y _{i} [ N ]\) denote the state \( Y _{i}\) for this particular input, e.g., \( Y _{1} [ N ] = \left( \left\lceil \rho ( \textsf{K}) \right\rceil ^{ r } \oplus N _{1} \right) \parallel \left\lfloor \rho ( \textsf{K}) \right\rfloor _{ c }\), where \( N = N _{1} \parallel \dots \parallel N _{ l } \). In particular, for every input \( N \) it holds that \( Y _{0} [ N ] = \textsf{K} \).

We want to bound the following difference

figure g

In order to do this, we define the oracle \(\rho _{*}\), where \(\rho _{*} ( Y _{ l } [ N ]) = \overline{\mathcal {F}} ( N )\) for all \( Y _{ l } [ N ] \in {\mathcal {Y}}_{ l }\). That is, oracle \(\rho _{*}\) is reprogrammed on all final input states \( Y _{ l } [ N ]\) to output the output of a random function \(\overline{\mathcal {F}}\) on the input \( N \). Then it holds that

figure h

For the first difference on the right-hand side, the oracles are consistent in both cases. However, if the adversary finds a collision on the final input to \( \rho \) for \({ \textsc {SlFunc}} ( \textsf{K},\cdot )\), more precisely, two inputs \( N \) and \( N '\) such that \(\lceil N \rceil ^{ \nu - r } \ne \lceil N ' \rceil ^{ \nu - r } \) and \( Y _{ l } [ N ] = Y _{ l } [ N ' ]\), then these two inputs will result in the same output for \(\mathcal {F}\) and (most likely) different outputs for \(\overline{\mathcal {F}}\). Finding such a collision is a counting argument over the number of queries to the function and an application of Gaussian summation. Hence, it follows that

figure i

For the second difference, we can apply the O2H lemma (cf. Lemma 5) which yields

figure j

Recall that \(\mathcal {B} ^{\overline{\mathcal {F}} (\cdot ), \rho }\) simply runs \(\mathcal {A} ^{\overline{\mathcal {F}} (\cdot ), \rho }\) and outputs the measurement outcome of a randomly chosen query to \( \rho \). However, \(\mathcal {A}\) has no information about the set \({\mathcal {Y}}_{ l }\), hence we conclude with

$$\begin{aligned} 2 q _{ \rho } \sqrt{\Pr [x \in {\mathcal {Y}}_{ l } \,|\, \mathcal {B} ^{\overline{\mathcal {F}} (\cdot ), \rho } \rightarrow x]} \le 2 q _{ \rho } \sqrt{\frac{|{\mathcal {Y}}_{ l }|}{2^{ n }}} \le 2 q _{ \rho } \sqrt{\frac{2^{ \nu }}{2^{ n }}} \,. \end{aligned}$$

Collecting everything yields

figure k

   \(\square \)

We would like to point out the following. The length of the nonce \( \nu \) is typically of fixed size, e.g., in case of the NIST lightweight cryptography standardization process [45] the nonce is assumed to be 12 bytes long. In particular, \( \nu \) will be much smaller than the size of the sponge \( n \).

4.2 Security of SPrg

In this section we show that the sponge-based pseudorandom generator \({ \textsc {SPrg}}\) is secure against adversaries having superposition access to the underlying random oracle \( \rho \). The PRG \({ \textsc {SPrg}}\) is displayed in Fig. 4 and the respective pseudocode is given in Fig. 2. The construction deviates from more common constructions for pseudorandom generators since it initialises the state of the sponge with the seed rather than absorbing it. The output is then generated by squeezing \( r \) bits at each iteration of the sponge. Similar to the previous section, the proof relies on the O2H lemma.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Sponge-based pseudorandom generator \({ \textsc {SPrg}}\).

Theorem 7

Let \({ \textsc {SPrg}}\) be the pseudorandom generator displayed in Fig. 4. Then for any quantum adversary \(\mathcal {A}\), making \( q \) (quantum) queries to \( \rho \), and receiving an input of length \( \mu \) it holds that

$$\begin{aligned} \textbf{Adv}_{{ \textsc {SPrg}}}^{{\textsf{PRG}}}(\mathcal {A}) \le \frac{2 l q }{\sqrt{2^{ c }}} \,, \end{aligned}$$

where \( l = \left\lceil \tfrac{ \mu }{ r } \right\rceil \) is the number of squeezing steps to obtain the required output length \( \mu \).


