
1 Introduction

Understanding a person’s emotional context by way of sentiment analysis or finer-grained emotion detection from written text can play a significant role in intelligent systems and modern applications, such as in commercial, political, or security areas [50]. Sentiment analysis (SA) is an application of Natural Language Processing (NLP) focused on determining the polarity of emotions in a textual or spoken sample (i.e., positive, negative, neutral). On a finer-grained level, emotion detection refines the task of sentiment analysis into classifying a sample as representative of specific emotions (e.g., happy, sad, angry, etc.). Illustrative commercial applications include identifying angry customers based on email content [23] as well as proper routing and escalation of messages to appropriate customer representatives [28].

Correctly identifying specific emotions in written text is challenging, even with richer data where texts are longer and well-written stylistically. However, texts in modern communication are more often aligned in structure with social media interactions (shorter, less formally written), which present even greater challenges. Emotion detection in social media (EMDISM) must consider the less formal nature of the communication medium, with little regulation of writing styles and generally smaller sample sizes for analysis [21]. EMDISM is important for a variety of application contexts. For example, marketers and airlines apply sentiment analysis or EMDISM to assess emotional responses to advertising and understand overall customer satisfaction with travel experiences based on social media posts [24, 43, 47]. Beyond commercial applications, mental health providers monitor social media to identify indicators of depression [14], and security researchers are working to identify emerging threats from extremists [3] and other violent actions [34] from social media posts. Developing improved EMDISM approaches is broadly important for industry and society, and improving accuracy is a key open research question.

Our research is focused on the potential for improving accuracy in EMDISM applications by investigating ensemble approaches. In this paper, we present an in-depth evaluation of ensemble EMDISM approaches combining 15 common classifiers from 3 classification disciplines in 21 unique combinations across 4 categories of ensembles. We discuss key design decisions and experimental results indicating which ensembles were more effective than singleton classifiers and present significance testing demonstrating ensembles are often more accurate than singleton classifiers.

2 Related Work

In previous related research, we characterize three primary types of approach for sentiment analysis and emotion detection: machine learning (ML), deep learning (DL), and transformer learning (TL). Our research focuses on creating ensembles comprised of ML, DL, and TL classifiers, which have been previously applied to the tasks of text-based sentiment analysis or EMDISM. We present background research on individual component DL, ML, and TL classifiers, as well as ensemble approaches for leveraging combinations of component classifier outcomes.

2.1 Classifiers

Traditional machine learning (ML) classifiers generally apply logic or statistical analysis for text classification, and were among the earliest text classification algorithms. Decision trees have been applied to numerous classification problems, including EMDISM [36], and are a type of supervised learning algorithm, which builds classification structures based on partitioning data into subsets of samples with similar characteristics. Decision trees are one of the easiest classification methods for humans to understand, as they can be presented as graphs resembling trees, where each branch is a decision point and each leaf is a classification node. Ranganathan [36] applied decision trees to Twitter EMDISM of five emotions with reported accuracies between 88% to 96%. Support vector machine (SVM) [41] classifiers attempt to define a theoretical hyperplane used to segregate large vectors of sparsely populated data into discrete clusters with maximized distances between clusters, and given the sparse vector representations generated through tokenization of text. SVM has been widely applied to SA and EMDISM [8, 32]. Support vector classification (SVC) [16] is used for processing high dimensional sparse vectors by “...reducing the number of objects in the training set that are used for defining the classifier.” LinearSVC [46] is a variant of SVC designed to better scale to larger datasets. Logistic regression [18] uses independent variables to predict between binary classes, and has been applied in a one versus rest approach for SA and EMDISM [35].

