
1 Introduction

School physical education is entering a brand-new period of historical development. Revisiting school physical education’s essential function will greatly promote our deeper understanding of the intrinsic value of school physical education. Pushing forward the construction of a healthy China is an important foundation for building a well-off society in an all-round way and realizing modernization. It is also a national strategy to comprehensively improve physical quality and realize the coordinated development of people’s health and economic society [1]. Therefore, the college sports culture, which is formed by the integration of college sports and sports culture, leads the fashion of college campus culture with a unique attitude and vigorously promotes the development of college sports. According to the historical development process of social culture, education is an important component [2]. Although various social cultures, including mass culture, exert an irresistible influence on school culture and education, even this influence has many negative elements. Therefore, from the perspective of core values, we should examine the relevant issues concerning the value of school physical education in our country, further understand and grasp the status, functions and functions of school physical education, and provide references for promoting the scientific and orderly development of theoretical research and practice of school physical education in our country.

2 Analysis on the Current Situation of Sports Culture Development in Colleges and Universities

In our country’s school education system, sports culture has been neglected and its development lags behind. In primary and secondary schools, the first priority of the school is to let students pass the examination and enter key secondary schools and famous universities. In order to carry out scientific research on the core values of Chinese physical education curriculum, we must first sort out the evolution and development process of the core values of Chinese physical education curriculum, so as to excavate the characteristics of the core values of different physical education curriculum in different periods [3]. Influenced by traditional ideas, universities still focus on training students’ professional skills and imparting scientific knowledge, and the inheritance of humanistic knowledge and humanistic spirit has not received due attention. School sports culture is a cross-cutting component of social culture and sports culture. It is the product of the interaction and mutual influence between sports culture and campus culture. It is the sum of sports spirit and wealth created jointly by school staff in practice. The current social and cultural value system has seriously affected the development of our school sports, not to mention its leading and positive influence [4]. School physical education does not know itself from inside, but needs to look back at itself from outside. School physical education has been deprived of its right to pursue its own value and meaning, or abandoned voluntarily, while focusing on the practical effect of skill training. School physical education has lost its value of existence due to its neglect of the noumenon value.

3 Cultural Mission of School Physical Education

3.1 Enrich Campus Cultural Life

School sports culture is a combination of sports culture and campus culture, and it is a unique cultural phenomenon with profound cultural connotation and extension. Within the scope of schools, influenced by social culture, many colleges and universities have seen the imbalance of students’ sports culture. The level of sports culture and students’ cognitive level of sports culture need to be improved. The value of things varies from person to person, and the value of objects varies from person to person, so the inner scale of subject is the fundamental scale of value [5]. The all-round development of human mainly includes the free development of human physical strength and intelligence, the various development of human talents and the high development of personal social relations. The strategic value of school physical education lies in the high consistency between school physical education and social development. Physical education is an important way to realize the complete form of human life. As a practical activity, physical education shapes people from two aspects so as to realize two purposes of education [6]. Of course, while people understand and transform the objective world, these practical activities of human beings, in turn, strengthen people’s subjective consciousness, make people have a clearer understanding of their own subjectivity, and further consolidate and strengthen people’s subjective position in the objective world. No matter from the position of school physical education in modern social culture or from the perspective of the universality of school physical education for audience groups, school physical education should also serve as the task of leading and reconstructing in the process of social culture.

3.2 To Improve Students’ Cultural Accomplishment

Life lies in movement, life lies in balance, and life lies in harmony. These concepts reflect people’s cognition of life from different angles and levels. Sports value is the meaning that sports presents to the main body. There are not only static phenomena of sports value, but also dynamic conflicts and changes of sports value. School physical education should strive to create a healthy school atmosphere, actively organize students to carry out sports activities, and comprehensively cultivate students’ health literacy. School physical education, as the teaching of physical culture in schools, can be fully displayed only when different levels of culture have a real impact on the educated, and school physical education has the function of cultivating students’ external physical quality and improving their internal life value. Campus culture has a subtle influence on students, which can even transform the characteristics of talent cultivation in colleges and universities. The charm of college sports culture is embodied in its own cultural characteristics. Therefore, in addition to improving sports quality, college physical education must also strengthen college students’ sports cultural quality [7]. To give full play to the campus cultural characteristics of educating people in sports and become an irreplaceable spiritual strength of campus for other disciplines.

3.3 The Era Mission of School Sports Culture

In the popularization of sports culture, the weak awareness of physical fitness and the lack of educational approaches have greatly affected the development of school sports culture. In physical education teaching, teachers should follow the principle of inspiration and guidance, improve students’ initiative and enthusiasm in participating in teaching activities, and enhance students’ learning consciousness. The school spirit is a concentrated expression of the value orientation and ideals and beliefs of teachers and students in a school. Therefore, in the practice of the construction of campus sports culture, we should pay attention to the construction of good school spirit, pay attention to the construction of teachers and students’ behavior culture, and promote the construction of school spirit with the leading role of example and pioneer. Improving students’ own sports cultural accomplishment, deepening their understanding of school sports, and cultivating their sports fitness awareness are important measures to complete the college sports cultural mission and develop lifelong sports, and this is the personal value of school sports. However, according to the laws of education, school physical education is restricted by and serves social politics, economy, science and technology, and culture, which determines that school physical education should have its social value. Through the transmission and learning of sports skills, the effective inheritance of sports skills culture can be realized. At the same time, sports skills exist as a common way of fitness and education. However, the exertion of this educational function should be based on the essential function of physical fitness, i.e. strengthening physical fitness through physical exercise, thus cultivating human spirit, quality and perfect personality.

