
1 Introduction

All information about network, protocols, application, and web are stored in a log file and this log file usually saves indiscriminately everything [1]. As we all aware that the network traffic is continuously increasing, which means that the size of logs files also increasing. Since all the information regarding DDoS attacks also stores in log files, investigation to find some meaningful insight regarding the attackers’ details has become extremely difficult due to the big amount of data. Furthermore, using the current conventional forensic investigation method is time-consuming, costly and sometimes impossible to succeed.

Distributed Denial-of-Services (DDoS) is a type of cyber-attacks to an organization network where multiple systems flood the resources or bandwidth of the organization’s systems. Malicious people use multiples zombie’s computers to overwhelm the network’s available resources which could be application or service with the request so that legitimate users not able to access the system [2]. This greatly affects the internet users in a computer network but mostly it’s a catastrophe for the organization in terms of business productivity and financial cost. This is an ongoing issue for government agencies, financial institutions or any organization that need to be prevented and solved with a watchful approach [3].

This paper aims to identify the most suitable techniques, tools and framework in big data analytics that help forensics investigation to successfully identify DDoS attacks. This paper will deliver suitable data mining tools that will facilitate the forensic investigation in DDoS attack using big data, good forensics investigation methods that will be more suitable for big data investigation and also a report of experiment’s result.

The research is focusing more on three things such as DDoS attacks itself (why and how it happens and also how to prevent it), big data analytics in forensic investigation and investigates DDoS attacks using big data analytics in forensics investigation. In addition, different data mining tools were evaluated and the chosen one was used in this paper. Moreover, current DDoS forensics methods were explored, and also numbers of algorithms that are used in DDoS forensics was explored as well. It is assumed that the evaluated data mining and algorithms will help to reduce cost and time spending on forensics investigation as well get an insightful pattern.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Sect. 2 provides the literature review of background knowledge regarding DDoS attacks, big data and forensics investigations. Section 3 discusses the methodology used in this paper. Section 4 presents the result of dataset evaluation using data mining tools and algorithms. Section 5 talks about the recommendation and discussion. Finally, Sect. 6 concluded the paper.

2 Literature Review

Several researches that have been focused on how difficult and challenging it is to do forensics investigation on big data. There are a number of solutions that have been proposed as well to overcome those difficulties and challenges and those solutions will be discussed more details in the later sections of the paper. In this section we elaborated on some related works that have been done prior to this paper alongside their statement and explanation. The evaluation outcome of related research attempts is arranged in 6 sections: information about digital forensics and its framework in Sect. 2.1; big data and its characteristics in Sect. 2.2; big data forensics and its challenge in Sect. 2.3; DDoS attacks and DDoS forensics in Sect. 2.4; algorithm used in related work in Sect. 2.5; and data mining tools comparison in Sect. 4.1.

2.1 Digital Forensic

Digital forensics is part of forensic science that responsible to identify an incident along with collection, examination, and analysis of evidence data. It is also responsible for investigating the cyber-crime and cyber-incidents, find the possible evidence and present it to the court for further judgment. Digital forensic has four main frameworks process [4,5,6,7]:


In this step, the investigator identifies the evidence of the crime or incidents and prosecute litigation. This step usually considered as the stage of preparation and preservation as well. The preparation includes preparing the tool, resources alongside with the necessary authorization or approval to collect data. Preservation involves securing the crime or incidents and possible evidence.


In this step, the investigator team starting to collect physical and digital evidence at the crime scene. Everything will be recorded in this stage and all the evidence is collected using standardised techniques. In this stage, while collecting the data, the investigator needs to make sure preserving the confidentiality and integrity of the data.


In this step, the investigation team efficiently collects the evidence which can lead to finding information regarding the criminal incidents. First, the investigators examine the collected data to find the potential pattern that can lead to the crime and the suspect. After that, the investigators analyse the correlation between found patterns and suspect to determine the fact.


The investigator prepares the report of the result to present it in the court to prosecute litigation. The investigators have to make sure that the result they present must be easy to understand without requiring any specific knowledge.

2.2 Big Data

Nowadays, people define big data as a dataset that is too big, too fast and too difficult for traditional tools and frameworks to process. Big data is characterised by followings [4, 5]:


It describes different data that exist. Since big data comes from multiple sources like network or process logs, web pages, social media, emails, and any other various sensors, the data can be categorised as structured, semi-structured and unstructured.