Let \( l = \left\lceil \tfrac{ \mu }{ r } \right\rceil \) be the number of squeezing steps. We assume, for sake of simplicity, that \( \mu \) is a multiple of \( r \). For a seed \( z \), let \( S _{1}, S _{2},\dots , S _{ l } \) denote the sequence of states that occur during evaluation of the sponge, i.e., \( S _{i} = \rho ^{i-1}( z )\), where \( \rho ^{i}\) corresponds to i consecutive evaluations of \( \rho \). We want to bound the following difference

figure l

where \( Z = Z _{1} \parallel \dots \parallel Z _{ l } = { \textsc {SPrg}} ( z , l r )\), i.e., obtaining an output of length \( l r \) using \({ \textsc {SPrg}}\) on seed \( z \) and \(R = R_1 \parallel \dots \parallel R_{ l }\), such that \(| Z _{i} | = |R_i| = r \). We write \(R_{[i,j]}\) for \(R_i \parallel \dots \parallel R_j\), the same for \( Z \). In particular, \(R_{[i,j]}\) for \(i > j\) equals the empty string. In the following we leave out the probability spaces for readability. We obtain

$$\begin{aligned} \textbf{Adv}_{{ \textsc {SPrg}}}^{{\textsf{PRG}}}(\mathcal {A})&= \left| \Pr [\mathcal {A} ^{ \rho }( Z _{[1, l ]}) \rightarrow 1] - \Pr [\mathcal {A} ^{ \rho }(R_{[1, l ]}) \rightarrow 1]\right| \\&\le \sum _{i=1}^{ l } \left| \Pr [\mathcal {A} ^{ \rho }(R_{[1,i-1]} \parallel Z _{[i, l ]}) \rightarrow 1] - \Pr [\mathcal {A} ^{ \rho }(R_{[1,i]} \parallel Z _{[i+1, l ]}) \rightarrow 1]\right| \,. \end{aligned}$$

We start with the first difference, that, after simple rewriting, is,

$$\begin{aligned}&\left| \Pr [\mathcal {A} ^{ \rho }( Z _{1} \parallel Z _{[2, l ]}) \rightarrow 1] - \Pr [\mathcal {A} ^{ \rho }(R_1\parallel Z _{[2, l ]}) \rightarrow 1]\right| \\&\le \left| \Pr [\mathcal {A} ^{ \rho }( Z _{1} \parallel Z _{[2, l ]}) \rightarrow 1] - \Pr [\mathcal {A} ^{\rho _{1}}(R_1\parallel Z _{[2, l ]}) \rightarrow 1]\right| \\&+ \left| \Pr [\mathcal {A} ^{\rho _{1}}(R_1\parallel Z _{[2, l ]}) \rightarrow 1] - \Pr [\mathcal {A} ^{ \rho }(R_1\parallel Z _{[2, l ]}) \rightarrow 1]\right| \,, \end{aligned}$$

where \(\rho _{1} (R_1 \parallel [ S _{1} ]_{ c }) = S _{2} \). Then it holds that the first difference above is 0, as the relation between \(R_1\) and \(\rho _{1}\) is the same as between \( Z _{1} \) and \( \rho \), and we merely need to bound the second difference, which only differs in the random oracle (\( \rho \) and \(\rho _{1}\)) at input \(R_1 \parallel [ S _{1} ]_{ c }\). Let \({\mathcal {S}}_1 = \{ R_1 \parallel [ S _{1} ]_{ c } \}\), then we can apply the O2H lemma (cf. Lemma 5) to obtain

$$\begin{aligned}&\left| \Pr [\mathcal {A} ^{\rho _{1}}(R_1\parallel Z _{[2, l ]}) \rightarrow 1] - \Pr [\mathcal {A} ^{ \rho }(R_1\parallel Z _{[2, l ]}) \rightarrow 1]\right| \\&\le 2 q \sqrt{\Pr [x \in {\mathcal {S}}_1 \,|\, \mathcal {B} ^{ \rho }(R_1\parallel Z _{[2, l ]}) \rightarrow x]}\,. \end{aligned}$$

