
1 Introduction

Finite state machines are a common tool for modeling languages over finite alphabets and are amenable to algorithmic analysis. In recent years, the study of automata operating on infinite alphabets has gained some attention, e.g., in the field of automata learning [12]. The first extension of finite state machines to infinite alphabets was proposed by Kaminski and Francez [15]. An example of such a register automaton that can recognize strings in which a single character is repeated is given in Fig. 1. Subsequently, register automata have been extensively studied in literature. Many publications choose to use their own register automaton models, or variants of existing models. These models are more amenable to proofs or can express real-world concerns more succinctly. The succinct canonical register automaton [5, 6] in Fig. 2, for example, expresses a fragment of the XMPP instant messaging protocol [21] in a way that is concise, easily understood, and can be inferred algorithmically [13] from tests.

While occasionally, the expressiveness of such formalisms has been noted to at least capture finite-memory automata (e.g., in [11]), no formal study of the different models’ expressiveness has been conducted. Babari et al. provide a taxonomy for extensions to the model of Kaminsky and Francez [1]. The complexity of \(\textsc {NonEmptiness}\) for different models of register interaction (“register disciplines”) was examined by Murawski et al. in [17, 18]. Cassel et al. [6] show that for some variants of their register automata that mimic restrictions imposed by other register automata formalisms the size of the automaton representation can blow up exponentially while expressiveness is not affected by the restrictions. Correspondingly, different complexity results have been proven for \(\textsc {NonEmptiness}\): for Kaminsky and Francez’s finite memory automata [15], the problem is \(\mathsf {NP}\)-complete [22], for Murawski et al.’s more restricted model, it is \(\mathsf {NL}\)-complete [17, 18] and for Demri and Lazić’s automata, it is \(\mathsf {PSPACE}\)-complete [11]. A formal relation of different types of register automata would not only further our understanding of automata over infinite alphabets as a whole but could also serve as a basis for implementing and porting existing algorithms, e.g., in libraries for automata learning algorithms like LearnLib [14] or RALib [4]. Learning algorithms have already been extended from register automata to some classes of more expressive extended finite state machines [7]. A formal analysis of the differences in expressiveness of different automata models (or lack thereof) may serve as a basis for further extensions and help understanding limits of expressivity.

In this paper on the occasion of the \(63^\mathrm{rd}\) birthday of Bengt Jonsson, we provide a four-feature-taxonomy describing the most common types of register automata. For each feature, we define variants describing the types and individual reductions between variants to prove their equal expressiveness. We also present upper and lower bounds on the complexity of these reductions. Together with results from the literature on the complexity of deciding \(\textsc {NonEmptiness}\) in several register automaton models, we obtain a detailed characterization of the subtle differences between automata models as well as their expressiveness in relation to their size.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Nondeterministic finite-memory automaton recognizing inputs in which at least one symbol occurs twice [15, Figure 1]. In the initial state \(q_1\) the automaton reads and stores input until the duplicated symbol occurs. The symbol is recognized nondeterministically and state \(q_2\) is entered. Input is read and stored until the saved symbol reoccurs. Then, the accepting state \(q_3\) is reached.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Succinct Canonical Register Automaton that recognizes successful XMPP registrations and logins for a single user [5, Figure 1]. In the initial state \(q_1\), no user is registered. By registering an account, state \(q_2\) is entered and the credentials stored. A login with matching credentials enters state \(q_3\). The logged-in user can update their password, log out or delete the account altogether.

Outline. Section 2 will introduce data languages and provide a definition of generic register automata that encompasses all definitions found in the literature. Next, we will introduce a taxonomy of reductions in Sect. 3 and the taxonomy of register automata in Sect. 4, which will be applied to register automata definitions from the literature. Section 5 describes small-step reductions between the taxonomy elements, including some lower complexity bounds; Sect. 6 combines these to construct reductions and lower bounds between the existing models. Section 7 summarizes our findings and describes possible extensions.

2 Preliminaries

We start by defining notation for some fundamental concepts.

Definition 1

(Power Set). Given a set S, is the power set of S.

Definition 2

(Image). Given a function \(f : A \rightarrow B\), denotes the image of f.

Register automata operate on a combination of a finite and an infinite alphabet. The finite alphabet defines labels that are then combined with values from the infinite alphabet. We now formally define these combinations.

Definition 3

(Data Universe, Symbol, Word, Language). A data universe is a tuple \(\mathcal {D}= (\varLambda , D, \mathfrak {a})\) with a finite set \(\varLambda \) of labels, an infinite set D of (data) values, and an arity function \(\mathfrak {a}: \varLambda \rightarrow \mathbb {Z}_{\ge 0}\). For a given label \(\lambda \), the vector of formal parameters is \(P^\lambda = (p_1, \dots , p_{\mathfrak {a}(\lambda )})\). A data symbol is a tuple \((\lambda , \vec {d})\) with \(\lambda \in \varLambda \) and a vector of data values \(\vec {d}\) with \(|\vec {d}| = \mathfrak {a}(\lambda )\). We usually write a symbol as \(\lambda (d_1, \dots , d_{\mathfrak {a}(\lambda )})\). A data word is a sequence of data symbols. A set of data words from the same data universe is a data language.

Now, we provide a definition for register automata with equality and inequality comparisons. While in the literature, similar automata with more operations (e.g., less-than comparisons) have been studied, their expressiveness and theoretical properties are different from classic register automata. Our definition is designed to subsume all equality-based models present in the literature. These will later be represented as constraints for the following definitions.

Definition 4

(Register Automaton). A register automaton (RA) is a tuple \(\mathcal {A} = (\mathcal {D}, Q, q_0,Q^+, X, X_Q, \chi _0, \varGamma )\), defining

  • a data universe \(\mathcal {D}= (\varLambda , D, \mathfrak {a})\),

  • a finite set of states Q,

  • an initial state \(q_0 \in Q\),

  • accepting states \(Q^+ \subseteq Q\),

  • a finite set of registers X that can store data values,

  • a visibility function \(X_Q : Q \rightarrow \mathfrak {P}(X)\),

  • an initial valuation \(\chi _0 : X \rightarrow D \cup \{\# \}\) such that \(\# \notin D\) is the empty value and for all \(x \notin X_Q(q_0)\), \(\chi _0(x) = \# \), and

  • a set \(\varGamma \) of transitions \(\langle q, q', \lambda , g, u \rangle \), each defining

    • \(\bullet \) a source state \(q \in Q\),

    • \(\bullet \) a target state \(q' \in Q\),

    • \(\bullet \) a label \(\lambda \in \varLambda \),

    • \(\bullet \) a guard g, i.e. a propositional logic formula with an equality relation over free variables from \(X_Q(q) \cup P^\lambda \), and

    • \(\bullet \) an update \(u: X_Q(q') \rightarrow (X_Q(q) \cup P^\lambda )\) that selects new values for the registers visible in the target state, i.e., \(u(x) = v\) if the value of register or parameter v is copied to x.

A transition \(\langle q, q', \lambda , g, u \rangle \) is always written as

where \(p_1, \dots , p_{|\mathfrak {a}(\lambda )|}\) are the formal parameters, g is the guard and u is a set of parallel updates \(x_i := v\) with \(v \in X_Q(q) \cup P^\lambda \). If no explicit assignment to a register \(x_i \in X_Q(q) \cap X_Q(q')\) is given, the assignment \(x_i := x_i\) is implicitly assumed.

Definition 5

(Deterministic Register Automaton). A register automaton is deterministic if for each pair of transitions \(\langle q, q_1', \lambda , g_1, u_1 \rangle \) and \(\langle q, q_2', \lambda , g_2, u_2 \rangle \) with identical source state and label, \((g_1 \wedge g_2)\) is unsatisfiable.

Note that our definition does not demand that a valid transition exists (i.e., the disjunction of all guards is a tautology), while e.g. [15, Definition 2] does. This can be rectified by adding a trap state and “missing” transitions. Now, we define how a register automaton processes words.