Deep learning (DL) classifiers utilize layered neural networks and backwards propagation of error correction to create class predictions from tokenized embedding layers. DL classifiers for text classification generally consist of an embedding layer of tokenized text data, one or more hidden layers of decision neurons, and an output layer for predicting sample classes [52]. Complex neural networks have been developed, including convolutional neural networks (CNN) [30], which establish progressively smaller filters on samples to retain data about the context of one token to other tokens around it, and recurrent neural networks (RNN) which use an internal memory of previous steps to preserve contextual information about the relationships between tokens. Bidirectional RNNs (B-RNN) [38] and long short-term memory (LSTM) [26] neural networks were adapted versions of RNNs designed to address the vanishing or exploding gradient problem. B-RNNs use stacked RNNs to capture the context before and after a token, by training one RNN with tokens in the original order and the other RNN with tokens in reverse order. LSTM uses a combined forget gate, input gate, hidden memory layer, and output gate at each time step in the training process, and several variations of LSTM have been created including gated recurrent units (GRU) [11], bidirectional GRU (BiGRU) [10], bidirectional LSTM (BiLSTM) [39], and convolutional LSTM (C-LSTM) [22]. GRU combines LSTM’s input and forget gates and merges the hidden memory layer and cell states, and BiGRU and BiLSTM add a bidirectional layer to GRU and LSTM respectively. C-LSTM adds memory of the class label to each gate in the LSTM layer.

Transformer learning (TL) classifiers, first proposed by Vaswani et al. [42], are a specific type of neural network which replace the convolutions and recurrence of DL classifiers with a paired encoder and decoder and a self-attention mechanism, which combine to effectively capture the context of each token in relation to other tokens in each sample. As TL classifiers avoid the need for recurrence or convolution, they generally require fewer epochs to fine-tune their base models and are more accurate than DL classifiers. BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) was developed by Devlin et al. [15] and used a masked language model approach to train their base model. BERT achieved an SST-2 accuracy score for the GLUE benchmarks [44] of 91.6% for binary SA. RoBERTa [31] attempted to improve upon BERT by training by training with larger batch sizes, more training epochs, and a larger vocabulary. RoBERTa achieved an SST-2 accuracy of 92.9%. XLNet [49] avoids the introduction of noise caused by inserting masking and separator tokens during BERT pre-training, and also considers permutations of factorization orders to capture the bidirectional context of tokens and maximize the probability that a token sequence would be present in each permutation. XLNet was 94.4% accurate in the SST-2 task. Lample and Conneau [29] developed the cross lingual model, XLM, to extend the concepts of BERT to additional languages, using 7500 training samples from 15 languages. XLM-RoBERTa (XLM-R) integrated concepts from XLM and BERT by applying MLM training with a larger vocabulary consisting of 250K tokens from 100 different languages compared to the 30K vocabulary used for BERT. XLM-R reported 95.0% accuracy in the SST-2 task. Clark et al. presented ELECTRA (Efficiently Learning an Encoder that Classifies Token Replacements Accurately) [12], which was designed to offset an imbalance caused by introducing masked tokens during pre-training BERT base models but not during fine-tuning. ELECTRA delivered SST-2 accuracy between 89.1% and 96.7% depending on training duration and which dataset was used for fine-tuning.

Table 1. Ensembles applied to text-based sentiment analysis or emotion detection.

2.2 Ensembles

Ensemble classifiers are designed to offset the weaknesses of one or more classifiers with the strengths of other classifiers. Hansen and Salamon [25] suggested ensembles can be more accurate than singleton classifiers and that the correct first step for creating ensembles was to assess individual classifiers for accuracy to determine their suitability for inclusion in an ensemble. Boosting [37] is a process whereby iterative training and adjusting of weights is used to turn weak classifiers into strong classifiers, and AdaBoost [20] uses a weighted voting ensemble which is still in popular use. Bootstrap aggregating (bagging) [6] concepts included simple voting among base learners trained on different replicas of data, and this ensemble voting approach is still in use for SA and emotion detection today [4, 32, 48]. Burke [7] described numerous architectures for creating hybrids (ensembles) for recommender systems, including weighted voting, cascading, and switching approaches, among others. We adopt Burke’s characterizations in discussing our ensemble approaches. Several research teams have created and applied ensembles combining various classifiers for sentiment analysis or emotion detection. Table 1 provides a list of ensemble researchers, the ensemble components they assessed, and the metrics reported for each approach [1, 2, 4, 5, 9, 13, 17, 27, 33, 48, 51]. Previous ensemble research has generally focused on binary sentiment analysis or classifying a more limited sampling of emotions with one of a few classifiers, whereas we have developed and assessed ensembles to classify a larger number of emotions (7) developed from a broader, cross-disciplinary selection of ML, DL, and TL classifiers.

