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1 Introduction

In conditions of universal technoeconomic transformation, the education system occupies one of the leading positions in the hierarchy of priority areas of society. It employs more than a billion students and almost 50 million teachers. The social role of education has significantly increased: the prospects for the development of mankind largely depend on its orientation and effectiveness today. Over the past decades, much has changed in people’s attitudes toward different types of education (Aristova, 2011). Education plays an important role in social and economic progress. The main reason for this attention is that it comes to understanding the value of man—the capital of the information society, which has the ability to make non-standard decisions through the application of learned knowledge in practice.

It is likely that in the context of finding the most appropriate solutions to the pressing issues of the sustainable development of mankind as a whole, the educational system should be given an important place.

Today, education determines the social status of the individual, forms and reflects the social structure of society, maintains stability in it, and performs social control. At the moment, education is one of the channels of social mobility. After all, it is obvious that the quality of labor resources directly depends on the education of people and the state of education of a country, which entails the state of the economy as a whole.

The education system is one of the spheres of economics, but it has wider, constant inverse relations with the macro environment of society, which is due to the importance of educating specialists whose activities lie in the space of transformations of this environment.

The social role of education, its orientation and effectiveness allow us to expand the boundaries of the formation of humanity, acting as a kind of mechanism for its development. The last decades are characterized by a change in the attitude of people to all types of education (Kurys, 1998; Kurys & Slyadeva, 2002). As a fact, education has become an integral part of social and economic progress.

Such attention is based on the understanding that the most important value and main capital of modern society is a person who is able to find and master new knowledge and make responses in accordance with the situation of decisions.

2 Materials and Method

As theory-methodology basis in determination of essence and features of education in the field of physical education served basic provisions of the theory of physical education, upbringing and education. In this regard, questions about the content and functions of education in the field of physical culture, aimed at creating a motivational and value foundation for students in addition to physical culture in the new socio-economic and cultural conditions, have been further clarified and specified.

The work was based on ideas and works on the theory of education in the field of physical culture (Akulich & Mashchenko, 2000; Goloshchapov, 2009; Kolesnikova, 2005; Matveev, 1997, 2014; Morgun, 2002; Nepomnyashchaya, 2001).

The method of research was the analysis of the study of problematic issues of education in the field of physical culture, the attitude of students to health, the main aspects of the formation of the motivational and value application of the personality of student youth to the values of physical culture, a healthy lifestyle, the study of the experience of attempts to organize this process, and the results of sociological research. The indicated vectors together allow students to identify the personal significance of specific values represented in the field of physical culture, the conditions for organizing the educational process in physical culture.

3 Results

As a result of numerous studies (Kikhtenko, 2017; Petrievskaya, 2009; Shiyanova, 2005, 2006; Zmanovsky, 2004), several factors have been identified that determine the content of education in the field of physical education. These include: targeted settings of the educational process carried out in the university within the framework of physical education, compliance of the physical improvement of students with the current social order of society, analysis and evaluation of the resulting data characterizing the quality of implementation of the educational process and the environment where the educational process is implemented.

Based on the opinion of Galkin (2009), the content of the learning process within the framework of physical culture should be analyzed from the point of view of the criterion of adaptability of students to transformational priorities in the hierarchy of values. Thus, it can be stated that the content component of the educational system should be filled in accordance with the goal, educational axiology, features of the socio-cultural activities of students set in a specific time frame, which can ultimately be represented in the form of a combination of the most effective methods, means and, as a result, achieving the given parameters of results. The above is possible only in the context of the integration of the values of physical culture represented in domestic and foreign analogues, that is, a dialogue of cultures that provides variability of forms and methods.

Based on this, one can summarize the inclusion of the criterion in educational values, through which the foundation is formed for the subsequent formation of the personality of a person as an active member of society. Each of the criteria representing various aspects of physical culture as a multifactorial cultural phenomenon (human, social, cultural, etc.), plays the role of a guide in the activity, according to which the formation of the personality’s self-consciousness and its worldview takes place, which ultimately determines the degree of its social stability, motivation and orientation in life.

