1 Introduction

The well-studied model in distributed computing by a team of autonomous mobile robots is the classic oblivious robots (COR) model [8] where the robots in the team are points (do not occupy any space), autonomous (no external control), anonymous (no unique identifiers), indistinguishable (no external identifiers), disoriented (no agreement on coordinate systems and units of distance measures), oblivious (no memory of past computation), and silent (no direct communication and actions are coordinated via only vision and mobility). The robots operate on a plane and execute the same algorithm. The robots perform their computation in Look-Compute-Move (LCM) cycles: an active robot first gets a snapshot of its surroundings (Look), computes a destination point based on the snapshot (Compute), and finally moves to the destination point (Move).

In this paper, we assume that robots operate on a grid G. We assume that nodes and edges of G are unlabeled, i.e., robots cannot differentiate one node (edge) from another. The robots reside at nodes of G and they can move from one node to another following the edges of G. The non-neighbor nodes in G are visited following the intermediate nodes of G. We assume that, if a robot at a node computes a destination point (to move) in one LCM cycle, then that destination point is the neighboring node of the node where that robot is currently positioned.

Table 1. Results for Uniform Scattering on a grid.

We study the fundamental Uniform Scattering problem on an anonymous (square) grid G of \(N=(n+1)\times (n+1)\) nodes for a set of \(K = (k+1) \times (k+1)\) robots, which is defined as follows: Given any initial configuration of K robots positioned on distinct nodes of G, the robots reposition to reach a configuration in which each robot is on a distinct node of G and they uniformly cover G (see Fig. 1).

Fig. 1.
figure 1

(a) Initial configuration; (b) Uniform Scattering.

This problem has practical applications when a team of randomly deployed robots in a region have to cover the region uniformly to maximize the coverage for different purposes, such as intruder detection. An essential requirement is clearly that the robots will reach a state of static equilibrium and that scattering is completed as fast as possible. It is assumed that \(n=k\cdot d\), \(d\ge 2\), \(k\ge 2\) to guarantee a final Uniform Scattering configuration.

Barriere et al. [2] studied Uniform Scattering for the first time in the COR model, providing a deterministic algorithm in the asynchronous setting given that the robots have the following capabilities:

  • common orientation – each robot has consistent notion of North-South and West-East, e.g., as provided by a compass,

  • knowledge of parameters n and k,

  • a visibility range of \(2\cdot \lfloor n/k \rfloor \) (i.e., a robot can see robots within distance \(2\cdot \lfloor n/k \rfloor \)),

  • O(1)-bits of memory in each robot to store the different states of the system.

Barriere et al. [2] did not formally analyze the runtime; however, it is easy to show that their algorithm has runtime \(O(n^2/d)\) (or O(nk)). Recently, Poudel and Sharma [18] proposed a \(\varTheta (n)\)-time algorithm in the fully synchronous setting for Uniform Scattering in the robots with lights (RWL) model [4], where robots have an externally visible light that can assume a distinct color at a time from a given constant sized set. In this paper, our goal is to design a faster algorithm in the asynchronous setting for Uniform Scattering in the COR model (see Table 1 for the comparison).

Contributions. We consider the robots and problem setting on a grid as in Barriere et al. [2], except the visibility range \(2\cdot \max \{\lfloor n/k\rfloor ,k\}\). Unobstructed visibility is considered where a robot sees all other robots within its visibility range. Asynchronous setting is considered where the robots perform their LCM cycles at arbitrary times. Two robots cannot move to the same node in G. This would constitute a collision. We prove:

Theorem 1

For any initial configuration of \(K=(k+1)\times (k+1)\) robots positioned on distinct nodes of an anonymous square grid G of \(N=(n+1)\times (n+1)\) nodes with each robot having the visibility range \(2\cdot \max \{n/k,k\}\), Uniform Scattering can be solved in \(\varTheta (n)\) time in the asynchronous setting avoiding collisions, when robots have common orientation, knowledge of n and k, and O(1) bits of internal memory.

Theorem 1 improves significantly on the O(nk) (or \(O(n^2/d)\)) runtime of Barriere et al. [2] for the COR model under the same capabilities, except that our algorithm has visibility range \(2\cdot \max \{n/k,k\}\) whereas Barriere et al. [2] has \(2\cdot n/k\). Interestingly when \(k\le \sqrt{n}\), our visibility range matches with the visibility range of Barriere et al.

Techniques. The time lower bound can be established by showing the minimum number of times some robot has to move to reach a Uniform Scattering configuration. The time lower bound established in Poudel and Sharma [18] immediately proves this lower bound. For the time upper bound, we provide a deterministic algorithm that works in three phases, Phase 1 to Phase 3, executed sequentially.

  • Phase 1 (Gather): In this phase, all K robots are repositioned on the distinct nodes in the top-right part of G forming a square sub-grid \(G'\) (which we call the gathering configuration \(C_{gather}\); formal definition in Sect. 2). Essentially what happens in \(C_{gather}\) is that robots occupy the \((k+1)\times (k+1)\) sub-grid \(G'\), one robot on each node of \(G'\). \(C_{gather}\) is obtained through two kinds of moves: (i) Northeast moves and (ii) Balancing moves. A robot performs Northeast moves to reach \(G'\). The robot moves either vertically North or horizontally East during Northeast moves. After reaching \(G'\), the robot switches to Balancing moves. In the Balancing moves, based on the configuration of other robots, the robot may move North, East, South or West inside \(G'\), facilitating new incoming robots to be accommodated inside \(G'\) fast. We show that this process results \(C_{gather}\) in O(n) time.