Definition 6

(State Transition). For a register automaton \((\mathcal {D}, Q, q_0, Q^+, X,X_Q, \chi _0, \varGamma )\) with a transition \(\gamma = \langle q, q', \lambda , g, u \rangle \in \varGamma \), a state transition \(\mathcal {T} = \langle q, \chi , \lambda (d_1, \dots , d_{\mathfrak {a}(\lambda )}), q', \chi ' \rangle \) is a tuple of

  • source and target state \(q, q'\),

  • a data symbol \(\lambda (d_1, \dots , d_{\mathfrak {a}(\lambda )}) \in \mathbb {D}_{\mathcal {D}}\),

  • a source valuation \(\chi : X_Q(q) \rightarrow D \cup \{\# \}\) such that g is satisfied by the valuation \(\nu : X_Q(q) \cup P^\lambda \rightarrow D \cup \{\# \}\) defined as

    $$\nu (v) := {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \chi (v) &{} \text {if } v \in X_Q(q) \\ d_i &{} \text {if } v = p_i\text {, and} \end{array}\right. }$$
  • a target valuation \(\chi ' : X_Q(q') \rightarrow D \cup \{\# \}\) such that \(\chi '(x) = \nu (u(x))\).

Intuitively speaking, an RA automaton accepts a data word if there exists a sequence of state transitions from the initial to an accepting state using the word’s symbols.

Definition 7

(Acceptance Behavior). A register automaton \(A = (\mathcal {D}, Q, q_0,Q^+, X, X_Q, \chi _0, \varGamma )\) accepts or rejects data words from its data universe. A data word \(\lambda _1(\vec {d}_1) \dots \lambda _k(\vec {d}_k)\) is accepted if a sequence of state transitions \(\mathcal {T}_1, \dots , \mathcal {T}_k\) exists such that

  • the source state of \(\mathcal {T}_1\) is \(q_0\),

  • the source valuation of \(\mathcal {T}_1\) is \(\chi _0\),

  • the target state of \(\mathcal {T}_k\) is in \(Q^+\),

  • for \(1 \le i < k\), the target state and valuation of \(\mathcal {T}_i\) are the source state and valuation of \(\mathcal {T}_{i+1}\), and

  • for \(1 \le i \le k\), the data symbol of \(\mathcal {T}_i\) is \(\lambda _i(\vec {d}_i)\).

A data word that is not accepted is rejected. The language of words accepted by the automaton is L(A).

3 Reductions

In the previous section, we described a generic automaton model. Register automata with additional, disparate constraints have been studied in the literature. We call a set of automata with identical constraints a class (of automata). To transfer decidability and complexity results between classes, we define reductions between classes. If the specific type of reduction is apparent from the context, we denote reducibility with the \(\preceq \) operator.

Definition 8

Given two classes \(C_1\) and \(C_2\) of register automata, \(C_1\) is \(\textsc {NonEmptiness}\)-Turing reducible (NETR) to \(C_2\) if there exists an algorithm \(\mathcal {A}\) that determines \(\textsc {NonEmptiness}\) for any \(C_1\)-automaton if \(\mathcal {A}\) has access to an oracle that decides \(\textsc {NonEmptiness}\) for any \(C_2\)-automaton.

Definition 9

Given two classes \(C_1\) and \(C_2\) of register automata, \(C_1\) is \(\textsc {Membership}\)-Turing reducible (MTR) to \(C_2\) if there exists an algorithm \(\mathcal {A}\) that determines acceptance for any \(C_1\)-automaton and data word in its data universe if \(\mathcal {A}\) has access to an oracle that decides \(\textsc {Membership}\) for any \(C_2\)-automaton and word from its data universe.

We also define a reduction’s complexity as the complexity of the underlying algorithm:

Definition 10

(Reduction Complexity). Let \(\mathfrak {R}\) be a type of reduction. Given a reduction of type \(\mathfrak {R}\) such that the algorithm a is computable with complexity T, the reduction is a T-\(\mathfrak {R}\).

Definition 11

(Turing Reduction). Given two classes \(C_1\) and \(C_2\) of register automata, \(C_1\) is Turing reducible (TR) to \(C_2\) if it is both \(\textsc {NonEmptiness}\)- and \(\textsc {Membership}\)-Turing reducible to \(C_2\). If it is T-\(\textsc {NonEmptiness}\)- and T-\(\textsc {Membership}\)-Turing reducible for any complexity T, it is T-Turing-reducible (T-TR).

These reductions are useful to prove lower bounds. We define a more constrained type of reduction as a transformation between automata and inputs analogously to Post [20]. Since the input-modifying function of this model is dependent on both automata’s data universes, it is defined as a family of functions.

Definition 12

(Many-One Reduction). Given two classes \(C_1\) and \(C_2\) of register automata, a many-one reduction (M1R) from \(C_1\) to \(C_2\) is a tuple \((f_A, f_{\mathbb {D}^\star }^{\mathcal {D}, \mathcal {E}})\), where

  • \(\mathcal {D}\) and \(\mathcal {E}\) are variables for data universes,

  • \(f_A : C_1 \rightarrow C_2\) is the automaton reduction,

  • \(f_{\mathbb {D}^\star }^{\mathcal {D}, \mathcal {E}} : C_1 \times \mathbb {D}^\star _{\mathcal {D}} \rightarrow \mathbb {D}^\star _{\mathcal {E}}\) is a family of data reductions,

  • given \(A \in C_1\) with data universe \(\mathcal {D}\) such that \(f_A(A)\) has data universe \(\mathcal {E}\),

    $$\begin{aligned} w \in L(A) \iff f_{\mathbb {D}^\star }^{\mathcal {D}, \mathcal {E}}(A, w) \in L(f_A(A))\text {, and} \end{aligned}$$
  • \(L(A) = \emptyset \iff L(f_A(A)) = \emptyset \).

We will make this generic definition more specific, since the resulting automaton does not need to resemble the original automaton and, given enough computation time, it is possible to “solve” the original automaton during the reduction and create a trivial reduced instance. We define a more constrained reduction type that requires all modifications to the input to be computationally inexpensive. A linear time bound ensures that each symbol can be examined, but that no non-trivial computation can be performed on it. Additionally, all changes to the input must be independent of the source automaton and the surrounding symbols. Automaton- or word-specific information can only be added to the word as a prefix.

Definition 13

(Linear-Local Reduction). Given two classes \(C_1\) and \(C_2\) of register automata, a linear-local reduction (LLR) from \(C_1\) to \(C_2\) is a tuple \((f_A, f_D^{\mathcal {D}, \mathcal {E}}, f_{P^A}^{\mathcal {E}},f_{P^D}^{\mathcal {D}, \mathcal {E}})\), where

  • \(\mathcal {D}\) and \(\mathcal {E}\) are variables for data universes,

  • \(f_A : C_1 \rightarrow C_2\) is the automaton reduction,

  • \(f_D^{\mathcal {D}, \mathcal {E}} : \mathbb {D}_{\mathcal {D}} \rightarrow \mathbb {D}^\star _{\mathcal {E}}\) is a family of linear time computable data reductions,

  • \(f_{P^A}^{\mathcal {E}} : C_1 \rightarrow \mathbb {D}^\star _{\mathcal {E}}\) is a family of linear time computable automaton prefix-generating reductions, and

  • \(f_{P^D}^{\mathcal {D}, \mathcal {E}} : \mathbb {D}^\star _{\mathcal {D}} \rightarrow \mathbb {D}^\star _{\mathcal {E}}\) is a family of linear time computable data prefix-generating reductions

such that \((f_A, f_{\mathbb {D}^\star }^{\mathcal {D}, \mathcal {E}})\) with

$$\begin{aligned} f_{\mathbb {D}^\star }^{\mathcal {D}, \mathcal {E}}(A, w) = f_{P^A}^{\mathcal {E}}(A)f_{P^D}^{\mathcal {D}, \mathcal {E}}(w)f_D^{\mathcal {D}, \mathcal {E}}(w_1) \dots f_D^{\mathcal {D}, \mathcal {E}}(w_{|w|}) \end{aligned}$$

is a many-one reduction.

