
1 Introduction

Pattern mining is a sub-field of data mining, which aims at identifying interesting patterns in data that can help to understand the data and/or support decision-making. In recent years, numerous algorithms have been designed to find patterns in discrete sequences (a sequence of events or symbols) as this data type is found in many domains. For instance, text documents can be represented as sequence of words, customers purchases as sequences of transactions, and drone trajectories as sequence of locations. Whereas some pattern mining algorithms find similarities between sequences [6, 7, 15] or across sequences [16], others identify patterns in a single very long sequence. One of the most popular task of this type is Frequent Episode Mining (FEM) [9, 11, 12, 14]. It consists of finding all frequent episodes in a sequence of events, that is all subsequences that have a support (occurrence frequency) that is no less than a user-defined minsup threshold. Two types of sequences are considered in FEM: simple sequences where events have timestamps and are totally ordered, and complex sequences where simultaneous events are allowed. Many algorithms were designed for discovering frequent episodes such as MINEPI and WINEPI [12], EMMA and MINEPI+ [9], and TKE [8]. While some algorithms find serial episodes (ordered lists of events), others find parallel episodes (sets of simultaneous events) or composite episode (a combination of serial/parallel episodes). Though finding frequent episodes is useful, episodes are only discovered on the basis of their support (occurrence frequencies) [1]. Thus, some events may only appear together in an episode by chance. Moreover, frequent episodes do not provide information about how likely it is that some events will occur following some other events. To address these issues, a post-processing step can be applied after FEM, which is to combine pairs of frequent episodes to create episode rules. An episode rule is a pattern having the form \(E_1 \rightarrow E_2\), which indicates that if some episode \(E_1\) appears, it will be followed by another episode \(E_2\) with a given confidence or probability [4, 12].

Episode rule mining is useful as it can reveal strong temporal relationships between events in data from many domains [2,3,4, 12]. For example, a rule \(R_1: \langle \{a\},\{b\},\{c\} \rangle \rightarrow \langle \{d\} \rangle \) could be found in moviegoers data, indicating that if a person watches some movies a, b and c in that order, s/he will then watch movie d. Based on such rules, marketing decisions could be taken or recommendation could be done. However, a major drawback of traditional episode rule mining algorithms is that events in each rule must be strictly ordered. As a result, similar rules are treated differently. For example, the rule \(R_1\) is considered as different from rules \(R_2: \langle \{b\},\{a\},\{c\} \rangle \rightarrow \langle \{d\} \rangle \), \(R_3: \langle \{b\},\{c\},\{a\} \rangle \rightarrow \langle \{d\} \rangle \), \(R_4: \langle \{c\},\{a\},\{b\} \rangle \rightarrow \langle \{d\} \rangle \), \(R_5: \langle \{c\},\{b\},\{a\} \rangle \rightarrow \langle \{d\} \rangle \) and \(R_6: \langle \{a\},\{c\},\{b\} \rangle \rightarrow \langle \{d\} \rangle \). But all these rules contain the same events. This is a problem because all these rules are very similar and may in practice represents the same situation that someone who has watched three movies (e.g. Frozen, Sleeping Beauty, Lion King) will then watch another (e.g. Harry Potter). Because these rules are viewed as distinct, their support (occurrence frequencies) and confidence are calculated separately and may be very different from each other. Moreover, analyzing numerous rules representing the same situation with slight ordering variations is not convenient for the user. Thus, it is desirable to extract a more general and flexible type of rules where ordering variations between events are tolerated.

This paper addresses this issue by introducing a novel type of rules called Partially-Ordered Episode Rules (POER), where events in a rule antecedent and in a rule consequent are unordered. A POER has the form \(I_1 \rightarrow I_2\), where \(I_1\) and \(I_2\) are sets of events. A rule is interpreted as if all event(s) in \(I_1\) appear in any order, they will be followed by all event(s) from \(I_2\) in any order. For instance, a POER \(R_7: \{a,b,c\} \rightarrow \{d\}\) indicates that if someone watches movies a, b and c in any order, s/he will watch d. The advantage of finding POERs is that a single rule can replace multiple episode rules. For example \(R_7\) can replace \(R_1, R_2, \ldots , R_6\). However, discovering POER is challenging as they are not derived from episodes. Thus, a novel algorithm must be designed to efficiently find POER in a sequence.