  • Phase 2 (Pre-scatter): The robots in \(C_{gather}\) move horizontally West to occupy \((k+1)\) columns of G with distance between two subsequent columns exactly \(d=n/k\). In each such column, the \(k+1\) robots occupy \(k+1\) consecutive positions from the top boundary line of G, which we call the pre-scatter configuration \(C_{pre-scatter}\). In this phase, when a robot sees at least one robot on the same horizontal line in the East at distance less than d and the neighboring node in the West is empty, it moves to the West. We show that this phase finishes in O(n) time.

  • Phase 3 (Scatter): The \(k+1\) robots in each of the \(k+1\) columns move vertically South maintaining a fixed distance \(d=n/k\) between consecutive robots. There are \(k+1\) final positions on each line, and hence a Uniform Scattering configuration is achieved when robots move to the final positions on those lines. The algorithm then terminates. We will show that this phase also finishes in O(n) time.

Therefore, the overall runtime of the algorithm becomes O(n), which is asymptotically optimal given the time lower bound of \(\varOmega (n)\). Executing Phases 1–3 becomes relatively straightforward in the fully synchronous setting. The challenge is on how to execute Phases 1–3 correctly in the asynchronous setting. For simplicity in understanding, we present the synchronous case first and extend it later to the asynchronous case.

Related Work. Uniform Scattering is the subject of extensive research in several fields. The research literature is vast and we only discuss in brief the aspects related to our work. In cooperative mobile swarm robotics, this question has been studied in terms of scattering, coverage, and a special case of formation [1, 3, 5, 9, 10, 13, 15, 22]. Uniform Scattering has also been studied in terms of self-deployment in mobile sensor networks and in networks of robotic sensors [11, 12, 16, 17, 19, 21].

The existing works differ on whether robots (sensors) operate on plane or on graphs. They also differ on various parameters, e.g., (i) synchronization settings (fully synchronous, semi-synchronous, or asynchronous), (ii) the robots are oblivious or have persistent memory, (iii) unlimited or limited visibility range, (iv) exact or approximate covering, (v) termination guarantees, (vi) knowledge of the number of robots in the system, (vii) obstructed/unobstructed visibility, (viii) knowledge of the global coordinate system/common orientation/chirality/one-axis agreement, etc.

Our work is on graphs, particularly grids. The grid setting was heavily used in self-deployment and covering problems. We build upon the only previous work of Barriere et al. [2] in the COR model. Furthermore, scattering is considered in [14] in the Euclidean plane under limited visibility and non-trivial time bounds (lower and upper) were reported. Scattering on a ring is considered in [6, 7, 20].

Paper Organization. We discuss model and some preliminaries in Sect. 2. The algorithm in the fully synchronous setting is presented in Sect. 3 and the extension to the asynchronous setting is provided in Sect. 4. Finally, we conclude in Sect. 5. Some proofs and pseudocodes are omitted due to space constraints.

2 Model and Preliminaries

Graph. Let \(G=(V,E)\) be a grid of \(N=(n+1)\times (n+1)\) nodes, where \(V=\{v_{1}, v_{2},\ldots \}\) denotes the node sets and \(E\subseteq V\times V\) denotes the edge sets. Each node \(v_{i}\) represents a point location and each edge \((v_i,v_j),i\ne j,\) represents a line connecting any two nodes \(v_{i}\) and \(v_{j}\) of V. We assume that the grid is anonymous, i.e., nodes and edges of G are unlabeled. We assume that each edge of G is of unit distance length.

Robots. Let \({\mathcal {R}}=\{r_{1}, r_{2},\ldots ,r_{K}\}\) be a set of \(K=(k+1)\times (k+1)\) robots residing on the nodes of grid G. No robot can reside on the edges of G at any time (except in motion). Moreover, no two robots can occupy the same node of G. In the initial configuration, we assume that robots in \({\mathcal {R}}\) are at distinct nodes of G and maintain this property throughout the execution of the algorithm. In the algorithm description, we denote by \(r_{i}\) the robot \(r_{i}\) and \(v_{i}\) the node on which \(r_{i}\) resides. The robots have the visibility range \(2\cdot \max \{n/k,k\}\). We assume unobstructed visibility, i.e., a robot sees all other robots within distance \(2\cdot \max \{n/k,k\}\) (even if the robots are collinear). Following Barriere et al. [2], we assume that robots can detect the boundary lines of G when they are \(\le 2\cdot \max \{n/k,k\}\) distance away from the boundary of G.

Common Orientation. The common orientation means that each robot has a consistent notion of “North-South” and “West-East”, e.g., as provided by a compass [2]. For the common orientation, no access to any global localization system is required, i.e., the robots do not need to know their own position on the grid G. We assume that the edges of G are consistently labeled North (top), South (bottom), West (left), and East (right), and edge labels are visible to robots.

Look-Compute-Move. At any time, a robot \(r_i\in {\mathcal {R}}\) could be active or inactive. When a robot \(r_i\) becomes active, it performs the “Look-Compute-Move” cycle as follows.

  • Look: For each robot \(r_j\) that is visible to it, \(r_i\) can observe the position of \(r_j\) on G. Robot \(r_i\) can also know its own position.

  • Compute: In any LCM cycle, \(r_i\) may perform an arbitrary computation using only the positions observed during the “look” portion of that cycle. This includes determination of a (possibly) new position (which is a node of G) and internal memory storage for \(r_i\) for the start of the next cycle. Robot \(r_i\) maintains this new memory information from that cycle to the next.