In some cases, we can omit the reduction functions to obtain an even simpler reduction.

Definition 14

(Prefix Free). Given two classes \(C_1\) and \(C_2\) of register automata, a prefix free reduction (PFR) from \(C_1\) to \(C_2\) is a tuple \((f_A, f_D^{\mathcal {D}, \mathcal {E}})\), where

  • \(\mathcal {D}\) and \(\mathcal {E}\) are variables for data universes,

  • \(f_A : C_1 \rightarrow C_2\) is the automaton reduction, and

  • \(f_D^{\mathcal {D}, \mathcal {E}} : \mathbb {D}_{\mathcal {D}} \rightarrow \mathbb {D}^\star _{\mathcal {E}}\) is a family of linear-time-computable data reductions

such that \((f_A, f_D^{\mathcal {D}, \mathcal {E}}, f_{P^A}^{\epsilon }, f_{P^D}^{\epsilon })\) with

$$\begin{aligned} f_{P^A}^{\epsilon }(A) = \epsilon \text { for all } A \in C_1 \text { and } f_{P^D}^{\epsilon }(w) = \epsilon \text { for all } w \in \mathbb {D}^\star _{\mathcal {D}} \end{aligned}$$

is a linear-local reduction.

Independently of the presence or absence of prefixes, some reductions do not modify the input word itself, e.g., when constants are transformed into a prefix, but the word is unchanged. We also formalize this property.

Definition 15

(Data Stable). Given two classes \(C_1\) and \(C_2\) of register automata, a data stable reduction (DSR) from \(C_1\) to \(C_2\) is a tuple \((f_A, f_{P^A}^{\mathcal {D}}, f_{P^D}^{\mathcal {D}, \mathcal {D}})\), where

  • \(\mathcal {D}\) is a variable for a data universe,

  • \(f_A : C_1 \rightarrow C_2\) is the automaton reduction,

  • \(f_{P^A}^{\mathcal {D}} : C_1 \rightarrow \mathbb {D}^\star _{\mathcal {D}}\) is a family of linear-time-computable automaton prefix-generating reductions, and

  • \(f_{P^D}^{\mathcal {D}, \mathcal {D}} : \mathbb {D}^\star _{\mathcal {D}} \rightarrow \mathbb {D}^\star _{\mathcal {D}}\) is a family of linear-time-computable data prefix-generating reductions

such that \((f_A, f_D^{\mathrm {id}}, f_{P^A}^{\mathcal {D}}, f_{P^D}^{\mathcal {D}, \mathcal {D}})\) with

$$\begin{aligned} f_D^{\mathrm {id}}(d) = d \text { for all } d \in \mathbb {D}_{\mathcal {D}} \end{aligned}$$

is a linear-local reduction.

Some reductions satisfy both properties, i.e., only the automaton structure is modified.

Definition 16

(Automaton-Only Reduction). Given two classes \(C_1\) and \(C_2\) of register automata, a automaton-only reduction (AOR) from \(C_1\) to \(C_2\) is a function \(f_A : C_1 \rightarrow C_2\) such that \((f_A, f_D^{\mathrm {id}}, f_{P^A}^{\epsilon }, f_{P^D}^{\epsilon })\) is a linear-local reduction.

The complexity of the \(\textsc {Membership}\) problem is lower for deterministic register automata, so we distinguish reductions that preserve the automaton’s determinism.

Definition 17

(Determinism-Preserving). A many-one reduction \((f_A, f_{\mathbb {D}^\star }^{\mathcal {D}, \mathcal {E}})\) is determinism-preserving (DP) if for a deterministic register automaton A, \(f_A(A)\) is deterministic.

All types of reduction introduced in this section and their relations are outlined in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

The different types of reduction. Arrows indicate an is-a relation. If types are horizontally adjacent, a reduction can be a member of any subset of them.

4 Taxonomy for Register Automata Formalisms

This section describes the proposed taxonomy for RA models and applies it to existing models from the literature.

Table 1. The register automaton taxonomy.

4.1 Proposed Taxonomy

In the literature, more restricted models of register automata than that described in Definition 4 have been studied. Each model adds constraints to certain aspects of the automaton. To describe these classes of register automata, we introduce a taxonomy using four features. It is outlined in Table 1. A class of automata with a common feature variant is described by its variant label, e.g., (G-CC). An intersection of feature variants is denoted with a plus, e.g., (A-PT)+(G-CC). If each automaton in a class is automatically member of another, this is denoted by the \(\sqsubseteq \) operator, e.g., (G-NR) \(\sqsubseteq \) (G-CC).

For each variant, deterministic and non-deterministic automata can be constructed. Since these are known to differ in expressiveness, we do not include determinism in this taxonomy. The taxonomy is therefore “orthogonal” to the question of determinism.

  • Data Universe Type. The first feature is the automaton’s type of data universe, i.e., the number of labels and their arities. The variants are:

    • Unlabeled (U-UL). The data universe has a single label \(\lambda \) with arity \(\mathfrak {a}(\lambda ) = 1\). For brevity, the label is usually omitted.

    • Labeled Unary (U-LU). The universe contains an arbitrary number of labels, each with arity one.

    • Labeled Variadic (U-LV). The universe has an arbitrary number of labels, each with arbitrary arity.

    By definition, (U-UL) \(\sqsubseteq \) (U-LU) \(\sqsubseteq \) (U-LV).

  • Register Availability. The second feature are the semantics of register availability, i.e., if registers are visible in every state and if initial values are provided for the registers. Three models are described in the literature:

    • Update-Activated (R-UA). Under this model, no registers are visible in the initial state. Therefore, \(X_Q(q_0) = \emptyset \) and \(\chi _0(x) = \# \) for all \(x \in X\). All registers must be activated by an update operation before becoming visible. Since this will overwrite the register’s contents, the empty values are effectively invisible to the automaton.

    • Initialized (R-IN). Registers are initialized to a non-empty value and all registers are visible in every state, so \(X_Q(q) = X\) for all \(q \in Q\) and \(\chi _0(x) \ne \# \) for all \(x \in X\).

    • Initialized or Empty (R-IE). Registers are initialized to a data value or \(\# \) and are visible in every state. This is the only type of automaton that can encounter the empty value during a guard evaluation.

    By definition, (R-IN) \(\sqsubseteq \) (R-IE).

  • Update Granularity. The third feature describes the scope of update rules. Two models are present in the literature:

    • Per State (A-PS). For each state, there exists a single canonical update function. Each outgoing transition must either use the source state’s canonical update function or keep all registers unchanged. As a result, all outgoing transitions must discard their parameter or write to the same register.

    • Per Transition (A-PT). Each transition’s update can be arbitrarily defined.

    By definition, (A-PS) \(\sqsubseteq \) (A-PT).

  • Guard-Update Model. The fourth feature describes the form of guards and updates. Five models are prevalent in the literature:

    • Update-or-Present (G-UP). This model ensures that no duplicate values (except for \(\#\)) can be present in the registers. Initial values – if present – must be distinct as well. All data symbols must have arity one. This invariant is maintained by the following transition semantics:

      1. 1.

        First, the update operation is executed. Four scenarios can occur:

        1. (a)

          The value is not assigned to a register.

        2. (b)

          The value v is assigned to a register \(x_i\), but there exists a register \(x_j \ne x_i\) with valuation \(\chi (x_j) = v\). The assignment is then ignored.

        3. (c)

          The value v is assigned to a register \(x_i\) and \(\chi (x_i) = v\). The assignment has no observable effect.

        4. (d)

          The value v is assigned to a register \(x_i\) and \(\chi (x) \ne v\) for all \(x \in X\). The update then stores the value in \(x_i\).