While \(\mathcal {A}\) knows \(R_1\), it has no information about \([ S _{1} ]_{ c }\) (note that \( Z _{i}\), for \(i > 1\) provides no information about \({\mathcal {S}}_1\) due to \( \rho \) being one-way in the random oracle model). This yields

$$\begin{aligned} \Pr [x \in {\mathcal {S}}_1 \,|\, \mathcal {B} ^{ \rho }(R_1\parallel Z _{[2, l ]}) \rightarrow x] \le \frac{|{\mathcal {S}}_1|}{2^{ c }} \le \frac{1}{2^{ c }}\,. \end{aligned}$$

The same argument applies to the other differences, where more and more \( r \) bit blocks of \(\mathcal {A}\) ’s input are replaced with \(R_i\). More precisely, we obtain

$$\begin{aligned}&\left| \Pr [\mathcal {A} ^{ \rho }(R_{[1,i-1]}\parallel Z _{[i, l ]}) \rightarrow 1] - \Pr [\mathcal {A} ^{ \rho }(R_{[1,i]}\parallel Z _{[i+1, l ]}) \rightarrow 1]\right| \\&\le 2 q \sqrt{\Pr [x \in {\mathcal {S}}_i \,|\, \mathcal {B} ^{ \rho }(R_{[1,i]}\parallel Z _{[i+1, l ]}) \rightarrow x]} \le \frac{2 q }{\sqrt{2^{ c }}} \,, \end{aligned}$$

where \({\mathcal {S}}_i = \{ R_i \parallel [ S _{i} ]_{ c } \}\). Collecting everything then yields

$$\begin{aligned} \textbf{Adv}_{{ \textsc {SPrg}}}^{{\textsf{PRG}}}(\mathcal {A})&= \left| \Pr [\mathcal {A} ^{ \rho }( Z _{[1, l -1]}) \rightarrow 1] - \Pr [\mathcal {A} ^{ \rho }(R_{[1, l -1]}) \rightarrow 1]\right| \\&\le \sum _{i=1}^{ l } \left| \Pr [\mathcal {A} ^{ \rho }(R_{[1,i-1]} \parallel Z _{[i, l ]}) \rightarrow 1] - \Pr [\mathcal {A} ^{ \rho }(R_{[1,i]} \parallel Z _{[i+1, l ]}) \rightarrow 1]\right| \\&\le \sum _{i=1}^{ l } 2 q \sqrt{\Pr [x \in {\mathcal {S}}_i \,|\, \mathcal {B} ^{ \rho }(R_{[1,i]}\parallel Z _{[i+1, l ]}) \rightarrow x]} \le \frac{2 l q }{\sqrt{2^{ c }}} \,. \end{aligned}$$

   \(\square \)

4.3 Security of SvHash

In this section we analyse the QS1 security of \({ \textsc {SvHash}} \) which we display in Fig. 5 and its respective pseudocode can be found in Fig. 2. Observe that in order to compute a hash digest, the internal state is initialised to an evaluation of the random transformation of a zero bit string of length \( n \) XORed with the passed nonce. Afterwards the padded associated data and padded ciphertext are absorbed blockwise. Degabriele et al. chose to employ a domain separation to separate the boundary between associated data and ciphertext consisting of XORing the string \(1\parallel 0^{ c -1}\) to the inner state \( \hat{ S } \) as soon as the associated data has been absorbed. Observe that the domain separation can be viewed as a sponge construction with a rate increased by one bit. In this sense, an adversary \(\mathcal {A}\) against \({ \textsc {SvHash}}\) with rate \( r \) and capacity \( c \) can be viewed as an adversary against the plain sponge-based hash function with rate \( r +1\) and capacity \( c -1\), where \(\mathcal {A}\) guarantees that the \(( r +1)\)th bit of each input block is 0 except for the block which corresponds to absorbing the first ciphertext block. Hence a bound for the plain sponge-based hash function directly yields a bound for \({ \textsc {SvHash}}\) by accounting for the one bit loss in the capacity. The proof can be found in Appendix B.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Sponge-based Hash function \({ \textsc {SvHash}}\).

