
2.1 Introduction

Cybersecurity is an ability to protect or defend the use of cyberspace from cyberattacks. The four most common goals provided by cybersecurity technologies for any users/entities in cyberspace are confidentiality, authentication, message integrity, and access and availability [1]. Confidentiality ensures that the information is inaccessible to unauthorized people, and it is commonly enforced through encryption, IDs and passwords, two-factor authentication, and additional defensive strategies in which only sender and the intended receiver should understand message contents. In the context of confidentiality, the sender encrypts the message and the receiver decrypts the message. A typical example of confidentiality is student grade information that is an asset whose confidentiality is important to students, and only be available to students, their parents, and employees that require the information to do their job. Message integrity is to safeguard information and systems from being modified by unauthorized people, thereby ensuring that the protected data is accurate and trustworthy. Considering, for example, a hospital patient’s allergy information stored in a database and trusted by the doctor, the integrity is broken when an employee (e.g., a nurse) who is authorized to view and update this information deliberately falsified the data to cause harm to the hospital. Then, the database needs to be restored to a trusted basis quickly, and trace the error back to the person responsible. In the context of message integrity, sender and receiver want to ensure messages are not altered in transit, or afterwards without detection. Availability is to ensure that authorized people have access to the information when needed; this includes rigorously maintaining all systems, keeping them current with upgrades, using backups to safeguard against disruptions or data loss, to name a few. For example, a system providing authentication services for critical systems, applications, and devices. An interruption of service results in the inability for customers to access computing resources and staff to access the resources they need to perform critical tasks. The loss of the service translates into a large financial loss in lost employee productivity and potential customer loss. In the context of availability, services must be accessible and available to users 24 h 7 days.

The early cybersecurity mechanisms dedicated exclusively to prevention are highly insufficient mainly because current Internet activities have shown a dramatic increase in the number of computer and network attacks [2]. It was estimated that cybercrime is the second most-strongly connected global risk, and the cost of its damage would be equivalent to the GDP of the world’s third largest economy in 2021 [3]. Under current circumstances, password-based authentication and access control mechanisms, which represent the cornerstone of traditional protection systems, can easily be circumvented using widely available exploits [4]. As a result, the concept of cybersecurity data science is proposed to supplement traditional prevention-based security mechanisms.

In the rest of this short chapter, we introduce the basic concepts of cybersecurity data science in Sect. 2.2 including what is cybersecurity, information security and network security, and what are their main differences, what is data science, and what is cybersecurity data science. In Sect. 2.3, we review an unsupervised machine learning algorithm [5], and then in Sect. 2.4, we present how to use the proposed unsupervised machine learning algorithm for detecting zero-day attacks, a typical case study on cybersecurity data science. Section 2.5 makes some concluding remarks and discusses future work.

2.2 Concepts of Cybersecurity Data Science

Cybersecurity, information security and network security are three terms that are often used interchangeably, even among some of those in the security field. However, they are not exactly the same. Each of them addresses different kinds of security. Understanding each term, what it means, and the difference among the three, i.e., what are they, how are they different, and why are these terms so often confused, is basic and essential for any organization that is investing in a proper security framework.

We have known that cybersecurity is an ability to protect or defend the use of cyberspace from cyberattacks, while computer security is a set of measures and controls that ensure confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the information processed and stored by a computer [6]. This term has been replaced by the term cybersecurity. On the other hand, information security is the protection of information and information systems from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction in order to provide confidentiality, integrity, and availability, and network security represents the process of taking physical and software preventative measures to protect the underlying networking infrastructure from unauthorized access, misuse, malfunction, modification, destruction, or improper disclosure, thereby creating a secure platform for computers, users, and programs to perform their permitted critical functions within a secure environment.

As illustrated in Fig. 2.1, information security is, broadly, the practice of securing your data, no matter its form, and cybersecurity is a subset of information security that deals with protecting an organization’s internet-connected systems from potential cyberattacks; moreover, network security is a subset of cybersecurity that is focused on protecting an organization’s IT infrastructure from online threats. Although the terms are often used in conjunction with one another, cybersecurity is considered to be the broader discipline as long as data originates in a digital form.

Fig. 2.1
figure 1

Information security vs. cybersecurity vs. network security

2.2.1 What Is Data Science?

Generally speaking, data science is an interdisciplinary field that uses scientific methods, processes, algorithms, and systems to extract knowledge and insights from many structural and unstructured data. As illustrated in Fig. 2.2, the Data Science Venn Diagram includes six components, namely Data Hacking Skills, Math and Statistics Knowledge, Machine Learning, Traditional Research, Danger Zone, and Substantive Expertise (domain knowledge) [7].

