1 Introduction

This paper gives answers to some open questions related to finite automata, logic and circuit complexity. Research in this area goes back (at least) to the early1960 s when Büchi [8], Elgot [12] and Trakhtenbrot [28] showed that \(\text {MSO}(<)\) (monadic second-order) sentences over finite strict linear orders define exactly the class of regular languages.

\(\mathsf {FO}(<)\)-definable regular languages were proven to be the same as star-free languages [19], and their algebraic characterisation as languages with aperiodic syntactic monoids was obtained in [23]. Algebraic characterisations of FO-definability in other signatures, and circuit and descriptive complexity of regular languages were investigated in [3, 4, 26], which established an \({\textsc {AC}^0}\)/\({\textsc {ACC}^0}\)/\({{\textsc {NC}^1}}\) trichotomy. In particular, the regular languages decidable in \(\textsc {AC}^0\) are definable by \(\mathsf {FO}(<,\equiv )\)-sentences with unary predicates \(x \equiv 0\, (\text {mod}\ n)\); those in \({\textsc {ACC}^0}\) are definable by \(\mathsf {FO}(<,\mathsf {MOD})\)-sentences with quantifiers \(\exists ^n x\, \psi (x)\) checking whether the number of positions satisfying \(\psi \) is divisible by n; and all regular languages are definable in \(\mathsf {FO}(\mathsf {RPR})\) with relational primitive recursion [11]; see Table 1.

The problem of deciding whether the language of a given DFA \(\mathfrak A\) is \(\mathsf {FO}(<)\)-definable is known to be \(\textsc {PSpace}\)-complete [7, 10, 25] (which is also a special case of general results on finite monoids [5, 13]). As shown in [4], the algebraic criteria of Table 1 yield algorithms deciding whether a given regular language is in \({\textsc {AC}^0}\) and \(\mathsf {FO}(<,\equiv )\)-definable, or in \({\textsc {ACC}^0}\) and \(\mathsf {FO}(<,\mathsf {MOD})\)-definable, or \({{\textsc {NC}^1}}\)-complete and is not \(\mathsf {FO}(<,\mathsf {MOD})\)-definable (unless \({\textsc {ACC}^0}= {{\textsc {NC}^1}}\)). However, these ‘brute force’ algorithms are not optimal, requiring the generation of the whole transition monoid of \(\mathfrak A\), which can be of exponential size [14]. As far as we know, the precise complexity of these decision problems has remained open.

Table 1. Definability, algebraic characterisations and circuit complexity of a regular language \({\boldsymbol{L}}\), where \(M({\boldsymbol{L}})\) is the syntactic monoid and \(\eta _{\boldsymbol{L}}\) the syntactic morphism of \({\boldsymbol{L}}\).

Our interest in the exact complexity of these problems is motivated by recent advances in ontology-based data access (OBDA) with linear time temporal logic LTL [1, 2]. The classical (atemporal) OBDA paradigm [20, 30] relies on a reduction of answering a query mediated by an ontology under the open-world semantics to evaluating a database query in a standard language such as SQL or its extension—that is, essentially, an extension of first-order logic—under the closed-world semantic. In the context of temporal OBDA, answering LTL ontology-mediated queries is equivalent to deciding certain regular languages given by an NFA or 2NFA of (possibly) exponential size, which gives rise to the circuit complexity and FO-definability problems for those languages. For further details the reader is referred to [22], which relies on the results we obtain below.

Our contribution in this paper is as follows. Let \(\mathcal {L}\) be one of the languages \(\mathsf {FO}(<,\equiv )\) or \(\mathsf {FO}(<,\mathsf {MOD})\). First, using the algebraic characterisation results of  [3, 4, 26], we obtain criteria for the \(\mathcal {L}\)-definability of the language \({\boldsymbol{L}}(\mathfrak A)\) of any given DFA \(\mathfrak A\) in terms of a limited part of the transition monoid of \(\mathfrak A\) (Theorem 1). Then, by using our criteria and generalising the construction of [10], we show that deciding \(\mathcal {L}\)-definability of \({\boldsymbol{L}}(\mathfrak A)\) for any minimal DFA \(\mathfrak A\) is \(\textsc {PSpace}\)-hard (Theorem 2). Finally, we apply our criteria to give a \(\textsc {PSpace}\)-algorithm deciding \(\mathcal {L}\)-definability of \({\boldsymbol{L}}(\mathfrak A)\) for not only any DFA but any 2NFA \(\mathfrak A\) (Theorem 3).

2 Preliminaries

We begin by briefly reminding the reader of the basic algebraic and automata-theoretic notions required in the remainder of the paper.

2.1 Monoids and Groups

A semigroup is a structure \(\mathfrak S=(S,\cdot )\) where \(\cdot \) is an associative binary operation. Given \(s,s'\in S\) and \(n>0\), we write \(s^n\) for \(s\cdot \) \(\dots \) \(\cdot s\) n-times, and often write \(ss'\) for \(s\cdot s'\). An element s in a semigroup \(\mathfrak S\) is idempotent if \(s^2=s\). An element e in \(\mathfrak S\) is an identity if \(e\cdot x=x\cdot e=x\) for all \(x\in S\). (It is easy to see that such an e is unique, if exists.) The identity element is clearly idempotent. A monoid is a semigroup with an identity element. For any element s in a monoid, we set \(s^0=e\). A monoid \(\mathfrak S=(S,\cdot )\) is a group if, for any \(x\in S\), there is \(x^-\in S\)—the inverse of x—such that \(x\cdot x^-=x^-\cdot x=e\) (every element of a group has a unique inverse). A group is trivial if it has one element, and nontrivial otherwise.

Given two groups \(\mathfrak G=(G,\cdot )\) and \(\mathfrak G'=(G',\cdot ')\), a map \(h:G\rightarrow G'\) is a group homomorphism from \(\mathfrak G\) to \(\mathfrak G'\) if \(h(g_1\cdot g_2)=h(g_1)\cdot ' h(g_2)\) for all \(g_1,g_2\in G\). (It is easy to see that any group homomorphism maps the identity of \(\mathfrak G\) to the identity of \(\mathfrak G'\) and preserves the inverses. The set \(\{h(g)\mid g\in G\}\) is closed under \(\cdot '\), and so is a group, the image of \(\mathfrak G\) under h.) \(\mathfrak G\) is a subgroup of \(\mathfrak G'\) if \(G\subseteq G'\) and the identity map \(\mathsf {id}_G\) is a group homomorphism. Given \(X\subseteq G\), the subgroup of \(\mathfrak G\) generated by X is the smallest subgroup of \(\mathfrak G\) containing X. The order \(o_\mathfrak G(g)\) of an element g in \(\mathfrak G\) is the smallest positive number n with \(g^n=e\), which always exists. Clearly, \(o_\mathfrak G(g)=o_\mathfrak G(g^-)\) and, if \(g^k=e\) then \(o_\mathfrak G(g)\) divides k. Also,

$$\begin{aligned} \text {if }g\text { is a nonidentity element in a group }\mathfrak G\text {, then }g^k\ne g^{k+1}\text { for any }k. \end{aligned}$$

A semigroup \(\mathfrak S'=(S',\cdot ')\) is a subsemigroup of a semigroup \(\mathfrak S=(S,\cdot )\) if \(S'\subseteq S\) and \(\cdot '\) is the restriction of \(\cdot \) to \(S'\). Given a monoid \(\boldsymbol{M}=(M,\cdot )\) and a set \(S\subseteq M\), we say that S contains the group \(\mathfrak G=(G,\cdot ')\), if \(G\subseteq S\) and \(\mathfrak G\) is a subsemigroup of \(\boldsymbol{M}\). Note that we do not require the identity of \(\boldsymbol{M}\) to be in \(\mathfrak G\), even if it is in S. If \(S=M\), we also say that \(\boldsymbol{M}\) contains the group \(\mathfrak G\), or \(\mathfrak G\) is in \(\boldsymbol{M}\). We call a monoid \(\boldsymbol{M}\) aperiodic if it does not contain any nontrivial groups.

Let \(\mathfrak S=(S,\cdot )\) be a finite semigroup and \(s\in S\). By the pigeonhole principle, there exist \(i,j\ge 1\) such that \(i+j\le |S|+1\) and \(s^{i}=s^{i+j}\). Take the minimal such numbers, that is, let \(i_s,j_s\ge 1\) be such that \(i_s+j_s\le |S|+1\) and \(s^{i_s}=s^{i_s+j_s}\) but \(s^{i_s},s^{i_s+1},\dots ,s^{i_s+j_s-1}\) are all different. Then clearly \(\mathfrak G_s=(G_s,\cdot )\), where \(G_s=\{s^{i_s},s^{i_s+1},\dots ,s^{i_s+j_s-1}\}\), is a subsemigroup of \(\mathfrak S\). It is easy to see that there is \(m\ge 1\) with \(i_s\le m\cdot j_s<i_s+j_s\le |S|+1\), and so \(s^{m\cdot j_s}\) is idempotent. Thus, for every element s in a semigroup \(\mathfrak S\), we have the following:

$$\begin{aligned}&\text {there is }n\ge 1\text { such that }s^n\text { is idempotent;}\end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned}&\mathfrak G_s\text { is a group in }\mathfrak S\text { (isomorphic to the cyclic group }\mathbb Z_{j_s}\text {);}\end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned}&\mathfrak G_s\text { is nontrivial iff }s^n\ne s^{n+1}\text { for any }n. \end{aligned}$$

Let \(\delta :Q\rightarrow Q\) be a function on a finite set \(Q \ne \emptyset \). For any \(p\in Q\), the subset \(\{\delta ^k(p)\mid k<\omega \}\) with the obvious multiplication is a semigroup, and so we have:

$$\begin{aligned}&\text {for every }p\in Q\text {, there is }n_p\ge 1\text { such that }\delta ^{n_p}\bigl (\delta ^{n_p}(p)\bigr )=\delta ^{n_p}(p)\text {;}\end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned}&\text {there exist }q\in Q\text { and }n\ge 1\text { such that }q=\delta ^n(q)\text {;}\end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned}&\text {for every }q\in Q\text {, if }q=\delta ^k(q)\text { for some }k\ge 1, \nonumber \\&\qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \text {then there is }n\text {, }1\le n\le |Q|\text {, with }q=\delta ^n(q). \end{aligned}$$

For a definition of solvable and unsolvable groups the reader is referred to [21]. Here, we only need the fact that any homomorphic image of a solvable group is solvable and the Kaplan–Levy criterion [16] (generalising Thompson’s [27, Cor.3]) according to which a finite group \(\mathfrak G\) is unsolvable iff it contains three elements abc,  such that \(o_\mathfrak G(a)=2\), \(o_\mathfrak G(b)\) is an odd prime, \(o_\mathfrak G(c)>1\) and coprime to both 2 and \(o_\mathfrak G(b)\), and abc is the identity element of \(\mathfrak G\).

A one-to-one and onto function on a finite set S is called a permutation on S. The order of a permutation \(\delta \) is its order in the group of all permutations on S (whose operation is composition, and its identity element is the identity permutation \(\mathsf {id}_S\)). We use the standard cycle notation for permutations.

