
1 Introduction

Process Mining  [34] enables the analysis of business processes based on event logs that are recorded by information systems. Events in these logs represent the executions of activities as part of a case, including contextual information, as illustrated for the handling of patients in an emergency room in Table 1. Such rich event logs do not only enable discovery of a model of a process’ control-flow, see  [1], but provide the starting point for multi-dimensional analysis that incorporates the impact of the context on process execution. An example is the prediction of the remaining wait time of a patient based on temporal information (e.g., arrival in night hours), patient characteristics (e.g., age and sex), and activity outcomes (e.g., dispensed drugs)  [23]. The inclusion of such contextual information provides a means for a fine-granular separation of classes of cases in the analysis. Since the separation is largely independent of the frequency of the respective trace variants, analysis is not limited to cases that represent common behaviour, but includes cases that denote unusual process executions.

Event logs, particularly those that include contextual information, may contain sensitive data related to individuals involved in process execution  [26]. Even when explicit pointers to personal information, such as employee names, are pseudonymised or omitted from event logs, they remain susceptible to re-identification attacks  [13]. Such attacks still allow personal data of specific individuals to be identified based on the contents of an event log  [36]. Consequently, publishing an event log without respective consent violates regulations such as the GDPR, given that this regulation prohibits processing of personal data for such secondary purposes  [35]. This calls for the design of methods targeted specifically to protect the privacy of individuals in event logs. Existing approaches for privacy-preserving process mining  [12, 25] emphasise the control-flow dimension, though. They lack the ability to preserve contextual information, such as timestamps and attribute values, which prevents any fine-granular analysis that incorporates the specifics of different classes of cases. However, aggregations of contextual information in the spirit of k-anonymity, see  [12], are not suited to overcome this limitation. Such aggregations lead to a loss of the long tail process behaviour, i.e., infrequent traces of cases that are uncommon and, hence, of particular importance for any analysis (e.g., due to exceptional runtime characteristics). The only existing anonymisation approach that incorporates contextual information  [31] achieves this using homomorphic encryption. As such, it fails to provide protection based on any well-established privacy guarantee.

Table 1. Event log example

To overcome these gaps, this paper introduces PRIPEL, a framework for privacy-preserving event log publishing that incorporates contextual information. Our idea is to ensure differential privacy of an event log on the basis of individual cases rather than on the whole log. To this end, the PRIPEL framework exploits the maxim of parallel composition of differential privacy. Based on a differentially private selection of activity sequences, contextual information from the original log is integrated through a sequence enrichment step. Subsequently, the integrated contextual information is anonymised following the principle of local differential privacy. Ensuring privacy on the level of individual cases is a fundamentally different angle, which enables us to overcome the aforementioned limitations of existing work. PRIPEL is the first approach to ensure differential privacy not only for the control-flow, but also for contextual information in event logs, while preserving large parts of the long tail process behaviour.

Since differential privacy ensures that personal data belonging to specific individuals can not longer be identified, the anonymisation achieved by PRIPEL is in line with the requirements imposed by the GDPR  [10, 14].

We demonstrate the feasibility of our approach through a case study in the healthcare domain. Applying PRIPEL to a real-world event log of Sepsis cases from a hospital, we show that the anonymisation preserves utility on the level of event-, trace-, and log-specific characteristics.

The remainder is structured as follows. In Sect. 2, we provide background in terms of an event log model and privacy guarantees. In Sect. 3, we introduce the PRIPEL framework. We present a proof-of-concept in Sect. 4, including an implementation and a case study. We discuss our results and reflect on limitations in Sect. 5, before we review related work in Sect. 6 and conclude in Sect. 7.

2 Background

This section presents essential definitions and background information. In particular, Sect. 2.1 presents the event log model we employ in the paper. Subsequently, Sect. 2.2 defines the foundations of local differential privacy, followed by an introduction to differential privacy mechanisms in Sect. 2.3.

