1 Introduction

There have been many extensions of finite automata that can manipulate data values. Among them, register automata (abbreviated as RA) introduced in [12] have the advantages that important decision problems including membership and emptiness are decidable and the class of languages accepted by RA is closed under standard language operations except complementation. In a k-RA, k registers are associated with each state. An input is a finite sequence of pairs of a symbol from a finite alphabet and a data value from an infinite set. Each transition can compare the contents of the registers and the current input data value and if this test succeeds, the input data value is loaded to the registers specified by the transition and the state is changed. The complexity of decision problems has been analyzed [11, 18]. Also, [13] points out that RA is a good formal model for querying structured data such as XML documents. Recently, weighted RA was proposed in [5] by incorporating weights into RA so that various quantities such as time, information flow and costs needed for transitions and/or data manipulations can be formally represented as weights. A k-WRA is a k-RA equipped with weight functions for transitions and data manipulations. The weight function for data manipulations can represent weights depending on data values such as the cost depending on the elapsed time in timed automata. A semiring is assumed to represent weights and to assign a weight to a switch (one step move), a run (accepting sequence of switches), a data word in a systematic way. Closure properties of the data series recognized by WRA are discussed and an MSO logical counterpart of WRA is proposed and studied in depth in [5]. However, decidability and complexity of basic problems on WRA were not discussed. Timed automata (abbreviated as TA) are well-known extensions of finite automata that can deal with time by clock variables [3]. TA was extended to weighted TA (WTA) and the optimal-reachability problems have been investigated [4, 15]. In [5], TA and WTA are shown to be regarded as subclasses of RA and WRA, respectively.

In this paper, we discuss optimal run problems and related decision problems for WRA, motivated by [3]. First, we clarify the decidability and complexity of the decision problems on weight computation and weight realizability. More concretely, we show that the problem to decide whether there is a run of a given data word whose weight takes a given value in a given WRA is NP-complete, and the problem to compute the weight of a given data word, which is the sum of all runs of the data word, in a given WRA is in PSPACE and #P-hard. We also show that the following two weight realizability problems are both undecidable: the problem to decide whether there is a run in a given WRA whose weight takes a given value and the problem to decide whether there is a data word whose weight in a given WRA equals to a given value. Note that the former two problems and the latter two problems can be regarded as extensions of the membership and emptiness problems for RA, which are known to be NP-complete and PSPACE-complete, respectively.

Next, we utilize register type, which was introduced in [20] as an abstraction of the contents of registers, by identifying the data values indistinguishable by comparisons allowed in the guards of transitions. We show an equivalence transformation from a given k-WRA to a k-WRA such that the exact register type is annotated to each state by associating register types with states before and after a transition. A WRA obtained by this transition decomposition by register type is called a normal form WRA.

Then, we move to the main topic, the optimal run problem for WRA, which is a problem to compute a run whose weight takes the infimum among all the runs in a given WRA. The idea is simple and similar to the one in [4]: A given WRA is translated into a directed graph where a node stands for a state and an edge between two nodes stands for switches between them where the weight of the edge is the infimum of the weights of those switches. In order to determine the weight of each edge, the infimum of the weights must be independent of the contents of registers. However, this does not hold in general, unlike for WTA. To overcome this issue, we introduce two reasonable assumptions: for each transition, the infimum of the weights of switches realized by the transition is uniquely determined independent of the contents of registers (weighted simulation); and the above infimum can be computed when weighted simulation holds (weight computability). These two assumptions are a weighted version of simulation and progress proposed in [20]. For a given WRA satisfying the above two properties, we can construct a directed graph as intended, and we can obtain an optimal run by an existing graph algorithm that computes the minimum-weight path in the constructed graph.

Finally, we discuss the optimal run problem for weighted timed automata (WTA) as an example of the application of the proposed method. We focus on the subclass of WRA obtained from WTA by the translation of [5]. Intuitively, a register type corresponds to a clock region of TA [3]. Moreover, [4] shows that there always exists an optimal (minimum weight) path that visits only boundary regions and limit regions because all clock constrains of TA are linear. If we restrict the register types to those corresponding to boundary regions and limit regions, weighted simulation and weight computability hold where the directed graph constructed in our paper corresponds to the subregion graph in [4].

Related Work. Register automata (RA) were proposed by Kaminsky and Francez [12] as finite-memory automata where they show that the membership and emptiness problems are decidable, and the class of languages recognized by RA are closed under union, concatenation and Kleene-star. Later, the computational complexity of the above two problems are analyzed in [11, 18]. In [10], register context-free grammars (RCFG) as well as pushdown automata over an infinite alphabet were introduced as extensions of RA and the equivalence of the two models were shown. Properties of RCFG such as closure and complexity of decision problems are investigated in depth in [10, 19, 20].

As extensions of finite automata other than RA, data automata [9], pebble automata (PA) [16] and nominal automata (NA) [8] are known. Libkin and Vrgoč [14] argue that RA is the only model that has efficient data complexity for membership among the above mentioned formalisms. Neven et al. consider variations of RA and PA, which are either one way or two ways, deterministic, nondeterministic or alternating. They show inclusion and separation relationships among these automata, \(\text {FO}(\sim ,<)\) and \(\text {EMSO}(\sim ,<)\), and give the answer to some open problems including the undecidability of the universality problem for RA [17].

Time-optimal reachability and the related and generalized problems for weighed timed automata (WTA) have been investigated. The single-source optimal reachability problem for WTA is solved by a branch-and-bound algorithm in [7]. Alur et al. [4] solved the optimal reachability problem for TA, which is more general than the single-source one, by introducing limited regions and transforming a WTA to a weighted graph. The decision version of the optimal reachability problem is shown to be PSPACE-complete in [15].

The existing study most related to this paper is Babari et al.’s [5, 6], where RA is extended to weighted RA (WRA), and properties including closure and MSO logical characterizations are studied in depth as mentioned in the beginning of this section. Note that WRA is different from cost register automata [2] where data values and weights are not separated and the basic problems are undecidable even for very restricted subclass such as copyless cost register automata (CRA) [1]. This paper partially answers to open problems and conjectures raised in [5] about the decidability of the optimal run problem for WRA under reasonable assumptions as well as the complexity of decision problems for WRA which are counterparts of the membership and emptiness problems for models without weights.

2 Definitions

Let \({\mathbb B}=\{0,1\}\) be the set of truth values, \({\mathbb N}=\{0,1,\ldots \}\) be the set of natural numbers and \({\mathbb R}_{\ge 0}\) be the set of nonnegative reals. For a natural number \(k \in {\mathbb N}\), let \([k]=\{1,\dots ,k\}\). By \(|\beta |\), we mean the cardinality of \(\beta \) if \(\beta \) is a set and the length of \(\beta \) if \(\beta \) is a finite sequence. Let \(\varSigma \) be a finite alphabet and D be an infinite set of data values. We call \(w \in (\varSigma \times D)^+\) a data word (over \(\varSigma \) and D). For a finite collection \(\mathcal{R}\) of binary relations over D, \({\mathbb D}=\langle D,\mathcal{R}\rangle \) is called a data structure.