  • Move: At the end of the LCM cycle, \(r_i\) changes its memory to the new information and moves to its new position.

Robot Activation and Time. In the fully synchronous setting (\({\mathcal {F}SYNC}\)), every robot is active in every LCM cycle. In the semi-synchronous setting (\({\mathcal {S}SYNC}\)), at least one robot is active, and over an infinite number of LCM cycles, every robot is active infinitely often. In the asynchronous setting (\({\mathcal {A}SYNC}\)), there is no common notion of time and no assumption is made on the number and frequency of LCM cycles in which a robot can be active; nevertheless, each robot is active infinitely often. For the \({\mathcal {F}SYNC}\), time is measured in rounds. For the \({\mathcal {S}SYNC}\) and \({\mathcal {A}SYNC}\), time is measured in epoch. An epoch is the smallest interval of time within which each robot is guaranteed to be active at least once.

Configuration. A configuration \(C_t=\{(r^t_1,mem^t_1),\ldots ,(r^t_{K},mem^t_{K})\}\) defines the positions of the robots in \({\mathcal {R}}\) on the nodes of G and their internal memory for any time \(t\ge 0\). A configuration for a robot \(r_i\in {\mathcal {R}}\), \(C_t(r_i)\), defines the positions of the robots in \({\mathcal {R}}\) that are visible to \(r_i\) (including \(r_i\)) and their memory, i.e., \(C_t(r_i)\subseteq C_t\), at time t. Since each robot has visibility range \(2\cdot \max \{n/k,k\}\), \(C_t(r_i)\) has the robots that are within distance \(2\cdot \max \{n/k,k\}\) from \(r_i\). For simplicity and clarity, we sometime write \(C,C(r_i)\) to denote \(C_t,C_t(r_i)\), respectively. The configuration \(C_t\) at \(t=0\) is called the initial configuration \(C_{init}\), in which K robots are on K distinct nodes of G.

Uniform Scattering. Given an anonymous grid \(G=(V,E)\) of \(N=(n+1)\times (n+1)\) nodes and a team of \(K=(k+1)\times (k+1)\) robots with \(n=k\cdot d, k\ge 2, d\ge 2\) , positioned initially arbitrarily on the distinct nodes of G , reposition the robots autonomously to reach an equilibrium such that the nodes \((i\cdot d, j\cdot d)\) of G with \(i,j\in [0,k]\) hosting exactly one robot each. We say nodes \((i\cdot d, j\cdot d)\) with \(i,j\in [0,k]\) the final positions. We say a node (xy) of G occupied (or non-empty), if there is a robot positioned on it.

Fig. 2.
figure 2


Gathering Configuration. Let \({\mathcal {R}}\) be a set of K robots positioned on the distinct nodes of G. Let \(L_N,L_S,L_W,L_E\) be the North, South, East and West boundary lines of G, respectively. Let \(L_W'\) and \(L_S'\) be the vertical and horizontal lines parallel to \(L_E\) and \(L_N\) and passing through k hops West and South of \(L_E\) and \(L_N\), respectively. Let \(G'\) be the sub-grid of G enclosed by lines \(L_E,L_N,L_W',\) and \(L_S'\) (including the nodes of G on \(L_E,L_N,L_W',L_S'\)) in G. We say that a robot \(r_i\in {\mathcal {R}}\) is in a gathering configuration \(C_{gather}\) if \(r_i\) lies on \(G'\) and \(r_i\) sees all the nodes in \(G'\) are occupied (Fig. 2). We say that the robots in the set \({\mathcal {R}}\) are in \(C_{gather}\), if each robot in \({\mathcal {R}}\) is in \(C_{gather}\). Therefore, in \(C_{gather}\), the \((k+1) \times (k+1)\) sub-grid on the topright part of G is occupied with robots. Moreover, we define two regions w.r.t. \(G'\). The grid area of G in the West of \(G'\) between \(L_N\) and \(L_S'\) is denoted as west-region of \(G'\). The grid area of G in the South of \(G'\) between \(L_E\) and \(L_W'\) is denoted as south-region of \(G'\).

3 Uniform Scattering Algorithm in \({\mathcal {F}SYNC}\)

We now describe our collision-free, time-optimal O(n)-round Uniform Scattering algorithm in the \({\mathcal {F}SYNC}\) setting. The pseudocode is given in Algorithm 1. The robots have the common orientation, knowledge of parameters n and k, visibility range of \(2\cdot \max \{\lfloor n/k\rfloor ,k\}\), and O(1)-bits of memory internal to each robot. We describe the algorithm with respect to a single robot \(r_i\in {\mathcal {R}}\). Figure 3 depicts what intuitively Phases 1–3 do to solve Uniform Scattering starting from any arbitrary \(C_{init}\).

