
1 Introduction

Language models, in particular, Generative Pre-trained Transformers, have shown prominent abilities for many Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks. The pre-training fine-tuning paradigm for solving downstream tasks [1], which has been the dominant approach, especially for transformer models, will be limited as long as it requires large labelled training corpora. Moreover, fine-tuning large language models can be computationally expensive and time-consuming.

In [2] the authors present GPT3, an autoregressive language model, which can be applied without any gradient updates or fine-tuning, with tasks and few-shot demonstrations specified purely via text interaction with the model. The methodology in [3] introduces the concept of few-shot: the model receives several training examples and a test prompt in a text format as an input and makes predictions based on them. The setting when the model receives no training examples and makes a prediction based only on the text prompt constructed from a test sample is called zero-shot. To illustrate the idea of a text prompt we present an example for the DaNetQA taskFootnote 1 (a question answering task for questions with binary answers yes or no from the Russian benchmark SuperGLUE) in Fig. 1. After the format of the text prompt is defined, we sequentially unite it with each of the answer options (that is, each of the possible labels) and measure the perplexity of the resulting text fragment. The answer options are then sorted by the perplexity scores, and the one with the lowest score is considered to be a prediction. Thus, such an approach does not require any additional training and the answer can be obtained with the use of the original pre-trained model.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

A text prompt constructed for a DaNetQA test sample.

These few-shot and zero-shot methods have shown promising results on a wide range on Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks, especially with large generative models. However, such an approach obviously has disadvantages, one of the most important of which is that even a slight change in the prompt format may significantly influence the result. Since manual selection of prompt templates is not optimal, the idea naturally arises: to automatically search prompts. Since recently methods which tune prompt-embedding in discrete and continuous spaces have been actively developing.

Several attempts made in this direction focused on discrete prompt search [4,5,6] and demonstrated the effectiveness of an automated approach. However, as long as neural language models are inherently continuous, discrete search for the prompts is likely to be sub-optimal. Thus, the next step is to search pseudo-prompts in continuous embedding space. This idea has been explored in several recent works  [7,8,9,10] and has proved to be quite fruitful.

In this work we follow the idea of the P-tuning method introduced in [11], where the authors use a bidirectional LSTM to learn continuous prompt embeddings. Namely, we present a framework for Continuous Prompt Tuning (or simply CPT) for the Russian language. In addition, we carry out a series of experiments on the Russian SuperGLUE benchmark [12]Footnote 2 comparing CPT with zero-shot and standard fine-tuning. We explore the influence of the number of trainable parameters on the result. The code is publicly available in our GitHub repository.Footnote 3

Thus, the contribution of this work is three-fold: (i) we release the framework for CPT for Russian, which can be easily adapted to various models; (ii) we evaluate CPT for the RuGPT3 model on Russian SuperGLUE and show that it can be regarded as a strong competitor to fine-tuning and zero-shot; (iii) we show that the number of trainable LSTM parameters can be reduced without significant losses in total quality.

This paper is structured as follows: Sect. 2 describes the method implemented in the CPT framework; Sect. 3 presents the evaluation setup and the analysis of the conducted experiments; Sect. 4 is devoted to the analysis of the model behavior and discusses the results; and, finally, Sect. 5 concludes the paper.

2 Method

In this section we introduce CPT, deriving it from few-shot and zero-shot settings as they are introduced in [2]. We consider a classification task and follow the generative classification paradigm, where prediction for a prompt is inferred from the first token generated by a model after processing the prompt.

A natural language prompt is the core element of all prompt-based methods. It combines a description of a downstream task with optional examples that should also be given in the format, which should be clearly understood by the model. Manual prompt search is always a matter of trial and error and therefore is substantially hard to formalize. Nevertheless, in the vast majority of cases, the prompt consists of the same set of semantic blocks.

To illustrate this idea, let us consider the following example of a few-shot prompt for a machine translation task:

figure a

In this case the prompt takes the following formal format:

figure b

In the example above we have pairs of (or objects) and , where the answer for the last instance is masked, as well as special service elements which we further refer to as (or simply TI), which help the model understand what is required in the task. In fact, in other applications we also encounter such elements as and . They are necessary in such tasks as summarization, i.e. in those where the query depends on additional context.