Intuitively, an automaton is equipped with a certain number of registers that can store a data value. Formally, an assignment of data values to k registers (abbreviated as k-register assignment or just assignment if k is irrelevant) is a mapping \(\theta :[k]\rightarrow D\). The collection of k-register assignments is denoted as \(\varTheta _k\). For a k-register assignment \(\theta \), \(\theta (i)\)(\(i\in [k]\)) is the data value assigned to the i-th register by \(\theta \). Let \(F_k\) denote the set of guard formulas (or simply, guards) defined by \(\varphi := tt \mid x_i^R \mid x_i^{R^{-1}} \mid \mathrm{in}^{{R}} \mid \varphi \wedge \varphi \mid \lnot \varphi \quad (i \in [k], R\in \mathcal{R})\). For an assignment \(\theta \), a data value \(d \in D\) and a guard \(\varphi \), the satisfaction relation \( (\theta ,d) \,\models \,\varphi \) is defined inductively on the structure of \(\varphi \) as \((\theta ,d) \,\models \, x_i^R\) iff \((\theta (i),d) \in R\), \((\theta ,d) \,\models \, x_i^{R^{-1}}\) iff \((d,\theta (i)) \in R\), \((\theta ,d) \,\models \, \mathrm{in}^{{R}}\) iff \((d,d) \in R\) and the meaning of tt, \(\wedge \) and \(\lnot \) are defined in the usual way. Define \({ ff} \equiv \lnot tt\), \(\varphi _1 \vee \varphi _2 \equiv \lnot (\lnot \varphi _1 \wedge \lnot \varphi _2)\).

Definition 1

([12, 13]). A k-register automaton (k-RA) over a finite alphabet \(\varSigma \) and a data structure \({\mathbb D}\) is a tuple \(A=(Q,Q_0,T,Q_f)\) where

  • Q is a finite set of states,

  • \(Q_0,Q_f \subseteq Q\) are sets of initial and final states, respectively,

  • \(T\subseteq Q\times \varSigma \times F_k \times 2^{[k]} \times Q\) is a set of state transitions.    \(\square \)

Let \(A=(Q,Q_0,T,Q_f)\) be a k-RA over \(\varSigma \) and \(\langle D,\mathcal{R}\rangle \). A state transition (or transition) \(t=(q,a,\varphi ,\varLambda ,q^\prime ) \in T\) where \(q,q^\prime \in Q,a\in \varSigma , \varphi \in F_k, \varLambda \in 2^{[k]}\) is written as \({q}\rightarrow ^{a}_{{\varphi },{\varLambda }}{q^\prime }\) and we denote by \(\mathrm{label}(t)\) the second component a of t. The description length of a k-RA \(A=(Q,Q_0,T,Q_f)\) is defined as \(\Vert A\Vert = |Q| + |T| \max \{ (\log |Q| + k)+\Vert \varphi \Vert \mid {q}\rightarrow ^{a}_{{\varphi },{\varLambda }}{q^\prime } \in T \}\), where \(\Vert \varphi \Vert \) is the description length of \(\varphi \), defined in a usual way.

For an assignment \(\theta \in \varTheta _k\), \(\varLambda \in 2^{[k]}\) and a data value \(d\in D\), the updated assignment \(\theta [\varLambda \leftarrow d]\in \varTheta _k\) is \(\theta [\varLambda \leftarrow d](i) = d\) if \(i \in \varLambda \) and \(\theta [\varLambda \leftarrow d](i) = \theta (i)\) otherwise. For a state \(q\in Q\) and an assignment \(\theta \in \varTheta _k\), \((q,\theta )\) is called an instantaneous description (ID). For two IDs \(c=(q,\theta )\) and \(c^\prime =(q^\prime ,\theta ^\prime )\), if there are \(d\in D\), \(t={q}\rightarrow ^{a}_{{\varphi },{\varLambda }}{q^\prime }\in T\) such that \((\theta ,d)\,\models \, \varphi \) and \(\theta ^\prime =\theta [\varLambda \leftarrow d]\), then \(c\vdash _{t,d} c^\prime \) is called a switch from c to \(c^\prime \) by t and d in A. The initial value of any register is \(\bot \) (\(\bot \in D\)). The initial ID and an accepting ID are \(c_0\in Q_0\times \bot ^k\) and \(c_f\in Q_f \times \varTheta _k\), respectively. A run in A is a finite sequence of switches from the initial ID to an accepting ID \(\rho =c_0 \vdash _{t_1,d_1}c_1\vdash _{t_2,d_2}c_2 \dots \vdash _{t_n,d_n}c_n\). The label of a run \(\rho \) is \(\mathrm{label}(\rho )=(\mathrm{label}(t_1),d_1)\dots (\mathrm{label}(t_n),d_n)\) and \(\rho \) is called a run of \(\mathrm{label}(\rho )\) in A. For \(w\in (\varSigma \times D)^+\), \(\mathrm{Run}_A(w)\) is the set of all runs of w in A.

We define \(L(A)=\{w\mid \mathrm{Run}_A(w)\ne \emptyset \}\), called the data language recognized by A. A data language \(L\subseteq (\varSigma \times D)^{+}\) is recognizable if there is an RA A such that \(L=L(A)\).

Example 1

Let \(\varSigma =\{a\}\), \(\mathcal{R}=\{<,=,>\}\). An example of 2-RA \(A_1\) is shown in Fig. 1 where \(\bot =0\). For an input data word w, \(A_1\) loads any data value, say \(d_i\), in w to the first register nondeterministically by \(t_2\). After that, every time a data value not equal to \(d_i\) comes, \(A_1\) stays at \(q_1\) by \(t_3\) or \(t_4\) until the same value \(d_i\) comes, at which \(A_1\) moves to \(q_2\) by \(t_5\). In this way, \(A_1\) nondeterministically chooses two positions having an identical data value \(d_i\) from the input data word, and the data values between them are not equal to \(d_i\). We have \(L(A_1)=\{(a,d_1)\dots (a_,d_n) \in (D\times \varSigma )^+ \mid i,j\in [n], i<j, d_i=d_j \text { and for } k=i+1,...,j-1,d_i \ne d_{k}\}\).

Fig. 1.
figure 1

RA \(A_1\)

We will use notations \(\varSigma \), \({\mathbb D}=\langle D,\mathcal{R}\rangle \) and \(\mathcal{S}=(S,+,\cdot ,0,1)\) to implicitly denote a finite alphabet, a data structure and a semiring, respectively.

Definition 2

([5]). A k-register weighted automaton (k-WRA) over \(\varSigma ,{\mathbb D},\mathcal{S}\) is a tuple \(\mathcal{A}=(Q,Q_0,T,Q_f,\mathrm{wt})\) where

  • \((Q,Q_0,T,Q_f)\) is a k-RA over \(\varSigma ,{\mathbb D}\), called the base RA of \(\mathcal{A}\),

  • \(\mathrm{wt}=(\mathrm{wtt},\mathrm{wtd})\) where \(\mathrm{wtt}:T\rightarrow S\) and \(\mathrm{wtd}:(T\times [k])\rightarrow ((D\times D)\rightarrow S).\)    \(\square \)

Let \(\mathcal{A}=(Q,Q_0,T,Q_f,\mathrm{wt})\) be a k-WRA as above. \(\mathrm{wtt}(t)\) represents the weight of a transition \(t\in T\). \(\mathrm{wtd}(t,j)\) is the weight of the j-th register at a transition \(t \in T\). More precisely, \(\mathrm{wtd}(t,j)(\theta (j),d)\) represents the weight needed for manipulating the j-th register for a switch \((q,\theta ) \vdash _{t,d} c'\). The weight of a switch \(c\vdash _{t,d} c^\prime \) is defined as

$$\begin{aligned} \mathrm{wt}((q,\theta )\vdash _{t,d} c^\prime ) = \prod ^k_{j=1}\mathrm{wtd}(t,j)(\theta (j),d)\cdot \mathrm{wtt}(t). \end{aligned}$$

A run in \(\mathcal{A}\) is just a run in the base RA of \(\mathcal{A}\). The weight of a run \(\rho =c_0 \vdash _{t_1,d_1}c_1\vdash _{t_2,d_2}c_2 \dots \vdash _{t_n,d_n}c_n\) in \(\mathcal{A}\) is defined as

$$\begin{aligned} \mathrm{wt}(\rho )=\prod ^n_{i=1}\mathrm{wt}(c_{i-1}\vdash _{t_i,d_i} c_i). \end{aligned}$$