      2. 2.

        Afterwards, the parameter is tested for equality with a single register, i.e., contrary to our definition, the guard takes the update operation into account. It can thereby check if a write operation was successful under the no-duplicates rule outlined above.

      Under this model, two types of transitions can be expressed. They can be transformed to use guard-before-update semantics as follows:

      1. 1.

        The parameter p is assigned to \(x_i\), then \(x_i\) is tested for equality with p. This test succeeds if either p was not stored in any register and the assignment was executed or if \(x_i\) contained p previously. The previous value of \(x_i\) is therefore irrelevant. Using a source state q, this yields following transition:

      2. 2.

        The parameter p is either not assigned or assigned to a register \(x_j\) with \(j \ne i\), then \(x_i\) is tested for equality with p. This can only be the case if the value of p was already present in that register. If p was assigned to \(x_j\), the assignment can therefore have had no effect. Therefore, both cases yield the transition:

    • Update-if-Absent (G-UA). This model also does not allow duplicate values and all data symbols must have arity one. This invariant is maintained by allowing two classes of transition:

      1. 1.

        The parameter is tested for equality with a single register. The definition allows for multiple tests, but since no duplicates are present, multiple comparisons cannot succeed:

      2. 2.

        Alternatively, an update operation is executed if the value is present in no register. Two scenarios can occur:

        1. (a)

          The value v is assigned to a register \(x_i\), but there exists a register \(x \in X\) (including \(x = x_i\)) with valuation \(\chi (x) = v\). The transition fails.

        2. (b)

          The value v is assigned to a register \(x_i\) and \(\chi (x) \ne v\) for all \(x \in X\). The update then stores the value in \(x_i\).

        Again, the definition allows multiple assignment, but only one attempt can succeed. This can be expressed as:

    • Full Guard with Single Update (G-FG). Duplicate values in registers are permitted. The parameter must be compared (using \(=\) or \(\ne \)) to every visible register. The update may then write the parameter to a single register; no register-to-register assignments aside from the implicit self-assignments are permitted. For example, if \(X = \{x_1, x_2, x_3\}\), the following transition satisfies these constraints:

    • No Register-Register Operations (G-NR). Guards are a conjunction of comparisons between the parameter and registers. The parameter does not need to be compared to every register. The update may copy the parameter to multiple registers. For example, the following transition satisfies these constraints:

    • Conjunction of Comparisons (G-CC). Guards are a conjunction of parameter-to-parameter, parameter-to-register, and register-to-register comparisons. Updates may copy data from parameters and registers. For example, the following transition satisfies these constraints:

    By definition, (G-UP) \(\sqsubseteq \) (G-NR), (G-UA) \(\sqsubseteq \) (G-NR), (G-FG) \(\sqsubseteq \) (G-NR), and (G-NR) \(\sqsubseteq \) (G-CC). (G-UP), (G-UA), and (G-FG) are not contained in one another.

We do not allow several combinations of (U-LV) that are difficult to define and are not present in the literature:

  • (A-PS)+(U-LV) would require all outgoing updates to be identical. Given transitions on \(\lambda (p_1)\) and \(\mu (p_1, p_2)\), \(p_2\) could not be assigned, since this update would not match the formal parameters of \(\lambda \).

  • (U-LV)+(G-NR) would permit circumventing the lack of register-to-register-comparisons by introducing “witness” parameters and using guards \((x_1 = p) \wedge (x_2 = p)\) to imply equality. Consequently, we also disallow (U-LV)+(G-UP), (U-LV)+(G-UA), and (U-LV)+(G-FG).

When discussing reductions between automata classes, a reduction might only be defined for a variant of a secondary feature and its supervariants. For example, a reduction might reduce (A-PT) to (A-PS), but will only be defined for automata that are at least (G-CC). A (A-PT)+(G-NR) automaton will be reduced to a (A-PS)+(G-NR) one, while a (A-PT)+(G-CC) automaton will yield a (A-PS)+(G-CC) one. We denote a reduction that requires a secondary feature and preserves it in the transformed automaton, as to .

4.2 Classification of Some Existing Models

This taxonomy can now be applied to models from the literature. The descriptions are summarized in Table 2. For some of these models, complexity results are present in the literature and are recapped below.

Table 2. Taxonomy of automata models.

Finite-Memory Automata. Kaminsky and Francez were the first to define a register automaton model [15]. They defined update-or-present semantics, enforced identical updates per state and initialization with empty registers and did not use labels. Bojańczyk et al. previously proved these automata to be equivalent in expressiveness to G-automata [3]. The model is characterized as (A-PS)+(U-UL)+(R-IE)+(G-UP).

Figure 4b shows a sample finite-memory automaton accepting the language D (i.e., all single-symbol words). Note that the transition from \(q_1\) to \(q_2\) is unusable since \(x_1\) always has value \(\# \) in \(q_1\).

Lemma 1

([22, Theorem 1]). \(\textsc {Membership}\) of words in deterministic finite-memory automata is \(\mathsf {P}\)-complete.

Lemma 2

([22, Theorem 2]).  \(\textsc {Membership}\) of words in finite-memory automata is \(\mathsf {NP}\)-complete.

Lemma 3

([22, Theorem 4]).  \(\textsc {NonEmptiness}\) of finite-memory automata is \(\mathsf {NP}\)-complete.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Sample automata demonstrating the expressiveness of existing models.

Initialized Finite-Memory Automata. Murawski et al. remarked on a variant of finite-memory automata [17, 18] in which all registers are initialized with data values (i.e., no empty value \(\#\) is used). The model is characterized as (A-PS)+(U-UL)+(R-IN)+(G-UP).

Figure 4a shows a sample initialized finite-memory automaton accepting the language

$$\begin{aligned} \big (D \setminus \{\mathtt {a}\}\big ) \cup \{\mathtt {ba}\}\text {.} \end{aligned}$$

In contrast to the automaton in Fig. 4b, all transitions are usable.

Lemma 4

([17, Footnote 5]).  \(\textsc {NonEmptiness}\) of initialized finite-memory automata is \(\mathsf {NL}\)-complete.

Neven-Schwentick-Vianu Automata. Neven et al. presented a slight modification of finite-memory automata [19]. Their model additionally permits \(\varepsilon \)-transitions, i.e., transitions that do not consume input values. Additionally, it requires every input word to start with a designated start symbol. We propose this theorem, the proof of which is outside the scope of this paper:

Proposition 1

Every automaton satisfying the model by Neven et al. can be transformed into a equivalent (A-PT)+(U-UL)+(R-IE)+(G-UA) automaton using our notation.

Figure 4c shows a sample (transformed) Neven-Schwentick-Vianu automaton accepting the language

In comparison with Fig. 4b’s automaton, different assignment targets for transitions with the same origin are permitted and guards for assignments must compare the value to the target register.

Segoufin Automata. Segoufin’s automaton model [23] extends finite-memory automata with per-transition updates and labels, does forbid empty registers and defines single update with full test semantics. The model is characterized as (A-PT)+(U-LU)+(R-IN)+(G-FG).

Figure 4d shows a sample Segoufin automaton accepting the language

In contrast to the automaton shown in Fig. 4c, \(\#\)-intialized registers are not permitted. Guards and assignments can be used in arbitrary combinations, but guards must compare p to every register. This permits indirect register-to-register comparisons using witness parameters, as exemplified by the \(q_1\)-\(q_2\)-transition’s guard. In addition, data values are labeled under this model.

Demri-Lazić Automata. Demri and Lazić defined an automaton model [11] for use in acceptance games. The model as-defined does not match this taxonomy, but we again propose a theorem:

Proposition 2

Every automaton satisfying the model by Demri and Lazić can be transformed into a equivalent (A-PT)+(U-LU)+(R-IN)+(G-NR) automaton using our notation.