The contributions of this paper are the following. The problem of discovering POERs is defined and its properties are studied. Then, an efficient algorithm named POERM (Partially-Ordered Episode Rule Miner) is presented. Lastly, an experimental evaluation was performed on several benchmark datasets to evaluate POERM. Results have shown that it has excellent performance.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 defines the proposed problem of POER mining. Section 3 describes the POERM algorithm. Then, Sect. 4 presents the experimental evaluation. Finally, Sect. 5 draws a conclusion and discusses future work.

2 Problem Definition

The type of data considered in episode rule mining is a sequence of events with timestamps [9, 12]. Let there be a finite set of events \(E = \{i_1,i_2,\ldots ,i_m\}\), also called items or symbols. In addition, let there be a set of timestamps \(T = \{t_1, t_2, \ldots t_n\}\) where for any integers \(1 \le i < j \le n\), the relationship \(t_i < t_j\) holds. A time-interval \([t_i, t_j]\) is said to have a duration of \(t_j - t_i\) time. Moreover, two time intervals \([t_{i1},t_{j1}]\) and \([t_{i2},t_{j2}]\) are said to be non-overlapping if either \(t_{j1} < t_{i2}\) or \(t_{j2} < t_{i1}\). A subset \(X\subseteq E\) is called an event set. Furthermore, X is said to be a k-event set if it contains k events. A complex event sequence is an ordered list of event sets with timestamps \(S = \langle (SE_{t_1}, t_1),\) \((SE_{t_2},t_2), \ldots ,\) \((SE_{t_n},t_n) \rangle \) where \(SE_{t_i} \subseteq E\) for \(1 \le i \le n\). A simultaneous event set in a complex event sequence is an event set where all events occurred at the same time. If a complex event sequence contains no more than one event per timestamp, it is a simple event sequence. Data of various types can be represented as an event sequence such as cyber-attacks, trajectories, telecommunication data, and alarm sequences [8].

For example, a complex event sequence is presented in Fig. 1. This sequence contains eleven timestamps (T = \(\{t_1, t_2, \ldots , t_{11}\}\)) and events are represented by letters (\(E = \{a,b,c,d\}\)). That sequence indicates that event c appeared at time \(t_1\), followed by events \(\{a,b\}\) simultaneously at time \(t_2\), followed by event d at time \(t_3\), followed by a at \(t_5\), followed by c at \(t_6\), and so on.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

An complex event sequence with 11 timestamps

This paper proposes a novel type of rules called partially-ordered episode rule. A POER has the form \(X \rightarrow Y\) where \(X \subset E \) and \(Y \subset E\) are non empty event sets. The meaning of such rule is that if all events from X appear in any order in the sequence, they will be followed by all events from Y. To avoid finding rules containing events that are too far appart three constraints are specified: (1) events from X must appear within some maximum amount of time \(XSpan \in \mathbb {Z}^{+}\), (2) events from Y must appear within some maximum amount of time \(YSpan \in \mathbb {Z}^{+}\), and (3) the time between X and Y must be no less than a constant \(XYSpan \in \mathbb {Z}^{+}\). The three constraints XSpanYSpan and XYSpan must be specified by the user, and are illustrated in Fig. 2 for a rule \(X \rightarrow Y\).

Fig. 2.
figure 2

The three time constraints on a POER

Furthermore, to select interesting rules, two measures are used called the support and confidence, which are inspired by previous work on rule mining. They are defined based on the concept of occurrence.

An occurrence of an event set \(F \subset E\) in a complex event sequence S is a time interval \([t_i,t_j]\) where all events from F appear, that is \(F \subseteq SE_i \cup SE_{i+1} \ldots \cup SE_{j}\). An occurrence of a rule \(X \rightarrow Y\) in a complex event sequence S is a time interval \([t_i,t_j]\) such that there exist some timestamps \(t_v\), \(t_w\) where \(t_i \le t_v < t_w \le t_j\), X has an occurrence in \([t_i, t_v]\), Y has an occurrence in \([t_w, t_j]\), \(t_v - t_i < XSpan\), \(t_w - t_v < XYSpan\), and \(t_j - t_w < YSpan\).