Theorem 8

Let \({ \textsc {SvHash}}\) be the hash function as displayed in Fig. 5. Then for any quantum adversary \(\mathcal {A} \) making \( q \) (quantum) queries to \( \rho \), it holds that

$$\begin{aligned} \textbf{Adv}_{{ \textsc {SvHash}}}^{{\textsf{CR}}}(\mathcal {A}) \le \sqrt{\varepsilon _1}+ l \cdot \varepsilon _2 + \varepsilon _3 \,, \end{aligned}$$

where \(\varepsilon _1 \le ( q +1)^2 2^{- c +4}\), \(\varepsilon _2 \le q ^3 \left( \frac{\delta '+324}{2^{ c -1}}\right) +7\delta \sqrt{\frac{3( q +4)^3}{2^{ c }}}\) and \(\varepsilon _3 \le q ^3 \left( \frac{\delta '+324}{2^{ w +1}}\right) +7\delta \sqrt{\frac{3( q +4)^3}{2^{ w +2}}}\) with non-zero constants \(\delta \) and \(\delta '\) as well as \( l = \left\lceil \tfrac{ \mu }{ r } \right\rceil \) where \( \mu \) is the length of the (padded) message.

4.4 Security of Slae

In this section we show that the \(\mathrm {IND{\text{- }}CPA}\) and \(\mathrm {INT{\text{- }}CTXT}\) security of the authenticated encryption scheme \({ \textsc {Slae}}\) in the QS1 follows from the QS1 security of the underlying primitives \({ \textsc {SlFunc}}\), \({ \textsc {SPrg}}\), and \({ \textsc {SvHash}}\). The proofs can be found in Appendix B.

\(\mathrm {IND{\text{- }}CPA}\) Security of \({ \textsc {Slae}}\). \(\mathrm {IND{\text{- }}CPA}\) security follows from \({ \textsc {SlFunc}}\) and \({ \textsc {SPrg}}\) being a secure PRF and PRG, respectively. Theorem 9 first shows that \({ \textsc {SlFunc}}\) and \({ \textsc {SPrg}}\) yield \({ \textsc {SlEnc}}\) being \(\mathrm {IND{\text{- }}CPA}\)-secure while Theorem 10 then establishes the \(\mathrm {IND{\text{- }}CPA}\) security of \({ \textsc {Slae}}\).

Theorem 9

Let \({ \textsc {SlFunc}}\) be a pseudorandom function and \({ \textsc {SPrg}}\) a pseudorandom generator. Let further \({ \textsc {SlEnc}}\) be the symmetric key encryption scheme constructed from \({ \textsc {SlFunc}}\) and \({ \textsc {SPrg}}\) as shown in Fig. 2. For any quantum adversary \(\mathcal {A}\), making \( q _{{\textsf{Enc}}}\) queries to its encryption oracle, against the \(\mathrm {IND{\text{- }}CPA}\) security there exist adversaries \(\mathcal {A}_{ prf }\) and \(\mathcal {A}_{ prg }\) against \({ \textsc {SlFunc}}\) and \({ \textsc {SPrg}}\), respectively, such that

$$\begin{aligned} \textbf{Adv}_{{ \textsc {SlEnc}}}^{{\mathsf {IND{\text{- }}CPA}}}(\mathcal {A}) \le 2\,\textbf{Adv}_{{ \textsc {SlFunc}}}^{{\textsf{PRF}}}(\mathcal {A}_{ prf }) + 2 q \,\textbf{Adv}_{{ \textsc {SPrg}}}^{{\textsf{PRG}}}(\mathcal {A}_{ prg }) \,. \end{aligned}$$

Theorem 10

Let \({ \textsc {SlEnc}}\) be the symmetric key encryption scheme and \({ \textsc {SlMac}}\) be a MAC. Let further \({ \textsc {Slae}}\) be the authenticated encryption scheme constructed from \({ \textsc {SlEnc}}\) and \({ \textsc {SlMac}}\) as shown in Fig. 2. For any quantum adversary \(\mathcal {A}\), making \( q _{{\textsf{Enc}}}\) queries to its encryption oracle, against the \(\mathrm {IND{\text{- }}CPA}\) security there exists an adversary \(\mathcal {A}_{ se }\), such that

$$\begin{aligned} \textbf{Adv}_{{ \textsc {Slae}}}^{{\mathsf {IND{\text{- }}CPA}}}(\mathcal {A}) \le \textbf{Adv}_{{ \textsc {SlEnc}}}^{{\mathsf {IND{\text{- }}CPA}}}(\mathcal {A}_{ se }) \,. \end{aligned}$$

\(\mathrm {INT{\text{- }}CTXT}\) Security of \({ \textsc {Slae}}\). The \(\mathrm {INT{\text{- }}CTXT}\) security follows from \({ \textsc {SlFunc}}\) being a secure PRF and \({ \textsc {SvHash}}\) being a collision-resistant hash function. In Theorem 11, we show that both yield a \(\mathrm {SUF{\text{- }}CMA}\)-secure MAC \({ \textsc {SlMac}}\). Subsequently, Theorem 12 shows that the \(\mathrm {SUF{\text{- }}CMA}\) security of \({ \textsc {SlMac}}\) ensures \(\mathrm {INT{\text{- }}CTXT}\) security of \({ \textsc {Slae}}\).