We assume that there are constants \(W_1, W_2\in {\mathbb R_{\ge 0}}\) such that for any \(t\in T\), \(\mathrm{wtt}(t)\) can be computed in \(W_1\) time and for \(t\in T,j\in [k],d_1,d_2\in D\), \(\mathrm{wtd}(t,j)(d_1,d_2)\) can be computed in \(W_2\) time. We define the description length of a k-WRA \(\mathcal{A}\) as \(\Vert \mathcal{A}\Vert = \Vert A_b\Vert \) where \(A_b\) is the base RA of \(\mathcal{A}\).Footnote 1

A data series over \(\varSigma \), D and \(\mathcal{S}\) is a mapping \(U:(\varSigma \times D)^+\rightarrow S\). The data series recognized by a WRA \(\mathcal{A}\) is the data series \([\![\mathcal{A}]\!]\) defined as \([\![\mathcal{A}]\!](w) =\sum _{\rho \in \mathrm{Run}_{\mathcal{A}}(w)}\mathrm{wt}(\rho )\) for each \(w\in (\varSigma \times D)^+\). A data series \(U:(\varSigma \times D)^+ \rightarrow S\) is recognizable if there is a WRA that recognizes U.

Example 2

Let \(\varSigma =\{a\}\), \({\mathbb D}=\langle {\mathbb N}, \{<,=,>\} \rangle \), and the semiring \(\mathcal{R}_{\mathrm{trpc}} =({\mathbb R}_{\ge 0} \cup \{\infty \},\mathrm{min},+,\infty ,0)\), known as a tropical semiring, where \(\mathrm{min}\) acts as the addition and \(+\) acts as the multiplication of the semiring. Let \(\mathcal{A}_2\) be 2-WRA that has \(A_1\) of Example 1 as its base RA. The weight functions \(\mathrm{wt}=(\mathrm{wtt},\mathrm{wtd})\) are defined as: \(\mathrm{wtt}(t_3)=1\) and \(\mathrm{wtt}(t)=0\) for every transition t other than \(t_3\), and \(\mathrm{wtd}(t,j)(d,d')=0\) for every argument. \(\mathcal{A}_2\) nondeterministically chooses two positions having an identical data value \(d_i\) and counts the data values greater than \(d_i\) between them by \(t_3\). The data series recognized by \(\mathcal{A}_2\) is such that for \(w\in (\varSigma \times D)^+\), \([\![\mathcal{A}_2]\!](w)=\min \{\text {the number of }d\text { in }d_{i+1},\cdots , d_{j-1} \text { such that }d>d_i \mid w=(a,d_1)\dots (a_,d_n), i,j\in [n], i<j, d_i=d_j \text { and for } k=i+1,...,j-1,d_i \ne d_{k}\}\).

3 Decision Problems

In this section, we analyze the computational complexity of the following problems for WRA. The results are summarized in Table 1.

Definition 3

(The weight computation problems)

Input: a k-WRA \(\mathcal{A}\) over \(\varSigma \), \({\mathbb D}\), \(\mathcal{S}\) and a data word \(w\in (\varSigma \times D)^+\). For the run weight computation problem, a weight \(s \in S\) is also given.

(The run weight computation problem) \(\exists \rho \in \mathrm{Run}_\mathcal{A}(w).\mathrm{wt}(\rho )=s?\)

(The data word weight computation problem) Compute \([\![\mathcal{A}]\!](w)\).

The input size of both problems is \(\Vert \mathcal{A}\Vert + |w|\).

Table 1. Complexity results

Definition 4 (The weight realizability problems)

Input: a k-WRA \(\mathcal{A}\) over \(\varSigma \), \({\mathbb D}\), \(\mathcal{S}\) and a weight \(s\in S\)

(The run weight realizability problem) \(\exists w{.} \exists \rho \in \mathrm{Run}_\mathcal{A}(w){.}\mathrm{wt}(\rho )=s?\)

(The data word weight realizability problem) \(\exists w{.} [\![\mathcal{A}]\!](w)=s?\)

The input size of both problems is \(\Vert \mathcal{A}\Vert \).

Theorem 1

The run weight computation problem is NP-complete.


Assume we are given a k-WRA \(\mathcal{A}=(Q,Q_0,T,Q_f,\mathrm{wt})\) over \(\varSigma \), \(\langle D, \mathcal{R}\rangle \), \(\mathcal{S}=(S,+,\cdot ,0,1)\), a data word \(w\in (\varSigma \times D)^+\) and \(s\in S\).

(NP solvability). By the assumption on complexity of computing weights of WRA, \(\mathrm{wt}(c\vdash _{t,d}c^\prime )\) can be computed in \(O(W_1 + W_2k)\) time. Thus, for any run \(\rho \in \mathrm{Run}_{\mathcal{A}}(w)\), the weight \(\mathrm{wt}(\rho )\) can be computed in \(O((W_1 + W_2k)|w|)\) time. Hence, we can nondeterministically choose a run of w and test whether \(\mathrm{wt}(\rho ) = s\) in polynomial time.

(NP-hardness). We restrict the problem as:

For every transition \(t\in T\), \(j\in [k]\) and \(d_1,d_2\in D\), \(\mathrm{wtt}(t)=\mathrm{wtd}(t,j)(d_1,d_2)=1\). Also \(s=1\).

Then, for any switch \(c\vdash _{t,d}c^\prime \), we have \(\mathrm{wt}(c\vdash _{t,d}c^\prime )=1\). This implies that for every run \(\rho \in \mathrm{Run}_{\mathcal {A}}(w)\), we have \(\mathrm{wt}(\rho )=1=s\). Therefore, the problem restricted in this way asks for an input k-WRA \(\mathcal {A}\) and a data word w, whether \(\exists \rho \in \mathrm{Run}_{\mathcal {A}}(w)\). The k-WRA in this setting can be regarded as a RA (standard register automata without weight) and the above problem is equivalent to the membership problem that asks whether a given data word w is accepted by \(\mathcal {A}\) regarded as an RA. Hence the run weight computation problem is NP-hard because the membership problem for RA is NP-complete [13].    \(\square \)

To discuss the complexity of the data word computation problem, we use the complexity class #P, the class of function problems that can be solved by counting the number of accepting runs of a polynomial-time non-deterministic Turing machine. An example of #P-complete problem is #SAT: How many different variable assignments will satisfy a given general boolean formula?

Let \(\mathcal{N}=({\mathbb N},+,\cdot ,0,1)\) be the semiring of natural numbers.

Lemma 1

The data word weight computation problem of k-WRA \(\mathcal{A}=(Q,Q_0,T,Q_f,(\mathrm{wtt},\mathrm{wtd}))\) over \(\varSigma \), \(\langle D, \mathcal{R}\rangle \) and \(\mathcal N\) is #P-hard even if \(\mathrm{wtt}(t)=\mathrm{wtd}(t,j)(d,d')=1\) for every \(t\in T, j\in [k], d,d'\in D\).


