
1 Introduction

For the design and testing of complex software systems, the use case approach has a long history emerging from [20] with many proposed variations and refinements. A use case can be viewed as a recurring short story in the daily life of a system. The essence of use case driven software engineering (SE) is to focus on a limited number of commonly occurring scenarios whose correct design and reliable implementation can generate significant end user benefit. For example, for cyber-physical systems, a focus on recurrent high-risk use cases can benefit end user safety.

By modeling system interactions with external actors, use cases open the way to evaluating a system in different environments and scenarios. In general, there can be a vast number of potential contexts so parameter modeling can be crucial. An environment is discretised into agents known as actors, which can be humans or other software systems. Through modeling short dialogs between system and environment within constrained scenarios, use cases capture important context sensitive behavioural information that can be used to test system implementations.

The development of UML languages, such as sequence diagrams, has made it possible to bridge the gap between informal natural language models of use cases and precise machine readable formats suitable for automated test case generation (TCG). Consequently, there is a significant literature on TCG for use cases from UML models surveyed in [32].

However, for automated TCG, machine learning (ML) based approaches such as black-box checking [30] and learning-based testing [26] are also worthy of consideration. For unit testing, such methods have been shown to be both effective [10, 18, 22, 23] and efficient [35] for finding errors in real-world systems. For use case testing, active ML offers the possibility to systematically and efficiently explore the variability inherent in different use case parameters as well as the time dimension. Furthermore, by reverse engineering a model of the system under test (SUT), ML can be easily combined with static analysis techniques such as model checking and constraint solving. Unfortunately, current active ML algorithms in the literature provide no support for use case constraints and therefore scale rather poorly to use case testing.

In this paper, we propose a new and more scalable ML-based testing approach suitable for use case testing. This approach is termed constrained active machine learning (CAML). It generalises the ML techniques for dynamic software analysis surveyed in [3] by inferring chains of intersecting automaton models. Our proposal combines three new techniques that improve scalability: (i) a parallel distributed processing (PDP) architecture that supports concurrent test execution, (ii) use case modeling constructs that sequence and constrain ML parameters at compile time, and (iii) use case modeling constructs that constrain and dynamically bound ML parameters at runtime (the training phase). While these new techniques can undoubtedly be extended and optimised for even better scalability, we will show that they suffice to tackle non-trivial testing problems such as advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) in multi-vehicle use case scenarios.

The structure of the paper is as follows. In Sect. 2, we discuss the background, including scalability problems for current active ML algorithms. In Sect. 3, we describe the architecture of a constrained active ML approach to testing. In Sect. 4, we present a use case modeling language that makes available the capabilities of the CAML architecture. In Sect. 5, we present a systematic evaluation and benchmarking of a prototype implementation of CAML. We have integrated a CAML prototype with the commercial vehicle simulation tool ASM produced by dSPACE GmbHFootnote 1. The resulting toolchain allows us to model and test four industry-standard use cases for an adaptive cruise controller (ACC) in multi-vehicle scenarios ranging from 2 to 4 vehicles. In Sect. 6, we discuss the results of this evaluation. In Sect. 7, we survey related approaches. Finally, in Sect. 8, we discuss conclusions and possible future extensions of our approach.

2 Background and Problem Statement

2.1 Use Case Modeling

A use case describes a system in terms of its interaction with the world. In the popular account [13], a use case consists of a main success scenario which is a numbered list of steps, and optionally one or more extension scenarios which are also numbered lists. A step is an event or action of the system itself or of an interacting agent known as an actor. Structurally, main and extension scenarios are the same, i.e. an enumeration of actions describing an interaction between the system and external actors. The difference is simply interpretation: extensions are “a condition that results in different interactions from ... the main success scenario” [13]. The template approach to use cases of [8] is more expressive. It includes both preconditions and success guarantees. We model these two concepts as constraints in our approach, as they are relevant for both efficient TCG and test verdict construction. The sequence diagram language of UML [9] generalises these linear sequences of actions to allow branches, loops and concurrency. The live sequence chart (LSC) language of [16] goes even further than UML by integrating temporal logic concepts and modalities (so called hot and cold conditions). Our approach could be extended to cover these advanced features, but they are not the subject of this initial research. Nevertheless, we will borrow simple temporal logic constructs to constrain TCG using ML.