Suppose \(\mathfrak G\) is a monoid of \(Q\rightarrow Q\) functions, for some finite set \(Q \ne \emptyset \). Let \(S=\{q\in Q\mid e_\mathfrak G(q)=q\}\), where \(e_\mathfrak G\) the identity element in \(\mathfrak G\). For every function \(\delta \) in \(\mathfrak G\), let \(\delta \!\!\restriction _S\) denote the restriction of \(\delta \) to S. Then we have the following:

$$\begin{aligned}&\mathfrak G\text { is a group iff }\delta \!\!\restriction _S\text { is a permutation on }S\text {, for every }\delta \text { in }\mathfrak G;\end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} \nonumber&\text {if }\mathfrak G\text { is a group and }\delta \text { is a nonindentity element in it, then }\delta \!\!\restriction _S\ne \mathsf {id}_S\text { and}\\&\qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \, \, \text {the order of the permutation }\delta \!\!\restriction _S\text { divides }o_\mathfrak G(\delta ). \end{aligned}$$

2.2 Automata: DFAs, NFAs, 2NFAs

A two-way nondeterministic finite automaton is a quintuple \(\mathfrak A= (Q, \varSigma , \delta , Q_0, F)\) that consists of an alphabet \(\varSigma \), a finite set Q of states with a subset \(Q_0 \ne \emptyset \) of initial states and a subset F of accepting states, and a transition function \(\delta :Q \times \varSigma \rightarrow 2^{Q \times \{-1,0,1\}}\) indicating the next state and whether the head should move left (\(-1\)), right (1), or stay put. If \(Q_0 = \{q_0\}\) and \(|\delta (q, a)| = 1\), for all \(q \in Q\) and \(a \in \varSigma \), then \(\mathfrak A\) is deterministic, in which case we write \(\mathfrak A= (Q, \varSigma , \delta , q_0, F)\). If \(\delta (q, a) \subseteq Q \times \{1\}\), for all \(q \in Q\) and \(a \in \varSigma \), then \(\mathfrak A\) is a one-way automaton, and we write \(\delta :Q \times \varSigma \rightarrow 2^Q\). As usual, DFA and NFA refer to one-way deterministic and non-deterministic finite automata, respectively, while 2DFA and 2NFA to the corresponding two-way automata. Given a 2NFA \(\mathfrak A\), we write \(q \rightarrow _{a,d} q'\) if \((q', d) \in \delta (q,a)\); given an NFA \(\mathfrak A\), we write \(q \rightarrow _{a} q'\) if \(q' \in \delta (q,a)\). A run of a 2NFA \(\mathfrak A\) is a word in \((Q \times \mathbb N)^*\). A run \((q_0, i_0), \dots , (q_m, i_m)\) is a run of \(\mathfrak A\) on a word \(w = a_0 \dots a_n \in \varSigma ^*\) if \(q_0 \in Q_0\), \(i_0 = 0\) and there exist \(d_0, \dots , d_{m-1} \in \{-1,0,1\}\) such that \(q_j \rightarrow _{a_j, d_j} q_{j+1}\) and \(i_{j+1} = i_j+d_j\) for all j, \(0 \le j < m\). The run is accepting if \(q_m \in F\), \(i_m = n+1\). \(\mathfrak A\) accepts \(w \in \varSigma ^*\) if there is an accepting run of \(\mathfrak A\) on w; the language \({\boldsymbol{L}}(\mathfrak A)\) of \(\mathfrak A\) is the set of all words accepted by \(\mathfrak A\).

Given an NFA \(\mathfrak A\), states \(q,q' \in Q\), and \(w = a_0 \dots a_n \in \varSigma ^*\), we write \(q \rightarrow _w q'\) if either \(w = \varepsilon \) and \(q' = q\) or there is a run of \(\mathfrak A\) on w that starts with \((q_0, 0)\) and ends with \((q', n+1)\). We say that a state \(q \in Q\) is reachable if \(q' \rightarrow _w q\), for some \(q' \in Q_0\) and \(w \in \varSigma ^*\).

Given a DFA \(\mathfrak A= (Q, \varSigma , \delta , q_0, F)\) and a word \(w \in \varSigma ^*\), we define a function \(\delta _w :Q \rightarrow Q\) by taking \(\delta _w(q) = q'\) iff \(q \rightarrow _w q'\). We also define an equivalence relation \(\sim \) on the set \(Q^r\subseteq Q\) of reachable states by taking \(q\sim q'\) iff, for every \(w \in \varSigma ^*\), we have \(\delta _w(q)\in F\) just in case \(\delta _w(q')\in F\). We denote the \(\sim \)-class of q by \(q/_{\mathop {\sim }}\), and let \(X/_{\mathop {\sim }}=\{q/_{\mathop {\sim }}\mid q\in X\}\) for any \(X\subseteq Q^r\). Define \(\tilde{\delta }_w:Q^r\!/_{\mathop {\sim }}\rightarrow Q^r\!/_{\mathop {\sim }}\) by taking \(\tilde{\delta }_w(q/_{\mathop {\sim }})=\delta _w(q)/_{\mathop {\sim }}\). Then \(\bigl (Q^r\!/_{\mathop {\sim }},\varSigma ,\tilde{\delta },q_0/_{\mathop {\sim }},(F\cap Q^r)/_{\mathop {\sim }}\bigr )\) is the minimal DFA whose language coincides with the language of \(\mathfrak A\). Given a regular language \({\boldsymbol{L}}\), we denote by \(\mathfrak A_{{\boldsymbol{L}}}\) the minimal DFA whose language is \({\boldsymbol{L}}\).

The transition monoid of a DFA \(\mathfrak A\) is \(M(\mathfrak A) = (\{ \delta _w \mid w \in \varSigma ^*\},\cdot )\) with \(\delta _v\cdot \delta _w = \delta _{vw}\), for any vw. The syntactic monoid \(M({\boldsymbol{L}})\) of \({\boldsymbol{L}}\) is the transition monoid \(M(\mathfrak A_{{\boldsymbol{L}}})\) of \(\mathfrak A_{{\boldsymbol{L}}}\). The syntactic morphism of \({\boldsymbol{L}}\) is the map \(\eta _{\boldsymbol{L}}\) from \(\varSigma ^*\) to the domain of \(M({\boldsymbol{L}})\) defined by \(\eta _{\boldsymbol{L}}(w) = \tilde{\delta }_w\). We call \(\eta _{\boldsymbol{L}}\) quasi-aperiodic if \(\eta _L(\varSigma ^t)\) is aperiodic for every \(t<\omega \).

Suppose \(\mathcal {L}\in \{ \mathsf {FO}(<), \mathsf {FO}(<,\equiv ), \mathsf {FO}(<,\mathsf {MOD})\}\). A language \({\boldsymbol{L}}\) over an alphabet \(\varSigma \) is \(\mathcal {L}\)-definable if there is an \(\mathcal {L}\)-sentence \(\varphi \) in the signature \(\varSigma \), whose symbols are treated as unary predicates, such that, for any \(w \in \varSigma ^*\), we have \(w=a_0\ldots a_n \in {\boldsymbol{L}}\) iff \(\mathfrak S_w \models \varphi \), where \(\mathfrak S_w\) is an FO-structure with domain \(\{0,\dots ,n\}\) ordered by <, in which \(\mathfrak S_w \models a(i)\) iff \(a=a_i\), for \(0\le i\le n\).

Table 1 summarises the known results that connect definability of a regular language \({\boldsymbol{L}}\) with properties of the syntactic monoid \(M({\boldsymbol{L}})\) and syntactic morphism \(\eta _{\boldsymbol{L}}\) (see [4] for details) and with its circuit complexity under a reasonable binary encoding of \({\boldsymbol{L}}\)’s alphabet (see, e.g., [7, Lemma 2.1]) and the assumption that \({\textsc {ACC}^0}\ne {{\textsc {NC}^1}}\). We also remind the reader that a regular language is \(\mathsf {FO}(<)\)-definable iff it is star-free [26], and that \({\textsc {AC}^0}\subsetneqq {\textsc {ACC}^0}\subseteq {{\textsc {NC}^1}}\) [15, 26].

3 Criteria of \(\mathcal {L}\)-definability

In this section, we show that the algebraic characterisations of FO-definability of \({\boldsymbol{L}}(\mathfrak A)\) given in Table 1 can be captured by ‘localisable’ properties of the transition monoid of \(\mathfrak A\), for any given DFA \(\mathfrak A\). Note that Theorem 1 (i) was already observed in [25] and used in proving that \(\mathsf {FO}(<)\)-definability of \({\boldsymbol{L}}(\mathfrak A)\) is \(\textsc {PSpace}\)-complete [7, 10, 25]; while criteria (ii) and (iii) seem to be new.

Theorem 1

For any DFA \(\mathfrak A=(Q,\varSigma ,\delta ,q_0,F)\), the following criteria hold:

  1. (i)

    \({\boldsymbol{L}}(\mathfrak A)\) is not \(\mathsf {FO}(<)\)-definable iff \(\mathfrak A\) contains a nontrivial cycle, that is, there exist a word \(u\in \varSigma ^*\), a state \(q\in Q^r\), and a number \(k\le |Q|\) such that \(q\not \sim \delta _u(q)\) and \(q= \delta _{u^k}(q)\);

  2. (ii)

    \({\boldsymbol{L}}(\mathfrak A)\) is not \(\mathsf {FO}(<,\equiv )\)-definable iff there are words \(u,v\in \varSigma ^*\), a state \(q\in Q^r\), and a number \(k\le |Q|\) such that \(q\not \sim \delta _u(q)\), \(q=\delta _{u^k}(q)\), \(|v|=|u|\), and \(\delta _{u^i}(q)=\delta _{u^iv}(q)\), for every \(i<k\);

  3. (iii)

    \({\boldsymbol{L}}(\mathfrak A)\) is not \(\mathsf {FO}(<,\mathsf {MOD})\)-definable iff there exist words \(u,v\in \varSigma ^*\), a state \(q\in Q^r\) and numbers \(k,l\le |Q|\) such that k is an odd prime, \(l>1\) and coprime to both 2 and k, \(q\not \sim \delta _u(q)\), \(q\not \sim \delta _v(q)\), \(q\not \sim \delta _{uv}(q)\) and, for all \(x\in \{u,v\}^*\), we have \(\delta _{x}(q)\sim \delta _{xu^{2}}(q)\sim \delta _{xv^{k}}(q)\sim \delta _{x(uv)^{l}}(q)\).


Throughout, we use the algebraic criteria of Table 1 for \({\boldsymbol{L}}={\boldsymbol{L}}(\mathfrak A)\). Thus, \(M({\boldsymbol{L}})\) is the transition monoid of the minimal DFA \(\mathfrak A_{{\boldsymbol{L}}(\mathfrak A)}\), whose transition function we denote by \(\tilde{\delta }\).