Phase 1 (Gather). The purpose of Phase 1 is to reach a gathering configuration \(C_{gather}\) starting from \(C_{init}\) (Fig. 3(a)–(b)). The pseudocode is given in Algorithm 2. Phase 1 has two sub-phases, Phase 1.1 (Northeast moves) and Phase 1.2 (Balancing moves), which execute sequentially one after another. In Phase 1.1, robots move towards the North-East of G until they reach \(G'\). After a robot reaches \(G'\), it switches to Phase 1.2 doing balancing moves to reposition itself inside \(G'\). We guarantee that after a robot enters \(G'\), it never moves out of \(G'\) during Phase 1. By the end of Phase 1, all K robots are positioned on the distinct nodes of \(G'\) achieving \(C_{gather}\). We will prove that Phases 1.1 and 1.2 each run for O(n) rounds. We describe Phase 1.1 and 1.2 in detail below.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

(a) Initial configuration \(C_{init}\); (b) Gathering configuration \(C_{gather}\) (Phase 1); (c) Pre-scatter Configuration (Phase 2); (d) Uniform Scattering Configuration (Phase 3).

figure a
figure b

Phase 1.1 (Northeast Moves). Let \((x_i, y_i)\) be the current position of robot \(r_i\) in G. In Phase 1.1, \(r_i\) does the following in each LCM cycle.

  • Move to \((x_i, y_i+1)\), if that position (i.e., grid node) is empty and either:

    1. i.

      \((x_i,y_i+1)\) does not lie on \(G'\), or

    2. ii.

      \((x_i,y_i+1)\) lies on \(G'\), \((x_i+1,y_i+1)\) is empty and \(r_i\) sees no robot in the west-region of \(G'\). (Note: This condition prevents possible collision of \(r_i\) with another robot \(r_j\) inside \(G'\) due to the balancing move of \(r_j\).)

  • Otherwise, move to \((x_i+1, y_i)\), if \((x_i+1, y_i)\) is empty, and either:

    1. i.

      \((x_i+1,y_i)\) lies on \(G'\) and there is no robot on \((x_i+1,y_i+1)\), or

    2. ii.

      \((x_i+1,y_i)\) does not lie on \(G'\) and there is no robot on \((x_i+1, y_i-1)\).

  • Switch to Phase 1.2, if it lies on \(G'\) and \(G'\) is not fully occupied.

  • Switch to Phase 2, if \(G'\) is fully occupied.

figure c
figure d

Phase 1.2 (Balancing Moves). The pseudocode for Phase 1.2 is in Algorithm 3. When a robot \(r_i\) reaches \(G'\), it performs balancing moves as follows. (Note that the robot \(r_i\) never moves outside of \(G'\) during Phase 1.2.).

Case 1 – \(r_i\) sees no robot in the south-region of \(G'\) OR \(r_i\) sees at least a robot at distance \(\le (2k-2)\) in the west-region of \(G'\): \(r_i\) moves either South or East. \(r_i\) first checks for possible move towards South, and then towards East. Let \((x_i,y_i)\) be the current position of \(r_i\) in G and \(H(r_i), V(r_i)\) be the horizontal and vertical lines passing through \(r_i\), respectively. Let \(r_{south}\) be the southmost robot seen by \(r_i\) in the west-region of \(G'\) and \(L_{ref}\) be the horizontal reference line passing through \(r_{south}\). Let \(L'_W\) be the westmost vertical line of \(G'\). Let \(d_{ref}\) be the distance between \(L_N\) and \(L_{ref}\), dx be the distance from \(r_i\) to \(L'_W\) and dy be the distance from \(r_i\) to \(L_{ref}\). Then, \(r_i\) moves South to \((x_i,y_i-1)\), if the following conditions are satisfied: (i) \((x_i, y_i-1)\) is empty, (ii) \(dx\ge dy\), and (iii) \(r_i\) sees less than \((k - d_{ref})\) robots on \(V(r_i)\) in the South of \(r_i\).

Else if \((x_i+1,y_i)\) and \((x_i+1,y_i+1)\) are empty, then \(r_i\) moves East to \((x_i+1,y_i)\).

Case 2 – \(r_i\) sees no robot in the west-region of \(G'\) but sees at least a robot at distance \(\le (2k-2)\) in the south-region of \(G'\): \(r_i\) moves either West or North. \(r_i\) first checks for possible move towards West, and then towards North. Let \(r_{west}\) be the westmost robot seen by \(r_i\) in the south-region of \(G'\) and \(L'_{ref}\) be the vertical line passing through \(r_{west}\). Let \(L'_S\) be the southmost horizontal line of \(G'\). Let \(d'_{ref}\) be the distance between \(L_E\) and \(L'_{ref}\). Let \(dx'\) and \(dy'\) be the distances from \(r_i\) to \(L'_{ref}\) and \(L'_S\), respectively. Then, \(r_i\) moves one unit West, if the following conditions are satisfied: (i) \((x_i-1,y_i)\) is empty, (ii) \(dy'\ge dx'\), and (iii) \(r_i\) sees less than (\(k - d'_{ref}\)) robots on \(H(r_i)\) in the West of \(r_i\).

Else if \((x_i,y_i+1)\) and \((x_i+1,y_i+1)\) are empty, \(r_i\) moves North to \((x_i,y_i+1)\).

Recall that a robot reaches Phase 1.2 after Phase 1.1; however, two different sets of robots execute Phase 1.1 and Phase 1.2 in parallel. While the robots inside \(G'\) are performing Balancing moves, the robots outside \(G'\) are performing Northeast moves. Phase 1.2 starts after at least a robot reaches \(G'\). Phase 1.1 ends when all the robots reach Phase 1.2. When all the robots reach Phase 1.2, gathering configuration \(C_{gather}\) is achieved and Phase 1.2 also ends. That means, Phase 1.1 and 1.2 both end together.

figure e

Lemma 1

Phase 1.2 starts in at most O(n) rounds after Phase 1.1.