2.2 Active Automaton Learning

By active automaton learning (see e.g. [17, 21]) we mean the use of heuristic algorithms to dynamically generate new queries and acquire training data online during the training phaseFootnote 2. This contrasts with passive learning, where an a priori fixed training set is used. Since pioneering results of [1, 14], it has been known that active ML has the capability to speed up the training process compared with passive ML. Recently, active automaton learning algorithms such as Angluin’s L* [1] have experienced renewed interest from the software engineering community. Active automaton learning can be applied to learn behavioural models of black-box software systems. Such models can be used for SE needs such as code analysis, testing and documentation. A recent survey of active ML for SE is [2].

In automaton learning, the task is to infer the behavior of an unknown black-box system, aka. the system under learning (SUL), as an automaton model, e.g. a finite state Moore machineFootnote 3 \(A = (\varSigma , \varOmega , S, s_0, \delta : \varSigma \times S \rightarrow S, \lambda : S \rightarrow \varOmega )\). This model is constructed from a finite set of observations of the input/output behaviour of the SUL. During the training phase, a single step consists of heuristically generating a finite input sequence \(\overline{i} = (i_1 , ..., i_n) \in \varSigma ^*\) as a query about the SUL. This query \(\overline{i}\) must be answered by the SUL online with a response \(\overline{o} = (o_1 , ..., o_n) \in \varOmega ^*\). By iterating this single step, the learning algorithm compiles a growing list of queries \(\overline{i_1}, ..., \overline{i_k}\) and their responses, \(\overline{o_1}, ..., \overline{o_k}\) for increasing \(k = 1, 2, ... \). This is the training data for A. As the training data grows, increasingly accurate modelsFootnote 4 \(A_i: i = 0, 1, ... \) of the SUL can be constructedFootnote 5. Different active learning algorithms generate different query sets. For example, the L* algorithm [1] maintains an expanding 2-dimensional table of queries and responses, where new gaps in the table represent new active queries.

Note that each new hypothesis model \(A_i\) must be checked for behavioral equivalence with the SUL to terminate learning. Equivalence checking is a second source of active queries and there are well known algorithms for this e.g. [34]. Probabilistic equivalence checking, by random sampling, is a common black-box method and the basis for probably approximately correct (PAC) automaton learning [21].

Equivalence checking avoids the problem of premature termination of the training phase with an incomplete model. Thus, many active learning algorithms such as L* can be proved convergent and terminating in polynomial time under general conditions. This means that under reasonable assumptions about queries and the structure of the SUL, eventually some hypothesis \(A_i\) will be behaviourally equivalent to the SUL.

2.3 Problem Statement: Scalable ML

Active machine learning can be used to automate the software testing process, a technique known as black-box checking (BBC) [30] or more generally learning-based testing (LBT) [26]. These approaches leverage active query generation as a source of test cases, and the SUL role is played by the software system under test (SUT). They are very effective for unit testing (see e.g. [10, 18, 22, 23]) where the set of possible SUT inputs, and their temporal order, are very loosely constrained, if at all. They can achieve high test coverage and outperform other techniques such as randomised testing [35]. The BBC/LBT approaches both arise as a special case of our more general use case approach (c.f. Sect. 3.2), namely as a single step use case with the constant gate predicate false.

In contrast to unit testing, use case testing evaluates focused, temporally ordered and goal directed dialogues between the system and its environment (see e.g. [12]). Here, a test fail implies some non-conformity between the SUT and an intended use case model. Active machine learning can potentially automate use case testing, with the obvious advantages of test automation (speed, reliability, high coverage).

However, in the context of use case testing, two assumptions used in current active automata learning algorithms (such as L*) fail. Assumption 1: every input value \(i \in \varSigma \) is possible for every use case step. Problem 1: This assumption leads to a large number of irrelevant test cases since test values are applied out of context (i.e. relevant use case step). Assumption 2: Every sequential combination of input values \((i_1 , ..., i_n) \in \varSigma ^*\) is a valid use case test. Problem 2: This assumption also leads to a large number of irrelevant test cases since most sequential combinations of test values will not fulfill the final or even the intermediate goals of the use case.

The combination of test redundancy arising from Problems 1 and 2 leads to an exponentially growing test suite (in the length of the use case) with very many irrelevant and/or redundant test cases.

Problem Statement: The key problem to be solved for applying active ML to use case testing is to constrain the training phase, so that a scalable set of scenario-relevant test cases is generated.

We decompose our solution to this problem by solving Problem 1 using static (compile-time) constraints, and solving Problem 2 using dynamic (run-time or training) constraints. Our approach is an instance of applying ML for its generative aspect [11], i.e. the capability to generate and explore solutions to constraints by machine learning.