2.1 Event Log Model

We adopt an event model that builds upon a set of activities \(\mathcal {A}\). An event recorded by an information system, denoted by e, is assumed to be related to the execution of one of these activities, which is written as \(e{.}a\in \mathcal {A}\). By \(\mathcal {E}\), we denote the universe of all events. Each event further carries information on its execution context, such as the data consumed or produced during the execution of an activity. This payload is defined by a set of data attributes \(\mathcal {D} = \{ D_1, \ldots , D_p \}\) with \(\text {dom}(D_i)\) as the domain of attribute \(D_i\), \(1 \le i \le p\). We write e.D for the value of attribute D of an event e. For example, an event representing the activity ‘Antibiotics’ may be associated with the ‘Drug’ attribute that reflects the prescribed medication, see Table 1. Each event e further comes with a timestamp, denoted by e.ts, that models the time of execution of the respective activity according to some totally ordered time domain.

A single execution of a process, i.e., a case, is represented by a trace. This is a sequence \(\xi = \langle e_1,\ldots ,e_n \rangle \) of events \(e_i\in \mathcal {E}\), \(1 \le i \le n\), such that no event occurs in more than one trace and the events are ordered by their timestamps. We adopt a standard notation for sequences, i.e., \(\xi (i)=e_i\) for the i-th element and \(|\xi |=n\) for the length. For two distinct traces \(\xi = \langle e_1,\ldots ,e_n \rangle \) and \(\xi ' = \langle e_1',\ldots ,e_m' \rangle \), their concatenation is \(\xi {.}\xi ' = \langle e_1,\ldots ,e_n, e_1',\ldots ,e_m' \rangle \), assuming that the ordering is consistent with the events’ timestamps. If \(\xi \) and \(\xi '\) indicate the same sequence of activity executions, i.e., \(\langle e_1{.}a,\ldots ,e_n{.}a \rangle = \langle e_1'{.}a,\ldots ,e_m'{.}a \rangle \), they are of the same trace variant. An event log is a set of traces, \(L = \{\xi _1,\ldots ,\xi _n \}\), and we write \(\mathcal {L}\) for the universe of event logs. Table 1 defines two traces, as indicated by the ‘patient ID’ attribute. In the remainder, we assume the individuals of interest to be represented in at most one case. In our example, this means that only one treatment per patient is recorded in the log.

2.2 Foundations of Local Differential Privacy

Differential privacy is a definition for privacy that ensures that personal data of individuals is indistinguishable in a data analysis setting. Essentially, differential privacy aims to allow one to learn nothing about an individual, while learning useful information from a population  [7]. Achieving differential privacy means that result of a query, performed on an undisclosed dataset, can be published without allowing an individual’s personal data to be derived from the published result. On the contrary, methods that achieve local differential privacy anonymise a dataset itself in such a manner that it can be published while still guaranteeing the privacy of an individual’s data  [18]. This is achieved by applying noise to the data, contrary to applying it to the result of a function performed on the undisclosed data. The adoption of local differential privacy in industry is well-documented, being employed by, e.g., Apple  [32], SAP  [19], and Google  [9].

To apply this notion in the context of event logs, we define \(\alpha : \mathcal {L} \rightarrow \mathcal {L}\) as an anonymisation function that takes an event log as input and transforms it into an anonymised event log. This transformation is non-deterministic and is typically realised through a stochastic function. Furthermore, we define \(\text {img}(\alpha ) \subseteq \mathcal {L}\) as the image of \(\alpha \), i.e., the set of all event logs that may be returned by \(\alpha \). Finally, we define two event logs \(L_1, L_2 \in \mathcal {L}\) to be neighbouring, if they differ by exactly the data of one individual. In our setting, this corresponds to one case and, hence, one trace, i.e., \(|L_1{\setminus } L_2| + |L_2{\setminus } L_1| = 1\). Based on  [18], we then define local differential privacy as follows:

Definition 1 (Local Differential Privacy)

Given an anonymisation function \(\alpha \) and privacy parameter \(\epsilon \in \mathbb {R}\), function \(\alpha \) provides \(\epsilon \)-local differential privacy, if for all neighbouring pairs of event logs \(L_1, L_2 \in \mathcal {L}\), it holds that:

$$\begin{aligned} Pr[\alpha (L_1)\in \text {img}(\alpha )] \le e^\epsilon \times Pr[\alpha (L_2)\in \text {img}(\alpha )] \end{aligned}$$

where the probability is taken over the randomness introduced by the anonymisation function \(\alpha \).

The intuition behind the guarantee is that it limits the information that can be disclosed by one individual, i.e., one case. The strength of the guarantee depends on \(\epsilon \), with lower values leading to stronger data protection.