Figure 4e shows a sample Demri-Lazić automaton accepting the language

When comparing this to the automaton in Fig. 4d, it can be seen that the permissible guard statements do not need to compare every register.

Lemma 5

([11, Theorem 5.1(a)]).  \(\textsc {NonEmptiness}\) of Demri-Lazić automata is \(\mathsf {PSPACE}\)-complete.

Succinct Canonical Register Automata. Succinct canonical RAs [5] use variadic labeled data, update-activated registers instead of initialized ones and allow conjunctions of arbitrary comparisons in their guards. This model is characterized as (A-PT)+(U-LV)+(R-UA)+(G-CC).

Figure 4f shows a sample succinct canonical register automaton accepting the language

Note that in contrast to the other models such as the automaton in Fig. 4e, guards can compare registers, i.e., the availability of the \(q_1\)-\(q_2\) transition depends on the values of \(p_1\) and \(p_2\) in the \(q_0\)-\(q_1\)-transition. Additionally, registers can be \(\#\)-initialized, but must be written to before reading. Data values can have arbitrary arity, including arity zero.

5 Reductions Between Variants

In this section, we will examine reductions between the RA variants. While all variants have equal expressiveness, two lower complexity bounds for reductions as well as the non-existence of a specific reduction type are proven, outlining differences between the variants. This section considers each automaton feature in turn.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Sample transformation from two transitions to multiple transitions.

5.1 Data Universe Type

Theorem 1

There exists a determinism-preserving \(\mathsf {P}\)-prefix free reduction from to .

Note that \(=\) (U-LV), since (U-LV) is only defined for (G-CC). Intuitively, this reduction replaces each symbol of arity k with k symbols of arity one and modifies the automaton accordingly.

Proof Sketch

We construct a new input language in which we replace every label \(\lambda \) with \(\mathfrak {a}(\lambda )\) labels \(\lambda ^1, \dots , \lambda ^{\mathfrak {a}(\lambda )}\). The data reduction then replaces every instance of \(\lambda (\vec {d})\) with \(\lambda ^1(d_1)\dots \lambda ^{\mathfrak {a}(\lambda )}(d_{\mathfrak {a}(\lambda )})\). The automaton reduction modifies each state’s outgoing transitions. For every label present, \(\mathfrak {a}(\lambda )\) transitions to intermediate states are created. Since guards and updates can only be safely evaluated in the last transition, these transition only store their parameters in cache registers. The automaton requires a total of \(\max _{\lambda \in \varLambda } \mathfrak {a}(\lambda ) - 1\) cache registers \(X^C\). For each transition, a final step from the last intermediate state to the target state is generated during which guards and updates are evaluated, substituting cached values for the parameters.

For each word

figure h

accepted by the original, the word

figure i

is accepted by the newly created automaton. The construction ensures that each word accepted by the new automaton is of form LU, i.e., for each original label, all partial labels are present in the word in correct order. Such words can be reassembled into an input of form LV accepted by the original automaton, preserving acceptance behavior.    \(\square \)

The process is exemplified in Fig. 5. Note that in the example, the intermediate state \(q'\) is shared between transitions to preserve determinism.

Theorem 2

There exists a determinism-preserving \(\mathsf {P}\)-many-one reduction from (U-LU) to (U-UL).

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Sample transformation from two transitions to multiple transitions.

Proof Sketch

The reduction designates data values as proxies for labels and alternatingly reads a proxy and a “real” value. We require \(|\varLambda |\) data symbols as label proxies. These proxies are stored in additional registers \(X^\varLambda \), with \(\lambda _i\) being replaced by \(x^\varLambda _i\). The input word \(\lambda _1(d)\lambda _2(e)\) would then be replaced with \(x^\varLambda _1 d x^\varLambda _2 e\). The proxy values are then added as a prefix and are assigned to the registers during an initialization before the first original transition. They must be selected to differ from any value in the input so that (G-UP) and (G-UA) semantics are retained, requiring access to both input and automaton.

For each label \(\varLambda _i\) present on a state’s outgoing transitions, the automaton reduction creates a transition with guard \(p = x^\varLambda _i\) and no assignment to an intermediate state similar to Theorem 1. For each original transition, a second transition from the matching intermediate state is created that uses the original guard, update, and target.    \(\square \)

If the automaton permits duplicate values in registers ((G-FG) and above), the proxies can be chosen at random instead, yielding a narrower reduction type.

Corollary 1

There exists a determinism-preserving \(\mathsf {P}\)-linear-local reduction from to .

An example of the transformation is shown in Fig. 6. As with the last example, the intermediate state \(q'\) is shared between transitions to preserve determinism.

All results presented in this section are outlined in Fig. 11a.

5.2 Register Availability

Theorem 3

There exists a determinism-preserving \(\mathsf {LIN}\)-automaton-only reduction from (R-UA) to (R-IN).

Proof Sketch

The automaton-only reduction sets \(X_Q(q) := X\) for all \(q \in Q\), i.e., all registers are always visible. All updates are extended to assign the newly visible registers to themselves and the initial valuation is set to random values. Since these values are guaranteed to be overwritten before being accessed by a guard, this does not change the automaton’s semantics.    \(\square \)

Theorem 4

There exists a determinism-preserving \(\mathsf {LIN}\)-data stable reduction from  to .

Proof Sketch

We employ the proxy value technique presented in Theorem 2. The automaton reduction inserts an initial transition that reads a proxy value for \(\#\) that is distinct from all non-\(\#\) initial values and stores it in every \(\#\)-initialized register and a new register, \(x^\# \). If the proxy value is encountered in the input, the automaton’s semantics could change. To preserve \(\textsc {NonEmptiness}\), we ensure that every such input is rejected by modifying every guard g to \(g \wedge (p_1 \ne x^\#) \wedge \dots \wedge (p_{\mathfrak {a}(\lambda )} \ne x^\#)\). The data prefix-generating reduction selects a proxy value from the data value set that does not occur in the remaining input.    \(\square \)

We can demonstrate that under common assumptions about complexity classes, more space-efficient reductions do not exist.

Theorem 5

If \({\mathsf {NL}}\ne {\mathsf {NP}}\), there exists no \(\mathsf {NL}\)-\(\textsc {NonEmptiness}\)-Turing reduction from (R-IE) to (R-IN).


We demonstrate that the existence of such a reduction permits the creation of an \(\mathsf {NL}\) algorithm for an \(\mathsf {NP}\)-complete problem. Assume that an \(\mathsf {NL}\)-Turing reduction from (R-IE) to (R-IN) exists. Since \(\textsc {NonEmptiness}\) of initialized finite-memory automata can be decided in \(\mathsf {NL}\), we obtain an \(\mathsf {NL}\) \(^{{\mathsf {NL}}}\) algorithm for \(\textsc {NonEmptiness}\) of finite-memory automata. Since the original problem is \(\mathsf {NP}\)-complete and \(\mathsf {NL}\) \(^{{\mathsf {NL}}}\) = \(\mathsf {NL}\) due to \(\mathsf {NL}\) \(=\) \(\mathsf {coNL}\), \(\mathsf {NL}\) \(=\) \(\mathsf {NP}\).    \(\square \)

Theorem 6

There exists a determinism-preserving \(\mathsf {LIN}\)-data stable reduction from (R-IN) to (R-UA).

Proof Sketch

Again, we employ a proxy value technique to substitute values for the initialization. We then use an existing result to demonstrate the automaton’s emptiness is unchanged. The automaton reduction inserts initial steps that reads |X| proxy values and assigns them to the correct registers, ensuring that values that were equal in the initial valuation remain so. The automaton prefix-generating reduction can write the original initialization to maintain the original behavior.