3 Constrained Active Machine Learning (CAML)

In this section, we introduce a generic architecture for use case testing by CAML. This architecture aims to overcome the scalability problems of active ML identified in Sect. 2.3.

3.1 Use Case Testing: An Example

We can motivate our CAML architecture from the modeling needs of a well-known embedded software application from the automotive sector.

An adaptive cruise controller (ACC) is an example of a modern ADAS application used as a component for semi- and fully autonomous driving. An ACC is a control algorithm designed to regulate the longitudinal distance between two vehicles. The context for use is that a host vehicle H (that deploys the ACC) is following behind a leader vehicle L. When the ACC is engaged, it automatically maintains a chosen safety gap (measured in time or distance) between H and L. Typically, a radar on H senses the distance to L, and the ACC monitors and maintains the inter-vehicle gap smoothly by gas and brake actions on H. An important use case for testing ACC implementationsFootnote 6 is known as cut-in-and-brake (C&B). The C&B use case consists of four steps.

  • Step 1: Initially H is following L (actor 1) along one lane of a road. Along an adjacent lane, an overtaking vehicle O (actor 2) approaches H from behind and overtakes.

  • Step 2: After O achieves some longitudinal distance d ahead of H, O changes lanes to enter the gap between H and L.

  • Step 3: When O has finished changing lane, it brakes for some short time.

  • Step 4: O releases its brake and resumes travel.

The C&B use case is clearly hazardous for both H and O, with highest collision risk during Steps 2 and 3. Safety critical parameters such as d above may be explicit or implicit in a use case description, and their boundary values are often unknown. These may need to be identified by testing [4]. Active ML is a powerful technology for such parameter exploration.

Extensive testing of use cases such as C&B is routinely carried out in the automotive industry. A test case for C&B consists of a time series of parameter values for vehicle actuators such as gas, brake and steering, to control the trajectories of H, O and L. The lengths of each individual Step 1–4 are not explicitly stated by the use case definition above. These constitute additional test parameters. Chosen parameter values must satisfy the constraints of Steps 1–4 to make a valid C&B scenario. Notice that H is longitudinally autonomous as long as the ACC is engaged, and can be fully autonomous on straight road sections. So only the trajectory parameters of L and O can be directly controlled in this case. Clearly random testing, i.e. randomised choice of test parameter values, is not useful here. Most random trajectories for L and O do not satisfy the criteria for C&B, and would represent extremely haphazard driving, uncharacteristic of real life. For a given use case U, valid test cases are constrained time series, and we must address efficient constraint satisfaction in any practical ML solution.

3.2 A Parallel Distributed CAML Architecture

Following the connectionist or parallel distributed processing (PDP) paradigm, we introduce a pipeline architecture for CAML in Fig. 1. This architecture consists of a linear pipeline of alternate active automaton learning modules \(L_i\) and model checking modules \(MC_i\). Each learner \(L_i\) conducts online active ML on a cloned copy \(SUT_i\) of the SUT.

For use case testing, the basic idea is to dedicate each learning algorithm \(L_i\) to the task of learning Step i, for all the \(i = 1 ,..., n\) steps of an n-step use case U. We will show later, in Sect. 4, how the use case U is modeled by constraints. Here we focus on explaining and motivating the PDP architecture of Fig. 1.

Each learner \(L_i\) has the task to infer an automaton model \(A_i\) of Step i in U by actively generating queriesFootnote 7 \({in_\alpha } = in_{\alpha , 1} , ..., in_{\alpha , l(\alpha )} \in \varSigma _i^*\) and executing them on \(SUT_i\). We may refer to \(A_i\) as the state space model for Step i. Constraining the input for \(SUT_i\) to the input alphabet \(\varSigma _i\) in Step i at compile time significantly reduces the search space for finding valid use case tests for U as whole. This addresses Problem 1 of Sect. 2.3. Each query \({in_\alpha }\) is executed locally on \(SUT_i\). The observed output behaviour \({out_\alpha } = out_{\alpha , 1} , ..., out_{\alpha , l(\alpha )} \in \varOmega _i^*\) of \(SUT_i\) is integrated by \(L_i\) into the current version \(A_{i,j}\) of \(A_i\) to incrementally generate a sequence of approximations \(A_{i,1} , A_{i,2} , ... \) that converge to \(A_i\), as described in Sect. 2.2.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