  • Data Hacking Skills: Data hacker/engineer with skills to acquire and clean data, thinking algorithmically, being able to manipulate data using command line, understanding vectorized operations, to name a few.

  • Math and Statistics Knowledge: Extract insight from the data, at least needs to know what is least squares regression to be a competent data scientist.

  • Substantive Expertise (Domain Knowledge): Substantive expertise is essential and is built upon domain knowledge, because data science is about discovery and building knowledge, which at least requires some motivating questions about the world and hypotheses that can be brought to data and tested with statistical methods.

  • Machine Learning: Data plus and math/statistics get us to machine learning.

  • Traditional Research: Domain knowledge and math/statistics get you traditional research.

  • Danger Zone: Data plus domain knowledge is sparsely populated and is the most problematic of the diagram, could produce a lot of false interpretation without learning some math and statistics along the way.

Fig. 2.2
figure 2

The data science Venn diagram [7]

As a result, data science is an interdisciplinary field that combines Data Hacking Skills, Math and Statistics Knowledge, and Substantive Expertise (Domain Knowledge).

2.2.2 What Is Cybersecurity Data Science?

Cybersecurity data science is an interdisciplinary field that combines data hacking skills, math and statistics knowledge, and substantive expertise in cybersecurity including in particular one or more of the following subjects:

  • SIEM development

  • Insider threat detection

  • Computer and network forensics

  • Security metrics; governance, risk, and compliance

  • Risk modeling; fraud and loss analytics

  • Advanced threat mitigation; malware analysis

2.3 Algorithms for Cybersecurity Data Science

The EM algorithm is widely used to estimate the parameters of Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) [8]. GMM is based on an assumption that the data to be clustered are drawn from one of several Gaussian distributions. It is suggested that Gaussian mixture distributions can approximate any distribution up to an arbitrary accuracy, as long as a sufficient number of components are used. Consequently, the entire data collection is seen as a mixture of several Gaussian distributions, and their corresponding probability density functions can be expressed as a weighted finite sum of Gaussian components with different parameters and mixing proportions.

The conditional probability in EM describes the likelihood that data points approximate a specified Gaussian component. The greater the value of conditional probability for a data point belonging to a specified Gaussian component, the more accurate the approximation is. As a result, data points are assigned to the corresponding Gaussian components according to their conditional probabilities. However, in some cases, there exist some data points whose conditional probability of belonging to any component of a GMM is very low or close to zero. These data are naturally seen as the outliers or noisy data. All the outlier data will be deleted or considered as unknown (aka zero-day) attacks during anomaly detection, and their attacking probability is set to 1.0. Table 2.1 illustrates a detailed EM-based clustering algorithm in which C m stands for the clustering results.

Table 2.1 EM-based clustering algorithm

In order to apply the EM-based clustering technique for detecting zero-day attacks, we make two basic assumptions: (1) the input data points are composed of two clusters, namely anomalous cluster and normal cluster; (2) the size of the anomalous cluster is always smaller than the size of the normal cluster. Consequently, we can easily label the anomalous cluster according to the size of each cluster. The attack probability for each data point is equal to the conditional probability of corresponding data point belonging to the anomalous cluster, which is defined as follows:

$$ p={p}_{r-1}\left({C}_{\mathrm{anomalous}}|{x}_n\right) $$

where x n is the data point; C anomalous is the anomalous cluster; p r − 1(C anomalous| x n) is the conditional probability of x n belonging to anomalous cluster C anomalous.

2.4 Applications for Cybersecurity Data Science

In order to apply the proposed EM-based clustering algorithm for detecting zero-day attacks in cybersecurity data science as a case study, we develop an effective and efficient clustering framework for online unsupervised anomaly detection of unknown intrusions. The proposed detection framework consists of a feature extraction technique based on the number of network flows and packets and an EM-based unsupervised machine learning algorithm. Figure 2.3 depicts the general architecture of our framework, which consists of three main stages as follows:

  1. 1.

    Feature analysis: During this phase, a number of flows and packets are generated from standard packet information, allowing extraction of salient and useful domain knowledge, as well as significant reduction of the dimensionality in the feature space.

  2. 2.

    Clustering: The features computed during the previous step are clustered using the EM-based clustering algorithm.

  3. 3.

    Cluster analysis and intrusion decision: Analyzing the clustering outcomes using heuristics leads to a final classification of corresponding data as either unknown novel attacks or nonintrusive data.

Fig. 2.3
figure 3

A typical cybersecurity data science application framework

The major goal of feature analysis is to select and extract robust network features that have the potential to discriminate anomalous behaviors from normal network activities. Since most current network intrusion detection systems use network flow data (e.g., netflow, sflow, ipfix) as their information sources, we focus on features in terms of flows.