It refers to the large amount of data that can be generated and stored. For example, in this era, many organizations like Google and Woolworths deal with terabytes or petabytes of data.


Velocity refers to how big data getting bigger due to the new different systems that come every day. The velocity can be categorised as a real-time, batch, stream, etc. It is not only referring to the speed of incoming data but also about the speed of data flow inside the system.


Veracity refers to the integrity and confidentiality of the data. It also involves data governance, quality of data and metadata management alongside the legal concerns.


It refers to how big data can be turned to something that valuable for economy and investigation. Bid data can reveal all the important pattern that is searched for which is previously unknown and those can lead to something that valuable.

2.3 Big Data Forensic and Its Challenge

Big data forensics is defined as a branch of digital forensics that deals with evidence identification, collection, organization, and presentation to establish the fact using a very large-scale of dataset. Big data forensics can be looked at from two perspectives: first, a shred of small evidence can be found in the big dataset and second, by analysing big data, a crucial piece of information can be revealed [4,5,6,7].

To enable high-velocity capture, discovery, and/or analysis and to efficiently extract patterns and value from large volume and a wide variety of data, big data requires a new design generation of technology and architectures. Unfortunately, digital forensics’ traditional tools and technologies are incapable of handling big data. Following are the challenges that encounter is each step of digital forensics investigation when dealing with big data [4,5,6,7]:

  • Identification: When the amount of possible evidence is very large, it can be difficult to identify the important pieces of evidence to determine the fact.

  • Collection: If there is an error that occurs during the collection stage, it will affect the whole investigation process. Because the Collection is considered as the most crucial steps.

  • Organization: Since the existing analysis techniques do not comply with the characteristic of the big data, it can be challenging to organize big data set and identify the facts about the incidents.

  • Presentation: It will be hard for the jury to understand the technicalities behind filtering, analysing big data and identifying value. Because it is not as easy as traditional computer forensics.

2.4 DDoS Attacks and DDoS Forensic Methods

The following details are taken previous related works that were conducted by [8,9,10]. The authors explained about DDoS attacks and DDoS forensic very precise and understandable. Table 1 summarizes the DDoS attack architectures from previous related works, Table 2 summarizes launching steps. There is not a lot that can be done apart from disconnecting the victim system from the network and fix it manually when DDoS attacks occur. However, the defence mechanism can be used to detect the DDoS as soon as possible and prevent it immediately, showed in Table 3. Table 4 summarizes DDoS Detection strategies and Fig. 1 showed the classification of DDoS defense mechanism. Also, Table 5 summarizes different algorithms used in the works reviewed earlier.

Table 1 Summary of DDoS attack architectures from previous related work
Table 2 Summary of DDoS attack launching steps from previous related work
Table 3 Summary of DDoS defence architectures from previous related work
Table 4 Summary of DDoS detection strategies from previous related work
Fig. 1
figure 1

Classification of DDoS defense mechanism

Table 5 Different types of algorithm using in previous related work

2.5 Algorithm Used in Related Work

See Table 5.

3 Methodology

To measure the accuracy and compare the efficiency of different learning models in detecting the DDoS attack, this paper utilised simulation. The simulation has been used in the past researcher that related to the same topic as this paper. What the past researches did are calculating the percentage of true negative, true positive, false negative and false positive. The dataset was divided into two parts throughout the simulation such as training as testing. Using this approach will help to simplify the complexity of DDoS attacks. Instead of capturing the real net flow data of DDoS attack, simulation aids in simplifying the data gathering process. Off course that this approach comes with its drawback which is it may over-simplify the real situation of DDoS attack. Because the dataset that was used in this paper have been pre-processed before training and testing whereas in actual situation it is not. In addition, the constant changing actual threats environment may not reflect in the captured dataset.

The dataset that is used in this paper is taken from the University of New Brunswick (Canadian Institute for Cybersecurity)’s website. The dataset is divided into 7 different groups according to a different type of DDoS attack respectively as follows: Portman, UDPLags, LDAP, NetBIOS, UDP, MSSQL and Syn. The variables that is used to determine the DDoS attacks are time stamp, source and destination IP address. Since the datasets have been pre-processed and labeled, the data is ready to be evaluated using data learning algorithm and data mining tools.

RapidMiner is used in this study and it has been used extensively in data science. It is best in the area of future predictive analytics because it predicts future development based on collected data. The program can import Excel tables, SPSS files and data sets from many databases. In addition, it can be used for data mining, text mining, opinion mining and sentiment mining.