A constrained active ML architecture

We can observe in the use case C&B that the end of each Step i is characterised by a Boolean condition \(G_i\) that must become true to enter the next Step \(i\ +\ 1\) or else to finish the use case. For example: we leave Step 1 of C&B and start Step 2, once the gap between O and H exceeds d and not before. To constrain and connect each adjacent pair of state space models \(A_i\) and \(A_{i+1}\), constructed independently by \(L_i\) and \(L_{i+1}\), we model \(G_i\) as a Boolean constraint \(G_i \subseteq \varOmega _i\) which is a predicate on state values \(\lambda (s) \in \varOmega _i\). We term \(G_i\) the gate condition for Step i. The gate condition \(G_i\) can be seen as both the success guarantee for leaving Step i and the precondition for entering Step \(i+1\) (c.f. Sect. 2.1). In particular, \(G_n\) is a success guarantee for finishing the entire use case U.

Figure 1 shows a second Boolean constraint or predicate \(V_i \subseteq \varOmega _i\) called the verdict condition. This will be discussed later in Sect. 4.3.

The gate condition \(G_i\) is evaluated on each approximation \(A_{i,j}\) of \(A_{i}\), for \(j = 1 , 2, ...\) by the model checker \(MC_i\) (c.f. Fig. 1). Model checking [7] is a general constraint solving technique for Boolean and temporal logic formulas on automaton models. The model checker \(MC_i\) incrementally analyses each \(A_{i,j}\) to identify a new state \(s_{i, j} \in S_{i,j}\) for \(A_{i,j}\) (not previously seen in \(A_{i,j-1}\)) that satisfies the gate \(G_i\), i.e. \(G_i\) is true as a predicate on \(\lambda (s_{i,j})\). The state \(s_{i, j}\) will become an initial state of \(A_{i+1}\). In this way, adjacent models \(A_i\) and \(A_{i+1}\) intersect, and \(A_1 , ..., A_n\) collectively build a complete and connected chain of automaton models of U.

Now, a guaranteed condition of automaton learning algorithms such as L* is that every learned state \(s \in S_{i,j}\) is reachable in \(A_{i,j}\) by at least one access sequence \({a} = a_1 , ..., a_m \in \varSigma _i^*\) , i.e. \(\delta _i^* ({a}, s_0) = s\). The model checker \(MC_i\) can return such an access sequence \({a_{i,j}}\) for state \(s_{i, j}\) satisfying gate \(G_i\). This access sequence \({a_{i,j}}\) is a valid test case solution for Step i of U and hence a partial solution to a complete and valid test case for U. Dynamic constraint solving using \(MC_i\) at runtime further constrains the size of the state space to be searched in building valid test cases for U. This approach addresses Problem 2 of Sect. 2.3.

The active learners \(L_1 , ... , L_n\) and model checkers \(MC_1 ,..., MC_n\) collaborate to construct valid test cases for the whole n-step use case U as follows.

For each \(j = 1 , 2, ...\) and for each \(1 \le k < n\), all k access sequences (partial solutions) \({a_{1,j}} , ..., {a_{k,j}}\) coming from \(MC_1 ,..., MC_k\) (which satisfy the gates \(G_1 , ..., G_k\) respectively) are passed to learner \(L_{k+1}\) where they are concatenated into a setup sequenceFootnote 8 \(({a_{1,j}} , \ldots , {a_{k,j}})\). This setup sequence is used as a prefix, and appended in front of every active query \({in_\alpha } \in \varSigma _{k+1}^*\) generated by \(L_{k+1}\). A complete active query for \(SUT_{k+1}\) therefore has the form:

$$ ({a_{1,j}} , \ldots , {a_{k,j}} , {in_\alpha } ). $$

From the corresponding output sequence \({out_\alpha } \in \varOmega _{k+1}^*\) returned by \(SUT_{k+1}\) only the final suffix of length \(\vert {in_\alpha } \vert \) is retained by \(L_{k+1}\) to construct \(A_{k+1}\). This suppresses all SUT output due to the setup sequence \({a_{1,j}} . \ldots . {a_{k,j}}\). So the state space model \(A_{k+1}\) only contains information about Step \(k+1\) of U, and we avoid duplication of effort between the parallel learners.