\((i)~(\Rightarrow )\) Suppose \(\mathfrak G\) is a nontrivial group in \(M(\mathfrak A_{{\boldsymbol{L}}(\mathfrak A)})\). Let \(u\in \varSigma ^*\) be such that \(\tilde{\delta }_u\) is a nonidentity element in \(\mathfrak G\). We claim that there is \(p\in Q^r\) such that \(\tilde{\delta }_{u^n}(p/_{\mathop {\sim }})\ne \tilde{\delta }_{u^{n+1}}(p/_{\mathop {\sim }})\) for any \(n>0\). Indeed, otherwise for every \(p\in Q^r\) there is \(n_p>0\) with \(\tilde{\delta }_{u^{n_p}}(p/_{\mathop {\sim }})=\tilde{\delta }_{u^{n_p+1}}(p/_{\mathop {\sim }})\). Let \(n=\max \{n_p\mid p\in Q^r\}\). Then \(\tilde{\delta }_{u^n}=\tilde{\delta }_{u^{n+1}}\), contrary to (1).

By (5), there is \(m\ge 1\) with \(\tilde{\delta }_{u^{2m}}(p/_{\mathop {\sim }})=\tilde{\delta }_{u^{m}}(p/_{\mathop {\sim }})\). Let \(s/_{\mathop {\sim }}=\tilde{\delta }_{u^m}(p/_{\mathop {\sim }})\). Then \(s/_{\mathop {\sim }}=\tilde{\delta }_{u^m}(s/_{\mathop {\sim }})\), and so the restriction of \(\delta _{u^m}\) to the subset \(s/_{\mathop {\sim }}\) of \(Q^r\) is an \(s/_{\mathop {\sim }}\rightarrow s/_{\mathop {\sim }}\) function. By (6), there exist \(q\in s/_{\mathop {\sim }}\) and \(n\ge 1\) such that \((\delta _{u^{m}})^n(q)=q\). Thus, \(\delta _{u^{mn}}(q)=q\), and so by (7), there is \(k\le |Q|\) with \(\delta _{u^{k}}(q)=q\). As \(s/_{\mathop {\sim }}\ne \tilde{\delta }_{u}(s/_{\mathop {\sim }})\), we also have \(q\not \sim \delta _u(q)\), as required.

\((i)~(\Leftarrow )\) Suppose the condition holds for \(\mathfrak A\). Then there are \(u\in \varSigma ^*\), \(q\in Q^r\!/_{\mathop {\sim }}\), and \(k<\omega \) such that \(q\ne \tilde{\delta }_u(q)\) and \(q=\tilde{\delta }_{u^k}(q)\). Then \(\tilde{\delta }_{u^n}\ne \tilde{\delta }_{u^{n+1}}\) for any \(n>0\). Indeed, otherwise we would have some \(n>0\) with \(\tilde{\delta }_{u^n}(q)=\tilde{\delta }_{u^{n+1}}(q)\). Let ij be such that \(n=i\cdot k+j\) and \(j<k\). Then

$$ q=\tilde{\delta }_{u^k}(q)=\tilde{\delta }_{u^{(i+1)k}}(q)=\tilde{\delta }_{u^n u^{k-j}}(q)=\tilde{\delta }_{u^{n+1}u^{k-j}}(q)=\tilde{\delta }_{u^{(i+1)k}u}(q)=\tilde{\delta }_u(q). $$

So, by (3) and (4), \(\mathfrak G_{\tilde{\delta }_u}\) is a nontrivial group in \(M(\mathfrak A_{{\boldsymbol{L}}(\mathfrak A)})\).

\((ii)~(\Rightarrow )\) Let \(\mathfrak G\) be a nontrivial group in \(\eta _{\boldsymbol{L}}(\varSigma ^t)\), for some \(t<\omega \), and let \(u\in \varSigma ^t\) be such that \(\tilde{\delta }_u\) is a nonidentity element in \(\mathfrak G\). As shown in the proof of \((i)~(\Rightarrow )\), there exist \(s\in Q^r\) and \(m\ge 1\) such that \(s/_{\mathop {\sim }}\ne \tilde{\delta }_{u}(s/_{\mathop {\sim }})\) and \(s/_{\mathop {\sim }}=\tilde{\delta }_{u^m}(s/_{\mathop {\sim }})\). Now let \(v\in \varSigma ^t\) be such that \(\tilde{\delta }_v\) is the identity element in \(\mathfrak G\), and consider \(\delta _v\). By (2), there is \(\ell \ge 1\) such that \(\delta _{v^\ell }\) is idempotent. Then \(\delta _{v^{2\ell -1}v^{2\ell }}=\delta _{v^{2\ell -1}}\). Thus, if we let \(\bar{u}=uv^{2\ell -1}\) and \(\bar{v}=v^{2\ell }\), then \(|\bar{u}|=|\bar{v}|\) and \(\delta _{\bar{u}^i}=\delta _{\bar{u}^i\bar{v}}\) for any \(i<\omega \). Also, \(\tilde{\delta }_{u^i}=\tilde{\delta }_{\bar{u}^i}\) for every \(i\ge 1\), and so the restriction of \(\delta _{\bar{u}^m}\) to \(s/_{\mathop {\sim }}\) is an \(s/_{\mathop {\sim }}\rightarrow s/_{\mathop {\sim }}\) function. By (6), there exist \(q\in s/_{\mathop {\sim }}\) and \(n\ge 1\) such that \((\delta _{\bar{u}^{m}})^n(q)=q\). Thus, \(\delta _{\bar{u}^{mn}}(q)=q\), and so by (7), there is some \(k\le |Q|\) with \(\delta _{\bar{u}^{k}}(q)=q\). As \(s/_{\mathop {\sim }}\ne \tilde{\delta }_u(s/_{\mathop {\sim }})=\tilde{\delta }_{\bar{u}}(s/_{\mathop {\sim }})\), we also have \(q\not \sim \delta _{\bar{u}}(q)\), as required.

\((ii)~(\Leftarrow )\) If the condition holds for \(\mathfrak A\), then there exist \(u,v\in \varSigma ^*\), \(q\in Q^r\!/_{\mathop {\sim }}\), and \(k<\omega \) such that \(q\ne \tilde{\delta }_u(q)\), \(q=\tilde{\delta }_{u^k}(q)\), \(|v|=|u|\), and \(\tilde{\delta }_{u^i}(q)=\tilde{\delta }_{u^iv}(q)\), for every \(i<k\). As \(M(\mathfrak A_{{\boldsymbol{L}}(\mathfrak A)})\) is finite, it has finitely many subsets. So there exist \(i,j\ge 1\) such that \(\eta _{\boldsymbol{L}}(\varSigma ^{i|u|})=\eta _{\boldsymbol{L}}(\varSigma ^{(i+j)|u|})\). Let z be a multiple of j with \(i\le z<i+j\). Then \(\eta _{\boldsymbol{L}}(\varSigma ^{z|u|})=\eta _{\boldsymbol{L}}(\varSigma ^{(z|u|)^2})\), and so \(\eta _{\boldsymbol{L}}(\varSigma ^{z|u|})\) is closed under the composition of functions (that is, the semigroup operation of \(M(\mathfrak A_{{\boldsymbol{L}}(\mathfrak A)})\)). Let \(w=uv^{z-1}\) and consider the group \(\mathfrak G_{\tilde{\delta }_w}\) (defined above (2)–(4)). Then \(G_{\tilde{\delta }_w}\subseteq \eta _{\boldsymbol{L}}(\varSigma ^{z|u|})\). We claim that \(\mathfrak G_{\tilde{\delta }_w}\) is nontrivial. Indeed, we have \(\tilde{\delta }_w(q)=\tilde{\delta }_{uv^{z-1}}(q)=\tilde{\delta }_u(q)\ne q\). On the other hand, \(\tilde{\delta }_{w^{k}}(q)=\tilde{\delta }_{u^{k}}(q)=q\). By the proof of \((i)~(\Leftarrow )\), \(\mathfrak G_{\tilde{\delta }_w}\) is nontrivial.

\((iii)~(\Rightarrow )\) Suppose \(\mathfrak G\) is an unsolvable group in \(M(\mathfrak A_{{\boldsymbol{L}}(\mathfrak A)})\). By the Kaplan–Levy criterion, \(\mathfrak G\) contains three functions abc such that \(o_\mathfrak G(a)=2\), \(o_\mathfrak G(b)\) is an odd prime, \(o_\mathfrak G(c)>1\) and coprime to both 2 and \(o_\mathfrak G(b)\), and \(c\circ b\circ a=e_\mathfrak G\) for the identity element \(e_\mathfrak G\) of \(\mathfrak G\). Let \(u,v\in \varSigma ^*\) be such that \(a=\tilde{\delta }_u\), \(b=\tilde{\delta }_v\) and \(c=(\tilde{\delta }_{uv})^-\), and let \(k=o_\mathfrak G(\tilde{\delta }_{v})\) and \(r=o_\mathfrak G(c)=o_\mathfrak G(\tilde{\delta }_{uv})\). Then \(r>1\) and coprime to both 2 and k. Let \(S=\bigl \{p\in Q^r\!/_{\mathop {\sim }}\mid e_\mathfrak G(p)=p\bigr \}\). As \(\tilde{\delta }_x\) is \(\mathfrak G\) for every \(x\in \{u,v\}^*\), we have \(e_\mathfrak G\circ \tilde{\delta }_x=\tilde{\delta }_x\). Thus,

$$\begin{aligned}&\tilde{\delta }_{xu^2}(q)=\tilde{\delta }_{u^2}\bigl (\tilde{\delta }_x(q)\bigr )=e_\mathfrak G\bigl (\tilde{\delta }_x(q)\bigr )=(e_\mathfrak G\circ \tilde{\delta }_x)(q)=\tilde{\delta }_x(q),\quad \text {and}\\&\tilde{\delta }_{xv^k}(q)=\tilde{\delta }_{v^k}\bigl (\tilde{\delta }_x(q)\bigr )=e_\mathfrak G\bigl (\tilde{\delta }_x(q)\bigr )=(e_\mathfrak G\circ \tilde{\delta }_x)(q)=\tilde{\delta }_x(q),\quad \text {for every }q\in S. \end{aligned}$$

Then, by (8), each of \(\tilde{\delta }_u\!\!\restriction _S\), \(\tilde{\delta }_v\!\!\restriction _S\) and \(\tilde{\delta }_{uv}\!\!\restriction _S\) is a permutation on S. By (9), the order of \(\tilde{\delta }_u\!\!\restriction _S\) is 2, the order of \(\tilde{\delta }_v\!\!\restriction _S\) is k, and the order l of \(\tilde{\delta }_{uv}\!\!\restriction _S\) is a \(>1\) divisor of r, and so it is coprime to both 2 and k. Also, we have \(k,l\le |S|\le |Q|\). Further, for every x, if q is in S then \(\tilde{\delta }_x(q)\in S\) as well. So we have

$$ \tilde{\delta }_{x(uv)^l}(q)=\tilde{\delta }_{(uv)^l}\bigl (\tilde{\delta }_x(q)\bigr )=(\tilde{\delta }_{uv}\!\!\restriction _S)^l\bigl (\tilde{\delta }_x(q)\bigr )=\mathsf {id}_S\bigl (\tilde{\delta }_x(q)\bigr )=\tilde{\delta }_x(q),\ \ \text {for all }q\in S. $$

It remains to show that there is \(q\in S\) with \(q\ne \tilde{\delta }_u(q)\), \(q\ne \tilde{\delta }_u(q)\), and \(q\ne \tilde{\delta }_{uv}(q)\). Recall that the length of any cycle in a permutation divides its order. First, we show there is \(q\in S\) with \(q\ne \tilde{\delta }_u(q)\) and \(q\ne \tilde{\delta }_u(q)\). Indeed, as \(\tilde{\delta }_{u}\!\!\restriction _S\ne \mathsf {id}_S\), there is \(q\in S\) such that \(\tilde{\delta }_u(q)=q'\ne q\). As the order of \(\tilde{\delta }_{u}\!\!\restriction _S\) is 2, \(\tilde{\delta }_u(q')=q\). If both \(\tilde{\delta }_v(q)=q\) and \(\tilde{\delta }_v(q')=q'\) were the case, then \(\tilde{\delta }_{uv}(q)=q'\) and \(\tilde{\delta }_{uv}(q')=q\) would hold, and so \((qq')\) would be a cycle in \(\tilde{\delta }_{uv}\!\!\restriction _S\), contrary to l being coprime to 2. So take some \(q\in S\) with \(\tilde{\delta }_u(q)=q'\ne q\) and \(\tilde{\delta }_v(q)\ne q\). If \(\tilde{\delta }_v(q')\ne q\) then \(\tilde{\delta }_{uv}(q)\ne q\), and so q is a good choice. Suppose \(\tilde{\delta }_v(q')=q\), and let \(q''=\tilde{\delta }_v(q)\). Then \(q''\ne q'\), as k is odd. Thus, \(\tilde{\delta }_{uv}(q')\ne q'\), and so \(q'\) is a good choice.