Power BI was used to confirm or visualize whether the dataset contains DDoS attack packet. The dataset was grouped by timestamp and then count the number of packets per timestamp. The DDoS attacks can be verified as shown on the spikes or the sudden increase in the number of packets (see Sect. 4 Part II). Power BI was chosen because it is more intuitive than the RapidMiner built-in visualization tools.

4 Results

The results are arranged in 3 sections, different data mining tools are compared in Sect. 4.1; finding the characteristics of DDoS attacks using Power BI in Sect. 4.2; and the result of dataset evaluation to find the accuracy, precision and recall of the algorithms in Sect. 4.3.

4.1 Software Comparison

Before deciding which data mining tools to be used for the evaluation, different data mining tools have been examined and explored such as RapidMiner, WEKA, Orange, KNIME and SAS. The characteristics and support of the data mining tools are summarised in Fig. 2. All these data mining tools have libraries that can be extended and used in the programming language.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Data mining tools evaluation

After evaluating the performance of different data mining tools, RapidMiner was chosen for Analysis. RapidMiner can design modular operator concept even for very complex problems. To describe the operator modelling knowledge discovery (KD) processes, RapidMiner uses XML. It can also take input and output for and from any different form of dataset. RapidMiner has more than 100 learning schemes for clustering task, classification and regression.

4.2 Timestamp Visualization of Dataset Using Power BI

The graphs below shows the number of requests per protocol for each second. Using Power BI, the visualization is achieved by creating timestamp bins one second in duration. Then a measure is calculated as the count of records based on the column named “Flow ID”. For each graph, the total of BENIGN (not harmful or safe) packets are shown to visualize what normal series of packet looks like before or after DDoS attacks. For the dataset used, this attack occurred in 3rd November 2018.

Figure 3 shows the flow of Portmap packets suddenly increases at around 10:01 am reaching 8.2 thousand request per second.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Portmap DDoS attacks and timestamp

Figure 4 shows the flow of UDPLags packets suddenly increase at around 11:29–11:31 am reaching 13.5 thousand request per second. There is also an increase in UDPLags although the increase on other protocol is more significant. Overall, algorithm is able to identify BENIGN from malicious packets with high accuracy, precision and recall.

Fig. 4
figure 4

UDPLags DDoS attacks timestamp

Figure 5 shows the flow of LDAP packets suddenly increase at around 10:21–10:27 am reaching 19.7 thousand request per second.

Fig. 5
figure 5

LDAP DDoS attacks and timestamp

Additionally, Fig. 6 shows the flow of NetBIOS packets suddenly increase at around 10:02–10:09 am reaching 8.1 thousand requests per second.

Fig. 6
figure 6

NetBIOS DDoS attacks and timestamp

Figure 7 shows the flow of UDP packets suddenly increase at around 10:53–11:01 am reaching between 9.3 and 11.7 thousand requests per second.

Fig. 7
figure 7

UDP DDoS attacks and timestamp

Figure 8 shows the flow of SYN packets suddenly increase at around 11:35–11:37 am reaching 13.6 to 27.2 thousand request per second.

Fig. 8
figure 8

SYN DDoS attacks and timestamp

Figure 9 demonstrates the flow of MSSQL packets suddenly increase at around 10:34–10:42 am reaching between 11.9 and 12.5 thousand requests per second.

Fig. 9
figure 9

MSSQL DDoS attacks and timestamp

4.3 Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms

Distributed Random Forest.

Random Forests are based on “classification trees” which trains a ‘forest’ of decision trees and performs binomial classification predictions by introducing a training input to the individual trained trees in the ‘forest’ and promoting the dominant classification for each tree as the prediction result. In the distributed implementation of Random Forests, each cluster node is reassigned an identical division of the whole training dataset. Each computing cluster then trains an individual Random Forest cluster and majority classification for each cluster is identified as the prediction result [12].

Decision Tree.

Decision trees categorize the training data by sorting them from the root of the tree down to some leaf node, with the leaf node as the prediction result. Each leaf node in the tree serves as a test case for the highlighted attribute, and each path to the root is the possible answer to the test case. This algorithm is naturally recursive and is iterated for every subtree starting at the branch node. Decision trees use a variety algorithm to strategically decide where and how many splits to make. Each split increases the homogeneity of consequent splits. The integrity of the node increases depending on the target variable. The decision tree splits the nodes on all available variables and then selects the split which results in most consistent splits [13].