Theorem 11

Let \({ \textsc {SlFunc}}\) be a function and \({ \textsc {SvHash}}\) a hash function. Let further \({ \textsc {SlMac}}\) be the MAC constructed from \({ \textsc {SlFunc}}\) and \({ \textsc {SvHash}}\) as shown in Fig. 2. For any quantum adversary \(\mathcal {A}\), making \( q _{T}\) queries to its tagging oracle and \( q _{F}\) to its forge oracle, against the \(\mathrm {SUF{\text{- }}CMA}\) security there exist adversaries \(\mathcal {A}_{ prf }\) and \(\mathcal {A}_{ hash }\) against \({ \textsc {SlFunc}}\) and \({ \textsc {SvHash}}\), respectively, such that

$$\begin{aligned} \textbf{Adv}_{{ \textsc {SlMac}}}^{{\mathsf {SUF{\text{- }}CMA}}}(\mathcal {A}) \le \textbf{Adv}_{{ \textsc {SlFunc}}}^{{\textsf{PRF}}}(\mathcal {A}_{ prf }) + \textbf{Adv}_{{ \textsc {SvHash}}}^{{\textsf{CR}}}(\mathcal {A}_{ hash }) + \frac{ q _{F}}{2^{ \tau }}\,. \end{aligned}$$

Theorem 12

Let \({ \textsc {SlEnc}}\) be the symmetric key encryption scheme and \({ \textsc {SlMac}}\) be a MAC. Let further \({ \textsc {Slae}}\) be the authenticated encryption scheme constructed from \({ \textsc {SlEnc}}\) and \({ \textsc {SlMac}}\) as shown in Fig. 2. For any quantum adversary \(\mathcal {A}\), making \( q _{E}\) queries to its encryption oracle and \( q _{F}\) queries to its forge oracle, against the \(\mathrm {INT{\text{- }}CTXT}\) security there exists an adversary \(\mathcal {A}_{ mac }\), such that

$$\begin{aligned} \textbf{Adv}_{{ \textsc {Slae}}}^{{\mathsf {INT{\text{- }}CTXT}}}(\mathcal {A}) \le \textbf{Adv}_{{ \textsc {SlMac}}}^{{\mathsf {SUF{\text{- }}CMA}}}(\mathcal {A}_{ mac }) \,. \end{aligned}$$

5 Quantum (QS2) Security

In this section we study the security of \({ \textsc {Slae}}\) in the QS2 setting, where both the adversary and the challenger are quantum. Unlike the QS1 setting, the QS2 setting comes with several security notions. We analyse \({ \textsc {Slae}}\), or even more precisely its encryption component \({ \textsc {SlEnc}}\), with respect to the quantum security notions put forward in [12, 28, 43] providing positive and negative results.

5.1 QS2 Security Notions for SKE

Unlike the QS1 setting, there are several notions in the QS2 setting for encryption schemes. The first notion, called \(\mathrm {IND{\text{- }}qCPA}\), was presented by Boneh and Zhandry [12]. This notion allows the adversary superposition queries in the learning (qCPA) phase, while its challenge (IND) phase is restricted to classical queries. They further showed that simply allowing a quantum indistinguishability phase results in an unachievable security notion, called \(\mathrm {fqIND{\text{- }}CPA}\). More precisely, they consider a left-or-right oracle which performs the following

$$\begin{aligned} \sum _{x_0,x_1,y}\alpha _{x_0,x_1,y}\mathinner {|{x_0}\rangle }\mathinner {|{x_1}\rangle }\mathinner {|{y}\rangle } \mapsto \sum _{x_0,x_1,y}\alpha _{x_0,x_1,y}\mathinner {|{x_0}\rangle }\mathinner {|{x_1}\rangle }\mathinner {|{y \oplus \texttt{Enc} ( \textsf{K},x_b)}\rangle }\,. \end{aligned}$$

This operator entangles the ciphertext register with one of the message registers. Boneh and Zhandry show how this entanglement can be exploited to determine the bit b, irrespectively of the underlying encryption scheme.

