
1 Introduction

Smart contracts on blockchains are programs that promise dependability through immutability and code transparency. However, this is not enough to ensure correctness of the smart contracts. Formal methods have been applied for this purpose, to allow for some level of security and verification of functional properties of smart contracts, e.g., [1, 5, 7]. One interesting aspect of smart contracts is the ability of smart contracts to interact with each other or with off-chain entities. This interaction is the only way in which smart contracts can change state, with each (data-carrying) interaction forming part of a transaction. While the blockchain on which smart contracts are executed is decentralised in nature, the logic of a smart contract or data upon which it depends may not be. Consider, for instance, a betting smart contract depending on random numbers provided by third party oracles, or an insurance smart contract depending on reports by experts and information provided by a user. Whenever a smart contract’s domain extends beyond what is digital and resides on the blockchain, it must interact with the real-world which is, by its very nature, centralised. A temperature sensor is, for instance, such a centralised point-of-trust, and, unless one goes to great lengths to have multiple independent sensors, the readings it provides and any logic or data which depend on them should ideally be tagged as such.

Given an event of interest (e.g., upgrading the level of a user or the violation of a property) it is interesting to reason about the contributing causes to this event, including any contributing interactions. However, such information is not typically available given interactions may be separated far in time from the events of interest to which they contribute. We observe that this kind of reasoning has been explored in literature, to an extent, in the study of taint analysis [12].

Taint analysis is typically concerned with identifying when input to a program can pose a security risk, e.g., if it can cause dangerous commands to be executed. Untrustworthy input is said to be tainted, while the sensitive parts of the program are called sinks, and the problem then is to find out whether tainted data can enter sinks. There are two approaches to taint analysis: static or dynamic. Identifying problems statically, pre-deployment, is ideal but having a sound and complete analysis is, in general, impossible forcing one to resort to over- or under-approximations—sound static analysis may identify false security risks, while a complete one may miss real ones. Dynamic taint analysis, identifying risks at runtime can be more precise.

In a manner akin to security and privacy taint analysis, we observe that issues of point-of-trust propagation in smart contracts (and indeed other systems which depend on data by external parties) follow a similar pattern and can be addressed using similar tools. We envisage trust type checking to ensure that trust does not propagate in an unexpected manner as a primary tool for smart contracts enforcing business process flows dependent on oracle and user data. Furthermore, we believe that the notion of trust is core in smart contracts and by implementing trust at the programming language level, and allowing developers to use trust information as part of their logic can be of great benefit. For this reason, we ensure that our trust/taint propagation semantics extend the semantics of Solidity, and allow for dynamic execution.

Static taint analysis has been explored in the context of Solidity smart contracts, e.g. [10, 17], however to the best of our knowledge dynamic taint analysis has not, possibly due to the associated overheads. In fact, both deploying and executing functions of the smart contract costs gas, paid for in ether, the currency of the Ethereum blockchain. This cost can be an effective remedy against denial-of-service attacks, and also ensures termination, but discourages the use of dynamic analysis techniques on the blockchain. Static analysis however has been used to attenuate the gas overheads of runtime verification (e.g., see [5]).

In this paper, we present an extension of Solidity with a notion of tainting as a first-class concept. We present taint labels that carry data, and allow assertions in the language to query these taints and use the associated data. We give the semantics for a simplified version of Solidity with taints that propagates the taints. We give several static analyses that we use to prune taint instrumentation, and leave the remaining for runtime. As a formal basis for these analyses and future ones, we give an abstract sound static semantics for the language.

Related Work. Static taint analysis has been applied in the context of Solidity before. Slither [10] can classify whether a smart contract variable is dependent on a user-controlled variable (e.g., a function parameter), or whether a function can be entered from illegitimate entry points. [17] uses taint tracking on control-flow graphs to identify re-entrancy. Our work instead considers using dynamic analysis, and optimises it through static analysis. Such combined analysis have been applied in other contexts, such as web security (e.g., see [13, 16]), and Android applications (e.g., see [14, 16]).