We demonstrate that this reduction preserves \(\textsc {NonEmptiness}\). For each word accepted by the original automaton, the proxy values can be set to the original initialization to create an accepting input. For the inverse direction, consider a word accepted by the new automaton. It consists of a prefix of length |X| that is used to initialize the registers and a remaining input word. We define an automorphism on data values that maps the prefix’s values to the source automaton’s initialization. Since a register automaton’s language is closed under automorphisms on the data value set [15, Proposition 2], the new automaton will accept the resulting word. By definition, this word must also have been accepted by the original automaton.    \(\square \)

All results presented in this section are outlined in Fig. 11b.

Fig. 7.
figure 7

Sample transformation from two transitions to multiple transitions.

5.3 Update Granularity

Theorem 7

There exists a determinism-preserving \(\mathsf {LIN}\)-prefix free reduction from to .

Proof Sketch

This reduction requires duplication of every input symbol. The first instance is used to make a transition to an intermediate state, while the second is used in the assignment.

The automaton reduction modifies all transitions. Given a transition

it introduces an intermediate state. The transition from intermediate to target state is identical to the original and the transition from source to intermediate state is

Since all guards remain identical, determinism is preserved.

The data reduction duplicates every data symbol in the input word. Due to the structure of the new automaton, an accepted word can be transformed to an accepting word for the original by removing all symbols in odd positions, preserving emptiness.    \(\square \)

An example is shown in Fig. 7. For other guard-update models, the reduction needs to be modified slightly.

Fig. 8.
figure 8

Sample transformation from two transitions to multiple transitions. The transitions to \(q_2\) and \(q_3\) both used label \(\lambda \) and now share the intermediate state \(q'\). The transition to \(q_4\) was labeled \(\mu \) and is reached over a separate state \(q''\).

Theorem 8

There exists a determinism-preserving \(\mathsf {LIN}\)-prefix free reduction from (A-PT)+(G-UP) to (A-PS)+(G-UP) and from (A-PT)+(G-UA) to (A-PS)+(G-UA).

Proof Sketch

Due to the limited types of transitions available, the technique used in the last proof needs to be adapted to these classes.

We alter the automaton by adding \(|\varLambda |\) additional scratch registers \(X^\varLambda \) to the automaton and initializing it to data values \(D^\varLambda \) not present in the input. The reduction then introduces intermediate states similar to the proof of Theorem 7. However, we use the transition

to transit from source to intermediate state. Since these transitions are mutually exclusive and transitions from the intermediate to the target state are copied as-is, determinism is preserved.

The data reduction inserts \(d_s\) before every data symbol in the input word. Again, an accepted word can be transformed to an accepting word for the original by removing all symbols in odd positions, preserving emptiness.    \(\square \)

An example for this variant (using (G-UP) semantics) is given in Fig. 8. Duplication or insertion of dummy symbols is required to efficiently perform the reduction. If the data language is untouched, no efficient algorithm exists:

Theorem 9

There exists no determinism-preserving data stable reduction from (A-PT) to (A-PS).

Proof Sketch

Intuitively, a (A-PT)+(G-NR) automaton can store information by selecting an assignment’s target register. A (A-PS)+(G-NR) automaton is forced to store the same information by transitioning to different states. This results in a superpolynomial amount of required states for certain languages.

We provide a (U-LU) language that can be recognized by a (A-PT) automaton of size k. Then, we prove by contradiction that a (A-PS) automaton must have k! states to recognize the same language. The language uses labels \(\lambda _1, \dots , \lambda _\ell , \kappa _1, \dots , \kappa _\ell \) to simulate an \(\ell \)-memory cell storage as follows:

  • Initially, all registers are empty.

  • When reading \(\lambda _k(p)\), the k-th memory cell is overwritten with p.

  • When reading \(\kappa _k\), the k-th memory cell is compared to p.

  • The language is the set of all instruction sequences for which all \(\kappa \)-comparisons hold true.

A two-state deterministic (A-PT) automaton with k registers that implements memory cells using registers can be constructed for this language.

Now, we define the permutations \(\pi : \{1, \dots , k\} \rightarrow \{1, \dots , k\}\) and the family of input strings \(S^\pi := \lambda _{\pi (1)}(p_1) \lambda _{\pi (2)}(p_2) \dots \lambda _{\pi (k)}(p_k)\) for distinct \(p_0, \dots , p_k\). We now inductively show by contradiction that no two strings from this family can cause a (A-PS) automaton to enter the same state.

Assume that two such strings \(S^\pi , S^{\pi '}\) exist, \(\pi (1) \ne \pi '(1)\) and that the automaton enters the same state after both strings. Since the automaton started in the same state, \(p_1\) must have been written to the same register \(x_1\) and must not have been overwritten on any path (otherwise, \(\kappa _{\pi (1)}\) and \(\kappa _{\pi '(1)}\) cannot be handled).

Now, assume the automaton reads \(\kappa _{\pi (1)}(p_1)\). It will accept after the input \(S^\pi \) and reject after \(S^{\pi '}\). However, in that state, the guard

$$\begin{aligned} p = x_1 \wedge \left( \bigwedge _{x \in X_Q(q) \setminus \{x_1\}} p \ne x\right) \end{aligned}$$

and all more general guards will be satisfied after both inputs, while all other (G-NR) guards will not be satisfied. Therefore, it must either accept or reject after both \(S^\pi \) and \(S^{\pi '}\).

If we set \(\pi (1) = \pi '(1)\), the argument can be repeated for the second input symbol. By induction, \(\pi = \pi '\), i.e., no two different paths can merge. Since there are k! permutations, we require at least as many states.    \(\square \)

All results presented in this section are outlined in Fig. 11c.

5.4 Guard-Update Model

Theorem 10

There exists a determinism-preserving \(\mathsf {LIN}\)-automaton-only reduction from (G-UP) to (G-UA).

Proof Sketch

The reduction splits all transitions of form

into two transitions with the same source and target states:

which are equivalent to the original and compatible with (G-UA). Since the transitions are mutually exclusive, the reduction preserves determinism.    \(\square \)

Theorem 11

There exists a determinism-preserving \(\mathsf {P}\)-automaton-only reduction from (G-UA) to (G-FG).

Proof Sketch

The automaton reduction extends all guards to add the missing comparisons to registers. While this would normally result in an exponential number of transitions to describe all possible comparisons of parameters and registers, (G-UA) guarantees that a parameter can be equal to at most one register. A transition

already satisfies (G-FG), while one of form

is equivalent to

   \(\square \)

Fig. 9.
figure 9

Sample transformation from a without transition to transitions. For this example, the set of mapping functions are defined as .

Theorem 12

There exists a determinism-preserving \(\mathsf {EXP}\)-automaton-only reduction from (G-CC) without (U-LV) to (G-UP).

Proof Sketch

The construction circumvents the lack of register-to-register operations by virtualizing the automaton’s registers. Each state of the resulting automaton is associated with a register mapping, making register-to-register operations essentially “free”.

To prepare the transformation, we add an additional register to the automaton, resulting in the register set \(\hat{X}\) and define a family of functions \(f_\rightarrow : X \rightarrow \hat{X}\) that defines the register mapping. There is a maximum of \(|X|^{|X|+1}\) such functions, resulting in an exponential blow-up. For each function \(f_\rightarrow \), we create a copy of the automaton’s states. A state q associated with the mapping \(f_\rightarrow \) is called \(q_\rightarrow \). This permits conclusions about equality between registers. Two registers \(x_i\) and \(x_j\) are equal if and only if \(f_\rightarrow (x_i) = f_\rightarrow (x_j)\). A register-to-register assignment becomes a change in storage: \(x_i := x_j\) is modeled as \(f_\rightarrow (x_i) := f_\rightarrow (x_j)\). Additionally, for each mapping function, a scratch register \(\hat{x}_s\) is identified that is not in \(\mathfrak {I}(f_\rightarrow )\). This register becomes the sole target of write operations. The initial state remains in the copy where \(f_\rightarrow \) is the identity function.