The main task of higher education is the qualitative training of a specialist, the formation of a person, including the physical culture of a person, who has an active position, including in the field of physical culture, to maintain and improve his health for professional activity. Physical culture, as a subject, has not only common tasks, but also the requirements that are placed on a particular specialty of the future specialist.

The very concept of “education” does not have a certain framework. It is dynamic, continuous. Many scientists talk about the continuity of physical education. A person should be formed throughout ontogenesis, including in the field of physical education. From this point of view, physical education for an individual will contribute to development and increase its strength to achieve and strive for harmonious development.

Such education also provides for inclusion in the values of physical culture, which are determined by the peculiarities of socio-cultural activities, including physical education and sports.

Physical culture in a modern university cannot exist without its leading element—education in the field of physical culture. The main task of which is to form an educated person in this area through information, operational and motivational components of physical education.

According to scientists (Kurys & Slyadeva, 2002; Morgun, 2002), etc., the content of physical education cannot be considered only from the point of view of physical, i.e. bodily. This education, a process that affects a person’s intelligence, equips him with special knowledge of the use of physical exercise on physicality.

Awareness of the above allows you to reorient from a one-sided approach that determines the priority of the bodily nature of a person, to the need for its integration with the intellectual component, which generally initiates the importance of increasing the effectiveness of the practical effect on improving the physicality of a person.

During the reorientation of the content of the educational process in the physical culture space, it is necessary to adhere to the importance of maintaining the focus on preparing future specialists for professional activity by creating their self-knowledge and the need for physical self-improvement. With this transformation, a number of changes can be noted in the very content of the training process, namely:

  • shifting the focus from the priority of motor training to its integration with the intellectual vector of student personality development;

  • the predominance of educational technologies that reveal the potential for autonomy and self-education;

  • conditions conducive to the construction of an individual educational vector.

Therefore, “education in the field of physical culture implies the creation of conditions for the free comprehensive development of a person’s motor activity and in the name of his harmonious physical development, health promotion and the creation of a base for economical and effective activities in all areas of work and life” (Kurys, 1998).

In addition, consideration should be given to the relationship between the content and functions of the educational system in the field of physical culture of the cultural era and the specific historical situation.

A new type of culture takes into account the best of each previous cultural era, which is rich in the history of world culture.

Today there is a search for such a model of education that would meet and correspond to the current needs of modern civilization.

The scientific community is working on the development and theoretical and methodological justification of a completely new system that would incorporate all modern requirements facing higher education in the field of physical culture.

Upon completion of studies with students in the disciplines “Physical Culture” and “Elective disciplines in Physical Culture and Sports” (the student has the right to choose, the following Elective disciplines in physical culture and sports are presented in the curricula: Playing sports (volleyball, basketball, football, badminton, table tennis); Traditional and modern exercise health systems; Athletics training; An adaptive course in physical education and sports for physically challenged people and people with disabilities), the level of physical education should be formed. Also, the student should have instructional and methodological preparation. All this will allow him to use the means of physical culture for self-improvement throughout his professional activity.

Health and attitude to it is considered through individual and selective personality connections in various manifestations of reality that contribute to or threaten human health, as well as a certain assessment by an individual of his physical and mental state. It must be clearly understood that a healthy lifestyle cannot exist in isolation from the existing lifestyle of a person.

Health and a healthy lifestyle is associated with the value orientations of the person, that is, how does this person evaluate his physical condition among other values.

Not so long ago, the physical culture of the student was aimed (mainly) at performing certain tests that did not allow them to take into account the conceptual provisions of the individual approach, which were the most significant from the point of view of development and education.

All this was reflected in the desire to achieve high quantitative indicators. The student, as an object of development and upbringing, characterized by a combination of feelings, thoughts, attitudes and needs, was not considered in this case.