Finally the n access sequences (partial solutions), which emerge periodically from \(MC_1 ,..., MC_n\), are concatenated to form

$$ a_j = ({a_{1,j}} , \ldots , {a_{n,j}} ). $$

Thus \(a_j\) represents the j-th complete test case for U, as a concatenation of the j-th partial solutions. The test case \(a_j\) satisfies all of the guards \(G_1 , ..., G_n\), in particular the final goal \(G_n\) of U. Moreover, in each of the steps \({a_{i,j}}\) all actions are constrained to \(\varSigma _i^*\). So \(a_j\) is a valid test case for U.

4 A Use Case Modeling Language for CAML

We can now introduce a constraint-based modeling language for use cases that exploits the CAML architecture of Sect. 3.2. A constraint model U will capture an informal use case description in terms of parameters and constraints suitable for using in the CAML architecture. These include: \(\varSigma _i\), \(G_i\) and \(V_i\) for each step \(i = 1 , ..., n\).

4.1 Input/Output Declaration

Recall the running example of the C&B use case from Sect. 3.1. The actors are the three vehicles H (with its ACC), L and O. The first modeling step is to decide what actor parameters we need to control and observe. Much automotive application testing is performed within the safety of a virtual environment such as a multi-vehicle simulator. Whatever the context, we can assume the existence of a test harness or wrapper around the SUT which exposes the SUT API in a standardised and symbolic way, as a set of variable names and their types: float, integer, enumeration, Boolean, etc.

This modeling activity for C&B identifies the following minimum setsFootnote 9 of relevant input and output parameters and their types:

input_variables = [SpeedL:enum, SpeedO:enum, SteerO:enum];

This statement declares three test input variables (from the SUT API) of enumeration type enum that will control the leader vehicle speed, the overtaker speed and the overtaker steeringFootnote 10. So a test input vector to the SUT is an ordered triple of enum values \((x_1, x_2, x_3)\). A complete use case test input is a finite sequence of test input vectors (c.f. Fig. 2(a)) \(( (x_1^1, x_2^1, x_3^1) , ..., (x_1^n, x_2^n, x_3^n) )\).

For the output variables, the model declaration is:

output_variables = [Crash:boolean, O2HDist:float, TimeDev:float];

This statement declares three test output variables (from the SUT API) for crash detection, O-to-H longitudinal distance and time gap deviation (as a percentage error) between the intended ACC time gapFootnote 11 (H-to-L) and the observed time gap (H-to-L). A test output vector from the SUT is an ordered triple of values \(( y_1, y_2, y_3)\), where \(y_1\) ranges over Boolean and \(y_2\) and \(y_3\) over float values. A use case test output is a finite sequence of test output vectors (c.f. Fig. 2(b)) \(( (y_1^1, y_2^1, y_3^1) , ..., (y_1^n, y_2^n, y_3^n) )\).

4.2 Sequencing, Static and Dynamic Constraints

Next we declare the four steps of the C&B use case in terms of: (i) compile time constraints on the input alphabets \(\varSigma _i\) and (ii) runtime constraints on the gate predicates \(G_i\).

input_values[1] = { 50,55:SpeedL, 55,60,65:SpeedO, 0:SteerO };

\( \texttt {gate[1] = when( O2HDist >= 5.0 \& O2HDist <= 40.0 );}\)

input_values[2] = { 50:SpeedL, right_100_4:SteerO, 50:SpeedO };

gate[2] = when( time>= 4.0 );

input_values[3] = { 60:SpeedL, 25,30,35:SpeedO, 0:SteerO };

\(\texttt {gate[3] = when( TimeDev <= 5.0 );}\)

input_values[4] = { 50:SpeedL, 60:SpeedO, 0:SteerO };

gate[4] = when( time>= 5.0 );

Each declaration input_values[i] symbolically declares \(\varSigma _i\), the input values for Step i in the notation of Sect. 3.2. In general, values for \(\varSigma _i\) are sampled within the typical range of values (e.g. vehicle speeds) characteristic for each step of the use case (e.g. an acceleration, steady or deceleration step). For example, in Step 1 above, variable SpeedL has possible values 50,55, SpeedO has possible values 55,60,65 but SteerO takes only the value 0. The steering value 0 is a neutral command (i.e. straight ahead) in Steps 1, 3 and 4. However in Step 2 (the lane change step for overtaker O), the steering value right_100_4 generates a sigmoidal right curve for O across \(100\%\) of the lane width in 4 time stepsFootnote 12. Notice that the declared speed of O drops from 50 in Step 2 to 25, 30 or 35 in Step 3. This implements the braking action of O in Step 3 (which need not even be a constant deceleration).