Later, Gagliardoni et al. [28] and Mossayebi and Schack [43] provided security notions which allow the challenge (IND) phase to be quantum while not suffering from the impossibility result from [12].

An exhaustive study of QS2 security notions for encryption schemes is given by Carstens et al. [14]. Their study includes the aforementioned notions, along with many variants differing in the number of queries during challenge resp. learning phase. They show, surprisingly, that the notions do not form a strict hierarchy. Instead, the notions by Gagliardoni et al. [28] and Mossayebi and Schack [43] are incomparable but, together, imply all other notions. To ensure security in the QS2 setting, schemes have to be analysed with respect to both of these notions.

Nonce-Respecting Adversaries in the QS2 Setting. Another question that arises for the security of \({ \textsc {Slae}}\), deals with the nonce selection. Typically, adversaries are assumed to be nonce-respecting, meaning that they never repeat a nonce. While this is well defined in both the classical as well as QS1 setting, there is no definition for such adversaries in the QS2 setting. Kaplan et al. [36] mention this problem and sidestep it by letting the game pick the nonce at random. Thus, they essentially switch to the weaker IV setting which is well-studied in the classical setting. In our adapted security notions, we let the adversary submit a nonce register along with its message(s). We observe that it is not necessary to observe nonces in superposition since all QS2 notions for encryption schemes [12, 15, 28, 29, 43] consider the randomness (in case of \({ \textsc {Slae}}\) the nonce) to be classical.Footnote 4 To comply with this, we let the challenger measure the nonce register, thus ensuring a classical nonce, and reject a query if a nonce repeats.

5.2 Left-or-Right Security of SlEnc

The notion by Gagliardoni et al. [28] follows a left-or-right approach, similar to the one by Boneh and Zhandry [12], in which the adversary submits two messages (possibly in superposition) and receives the encryption of one of the two. The main difference is that Gagliardoni et al. use type-2 operators which operate directly on the register (instead of XORing the output to a separate output register). These operators are more powerful than the corresponding type-1 operator and they can only be realised for functions that are reversible. Type-2 operators were first studied by Kashefi et al. [38] and have further been studied by Carstens et al. [14] for symmetric key encryption and by Gagliardoni et al. [29] for public key encryption.

More formally those operators can be formalised as follows. Let \(\mathcal {F} :\{0,1\}^{n} \rightarrow \{0,1\}^{n} \) be a function. The type-1 operator for \(\mathcal {F}\) is the unitary \(U_{\mathcal {F}}^{(1)}\) that does the following

$$\begin{aligned} \sum _{x,y\in \{0,1\}^{n}}\alpha _{x,y}\mathinner {|{x}\rangle }\mathinner {|{y}\rangle } \mapsto \sum _{x,y\in \{0,1\}^{n}}\alpha _{x,y}\mathinner {|{x}\rangle }\mathinner {|{y \oplus \mathcal {F} (x)}\rangle }\,. \end{aligned}$$

Observe that the realisation of \(U_{\mathcal {F}}^{(1)}\) is efficient if \(\mathcal {F}\) can be realised efficiently [46]. The type-2 operator for \(\mathcal {F}\) is the unitary \(U_{\mathcal {F}}^{(2)}\) that does the following

$$\begin{aligned} \sum _{x\in \{0,1\}^{n}}\alpha _{x}\mathinner {|{x}\rangle } \mapsto \sum _{x}\alpha _{x}\mathinner {|{\mathcal {F} (x)}\rangle }\,. \end{aligned}$$

A realisation of a type-2 operator is, unlike for type-1 operators, not straightforward. Kashefi et al. [38] show that they can be realised using type-1 operators for both \(\mathcal {F}\) and \(\mathcal {F} ^{-1}\). Gagliardoni et al. [28] use this to show that type-2 operators for symmetric key encryption schemes can be realised using type-1 operators for encryption and decryption (cf. Fig. 6).

Using type-2 operators, Gagliardoni et al. [28] bypass the impossibility result by Boneh and Zhandry [12]. Since the adversary only receives a ciphertext register, it can not exploit the entanglement between registers as was the case for \(\mathrm {fqIND{\text{- }}CPA}\).

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Circuit for realising the type-2 operator \(U_{ \texttt{Enc}}^{(2)}\) using type-1 operators \(U_{ \texttt{Enc}}^{(1)}\) and \(U_{ \texttt{Dec}}^{(1)}\) for \( \texttt{Enc}\) and \( \texttt{Dec}\), respectively.

