
1 Introduction

Recently, the machine learning and big-data analysis applications are among the most important key issues in the area of computation and data handling [2]. One of the distinguished characteristics of the target data is that they are too large and/or too complex to be dealt with traditional data analysis tools. Thus, we need brand-new data handling tools for those large-scale data processing.

The neural networks and their related tools are actually one of the most suitable tools for the machine learning applications and large-scale complex data analysis, at this time. Combining the neural network tools with large-scale data processing, we can achieve remarkable results. As the result, we now have many neural network frameworks, including TensorFlow [1], Caffe [4], Keras [5], and others.

In the field of neural networks and their handling, the NNEF (Neural Network Exchange Format) [3] is one of the de facto standard file formats to exchange the trained data and the computation network itself, as shown in Fig. 1. At this time, NNEF file loaders and exporters are widely used in a variety of areas, including neural network applications, big-data handling, vision processing, and others.

Fig. 1
figure 1

The role of NNEF files

In this work, we present an approach to directly execute the described operations in the NNEF files, similar to the programming language interpreters. Our goal is to build up a framework to support the execution and the translation of the NNEF files. As the first step, we show that the computation result of NNEF files can be calculated directly from our prototype implementation of the NNEF interpreting system.

2 Design and Implementation

For the ease of NNEF file handling, the Khronos group provides some tools to generate and consume NNEF documents, on the GitHub repository [6]. Among those tools, the NNEF parser provides a standard way of parsing the standard NNEF files.

When successfully parsed, the Khronos NNEF parser generates a computational graph corresponding to the input NNEF file. An NNEF computational graph is actually represented with the following three major data structures:

  • nnef::graph—contains the computational graph itself, which consists of lists of tensors and operations;

  • nnef::tensor—contains a specific tensor, which can be an activation tensor or a variable tensor in the computational graph;

  • nnef::operation—represents a single pre-defined operation in the computational graph.

The NNEF standard specification [3] shows that the tensors may have arbitrary dimensions. Additionally, the original NNEF standard already specified more than 100 operations, and additional extensions can be applied to those operations.

Starting from those computational graphs, our system can do the required actions, such as directly executing the NNEF computation graph, or generating translated programming codes. Our overall design for this work flow is summarized in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Overall architecture of our NNEF interpreting system

As the first step of our NNEF handling system, we targeted an NNEF interpreter: a single program executing the NNEF computations in a step-by-step manner. Our NNEF interpreter takes the computational graph from the Khronos NNEF parser, as the most important input.

In the next step, it traverses all the NNEF operations (or nnef::operation nodes), through the given order in the NNEF file. For each NNEF operation, it takes all the corresponding input tensors (or nnef::tensor nodes) and does the computations. The computation results are again stored into the tensors in the computational graph. Thus, the values of tensors in the computational graph can be updated after executing the computational graph itself.

3 Results

As an example case, we selected the famous MNIST hand-writing training [8] and used the very simple Python implementation, which is available in [7].

The input of the example NNEF file is a 1D array with 784 floating-point numbers, which actually represents 28-by-28 pixel images for hand-written decimal numbers from 0 to 9. Using the trained values of the internal neural networks, from the disk files of “mnist-wih” and “mnist-who,” we can calculate the results as given in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3
figure 3

An example NNEF file

After executing the example NNEF file in Fig. 3, with selected samples as its input values, our NNEF interpreter gets the result shown in Fig. 4. Since the result is actually the same to that of the original Python program, we can consider our NNEF interpreter works well at least for the MNIST examples.

Fig. 4
figure 4

An example result from our NNEF interpreter

4 Conclusion

For the machine learning applications and also for the big-data handlings and their related works, the most intuitive computational tool may be the tools based on neural networks. To support neural network computations, NNEF is the de facto standard from the Khronos Group.

At this time, NNEF handling tools are focused on the data loading and the file format conversions. In contrast, we tried to directly execute the contents of NNEF files, after interpreting them. Our prototype implementation shows that our approach works for real examples. Other kinds of NNEF handling tools, including code generations and NNEF training tools, are also possible in the near future.