The informal meaning of gate[i] = when( state_predicate ); is that once SUT execution has entered Step i, it stays in this step until a state is encountered that satisfies state_predicate. At this point SUT execution may pass to the next Step \(i + 1\). Thus \(\texttt {gate[1] = when( O2HDist >=}\) \( \texttt {5.0 \& O2HDist <= 40.0 );}\) captures the transition from overtaking in Step 1 to lane change in Step 2 by setting specific minimum and maximum boundary values for d of 5.0 and 40.0 metres (c.f. the C&B description of Sect. 3.1). A gate condition can also take account of time, for example gate[2] = when( time>= 4.0 ); ensures that we maintain the steering command of Step 2 for 4 time steps, relative to the start of Step 2. This ensures the steering action is completed.

The formalised C&B model above illustrates some of the variety of CAML capabilities for modeling a single step of a use case. These capabilities range from a single action that must be performed exactly once (Step 2 above) to a set of possible actions that can be executed in non-deterministic order over a time interval that is either: (i) unspecified, (ii) constant, (iii) finite and bounded or (iv) unbounded. Steps 1, 3 and 4 above illustrate some of these options. Each single step activity is defined by a judicious combination of input alphabets, gate constraints and step ordering. We have not attempted to be exhaustive in modeling all possible single step capabilities, and further extensions are possible (see Sect. 8).

4.3 Automated Test Verdict Construction

Recalling the discussion of Sect. 3.1, we can say informally that a (4 step) use case test input \(a_j = {a_{1,j}} . \ldots . {a_{4,j}}\) for C&B has a pass verdict if none of the vehicles O, L or H collide. Otherwise \(a_j\) has a fail verdict. The model checkers \(MC_i\) automate test verdict construction for each use case test input \(a_j\) as follows.

A use case test input \(a_j = ({a_{1,j}} . \ldots . {a_{n,j}} )\) for an n-step use case U has the verdict pass if, and only if \(v_{i,j} = pass\) for each \(i = 1 , ..., n\), where \(v_{i,j} \in \{ pass, fail \}\) is the local verdict for the test case step \({a_{i,j}}\) (which is an access sequence). Each model checker \(MC_i\) is used to evaluate its local verdict \(v_{i,j}\) on \({a_{i,j}}\) in a distributed manner. In general, \(v_{i,j}\) is based on a specific local criterion \(V_i \subseteq \varOmega _i\) for Step i as a predicate or constraint on state values \(\lambda (s)\) for \(s \in S_i\) a state in the automaton model \(A_i\). Figure 1 shows how the verdict predicates \(V_i\) are integrated into the CAML architecture. For C&B we are mainly interested in vehicle crashes in Steps 2 and 3 as the most hazardous steps. We can therefore extend the use case model of Sect. 4.2 with local verdict constraints for Steps 2 and 3 as follows:

verdict[2] = always( !crash );

\( \texttt {verdict[3] = always( !crash \& TimeDev <= 50.0);}\)

The informal meaning of verdict[i] = always( state_predicate ); is that state_predicate should remain true throughout Step i and if it becomes false at any point during Step i then both Step i, and the whole test case fail. For example, in verdict[3] for Step 3 above, when O is braking, we add to the no-crash requirement the additional verdict requirement that the observed time gap deviation TimeDev does not exceed \(50\%\). This increases the safety margin of the ACC.

For the i-th access sequence \({a_{i,j}} = a_{i,j,1} , ..., a_{i,j,m} \in \varSigma _i^*\) of \(a_j\), the model checker \(MC_i\) evaluates the verdict predicate \(V_i\) on \(\lambda (s_{i,j,k})\) for each of the corresponding states \(s_{i,j,1} , ..., s_{i,j,m} \in S_{i,j}\) traversed by \({a_{i,j}}\) in \(A_{i,j}\). Here \(s_{i,j,1}\) is the initial state of \(A_{i,j}\) and \(s_{i,j,m}\) is the final state that satisfies the gate condition \(G_i\). If \(\lambda (s_{i,j,k})\) satisfies \(V_i\) for each \(k = 1 , ... , m\) then \(v_{i,j} = pass\) otherwise \(v_{i,j} = fail\).

5 Evaluation and Benchmarking

To evaluate our CAML architecture for machine learning and its associated use case modeling language, we implemented these in a prototype TCG tool. This prototype was then integrated with the commercial vehicle software simulator ASM to provide a complete toolchain for testing driving scenarios in a virtualised road environment.