If a robot \(r_j\) lies inside \(G'\) in the initial configuration \(C_{init}\), then \(r_j\) directly reaches Phase 1.2. In this case, both Phase 1.1 and Phase 1.2 start at the same time. Let us analyze the case where no robot lies inside \(G'\) in \(C_{init}\). Let r be the topmost and rightmost robot in the initial configuration \(C_{init}\) of K robots in G. Let Phase 1.1 starts and r executes Algorithm 2. Since, r is the topmost and rightmost robot in G, it moves North until it reaches either \(G'\), or north boundary line \(L_N\) of G. If r reaches \(G'\), it has taken less than n rounds and Phase 1.2 starts. Otherwise, r takes at most n rounds to reach \(L_N\), and it moves East on \(L_N\) until it reaches \(G'\) in less than next n rounds. Since, r is the topmost and rightmost robot, there is no other robot that blocks the movement of r. Hence, in less than 2n rounds, r reaches \(G'\) and Phase 1.2 starts.    \(\square \)

Lemma 2

Phase 1.1 is collision-free.

Lemma 3

Phase 1.2 is collision-, deadlock-, and livelock-free.

Lemma 4

Phase 1 finishes in O(n) rounds.


We have two sub-phases of Phase 1 (Phase 1.1 and Phase 1.2). Phase 1.2 starts after at least a robot reaches \(G'\). Thus, the total runtime of Phase 1 can be divided into two parts: (i) time elapsed in Phase 1.1 and (ii) runtime of Phase 1.2. From Lemma 1, the time elapsed in Phase 1.1 before the start of Phase 1.2 is O(n) rounds.

Now, let us analyze the runtime of Phase 1.2 with three different cases.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Illustration of movement of robots during Phase 1; (a) if all robots reach west-region of \(G'\) in Phase 1.1, they move South/East inside \(G'\) in Phase 1.2; (b) if all robots reach south-region of \(G'\) in Phase 1.1, they move North/West inside \(G'\) in Phase 1.2; (c) if robots reach in both west-region and south-region of \(G'\) in Phase 1.1, they may perform all four types of moves (East, West, North or South) inside \(G'\) in Phase 1.2.

Case I: All robots reach the west-region of \(G'\) during Phase 1.1 (Fig. 4(a)). Let \(R_i = \{r^0_i, r^1_i, \dots , r^{p-1}_i\}, i = 1,2, \dots , n-k,\) be the set of \(p\le k+1\) robots on each column at i distance west of \(L'_W\) where \(r^0_i\) represents the robot at the northmost horizontal line, \(r^1_i\) represents the robot on the next horizontal line below it and so on. Note that each horizontal line contains \(\le n-k\) robots and each column in the West of \(L'_W\) contains \(\le p\) robots on it. When robots in set \(R_1\) move East, they reach \(G'\) (i.e. \(L'_W\)) and Phase 1.2 starts. In round 1 of Phase 1.2, the robots on \(L'_W\) (initially in set \(R_1\)) of \(G'\) execute Algorithm 3 to perform balancing moves. If \(p=k+1\), all the robots on \(L'_W\) move East. This process repeats for all other sets of robots and it is easy to see that all the robots reach \(G'\) in \(2(k+1)\) rounds. Let us analyze the scenario of \(p<k+1\). In this case, the southmost robot (\(r^{p-1}_1\)) on \(L'_W\) moves South and the remaining ones move East leaving behind the top p positions on \(L'_W\) empty. During this round, the next set of robots (\(R_2\)) move East and occupy the previous positions of \(R_1\) in the West of \(L'_W\). In round 2 of Phase 1.2, the robots in \(R_2\) reach \(L'_W\), the robots which are already in \(G'\) (i.e. \(R_1\)), move further East or South (the southmost, \(r^{p-2}_1\), moves South and others move East). This provides empty nodes for the robots currently on \(L'_W\) (i.e. \(R_2\)) to move East or South in the next round. Also, in round 2, the robots in set \(R_3\) reach to the initial positions of \(R_2\). In round 3, robots in \(R_4\) reach to the initial positions of \(R_3\), robots in \(R_3\) reach to the initial positions of \(R_1\) and the robots in \(R_2\) (currently on \(L'_W\)) move East or South in \(G'\). The robots in \(R_1\) move further East or South by one unit. When the southmost robot \(r^{p-1}_1\) of \(R_1\) reaches the South boundary line \(L'_S\) of \(G'\), it moves East in the next round where it meets \(r^{p-2}_1\) on its North neighboring node. In the next round, these both robots move East and meet \(r^{p-3}_1\). Following this process, all the p robots of set \(R_1\) ultimately reach the consecutive nodes on \(L_E\) in the South part of \(G'\). That means, the southmost p rows of \(G'\) will be occupied by the first \(k+1\) sets of robots (i.e. \(R_1\) to \(R_{k+1}\)). Similarly, next p rows of \(G'\) will be occupied by the next \(k+1\) sets of robots (i.e. \(R_{k+2}\) to \(R_{2k+2}\)). Recall that, in this case, a robot always search for a possible East or South move inside \(G'\), thus creating an empty node for each incoming robot from next column in the West. That means, in every two rounds, one column of p robots enter \(G'\). Thus, in \(2(n-k)\le 2n\) rounds, all the robots reach \(G'\). This achieves the gathering configuration \(C_{gather}\) and Phase 1.2 terminates.

