Correction to: Chapter 5 in: V. Acocella, Volcano-Tectonic Processes, Advances in Volcanology,

In the original version of the book, the following belated correction have been incorporated in the chapter “Calderas”: Fig. 5.13 has been replaced with the correct figure.

Fig. 5.13
figure 13

Conditions for resurgence. a A thinner layer of viscous residual magma (high viscosity contrasts with the new magma) promotes dike propagation and eruption, without resurgence. b A thicker layer of medium viscosity residual magma (with relatively low viscosity contrast with the new magma) hinders dike propagation, promoting stagnation and resurgence; peripheral eruptions may occur. c Same as (b), but shifted at shallower levels: dikes (orange) may arrest within the altered intracaldera tuff, developing one or more sills (orange) constituting a rheological barrier for successive dikes (red), stagnating in laccoliths and promoting resurgence. Mechanism (c) may be alternative to, or combined with, (b) (modified after Galetto et al. 2017)