Analyzing occurrences of event sets or rules one can reveal interesting relationships between events. However, a problem is that some occurrences may overlap, and thus an event may be counted as part of multiple occurrences. To address this problem, this paper proposes to only consider a subset of all occurrences defined as follows. An occurrence \([t_{i1}, t_{j1}]\) is said to be redundant in a set of occurrences if there does exist an overlapping occurrence \([t_{i2}, t_{j2}]\) such that \(t_{i1} \le t_{i2} \le t_{j1}\) or \(t_{i2} \le t_{i1} \le t_{l2}\). Let occ(F) denotes the set of all non redundant occurrences of an event set F in a sequence S. Moreover, let \(occ(X \rightarrow Y)\) denotes the set of non redundant occurrences of a rule \(X \rightarrow Y\) in a sequence S.

The support of a rule \(X \rightarrow Y\) is defined as \(sup(X \rightarrow Y) = |occ(X \rightarrow Y)|\). The support of an event set F is defined as \(sup(F) = |occ(F)|\). The confidence of a rule \(X \rightarrow Y\) is defined as \(conf(X \rightarrow Y) = |occ(X \rightarrow Y)| / |occ(X)|\). It represents the conditional probability that events from X are followed by those of Y.

Definition 1 (Problem Definition)

XY Let there be a complex event sequence S and five user-defined parameters: XSpan, YSpan, XYSpan, minsup and minconf. The problem of mining POERs is to find all the valid POERs. A POER r is said to be frequent if \(sup(r) \ge minsup\), and it is said to be valid if it is frequent and \(conf(r) \ge minconf\).

For instance, consider the sequence of Fig. 1, \(minsup = 3\), \(minconf = 0.6\), \(XSpan = 3\), \(XYSpan = 1\) and \(YSpan = 1\). The occurrences of \(\{a,b,c\}\) are \(occ(\{a,b,c\}) = \{[t_1, t_2], [t_5,t_7], [t_{10},t_{10}]\}\) The occurrences of the rule \(R: \{a,b,c\} \rightarrow \{d\}\) are \(occ(R) = \{[t_1,t_3], [t_5, t_8]\}\). Hence, \(supp(R) = 3\), \(conf(R) = 2 / 3\), and R is a valid rule.

3 The POERM Algorithm

The problem of POER mining is difficult as if a database contains m distinct events, up to \((2^m-1)\times (2^m-1)\) rules may be generated. Moreover, each rule may have numerous occurrences in a sequence.

To efficiently find all valid POERs, this section describes the proposed POERM algorithm. It first finds event sets that may be antecedents of valid rules and their occurrences in the input sequence. Then, the algorithm searches for consequents that could be combined with these antecedents to build POERs. The valid POERs are kept and returned to the user. To avoid considering all possible rules, the POERM algorithm utilizes the following search space pruning property (proof is omitted due to space limitation).

Property 1 (Rule Event Set Pruning Property)

An event set X cannot be the antecedent of a valid rule if \(sup(X) < minsup\). An event set Y cannot be the consequent of a valid rule if \(sup(Y) < minsup \times minconf\).

The POERM algorithm (Algorithm 1) takes as input a complex event sequence S, and the user-defined XSpan, YSpan, XYSpan, minsup and minconf parameters. The POERM algorithm first reads the input sequence and creates a copy XFres of that sequence containing only events having a support no less than minsup. Other events are removed because they cannot appear in a valid rule (based on Property 1). Then, POERM searches for antecedents by calling the MiningXEventSet procedure with XFres, XSpan and minsup. This procedure outputs a list xSet of event sets that may be antecedents of valid POERs, that is each event set having at least minsup non overlapping occurrences of a duration not greater than XSpan.

The MiningXEventSet procedure is presented in Algorithm 2. It first scans the sequence XFres to find the list of occurrences of each event. This information is stored in a map fresMap where each pair indicates an event as key and its occurrence list as value. Then, scan all the pairs of fresMap and put the pairs that have at least minsup non-overlapping occurrences are added to xSet. At this moment, xSet contains all 1-event sets that could be valid rule antecedents based on Property 1. Then, the procedure scans the sequence again to extend these 1-event sets into 2-event sets, and then extends 2-event sets into 3-event sets and so on until no more event sets can be generated. During that iterative process, each generated event set having more than minsup non-overlapping occurrences is added to xSet and considered for extensions to generate larger event sets. The MiningXEventSet procedure returns xSet, which contains all potential antecedents of valid POERs (those having at least minsup non-overlapping occurrences).