4 Socialist Core Values Leading the Practical Path of College Sports Culture Construction

4.1 Strengthen the Construction of Sports System Culture in Colleges and Universities

“Democracy” traces back to the basic connotation of “people-oriented”. On the one hand, in the modern western educational ideology, it advocates “human nature replaces divinity and human rights replaces divine rights”. The core idea is to put the value or status of people in the first place. College sports culture is a specific system in the field of sports culture. It is a comprehensive reflection of college students’ cultural quality and sports quality, and reflects college cultural life and spiritual outlook. The conflict in the choice of the value of school physical education is actually the conflict of people’s interests and the conflict in the value standard, which is a distortion of the “irrational” function of school physical education. In terms of specific measures, the socialist core value system should be infiltrated into the system construction of campus sports culture, so that the socialist concept of honor and disgrace can become the basic standard for teachers and students’ daily learning, life and teaching, and become the basic yardstick for teachers and students’ practical learning. As far as sports are concerned, its purpose is to promote and maintain physical health, ensure sufficient physical strength and energy to meet the needs of work, study and life, develop physical strength and skills and balance mental energy, obtain exciting and carefree sports experience, and constantly create and perfect oneself [8]. Students can not only experience the pleasant emotion brought by sports, but also cultivate their life attitude of fairness, justice, consciously abiding by rules and cooperating with each other through the experience of competition and cooperation in sports, so as to promote the formation of their personality and cultivate good sports ethics.

4.2 The Values of School Physical Education Need to Change from Instrumental Rationality to People-Oriented

Value concept is a unique spiritual form of human being, a reflection of people’s value life and condensation of practical experience, and a value orientation or value concept in people’s heart [9,10,11,12,13]. The function of value concept is that it becomes the evaluation standard system in people’s heart. As a part of social culture, the interaction between sports and education has the same reason as social culture [14,15,16,17,18]. The education of sports humanistic spirit to sound personality spirit is embodied in the following aspects: developing people’s body and mind, improving people’s body and mind adaptability. Cultivate talents with competitive spirit, fighting spirit, team spirit, sense of justice, sense of responsibility and sense of honor. At the same time, they have perseverance, self-confidence, law-abiding and civilized behavior. Therefore, schools should adopt a positive attitude to accept sports culture, combine the situation of physical education in schools, scientifically introduce sports culture, and rationally transform it according to the specific situation of students, so that sports culture can become a powerful tool for shaping students’ physical and mental health. In order to achieve the goal of student health, the pursuit of students’ psychological, social and moral health of all aspects of the school sports value orientation. In the practice of physical education, scientific physical education curriculum can fully meet the needs of students and instill the correct values of physical education. Gradually establish and improve the school sports management system, so that college sports will become the propaganda base of sports culture and the training base of competitive sports talents.

4.3 The Realization of Teachers’ Core Values in Physical Education Teaching

As college physical education teachers, they are faced with high-quality college students. When teaching physical education contents and sports skills, they should be concise and clear, and in line with the theme, so that college students can effectively master and use them. They should also focus on detailed explanation of methodological knowledge and concepts. Teachers and students are encouraged to participate widely, actively discuss and communicate, and effectively guide students’ thoughts in sports activities. The lively and novel form has replaced the previous theoretical education, which mainly focused on preaching, and has promoted the enthusiasm and enthusiasm of students to accept education consciously. Under the guidance of socialist values and the ideology of physical education in colleges and universities, we should improve the management system of physical education in colleges and universities and enhance the educational function. Traditional ethnic sports are the crystallization of people’s wisdom. With its various characteristics and forms, they carry the cultural accumulation of China for thousands of years. It is not only an important part of China’s sports, but also a cultural treasure showing the long history of the Chinese nation. Therefore, the education administrative department should formulate a full-time sports teacher training plan to continuously improve the educational level and professional quality of sports teachers. Increase training efforts, broaden training channels, to create conditions to encourage teachers to go out to study and inspect. As an important position for cultural development, colleges and universities are duty-bound to inherit and develop China’s excellent national traditional culture, which is also the basis for highlighting the characteristics of our colleges and universities. The main purpose is to provide direction guidance for PE teachers’ self-development, so as to promote PE teachers’ professional development effectively and reach the high level of contemporary specialization, thus improving their professional status.

5 Conclusion

At present, building a well-off society in an all-round way and building a socialist harmonious society are the historical missions of our country in the new stage. In the new historical period, college sports should be oriented by the society’s demand for talents, based on the macro vision of students’ life-long development, carry out sports culture education for students with sports as the carrier, and create a scientific model of school sports. School physical education is geared to the needs of students in school and undertakes the mission of strengthening the nation’s constitution, which affects the nation’s future direction. Take the students’ sports cultural accomplishment as an important task of the school, from enriching the curriculum content to carrying out extracurricular activities, and actively guide students to experience this cultural connotation through various ways. We will truly create a campus sports culture with socialist core values as its guiding feature, so that students will imperceptibly accept the moral education content dominated by socialist core values.