\((iii)~(\Leftarrow )\) Suppose \(u,v\in \varSigma ^*\), \(q\in Q^r\), and \(k,l<\omega \) are satisfying the conditions. For every \(x\in \{u,v\}^*\), we define an equivalence relation \(\approx _x\) on \(Q^r\!/_{\mathop {\sim }}\) by taking \(p\approx _x p'\) iff \(\tilde{\delta }_x(p)=\tilde{\delta }_x(p')\). Then we clearly have that \(\approx _x\subseteq \approx _{xy}\), for all \(x,y\in \{u,v\}^*\). As Q is finite, there is \(z\in \{u,v\}^*\) such that \(\approx _z= \approx _{zy}\) for all \(y\in \{u,v\}^*\). Take such a z. By (2), \(\tilde{\delta }_z^n\) is idempotent for some \(n\ge 1\). We let \(w=z^n\). Then \(\tilde{\delta }_w\) is idempotent and we also have that

$$\begin{aligned} \approx _w\,=\, \approx _{wy}\quad \text {for all }y\in \{u,v\}^*. \end{aligned}$$

Let \(G_{\{u,v\}}=\bigl \{\tilde{\delta }_{wxw}\mid x\in \{u,v\}^*\bigr \}\). Then \(G_{\{u,v\}}\) is closed under composition. Let \(\mathfrak G_{\{u,v\}}\) be the subsemigroup of \(M(\mathfrak A_{{\boldsymbol{L}}(\mathfrak A)})\) with universe \(G_{\{u,v\}}\). Then \(\tilde{\delta }_w=\tilde{\delta }_{w\varepsilon w}\) is an identity element in \(\mathfrak G_{\{u,v\}}\). Let \(S=\{p\in Q^r\!/_{\mathop {\sim }}\mid \tilde{\delta }_w(p)=p\}\). We show that

$$\begin{aligned} \text {for every }\tilde{\delta }\text { in }\mathfrak G_{\{u,v\}}\text {, }\tilde{\delta }\!\!\restriction _S\text { is a permutation on }S, \end{aligned}$$

and so \(\mathfrak G_{\{u,v\}}\) is a group by (8). Indeed, take some \(x\in \{u,v\}^*\). As \(\tilde{\delta }_w\bigl (\tilde{\delta }_{wxw}(p)\bigr )=\tilde{\delta }_{wxww}(p)=\tilde{\delta }_{wxw}(p)\) for any \(p\in Q^r\!/_{\mathop {\sim }}\), \(\tilde{\delta }_{wxw}\!\!\restriction _S\) is an \(S\rightarrow S\) function. Also, if \(p,p'\in S\) and \(\tilde{\delta }_{wxw}(p)=\tilde{\delta }_{wxw}(p')\) then \(p\approx _{wxw}p'\). Thus, by (10), \(p\approx _w p'\), that is, \(p=\tilde{\delta }_w(p)=\tilde{\delta }_w(p')=p'\), proving (11).

We show that \(\mathfrak G_{\{u,v\}}\) is unsolvable by finding an unsolvable homomorphic image of it. Let \(R=\bigl \{p\in Q^r\!/_{\mathop {\sim }}\mid p=\tilde{\delta }_x(q)\text { for some }x\in \{u,v\}^*\bigr \}\). We claim that, for every \(\tilde{\delta }\) in \(\mathfrak G_{\{u,v\}}\), \(\tilde{\delta }\!\!\restriction _R\) is a permutation on R, and so the function h mapping every \(\tilde{\delta }\) to \(\tilde{\delta }\!\!\restriction _R\) is a group homomorphism from \(\mathfrak G_{\{u,v\}}\) to the group of all permutations on R. Indeed, by (11), it is enough to show that \(R\subseteq S\). Let \(\overline{w}=\overline{z}_{m}\dots \overline{z}_1\), where \(w=z_1\dots z_m\) for some \(z_i\in \{u,v\}\), \(\overline{u}=u\) and \(\overline{v}=v^{k-1}\). Since \(\tilde{\delta }_{x}(q)=\tilde{\delta }_{x(u)^{2}}(q)=\tilde{\delta }_{x(v)^{k}}(q)\) for all \(x\in \{u,v\}^*\), we obtain that

$$\begin{aligned} \tilde{\delta }_{yw\overline{w}}(q)=&\tilde{\delta }_{\overline{z}_{m-1}\dots \overline{z}_1}\bigl (\tilde{\delta }_{yz_1\dots z_m\overline{z}_m}(q)\bigr ) =\tilde{\delta }_{\overline{z}_{m-1}\dots \overline{z}_1}\bigl (\tilde{\delta }_{yz_1\dots z_{m-1}}(q)\bigr )=\dots \nonumber \\&\ \dots =\tilde{\delta }_{\overline{z}_1}\bigl (\tilde{\delta }_{yz_1}(q)\bigr )=\tilde{\delta }_{xz_1\overline{z}_1}(q)=\tilde{\delta }_y(q),\quad \text {for all }y\in \{u,v\}^*. \end{aligned}$$

Now suppose \(p\in R\), that is, \(p=\tilde{\delta }_x(q)\) for some \(x\in \{u,v\}^*\). Then, by (12),

$$ \tilde{\delta }_w(p)=\tilde{\delta }_w\bigl (\tilde{\delta }_x(q)\bigr )=\tilde{\delta }_{xw}(q)=\tilde{\delta }_{xww\overline{w}}(q)=\tilde{\delta }_{xw\overline{w}}(q)=\tilde{\delta }_x(q)=p, $$

and so \(p\in S\), as required.

Now let \(\mathfrak G\) be the image of \(\mathfrak G_{\{u,v\}}\) under h. We prove that \(\mathfrak G\) is unsolvable by finding three elements abc in it such that \(o_\mathfrak G(a)=2\), \(o_\mathfrak G(b)=k\), \(o_\mathfrak G(c)\) is coprime to both 2 and \(o_\mathfrak G(b)\), and \(c\circ b\circ a=\mathsf {id}_R\) (the identity element of \(\mathfrak G\)). So let \(a=h(\tilde{\delta }_{wuw})\), \(b=h(\tilde{\delta }_{wvw})\), and \(c=h(\tilde{\delta }_{wuvw})^-\). Observe that, for every \(x\in \{u,v\}^*\), \(h(\tilde{\delta }_{wxw})=\tilde{\delta }_x\!\!\restriction _R\), and so \(c\circ b\circ a=\mathsf {id}_R\). Also, for any \(\tilde{\delta }_x(q)\in R\), \(a^2\bigl (\tilde{\delta }_x(q)\bigr )=(\tilde{\delta }_u\!\!\restriction _R)^2\bigl (\tilde{\delta }_x(q)\bigr )=\tilde{\delta }_{xu^2}(q)=\tilde{\delta }_x(q)\) by our assumption, so \(a^2=\mathsf {id}_R\). On the other hand, \(q\in R\) as \(\tilde{\delta }_\varepsilon (q)=q\), and \(\mathsf {id}_R(q)=q\ne \tilde{\delta }_u(q)\) by assumption, so \(a\ne \mathsf {id}_R\). As \(o_\mathfrak G(a)\) divides 2, \(o_\mathfrak G(a)=2\) follows. Similarly, we can show that \(o_\mathfrak G(b)=k\) (using that \(\tilde{\delta }_{xv^k}(q)=\tilde{\delta }_x(q)\) for every \(x\in \{u,v\}^*\), and \(u\ne \tilde{\delta }_v(q)\)). Finally (using that \(\tilde{\delta }_{x(uv)^l}(q)=\tilde{\delta }_x(q)\) for every \(x\in \{u,v\}^*\), and \(u\ne \tilde{\delta }_{uv}(q)\)), we obtain that \(h(\tilde{\delta }_{wuvw})^l=\mathsf {id}_R\) and \(h(\tilde{\delta }_{wuvw})\ne \mathsf {id}_R\). Therefore, it follows that \(o_\mathfrak G(c)=o_\mathfrak G\bigl (h(\tilde{\delta }_{wuvw})^-\bigr )=o_\mathfrak G\bigl (h(\tilde{\delta }_{wuvw})\bigr )>1\) and divides l, and so coprime to both 2 and k, as required.

4 Deciding FO-definability: \(\textsc {PSpace}\)-hardness

Kozen [18] showed that deciding whether the intersection of the languages recognised by a set of given deterministic DFAs is non-empty is \(\textsc {PSpace}\)-complete. By carefully analysing Kozen’s lower bound proof and using the criterion of Theorem 1 (i), Cho and Huynh [10] established that deciding \(\mathsf {FO}(<)\)-definability of \({\boldsymbol{L}}(\mathfrak A)\) is \(\textsc {PSpace}\)-hard, for any given minimal DFA \(\mathfrak A\). We generalise their construction and use the criteria in Theorem 1 (ii)–(iii) to cover \(\mathsf {FO}(<,\equiv )\)- and \(\mathsf {FO}(<,\mathsf {MOD})\)-definability as well.

Theorem 2

For any \(\mathcal {L}\in \{ \mathsf {FO}(<), \mathsf {FO}(<,\equiv ), \mathsf {FO}(<,\mathsf {MOD})\}\), deciding \(\mathcal {L}\)-definability of the language \({\boldsymbol{L}}(\mathfrak A)\) of a given minimal DFA \(\mathfrak A\) is \(\textsc {PSpace}\)-hard.