We conducted an evaluation of the complete toolchain to benchmark the speed and effectiveness of the CAML approach. For evaluation purposes, we chose use cases for an ACC-equipped semi-autonomous vehicle driven in multi-vehicle scenarios.

5.1 ROBOTest: A CAML Implementation

We implemented a prototype of the CAML architecture of Sect. 3, termed ROBOTest, on top of the ML-based testing tool LBTest [27]. LBTest has previously been successfully used in unit testing of automotive ECU software [22, 23], as well as other domains including web and finance [36]. LBTest supports important features necessary for realistic testing case studies, such as infinite and continuous test parameter types (including integers, strings, floating point numbers), multi-threaded learning for high data throughput, and configuration files for job specification and test session management. In particular, a ROBOTest use case model of the type presented in Sect. 4 is simply added to an LBTest configuration file. During a testing session, multiple instances of LBTest Learner and ModelChecker classes implement the PDP architecture of Sect. 3.2.

5.2 Integration of ROBOTest and ASM

The ASM vehicle simulator from dSPACE GmbH provides the capability to perform software in the loop (SiL) testing of automotive applications. It can be used to produce realistic simulations of automotive applications in multi-vehicle scenarios. The ego vehicle parameters, road and environment parameters and the numbers and types of traffic objects are all configured before a simulation starts. The basic approach to ROBOTest and ASM tool integration was to expose key attributes of a parameterised ASM traffic model through a lightweight wrapper. By communicating indirectly with ASM through the wrapper, ego vehicle and traffic object commands could be accessed from the ROBOTest use case model contained in a configuration file. Such commands include parameterized commands to the ego vehicle and traffic objects for steering, gas, brake etc. Several command examples can be seen in the C&B use case of Sect. 4.

The wrapper was delegated the responsibility to translate ML generated use case tests into timed sequences of vehicle commands, and dispatch these sequences to the simulator. Key simulator variables were then logged by ASM and recovered by the wrapper. The resulting observation sequences were returned to ROBOTest for learning.

As the target language for test case translation, we used the ASM scenario language to specify the detailed actions of the ego vehicle and traffic objects. This was done in the scenario editor of the ASM ModelDesk application. ModelDesk also takes care of the road environment definitions and downloading configuration parameters into the ASM VEOS platform.

Table 1. ML-based testing results for four ADAS use cases

5.3 ACC Use Case Descriptions

To evaluate the toolchain resulting from integrating the two tools ROBOTest and ASM, we chose a set of use cases for an ACC application bundled with the ASM license. The choice was guided by the need for different use case lengths, complexity and number of actors. The following four use cases for an ACC-equipped ego vehicle in a multi-vehicle traffic environment were chosen.

  • 1. Following Lead. The ego-vehicle follows a lead vehicle in the same lane, i.e. it is tracking the lead as its target. The lead vehicle accelerates and decelerates within given speed bounds. The ego vehicle should adapt its speed and maintain its predefined time-gap.

  • 2. Cut-in (c.f. Sect. 4). The ego-vehicle follows a lead vehicle (aka. leader1) in the same lane that has a constant speed. A cut-in vehicle (aka. leader2) drives behind the ego vehicle in an adjacent lane. The cut-in vehicle overtakes the ego vehicle and then performs a cut-in maneuver with constant speed, while leader1 maintains its constant speed. The cut-in vehicle should be selected as target when it has crossed the lane marking. The ego vehicle ACC should re-establish the intended time gap with cut-in as the new lead vehicle (leader2).

  • 3. Cut-out. The ego-vehicle follows a cut-out vehicle in the same lane with constant speed. The cut-out vehicle (aka. leader1) follows another vehicle leader2 in the same lane. The cut-out vehicle speed is not faster than leader2. The cut-out vehicle changes to an adjacent lane and speeds up to overtake leader2. The ego vehicle ACC should re-establish the time gap to leader2 as the new target vehicle to be followed.

  • 4. Overtake. The ego-vehicle follows a lead vehicle leader1 in the same lane. The ego vehicle performs a manual lane change to the adjacent lane, and then speeds up to overtake leader1. Another vehicle leader2 is already driving ahead in the adjacent lane and lies front of the ego vehicle after its lane change. The ego vehicle ACC should re-establish the time-gap with leader2. After the ego vehicle passes leader1, and if there is sufficient gap between leader1 and leader3 (which lies ahead of leader1 in the same lane), the ego vehicle switches back to its original lane. The ego vehicle ACC should then re-establish its time-gap with leader3.