2.3 Ensuring Local Differential Privacy

Mechanisms that ensure local differential privacy strive to provide privacy guarantees while keeping as much useful information as possible, i.e., they aim to maintain maximum utility of the dataset. The mechanisms typically do not delete or generalize (parts of the) data, as is done to obtain other privacy guarantees  [20]. Rather, they define an anonymisation function that inserts noise into data, in order to obscure information about individuals, while retaining as many characteristics about the general population as possible. Several such mechanisms have been developed to anonymise various data types, including ones that ensure differential privacy for numerical, categorical, and boolean data:

Numerical Data – Laplace Mechanism. The Laplace mechanism  [5] is an additive noise mechanism for numerical values. It draws noise from a Laplacian distribution, that is calibrated based on the privacy parameter \(\epsilon \) and the sensitivity of the data distribution. The latter is defined as the maximum difference one individual can cause.

Boolean Data - Randomized Response. To ensure differential privacy of boolean data, one can use randomized response  [37]. The algorithm is based on the following idea: A fair coin toss determines if the true value of an individual is revealed or if a randomized value is chosen instead. Here, the randomization depends on the strength \(\epsilon \) of the differential privacy guarantee. In this paper, we will use a so-called binary mechanism  [16].

Categorical Data - Exponential Mechanism. To handle categorical data, it is possible to use the exponential mechanism  [27]. It enables the definition of a utility difference between the different potential values of the domain of the categorical value. The probability of a value being exchanged by another value depends on the introduced probability loss.

Parallel Composition of Differential Privacy. Given such mechanisms that are able to provide differential privacy for various data types, a crucial property of (local) differential privacy is that it is compositional. Intuitively, this means that when the results of multiple \(\epsilon \)-differential-private mechanisms, performed on disjoint datasets, are merged, the merged result also provides \(\epsilon \)-differential privacy  [28]. Adapted to our notion of attributes and timestamps of events, this is formalized as follows: Let \(M_i(e{.}d_i)\), \(1 \le i \le p\), and \(M_0(e{.}ts)\) be the values obtained by some mechanisms \(M_0, M_1, \ldots M_p\) for the attribute values and the timestamp of an event e. Then, if all mechanisms provide \(\epsilon \)-differential privacy and under the assumption of all attributes (and the timestamp) being independent, the result of their joint application to e also provides \(\epsilon \)-differential privacy.

This property forms a crucial foundation for our proposed framework to privacy-aware event log publishing, as introduced next.

3 The PRIPEL Framework

The Privacy-Preserving event log publishing (PRIPEL) framework takes an event log as input and transforms it into an anonymised one that includes contextual information and guarantees \(\epsilon \)-differential privacy. As depicted in Fig. 1, the PRIPEL framework consists of three main steps. Given an event log L, PRIPEL first applies a trace-variant query Q on L. The query returns a bag of activity sequences that ensures differential privacy from a control-flow perspective. Second, the framework constructs new traces by enriching the activity sequences obtained by Q with contextual information, i.e., timestamps and attribute values, from the original log L. This is achieved in a sequence enrichment step, which results in a matched event log \(L_m\). Finally, PRIPEL anonymises the timestamps and attribute values of \(L_m\) individually by exploiting the maxim of parallel composition of differential privacy. The resulting event log \(L'\) then guarantees \(\epsilon \)-differential privacy, while largely retaining the information of the original log L.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Overview of PRIPEL Framework

Sections 3.1 through 3.3 outline instantiations of each of these three steps. However, we note that the framework’s steps can also be instantiated in a different manner, for instance by using alternative trace-variant queries or matching techniques. It is therefore possible to tailor PRIPEL to specific use cases, such as a setting in which traces become available in batches.

3.1 Trace Variant Query

The first step of our framework targets the anonymisation of an event log from a control-flow perspective. In particular, the framework applies a trace variant query, which returns a bag of activity sequences that captures trace variants and their frequencies in a differentially private manner. Such a step is essential, given that even the publication of activity sequences from an event log, i.e., with all attribute values and timestamps removed, can be sufficient to link the identity of individuals to infrequent activity sequences  [12, 25]. For example, uncommon treatment paths may suffice to resolve the identity of a specific patient.