Static analysis has been used before to prove parts of properties safe and leave the rest of the property for runtime [2, 4, 8], and also for the pruning of instrumentation [3], mainly in the context of Java verification. This work has also been applied in the context of Solidity verification [5, 6]. See [11] for a more general exposition of optimisations for monitors.

See [15] for a more general survey of formal verification techniques applied to smart contracts.

Summary. In Sect. 2 we present an extension of the Solidity language with taints and a semantics for it, while in Sect. 3 we present tools to statically analyse programs in this language. We present a case study to validate the example static analyses we give in Sect. 4. We discuss this approach in Sect. 5, while we conclude with future work in Sect. 6.

2 Solidity with Dynamic Tainting

We present an extension of Solidity with taints at the language level, including constructs for declaration of data-carrying taint labels, statements that taint variables or memory locations, and extend Boolean expressions to query taints.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Solidity with taints.

2.1 Simplified Solidity with Taints

The grammar of Solidity extended with taints is shown in Fig. 1, with our additions and modification in boldface.

We leave the grammar underspecified for simplicity (e.g., we do not list types, or all possible ValueExpressions, like arithmetic combinations), so that we can focus on the novel taint constructs (see [9] for the full Solidity language). Smart contracts are deployed on the blockchain to certain addresses, and calls to their functions also are initiated from addresses, however here we abstract away from these, e.g. in CallExpr—note how a function being available from a certain address can simply be encoded as part of the function name/label; and also from messages (carrying some standard information about the sender and call), which can be encoded as parameters to the function.

We define taint template expressions (TaintExpr) to be either simple labels, labels with a sequence of possibly labelled data types, or disjunctions of such labels. We specify taint values (TaintValue) as being either simple labels (TaintLabel), or data-carrying labels (e.g., BadActor (address location) is a taint label template that can be instantiated into taints that carry information about the address of the bad actor). We introduce constructs to assign a taint expression a label (TaintDeclr), and a construct to allow for the taint of a variable to be a queried (TaintQuery).

We augment boolean expressions (BoolTaintsExpr) to be able to query the taints of variables, e.g. v tainted-by BadActor will hold true only if the value of v depends on some past interaction started by a specific bad actor. These can be used in assert statements (here we do not model gas consumption, thus we ignore require statements) and if statements.

Crucially, we add a construct (TaintBy) to allow variables to be assigned taint values, e.g., taint v by BadActor msg.senderFootnote 1. Essentially, the user can use this construct to specify sources of taint, e.g., to taint some parameters at the start of a function definition. Propagation of these taints to any variables that in turn depends on tainted variables will be taken care of by the semantics.

Moreover, instead of the assignment symbol \(=\), we have two kinds of assignment symbols: (1) denotes that x is assigned the value of the expression and also propagates taints of expr to x; while (2) denotes that x is only assigned the value of expr. We do not intend this to be used by the user, but we use it to denote the instrumentation required for propagating tainting dynamically. From the point of view of the user they will use \(=\), which will be interpreted as . For our static analysis the aim is to turn as many statements into while preserving the semantics. We will use to denote either or .

2.2 Semantics

We present an operational semantics for the grammar in Fig. 1, with some preliminaries first.


For brevity, we assume that every smart contract on the blockchain has unique names for their global variables, function parameters, local function variables, and function names.

The semantics given is an operational semantics, over configurations and transitions. Configurations are given over variable valuations, a function call stack, and the function code. The function call stack maintains a stack of the function calls in the current transaction, and a sequence of statements with the first statement being the next statement to execute. Instead of Solidity statements, we consider tainted statements, which will be required to keep track of taint of a certain execution, e.g., due to branching.

Definition 1 (Tainted Statements)

Given a statement st and a set of taints T, a tainted statement, written \(st\#T\), denotes that the execution of st was tainted by T. We overload this to sequences of statements, such that . We interpret \((st\#T)\#T'\) as \(st\#(T \cup T')\).

Definition 2 (Configurations)

A configuration is a triple \(\langle {\textbf {V}}, \textit{calls}, {\textbf {F}} \rangle \) where:

  1. 1.