Let \(\boldsymbol{M}\) be a deterministic Turing machine that decides a language using at most \(N=P_{\boldsymbol{M}}(n)\) tape cells on any input of size n, for some polynomial \(P_{\boldsymbol{M}}\). Given such an \(\boldsymbol{M}\) and an input \(\boldsymbol{x}\), our aim is to define three minimal DFAs whose languages are, respectively, \(\mathsf {FO}(<)\)-, \(\mathsf {FO}(<,\equiv )\)-, and \(\mathsf {FO}(<,\mathsf {MOD})\)-definable iff \(\boldsymbol{M}\) rejects \(\boldsymbol{x}\), and whose sizes are polynomial in \(N\) and the size \(|\boldsymbol{M}|\) of \(\boldsymbol{M}\).

Suppose \(\boldsymbol{M}=(Q, \varGamma , \gamma , \mathsf {b}, q_0, q_{\textit{acc}})\) with a set Q of states, tape alphabet \(\varGamma \) with \(\mathsf {b}\) for blank, transition function \(\gamma \), initial state \(q_0\) and accepting state \(q_{\textit{acc}}\). Without loss of generality we assume that \(\boldsymbol{M}\) erases the tape before accepting, its head is at the left-most cell in an accepting configuration, and if \(\boldsymbol{M}\) does not accept the input, it runs forever. Given an input word \(\boldsymbol{x}=x_1\dots x_n\) over \(\varGamma \), we represent configurations \(\mathfrak c\) of the computation of \(\boldsymbol{M}\) on \(\boldsymbol{x}\) by the \(N\)-long word written on the tape (with sufficiently many blanks at the end) in which the symbol y in the active cell is replaced by the pair (qy) for the current state q. The accepting computation of \(\boldsymbol{M}\) on \(\boldsymbol{x}\) is encoded by a word \(\sharp \, \mathfrak c_1 \, \sharp \, \mathfrak c_2 \, \sharp \, \dots \, \sharp \, \mathfrak c_{k-1} \, \sharp \, \mathfrak c_{k} \flat \) over the alphabet \(\varSigma =\varGamma \cup (Q\times \varGamma )\cup \{\sharp ,\flat \}\), with \(\mathfrak c_1,\mathfrak c_2,\dots ,\mathfrak c_k\) being the subsequent configurations. In particular, \(\mathfrak c_1\) is the initial configuration on \(\boldsymbol{x}\) (so it is of the form \((q_0,x_1)x_2\dots x_n\mathsf {b}\dots \mathsf {b}\)), and \(\mathfrak c_k\) is the accepting configuration (so it is of the form \((q_{\textit{acc}},\mathsf {b})\mathsf {b}\dots \mathsf {b}\)). As usual for this representation of computations, we may regard \(\gamma \) as a partial function from \(\bigl (\varGamma \cup (Q\times \varGamma )\cup \{\sharp \}\bigr )^3\) to \(\varGamma \cup (Q\times \varGamma )\) with \(\gamma (\sigma ^j_{i-1},\sigma ^j_i,\sigma ^j_{i+1})=\sigma ^{j+1}_i\) for each \(j< k\), where \(\sigma ^j_i\) is the ith symbol of \(\mathfrak c^j\).

Let \(p_{\boldsymbol{M},\boldsymbol{x}}=p\) be the first prime such that \(p\ge N+2\) and \(p\not \equiv \pm 1\ (\text {mod}\ 10)\). By [6, Corollary 1.6], \(p\) is polynomial in \(N\). Our first aim is to construct a \(p+1\)-long sequence \(\mathfrak A_i\) of disjoint minimal DFAs over \(\varSigma \). Each \(\mathfrak A_i\) has size polynomial in \(N\) and \(|\boldsymbol{M}|\), and it checks certain properties of an accepting computation on \(\boldsymbol{x}\) such that \(\boldsymbol{M}\) accepts \(\boldsymbol{x}\) iff the intersection of the \({\boldsymbol{L}}(\mathfrak A_i)\) is not empty and consists of the single word encoding the accepting computation on \(\boldsymbol{x}\).

We define each \(\mathfrak A_i\) as an NFA, and assume that it can be turned to a DFA by adding a ‘trash state’ \(\textit{tr}_i\) looping on itself with every \(\sigma \in \varSigma \), and adding the missing transitions leading to \(\textit{tr}_i\). The DFA \(\mathfrak A_{0}\) checks that an input starts with the initial configuration on \(\boldsymbol{x}\) and ends with the accepting configuration:

figure a

When \(1 \le i \le N\), the DFA \(\mathfrak A_{i}\) checks, for all \(j< k\), whether the ith symbol of \(\mathfrak c^j\) changes ‘according to \(\gamma \)’ in passing to \(\mathfrak c^{j+1}\). The non-trash part of its transition function \(\delta ^i\) is as follows, for \(1<i<N\). (For \(i=1\) and \(i=N\) some adjustments are needed.) For all \(u,u',v,w,w',y,z\in \varGamma \cup (Q\times \varGamma )\),

$$\begin{aligned}&\delta ^i_\sharp (t_i)=q^0,\quad \delta ^i_u(q^j)=q^{j+1},\ \text {for }j=0,...,i-3,\quad \delta ^i_u(q^{i-2})=r_u,\quad \delta ^i_v(r_u)=r_{uv},\\&\delta ^i_w(r_{uv})=q^0_{\gamma (u,v,w)},\quad \delta ^i_y(q^j_z)=q^{j+1}_z,\ \text {for }j=0,...,N-3\text {, }j\ne N-i-1,\\&\delta ^i_\sharp (q^{N-i-1}_z)=q^{N-i}_z,\quad \delta ^i_\flat (q^{N-i-1}_z)=f_i,\quad \delta ^i_{u'}(q^{N-2}_z)=p_{u'z},\ \ \delta ^i_z(p_{u'z})=r_{u'z},\\&\text {see below, where }z=\gamma (u,v,w)\text { and }z'=\gamma (u',z,w'): \end{aligned}$$
figure b

Finally, if \(N+1\le i\le p\) then \(\mathfrak A_i\) accepts all words over \(\varSigma \) with a single occurrence of \(\flat \), which is the input’s last character:

figure c

Note that \(\mathfrak A_{p-1}=\mathfrak A_p\) as \(p\ge N+2\). It is not hard to check that each of the \(\mathfrak A_i\) is a minimal DFA that does not contain nontrivial cycles and the following holds:

Lemma 1

\(\boldsymbol{M}\) accepts \(\boldsymbol{x}\) iff \(\bigcap _{i=0}^{p} {\boldsymbol{L}}(\mathfrak A_i) \ne \emptyset \), in which case this language consists of a single word that encodes the accepting computation of \(\boldsymbol{M}\) on \(\boldsymbol{x}\).

Next, we require three sequences of DFAs \(\mathfrak B^p_<\), \(\mathfrak B^p_\equiv \) and \(\mathfrak B^p_\mathsf {MOD}\), where \(p>5\) is a prime number with \(p\not \equiv \pm 1\ (\text {mod}\ 10)\); see the picture below for \(p=7\).

figure d

In general, the first sequence is \(\mathfrak B^p_< = \bigl (\{s_{i} \mid i< p \},\{a\},\delta ^{{\mathfrak B}_{<}^{p}},s_0,\{s_0\} \bigr )\), where \(\delta ^{{\mathfrak B}_{<}^{p}}_a(s_i)=s_j\) if \(i,j<p\) and \(j\equiv i+1\ (\text {mod}\ p)\). Then \({\boldsymbol{L}}(\mathfrak B^p_<)\) comprises all words of the form \((a^{p})^*\), \(\mathfrak B^p_<\) is the minimal DFA for \({\boldsymbol{L}}(\mathfrak B^p_<)\), and the syntactic monoid \(M(\mathfrak B^p_<)\) is the cyclic group of order p (generated by the permutation \(\smash {\delta ^{{\mathfrak B}_{<}^{p}}_a}\)).

The second sequence is \(\mathfrak B^p_\equiv = \bigl (\{s_{i} \mid i < p \},\{a,\natural \},\delta ^{{\mathfrak B}_{\equiv }^{p}},s_0,\{s_0\} \bigr )\), where \(\delta ^{{\mathfrak B}_{\equiv }^{p}}_\natural (s_i)=s_i\) and \(\delta ^{{\mathfrak B}_{\equiv }^{p}}_a(s_i)=s_j\) if \(i,j<p\) and \(j\equiv i+1\ (\text {mod}\ p)\). One can check that \({\boldsymbol{L}}(\mathfrak B^p_\equiv )\) comprises all words of a’s and \(\natural \)’s where the number of a’s is divisible by p, \(\mathfrak B^p_\equiv \) is the minimal DFA for this language, and \(M(\mathfrak B^p_\equiv )\) is also the cyclic group of order p (generated by the permutation \(\delta ^{{\mathfrak B}_{\equiv }^{p}}_a\)).

The third sequence is \(\mathfrak B^p_\mathsf {MOD}= \bigl (\{s_{i} \mid i \le p \},\{a,\natural \},\delta ^{{\mathfrak B}_{\mathsf {MOD}}^{p}},s_0,\{s_0\} \bigr )\), where

  • \(\delta ^{{\mathfrak B}_{\mathsf {MOD}}^{p}}_a(s_p)=s_p\), and \(\delta ^{{\mathfrak B}_{\mathsf {MOD}}^{p}}_a(s_i)=s_j\) whenever \(i,j<p\) and \(j\equiv i+1\ (\text {mod}\ p)\);

  • \(\delta ^{{\mathfrak B}_{\mathsf {MOD}}^{p}}_\natural (s_0)=s_p\), \(\delta ^{{\mathfrak B}_{\mathsf {MOD}}^{p}}_\natural (s_p)=s_0\), and \(\delta ^{{\mathfrak B}_{\mathsf {MOD}}^{p}}_\natural (s_i)=s_j\) whenever \(1\le i,j<p\) and \(i\cdot j\equiv p-1\ (\text {mod}\ p)\), that is, \(j = -1/i\) in the finite field \(\mathbb F_p\).

One can check that \(\mathfrak B^p_\mathsf {MOD}\) is the minimal DFA for its language, and the syntactic monoid \(M(\mathfrak B^p_\mathsf {MOD})\) is the permutation group generated by \(\delta ^{{\mathfrak B}_{\mathsf {MOD}}^{p}}_a\) and \(\delta ^{{\mathfrak B}_{\mathsf {MOD}}^{p}}_\natural \).

Lemma 2

For any prime \(p>5\) with \(p\not \equiv \pm 1\ (\text {mod}\ 10)\), the group \(M(\mathfrak B^p_\mathsf {MOD})\) is unsolvable, but all of its proper subgroups are solvable.