Gradient Boosting Machines.

Gradient Boosting trains many models in a steady increasing pattern. Gradient boosting performs by using gradients in the loss function y = ax + b + e where e is the error variable. The loss function is a measure indicating how good the model’s coefficients are at fitting the underlying data. A logical understanding of loss function would depend on what we are trying to optimise. One of the biggest motivations of using gradient boosting is that it allows one to optimise a user- specified cost function, instead of a loss function [14].

Naive Bayes.

Naive Bayes (or Idiot Bayes) is a classification algorithm for binomial and polynomial classification problems. The calculation of the probabilities for each hypothesis is simplified to make their calculation tractable. Rather than attempting to calculate the values of each attribute value P (d1, d2, d3|h), they are assumed to be conditionally independent given the target value and calculated as P(d1|h) * P(d2|H). The approach executes well on data where the assumption that the attributes do not interact is disregarded [13].

The precision is reliable but still depends on the split between training data and testing data. For instance, for MSSQL requires 50/50 split in order to get result for Decision Tree and Naïve Bayes and NetBIOS requires 90/10 split to get result for Gradient Boosting Machine and Naïve Bayes. The split is needed to change because for above dataset, there is not enough information to accurately train the model. For the rest of the dataset, only requires 30% training and 70% testing to get an accurate and precise result.

Since recall is close to 100%, as shown in Table 6, most of the true positive was found therefore proving that the training covers almost all the dataset. Since the accuracy is also almost close to 100% for the average, it simply means that the models predict most of the data correctly. In most test except for the two (Naïve Bayes’ precision for NetBIOS and SYN dataset), precision close to 100% means how useful the generated model is. Generally, the algorithms that are used in this simulation paper can be used to examine DDoS attacks.

Table 6 Algorithmic performance

5 Discussion and Recommendation

After evaluating the different machine learning algorithms, for those algorithms that resulted in high precision, accuracy and recall, it can be recommended to use the algorithm model for DDoS forensics investigations. For lower values, further modelling is required to generate a model that is accurate and precise enough for it to be used in DDoS forensics investigation. It is also recommended for further research to use different dataset and up to date tools to confirm the findings of this research.

After evaluating previous research papers and related work, it can be said the traditional forensic framework is not suitable for big data investigation or DDoS forensics. Khattak et al. [1] and Zawoad and Hasab [4] proposed to use Hadoop’s MapReduce for the forensic investigation of DDoS attacks. This method will help to find out whether the system is under attack, who attacks the system and which incoming traffic is part of the attack. Hadoop provides MapReduce to use for parallel processing of distributed data. Adedayo [5] reassessed the digital forensic examination stages and proposed additional techniques and algorithms that help to handle big data issues in the investigation Fig. 10. The author continues stating that the proposed solution is not intended to stand alone rather than to support the existing framework and to solve the challenge facing by existing methods.

Fig. 10
figure 10

Proposed digital forensics framework

Another study conducted [2] talks about the DDoS attacks and the impacts. The authors proposed a new approach based on network traffic to analyse and detect DDoS attacks using Gaussian Naïve Bayes method. Hoon et al. [15] stated supervised learning algorithms such as Deep Learning, Gradient Boosting, Distributed Random Forest and Naïve Bayes performed better than unsupervised learning algorithms such as farthest first, canopy, make a density-based cluster and filtered cluster. To tackle the big data challenge, Guarino [7] suggested using decision trees and random forest to find anomalous behaviour or anomalous transaction and neural network to recognise application normal behaviours (it is suitable for network forensics to recognise complex patter). Beebe and Clark [11] said implementing data mining tools and research to the forensic investigation will help to reduce processing time associated with data analysis, reduce cost and improve the quality of information.

6 Conclusions

This paper proposes a more practical solution and framework to facilitate DDoS forensics investigation as illustrated in Fig. 10. This paper also carried out simulation using RapidMiner and compare different accuracy, precision and recall of the algorithms in detecting DDoS attacks. This paper evaluates 4 different machines learning algorithm and compares its usefulness and effectiveness. This research initiative used RapidMiner, unlike the previous studies which is majority used WEKA because RapidMiner accept any data format and it prepares the data prior to analysis and optimizes it for faster subsequent.