    V is a valuation, a mapping from variable names to their values and taints (we write \({\textbf {V}} [x \mapsto v]\) to update the value of variable x, and \({\textbf {V}} [x_{taint} \mapsto t]\) to update the taint of x;

  2. 2.

    calls is a function call stack, an array modelling the current function call stack, with values consisting of a pair of: tainted sequence of statements and a variable (and variable taint) valuation; and

  3. 3.

    F is the code, a mapping from function names to sequences of statements (we leave this implicit since, for simplicity, we do not allow it to change).

Essentially, a configuration models the state (including taint state) of a blockchain at a given point in time. When the call stack is empty, the configuration is that of the blockchain between transactions, and when it is not empty the blockchain is in the process of a transaction.

The semantics will propagate a taint throughout a function’s code, which may depend on the taint of a expression, which we define as the union of the taints of the variables mentioned in that expression.

Definition 3

The taint of a value expression \(\textit{expr}\) in the context of a valuation \({\textbf {V}} \), denoted by \(taint(\textit{expr}, {\textbf {V}})\), is the union of the set of taints associated with every variable mentioned in the expression. When the valuation is clear from the context we leave it implicit.

We also require a notion of evaluation of expressions in the context of a given valuation of variables. We define an operator to represent this.

Definition 4

Given a valuation \({\textbf {V}} \) and Solidity expression \(\textit{expr}\), we write \(\textit{expr} \Downarrow {\textbf {V}} \) to denote the value of the expression with respect to the valuation.

We can then give the operational semantics. The notation we use for the operational semantics includes naming of certain structures for more compact (width-wise) rules, e.g., writing \(lcls' := lcls[x \mapsto expr \Downarrow lcls]\) means \(lcls'\) should be interpreted as \(lcls[x \mapsto expr \Downarrow lcls]\) in the rest of the rule.

Definition 5 (Operational Semantics)

The operational semantics of Solidity with taints is given over configurations and transitions labelled by calls and tainted return values, or by \(\times \) (denoting an unsuccessful call). The transition relation \(\rightarrow \) is given by the rules in Fig. 2.

We use \(\Rightarrow \) for the transitive closure of \(\rightarrow \). We overload \(\Rightarrow \) so that we write \(V {\Rightarrow }^{\textit{call}(f,\textit{params})} V'\) for \((V,[]) \xrightarrow {\textit{call}(f,\textit{params})} (V, x) \Rightarrow (V, x') \xrightarrow {\textit{res}} (V', [])\) (with no other labelled transitions in between).

Note that we do not define a rule for assert, instead we treat a statement assert(e) as .

We briefly describe the semantics. Labels indicate the start of an offchain call (OffchainCall) or the termination of such a call, either without exceptions (ReturnOffchain) or with a cancellation and revert of the transaction (RevertOffchain). Given a tainting expression, we taint the variable in the valuation (UpdateTaint), while if the initiator of the call, msg.sender, is tainted then all the assignments in the remaining statements are also tainted (UpdateTaintSender). Given an if statement, we evaluate the condition on the current valuation, and continue in the appropriate branch, while tagging each branch with the taints of the condition (IfThenElseLeft, IfThenElseRight).

Given an assignment, we first consider when the right-hand side expression is a value expression and update the value of the variable (NonCallAssignment), and in the case the instrumented assignment, is used the taint of the variable is also updated (NonCallAssignmentInstrumented). When there is a call, we simply place the code of the called function on the stack (Call), note how our assumption that all variables, parameters, and functions have unique names ensures the valuation is updated appropriately. The output of a function is then used if the call ends successfully (CallReturn) and the taint possibly updated (CallReturnInstrumented), or otherwise a revert is propagated upwards (CallRevert). This logic is modified slightly for the case of a guarded call (GCall, GCallReturn, GCallReturnInstrumented, and GCallRevert), where reverts no longer propagate upwards.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Semantics of grammar in Fig. 1.

2.3 Implementation

Implementing this semantics as is requires augmenting the semantics of Solidity. Instead, here, we describe how it can be encoded in the full Solidity language.