Each source automaton’s transition \(\langle q, q', \lambda , g, u \rangle \) now needs to be translated to account for the register virtualization. First, a copy of the transition is created for each copy of its source, i.e., for every mapping \(f_\rightarrow \). Next, we extend the guard clause for each resulting copy, to ensure that the parameter p is compared to every register in the original automaton. We refer to the registers that p is not compared to as \(\bar{X}\). Now, we generate guards

$$\begin{aligned} (g \wedge p = \bar{x}_1 \wedge p = \bar{x}_2 \wedge \dots \wedge p = \bar{x}_{|\bar{X}|})&, (g \wedge p \ne \bar{x}_1 \wedge p = \bar{x}_2 \wedge \dots \wedge p = \bar{x}_{|\bar{X}|}), \\ (g \wedge p = \bar{x}_1 \wedge p \ne \bar{x}_2 \wedge \dots \wedge p = \bar{x}_{|\bar{X}|})&, (g \wedge p \ne \bar{x}_1 \wedge p \ne \bar{x}_2 \wedge \dots \wedge p = \bar{x}_{|\bar{X}|}), \\ \dots \,&, (g \wedge p \ne \bar{x}_1 \wedge p \ne \bar{x}_2 \wedge \dots \wedge p \ne \bar{x}_{|\bar{X}|}) \end{aligned}$$

and create a copy of the transition for each guard variant. We can now use the knowledge that \(x_i = x_j \iff f_\rightarrow (x_i) = f_\rightarrow (x_j)\) to check if register-to-register comparisons are satisfied in the source state. If not, the transition copy is discarded. Otherwise, redundant comparisons can be omitted, resulting in either a single comparison \(p = x_i\) or \(\wedge _{x \in X} (p \ne x_i)\).

In the first case, we can generate transitions

figure y

In the second case, the guard is always satisfiable in the original automaton, but the value of p might still be stored in any register not \(\in \mathfrak {I}(f_\rightarrow )\) from a previous write operation. For each register \(\bar{x} \notin \mathfrak {I}(f_\rightarrow ) \cup \{\hat{x}_s\}\), we create a transition

figure z

Finally, for the scratch register \(\hat{x}_s\), we add the transition

figure aa

Since the generated transitions are mutually exclusive, the resulting automaton will be deterministic if the original automaton was.

Finally, the update is transformed into a new register mapping \(f_{\rightarrow '}\). The transition’s target is then set to \(q'_{\rightarrow '}\).

  • For all registers that are not explicitly written to by the update, \(f_{\rightarrow '}\) behaves identically to \(f_\rightarrow \).

  • For each register that is assigned another register’s values using \(x_j := x_i\), the mapping function is modified such that \(f_{\rightarrow '}(x_j) := f_\rightarrow (x_i)\).

  • Each register that is assigned a parameter using \(x_j := p\) must be handled differently for the three types of transitions. For EQ1-transitions, we can exploit that \(p = x_i\), yielding \(f_{\rightarrow '}(x_j) := f_\rightarrow (x_i)\). For EQ2-transitions, we obtain \(f_{\rightarrow '}(x_j) := \bar{x}_i\). NEQ-transitions result in \(f_{\rightarrow '}(x_j) := \hat{x}_s\).    \(\square \)

A small example for the transformation of a transition with an equality test is given in Fig. 9. Note that the illustration assumes only two registers, for more, an even larger blow-up would result.

Fig. 10.
figure 10

Sample transformation from two without transitions to multiple transitions.

Theorem 13

There exists a determinism-preserving \(\mathsf {P}\)-many-one reduction from (G-CC) without (U-LV) to (G-NR).

Proof Sketch

For each transition, the reduction introduces up to \(|X|^2\) “witness” values into the input to replace register-register operations, making the data reduction automaton dependent.

Given a transition with k register-to-register comparisons and \(\ell \) register-to-register assignments, \(k + \ell \) intermediate states are created. The original transition is stripped of all register-register operations. For each comparison \(x_i = x_j\), an additional transition

$$\begin{aligned} \frac{\omega (p) \mid (p = x_i) \wedge (p = x_j)}{-} \end{aligned}$$

is inserted and for each assignment \(x_i := x_j\), a transition

$$\begin{aligned} \frac{\omega (p) \mid p = x_j}{x_i := p} \end{aligned}$$

is created. The input is modified to include the “witness” values where required. To preserve determinism, intermediate states with identical incoming transitions can be merged.    \(\square \)

Figure 10 illustrates the process.

Theorem 14

There exists a \(\mathsf {P}\)-many-one reduction from (G-NR) to (G-FG).

Proof Sketch

The construction employs a technique similar to register virtualization used in the proof of Theorem 12. However, we store the equality information in registers and discard the actual values.

The reduction replaces the registers with \(|X|^2 - |X|\) registers

$$\begin{aligned} x_{1,2}, \bar{x}_{1,2}, x_{1,3}, \bar{x}_{1,3}, \dots , x_{|X|-1,X}, \bar{x}_{|X|-1,X} \end{aligned}$$

that encode the equality half-matrix of original registers. We will maintain the following invariants:

  1. 1.

    if in the original automaton for \(i < j\), \(x_i = x_j\), then \(x_{i,j} = \bar{x}_{i,j}\),

  2. 2.

    if in the original automaton for \(i < j\), \(x_i \ne x_j\), then \(x_{i,j} \ne \bar{x}_{i,j}\),

  3. 3.

    and for \(i < j\) and \(i', j'\) with \(i \ne i'\) or \(j \ne j'\), \(\{x_{i,j}, \bar{x}_{i,j}\} \cap \{x_{i',j'}, \bar{x}_{i',j'}\} = \emptyset \).

To avoid unnecessary concern for register order, we will also refer to \(x_{i,j}\) as \(x_{j,i}\). Using these registers, we can compare \(x_i = x_j\) by using

$$\begin{aligned} \frac{\lambda (p) \mid (p = x_{i,j}) \wedge (p = \bar{x}_{i,j}) \wedge \bigwedge _{x \in X_Q(q) \setminus \{x_{i,j}, \bar{x}_{i,j}\}} (p \ne x)}{-} \end{aligned}$$

and \(x_i \ne x_j\) by using

$$\begin{aligned} \frac{\lambda (p) \mid (p = x_{i,j}) \wedge \bigwedge _{x \in X_Q(q) \setminus \{x_{i,j}\}} (p \ne x)}{-}\text {.}\end{aligned}$$

Storing equalities needs to take into account the previous state. We store \(x_i = x_j\) using two parallel transitions:

$$\begin{aligned} \frac{\lambda (p) \mid (p = x_{i,j}) \wedge (p = \bar{x}_{i,j}) \wedge \bigwedge _{x \in X_Q(q) \setminus \{x_{i,j}, \bar{x}_{i,j}\}} (p \ne x)}{-} \end{aligned}$$

is used if the registers were previously equal and

$$\begin{aligned} \frac{\lambda (p) \mid (p = x_{i,j}) \wedge \bigwedge _{x \in X_Q(q) \setminus \{x_{i,j}\}} (p \ne x)}{\bar{x}_{i,j} := p} \end{aligned}$$

is used if they were not. Storing an inequality \(x_i \ne x_j\) is possible in one transition:

$$\begin{aligned} \frac{\lambda (p) \mid \bigwedge _{x \in X_Q(q) \setminus \{x_{i,j}\}} (p \ne x)}{\bar{x}_{i,j} := p}\text {.} \end{aligned}$$

Now, all transitions need to be transformed. We distinguish two types of transitions, those that guarantee the equality of the parameter and a register (e.g., \(p = x_i\)) and those that do not. In the first case, all other instances of p in the guard can be replaced with \(x_i\). Since \(p = x_i\) is always satisfiable, the guard can be replaced with test of equalities between registers. Each such comparison is done in a separate transition. The assignment is then done by updating all relevant equalities.

If p is only compared negatively to some registers, the guard is always satisfiable and can be removed. However, it is unknown if p is equal to registers it was not compared to. For each group of equal registers p might be equal to, we nondeterministically select either equality or inequality and write the corresponding information to the half-matrix.    \(\square \)

We now demonstrate that under widely-held assumptions about complexity classes, no efficient reduction between (G-NR) and (G-UP) can exist.