One can check that the order of the permutation \(\delta ^{{\mathfrak B}_{\mathsf {MOD}}^{p}}_\natural \) is 2, that of \(\delta ^{{\mathfrak B}_{\mathsf {MOD}}^{p}}_a\) is p, while the order of the inverse of \(\delta ^{{\mathfrak B}_{\mathsf {MOD}}^{p}}_{\natural a}\) is the same as the order of \(\delta ^{{\mathfrak B}_{\mathsf {MOD}}^{p}}_{\natural a}\), which is 3. So \(M(\mathfrak B^p_\mathsf {MOD})\) is unsolvable, for any prime p, by the Kaplan–Levy criterion. To prove that all proper subgroups of \(M(\mathfrak B^p_\mathsf {MOD})\) are solvable, we show that \(M(\mathfrak B^p_\mathsf {MOD})\) is a subgroup of the projective special linear group \(\text {PSL}_2(p)\). If p is a prime with \(p>5\) and \(p\not \equiv \pm 1\ (\text {mod}\ 10)\), then all proper subgroups of \(\text {PSL}_2(p)\) are solvable; see, e.g., [17, Theorem 2.1]. (So \(M(\mathfrak B^p_\mathsf {MOD})\) is in fact isomorphic to the unsolvable group \(\text {PSL}_2(p)\).) Consider the set \(P=\{0,1,\dots ,p-1,\infty \}\) of all points of the projective line over the field \(\mathbb F_p\). By identifying \(s_i\) with i for \(i<p\), and \(s_p\) with \(\infty \), we may regard the elements of \(M(\mathfrak B^p_\mathsf {MOD})\) as \(P\rightarrow P\) functions. The group \(\text {PSL}_2(p)\) consists of all \(P\rightarrow P\) functions of the form \(i\mapsto \frac{w\cdot i + x}{y\cdot i+z}\), where \(w\cdot z-x\cdot y=1\), with the field arithmetic of \(\mathbb F_p\) extended by \(i+\infty =\infty \) for any \(i\in P\), \(0\cdot \infty =1\) and \(i\cdot \infty =\infty \) for \(i\ne 0\). One can check that the two generators of \(M(\mathfrak B^p_\mathsf {MOD})\) are in \(\text {PSL}_2(p)\): take \(w=1\), \(x=1\), \(y=0\), \(z=1\) for \(\delta ^{{\mathfrak B}_{\mathsf {MOD}}^{p}}_a\), and \(w=0\), \(x=1\), \(y=p-1\), \(z=0\) for \(\delta ^{{\mathfrak B}_{\mathsf {MOD}}^{p}}_\natural \).

Finally, we define three automata \(\mathfrak A_<\), \(\mathfrak A_\equiv \), \(\mathfrak A_\mathsf {MOD}\) over the same tape alphabet \(\varSigma _+= \varSigma \cup \{a_1,a_2,\natural \}\), where \(a_1,a_2\) are fresh symbols. We take, respectively, \(\mathfrak B^{p}_<\), \(\mathfrak B^{p}_\equiv \), \(\mathfrak B^{p}_\mathsf {MOD}\) and replace each transition \(s_i\rightarrow _a s_j\) in them by a fresh copy of \(\mathfrak A_i\), for \(i \le p\), as shown in the picture below.

figure e

We make \(\mathfrak A_<\), \(\mathfrak A_\equiv \), \(\mathfrak A_\mathsf {MOD}\) deterministic by adding a trash state \(\textit{tr}\) looping on itself with every \(y\in \varSigma _+\), and adding the missing transitions leading to \(\textit{tr}\). It follows that \(\mathfrak A_<\), \(\mathfrak A_\equiv \), and \(\mathfrak A_\mathsf {MOD}\) are minimal DFAs of size polynomial in \(N\), \(|\boldsymbol{M}|\).

Lemma 3

  1. (i)

    \({\boldsymbol{L}}(\mathfrak A_<)\) is \(\mathsf {FO}(<)\)-definable iff \(\bigcap _{i=0}^{p} {\boldsymbol{L}}(\mathfrak A_i)= \emptyset \).

  2. (ii)

    \({\boldsymbol{L}}(\mathfrak A_\equiv )\) is \(\mathsf {FO}(<,\equiv )\)-definable iff \(\bigcap _{i=0}^{p} {\boldsymbol{L}}(\mathfrak A_i)= \emptyset \).

  3. (iii)

    \({\boldsymbol{L}}(\mathfrak A_\mathsf {MOD})\) is \(\mathsf {FO}(<,\mathsf {MOD})\)-definable iff \(\bigcap _{i=0}^{p} {\boldsymbol{L}}(\mathfrak A_i)= \emptyset \).


As \(\mathfrak A_<,\mathfrak A_\equiv ,\mathfrak A_\mathsf {MOD}\) are minimal, we can replace \(\sim \) by \(=\) in the conditions of Theorem 1. For the (\(\Rightarrow \)) directions, given some \(w\in \bigcap _{i=0}^{p} {\boldsymbol{L}}(\mathfrak A_i) \), in each case we show how to satisfy the corresponding condition of Theorem 1: (i) take \(u=a_1wa_2\), \(q=s_0\), and \(k=p\); (ii) take \(u=a_1wa_2\), \(v=\natural ^{|u|}\), \(q=s_0\), and \(k=p\); (iii) take \(u=\natural \), \(v=a_1wa_2\), \(q = s_0\), \(k = p\) and \(l = 3\).

\((\Leftarrow )\) We show that the corresponding condition of Theorem 1 implies non-emptiness of \(\bigcap _{i=0}^{p} {\boldsymbol{L}}(\mathfrak A_i) \). To this end, we define a \(\varSigma _+^*\rightarrow \{a,\natural \}^*\) homomorphism by taking \(h(\natural )=\natural \), \(h(a_1)=a\), and \(h(b)=\varepsilon \) for all other \(b\in \varSigma _+\).

(i) and (ii): Let \(\circ \in \{<,\equiv \}\) and suppose q is a state in \(\mathfrak A^p_\circ \) and \(u'\in \varSigma _+^*\) such that \(q\ne \delta ^{{\mathfrak A}_{\circ }^{p}}_{u'}(q)\) and \(q=\delta ^{{\mathfrak A}_{\circ }^{p}}_{(u')^k}(q)\) for some k. Let \(S=\{s_0,s_1,\dots ,s_{p-1}\}\). We claim that there exist \(s\in S\) and \(u\in \varSigma _+^*\) such that

$$\begin{aligned}&s\ne \delta ^{{\mathfrak A}_{\circ }^{p}}_{u}(s),\end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned}&\delta ^{{\mathfrak A}_{\circ }^{p}}_{x}(s)\in S,\quad \text {for every }x\in \{u\}^*. \end{aligned}$$

Indeed, observe that none of the states along the cyclic \(q\rightarrow _{(u')^k} q\) path \(\varPi \) in \(\mathfrak A^p_\circ \) is \(\textit{tr}\). So there is some state along \(\varPi \) that is in S, as otherwise one of the \(\mathfrak A_i\) would contain a nontrivial cycle. Therefore, \(u'\) must be of the form \(w\natural ^n a_1w'\) for some \(w\in \varSigma ^*\), \(n<\omega \) and \(w'\in \varSigma _+^*\). It is easy to see that \(s=\delta ^{{\mathfrak A}_{\circ }^{p}}_{(u')^{k-1}w}(q)\) and \(u=\natural ^na_1w'w\) is as required in (13) and (14).

As \(M(\mathfrak B^p_\circ )\) is a finite group, the set \(\bigl \{\delta ^{{\mathfrak B}_{\circ }^{p}}_{h(x)}\mid x\in \{u\}^*\bigr \}\) forms a subgroup \(\mathfrak G\) in it (the subgroup generated by \(\delta ^{{\mathfrak B}_{\circ }^{p}}_{h(u)}\)). We show that \(\mathfrak G\) is nontrivial by finding a nontrivial homomorphic image of it. To this end, (14) implies that, for every \(x\in \{u\}^*\), the restriction \(\delta ^{{\mathfrak A}_{\circ }^{p}}_{x}\!\!\restriction _{S'}\) of \(\delta ^{{\mathfrak A}_{\circ }^{p}}_{x}\) to the set \(S'=\bigl \{ \delta ^{{\mathfrak A}_{\circ }^{p}}_{y}(s)\mid y\in \{u\}^*\bigr \}\) is an \(S'\rightarrow S'\) function and \(\delta ^{{\mathfrak A}_{\circ }^{p}}_{x}\!\!\restriction _{S'}=\delta ^{{\mathfrak B}_{\circ }^{p}}_{h(x)}\!\!\restriction _{S'}\). As \(M(\mathfrak B^p_\circ )\) is a group of permutations on a set containing \(S'\), \(\delta ^{{\mathfrak B}_{\circ }^{p}}_{h(x)}\!\!\restriction _{S'}\) is a permutation of \(S'\), for every \(x\in \{u\}^*\). Thus, \(\bigl \{\delta ^{{\mathfrak B}_{\circ }^{p}}_{h(x)}\!\!\restriction _{S'}\mid x\in \{u\}^*\bigr \}\) is a homomorphic image of \(\mathfrak G\) that is nontrivial by (13).

As \(\mathfrak G\) is a nontrivial subgroup of the cyclic group \(M(\mathfrak B^p_\circ )\) of order \(p\) and \(p\) is a prime, \(\mathfrak G=M(\mathfrak B^p_\circ )\). Then there is \(x\in \{u\}^*\) with \(\delta ^{{\mathfrak B}_{\circ }^{p}}_{h(x)}=\delta ^{{\mathfrak B}_{\circ }^{p}}_{a}\) (a permutation containing the \(p\)-cycle \((s_0 s_1\dots s_{p-1})\) ‘around’ all elements of S), and so \(S'=S\) and \(x=\natural ^n a_1wa_2w'\) for some \(n<\omega \), \(w\in \varSigma ^*\), and \(w'\in \varSigma _+^*\). As \(n=0\) when \(\circ =<\) and \(\delta ^{{\mathfrak A}_{\equiv }^{p}}_{\natural ^n}(s)\) for every \(s\in S\), \(S'=S\) implies that \(w\in \bigcap _{i=0}^{p-1} {\boldsymbol{L}}(\mathfrak A_i)=\bigcap _{i=0}^{p} {\boldsymbol{L}}(\mathfrak A_i)\).

(iii) Suppose q is a state in \(\mathfrak A^p_\mathsf {MOD}\) and \(u',v'\in \varSigma _+^*\) such that \(q\ne \delta ^{{\mathfrak A}_{\mathsf {MOD}}^{p}}_{u'}(q)\), \(q\ne \delta ^{{\mathfrak A}_{\mathsf {MOD}}^{p}}_{v'}(q)\), \(q\ne \delta ^{{\mathfrak A}_{\mathsf {MOD}}^{p}}_{u'v'}(q)\), and \(\delta ^{{\mathfrak A}_{\mathsf {MOD}}^{p}}_{x}(q)=\delta ^{{\mathfrak A}_{\mathsf {MOD}}^{p}}_{x(u')^2}(q)=\delta ^{{\mathfrak A}_{\mathsf {MOD}}^{p}}_{x(v')^k}(q)=\delta ^{{\mathfrak A}_{\mathsf {MOD}}^{p}}_{x(u'v')^l}(q)\) for some odd prime k and number l that is coprime to both 2 and k. Take \(S=\{s_0,s_1,\dots ,s_{p}\}\). We claim that there exist \(s\in S\) and \(u,v\in \varSigma _+^*\) such that

$$\begin{aligned}&s\ne \delta ^{{\mathfrak A}_{\mathsf {MOD}}^{p}}_{u}(s),\ s\ne \delta ^{{\mathfrak A}_{\mathsf {MOD}}^{p}}_{v}(s),\ s\ne \delta ^{{\mathfrak A}_{\mathsf {MOD}}^{p}}_{uv}(s),\end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned}&\delta ^{{\mathfrak A}_{\mathsf {MOD}}^{p}}_{x}(s)\in S,\quad \text {for every }x\in \{u,v\}^*,\end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned}&\delta ^{{\mathfrak A}_{\mathsf {MOD}}^{p}}_{x}(s)=\delta ^{{\mathfrak A}_{\mathsf {MOD}}^{p}}_{xu^2}(s)=\delta ^{{\mathfrak A}_{\mathsf {MOD}}^{p}}_{xv^k}(s)=\delta ^{{\mathfrak A}_{\mathsf {MOD}}^{p}}_{x(uv)^l}(s),\quad \text {for every }x\in \{u,v\}^*. \end{aligned}$$

Indeed, by an argument similar to the one in the proof of (i) and (ii) above, we must have \(u'=w_u\natural ^n a_1w'_u\) and \(v'=w_v\natural ^m a_1w'_v\) for some \(w_u,w_v\in \varSigma ^*\), \(n,m<\omega \) and \(w'_u,w'_v\in \varSigma _+^*\). For every \(x\in \{u,v\}^*\), as both \(\delta ^{{\mathfrak A}_{\mathsf {MOD}}^{p}}_{xw_u}(q)\) and \(\delta ^{{\mathfrak A}_{\mathsf {MOD}}^{p}}_{xw_v}(q)\) are in S, they must be the same state. Using this it is not hard to see that \(s=\delta ^{{\mathfrak A}_{\mathsf {MOD}}^{p}}_{u'w_u}(q)\), \(u=\natural ^na_1w'_uw_u\) and \(v=\natural ^ma_1w'_vw_v\) are as required in (15)–(17).