In PRIPEL, we adopt a state-of-the-art realisation of a privacy-preserving trace variant query  [25]. It employs a Laplace mechanism (see Sect. 2.3) to add noise to the result of a trace variant query. As shown for an exemplary query result in Table 2, this mechanism may alter the frequency of trace variants, remove variants entirely, and introduce new ones. Note that the size of a trace variant query typically differs from the number of traces in the original log.

The employed trace variant query is configured with two parameters, n and k, which influence the prefix-tree that the mechanism uses to generate a query result. Here, n sets the maximum depth of the prefix-tree, which determines the maximum length of an activity sequence returned by the query. Parameter k is used to bound the mechanism’s state space in terms of the number of potential activity sequences that are explored. A higher k means that only more commonly occurring prefixes are considered, which reduces the runtime, but may negatively affect the resulting log’s utility. The runtime complexity of the query depends on the maximal number of explored prefixes: \(\mathcal {O}(|\mathcal {A}|^n)\). Yet, in practice, the exponential runtime is mitigated by the pruning parameter k.

Below, we adopt a flattened representation of the result of the trace variant query. By \(Q(L)\subseteq (\mathcal {A}^*)^*\), we denote a sequence of activity sequences derived by duplicating each activity sequence returned by the trace variant query according to its frequency, in some arbitrary order. For example, if the query returns the bag \([\langle Registration , Triage \rangle ^2, \langle Registration , Triage , Antibiotics \rangle ]\), Q(L) is defined as \(\{\langle Registration , Triage \rangle , \langle Registration , Triage , Antibiotics \rangle , \langle Registration , Triage \rangle \}\).

Table 2. Illustration of a privacy-aware trace variant query

So far, no other designs for trace variant queries have been introduced in the literature. However, we assume that alternative query formulations suited for specific use cases will be developed in the future.

3.2 Sequence Enrichment

The second step of the framework enriches the activity sequences obtained by the trace variant query with contextual information, i.e., with timestamps and attribute values. This is achieved by establishing a trace matching between each activity sequence from Q(L) and a trace of the original log L. The latter trace determines how the activity sequence is enriched with contextual information to construct a trace of the matched log \(L_m\). Here, \(L_m\) should resemble the original log: Distributions of attribute values and timestamps, along with their correlation with trace variants in the original L shall be mirrored in the matched log \(L_m\).

To link the activity sequences in Q(L) and traces in log L, we define a matching function \(f_m: Q(L) \nrightarrow L\). It is potentially partial and injective, i.e., it matches each activity sequence (again, note that activity sequences obtained from the trace variant query are duplicated according to their frequency) to a separate trace in L, such that \(f_m(\sigma _1) = f_m(\sigma _2)\) implies that \(\sigma _1=\sigma _2\) for all \(\sigma _1, \sigma _2 \) that are part of Q(L). However, constructing such a mapping function requires to address two challenges:

  1. (i)

    Since the trace variant query introduces noise, some sequences from Q(L) cannot be paired with traces in L that are of the exact same sequence of activity executions. Given a sequence \(\sigma = \langle Registration , Triage , Release \rangle \) of Q(L) and a trace \(\xi \) with its activity executions being \(\langle Registration , Release \rangle \), for example, the trace does not provide attribute values to be assigned to a ‘Triage’ event. To preserve their order, the insertion of an additional event may require the timestamps of other events to be changed as well.

  2. (ii)

    Since Q(L) may contain more sequences than the original log L has traces, some sequences in Q(L) might not be matched to any trace in L, i.e., \(f_m\) is partial. Since all sequences in Q(L) must be retained in the construction of traces for the matched log to ensure differential privacy, also such unmatched sequences must be enriched with contextual information.

Given these challenges, PRIPEL incorporates three functions: (1) a matching function \(f_m\); (2) a mechanism \(f_e\) to enrich a matched sequence \(\sigma \) with contextual information from trace \(f_m(\sigma )\) to construct a trace for the matched log \(L_m\); and (3) a mechanism \(f_u\) to enrich an unmatched sequence to construct a trace for \(L_m\). In this paper, we propose to instantiate these functions as follows:

Matching Function. The matching function \(f_m\) shall establish a mapping from Q(L) to L such that the activity sequences and traces are as similar as possible. This similarity can be quantified using a distance function. Here, we propose to use the Levenshtein distance  [21] to quantify the edit distance of some sequence \(\sigma \) that is part of Q(L) and the sequence of activity executions derived from a trace \(\xi \in L\), denoted as \(\text {ed}(\sigma , \xi )\). Using assignment optimization techniques, the matching function is instantiated, such that the total edit distance is minimized, i.e., with \(Q(L) = \langle \sigma _1,\ldots , \sigma _n\rangle \), we minimize \(\sum _{1\le i\le n} \text {ed}(\sigma _i, f_m(\sigma _i))\).

figure a

Matched Sequence Enrichment. Given a matched sequence \(\sigma \) of Q(L), the sequence \(\sigma \) is enriched based on the context information of trace \(\xi =f_m(\sigma )\) to create a new trace \(\xi _{\sigma }\). The proposed procedure for this is described by Algorithm 1. To create the events for the new trace \(\xi _{\sigma }\) derived from \(\sigma \), we iterate over all activities in \(\sigma \), create a new event, and check if there is a corresponding event \(e'\) of \(\xi \). Using \(k_\sigma \) as the number of times we have observed activity a in the sequence \(\sigma \) (line 4), \(e'\) shall be the \(k_\sigma \)-th occurrence of an event in \(\xi \) with \(e{.}a = a\) (line 7). If such an event \(e'\) exists, we assign all its attribute values to the new event e (line 9). Subsequently, we check if the timestamp of \(e'\) occurs after the timestamp of the last event of \(\xi _{\sigma }\) (line 10). If this is the case, we assign the timestamp \(e'{.}ts\) of the original event to event e. Otherwise, we generate a new timestamp based on the following equation, assuming that the current event is the n-th event to be added to \(\xi _\sigma =\langle e_1,\ldots ,e_{n-1} \rangle \):

$$\begin{aligned} e_{n}{.}ts = e_{n-1}{.}ts + \varDelta _{e_{n-1}.a,e_{n}.a} \end{aligned}$$

Here, \(\varDelta _{e_{n-1}.a,e_{n}.a}\) denotes a timestamp difference randomly drawn from the distribution of these differences in the original log. That is, the distribution is obtained by considering all pairs of subsequent events in the original traces that indicate the execution of the respective activities. If no such pairs of events appeared in the original log, we resort to the distribution of all timestamp differences of all pairs of subsequent activities of the original log.

If no corresponding event \(e'\) can be found for the newly created event e, we assign randomly drawn attribute values and a timestamp to this event (lines 15–16). We draw the attributes values from the overall distribution of each attribute D in the original log L, while timestamps are calculated according to Eq. 1.

Unmatched Sequence Enrichment. For sequences in Q(L) without a matching, we assign the attribute values randomly. To handle the timestamps, we randomly draw a timestamp \(t_{start}\) for the event created for the first activity in \(\sigma \), from the overall distribution of all timestamps of the first events of all traces \(\xi \) in the original log L. We generate the remaining timestamps based on Eq. 1.

The runtime complexity of the whole sequence enrichment step is dominated by the assignment optimization problem, which requires \(\mathcal {O}(|Q(L)|^3)\) time.

3.3 Applying Local Differential Privacy

Next, starting with the matched log derived in the previous step, we turn to the anonymisation of contextual information using local differential privacy. While the treatment of attribute values follows rather directly from existing approaches, we propose a tailored approach to handle timestamps. The runtime complexity of this step is linear in the size of the matched log \(L_m\), i.e., we arrive at \(\mathcal {O}(|L_m|)\).

Anonymising Attribute Values. We differentiate between attributes of three data types: numerical, categorical, and boolean. For each type, we employ the mechanism discussed in Sect. 2.3. Under the aforementioned assumptions for parallel composition of differential privacy, the resulting values are \(\epsilon \)-differentially private. Note that for each attribute, a different privacy parameter \(\epsilon \) may be chosen. This way, the level of protection may be adapted to the sensitivity of the respective attribute values.