Thus, the generic few-shot prompt format can be formalized as follows:

figure h

Since the zero-shot approach differs from the few-shot only in terms of the number of provided examples, the zero-shot prompt format in essence is just a truncation of the few-shot prompt format:

figure i

For example:

figure j

Note that everything except the task instruction is usually derived from the dataset fields and thus is not subject to change. Task instructions, on the contrary, are defined by the task itself and even minor changes lead to significant performance deviations. Moreover, for different models different TI may be optimal. Although hard to discover manually, they can be trained by gradient descent, as proposed in [8, 9, 11] in different variations.

We train task instructions by gradient descent, so the prompt takes the following form:

figure k

We follow the original methodology proposed in [11] and produce trainable embeddings with an auxiliary BiLSTM-based model, which we also refer to as prompt provider. Its architecture is as follows: a sequence of trainable vectors is passed through BiLSTM and then through two-layer MLP with ReLU activation. The dimension of the output sequence of vectors is equal to the embedding dimension of backbone model, and their number is equal to the total number of 〈SP〉 tokens in prompt format. These embeddings are inserted to the corresponding positions in the input of backbone and trained via backpropagation.

3 Experiments

In this section, we describe experiments conducted on the Russian SuperGLUE benchmark. First, we give a brief description of the tasks on which we evaluated CPT, then we describe the model used in the experiments, after that we specify details about the baseline methods and, finally, present the results and their analysis. We conclude the section with an additional series of experiments with a different number of trainable parameters.

3.1 Data

All the experiments were conducted using the Russian general language understanding evaluation benchmark – RussianGLUE. It was collected and organized analogically to the SuperGLUE methodology [13]. Russian SuperGLUE comprises 9 tasks divided into 5 groups:

  • Textual Entailment & Natural Language Inference (NLI): TERRa, RCB, LiDiRus;

  • Common Sense: RUSSE, PARus;

  • World Knowledge: DaNetQA;

  • Machine Reading: MuSeRC, RuCoS;

  • Reasoning: RWSD.

Below a brief description of each task is given, and aggregated information is presented in Table 1.

TERRA Textual Entailment Recognition for Russian is aimed at capturing textual entailment in a binary classification form. Given two text fragments (premise and hypothesis), the task is to determine whether the meaning of the hypothesis is entailed from the premise. The dataset was sampled from the Taiga corpus [14].

RCB The Russian Commitment Bank is a 3-way classification task aimed at recognizing textual entailment (NLI). Analogically to TERRA, each example in RCB consists of premise and hypothesis. However, in this task a premise can be a short paragraph, not necessarily one phrase.

LiDiRus (also referred to as a diagnostic dataset) is an expert-

constructed evaluation dataset for recognizing textual entailment tasks on paired sentences. It is a direct translation from the English SuperGLUE diagnostic dataset, originally introduced in [15]. It consists of 1104 sentence pairs which are used as a test set for testing models’ capacity to solve NLI task. In addition, the diagnostic dataset has a rich annotation of various linguistic phenomena, partly inserted artificially to explore the possible biases and errors on a task that can be considered truly universal for all languages. The annotation includes 33 features which can be devided into 4 categories: Predicate-Argument Structure, Logic, Lexical-Semantics, and Knowledge. Such annotation makes it possible to analyze the model behaviour with respect to linguistic features.

RUSSE is a binary classification task that involves word sense disambiguation. Given a pair of sentences containing the same ambiguous word, the goal of the model is to recognize if the word is used in the same meaning. The dataset was constructed from RUSSEFootnote 4.

PARus is a binary classification task aimed at identifying the most plausible alternative out of two for a given premise. The correct alternatives is the dataset are randomized so that the expected performance of random guessing yields 50% accuracy score.

DaNetQA is a Russian question-answering dataset for questions with binary answers (yes or no) which follows the BoolQ design. Each example consists of a triplet of question, passage, and answer.