Theorem 15

If \({\mathsf {NP}}\ne {\mathsf {PSPACE}}\), there exists no \(\mathsf {P}\)-many-one reduction from (G-FG) to (G-UP).

A similar result for deterministic (U-LV) automata has been proven by Cassel et al. [6]. Here, we demonstrate that such a reduction would allow us to construct an \(\mathsf {NP}\) algorithm for a \(\mathsf {PSPACE}\)-complete problem.


Assume that an \(\mathsf {NP}\)-many-one reduction from (G-FG) to (G-UP) exists \((\star )\). We can now construct an \(\mathsf {NP}\)-algorithm for \(\textsc {NonEmptiness}\) of deterministic Demri-Lazić automata.

The following sequence of reductions reduces the Demri-Lazić automaton to a finite-memory automaton:

The finite-memory automaton’s emptiness can be decided in \(\mathsf {NP}\); the result holds for the original automaton. Since the original problem is \(\mathsf {PSPACE}\)-complete, \({\mathsf {NP}}= {\mathsf {PSPACE}}\).    \(\square \)

By using Turing reductions in the proof, permitting multiple oracle queries, we obtain statements conditional on the collapse of the polynomial hierarchy. These corollaries can be extended to arbitrary hierarchy levels.

Corollary 2

If the polynomial hierarchy does not collapse, there exists no \(\mathsf {PH}\)-\(\textsc {NonEmptiness}\)-Turing reduction from (G-FG) to (G-UP).

Theorem 16

There exists a \(\mathsf {LIN}\)-automaton-only reduction from (G-UA) to (G-UP).

Proof Sketch

For all transitions that store the parameter (e.g., using \(x_i := p\)), the reduction removes \((p \ne x_i)\) from the guard, yielding a (G-UP) automaton. This operation can remove determinism from the automaton. To demonstrate that this does preserve \(\textsc {NonEmptiness}\), consider an input that does “overwrite” a register with its value. This would not be permissible in the original automaton. We demonstrate that an accepted input must exist that does not overwrite a value.

Let the register valuation prior to overwriting be \(\chi \), the previous state be q and the overwritten value be \(\bar{d}\). Consider a modification of the register automaton in which \(\chi \) is the initial valuation and q the initial state. This register automaton’s language is closed under automorphisms on the data value set [15, Proposition 2]. Let \(\bar{d}'\) be a value not occurring in the remaining input and \(\sigma : D \rightarrow D\) be the automorphism defined by

$$\sigma (d) = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \bar{d}' &{} \text {if } d = \bar{d} \\ \bar{d} &{} \text {if } d = \bar{d}' \\ d &{} \text {otherwise.} \end{array}\right. }$$

If \(\sigma \) is applied to the remaining input, it is still accepted, but no overwriting occurs. This process can be repeated for each instance of overwriting. The resulting input is accepted by both the original and the newly created automaton.    \(\square \)

All results presented in this section are outlined in Fig. 11d.

Fig. 11.
figure 11

Inequalities, reductions, and lower reduction complexity bounds between variants.

6 Application to Existing Models

We now employ the feature-wise reductions from Sect. 5 to define reductions between the existing models from Sect. 4.2.

Theorem 17

Every initialized finite-memory automaton is a valid finite-memory automaton.

Theorem 18

There exists a determinism-preserving \(\mathsf {LIN}\)-automaton-only reduction from finite-memory to Neven-Schwentick-Vianu automata.


We apply the following sequence of reductions:

   \(\square \)

Theorem 19

There exists a determinism-preserving \(\mathsf {P}\)-data stable reduction from Neven-Schwentick-Vianu to Segoufin automata.


We apply the following sequence of reductions:

   \(\square \)

Theorem 20

Every Segoufin automaton is a valid Demri-Lazić automaton.

Theorem 21

There exists a determinism-preserving \(\mathsf {LIN}\)-data stable reduction from Demri-Lazić to succinct canonical register automata.


We apply the following sequence of reductions:

   \(\square \)

Theorem 22

There exists a determinism-preserving \(\mathsf {P}\)-many-one reduction from succinct canonical register automata to Demri-Lazić automata.


We apply the following sequence of reductions:

   \(\square \)

Theorem 23

There exists a determinism-preserving \(\mathsf {EXP}\)-many-one reduction from succinct canonical register automata to finite-memory automata.


We apply the following sequence of reductions:

   \(\square \)

Theorem 24

There exists a \(\mathsf {P}\)-many-one reduction from Demri-Lazić to Segoufin automata.


Follows from Theorem 14.

Theorem 25

If the polynomial hierarchy does not collapse, there exists no \(\mathsf {PH}\)-\(\textsc {NonEmptiness}\)-Turing reduction from Segoufin to Neven-Schwentick-Vianu automata.


Follows from Corollary 2.

Fig. 12.
figure 12

Reductions between models and the complexity of \(\textsc {NonEmptiness}\).

Theorem 26

There exists a \(\mathsf {LIN}\)-prefix free reduction from Neven-Schwentick-Vianu to finite-memory automata.


We apply the following sequence of reductions:

   \(\square \)

Theorem 27

If \({\mathsf {NL}}\ne {\mathsf {NP}}\), there exists no \(\mathsf {NL}\)-\(\textsc {NonEmptiness}\)-Turing reduction from finite-memory to initialized finite-memory automata.


Follows from Theorem 5.

Three categories of model can be distinguished by the complexity of deciding \(\textsc {NonEmptiness}\): those for which the problem is \(\mathsf {NL}\)-, \(\mathsf {NP}\)-, and \(\mathsf {PSPACE}\)-complete. These match the “register disciplines” \( SF \), \( S\#_0 \), and \( MF \) by Murawski et al. [17, 18]. The resulting structure is shown in Fig. 12.

For finite-memory automata and above, deciding \(\textsc {Membership}\) is \(\mathsf {P}\)-complete for deterministic automata and \(\mathsf {NP}\)-complete otherwise. \(\mathsf {P}\)- and \(\mathsf {NP}\)-hardness were proven for finite-memory automata. For every model, the \(\textsc {Membership}\) of a word can – depending on determinism – be verified in \(\mathsf {P}\) or \(\mathsf {NP}\) by “executing” the automaton. Reductions therefore are of little interest for deciding the \(\textsc {Membership}\) problem.

7 Conclusion and Future Work

We have described a taxonomy for several register automaton features and successfully applied it to several types of automaton in the literature. The examined feature variants have been shown to be mutually reducible, as outlined in Fig. 11. This shows that all variants have identical expressiveness. We also charted the complexity of the \(\textsc {NonEmptiness}\) problem for different features and identified three categories of automaton, those for which it is \(\mathsf {NL}\)-, \(\mathsf {NP}\)-, and \(\mathsf {PSPACE}\)-complete. The possibility of transition guards to be unsatisfiable for certain register valuations defines the difference between the first two, while the ability to store the same value in multiple registers defining the difference between the latterFootnote 1. This implies that the size of automaton required to recognize a language varies between models, i.e., automata with \(\mathsf {PSPACE}\)-complete \(\textsc {NonEmptiness}\) require less size to recognize a language.

Some register automaton formalisms, such as M-automata [15] and the automata defined by Benedikt et al. [2] cannot be described using our taxonomy. The former bears more similarity to pebble automata [19], while the latter’s use of states is dissimilar to any other model’s. In future work, our taxonomy could be extended to capture these formalisms.

Semantic extensions that strictly increase expressiveness such as register pushdown automata [9], fresh-register automata [24], register automata with non-deterministic reassignment [16] or with linear arithmetic [8] and symbolic register automata [10] have been proposed as extensions to the classical register automaton model studied by us. Again, these extensions could be taxonomized to permit the transfer of applicable results.