3 Ensemble Approach and Evaluation

The specific challenge our research addresses focuses on potential performance improvements in finer-grained emotion detection in social media text. To address this challenge, we investigated the potential of ensemble approaches to improve performance in EMDISM. We conducted an in-depth evaluation of ensemble EMDISM approaches combining 15 common classifiers from 3 classification disciplines in 21 unique combinations across 4 categories of ensembles.

3.1 Experimental Setup

Our experiments were completed on a Micro-star International Z390 Gaming Infinite X Plus 9 desktop computer, with 48 GB of RAM, an Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9700K CPU, and one NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 GPU. Our experimental platform was created in Python—using the Scikit-learn library for ML models, partitioning training/testing data, and analyzing results; Keras Tensorflow for DL model creation; the HuggingFace’s Transformers and Simple Transformer libraries for TL model fine-tuning; Pandas and Numpy for dataframe and array processing; and NLTK for preprocessing text. We selected the EMDISM dataset developed by Wang et al. [45], hereafter referenced as the HT dataset. The HT dataset originally consisted of 2.5M Twitter tweets labeled with seven emotions—joy, sadness, anger, love, thankfulness, fear, and surprise—which are closely aligned with Ekman’s six basic emotions [19]. At the time of our experimentation, the text detail of only 1.2M HT tweets remained available for hydration from Twitter with 349,419 samples of joy, 299,412 of sadness, 261,806 of anger, 153,017 of love, 72,505 of thankfulness, 65,010 of fear, and 11,978 of surprise. We followed common pre-processing steps [39, 40] to de-noise the dataset. Specifically, we removed URLs, usernames, hashtags, and numbers, cast all text to lowercase, un-escaped html escape strings, replaced duplicate punctuation with singles (e.g. !!! became !), stripped extra whitespace, and lemmatized verbs. For experimentation, we performed 10-fold cross-validation testing and compared validation loss and accuracy curves to avoid overfitting.

3.2 Analysis of Individual Component Approaches

To create our ensembles, we followed the recommendations of Hansen and Salamon [25] in that we assembled and assessed a cross-discipline list of candidate ML, DL, and TL classifiers, focusing specifically on classifiers which had been applied to the task of sentiment analysis or emotion classification. In assessing individual models, we focused on base models and common implementations of each approach, including ML classifiers (decision trees, linear SVC, logistic regression, Naïve Bayes, SVM), DL classifiers (GRU, BiGRU, LSTM, C-LSTM, BiLSTM), and TL classifiers (BERT, ELECTRA, RoBERTA, XLM-R, XLNet). For additional detail on hyperparameter selection see [21]. We followed the same basic outline in assessing each model, in that we pre-processed our dataset and saved a clean version for reuse across all models compared. Next we trained or fine-tuned each model, performed 10-fold cross-validation to compute average accuracy, and created a heatmap (see Fig. 1) to assess how each performed in classifying specific emotions. This served to help identify strengths and weaknesses among individual component models, and informed the creation of the ensemble approaches we explored. We selected BERT, the most accurate singleton classifier, as a baseline for comparing ensemble performance.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Heatmap of classification accuracy by emotion for each classifier - greater than 80% - green, 50–80% - yellow, below 50% - red. (Color figure online)