Taints Values. Taint values can be encoded with each taint label as a value in an enum, and a wrapping struct as a template for values. For example, the declaration BadActorTaint = BadActorUnknown | BadActor (address loc) can be represented with: enum BadActorTaintLabels = {BadActorUnknown, BadActor} and struct BadActorTaint = {BadActorTaintLabels label; address loc;}.

Variable Taints. The taint of each variable can be kept track of in a corresponding taint array variable. The tainting of locations in a mapping or array can also be kept track of in variables of the same structure. A taint expression taint x by t, can then encoded by simply pushing taint t onto x’s taint array, e.g., xTaint.push(t). We can have repetition in this case, i.e. xTaint is not a set, but this does not change the semantics.

Propagating Taints. Propagating taints through instrumented assignments can be done in two-steps. For direct assignments to a value expression, one can simply append a statement immediately after the assignment that sets the taint of the assigned variable to the union of the taint variables of the variables used in the assignment expression. Assignment to the value of calls however presents an issue. If the function called is under our control, we can simply edit it to take parameter taints as inputs and to output also the taints of the return values. OtherwiseFootnote 2, the taint semantics cannot be replicated. One approach could be to assume that the output could be tainted by any taint, and thus have a sound but incomplete dynamic taint analysis. For our purposes, we only consider when called functions are under our control and then the analysis is sound.

This approach to the implementation can however make the smart contract very costly (note how checking a taint query requires iterating over an array which does not have a bounded size). We tackle this through static analysis.

3 Static Analysis

When developing smart contracts one generally aims to reduce the amount of code and the amount of computation performed. This is due to the notion of gas, wherein both placing code on the blockchain and executing it has costs. Our described implementation, however, requires adding substantial instrumentation: (1) a taint variable for every variable; and (2) assignment to these taint variables after every assignment to associated variables. These can add significant overheads, as we see later in Sect. 4. Yet, not all this instrumentation is required and tainting is only relevant to the smart contract’s execution when it affects the flow or output of the smart contract, otherwise it has no impact.

In this section, we give a sound abstract semantics to the language which we use as the basis for static analysis that is able to modify instrumentation safely (e.g., transform into ), and that can be used to determine the possible value of conditions on taint at locations of a smart contract.

3.1 Abstract Semantics

Here we define a sound method of propagating taints in a Solidity smart contract, while abstracting away the values of variables.

In the static context we do not have taint values when the taint is data-carrying, instead we abstract them by their corresponding taint expression, e.g., BadActor(msg.sender) is abstracted by the expression BadActor address. In this section, we then use these taint expressions as our taints.

Definition 6 (Abstract Taints)

The abstraction of a taint tag t, denoted abs(t), is t itself in the case of a non-data-carrying labels, and the corresponding taint expression with values replaced by their types for data-carrying labels. We overload abs to also range over sets of taints, i.e., .

We will also require a notion of projecting concrete valuations and return values onto their original variable value parts and the taint parts.

Definition 7 (Valuation and Return Value Projection)

\({\textbf {V}} |_{vars}\) projects \({\textbf {V}} \) onto its variable domain, ignoring tainting. \(ret|_{vars}\) is similar, while \(\times \) remains \(\times \). Similarly, \(|_{taints}\) projects \({\textbf {V}} \) and ret onto taint variables.

A remaining issue is branching in the code as caused by an if-then-else, where the taint at runtime depends on which branch is taken. Statically we have to consider both branches, since we want to handle every possible case. Since we will be dealing with each function on its own, and Solidity smart contracts have a tendency to be small (due to gas costs), here we will deal with this simply by non-deterministically branching. In other contexts this may not be ideal, since this may incur a degree of repetition which may worsen the state space explosion.

We re-use the \(\#\) and taint operators here, appropriately re-interpreted for this abstract context (i.e. \(\#\) instruments with abstract taints, and taint returns the abstract taints of an expression).

The semantics we give is over abstract configurations, which only maintain information about the next statement to execute and an abstract taint function.