Case II: All robots reach the south-region of \(G'\) during Phase 1.1 (Fig. 4(b)). This case is analogous to Case I. Here, each vertical line contains \(\le n-k\) robots on it. In this case, robots reach \(G'\) performing North move from each of the eastmost \(q\le k+1\) vertical lines. Once a robot reaches \(G'\), it performs West or North move inside \(G'\). Following the arguments of Case I analogously, in every 2 rounds, one robot each from the q vertical lines reaches \(G'\). That means, in \(\le 2n\) rounds, all the robots reach \(G'\) having the gathering configuration \(C_{gather}\) and Phase 1.2 terminates.

Case III: There are robots in both sides (west-region and south-region) of \(G'\) during Phase 1.1 (Fig. 4(c)). This case is the combination of Case I and Case II. In Phase 1.1, the robots in the south-region of \(G'\) do not move to \(G'\) until they see robots in the west-region of \(G'\). That means, first all the robots in the west-region of \(G'\) move to \(G'\) and then the robots in the south-region of \(G'\) move to \(G'\). The robots in the west-region follow case I and the robots in the south-region follow case II to reach and move inside \(G'\). However, as soon as all the robots in the west-region reach \(G'\), the robots in the south-region may not be able to move immediately to \(G'\) as there might not be empty positions. Because, in case I, the robots inside \(G'\) move South/East to occupy South/East part of \(G'\). But, when there are no robots in the west-region of \(G'\), the robots inside \(G'\) also satisfy case II and start moving North/West. This may take at most 2k time to have empty nodes in the southmost horizontal line \(L'_N\) of \(G'\). As soon as there are empty nodes on \(L'_N\), the robots in the south-region start moving to \(G'\) following case II. Case I and II execute for \(\le 2n\) rounds each. Thus, all the robots reach gathering configuration in \(\le 4n+2k\) rounds and Phase 1.2 terminates.

Hence, Phase 1 finishes in total at most \(O(n)+4n+2k = O(n)\) rounds.    \(\square \)

Phase 2 (Pre-Scatter). The pseudocode of the algorithm for Phase 2 is given in Algorithm 6. The purpose of Phase 2 is to distribute the robots on \(k+1\) vertical lines separated at d distance apart, such that each vertical line contains \(k+1\) robots achieving the pre-scatter configuration \(C_{pre-scatter}\) (Fig. 3(c)). In this phase, robots move horizontally West in G. Let \(H(r_i)\) and \(V(r_i)\) be the horizontal and vertical line passing through \(r_i\) in G, respectively. Let \(L_N\) be the north boundary line of G and \(L'_S\) be the horizontal line parallel to \(L_N\) and passing through k distance South of \(L_N\). In each LCM cycle, \(r_i\) moves one unit West if the node is empty and it sees a robot on \(H(r_i)\) in the East at distance less than d. When a robot reaches to the West boundary line \(L_W\), it changes its state to Phase 3. \(r_i\) also changes its state to Phase 3, if it sees a robot in the South of \(L'_S\) at horizontal distance \(d\cdot x\) from \(V(r_i)\) where \(x=0,1,2,\dots \). We prove the following lemma.

figure f

Lemma 5

Phase 2 finishes in O(n) rounds avoiding robot collisions.

figure g

Phase 3 (Scatter). Phase 3 executes after Phase 2 and the pseudocode is given in Algorithm 7. The purpose of Phase 3 is to uniformly scatter the robots in G achieving the Uniform Scattering configuration as depicted in Fig. 3(d). In this phase, robots move vertically towards South in G. Let \(L_N,L_S\) be the North and South boundary lines of G, respectively and \(H(r_i),V(r_i)\) be the horizontal and vertical lines passing through \(r_i\), respectively. Let \(L^d_V\) be the vertical line parallel to \(V(r_i)\) and passing through d distance East of \(V(r_i)\). All the robots on \(L_N\) terminate without moving as they are already at the final positions. When a robot \(r_i\) at \((x_i,y_i)\) sees another robot on \(V(r_i)\) in the North at distance less than d, it moves one unit South to \((x_i, y_i-1)\) if the node is empty and \(r_i\) sees no robot between \(V(r_i)\) and \(L^d_V\). When \(r_i\) reaches to \(L_S\), it terminates. \(r_i\) also terminates when it sees all the robots on \(V(r_i)\) (up to the visibility range) are exactly at d distance apart.

Lemma 6

Phase 3 finishes in O(n) rounds avoiding robot collisions.

Proof of Theorem 1. The analysis above proves Theorem 1 for the \({\mathcal {F}SYNC}\).    \(\square \)

4 Uniform Scattering Algorithm in \({\mathcal {A}SYNC}\)

In this section, we extend the algorithm for the \({\mathcal {F}SYNC}\) to the \({\mathcal {A}SYNC}\) setting. We describe a collision-free, time-optimal \({\mathcal {A}SYNC}\) O(n)-epoch algorithm. The algorithm has four phases: Phase 0 (Pre-Gather), Phase 1 (Gather), Phase 2 (Pre-Scatter) and Phase 3 (Scatter). Unlike \({\mathcal {F}SYNC}\), the \({\mathcal {A}SYNC}\) algorithm has one more phase called Phase 0 (Pre-Gather) before Phase 1. Phases 1, 2 and 3 of the \({\mathcal {A}SYNC}\) are equivalent to the \({\mathcal {F}SYNC}\) but each phase is modified appropriately. In the \({\mathcal {F}SYNC}\) algorithm, all the robots switch to Phase 2 from Phase 1 synchronously when \(C_{gather}\) is achieved. But in the \({\mathcal {A}SYNC}\) algorithm, robots may become active asynchronously and some robots may never see \(C_{gather}\) when they become active. So, we need a different mechanism to switch from Phase 1 to Phase 2 in \({\mathcal {A}SYNC}\). To handle this situation, we introduce Phase 0 before Phase 1 which makes the northmost boundary line of G empty. Later in Phase 1, when \(C_{gather}\) is achieved, one robot is moved to the North-East corner of G which becomes a reference for other robots to switch from Phase 1 to Phase 2. The detail mechanism is explained later in the description of each Phase. Each robot passes through Phases 0–3 sequentially. Figure 5 outlines the algorithm in high level. Figure 6 illustrates the configuration of robots at different stages of each phase.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Algorithm for Uniform Scattering in the \({\mathcal {A}SYNC}\) setting.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Configuration of robots at different phases executing algorithm for \({\mathcal {A}SYNC}\).