We reduce #2SAT problem, which is known to be #P-complete, to the data word weight computation problem. Let \(\phi =c_1 \wedge c_2 \wedge \cdots \wedge c_m\) be a given 2-CNF, where each \(c_i\) \((i\in [m])\) is a clause consisting of two literals and \(z_1,\dots ,z_n\) are Boolean variables appearing in \(\phi \). We construct n-WRA \(\mathcal{A}_{\phi }=(Q,Q_0,T,Q_f,(\mathrm{wtt},\mathrm{wtd}))\) over \(\varSigma ,\langle D,\mathcal{R} \rangle ,\mathcal{N}\) and input data word w from \(\phi \) as follows. Let \(\varSigma =\{a\}\), D be an infinite set containing \(\top \) and \(\bot \), and let \(\mathcal{R} = \{ =, \not = \}\) where \(=\) and \(\not =\) are (an extension of) the equality on Boolean values (logical equivalence) and its negation, respectively. Note that \(\bot \) is the initial value. The values of all weight functions \(\mathrm{wtt}\) and \(\mathrm{wtd}\) are defined as \(1\in {\mathbb N}\). Let \(Q = \{q_i\mid i\in [n] \} \cup \{q_{k,l} \mid k\in [m], l\in [2]\} \cup \{q^\prime _{k} \mid k\in [m]\} \cup \{q_\mathrm{r},q_f\}\), \(Q_0=\{q_1\}\) and \(Q_f=\{q_f\}\). The input word is \(w=(a,\top )\cdots (a,\top )\) of length \(|w|=n+2m\). We construct the following transitions and add them to T: The first group of transitions nondeterministically simulates an assignment of a Boolean value to each \(z_i\) (\(i\in [n]\)). If \(x_i\) is updated to be \(\top \), it means \(z_i\) is assigned tt, and otherwise, it means \(z_i\) is assigned \({ ff}\).

$$\begin{aligned} {q_1}\rightarrow ^{a}_{{tt},{\{1\}}}{q_2}, \; {q_1}\rightarrow ^{a}_{{tt},{\emptyset }}{q_2}, \; \ldots , \; {q_n}\rightarrow ^{a}_{{tt},{\{n\}}}{q_{1,1}}, \; {q_n}\rightarrow ^{a}_{{tt},{\emptyset }}{q_{1,1}}. \end{aligned}$$

The second group of transitions deterministically evaluates the truth value of each clause \(c_k = y_{k,1} \vee y_{k,2}\) (\(k\in [m]\)).

$$\begin{aligned}&{q_{k,1}}\rightarrow ^{a}_{{x_i^=},{\emptyset }}{q_{k}^\prime }, \quad {q_{k,1}}\rightarrow ^{a}_{{x_i^{\ne }},{\emptyset }}{q_{k,2}}\quad \text { if } y_{k,1}=z_i, \\&{q_{k,1}}\rightarrow ^{a}_{{x_i^{\ne }},{\emptyset }}{q_{k}^\prime }, \quad {q_{k,1}}\rightarrow ^{a}_{{x_i^=},{\emptyset }}{q_{k,2}}, \quad \text { if } y_{k,1}=\overline{z_i}, \\&{q_{k,2}}\rightarrow ^{a}_{{x_i^=},{\emptyset }}{q_{k+1,1}}, \quad {q_{k,2}}\rightarrow ^{a}_{{x_i^{\ne }},{\emptyset }}{q_\mathrm{r}}, \quad \text { if } y_{k,2}=z_i, \\&{q_{k,2}}\rightarrow ^{a}_{{x_i^{\ne }},{\emptyset }}{q_{k+1,1}}, \quad {q_{k,2}}\rightarrow ^{a}_{{x_i^=},{\emptyset }}{q_\mathrm{r}}, \quad \text { if } y_{k,2}=\overline{z_i}, \\&{q_{k}^\prime }\rightarrow ^{a}_{{tt},{\emptyset }}{q_{k+1,1}} \end{aligned}$$

where \(q_{m+1,1}\) is the final state \(q_f\). The state \(q_\mathrm{r}\) is a dead state with no outgoing transition. The states \(q^\prime _{k}\) are used to skip the evaluation of literals when a preceding literal evaluates to \(\top \) in the clause.

For a truth-value assignment \(\alpha :\{z_1,\dots ,z_n\}\rightarrow \{tt,{ ff}\}\), let \(\theta _\alpha \in \varTheta _n\) be \(\theta _\alpha (x_i)=\top \) if \(\alpha (z_i)=tt\) and \(\theta _\alpha (x_i)=\bot \) otherwise. Assume \(\mathcal{A}_{\phi }\) is fed with the input data word \(w=(a,\top )\dots (a,\top )\) of length \(n+2m\). After conducting the first group of transitions, the assignment of \(\mathcal{A}_{\phi }\) becomes \(\theta _\alpha \) for some truth-value assignment \(\alpha \). Because the second group of transitions deterministically verifies whether \(\phi \) evaluates to tt without register update, that part of the run is uniquely determined. In other words, there is a one-to-one correspondence between the set of maximal sequences of switches of w in \(\mathcal{A}_{\phi }\) and the set of assignments. Therefore, a maximal sequence of switches of w in \(\mathcal{A}_{\phi }\) is a run \(\rho \) of w if and only if \(\phi \) is satisfied by the truth-value assignment \(\alpha \) corresponding to the assignment \(\theta _{\alpha }\) obtained by \(\rho \).    \(\square \)

Lemma 2

The data word weight computation problem for k-WRA is PSPACE-solvable. When the semiring is \(\mathcal N\), wtt is bounded and \(\mathrm{wtd}(t,j)(d_1,d_2)=1\) for every \(t\in T\) and \(j\in [k]\) and \(d_1,d_2\in D\) for a given k-WRA \(\mathcal{A}=(Q,Q_0,T,Q_f,(\mathrm{wtt},\mathrm{wtd}))\), the problem becomes #P-solvable.


PSPACE-solvability is easy to show. The weight of a run of an input data word can be calculated in polynomial time by the proof of Theorem 1, and we need additional polynomial space to store the sum of the weights of all runs of the input data word.

Next, we discuss #P-solvability. From a k-WRA \(\mathcal{A}=(Q,Q_0,T,Q_f,(\mathrm{wtt},\mathrm{wtd}))\) over \(\varSigma \), \(\langle D,\mathcal{R} \rangle \), \(\mathcal N\), we construct k-WRA \(\mathcal{A}^\prime =\) \((Q^\prime ,Q_0^\prime ,T^\prime ,Q_f^\prime ,(\mathrm{wtt}^\prime ,\mathrm{wtd}^\prime ))\) such that \([\![\mathcal{A}^\prime ]\!]=[\![\mathcal{A}]\!]\) by dividing each run in \(\mathcal{A}\) into several runs whose weights are 1. For \(M=\mathrm{max}\{\mathrm{wtt}(t) \mid t\in T\}\), we introduce new states \(q_1,\dots ,q_M\) not included in Q. Note that M is a constant by the assumption. The set of the states of \(\mathcal{A}^\prime \) is \(Q^\prime =\{(q,q_i) \mid q\in Q, i \in [M] \}\), and the set of transitions is \(T^\prime = \{ {(q,q_i)}\rightarrow ^{a}_{{\varphi },{\varLambda }}{(q^\prime ,q_j)} \mid t={q}\rightarrow ^{a}_{{\varphi },{\varLambda }}{q^\prime }\in T, \mathrm{wtt}(t)=m, i \in [M], j \in [m]\}\). Also, let \(Q_0^\prime = \{(q_I,q_1)\mid q_I \in Q_0\}\), and \(Q_f^\prime = \{(q_f,q_i)\mid q_f \in Q_f, i\in [M]\}\). This construction of \(\mathcal{A}^\prime \) can be done in polynomial time. Therefore, the data word weight computation problem is in #P under the given condition.

Theorem 2

Let \(\mathcal{A}=(Q,Q_0,T,Q_f,(\mathrm{wtt},\mathrm{wtd}))\) be a k-WRA over \(\varSigma \), \(\langle D,\mathcal{R} \rangle \), \(\mathcal N\). If \(\mathrm{max}\{\mathrm{wtt}(t) \mid t\in T\}\) is uniformly bounded and \(\mathrm{wtd}(t,j)(d_1,d_2)=1\) for every \(t\in T\), \(j\in [k]\) and \(d_1,d_2\in D\), then the data word weight computation problem is #P-complete.


By Lemmas 1 and 2.