A challenge for implementing the MiningXEventSet procedure efficiently is that event sets are by definition unordered. Hence, different ordering of a same set represent the same event set (e.g. \(\{a,b,c\}\),\(\{b,a,c\}\) and \(\{a,c,b\}\) are the same set). To avoid generating the same event set multiple times, event sets are in practice sorted by the lexicographic order (e.g. as \(\{a,b,c\}\)), and the procedure only extends an event set F with an event e if e is greater than the last event of F.

A second key consideration for implementing MiningXEventSet is how to extend an l-event set F into \((l+1)\)-event sets and calculate their occurrences in the XFres sequence. To avoid scanning the whole sequence, this is done by searching around each occurrence pos of F in its OccurrenceList. Let pos.start and post.end respectively denote the start and end timestamps of pos. The algorithm searches for events in the time intervals [\(pos.end - \) XSpan \(+ 1, pos.start\)), [\(pos.end+1,pos.start + XSpan\)), and [pos.startpos.end]. For each event e that is greater than the last item of F, the occurrences of \(F\cup \{e\}\) of the form [ipos.end], [pos.starti] or [pos.startpos.end] are added in fresMap. Then, fresMap is scanned to count the non-overlaping occurrences of each \((l+1)\)-node event set, and all sets having more than minsup non-overlapping occurrences are added to xSet.

Counting the maximum non-overlapping occurrences of an l-event set F is done using its occurrence list (not shown in the pseudocode). The procedure first applies the quick sort algorithm to sort the OccurrenceList by ascending ending timestamps (pos.end). Then, a set CoverSet is created to store the maximum non-overlapping occurrences of F. The algorithm loops over the OccurrenceList of F to check each occurrence from the first one to the last one. If the current occurrence does not overlap with the last added occurrence in CoverSet, it is added to CoverSet. Otherwise, it is ignored. When the loop finishes, CoverSet contains the maximum non-overlapping occurrences of F.

figure a
figure b

After applying the MiningXEventSet procedure to find antecedents, the POERM algorithm searches for event sets (consequents) that could be combined with these antecedents to create valid POERs. The algorithm first eliminates all events having less than \(minsup \times minconf\) occurrences from the sequence XFres to obtain a sequence YFres (based on pruning Property 1). Then, a loop is done over each antecedent x in xSet to find its consequents. In that loop, the time intervals where such consequents could appear are first identified and stored in a variable xOccurrenceList. Then, a map conseMap is created to store each event e and its occurrence lists for these time intervals in YFres. The map is then scanned to create a queue candidateRuleQueue containing each rule of the form \(x \rightarrow e\) and its occurrence list. If a rule \(x \rightarrow e\) is such that \(|occ(x \xrightarrow {} e)| \ge minconf \times \) |occ(x)|, then it is added to the set POERs of valid POERs. At this time, candidateRuleQueue contains all the candidate rule with a 1-event consequent.

The algorithm then performs a loop that pops each rule \(X \rightarrow Y\) from the queue to try to extend it by adding an event to its consequent. This is done by scanning conseMap. The obtained rule extensions of the form \(X \rightarrow Y \cup \{e\}\) and their occurrence lists are added to candidateRuleQueue to be further extended. Moreover, each rule such that \(|occ(x \rightarrow e)| \ge minconf \times \) |occ(x)| is added to the set POERs of valid POERs. This loop continues until the queue is empty. Then, the algorithm returns all valid POERs.