Definition 8 (Abstract Configurations)

An abstract configuration is a pair \(\langle \textit{calls},tnts,{\textbf {F}} \rangle \) with:

  1. 1.

    calls is an abstract call stack, with elements as abstractly tainted statements;

  2. 2.

    tnts is an abstract taint valuation; and

  3. 3.

    F, being the code, a mapping from function names to the function’s list of statements (left implicit).

We can then give our abstract operational semantics.

Definition 9 (Abstract Operational Semantics)

The abstract operational semantics of Solidity with taints is given over abstract configurations. The transition relation \(\rightarrow \), is given by the rules in Fig. 3, with \(\Rrightarrow \) as its transitive closure.

Every rule given is a direct counterpart of the similarly named rules in Fig. 2, with some rules combined into one here.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Abstract static semantics of grammar in Fig. 1.

We can prove that this abstract semantics soundly abstracts the concrete semantics of the language, i.e., that when a call produces a return value with a certain concrete taint in the concrete semantics, then there is a path in the abstract semantics that produces an abstract version of the concrete taint.

Theorem 1

\(({\textbf {V}}, []) {\Rightarrow }^{call(f,params)} {\textbf {V}} '\) implies \(\exists sts, T', tnts' \cdot ({\textbf {F}}(f), {\textbf {V}} |_{taints}) \Rrightarrow ((\textit{return }expr : sts)\#T', tnts') \wedge abs(T) = T' \cup taint(expr, tnts')\).

3.2 Analysis and Optimisation

The abstract semantics we gave can be the formal basis of different static analyses. Here we characterise when a static analysis reduces instrumentation in a correct manner. However, instead of working with the code, for static analysis it is often more useful to make the control-flow between statements explicit. Standard techniques can be used to transform Solidity code into a graph and back (e.g., as supported by existing tools [5, 6]).

Definition 10 (Function Control-flow Graph)

The control-flow graph of a function F is a tuple \(C_F = \langle S, label, s_0, Ret, Rev, \rightarrow \rangle \), with S being a set of states, \(label : S \rightarrow \textit{Stmt}\) associating each state with a statement, \(s_0\) being the initial state, Ret being the set of states associated with return statements, and Rev being the set of states associated with revert statements. \(\rightarrow : S \times S\) is a transition relation denoting the control-flow between the statements.

We can then augment the control-flow graph by considering its abstract execution with the abstract semantics. The states in the graph then become pairs of statements and abstract taint functions.

Moreover, we consider a special abstract taint expression \(*\) that denotes variables could be tainted by any taint set; we will be using this to be able to reason about each function intraprocedurally, by starting with an abstract taint function that assigns \(*\) to every variable: initTnt, s.t. \(initTnt(v) = *\).

Definition 11 (Tainted Function Control-flow Graph)

The tainted control-flow graph of a function F is a tuple \(t(C_F) = \langle S, tlabel, s_0, Ret, Rev, \rightarrow \rangle \), defined as before, but with \(tlabel : S \rightarrow \textit{Stmt} \times \mathbb {V}_{taints}\) associating each state with a statement and an abstract taint function.

The construction proceeds by associating the initial state with the most abstract taint function, \(tlabel(s_0) = (st_0, initTnt)\), and when for states s and \(s'\), \(s \rightarrow s'\) in \(C_F\), then if \(tlabel(s) = (label(s), tnt)\) and \((label(s) : [label(s')], tnt) \rightarrow (label(s'), tnt')\) (in the abstract semantics), we set \(tlabel(s') = (label(s'), tnt')\).

Note how we have a finite amount of abstract taints and statements, and thus applying the abstract semantics will terminate, if there is no recursive call. In the case of a recursive call we have several options, e.g., tainting with \(*\), or running the call until a fixed point of taints is reached.

Our static analysis will involve transformation of the instrumentation of a function while retaining the same semantics, which we characterise below.