Theorem 3

The run weight realizability problem for k-WRA is undecidable even if \(k=1\), all the values of weight functions are one and every relation of the data structure is decidable.


We prove the theorem by a reduction from the Post correspondence problem (PCP). Let \(I = \langle (u_1,\ldots ,u_m), (v_1,\ldots ,v_m)\rangle \) be a given instance of PCP over \(\varSigma \) where \(u_i, v_i \in \varSigma ^{*}\) for \(i\in [m]\). From I, we construct a 1-WRA \(\mathcal{A}_I=(\{q_0,q,q_f\},\{q_0\},T,\{q_f\},\mathrm{wt})\) over \(\{a\},\langle D,\mathcal{R} \rangle , \mathcal N\) where the data structure \(\langle D,\mathcal{R} \rangle \), the set T of transitions and the weight functions \(\mathrm{wt}=(\mathrm{wtt},\mathrm{wtd})\) are defined as follows.

  • \(D=\varSigma ^{*}\times \varSigma ^{*}\) with \(\bot =(\varepsilon ,\varepsilon )\in D\) as the initial value and \(\mathcal{R} = \{ R_i \mid i\in [m] \} \cup \{ \mathrm{EQ} \}\) where for \(x,y,x^\prime ,y^\prime \in \varSigma ^{*}\), \((x,y) R_i (x^\prime ,y^\prime ) \Leftrightarrow (x^\prime =xu_i \text { and } y^\prime =yv_i)\) for \(i\in [m]\) and \((x,y) \mathrm{EQ} (x',y') \Leftrightarrow (x=y)\).

  • \(T = \{ {q_0}\rightarrow ^{a}_{{x_1^{R_i}},{\{1\}}}{q}, ~ {q}\rightarrow ^{a}_{{x_1^{R_i}},{\{1\}}}{q} \mid i\in [m] \} \cup \{ {q}\rightarrow ^{a}_{{x_1^{\mathrm{EQ}}},{\emptyset }}{q_f} \}\).

  • \(\mathrm{wtt}(t)=\mathrm{wtd}(t,1)(d_1,d_2)=1\) for every \(t\in T\), \(d_1,d_2\in D\).

It is easy to see that I has a solution of PCP if and only if there is a run \(\rho \) of some \(w\in (\{a\}\times D)^+\) in \(\mathcal{A}_I\) such that \(\mathrm{wt}(\rho )=1\).

Corollary 1

The data word weight realizability problem of k-WRA is undecidable even if \(k=1\), all the values of weight functions are one and every relation of the data structure is decidable.    \(\square \)

The above results imply that the realizability problems are already undecidable for ordinary RA (w/o weights). This motivates us to introduce a subclass of WRA for which the realizability problems and related optimization problems are solvable while the weights make sense, which are given in Sect. 5.2.

4 Transition Decomposition by Register Type

In this section, we will define a normal form WRA. First, we introduce a register type as a finite abstraction of assignments with respect to the relations in \(\mathcal R\) of a given data structure \(\langle D,\mathcal{R} \rangle \).

Definition 5

([20]). A register type (of k registers) for a data structure \(\langle D,\mathcal{R} \rangle \) is an arbitrary function \(\gamma :([k]\times [k])\rightarrow (\mathcal{R} \rightarrow {\mathbb B})\). Let \(\varGamma _k\) denote the collection of all register types of k registers. For an assignment \(\theta \in \varTheta _k\) and a register type \(\gamma \in \varGamma _k\), if \(\forall i,j\in [k] \forall R\in \mathcal{R}. (\gamma (i,j)(R)=1 \Leftrightarrow (\theta (i),\theta (j))\in R)\) holds, we write \(\theta :\gamma \) and we say that the type of \(\theta \) is \(\gamma \).    \(\square \)

Let \({\mathcal{A}}=(Q,Q_0,T,Q_f,\mathrm{wt})\) be an arbitrary k-WRA. From \(\mathcal{A}\), we define k-WRA \({\mathcal{A}^\prime }=(Q^\prime ,Q_0^\prime ,T^\prime ,Q_f^\prime ,\mathrm{wt}^\prime )\) as follows: \(Q^\prime =Q\times \varGamma _k\). \(Q_0^\prime =Q_0\times \{\gamma _0\}\) where \(\gamma _0\) is defined as \(\forall R \in \mathcal{R} \bigl [(\forall i,j \in [k].\gamma _0(i,j)(R)=1) \Leftrightarrow ((\bot ,\bot )\in R)\bigr ]\). \(Q_f^\prime =Q_f \times \varGamma _k\). \(T^\prime \) is the smallest set of transitions \(t^\prime = {(p,\gamma )}\rightarrow ^{a}_{{\varphi ^\prime },{\varLambda }}{(q,\gamma ^\prime )}\) where

\(t={p}\rightarrow ^{a}_{{\varphi },{\varLambda }}{q}\in T\), \(\gamma , \gamma ^\prime \in \varGamma _k\), \(\varphi ^\prime = \varphi \wedge \prod _{R\in \mathcal{R}} (\prod ^k_{i=1} \alpha _i^R \wedge \beta _i^R) \wedge \delta ^R\), \(\alpha _i^R \in \{x_i^R,\lnot x_i^R\}, \beta _i^R \in \{x_i^{R^{-1}},\lnot x_i^{R^{-1}}\}, \delta ^R \in \{\mathrm{in}^{{R}}, \lnot \mathrm{in}^{{R}}\}\), \(\varphi ^\prime \not \equiv { ff}\) and if \(\theta \in \varTheta _k,~d\in D,~\theta :\gamma ,~(\theta ,d)\,\models \, \varphi ^\prime ,~ (p,\theta )\vdash _{t,d}(q,\theta [\varLambda \leftarrow d])\) then \(\theta [\varLambda \leftarrow d]:\gamma ^\prime .\)

In the above definition, \(\varphi ^\prime \) says that in addition to \(\varphi \), whether the contents of the i-th register and an input data value d satisfies R (resp. d is reflexive on R) is exactly determined by \(\alpha _i^R\) and \(\beta _i^R\) (resp. by \(\delta ^R\)). Furthermore, an input data value is loaded to the registers specified by \(\varLambda \) when \(t^\prime \) is applied. Therefore, if \(t\in T\), \(\gamma \in \varGamma _k\) and \(\varphi ^\prime \) are given, the transition belonging to \(T^\prime \) is uniquely determined. We write that transition as \(s_{t,\gamma ,\varphi ^\prime }\). Finally, define \(\mathrm{wt}^\prime =(\mathrm{wtt}^\prime ,\mathrm{wtd}^\prime )\) where for each \(t^\prime =s_{t,\gamma ,\varphi ^\prime }\in T^\prime \), \(\mathrm{wtt}^\prime (t^\prime )=\mathrm{wtt}(t)\) and for \(j\in [k]\), \(\mathrm{wtd}^\prime (t^\prime ,j)=\mathrm{wtd}(t,j)\). This completes the definition of k-WRA \(\mathcal{A}^\prime \).