Below we define \(\mathrm {LoR{\text{- }}qIND}\) security. This is the notion given in [28] restricted to a single challenge and no learning queries. The difference is that our notion allows the adversary to specify a register containing the nonce used for encryption. To ensure the usage of classical randomness, we let the challenger measure this register. We restrict ourselves to the weaker \(\mathrm {LoR{\text{- }}qIND}\) notion, since we show below that \({ \textsc {Slae}}\) does not even achieve this notion. Extension to the stronger \(\mathrm {LoR{\text{- }}qINDqCPA}\) (allowing multiple challenges and learning queries) is straightforward by giving the adversary oracle access to a left-or-right oracle and a learning oracle implementing the type-2 encryption operator. The nonce-respecting property is ensured by letting the challenger reject queries for which the measurement of the nonce register yields an already measured nonce.

Definition 13

Let \(\varSigma = ( \texttt{Enc}, \texttt{Dec})\) be symmetric key encryption scheme and the security game \(\mathrm {LoR{\text{- }}qIND}\) be defined as in Fig. 7. For any adversary \(\mathcal {A}\) we define its \(\mathrm {LoR{\text{- }}qIND}\) advantage as

$$\begin{aligned} \textbf{Adv}_{\varSigma }^{\mathrm {LoR{\text{- }}qIND}}(\mathcal {A}) = \left| 2\,\Pr [\mathrm {LoR{\text{- }}qIND} ^{\mathcal {A}} \rightarrow 1] - 1\right| \,. \end{aligned}$$
Fig. 7.
figure 7

Security notion \(\mathrm {LoR{\text{- }}qIND}\) following [28].

The following theorem shows that the sponge-based encryption scheme \({ \textsc {SlEnc}}\) is not \(\mathrm {LoR{\text{- }}qIND}\)-secure. The attack uses a Hadamard distinguisher, following the one given in [28], that exploits the quantum insecurity of the one-time pad approach. The proof details can be found in Appendix C.

Theorem 14

Let \({ \textsc {SlEnc}}\) be the sponge-based encryption scheme displayed in Fig. 2 with message space \(\{0,1\}^{ \mu }\). Then there exist an adversary \(\mathcal {A}\) such that

$$\begin{aligned} \textbf{Adv}_{{ \textsc {SlEnc}}}^{\mathrm {LoR{\text{- }}qIND}}(\mathcal {A}) = 1 - \frac{1}{2^{ \mu }}\,. \end{aligned}$$

Observe that there is no security notion for AEAD schemes using type-2 operators. Both [28] and [29] only focus on encryption schemes. The obvious question is whether the MAC can be implemented using a type-2 operator. Regardless of this, we point out that the attack does not necessarily extend to \({ \textsc {Slae}}\). The reason is that the register containing the tag will be entangled which thwarts an attack by simply discarding the tag.

Note that the same attack applies to the encryption scheme underlying the sponge-based AEAD schemes ISAP [23] and its successor ISAP v2.0 [22].

5.3 Real-or-Random Security of SlEnc

The notion by Mossayebi and Schack [43] follows a real-or-random approach, where the adversary submits only a single message (possibly in superposition) and receives back the message along with a ciphertext. The ciphertext is either the encryption of the submitted message or of the permuted message using a permutation picked at random. Usage of the permutation ensures that the number of messages in superposition is the same for both the submitted and permuted message. Mossayebi and Schack [43] also defined the corresponding security with respect to chosen ciphertext attacks. The relevance of this notion is questionable, as it assumes non-cheating adversaries, that do not try to decrypt the challenge ciphertext with its decryption oracle.

In this notion, there is only a single message register that will always be entangled with the ciphertext register. This bypasses the impossibility result by Boneh and Zhandry [12].

Fig. 8.
figure 8

Security notion \(\mathrm {RoR{\text{- }}qIND}\) following [43].

Below we define \(\mathrm {RoR{\text{- }}qIND}\) security, where the adversary is restricted to a single challenge query and no learning query, again, extended by letting the adversary send a register with the nonce that is measured by the challenger. Extension to \(\mathrm {RoR{\text{- }}qINDqCPA}\) security works by providing the adversary a real-or-random challenge oracle and a learning oracle and reject queries where (measured) nonces repeat (Fig. 9).