As \(M(\mathfrak B^p_\mathsf {MOD})\) is a finite group, the set \(\bigl \{\delta ^{{\mathfrak B}_{\mathsf {MOD}}^{p}}_{h(x)}\mid x\in \{u,v\}^*\bigr \}\) forms a subgroup \(\mathfrak G\) in it (the subgroup generated by \(\delta ^{{\mathfrak B}_{\mathsf {MOD}}^{p}}_{h(u)}\) and \(\delta ^{{\mathfrak B}_{\mathsf {MOD}}^{p}}_{h(v)}\)). We show that \(\mathfrak G\) is unsolvable by finding an unsolvable homomorphic image of it. To this end, we let \(S'=\bigl \{ \delta ^{{\mathfrak A}_{\mathsf {MOD}}^{p}}_{y}(s)\mid y\in \{u,v\}^*\bigr \}\). Then (16) implies that \(S'\subseteq S\) and

$$\begin{aligned} \delta ^{{\mathfrak B}_{\mathsf {MOD}}^{p}}_{h(x)}(s')=\delta ^{{\mathfrak A}_{\mathsf {MOD}}^{p}}_{x}(s')\in S',\quad \text {for all }s'\in S\text { and }x\in \{u,v\}^*, \end{aligned}$$

and so the restriction \(\delta ^{{\mathfrak A}_{\mathsf {MOD}}^{p}}_{x}\!\!\restriction _{S'}\) of \(\delta ^{{\mathfrak A}_{\mathsf {MOD}}^{p}}_{x}\) to \(S'\) is an \(S'\rightarrow S'\) function and \(\delta ^{{\mathfrak A}_{\mathsf {MOD}}^{p}}_{x}\!\!\restriction _{S'}=\delta ^{{\mathfrak B}_{\mathsf {MOD}}^{p}}_{h(x)}\!\!\restriction _{S'}\). As \(M(\mathfrak B^p_\mathsf {MOD})\) is a group of permutations on a set containing \(S'\), \(\delta ^{{\mathfrak B}_{\mathsf {MOD}}^{p}}_{h(x)}\!\!\restriction _{S'}\) is a permutation of \(S'\), for any \(x\in \{u,v\}^*\). So \(\{\delta ^{{\mathfrak B}_{\mathsf {MOD}}^{p}}_{h(x)}\!\!\restriction _{S'}\mid x\in \{u,v\}^*\!\}\) is a homomorphic image of \(\mathfrak G\) that is unsolvable by the Kaplan–Levy criterion: By (15), (17), and 2 and k being primes, the order of the permutation \(\delta ^{{\mathfrak B}_{\mathsf {MOD}}^{p}}_{h(u)}\!\!\restriction _{S'}\) is 2, the order of \(\delta ^{{\mathfrak B}_{\mathsf {MOD}}^{p}}_{h(v)}\!\!\restriction _{S'}\) is k, and the order of \(\delta ^{{\mathfrak B}_{\mathsf {MOD}}^{p}}_{h(uv)}\!\!\restriction _{S'}\) (which is the same as the order of its inverse) is a \(>1\) divisor of l, and so coprime to both 2 and k.

As \(\mathfrak G\) is an unsolvable subgroup of \(M(\mathfrak B^p_\mathsf {MOD})\), it follows from Lemma 2 that \(\mathfrak G=M(\mathfrak B^p_\mathsf {MOD})\), and so \(\{u,v\}^*\not \subseteq \natural ^*\). We claim that \(S'=S\) also follows. Indeed, let \(x\in \{u,v\}^*\) be such that \(\delta ^{{\mathfrak B}_{\mathsf {MOD}}^{p}}_{h(x)}=\delta ^{{\mathfrak B}_{\mathsf {MOD}}^{p}}_{a}\). As \(|S'|\ge 2\) by (15), \(s\in \{s_0,\dots ,s_{p-1}\}\) must hold, and so \(\{s_0,\dots ,s_{p-1}\}\subseteq S'\) follows by (18). As there is \(y\in \{u,v\}^*\) with \(\delta ^{{\mathfrak B}_{\mathsf {MOD}}^{p}}_{h(y)}=\delta ^{{\mathfrak B}_{\mathsf {MOD}}^{p}}_{\natural }\), \(s_p\in S'\) also follows by (18). Finally, as \(\{u,v\}^*\not \subseteq \natural ^*\), there is \(x\in \{u,v\}^*\) of the form \(\natural ^na_1wa_2w'\), for some \(n<\omega \), \(w\in \varSigma \) and \(w'\in \varSigma _+^*\). As \(S'=S\), \(\delta ^{{\mathfrak B}_{\mathsf {MOD}}^{p}}_{x}(s_i)\in S\) for every \(i\le p\), and so \(w\in \bigcap _{i=0}^{p} {\boldsymbol{L}}(\mathfrak A_i)\).

Theorem 2 clearly follows from Lemmas 1 and 3.

5 Deciding \(\mathcal {L}\)-definability of 2NFAs in \(\textsc {PSpace}\)

Using the criterion Theorem 1 (i), Stern [25] showed that deciding whether the language of any given DFA is \(\mathsf {FO}(<)\)-definable can be done in \(\textsc {PSpace}\). In this section, we also use the criteria of Theorem 1 to provide \(\textsc {PSpace}\)-algorithms deciding whether the language of any given 2NFA is \(\mathcal {L}\)-definable, whenever \(\mathcal {L}\in \{ \mathsf {FO}(<), \mathsf {FO}(<,\equiv ), \mathsf {FO}(<,\mathsf {MOD})\}\). Let \(\mathfrak A= (Q, \varSigma , \delta , Q_0, F)\) be a 2NFA. Following [9], we first construct a(n exponential size) DFA \(\mathfrak A'\) such that \({\boldsymbol{L}}(\mathfrak A)={\boldsymbol{L}}(\mathfrak A')\). To this end, for any \(w \in \varSigma ^+\), we introduce four binary relations \(\mathsf {b}_{lr}(w)\), \(\mathsf {b}_{rl}(w)\), \(\mathsf {b}_{rr}(w)\), and \(\mathsf {b}_{ll}(w)\) on Q describing the left-to-right, right-to-left, right-to-right, and left-to-left behaviour of \(\mathfrak A\) on w. Namely,

  • \((q,q') \in \mathsf {b}_{lr}(w)\) if there is a run of \(\mathfrak A\) on w from (q, 0) to \((q', |w|)\);

  • \((q,q') \in \mathsf {b}_{rr}(w)\) if there is a run of \(\mathfrak A\) on w from \((q, |w|-1)\) to \((q', |w|)\);

  • \((q,q') \in \mathsf {b}_{rl}(w)\) if, for some \(a \in \varSigma \), there is a run on aw from \((q, |aw|-1)\) to \((q', 0)\) such that no \((q'',0)\) occurs in it before \((q', 0)\);

  • \((q,q') \in \mathsf {b}_{ll}(w)\) if, for some \(a \in \varSigma \), there is a run on aw from (q, 1) to \((q', 0)\) such that no \((q'',0)\) occurs in it before \((q', 0)\).

For \(w = \varepsilon \) (the empty word), we define the \(\mathsf {b}_{ij}(w)\) as the identity relation on Q. Let \(\mathsf {b} = (\mathsf {b}_{lr}, \mathsf {b}_{rl}, \mathsf {b}_{rr}, \mathsf {b}_{ll})\), where the \(\mathsf {b}_{ij}\) are the behaviours of \(\mathfrak A\) on some \(w \in \varSigma ^*\), in which case we can also write \(\mathsf {b}(w)\), and let \(\mathsf {b}' = \mathsf {b}(w')\), for some \(w' \in \varSigma ^*\). We define the composition \(\mathsf {b} \cdot \mathsf {b}' = \mathsf {b}''\) with components \(\mathsf {b}_{ij}''\) as follows. Let X and Y be the transitive closure of \(\mathsf {b}_{ll}' \circ \mathsf {b}_{rr}\) and \(\mathsf {b}_{rr} \circ \mathsf {b}_{ll}'\), respectively. Then we set:

$$\begin{aligned}&\mathsf {b}_{lr}'' = \mathsf {b}_{lr} \circ \mathsf {b}_{lr}' \cup \mathsf {b}_{lr} \circ X \circ \mathsf {b}_{lr}',\qquad \mathsf {b}_{rl}'' = \mathsf {b}_{rl}' \circ \mathsf {b}_{rl} \cup \mathsf {b}_{rl}' \circ Y \circ \mathsf {b}_{rl}, \\&\mathsf {b}_{rr}'' = \mathsf {b}_{rr}' \cup \mathsf {b}_{rl}' \circ Y \circ \mathsf {b}_{rr} \circ \mathsf {b}_{lr}',\qquad \mathsf {b}_{ll}'' = \mathsf {b}_{ll} \cup \mathsf {b}_{lr} \circ X \circ \mathsf {b}_{ll}' \circ \mathsf {b}_{rl}. \end{aligned}$$