Example 3

Let \(k=2\), \(\mathcal{R}=\{R\}\) and consider transition \(t={p}\rightarrow ^{a}_{{x_1^R},{\{2\}}}{q}\) and register type \(\gamma \) such that \(\gamma (i,j)(R)=1\) (\((i,j)=(1,1),(1,2),(2,2)\)), \(\gamma (2,1)(R)=0\). If we merge transitions whose target states are the same, then we have the following four transitions:

$$\begin{aligned}&{(p,\gamma )}\rightarrow ^{a}_{{x_1^R \wedge x_1^{R^{-1}} \wedge \mathrm{in}^{{R}}},{\{2\}}}{(q,\gamma ^{(1)})}, \quad {(p,\gamma )}\rightarrow ^{a}_{{x_1^R \wedge x_1^{R^{-1}} \wedge \lnot \mathrm{in}^{{R}}},{\{2\}}}{(q,\gamma ^{(2)})},\\&{(p,\gamma )}\rightarrow ^{a}_{{x_1^R \wedge \lnot x_1^{R^{-1}} \wedge \mathrm{in}^{{R}}},{\{2\}}}{(q,\gamma ^{(3)})}, \quad {(p,\gamma )}\rightarrow ^{a}_{{x_1^R \wedge \lnot x_1^{R^{-1}} \wedge \lnot \mathrm{in}^{{R}}},{\{2\}}}{(q,\gamma ^{(4)})} \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned}&\gamma ^{(i)}(1,2)(R)=1, \gamma ^{(i)}(2,1)(R)=1 ~ (i=1,2), \\&\gamma ^{(i)}(1,2)(R)=1, \gamma ^{(i)}(2,1)(R)=0 ~ (i=3,4), \\&\gamma ^{(i)}(2,2)(R)=0 ~ (i=2,4), \gamma ^{(i)}(j,j)(R)=1 ~ (otherwise). \end{aligned}$$

Theorem 4

Let \(\mathcal{A}=(Q,Q_0,T,Q_f,\mathrm{wt})\) be an arbitrary k-WRA and \(\mathcal{A}^\prime =(Q^\prime ,Q_0^\prime ,T^\prime ,Q^\prime _f,\mathrm{wt}^\prime )\) be the k-WRA obtained from \(\mathcal{A}\) by the transition decomposition by register type. Also let \(w=(a_1,d_1)\cdots (a_n,d_n) \in (\varSigma \times D)^+\) be an arbitrary data word. For a run \(\rho =c_0 \vdash _{t_1,d_1}c_1\vdash _{t_2,d_2} \dots \vdash _{t_n,d_n}c_n \in \mathrm{Run}_\mathcal{A}(w)\), there exists a run \(\rho ^\prime =c_0^\prime \vdash _{s_{t_1,\gamma _0,\varphi _1^\prime },d_1}c_1^\prime \vdash _{s_{t_2,\gamma _1,\varphi _2^\prime },d_2} \cdots \vdash _{s_{t_n,\gamma _{n-1},\varphi _n^\prime },d_n}c_n^\prime \in \mathrm{Run}_{\mathcal{A}^\prime }(w)\) such that \(\mathrm{wt}(\rho ^\prime )=\mathrm{wt}(\rho )\). Conversely, for a run \(\rho ^\prime \in \mathrm{Run}_{\mathcal{A}^\prime }(w)\), there exists a run \(\rho \in \mathrm{Run}_{\mathcal{A}}(w)\) such that \(\mathrm{wt}(\rho )=\mathrm{wt}(\rho ^\prime )\).


Consider a data word w and a run \(\rho \) stated in the lemma and assume \(c_i=(q_i,\theta _i),\theta _i:\gamma _i\) for \(i\in \{0\}\cup [n]\). By the construction of \(T^\prime \), there exists a unique transition \(s_{t_i,\gamma _{i-1},\varphi ^\prime _i}= {(q_{i-1},\gamma _{i-1})}\rightarrow ^{a_i}_{{\varphi ^\prime _i},{\varLambda }}{(q_i,\gamma _i)}\in T^\prime \) such that \(((q_{i-1},\gamma _{i-1}),\theta _{i-1}) \vdash _{s_{t_i,\gamma _{i-1},\varphi ^\prime _i},d_i} ((q_i,\gamma _i),\theta _i)\) in \(\mathcal{A}^\prime \) where \(\varphi ^\prime _i\) is determined by whether \((\theta _{i-1},d_i) \,\models \, x_j^R\), \((\theta _{i-1},d_i) \,\models \, x_j^{R^{-1}}\) and \((\theta _{i-1},d_i) \,\models \, \mathrm{in}^{{R}}\) hold or not for \(j\in [k]\) and \(R\in \mathcal{R}\). If we concatenate the above switches, we obtain a run \(\rho ^\prime \) of w in \(\mathcal{A}^\prime \) and \(\mathrm{wt}(\rho ^\prime )=\mathrm{wt}(\rho )\).

Conversely, for \(i\in [n]\), let \(c_{i-1}^\prime \vdash _{s_{t_i,\gamma _{i-1},\varphi _i^\prime },d_i}c_i^\prime \) be a switch in \(\mathcal{A}^\prime \) where \(s_{t_i,\gamma _{i-1},\varphi _i^\prime }= {(q_{i-1},\gamma _{i-1})}\rightarrow ^{a_i}_{{\varphi ^\prime _i},{\varLambda }}{(q_i,\gamma _{i})}\in T^\prime \). The transition of \(\mathcal{A}\) corresponding to \(s_{t_i,\gamma _{i-1},\varphi _i^\prime }\in T^\prime \) is exactly \(t_i \in T\). By the construction of \(T^\prime \), \((\theta _{i-1},d_i)\,\models \, \varphi _i^\prime \) implies \((\theta _{i-1},d_i)\,\models \, \varphi _i\). Therefore, \(c_{i-1} \vdash _{t_i,d_i}c_i\) is a switch in \(\mathcal{A}\). The rest of the proof is similar to the former case; we lift the obtained switches to the run.    \(\square \)

A WRA obtained by the above transformation is called a normal form WRA.

5 The Optimal Run Problem

5.1 Definition of the Problem

We introduce the problem of computing the optimal (infimum) weight of the runs from the initial ID to an accepting ID of a given WRA. We assume the tropical semiring \(\mathcal{R}_{\mathrm{trpc}}\) (see Example 2) because by \(\mathcal{R}_{\mathrm{trpc}}\) we can represent the minimum weight by the addition of the semiring. Of course, we could use the max-tropical semiring \(({\mathbb R} \cup \{-\infty \},\mathrm{max},+, -\infty ,0)\) instead.

Definition 6

(The optimal run problem)

Input: a k-WRA \(\mathcal{A}\) over \(\varSigma , \langle D,\mathcal{R}\rangle , \mathcal{R}_{\mathrm{trpc}}\)

Output: The infimum of \(\{ \mathrm{wt}(\rho ) \mid \exists w\in (\varSigma \times D)^+{.} \rho \in \mathrm{Run}_{\mathcal{A}}(w) \}\)    \(\square \)

By Theorem 4 and the definition of the problem, the following property holds.

Corollary 2

Let \(\mathcal{A}=(Q,Q_0,T,Q_f,\mathrm{wt})\) be an arbitrary k-WRA and \(\mathcal{A}^\prime =(Q^\prime ,Q_0^\prime ,T^\prime ,Q^\prime _f,\mathrm{wt}^\prime )\) be the normal form k-WRA obtained from \(\mathcal{A}\). The solutions to the optimal run problem for \(\mathcal{A}\) and \(\mathcal{A}^\prime \) are the same.    \(\square \)

Let \(\mathcal{A}\) and \(\mathcal{A}^\prime \) be as assumed in the above corollary. We will transform \(\mathcal{A}^\prime \) to an edge-weighted directed graph \(G=\langle V, E\rangle \) such that the solution of the optimal run problem is equal to the weight of the minimum-weight path of G. The difficulty lies in the requirement that we must construct G without knowing an input data word w to \(\mathcal{A}^\prime \) or assignments appearing in a run of w in \(\mathcal{A}^\prime \). To overcome this problem, we introduce two properties in the next subsection.