Anonymising Timestamps. To anonymise timestamps, we introduce random timestamp shifts, which is inspired by the treatment of network logs  [38]. That is, we initially alter all timestamps based on some randomly drawn noise value, \(\lambda _{shift}\), which is drawn, for instance, from a Laplacian distribution. The result is illustrated in the middle sequence of Fig. 2. After this initial shift, we subsequently introduce noise to the time intervals between events, depicted as \(\varDelta _1\), \(\varDelta _2\), and \(\varDelta _3\) in the figure. To this end, we add random noise to the length of each interval, denoted by \(\lambda _1\), \(\lambda _2\), and \(\lambda _3\). To retain the order of events, we bound the random timestamp shift to the size of the interval between two events. Since the event order was already anonymised in the first step of the framework (Sect. 3.1), introducing additional noise by re-ordering events here would just reduce the event log’s utility.

After this final step, all aspects of the original log, i.e., control-flow and contextual information, have been anonymised. Based on the maxim of parallel composition, the resulting log provides \(\epsilon \)-differential privacy.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Illustration of timestamp anonymisation

4 Proof-of-Concept

This section presents a proof-of-concept of the PRIPEL framework. We first report on a prototypical implementation (Sect. 4.1), which we apply in a case study using a real-world event log (Sects. 4.24.3). In this manner, we aim to show the feasibility of the framework in a realistic setting and investigate its ability to preserve the utility of an event log while providing privacy guarantees.

4.1 Prototypical Implementation

We implemented PRIPEL in Python and published our implementation under the MIT licence on Github.Footnote 1 The implementation uses the PM4Py library  [2] to parse and process event logs. To instantiate the framework, we implemented a Python version of the trace-variant query by Mannhardt et al.  [25]. The anonymisation of contextual information is based on IBM’s diffprivlib library  [15].

4.2 Case Study Setup

We show the feasibility of PRIPEL by applying our implementation to the Sepsis event log  [24]. We selected this event log given its widespread adoption as a basis for case studies, as well as due to the relevance of its characteristics in the context of our work. As shown in our earlier work  [12], anonymisation techniques that perform aggregations over the whole Sepsis log have a considerable impact on the anonymised log’s utility. The reason being the long tail process behaviour in terms of a relatively low number of re-occurring trace variants: 1,050 traces spread over 846 trace variants. As such, the log’s challenging characteristics make it particularly suitable for a proof-of-concept with our framework.

To parametrise our implementation, we test different values of the privacy parameter \(\epsilon \), ranging from 0.1 to 2.0. Given that this parameter defines the strictness of the desired privacy guarantees (lower being stricter), varying \(\epsilon \) shall show its impact on utility of the resulting anonymised log.

We select the maximal prefix length \(n=30\), to cover the length of over 95% of the traces in the Sepsis event log. To cover all potential prefixes of the original log, we would need to set \(n=185\). However, this would add a lot of noise and increase the runtime significantly. Therefore, we opt for only looking into shorter traces. For each event log, we opted for the lowest value for k that still computes the query within a reasonable time, as will be detailed in the remainder.

4.3 Case Study Results

In this section, we first focus on the runtime of the PRIPEL framework. Subsequently, we explore its ability to preserve event log utility while guaranteeing \(\epsilon \)-differential privacy.

Runtime. We measured the runtime of our PRIPEL implementation for various parameter configurations, obtained on a MacBook Pro (2018) with an i5 Intel Core CPU and 8 GB memory. As shown in Table 3, we were typically able to obtain an anonymised event log in a manner of minutes, which we deem feasible in most application scenarios. However, the runtime varies considerably across the chosen configurations and the framework’s three main steps.

All besides one of the anonymised logs have far more traces than the original log, due to the added noise as part of the trace variant query. However, this is not true for the log with a \(\epsilon =1.5\) differential privacy guarantee, which contains only one third of the number of traces of the original log. This is due to the low noise level and the fact that \(k=2\) cuts out all variants that appear only once. This applies to nearly all the variants in the original log. Since only a few noisy traces are added, the resulting log is significantly smaller than the original log.

Table 3. Runtime of PRIPEL for the Sepsis log

The trace variant query (Step 1 in PRIPEL), is executed in a manner of seconds, ranging from one to nine seconds, depending on the configuration. However, this runtime could be greatly exceeded for configurations with a higher n. While a trace variant query with \(\epsilon =1.5\) and \(k=2\) is answered in one second, a configuration of \(\epsilon =1.5\) and \(k=1\) does not lead to any result within an hour.