One can check that \(\mathsf {b}'' = \mathsf {b}(ww')\). Define a DFA \(\mathfrak A' = (Q', \varSigma , \delta ', q_0', F')\) by taking

$$\begin{aligned}&Q' = \bigl \{ (B_{lr}, B_{rr}) \mid B_{lr} \subseteq Q_0 \times Q, \ B_{rr} \subseteq Q \times Q \bigr \},\ \ q_0' = \bigl (\bigl \{(q,q) \mid q \in Q_0\bigr \}, \emptyset \bigr ),\\&F' = \bigl \{(B_{lr}, B_{rr}) \mid (q_0, q) \in B_{lr}, \text { for some }q_0 \in Q_0\text { and }q\in F \bigr \},\\&\delta '_a\bigl ((B_{lr}, B_{rr})\bigr ) =(B_{lr}', B_{rr}'), \text { with}\ B_{lr}' = B_{lr} \circ X(a) \circ \mathsf {b}_{lr}(a),\\&\qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \ \ \, B_{rr}' = B_{rr} \cup \mathsf {b}_{rl}(a) \circ Y(a) \circ \mathsf {b}_{lr}(a), \end{aligned}$$

where X(a) and Y(a) are the reflexive and transitive closures of \(\mathsf {b}_{ll}(a) \circ B_{rr}\) and \(B_{rr} \circ \mathsf {b}_{ll}(a)\), respectively. It is not hard to see that, for any \(w\in \varSigma ^*\),

$$\begin{aligned}&\delta '_w\bigl ((B_{lr}, B_{rr})\bigr ) =(B_{lr}', B_{rr}')\ \text {iff}\ B_{lr}' = B_{lr} \circ X(w) \circ \mathsf {b}_{lr}(w) \text { and} \nonumber \\&\qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \ \ \ \ B_{rr}' = B_{rr} \cup \mathsf {b}_{rl}(w) \circ Y(w) \circ \mathsf {b}_{lr}(w), \end{aligned}$$

where X(w) and Y(w) are the reflexive and transitive closures of \(\mathsf {b}_{ll}(w) \circ B_{rr}\) and \(B_{rr} \circ \mathsf {b}_{ll}(w)\), respectively. Also, one can show in a way similar to [24, 29] that

$$\begin{aligned} {\boldsymbol{L}}(\mathfrak A) = {\boldsymbol{L}}(\mathfrak A'). \end{aligned}$$

Next, we show that, even if the size of \(\mathfrak A'\) is exponential in \(\mathfrak A\), we can still use Theorem 1 to decide \(\mathcal {L}\)-definability of \({\boldsymbol{L}}(\mathfrak A)\) in \(\textsc {PSpace}\):

Theorem 3

For \(\mathcal {L}\in \{ \mathsf {FO}(<), \mathsf {FO}(<,\equiv ), \mathsf {FO}(<,\mathsf {MOD})\}\), deciding \(\mathcal {L}\)-definability of \({\boldsymbol{L}}(\mathfrak A)\), for any 2NFA \(\mathfrak A\), is in \(\textsc {PSpace}\).


Let \(\mathfrak A'\) be the DFA defined above for the given 2NFA \(\mathfrak A\). By Theorem 1 (i) and (20), \({\boldsymbol{L}}(\mathfrak A)\) is not \(\mathsf {FO}(<)\)-definable iff there exist a word \(u\in \varSigma ^*\), a reachable state \(q \in Q'\), and a number \(k\le |Q'|\) such that \(q\not \sim \delta '_u(q)\) and \(q= \delta '_{u^k}(q)\). We guess the required k in binary, q and a quadruple \(\mathsf {b}(u)\) of binary relations on Q. Clearly, they all can be stored in polynomial space in \(|\mathfrak A|\). To check that our guesses are correct, we first check that \(\mathsf {b}(u)\) indeed corresponds to some \(u \in \varSigma ^*\). This is done by guessing a sequence \(\mathsf {b}_0, \dots , \mathsf {b}_n\) of distinct quadruples of binary relations on Q such that \(\mathsf {b}_0 = \mathsf {b}(u_0)\) and \(\mathsf {b}_{i+1} = \mathsf {b}_{i} \cdot \mathsf {b}(u_{i+1})\), for some \(u_0, \dots , u_n \in \varSigma \). (Any sequence with a subsequence starting after \(\mathsf {b}_i\) and ending with \(\mathsf {b}_{i+m}\), for some i and m such that \(\mathsf {b}_i = \mathsf {b}_{i+m}\), is equivalent, in the context of this proof, to the sequence with such a subsequence removed.) Thus, we can assume that \(n \le 2^{O(|Q|)}\), and so n can be guessed in binary and stored in \(\textsc {PSpace}\). So, the stage of our algorithm checking that \(\mathsf {b}(u)\) corresponds to some \(u \in \varSigma ^*\) makes n iterations and continues to the next stage if \(\mathsf {b}_n = \mathsf {b}(u)\) or terminates with an answer \(\mathsf {no}\) otherwise. Now, using \(\mathsf {b}(u)\), we compute \(\mathsf {b}(u^k)\) by means of a sequence \(\mathsf {b}_0, \dots , \mathsf {b}_k\), where \(\mathsf {b}_0 = \mathsf {b}(u)\) and \(\mathsf {b}_{i+1} = \mathsf {b}_{i} \cdot \mathsf {b}(u)\). With \(\mathsf {b}(u)\) (\(\mathsf {b}(u^k)\)), we compute \(\delta '_{u}(q)\) (respectively, \(\delta '_{u^k}(q)\)) in \(\textsc {PSpace}\) using (19). If \(\delta '_{u^k}(q) \ne q\), the algorithm terminates with an answer \(\mathsf {no}\). Otherwise, in the final stage of the algorithm, we check that \(\delta '_{u}(q) \not \sim q\). This is done by guessing \(v \in \varSigma ^*\) such that \(\delta '_v(q) = q_1\), \(\delta '_v\bigl (\delta '_{u}(q)\bigr ) = q_2\), and \(q_1 \in F'\) iff \(q_1 \not \in F'\). We guess such a v (if exists) in the form of \(\mathsf {b}(v)\) using an algorithm analogous to that for guessing u above.

By Theorem 1 (ii) and (20), \({\boldsymbol{L}}(\mathfrak A)\) is not \(\mathsf {FO}(<,\equiv )\)-definable iff there there exist words \(u,v\in \varSigma ^*\), a reachable state \(q \in Q'\), and a number \(k\le |Q'|\) such that \(q\not \sim \delta '_u(q)\), \(q=\delta '_{u^k}(q)\), \(|v|=|u|\), and \(\delta '_{u^i}(q)=\delta '_{u^iv}(q)\), for all \(i<k\). We outline how to modify the algorithm for \(\mathsf {FO}(<)\) above to check \(\mathsf {FO}(<,\equiv )\)-definability. First, we need to guess and check v in the form of \(\mathsf {b}(v)\) in parallel with guessing and checking u in the form of \(\mathsf {b}(u)\), making sure that \(|v| = |u|\). For that, we guess a sequence of distinct pairs \((\mathsf {b}_0, \mathsf {b}_0'), \dots , (\mathsf {b}_n, \mathsf {b}_n')\) such that the \(\mathsf {b}_i\) are as above, \(\mathsf {b}_0' = \mathsf {b}(v_0)\) and \(\mathsf {b}_{i+1}' = \mathsf {b}_{i}' \cdot \mathsf {b}(v_{i+1})\), for some \(v_0, \dots , v_n \in \varSigma \). (Any such sequence with a subsequence starting after \((\mathsf {b}_i, \mathsf {b}_i')\) and ending with \((\mathsf {b}_{i+m}, \mathsf {b}_{i+m}')\), for some i and m such that \((\mathsf {b}_i, \mathsf {b}_i') = (\mathsf {b}_{i+m}, \mathsf {b}_{i+m}')\), is equivalent to the sequence with that subsequence removed.) So \(n \le 2^{O(|Q|)}\). For each \(i<k\), we can then compute \(\delta '_{u^i}(q)\) and \(\delta '_{u^iv}(q)\), using (19), and check whether whether they are equal.

Finally, by Theorem 1 (iii) and (20), \({\boldsymbol{L}}(\mathfrak A)\) is not \(\mathsf {FO}(<,\mathsf {MOD})\)-definable iff there exist \(u,v\in \varSigma ^*\), a reachable state \(q\in Q'\) and \(k,l\le |Q'|\) such that k is an odd prime, \(l>1\) and coprime to both 2 and k, \(q\not \sim \delta '_u(q)\), \(q\not \sim \delta '_v(q)\), \(q\not \sim \delta '_{uv}(q)\), and \(\delta '_{x}(q)\sim \delta '_{xu^{2}}(q)\sim \delta '_{xv^{k}}(q)\sim \delta '_{x(uv)^{l}}(q)\), for all \(x\in \{u,v\}^*\). We start by guessing \(u,v \in \varSigma ^*\) in the form of \(\mathsf {b}(u)\) and \(\mathsf {b}(u)\), respectively. Also, we guess k and l in binary and check that k is an odd prime and l is coprime to both 2 and k. By (19), \(\delta '_x\) is determined by \(\mathsf {b}(x)\), for any \(x\in \{u,v\}^*\). Thus, we can proceed as follows to verify that u, v, k and l are as required. We perform the following steps, for each quadruple \(\mathsf {b}\) of binary relations on Q. First, we check whether \(\mathsf {b} = \mathsf {b}(x)\), for some \(x \in \{u,v\}^*\) (we discuss the algorithm for this below). If this is not the case, we construct the next quadruple \(\mathsf {b}'\) and process it as this \(\mathsf {b}\). If it is the case, we compute all the states \(\delta '_{x}(q)\), \(\delta '_{xu^{2}}(q)\), \(\delta '_{xv^{k}}(q)\), \(\delta '_{x(uv)^{l}}(q)\), \(\delta '_{u}(q)\), \(\delta '_{v}(q)\), \(\delta '_{uv}(q)\), and check their required (non)equivalences w.r.t. \(\sim \), using the same method as for checking \(\delta '_{u}(q) \not \sim q\) above. If they do not hold as required, our algorithm terminates with an answer \(\mathsf {no}\). Otherwise, we construct the next quadruple \(\mathsf {b}'\) and process it as this \(\mathsf {b}\). When all possible quadruples \(\mathsf {b}\) of binary relations of Q have been processed, the algorithm terminates with an answer \(\mathsf {yes}\).

Now, to check that a given quadruple \(\mathsf {b}\) is equal to \(\mathsf {b}(x)\), for some \(x \in \{u,v\}^*\), we simply guess a sequence \(\mathsf {b}_0, \dots , \mathsf {b}_n\) of quadruples of binary relations on Q such that \(\mathsf {b}_0 = \mathsf {b}(w_0)\), \(\mathsf {b}_n = \mathsf {b}\) and \(\mathsf {b}_{i+1} = \mathsf {b}_{i} \cdot \mathsf {b}(w_{i+1})\), where \(w_i \in \{u, v\}\). It follows from the argument above that it is enough to consider \(n \le 2^{O(|Q|)}\).

6 Further Research

The results obtained in this paper have been used for deciding the rewritability type of ontology-mediated queries (OMQs) given in linear temporal logic LTL [22]. As mentioned in the introduction, LTL OMQs can be simulated by automata. In the worst case, the automata are of exponential size, and deciding FO-rewritability of some OMQs may become \(\textsc {ExpSpace}\)-complete. On the other hand, there are natural and practically important fragments of LTL with automata of special forms whose FO-rewritability can be decided in \(\textsc {PSpace}\), \(\varPi ^p_2\) or \(\textsc {coNP}\). However, it remains to be seen whether the corresponding algorithms, even in the simplest case of \(\mathsf {FO}(<)\)-definability, are efficient enough for applications in temporal OBDA. Note that the problems considered in this paper are also relevant to the optimisation problem for recursive SQL queries.