5.2 Weighted Simulation and Weight Computability

Let \(\mathcal{A}=(Q,Q_0,T,Q_f,\mathrm{wt})\) be an arbitrary k-WRA and \(\mathcal{A}^\prime =(Q^\prime ,Q_0^\prime ,T^\prime ,Q^\prime _f,\mathrm{wt}^\prime )\) be the normal form k-WRA obtained from \(\mathcal{A}\). We say that k-WRA \(\mathcal A^\prime \) has weighted simulation property if every \(t^\prime ={(p,\gamma )}\rightarrow ^{a}_{{\varphi ^\prime },{\varLambda }}{(q,\gamma ^\prime )}\in T^\prime \) satisfies the following condition: for every \(\theta \in \varTheta _k\) such that \(\theta : \gamma \), \(\inf \{ \mathrm{wt}(((p,\gamma ),\theta ) \vdash _{t^\prime ,d} ((q,\gamma ^\prime ),\theta [\varLambda \leftarrow d])) \mid d\in D, \theta [\varLambda \leftarrow d] : \gamma ^\prime \}\) takes a same valueFootnote 2. Also, we say that k-WRA \(\mathcal A^\prime \) has weight computability if the above infimum, denoted as \(\mathrm{wt}(t^\prime )\), can be computed in polynomial time of \(\Vert \mathcal{A}\Vert \). Weighted simulation is a natural extension of the property of TA and WTA that the infinite set of IDs can be divided into finite sets called clock regions such that any IDs belonging to a same clock region are indistinguishable. The above two properties are undecidable in general because a binary relation appearing in the guard of a transition may be undecidable. Weighted simulation says that if two assignments \(\theta _1,\theta _2\) have a same register type \(\gamma \), the infimum of the weights of switches from \((p,\theta _1)\) to \((q,\theta _1^\prime )\) by \(t^\prime \) is the same as that from \((p,\theta _2)\) to \((q,\theta _2^\prime )\) by \(t^\prime \). This property, together with weight computability, enables us to compute the infimum of the weights from \((p,\gamma )\) to \((q,\gamma ')\) without knowing an assignment or an input data value.

These assumptions also make the following two problems related to the weight realizability problems decidable.

Definition 7

(The weight bounding problems)

Input: a k-WRA \(\mathcal A\) over \(\varSigma \), \(\langle D,\mathcal{R}\rangle \), \(\mathcal{R}_{\mathrm{trpc}}\) and a weight \(s\in {\mathbb R}_{\ge 0}\)

(The run weight bounding problem) \(\exists w{.} \exists \rho \in \mathrm{Run}_\mathcal{A}(w){.}\mathrm{wt}(\rho )\le s?\)

(The data word weight bounding problem) \(\exists w{.} [\![\mathcal{A}]\!](w)\le s?\)

The input size for both problems is \(\Vert \mathcal{A}\Vert \).

Theorem 5

The run weight bounding problem for k-WRA over \(\varSigma \), \(\langle D,\mathcal{R}\rangle \), \(\mathcal{R}_{\mathrm{trpc}}\) is PSPACE-complete if weighted simulation and weight computability hold.


(PSPACE-solvability). Let \(\mathcal{A}=(Q,Q_0,T,Q_f,\mathrm{wt})\) be a k-WRA over \(\varSigma \), \(\langle D, \mathcal{R}\rangle \) and \(\mathcal{S}\) and \(s\in {\mathbb R}_{\ge 0}\). Let \(\mathcal{A}^\prime =(Q^\prime ,Q_0^\prime ,T^\prime ,Q_f^\prime ,\mathrm{wt}^\prime )\) be the normal form k-WRA obtained from \(\mathcal{A}\). By weighted simulation, the number of IDs of \(\mathcal{A}^\prime \) that must be examined is not more than \(|Q^\prime |(k+1)^k\) by a similar reason discussed in [13]. Therefore, it is enough to check whether \(\mathrm{wt}(\rho )\le s\) for every run \(\rho \) of w whose length is at most \(|Q^\prime |(k+1)^k\). By the proof of Theorem 1, computing the weight of a run can be done in polynomial time. Also, the space needed to simulate a run of an input data word of length \(|Q^\prime |(k+1)^k\) is \(\log (|Q^\prime |(k+1)^k)=k\log (k+1)+\log |Q^\prime |\). Because \(Q^\prime = Q \times \varGamma _k\) holds, \(|Q^\prime | \in O(|Q|2^{k^2|\mathcal{R}|})\). Hence, the space complexity is \(O(k\log k+\log |Q|+k^2|\mathcal{R}|)\), which is a polynomial order of k, |Q| and \(|\mathcal{R}|\). Consequently, this problem can be solved in PSPACE.

(PSPACE-Hardness). As in the proof of NP-hardness in Theorem 1, we assume the value of every weight function is 0. Then, for every data word w and every run \(\rho \in \mathrm{Run}_\mathcal{A}(w)\), \(\mathrm{wt}(\rho )=0\). When the given semiring value is \(s=0\), the run weight realizability problem is expressed as: for a given k-WRA \(\mathcal{A}\), \(\exists w, \exists \rho \in \mathrm{Run}_{\mathcal{A}}(w)?\), which is equivalent to the emptiness problem for k-RA. Because the emptiness problem for RA is PSPACE-complete [13], the run weight bounding problem is PSPACE-hard.

Theorem 6

The data word weight bounding problem of k-WRA over \(\varSigma \), \(\langle D,\mathcal{R}\rangle \), \(\mathcal{R}_{\mathrm{trpc}}\) is PSPACE-complete if weighted simulation and weight computability hold.


Let \(\mathcal{A}\) be a given k-WRA and s be a semiring value.

(PSPACE-solvability). We only need to take the sum of the weights of all the runs of w in \(\mathcal{A}\) to compute \([\![\mathcal {A}]\!](w)\), which needs only O(1) additional space. Therefore, this problem can be solved in PSPACE.

(PSPACE-hardness). The run weight bounding problem is PSPACE-complete by Theorem 5, and so this problem is PSPACE-hard.

5.3 Transformation to a Directed Graph

We will present a transformation from a given k-WRA to an edge-weighted directed graph when weighted simulation and weight computability hold. Let \(\mathcal{A}\) be a k-WRA over \(\varSigma \), \(\langle D, \mathcal{R}\rangle \) and \(\mathcal{R}_{\mathrm{trpc}}\) that satisfies weighted simulation and weight computability and \(\mathcal{A}^\prime =(Q^\prime ,Q_0^\prime ,T^\prime ,Q_f^\prime ,\mathrm{wt}^\prime )\) be the normal form k-WRA obtained from \(\mathcal{A}\).

Construct the edge-weighted directed graph \(G=\langle V,E \rangle \) where V and E are the sets of nodes and edges respectively, where \(V=Q'\) and \(E\subseteq V\times V\times T^\prime \times {\mathbb R}_{\ge 0}\) is defined as follows: For each transition \(s_{t,\gamma ,\varphi ^\prime }={(p,\gamma )}\rightarrow ^{a}_{{\varphi ^\prime },{\varLambda }}{(q,\gamma ')}\in T^\prime \) of \(\mathcal{A}^\prime \), compute \(\mathrm{wt}(s_{t,\gamma ,\varphi ^\prime })\), which is possible by weighted simulation and weight computability. If \(\mathrm{wt}(s_{t,\gamma ,\varphi ^\prime })<\infty \), add \(((p,\gamma ),(q,\gamma '), s_{t,\gamma ,\varphi ^\prime }, \mathrm{wt}(s_{t,\gamma ,\varphi ^\prime }))\) to E.

For a path \(\pi \) in an edge-weighted directed graph, the weight of \(\pi \) is the sum of the weights of the edges in \(\pi \), denoted by \(\mathrm{wt}(\pi )\).