5.4 ACC Test Objectives

The objective of testing all four uses cases, was to look for violations of two global safety requirements. The first was a basic no crash/collision requirement which is considered safety critical. The second safety requirement is that the observed time gap deviation should never vary by more than 20% of the selected time gap. We modeled these safety requirements in ROBOTest as follows:

verdict[i] = always(collision = false  &  

\( \texttt {timeGap <= 2.2 \& timeGap >= 1.8)}\)

Fig. 2.
figure 2

A failed test case for the Overtaking Scenario 5.3: (a) test inputs from ROBOTest, (b) test outputs from ASM

6 Results

Each of the four use cases presented in Sect. 5.3 was formally modeled as an n-step sequence of input and gate constraints (for appropriate n) using the modeling language presented in Sect. 4. Each constraint model was then embedded into its own ROBOTest configuration file, and the safety requirements of Sect. 5.4 were added as verdict constraints. The configuration file was then run in a test session on the integrated ASM-ROBOTest toolchain. Table 1 shows the results of the four test sessions.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

(a),...,(e): ASM simulator images for all 5 use case steps in the failed overtaking use case test of Fig. 2 (Color figure online)

Table 1 shows that errors were found in two of the four use cases. It was easy to visually inspect the failed test cases reported by ROBOTest and confirm that the safety requirements were indeed violated (c.f. Fig. 2(b)). Furthermore, failed test cases could be played back through the ASM simulator in real time to visualise the full details. Figure 2 shows a complete failed test case for overtaking, consisting of 17 test vectors for the 4 input parameters that drive a 17 s simulation. Still images from replaying this test case in ASM can be seen in Fig. 3, where the ego (i.e. ACC host) vehicle is dark blue. Figure 3(e) shows the collision in Step 5. Such visualisations can yield further explanatory insight into why a test failure occurs. In this case, the test failures were mainly collision errors when a sudden speed change occurred.

Although use case errors were found in the SUT, the models in Table 1 were not fully converged (i.e. learning was incomplete) This was due to the relatively low data throughput of a single simulator license. Further research is needed to evaluate whether multi-threaded machine learning, using more than one simulator, can achieve full convergence (i.e. a completely learned model) in a reasonable time.

7 Related Work

Active automaton learning for testing is surveyed in [3], where the applications are mainly unit and integration testing. Our work represents the first attempt to apply ML to use case testing. The commonest models for automaton learning are deterministic automata [18, 19, 27, 31, 35], non-deterministic finite automata [5], and extended finite state machines [6]. Our work seems to represent the first attempt to use chains of intersecting finite automata.

There is a significant literature on TCG for use cases from UML models surveyed in [32]. UML sequence diagrams are sometimes seen as the canonical use case modeling language, and are prominent in the UML literature on TCG, e.g. [29]. The linear step ordering (see Sect. 2.1) common to both UML sequence diagrams [29] and informal models [8] is faithfully reflected in our CAML approach. UML state machine models are used in [33] for use case testing. By contrast, the CAML approach reverse engineers state machine models using ML, and thus avoids the effort of manual model construction and maintenance. Several authors have understood the need for constraints to automate use case testing e.g. [24, 29]. The UML object constraint language (OCL) has typically been used for this. By contrast, our constraints are based on linear temporal logic (LTL) and are conceptually closer to the live sequence charts of [16].

Testing semi- and fully autonomous vehicle software is a technically challenging emerging field where use case modeling languages such as OpenScenario [28] are currently under development. The case studies presented here extend previous research into automotive use case testing such as [4, 25]. CAML addresses similar problems to the fuzz testing approach of [15]. However, our constraint-based approach to modeling and verdicts has wider scope and is more precise than the randomised approach of [15].

8 Conclusions and Future Work

We have introduced a constrained active machine learning (CAML) architecture that fully automates use case testing. This architecture can overcome the scalability problems associated with current active automaton learning algorithms such as L* when applied to highly constrained situations such as use case testing. We have benchmarked the CAML approach on typical use cases for an embedded automotive ADAS application, and demonstrated its efficiency and effectiveness. For this we implemented a prototype of CAML which was integrated with the industrial vehicle simulator ASM.

There is considerable scope for extension and improvement of our approach. Future research topics include: (i) additional constraints on use case models for greater ML efficiency and reduced automaton sizes, (ii) extensions of the constraint language for wider scope of use case and verdict modeling, and (iii) interfacing our constraint modeling language to open standards such as UML, LSC and OpenScenario.