Phase 0 (Pre-Gather). The purpose of this phase is to make the North boundary line \(L_N\) of G empty. If any robot \(r_i\) is located on \(L_N\) in \(C_{init}\), the robot is moved South during Phase 0. For this, first, \(r_i\) checks if the South neighboring node on the next horizontal line below \(L_N\) (i.e. \(L'_N\)) is empty or not. If the South node is empty, \(r_i\) moves to it. Otherwise, if the West neighboring node is empty, \(r_i\) moves one unit West on \(L_N\). The movement of \(r_i\) on \(L_N\) towards West helps it to find the empty node on \(L'_N\) fast because the robots on \(L'_N\) move East. Once a robot moves South of \(L_N\), it never moves again to \(L_N\). Phase 0 ends when no robot is positioned on \(L_N\) (e.g. Fig. 6(c)).

Lemma 7

Phase 0 ends in O(n) epochs avoiding robot collisions.

Phase 1 (Gather). Similar to the Phase 1 of \({\mathcal {F}SYNC}\), the purpose of this phase is to reach a gathering configuration \(C_{gather}\) on the North-East part of G; the only difference is that the sub-grid \(G'\) for \(C_{gather}\) in \({\mathcal {A}SYNC}\) lies one unit South of \(G'\) in \({\mathcal {F}SYNC}\). Let \(L'_N\) be the next horizontal line below the North boundary line \(L_N\) of G. Then the sub-grid \(G'\) is bounded by the East boundary line \(L_E\), \(L'_N\), the vertical line parallel to \(L_E\) at k distance West of \(L_E\) (say \(L'_W\)) and the horizontal line parallel to \(L'_N\) at k distance South of \(L'_N\) (say \(L'_S\)). \(C_{gather}\) is said to be achieved if all the robots reach in \(G'\) at the distinct nodes. Phase 1 in \({\mathcal {A}SYNC}\) is also divided into two sub-phases, Phase 1.1 and 1.2 that execute sequentially. We describe each sub-phase below.

Phase 1.1 (Northeast moves). This phase is analogous to the Phase 1.1 of \({\mathcal {F}SYNC}\) after removing the North boundary line \(L_N\) of G. A robot \(r_i\) never moves North towards \(L_N\) from \(L'_N\). If \(r_i\) is already on \(L_N\) in \(C_{init}\), it moves South to \(L'_N\) during Phase 0. Any robot below \(L_N\) (except the robot at \(L'_N\)) first searches empty position on its North neighboring node for possible North move. If the North move is not possible, it searches an empty node in the East neighboring node for possible East move. A robot below \(L'_N\) does not move North to \(L'_N\) if it sees a robot on \(L_N\) in the same vertical line. Similarly, a robot at \(L'_N\) does not move East if it sees a robot on \(L_N\) in its North-East neighboring node. This handles the possible collision due to movement of robot at \(L_N\) to \(L'_N\).

Phase 1.2 (Balancing moves). Phase 1.2 of \({\mathcal {A}SYNC}\) directly follows Phase 1.2 of \({\mathcal {F}SYNC}\) to reach the gathering configuration \(C_{gather}\). Since robots perform their LCM cycles asynchronously, how they change their states to reach Phase 2 in \({\mathcal {A}SYNC}\) is slightly different than in \({\mathcal {F}SYNC}\). If a robot \(r_i\) sees \(C_{gather}\) configuration, it changes its state to Phase 2. Otherwise, \(r_i\) changes its state to Phase 2 after seeing the robot in the North-East corner \(v'_{ne}\) of \(G'\) moved North to \(L_N\). In the mean time, \(r_i\) ensures that there is no robot in the South of \(G'\), the remaining k nodes on \(L_E\) of \(G'\) are occupied and the nodes in the East of \(r_i\) on \(H(r_i)\) (except \(v'_{ne}\)) are also occupied.

Complying with Lemma 24, we have following lemma for Phase 1 in \({\mathcal {A}SYNC}\):

Lemma 8

Phase 1 finishes in O(n) epochs. Phase 1 is collision-free and deadlock-free.

Phase 2 (Pre-Scatter). In this phase, robots move West to reach the pre-scatter configuration \(C_{pre-scatter}\). Unlike \({\mathcal {F}SYNC}\), in \(C_{pre-scatter}\) of \({\mathcal {A}SYNC}\), the horizontal line below \(L_N\) (i.e. \(L'_N\)) is empty, instead the horizontal line at \(k+1\) distance South of \(L_N\) (i.e. \(L'_S\)) contains the \(k+1\) robots separated at d distance apart. Figure 6(e–i) illustrate the movements of robots during Phase 2 to reach \(C_{pre-scatter}\) from \(C_{gather}\).