Definition 12 (Instrumentation Reduction)

Given functions F and \(F'\), \(F'\) is said to be an instrumentation reduction of a function F, in the context of a set of functions \({\textbf {F}}\), written \(F' \le _{t} F\) iff (1) F and \(F'\) only differ on the use of or , or on the presence of taint by expressions; (2) replacing a call to F with one to \(F'\) does not change the values of variables, but may associate less (but not different) taints to variables, formally:

For an arbitrary n, consider any arbitrary sequence of n function calls (to functions from \({\textbf {F}}\)), \(c_i\), any initial valuation \({\textbf {V}} _0\), and the corresponding n valuations \({\textbf {V}} _{i+1}\) and return values \(ret_{i + 1}\), such that \({\textbf {V}} _i {\Rightarrow }^{c_i} {\textbf {V}} _{i+1}\). If, for some index j, \(c_j\) is a call to F, then replacing \(c_j\) with \(c'_j\), a call to \(F'\) but with the same parameters and message, induces \(n-j\) new valuations and return values \({\textbf {V}} '_{j+1},..., {\textbf {V}} '_{n+1}\) and \(ret'_{j+1},...,ret'_{n+1}\) such that \({\textbf {V}} _j {\Rightarrow }^{c'_j} {\textbf {V}} '_{j+1}\) (and so on), then for all indices k bigger than j the corresponding valuations and return values with taints projected out, are equivalent: \({\textbf {V}} _{k}|_{vars} = {\textbf {V}} '_{k}|_{vars}\) and \(ret_{k}|_{vars} = ret'_{k}|_{vars}\) , while the taint projected parts in the reduced version are contained in the other: \(\forall v \cdot {\textbf {V}} '_{k}|_{taints}(v) \subseteq {\textbf {V}} _{k}|_{taints}(v)\) and \(ret'_{k}|_{taints} \subseteq ret_{k}|_{taints}\) .

We then describe informally several instrumentation reducing analyses that can be performed on the set of tainted control-flow graphs of a smart contract.

Removing Irrelevant Instrumentation. Given a function \(F \in {\textbf {F}}\), we can identify statements in that function whose evaluation depends on the taint of some variable, generally either conditional or return statements. For each such statement, we can do a transitive backwards analysis to determine the set of taints and the set of variables that are relevant.

Then, collecting all this information from all the functions in \({\textbf {F}}\), we can identify the taint instrumentation nodes that set the taint of a variable such that the variable and its taint may be relevant to some conditional statement in the smart contract. Irrelevant taint instrumentation nodes can be removed.

For example, where T and \(T'\) are distinct concrete taint labels:

figure p

On the left-hand side, x is relevant to the conditional on the third line, but it is only relevant to it when x is tainted by T. Thus, barring any other need for knowing about the taint of v or x with \(T'\), the right-hand is equivalent to the above modulo the assert statement.

Moreover, consider that a variable is tainted twice in a function with such a label, and between these two locations there is no point where the first taint of the variable is used. Then we can just discard the first instrumentation, and keep the last one, since the first one is unused and later overwritten.

For example (assume the only conditional statement is the visible assert):

figure q

Here, if y does not also depend previously on x, we can simply turn off the first tainting of x, since it will later be overwritten.

Push Forward Instrumentation. Instrumentation points can set the taint of a variable v to that of another variable \(v'\). We observe that sometimes the taint of variable \(v'\) is only relevant because it is relevant for v. However, if the taint instrumentation in question is in the same function we simply replace the reference to the taint of \(v'\) in the instrumentation of v by the concrete taint instrumentation of \(v'\). Then the tainting of \(v'\) can be removed as in the previous optimisation. This concretisation can be performed easily, without any restrictions, for non-data-carrying labels. However, in the case of data-carrying labels we need to also make sure that the label does not contain references to variables that are modified in the flow between \(v'\) and v.

For example:

figure r

If the left-hand side is the whole body of a function, or we know that the parameter par and \(v'\) are not relevant to any other conditional statement, then simply removing their tainting instrumentation, and simply tainting v will be an appropriate reduction.

These two optimisations can be performed on the smart contract until a fixpoint is reached. We next consider the savings these give with a case study.

4 Case Study

We consider a smart contract which can be used to record and authenticate the provenance, quality, and use of grapes for the production of wine. Figure 4 illustrates a selection of the functions of this smart contract, along with taint annotations in our language, in boldface. Note that for simplicity in this case study a variable can only have one taint.