MuSeRC is a machine reading comprehension (MRC) task. Each sample consists of a text paragraph, multi-hop questions based on the paragraph, and possible answers for each question. The goal of the task is to choose all correct answers for each question.

Table 1. Russian SuperGLUE task description. Train/Val/Test stand for example amount (sentence pairs or texts); MCC stands for Matthews Correlation Coefficient; EM - Exact Match.

RuCoS is an MRC task that involves commonsense reasoning and world knowledge. The dataset is a counterpart of ReCoRDFootnote 5 for English.

RWSD The Russian Winograd Schema task is devoted to coreference resolution in a binary classification form. The corpus was created as a manually validated translation of the Winograd Schema ChallengeFootnote 6.

3.2 Model

We investigate the effectiveness of CPT and conduct all the experiments using a RuGPT3Footnote 7 model, a Russian adaptation of the autoregressive language model GPT3 [2], which the authors claimed as having strong in-context learning abilities and which has shown impressive results in zero- and few-shot settings in many NLP tasks. Namely, we run the experiments on RuGPT3-Large which is publicly available in the Hugging Face Python libraryFootnote 8.

For a prompt provider we used an LSTM with a hidden dimension of 256 and input dimension of 16. Thus, given that the number of parameters of RuGPT3-Large equals 760M and the number of trainable parameters of the prompt provider was 3M, the fraction of total trainable parameters accounts only for 0.4% of model size. Additionally, in Sect. 3.5 we experiment with different numbers of parameters in the prompt provider.

Table 2. Prompt formats used for training on Russian SuperGLUE tasks. The symbol 〈SP〉 represents a trainable token (soft prompt).

We cast each of the tasks described in Sect. 3.1 to a binary or ternary classification problem. Training CPT on a task involves formatting its samples in line with the corresponding prompt format from Table 2, where 〈target〉 takes the values of “ ” and “ ” (which are also called label verbalizers), and additionally “ ” in the case of ternary classification. The symbol 〈SP〉 represents a trainable token (soft prompt). Following the original methodology from [11] we used sequences of 3 soft prompt tokens. However, it should be noted that the number of soft prompt tokens can be varied and the optimal choice of the number of 〈SP〉 in each sequence for each task is another area for the research. The embeddings of trainable tokens are provided by the prompt provider. We train the prompt provider to output such embeddings, which maximize the probability of the right label verbalizer for each sample. As a criterion we use cross entropy among the logits corresponding to the label verbalizers.

3.3 Baselines

In order to evaluate the proposed framework we conducted a series of experiments with our RuGPT3-Large model, comparing CPT with standard fine-tuning and zero-shot approaches.

We fine-tuned RuGPT3-Large for every task using jiant-russian (version 2.0) libraryFootnote 9 (a library released by the creators of the benchmark, which is aimed at fine-tuning various models on Russian SuperGLUE) with standard parameter configuration.

For the zero-shot method we used its modification based on the model perplexity. Namely, for each test sample we calculate the perplexity of the corresponding prompts united with one of the possible targets using formula 1. We then choose the best target, as the one with the lowest perplexity score.

$$\begin{aligned} PPL(t) = \exp (-\frac{1}{|t|}\sum _{i=0}^{|t|} \log _{p_{\theta }}(x_i|x_{<i})) \end{aligned}$$

where t is an input text (in our case, a text prompt concatenated with one of possible targets), |t| is the length of the text in tokens, and \(log_{p_{\theta }}(x_i|x_{<i})\) is the log-likelihood of the i-th token in t conditioned on the preceding ones.

3.4 Results

The results of the experiments are presented in Table 3. It gives an exact representation of CPT performance compared with zero-shot and fine-tuning approaches. It can be seen that CPT outperforms each of zero-shot and fine-tuning on most of the tasks. Namely, it outperforms zero-shot on LiDiRus, MuSeRC, TERRa, RUSSE, RWSD, and DaNetQA; and it shows better results than fine-tuning on MuSeRC, TERRa, RWSD, DaNetQA and RuCoS. Thus, CPT allows to achieve reasonable model performance without either human assistance in prompt search or computational resources sufficient for fine-tuning.