Phase 2 is divided into three sub-phases, Phase 2.1–2.3. In Phase 2.1, only the robots on \(L'_W\) and the robot at the North-East corner of \(G'\) (say \(v'_{ne}\)) are moved. The robot at \(v'_{ne}\) moves North to the North-East corner of G (say \(v_{ne}\)) and reaches Phase 2.3. Then, the robot at the South-West corner of \(G'\) (say \(v'_{sw}\)) moves one unit West to the neighboring node (say \(v_{ref}\)). After that, the remaining robots on \(L'_W\) also move one unit West. Now, the robot at \(v_{ref}\) sees all the nodes on its vertical line towards North occupied and \(L'_W\) empty, then it moves one unit West and reaches Phase 2.2. The remaining robots in the North of \(v_{ref}\) also move one unit West after it and reach Phase 2.2.

In Phase 2.2, when a robot \(r_i\) is inside \(G'\) and sees next robot in the West on the same horizontal line \(H(r_i)\) at distance 3, it moves one unit West and waits for next robot in the East on \(H(r_i)\) to move one unit West. When \(r_i\) sees the next robot in the East on \(H(r_i)\) moved one unit West (i.e. \(r_i\) sees a robot at distance 2 in the East on \(H(r_i)\)), it also moves one unit West and reaches Phase 2.3.

In Phase 2.3, robot \(r_i\) moves West when it sees another robot in the East at distance less than d on \(H(r_i)\). Since \(v'_{ne}\) is empty, as a special case, the eastmost robot on \(L'_N\) can move up to d distance West of \(L_E\) without seeing a robot in the East on \(L'_N\). When the westmost \(k+1\) robots reach \(L_W\) of G, the northmost robot among them moves North to \(L_N\). Among every next column of \(k+1\) robots at d distance apart, the northmost robot moves to \(L_N\). Then, the pre-scatter configuration (\(C_{pre-scatter}\)) is achieved. Since, in every 2 epochs, at least one column of robots move one unit West, it is immediate that the westmost \(k+1\) robots reach \(L_W\) in \(2(n-k)\) epochs. In next 2k epochs, the k robots on \(L'_N\) move to \(L_N\). Thus, \(C_{pre-scatter}\) is achieved in at most 2n epochs.

All the robots change their states to Phase 3 after achieving \(C_{pre-scatter}\). Additionally, if \(d>2\), any robot \(r_i\) south of \(L_N\) moves one unit East as well (except the robots on \(L_E\) which move one unit West) (Fig. 6(j)). Thus, Phase 2 also finishes in O(n) epochs in \({\mathcal {A}SYNC}\). Since no robot moves South in Phase 2 and no robot reaches Phase 3 before \(C_{pre-scatter}\), the movements of robots in Phase 2 of \({\mathcal {A}SYNC}\) are collision-free.

Lemma 9

Phase 2 finishes in O(n) epochs in \({\mathcal {A}SYNC}\) avoiding robot collisions.

Phase 3 (Scatter). In this phase, robots move South to achieve Uniform Scattering configuration and terminate. Figure 6(j–l) provide an illustration. If \(d=2\), robot \(r_i\) has the visibility range of n and hence can see all the final positions on it’s vertical line. Then, \(r_i\) moves South by directly following the Phase 3 of \({\mathcal {F}SYNC}\) to reach the final position and terminates. If \(d>2\), the algorithm works as follow: Let \(H(r_i),V(r_i)\) be the horizontal and vertical lines passing through \(r_i\), respectively. Let \(V'(r_i)\) be the vertical line parallel to \(V(r_i)\) and passing through one unit West of \(r_i\) (for the robots at one unit West of \(L_E\), consider \(L_E\) as \(V'(r_i)\)). When a robot \(r_i\) at \((x_i,y_i)\) sees another robot on \(V(r_i)\) in North at distance less than d, then \(r_i\) moves to \((x_i, y_i-1)\) if \((x_i, y_i-1)\) and \((x_i-1, y_i-1)\) are both empty. If \(r_i\) it on one unit West of \(L_E\), it ensures that \((x_i+1, y_i-1)\) is empty instead of \((x_i-1, y_i-1)\) to move South. When \(r_i\) reaches the south boundary line \(L_S\), it moves West (except the eastmost robot on \(L_S\) which moves East to \(L_E\)) to reach the final position and terminates. When \(r_i\) sees another robot \(r_j\) on \(V'(r_i)\) at exactly d distance South of \(H(r_i)\), \(r_i\) moves horizontally to \(V'(r_i)\) to occupy the final position and terminates. The southmost robots on the \(k+1\) vertical lines take at most \(2(n-k)\) epochs to reach \(L_S\). By that time all the robots on each of those \(k+1\) vertical lines are at d distance apart. In at most next 2k epochs, all those robots reach to the final positions and terminate. Thus, in at most 2n epochs, Phase 3 terminates.

Lemma 10

Phase 3 finishes in O(n) epochs in the \({\mathcal {A}SYNC}\) setting.

Proof of Theorem 1. Combine results of Lemmas 7, 8, 9 and 10.    \(\square \)

5 Concluding Remarks

We have provided the first optimal O(n) time algorithm to the Uniform Scattering problem in a square grid graph of \(N=(n+1)\times (n+1)\) nodes in the COR model under the \({\mathcal {A}SYNC}\) setting. This is the \(O(n/d)=O(k)\) improvement compared to the best previously known algorithm with runtime \(O(N/d)\equiv O(n^2/d)\) in the COR model. In the future work, it will be interesting to extend our algorithm to consider faults.