It is worth noting that an occurrence of a rule \(X \rightarrow Y\) having an l-event set consequent may not be counted for its support while it may be counted in the support of a \((l+1)\)-event consequent rule that extends the former rule. For instance, consider the sequence of Fig. 1, that \(XSpan = YSpan = 2\), and \(XYSpan = 1\). The occurrence of \(\{a\} \rightarrow \{b\}\) in [\(t_5, t_7\)] is not counted in the support of \(\{a\} \rightarrow \{b\}\) because the time between a and b is greater than XYSpan. But \(\{a\} \rightarrow \{b\}\) can be extended to \(\{a\} \rightarrow \{b,c\}\) and the occurrence [\(t_5, t_7\)] is counted in its support. To find the correct occurrences of rules of the form \(X \rightarrow Y \cup \{e\}\) extending a rule \(X \rightarrow Y\), the following approach is used. For each occurrence occur of \(X \rightarrow Y\), a variable start is set to max(occur.X.end+1,occur.Y.end-YSpan+1), a variable end is set to min(occur.X.end+XYSpan+YSpan, occur.Y.start+YSpan). Thereafter, three intervals are scanned, which are [startoccur.Y.end), (occur.Y.endend) and also [occur.Y.startoccur.Y.end] to add each rule \(X \rightarrow Y \cup \{e\}\) such that \(e>\) Y.lastItem and its occurrences of the forms [ioccur.Y.end], [occur.Y.starti] or [occur.Y.startoccur.Y.end] in the conseMap. These three intervals are illustrated in Fig. 3 and allows to find the correct occurrences of \((l+1)\)-node consequent rules. In that figure, \(t_Y\) denotes occur.Y and \(t_X\) denotes occur.X.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

The timestamps that are searched for a candidate rule \(X \rightarrow Y\)

The proposed POERM algorithm can find all valid POERs since it only prunes events that cannot be part of valid rules by Property 1. The following section presents an experimental evaluation of POERM, where its performance is compared with that of a baseline version of POERM, called POERM-ALL. The difference between POERM and POERM-ALL is that the latter finds all possible antecedents and consequents separately before combining them to generate rules, rather than using antecedents to search for consequents.

4 Experimental Evaluation

The proposed POERM algorithm’s efficiency was evaluated on three benchmark sequence datasets obtained from the SPMF library [5], named OnlineRetail, Fruithut and Retail. OnlineRetail is a sequence of 541,909 transactions from a UK-based online retail store with 2,603 distinct event types indicating the purchase of items. Fruithut is a sequence of 181,970 transactions with 1,265 distinct event types, while Retail is a sequence of 88,162 customer transactions from an anonymous Belgian retail store having 16,470 distinct event types. Because there is no prior work on POER mining, the performance of POERM was compared with the POERM-ALL baseline, described in the previous section. Both algorithms were implemented in Java and source code and datasets are made available at

In each experiment, a parameter is varied while the other parameters are fixed. Because algorithms have five parameters and the space does not allow evaluating each parameter separately, the three time constraint parameters XSpan, YSpan and XYSpan were set to a same value called Span. The default values for (minsup, minconf, Span) on the OnlineRetail, Fruithut and Retail datasets are (5000, 0.5, 5), (5000, 0.5, 5) and (4000, 0.5, 5), respectively. These values were found empirically to be values were algorithms have long enough runtimes to highlight their differences.

Influence of minsup. Figure 4(a) shows the runtimes of the two algorithms when minsup is varied. As minsup is decreased, runtimes of both algorithms increase. However, that of POERM-ALL increases much more quickly on the OnlineRetail and FruitHut datasets, while minsup has a smaller impact on POERM-ALL for Retail. The reason for the poor performance of POERM-ALL is that as minsup decreases, POERM-ALL considers more antecedent event sets (\(sup(X) \ge minsup\)) and more consequent event sets (\(sup(Y) \ge minsup * minconf\)). Moreover, POERM-ALL combines all antecedents with all consequents to then filter out non valid POERs based on the confidence. For instance, on OnlineRetail and \(minsup = \) 6000, there are 1,173 antecedents and 5,513 consequents, and hence 6,466,749 candidate rules. But for \(minsup = 4000\), there are 2,813 antecedents, 11,880 consequents and 33,193,400 candidate rules, that is a five time increase. The POERM algorithm is generally more efficient as it does not combine all consequents will all antecedents. Hence, its performance is not directly influenced by the number of consequent event sets. This is why minsup has a relatively small impact on POERM’s runtimes on the OnlineRetail and FruitHut dataset. However, Retail is a very sparse dataset. As a result for \(minsup = 3000\), POERM-ALL just needs to combine 190 antecedents with 747 consequents, and thus spend little time in that combination stage. Because there are many consequents for Retail, POERM scans the input sequence multiple times for each antecedent to find all possible consequents. This is why POERM performs less well than POERM-ALL on Retail.