3.3 Analysis of Ensemble Approaches

Based on the analysis of individual component approaches, we created 21 ensembles, including simple voting, weighted voting, cascading, and cascading/switching ensembles. Simple voting ensembles were created by pooling predictions from selected classifiers, as described by the names of their approaches (e.g. TL(all) is an ensemble including BERT, ELECTRA, RoBERTa, XLM-R, and XLNet), with each component receiving one vote per sample. Weighted voting ensembles were designed to leverage the greater accuracy of decision trees for the least represented classes in the HT dataset, adding votes from decision trees only when fear or surprise were predicted. The weighted voting ensembles are identified with abbreviations, where B is BERT, E is ELECTRA, R is RoBERTa, D is decision trees, F is fear, S is surprise, and 2 (when present) indicates that 2 votes were added whenever decision trees predicted fear (BER+DS2) or fear and suprise (BER+DFS2) instead of 1 vote. The cascading and cascading/switching ensembles were designed to append new super-class labels to the HT dataset to segment the data into subsets for training individual super-class and sub-class models. For example the cascading ensemble named BERT 5, Dectree 2 indicates the super-classes were segmented to include the 5 most represented classes (joy, sadness, anger, love, and thankfulness) in one class and the 2 least represented (fear and surprise) in another class. A BERT model was trained to classify each sample as belonging to one of these super-classes and this result was passed to one of two other models (a BERT model for the 5 most represented and a decision tree model trained to predict the 2 least represented classes) trained to predict from either the top 5 classes or bottom 2 classes respectively. The cascading hybrid BERT 4,3 leverages one BERT model fine-tuned for the initial super-class prediction and two additional BERT models fine-tuned to predict within the sub-classes. The entire set of predictions was then reassembled and assessed for accuracy, with significance testing via ANOVA between the 5 most accurate models and the BERT baseline, as well as average accuracy, weighted precision, weighted recall, and weighted f-measure for each.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Ensemble average accuracy.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Comparing 5 most accurate ensembles with the BERT baseline.

4 Results and Discussion

Of the individual classifiers we evaluated, the most accurate were the TL algorithms (in order from most to least accurate - BERT, ELECTRA, RoBERTa, XLNet, XLM-R), followed by decision trees, then all DL algorithms (C-LSTM, BiGRU, BiLSTM, LSTM, GRU in descending order), and finally the remaining ML algorithms (Linear SVC, Logistic regression, Naïve Bayes, SVM).

12 of 21 ensembles created were more accurate than the BERT baseline accuracy of 87.851%, including 4 of 9 simple voting ensembles, 6 of 8 weighted voting ensembles, 1 of 2 cascading ensembles, and 1 of 2 cascading/switching ensembles. The most accurate ensembles were weighted voting ensembles BER_DFS and BER_DS, with 89.423% average accuracy. Figure 2 shows accuracy across all tested ensembles and Fig. 3 shows a detail comparison of the accuracy, precision, recall, and f-measure for the top 5 ensembles and the BERT baseline. We also performed a single factor analysis of variance between BERT and the 5 most accurate ensembles and found that the variance was statistically significant, with a p-value of 9.92e−59. The addition of weighted votes for fear appeared to have little affect on the accuracy of our ensembles, with no difference in accuracy scores for BER_DFS and BER_DS. The ensembles which were less accurate than the BERT baseline consisted primarily of reference models created to assess novel approaches rather than realistically expected to outperform the baseline.

5 Conclusions and Future Work

Results show that ensembles can provide more accurate results than the most accurate single classifier, with at least 5 ensembles providing significantly more accurate results than BERT (89.423% for our best ensemble compared to 87.851% for the baseline). These also showed performance improvement compared to the BERT baseline in precision, recall, and f-measure. Results also showed that simple voting, weighted voting, cascading, and cascading/switching ensembles may all provide measurably more accurate results, when designed to offset the weaknesses of one approach with the strengths of another approach.

Future work includes testing further ensemble variations, including dictionary classifiers, to understand tradeoffs in ensemble architectures, evaluation with additional EMDISM datasets under development, and extending our research to identify imbalance thresholds wherein voting and switching ensembles are most effective. Overall, results demonstrate the potential of ensemble approaches for performance improvement in EMDISM, with the potential to benefit a wide variety of applications that rely on accurate understanding of emotion contexts.