Sequence enrichment (Step 2) is the step with the largest runtime variance, from 35 s to 33 min. In most configurations, this step also represents the largest contribution to the total runtime. This is due to the polynomial runtime complexity of the enrichment step, see Sect. 3.2. To reduce this runtime, a greedy strategy may instead be used to match activity sequences and traces.

Anonymisation based on local differential privacy (Step 3) has a reasonable runtime that increases linearly with the number of traces in the resulting log.

Based on these observations and the non-repetitive character of the anonymisation task, we argue that it is feasible to apply our PRIPEL framework in real-world settings. However, if runtime plays a crucial factor in an application scenario, it should be clear that a suitable parameter configuration must be carefully selected.

Event Log Utility. To illustrate the efficacy of PRIPEL, we analyse the utility of anonymised event logs. In particular, we explore measures for three scopes: (1) the event level, in terms of attribute value quality, (2) the trace level, in terms of case durations, and (3) the log level, in terms of overall process workload.

Table 4. Sensitivity of attribute values to parameter \(\epsilon \)

Data Attribute Values: At the event level, we compare the value distribution of data attributes in anonymised logs to the original distribution. The Sepsis log primarily has attributes with boolean values. The quality of their value distributions is straightforward to quantify, i.e., by comparing the fraction of true values in an anonymised log \(L'\) to the fraction in L. To illustrate the impact of the differential privacy parameter \(\epsilon \) on attribute value quality, we assess the value distribution for the boolean attribute InfectionSuspected. As depicted in Table 4, the truth value of this attribute is true for 81% of the cases in the original log.

The anonymised distribution is reasonably preserved for the highest \(\epsilon \) value, i.e., the least strict privacy guarantee. There, the distribution has 75% true values. However, the accuracy of the distribution drops for stronger privacy guarantees, reaching almost full randomness for \(\epsilon = 0.1\). This illustrates that the quality of attribute values can be preserved for certain privacy levels, but that it may be impacted for stricter settings. Note that, given that these results are obtained by anonymising individual values, the reduced quality for stronger privacy guarantees is inherently tied to the notion of differential privacy and is, therefore, independent of the specifics of the PRIPEL framework.

Case Duration. Next, we investigate the accuracy of the case durations in the anonymised logs. Unlike the previously discussed quality of individual event attributes, the quality of case durations is influenced by all three steps of the framework. Therefore, when interpreting the results depicted in Table 4, it is important to consider that the maximal length of a trace is bound to 30 events in anonymised logs (due to the selection of parameter n), whereas the original log contains traces with up to 370 events. However, we can still observe longer case durations in the anonymised logs due to the added noise. Additionally, in all scenarios, the average case duration is far higher than the median case duration. This indicates that the log contains several outliers in terms of longer case durations. All anonymised logs reveal this insight. We conclude that PRIPEL preserves insights on the trace level, such as the duration of cases.

Process Workload. Finally, at the log level, we consider the total workload of a process in terms of the number of cases that are active at any particular time. Given that anonymised event logs can have a considerably higher number of traces than the original log, we consider the progress of the relative number of active cases over time, as visualized in Fig. 3. The red dots denote the original event log, while blue triangles represent the anonymised event log with \(\epsilon =1.0\).

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Active cases over time in original log (red) vs. anonymised log (blue) (Color figure online)

The figure clearly shows that the general trend over time is sustained. However, the anonymised log shows a consistently higher workload than the original log. Furthermore, the variance over time is less extreme for the anonymised log. This shows that the necessary noise insertion smooths out some of the variability. Nevertheless, the results illustrate PRIPEL’s ability to preserve utility for such a log-level process analysis.

5 Discussion

With PRIPEL, we introduced a framework that enables publishing of event logs that retain contextual information while guaranteeing differential privacy. As such, the anonymised event log can be used for rich process mining techniques that incorporate a fine-granular separation of classes of cases, without violating recent privacy regulations, such as the GDPR or CCPA.

While our general framework is generally applicable, the specific instantiations introduced earlier impose two assumptions on the event logs taken as input.

First, the employed notion for differential privacy assumes that any individual, such as a patient, is only represented in one case. To be able to guarantee differential privacy in contexts where this assumption may not hold, one can ensure that a single case exists per individual during the log extraction step, e.g., by limiting the selection of cases for which traces are derived or by constraining the time interval considered in the analysis. Alternatively, if the maximum number of cases per individual is known, the degree of noise introduced in the first step of the framework can be adjusted accordingly, by selecting the parameter \(\epsilon \). Finally, one may incorporate strategies that explicitly aim at adjusting differential privacy to handle multiple occurrences of individuals, such as  [17].