The modern system of education and education in the field of physical culture offers new models for organizing the educational process in physical culture, which to a greater extent allow us to take into account the motivational and value attitude of students to their values.

In our study, we made an attempt to identify and study the motivation of students to exercise and sports activities in connection with professional training at a university and determine the significance of physical culture values in the general hierarchy of life values.

In the course of this study, research was carried out within the framework of sociological issues with students of the first courses of the Law Institute of PSU. According to the results obtained, it can be concluded that in the predominant majority, the low level of mastery of knowledge in the field of physical culture and motor skills during schooling does not allow achieving sustainability in the motivational and value structure of beliefs that determine the significance of new knowledge and behavior (Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, 2013).

The results of the study revealed the equality of the volume of educational and cognitive motives and motives of future professional activity presented in the personality. It is also worth noting the relative independence of motives from specific types of future professional activities recorded during the study. With not identified relationships between the motivational structures of students and the value attitude of students, over 35% of respondents noted an implicit interest in a specific professional activity, focusing on the desire to have any work, and about 34% of participants in the experimental part of the study among the motivational grid offered to them, noted as a target focus the desire to “achieve success in life.”

Training includes components such as:

  • professional interests;

  • vocational training;

  • vocational awareness of work.

Another component should therefore be added, namely physical training, aimed at preserving and maintaining health for professional activities. And this component should be based on the education of the motivation of the individual for physical education and sports.

Turning to the results, it should be noted that in the system of vital values, the physical culture of student youth occupies a low rank. In support of this, we cite the following as the final indicators: the value of maintaining health takes 4th place; value of external presentability—12th place, knowledge value—15th place; value of motor activity—16th place; the value of meeting the level of physical fitness requirements of professional activity—17th place; the value of achieving a given level of development of physical qualities—18th place.

In parallel with the above, we consider it necessary to highlight the greatest values in the indicators of values, and in particular: the level of material security—1st place; intellectual “security,” which determines the competitiveness of the specialist—2nd place; family well-being—3rd place; moral consciousness—5th place.

Based on the above, we determined the conditions in the educational process, which contribute to increasing the motivations of students in physical education and sports activities, as well as the participation of students in various forms of physical education and sports activities and personal perception of the values of physical culture.

The conditions defined by us made it possible to get a system of the pedagogical process, where motivational and value relations of students are formed when they are included in personal sports activities.

This can be done by attracting students to participate in competitions in various sports (Spartakiad of freshmen, Spartakiad of institutes and higher schools of PSU, Vice-chancellor's Cup in football, etc.); writing scientific articles on problematic topics in physical culture and sports and participating with them in the Regional inter-university scientific and practical conference of students, graduate students and young scientists of “Young Science,” etc.

The architectonics of the modern system of physical culture is subordinate to the tasks of social needs, such as achieving the level of readiness for professional activity and health of the younger generation set by the socio-economic development of society, which allows creating an individual lifestyle for each member of the society and provides the opportunity for socio-cultural self-determination within the framework of personal potential.

Therefore, the modern world requires a young person to have a clear life’s philosophy in maintaining health, improving cultural and spiritual development.

4 Conclusion

The research results showed that the education of students in the field of physical culture and the formation of motivational and value relations can be carried out with:

  • formation of general education of students in the field of physical culture, their abilities to use special knowledge, when affecting their body;

  • students, teachers in physical education, as well as trainers of sports and physical education institutions should be considered the main components of the integral process of education;

  • formation of motivational-value attitude should be accompanied by cognitive activity of students in the field of physical culture;

  • control over the process of formation of motivational and value components should be carried out by students and teachers.

Motivational and value-based relations are formed in the creative process between a teacher who has dialogue with students in order to positively influence them.

The teacher’s task is to explain to the student that the modern world and the world of scientific and technological progress needs healthy, physically and spiritually strong young people. And only these people will be able to achieve great success in life, and physical culture along with education in this area can and should help them with it.