The poor performance of CPT on RCB can be explained by the small size of the training corpora (only 438 training samples), which is insufficient for learning good prompts. As for RuCoS, the most plausible explanation is that the chosen generative approach is not optimal for such a complicated type of task. In the future we plan to use CPT with contrastive classification for this task (see Sect. 4 for a more in-depth description of the approach), which will hopefully yield better results.

Table 3. Results of RuGPT3-Large evaluation on Russian SuperGLUE in different settings. We score the tasks in line with the metrics specified in Table 1. The scores for all tasks are then averaged to get the total score. For the tasks with multiple metrics, the metrics are averaged.

3.5 Experiments with Different Number of Trainable Parameters

In addition, we explored how the number of trainable parameters in an LSTM influence the model quality. Our goal was to minimize the number of trainable parameters and, therefore, to optimize and speed up CPT training. For this purpose we conducted a series of experiments on 4 Russian SuperGLUE tasks (DaNetQA, PARus, RCB, and TERRa). These tasks were chosen as long as they are considered to be most popular among all the benchmark tasks and due to the size of their training corpora.

In the experiments we trained CPT clones, each with a different dimension of LSTM hidden states varying from 1 to 1536. Results are presented in Table 4 and a general picture is given in Fig. 2. It can be seen that the number of the hidden dimensions and, therefore, the number of the trainable parameters can be significantly reduced without noticeable decrease in total quality. Moreover, an excessive number of trainable parameters may seemingly lead to overfitting and a non-optimal score. For instance, while for TERRa and DaNetQA the accuracy keeps increasing, on PARus it reaches the optimal value on hidden_dim=16 and then decreases. We connect this behaviour with the number of training samples, which is significantly greater for DaNetQA and TERRa, than for PARus and RCB.

Table 4. CPT results with different LSTM hidden dimensions. “Hidden dim” stands for the number of LSTM hidden dimensions and “Params” for the number of trainable parameters. The average score is calculated as the mean score of 4 tasks. For RCB the two metrics are first averaged.

If we calculate the average of the scores for the 4 tasks considered, we see that the result for hidden_dim=64 is only 7,5% worse than for the maximal size of hidden_dim=1536 while it requires 368 times fewer trainable parameters. Thus, it can be concluded that the number of trainable parameters can be significantly reduced without much loss in quality.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Accuracy score for CPT with different LSTM hidden dimensions.

4 Discussion

Despite the fact that the overall RuGPT3 performance with CPT is comparable with fine-tuning and zero-shot approaches, it shows quite a poor score on several tasks (namely, RCB, PARus, and RuCoS). This may be explained in several ways. For example, we suppose that the low score on RCB and PARus can be accounted for by the small size of the training corpora (438 and 400 training samples respectively). Such a modest dataset size is probably not enough for learning good continuous prompts.

As for RuCoS, its low score can be explained by the fact that a generative approach is not optimal for such a complicated task. Thus, in order to overcome this limitation we are planning to use CPT for contrastive classification. Compared with generative classification, this approach will utilize the relationships of multiple versions of each text, for example multiple answers or multiple prompts, thus being able to handle multiple-choice tasks in a more natural manner. Another use case of contrastive classification will probably be multiclass classification where it is hard to choose suitable label verbalizers.

Another area for future research could become imposing additional restrictions on prompt provider to increase interpretability of the output prompt. Although they are practically efficient, they currently remain non-interpretable.

5 Conclusion

In this paper we propose a framework for continuous prompt tuning for the Russian language. We use an RuGPT3 model and evaluate it on the Russian SuperGLUE benchmark. In the experiments our method shows results competitive with zero-shot and fine-tuning and even outperforms them on most of the tasks. In addition, we explore the influence of the number of trainable LSTM parameters and find out that it can be significantly reduced without any losses in quality.

In the future we are planning to implement a contrastive classification approach for CPT and apply the framework to other models, such as the RuT5 and RuBERT models.