Second, we assume that all attributes can be anonymised independently. Hence, the usefulness of anonymised values or the degree of privacy may be reduced for strongly correlated attributes. For instance, the independent anonymisation of the height and age of a child may result in improbable combinations.

Also, an attribute may represent a measurement that appears repeatedly in the trace, e.g., capturing the trend of a person’s weight. Since the measurements are inter-related, the values to be anonymised are not independent, so that the parallel composition of differential privacy is not applicable. In that case, one can employ notions of differential privacy as developed for streaming settings  [6].

Aside from these assumptions, we also acknowledge certain limitations related to our instantiation of the framework’s steps. For instance, the approach chosen to determine the sensitivity of numerical attributes and timestamps is prone to outliers. Therefore, it might be necessary to reduce the number of outliers in an event log during pre-processing, in order to maintain the utility of the anonymised log. Yet, such limitations are inherent to any data anonymisation approach, since it has been shown that anonymisation reduces the utility of data  [3]. Another limitation relates to the applied trace variant query. For this query mechanism, the size of the anonymised log can differ drastically from the original log. This may diminish the utility of the log for certain analysis tasks, such as the identification of performance bottlenecks.

Finally, we highlight that the PRIPEL framework, and the notion of differential privacy in general, is particularly suited for analysis techniques that aim to aggregate or generalize over the traces in an (anonymised) event log. This means that the resulting event logs are suitable for, e.g., process discovery (e.g., by a directly-follows relation over all traces), log-level conformance checking (e.g., by a frequency distribution of deviations observed in all traces), process enhancement (e.g., by aggregate performance measures for activities), and predictive monitoring (e.g., by models that generalize the correlations observed between trace features and outcomes). However, the insertion of noise can lead to the inclusion of process behaviour that never occurred in the original log, which may lead to incorrect results when performing trace-level analysis, such as the establishment of alignments for a single case. If it is important to avoid such false positives, other anonymisation approaches, such as PRETSA  [12], may be more suitable.

6 Related Work

Privacy in process mining recently received a lot of attention  [11, 29]. The problem was raised in  [26], noticing that most individuals might agree with the usage of their data for process improvement. However, the analysis of personal data for such a goal represents so-called secondary use, which is in violation of regulations such as the GDPR and CCPA. Furthermore, in  [36], it was shown that even projections of event logs can lead to serious re-identification risks.

Several approaches have been proposed to address these privacy issues. In  [12], we proposed an algorithm to sanitize event logs for process discovery, which ensures k-anonymity and t-closeness. Alternative approaches  [4, 31] use cryptography to hide the confidential data in event logs. Other work focused on ensuring privacy for specific process mining tasks, by directly adapting analysis techniques. For instance, in  [30] a technique to ensure confidentiality in role mining was proposed, while  [25] introduced privacy-preserving queries to retrieve a directly-follows graph and the trace variants of a log. The work in  [33] uses encryption to calculate the output of the alpha miner in a privacy-preserving manner. Other work considers process mining performed by multiple parties on an inter-organizational business process. In  [22], an approach to generate a combined process model for such a business process was proposed. Similarly, [8] introduces an approach based on secure multi-party computation to answer queries relating the business process, such as the directly-follows query.

7 Conclusion

In this paper, we introduced PRIPEL, a framework to publish anonymised event logs that incorporates contextual information while guaranteeing differential privacy. In particular, PRIPEL ensures differential privacy on the basis of individual cases, rather than on an entire event log. We achieved this by exploiting the maxim of parallel composition. By applying a prototypical implementation on a real-world event log, we illustrate that the utility of anonymised event logs is preserved for various types of analysis involving contextual information.

By incorporating contextual information, for the first time, PRIPEL offers the use of rich process mining techniques in a privacy-preserving manner. In particular, anonymised event logs are now suitable for analysis techniques that incorporate a fine-granular separation of cases based on contextual information. In future work, we intend to further explore the impact that strongly correlated attributes have on the provided privacy guarantees. In addition, we aim to incorporate the handling of ongoing cases in the PRIPEL framework.