Influence of minconf. Figure 4(b) shows the runtimes of the two algorithms for different minconf values. It is observed that as minconf is decreased, runtimes increase. POERM-ALL is more affected by variations of minconf than POERM on OnlineRetail and FruitHut but the impact is smaller on Retail. The reason is that as minconf decreases, POERM-ALL needs to consider more consequent event sets meeting the condition \(sup(Y) \ge minsup \cdot minconf\), and thus the number of candidates rules obtained by combining antecedents and consequents increases. For instance, on OnlineRetail and \(minconf = 0.6\), POERM-ALL finds 1,724 antecedents and 5,315 consequents. But for \(minconf =0.2\), the number of antecedents is the same, while POERM-ALL finds 46,236 consequents, increasing the number of candidate rules by nine times. On the other hand, minconf does not have a big influence on POERM as it does not use a combination approach and hence is not directly influenced by the consequent count. On Retail the situation is different as it is a very sparse dataset. For each antecedent, POERM needs to scan the input sequence multiple time to find all the corresponding consequents. Thus, POERM performs less well on Retail.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Influence of (a) minsup, (b) minconf and (c) span on runtime

Influence of Span. Figure 4(c) compares the runtimes of both algorithms when Span is varied. As Span is increased, runtimes increase, and POERM-ALL is more affected by an increase of Span than POERM for OnlineRetail and FruitHut. But the impact on Retail is very small. This is because, as Span is increased, the time constraints are more loose and POERM-ALL needs to find more antecedents and consequent event sets, which results in generating more candidate rules by the combination process. For instance, on OnlineRetail and \(Span = 3\), POERM-ALL finds 44 antecedents and 2,278 consequents to generate 1,239,232 candidate rules. But for \(Span = 7\), it finds 5,108 antecedents, 26,009 consequents and 132,853,972 rules (100 times increase). As POERM does not use this combination approach, its runtime is not directly influenced by the consequent count, and its runtime mostly increases with the antecedent count. Thus, changes in Span have a relatively small impact on POERM for OnlineRetail and FruitHut. But Retail is a sparse dataset. For each antecedent episode, POERM needs to scan the input sequence multiple times to make sure it finds all the corresponding consequents. Thus, POERM performs less well.

Memory Consumption. Figure 5 shows the memory usage of both algorithms when Span is varied. Similarly to runtime, as Span is increased, memory usage increases because the search space grows. On OnlineRetail and FruitHut, POERM consumes from 25% to 200% less memory then POERM-ALL. But on sparse datasets like Retail, POERM needs to scan the input sequence multiple times and store antecedent episodes in memory to make sure it finds all the corresponding consequents. Thus, POERM consumes more memory then POERM-ALL on Retail.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Influence of span on Memory usage

Table 1. Example rules from FruitHut

Discovered Patterns. Using the POERM algorithm, several rules were discovered in the data. For instance, some example rules found in the FruitHut dataset are shown in Table 1. Some of these rules have a high confidence. For example, the rule \(Cucumber Lebanese, Field Tomatoes \rightarrow Banana Cavendish\) has a confidence of \(4910 / 6152 = 79.8\%\). Note that only a subset of rules in the table due to space limitation. The presented subset of rules is selected to give an overview of rules containing various items.

5 Conclusion

To find more general episode rules, this paper has proposed a novel type of rules called partially-ordered episode rules, where events in a rule are partially ordered. To efficiently find all these rules in a sequence, an efficient algorithm named POERM (Partially-Ordered Episode Rule Miner) was presented. An experimental evaluation on several benchmark dataset shows that POERM has excellent performance.

There are several possibilities for future work such as (1) extending POERM to process streaming data or run on a big data or multi-thread environment to benefit from parallelism, (2) considering more complex data such as events that are organized according to a taxonomy [3] or a stream [17], and (3) developing a sequence prediction model based on POERs. Other pattern selection functions will also be considered such as the utility [13, 18] and rarity [10].