Correction to: J. M. García Sánchez, Modelling in Mathematical Programming, International Series in Operations Research & Management Science,

This book was inadvertently published without updating the following corrections:

The city information in the affiliation of the author has been corrected as:

José Manuel García Sánchez

IO and Business Management

University of Seville

Sevilla, Spain

In Chapter 4,

On page 99; section 4.5: the line “If y = 0 then x = 0 and α = 0” should be “If y = 0 then x = 0 or α = 0”

On page 104: the caption for Table 4.15 was corrected to read as “Table 4.15 Version 4.2 of the Elements in Example 4.6.1”

In Chapter 6, page 181, the following note has been included under section

NOTE: Only for some compound propositions, the following expression for the OR operator may also be valid:

i/ψi ∈ Z ∨ ψi ∈  : ψi ← ωi = 1