A flow consists of a group of packets going from a specific source to a specific destination over a time period. There are various flow definitions so far, such as netflow, sflow, ipfix, to name a few. Basically, one network flow should at least include source IP/port, destination IP/port, protocol, number of bytes, and number of packets. Flows are often considered as sessions between users and services. Since attacking behaviors are usually different from normal user activities, they may be detected by observing flow characteristics.


The average number of packets in a flow over a time interval. Most attacks happen with an increased packet count. For example, Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks often generate a large number of packets in a short time in order to consume the available resources quickly.


The average number of bytes in a flow over a time interval. Through this metric, we can identify whether the network traffic consists of large size packets or not. Some previous Denial of Service (DoS) attacks use maximum packet size to consume the computation resources or to congest data paths, such as the well-known ping of death (pod) attack.

Based on the above three metrics, we define a set of features to describe entire traffic behavior on networks. Let F denote the feature space of network flows, a nine-dimensional feature vector f∈ can be represented as {f 1, f 2, …, f 9}, where the meaning of each feature is explained in Table 2.2.

Table 2.2 List of features

We evaluate the application framework with the full 1999 DARPA intrusion detection dataset. In particular, we conduct a comprehensive analysis for network traffic provided by the dataset and identify the intrusions based on each specific day. Since most current existing network intrusion detection systems use network flow data (e.g., netflow, sflow, ipfix) as their information sources, we covert all the raw TCPDUMP packet data into flow-based traffic data by using the public network traffic analysis tools (e.g., editcap [9], tshark [10]), similarly to the 1999 KDDCUP dataset [11] in which the 1998 DAPRA intrusion detection dataset [12] has been converted into connection-based dataset. Although the 1998 and 1999 DARPA dataset were criticized in [13, 14] due to the methodology for simulating the actual network environment, they are the widely used and acceptable benchmark for the current intrusion detection research.

During the evaluation, the results are summarized and analyzed in three different categories, namely how many attack instances are detected by each feature, how many attack types are detected by each feature, and how many attack instances are detected for each attack type. We do not use the traditional receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve to evaluate our approach and analyze the tradeoff between the false-positive rates and detection rates because ROC curves are often misleading and incomplete. Compared to most, if not all, other evaluations with the 1999 DARPA dataset, our evaluation covers all types of attacks and all days’ network traffic, and thus, we consider our evaluation as a comprehensive analysis for network traffic in the 1999 DARPA dataset.

The scoring coefficient is set up according to the detection rate (DR) and the false-positive rate (FPR) for the developed system over a long history. The higher the DR, the better the performance of the system; the lower the FPR, the better the system performance. Therefore, the ratio of DR to FPR is used to measure the performance of our proposed framework. We evaluate our system with the nine features and 9 days DARPA testing data on weeks 4 and 5. The evaluation results are summarized and analyzed in three different categories described in above. Table2.3 illustrates the average value of DR, FPR, and the ratio of DR to FPR for each feature over those 9 days. From Table 2.3, we can see that the top three features that are extremely useful for detecting zero-day attacks are number of UDP flows per minute, average number of UDP packets per flow over 1 min, and average number of bytes per UDP flow over 1 min.

Table 2.3 Performance of all nine features over 9 days evaluation for EM clustering

2.5 Conclusions and Future Work

In this short chapter, we discuss the essential concepts of cybersecurity data science and its typical algorithms and applications in detecting novel network attacks. The concept of cybersecurity data science is not new and can be originally dated back to the 1980s in the seminal report of Denning [15]. Denning assumed that security violations could be detected by inspecting abnormal system usage patterns from the audit data. Deviations from normal behavior patterns are flagged systematically as intrusions. The implementations of early anomaly detection techniques were based on self-learning. Knowledge about normal behaviors of subjects was automatically formed through training. Thus, according to whether the learning process is supervised or unsupervised, the anomaly detection schemes are naturally classified into two categories: unsupervised and supervised.

Supervised anomaly detection schemes depend on labeled training datasets, making the intrusion detection process error-prone, costly and time consuming. Any mistake in labeling the training data may lead to decreased performance of the detector. Unsupervised anomaly detection schemes allow training based on unlabeled datasets, facilitating online learning and improving detection accuracy. By facilitating online learning, unsupervised approaches provide higher potential to find novel attacks, which are not always included in the training data [16,17,18]. By removing the need to label the dataset, unsupervised approaches carry greater potential for detection accuracy, and they, however, also carry greater computing overheads. In the future, we will have supervised learning, in particular, a traditional perceptron learning algorithm, and unsupervised learning approaches integrated into the proposed cybersecurity data science application framework in order to bridge the knowledge gap between fields so that legal practitioners, law enforcement agencies, policy makers, and economists can make wise choices when dealing with societal problems related to cybersecurity as well as its broad economic impact.