This contract allows a farmer to record a grape production on the smart contract, which is given a certain unique identifier (recordGrapeProductionFarmer). We also allow accredited labs to either register a grape production themselves, or update the farmer record, which we do not show here since they are similar to the recordGrapeProductionFarmer function. Sale of grapes to another person is also recorded on the blockchain (recordSale). The owner of a certain grape production can then record the bottling of wine produced from grapes they own (RecordBottling), while official certification providers can give a certain certification to the grapes, depending on the location they are produced in.

In this smart contract, we are interested in specifying that the right kind of accredited lab was involved in determining the recording of a grape production involved in making a wine, depending on whether the wine involves multiple grape sources or just one (see the asserts over taints in recordDOK). It bears to note that the benefit of taints here is that propagation of taints is done automatically, while a manual ad hoc approach is open for errors.

In Fig. 5 we report the recordGrapeProductionFarmer function with the encoding in Solidity described in Sect. 2.3. After the optimisations described in Sect. 3.2, the result is shown in Fig. 6, a significant reduction.

Table 1. Results, with costs in gas and increases in percentage w.r.t. to original costs.
Fig. 4.
figure 4

Extract from case study smart contract (the.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Encoding of taint propagation in recordGrapeProductionFarmer.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

recordGrapeProductionFarmer after optimisation of taint propagation.

We evaluated this smart contract to identify the gas costs when there are no taints, to when the taint instrumentation is performed, and after it is optimised. The results are shown in Table 1. We report the results for each individual function given expected input, and for the average gas cost given a set of randomly generated expected (i.e., non-reverting) flows. One can see optimisation through the presented static analyses reduces costs significantly, up to around two thirds in the case of an average flow, validating the viability of the approach.

5 Discussion

The taints we have added here are different from the usual taints considered in taint analysis. Usually, something is considered as tainted or not tainted, while here tainting can be with different labels, even sets of labels. This is a more powerful concept, since it allows to talk about all the contributing actors to a value, rather that simply talk about whether something is a security risk or not (without identifying what caused that security risk). That we integrate queries about these taints into a language, allowing branching in the program due to taints, is also novel to the best of our knowledge, since standard taint analysis simply is concerned with preventing certain data from reaching certain sinks.

These queries allow the developer to make decisions based on whether they trust the source of some data or not. For example in the case study the developer requires that information comes from a certain kind of lab when the wine is of a certain kind. This can certainly be implemented in an ad hoc manner without taints, but we believe that this kind of reasoning about trust at the top-level can be very useful due to the immutability of smart contracts and their public accessibility. A high-level approach gives certain guarantees that ad hoc implementations do not give, while static analysis tackles issues of gas.

Moreover, allowing taint queries at the level of if-then-else constructs opens up the possibility to modify branching at runtime depending on the trust level one has towards sources of taints. This can be used not just to prevent untrustworthy data to have an effect on the smart contract, but also to keep track of bad flows and perform actions that sanitise such data or to sanction their source.

6 Conclusions

A smart contract on a blockchain is open for interaction, with input coming from different, possibly untrustworthy sources. Keeping track of the sources of some data can be useful, for example when an event of interest happens we can then query the source of the event and contributing smart contract state, and make decisions based on that. In this paper, we have incorporated dynamic taint analysis for Solidity smart contracts through an extension of the language with a formal semantics, while we have described how this can be implemented in Solidity. We have also introduced a way to perform static tainting, which we use to prune away some of the instrumentation judged inconsequential for dynamic tainting. Evaluation on a case study, validates the static analysis as potentially eliminating a significant amount of overhead.

Future Work. In our abstract semantics we abstract taints by their corresponding taint type expression. In the future we want to consider also adding some information in the abstract taints to be able to relate them together, for example adding information about the line of code where the taint is created. Moreover, we do not do any analysis of variable values at the static level, however we intend to use techniques and tooling from [5, 6] to enable some abstraction of these, which would allow more fine-grained static taint analysis.