Definition 15

Let \(\varSigma = ( \texttt{Enc}, \texttt{Dec})\) be a symmetric key encryption scheme and the security game \(\mathrm {RoR{\text{- }}qIND}\) be defined as in Fig. 8. For any adversary \(\mathcal {A}\) we define its \(\mathrm {RoR{\text{- }}qIND}\) advantage as

$$\begin{aligned} \textbf{Adv}_{\varSigma }^{\mathrm {RoR{\text{- }}qIND}}(\mathcal {A}) = \left| 2\,\Pr [\mathrm {RoR{\text{- }}qIND} ^{\mathcal {A}} \rightarrow 1] - 1\right| \,. \end{aligned}$$
Fig. 9.
figure 9

Circuit for real-or-random security notion. The permutation \(\pi \) is applied if \(b=1\).

The following theorem shows that the sponge-based encryption scheme \({ \textsc {SlEnc}}\) is not \(\mathrm {RoR{\text{- }}qIND}\)-secure. The attack follows [15] exploiting the outcome of a measurement in the Hadamard basis on two entangled registers. The full proof details can be found in the full version of the paper [34].

Theorem 16

Let \({ \textsc {SlEnc}}\) be the sponge-based encryption scheme displayed in Fig. 2. Then there exist an adversary \(\mathcal {A}\) such that

$$\begin{aligned} \textbf{Adv}_{{ \textsc {SlEnc}}}^{\mathrm {RoR{\text{- }}qIND}}(\mathcal {A}) = \frac{1}{2}\,. \end{aligned}$$

5.4 \(\mathrm {IND{\text{- }}qCPA}\) Security of Slae and FGHF’

In Sect. 5.1, we have discussed various different security notions for symmetric key encryption schemes in the QS2 setting. So far we have shown that \({ \textsc {SlEnc}}\) is neither \(\mathrm {LoR{\text{- }}qIND}\) nor \(\mathrm {RoR{\text{- }}qIND}\) secure. Observe that the attacks also apply to the generic construction FGHF’, as the weakness lies in the one-time pad (OTP) approach exploiting an inherent insecurity of the OTP against quantum attackers.

Observe that both the generic FGHF’ construction as well as \({ \textsc {Slae}}\) are stream ciphers. Following the results by Anand et al. [4], we obtain that both constructions are \(\mathrm {IND{\text{- }}qCPA}\) secure which is a direct consequence from the established \(\mathrm {IND{\text{- }}CPA}\) security in the QS1 sense.

6 Conclusion

In this work we have given both positive and negative results for the security of the sponge-based AEAD scheme \({ \textsc {Slae}}\). On the one hand, we have shown that \({ \textsc {Slae}}\) as well as the underlying core primitives are post-quantum secure. On the other hand, we have shown that their quantum security is not fully clear yet. While \({ \textsc {Slae}}\), as well as the generic FGHF’ construction, are easily seen to be not quantum secure for notions that allow challenge queries by the adversary to be in superposition, its quantum security with respect to \(\mathrm {IND{\text{- }}qCPA}\) is still open. More precisely, we argued that its \(\mathrm {IND{\text{- }}qCPA}\) security reduces to the quantum security of the underlying function \({ \textsc {SlFunc}}\) via the generic FGHF’ construction.

In the realm of quantum security, it is open to analyse the quantum security of the sponge-based function \({ \textsc {SlFunc}}\) as well as addressing the quantum unforgeability of \({ \textsc {Slae}}\) and its underlying MAC \({ \textsc {SlMac}}\). The reason is that the landscape of quantum unforgeability notions is still unclear as the existing notions [1, 12, 25, 30] suffer from some drawbacks that allow for intuitive forgeries that are not covered by the notions.

Regarding the post-quantum security of \({ \textsc {Slae}}\), one can investigate whether tighter bounds can be achieved. Generally, our bounds establish for the first time post-quantum security for the AEAD scheme and the underlying primitives but they are rather conservative and there might be room for improvements. For example, for \({ \textsc {SlFunc}}\) one may be able to use the semi-classical variant of the O2H lemma developed by Ambainis et al. [3] and for \({ \textsc {SPrg}}\) one may get tighter bounds by using the doubled-sided O2H lemma by Bindel et al. [9]. One can also consider an adaptive version, where the random oracle is reprogrammed only on the points that the adversary queries to its classical oracle.