Theorem 7

Let \(\mathcal{A}\) and \(\mathcal{A}^\prime \) be the WRA above, and \(\mathcal{A}^\prime \) have weighted simulation property and weight computability. Let \(G=\langle V,E\rangle \) be the directed graph obtained from \(\mathcal{A}^\prime \) by the above construction. For a path \(\pi \) in G starting with the initial state and ending with a final state of \(\mathcal{A}'\), there is a run \(\rho \) in \(\mathcal{A}^\prime \) such that \(\mathrm{wt}(\rho )=\mathrm{wt}(\pi )\). Conversely, for a run \(\rho \) in \(\mathcal{A}^\prime \), there is a path \(\pi \) in G such that \(\mathrm{wt}(\pi )=\mathrm{wt}(\rho )\).


Let \(\pi =e_1e_2\cdots e_n\) be a path in G starting with the initial state and ending with a final state of \(\mathcal{A}'\) where \(e_i\in E\) (\(i\in [n]\)). By the construction of G, for the i-th edge \(e_i=(v_{i-1},v_i,s_i,m_i)\) of \(\pi \) (\(i\in [n]\)), the third component \(s_i\) can be written as \(s_i=s_{t_i,\gamma _{i-1},\varphi _i^\prime }= {(p_{i-1},\gamma _{i-1})}\rightarrow ^{a_i}_{{\varphi _i^\prime },{\varLambda }}{(p_i,\gamma _i)}\in T'\) (\(p_0\) is the initial state and \(p_n\) is a final state) and \(m_i = \mathrm{wt}(s_{t_i,\gamma _{i-1},\varphi _i^\prime }) = \inf \{ \mathrm{wt}( (p_{i-1},\theta _{i-1}) \vdash _{s_{t_i,\gamma _{i-1},\varphi _i^\prime },d_i} (p_i,\theta _{i-1}[\varLambda \leftarrow d_i]) ) \mid d_i\in D\}\) for some \(\theta _{i-1}\in \varTheta _k\) such that \(\theta _{i-1}[\varLambda \leftarrow d_i] : \gamma _i\). Note that \((p_0, \theta _0)\) is the initial ID. By weighted simulation, there is a run \(\rho = (p_0,\theta _0^\prime )\vdash _{s_{t_1,\gamma _0,\varphi _1^\prime },d_1^\prime }(p_1,\theta _1^\prime ) \vdash _{s_{t_2,\gamma _1,\varphi _2^\prime },d_2^\prime } \cdots \vdash _{s_{t_n,\gamma _{n-1},\varphi _n^\prime },d_n^\prime }(p_n,\theta _n^\prime )\) of some data word \((a_1,d_1^\prime )\cdots (a_n,d_n^\prime )\) where \(\theta _0^\prime =\theta _0\) and \(a_i\) is the second component of \(t_i\). Also, it is easy to see \(\mathrm{wt}(\pi )=\mathrm{wt}(\rho )\). The converse direction holds by the construction of G.    \(\square \)

By Theorems 4 and 7, the optimal run problem for a given k-WRA \(\mathcal{A}\) can be solved by solving the minimum weight path problem for the directed graph G obtained from \(\mathcal{A}\) via the normal form \(\mathcal{A}^\prime \) if \(\mathcal{A}^\prime \) satisfies weighted simulation and weight computability. Furthermore, we can find the original transition \(t \in T\) of \(\mathcal{A}\) from a given transition \(s_{t,\gamma ,\varphi ^\prime }\in T^\prime \) as described in the proof of Theorem 4. In this way, we can easily reconstruct the run in \(\mathcal{A}\) that provide the infimum weight from a minimum path found in G.

The description length \(\Vert \mathcal{A}^\prime \Vert \) of k-WRA \(\mathcal{A}^\prime =(Q^\prime ,Q_0^\prime ,T^\prime ,Q_f^\prime ,\mathrm{wt}^\prime )\) can be represented by the following relationship between the sizes of the corresponding components of \(\mathcal{A}^\prime \) and \(\mathcal{A}\): \(|\varGamma _k|=2^{k^2 |\mathcal{R}|}\), \(|Q^\prime |=|Q|\times |\varGamma _k|\), \(|Q^\prime _0|=|Q_0|\), \(|Q^\prime _f|=|Q_f|\times |\varGamma _k|\), \(|T^\prime |=(|Q|\times |\varGamma _k|) \times |\varSigma | \times 2^{2k|\mathcal{R}|+|\mathcal{R}|} \times 2^k \times (|Q|\times 1)\).

Theorem 8

When the normal form k-WRA \(\mathcal{A}^\prime \) constructed from k-WRA \(\mathcal{A}=(Q,Q_0,T,Q_f,\mathrm{wt})\) has weighted simulation property and weight computability, the time complexity of the optimal run problem for k-WRA \(\mathcal{A}\) is \(O(2^{k^2 |\mathcal{R}|}|Q|(4^{k |\mathcal{R}|} 2^{|\mathcal{R}|+k} |\varSigma | |Q| + k^2 |\mathcal{R}|))\).


The above complexity is derived from the time complexity \(O(|E|+|V|\log |V|)\) of Dijkstra algorithm by \(|V|=|Q^\prime |\), \(|E|=|T^\prime |\).

Example 4

Consider the WRA \(\mathcal{A}_2\) of Example 2 again. Let \(\mathcal{A}^\prime _2\) be the normal form WRA obtained from \(\mathcal{A}_2\). \(\mathcal{A}^\prime _2\) satisfies weighted simulation and weight computability. We show the directed graph \(G_1\) for \(\mathcal{A}^\prime _2\). For a label \((t^\prime ,w)\) of an edge, \(t^\prime \) represents the applied transition and w represents the infimum of the weights of switches corresponding to the edge. The register types \(\gamma _0,\gamma _1,\gamma _2\) in the node labels are as follows where \(\gamma _0\) is the initial register type:

$$\begin{aligned}&\,\gamma _0(1,2)(<)=0,\quad \gamma _0(2,1)(<)=0,\quad \gamma _0(1,2)(=)=\gamma _0(2,1)(=)=1,\\&\gamma _1(1,2)(<)=0,\quad \gamma _1(2,1)(<)=1,\quad \gamma _1(1,2)(=)=\gamma _1(2,1)(=)=0,\\&\gamma _2(1,2)(<)=1,\quad \gamma _2(2,1)(<)=0,\quad \gamma _2(1,2)(=)=\gamma _2(2,1)(=)=0,\\&\;\; \gamma _m(j,j)(<)=0,\quad \gamma _m(j,j)(=)=1,\quad \text {for } m\in \{0\}\cup [2],~ j\in [2], \\&\qquad \;\gamma _m(i,j)(>)=\gamma _m(j,i)(<) \quad \text {for } m\in \{0\}\cup [2],~ i,j\in [2]. \end{aligned}$$

The edge with \((s_{t_1,\gamma _0,tt},0)\) represents the three edges generated from \(t_1\) in \(\mathcal{A}_2\). The optimal paths of \(G_1\) are the simple paths from \((q_0,\gamma _0)\) to \((q_2,\gamma _0)\), and the weight infimum is 0 (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2.
figure 2

The directed graph \(G_1\) for \(\mathcal{A}_2\) of Example 2.

6 Weighted Timed Automata

Weighted timed automata (WTA) are an extension of timed automata (TA) by introducing the weight to TA. In this subsection, we directly define WTA as a subclass of WRA based on Lemma 5.1 of [5] that every k-WTA can be simulated by a \((k+1)\)-WRA by using one extra register to keep the current time instant (in particular, a clock reset can be simulated by loading the current time to the corresponding register). An input data word \(w=(a_1,d_1)(a_2,d_2)\ldots (a_n,d_n)\) to a WTA means \(a_i\) occurs at time instant \(d_i\) (\(i\in [n]\)). In every switch, an input data value is loaded to the last register \(x_{k+1}\) so that \(x_{k+1}\) remembers when the latest symbol \(a_i\) occurred. The guard formula of every transition requires that an input data value is always not less than \(x_{k+1}\) to guarantee that \(d_1\le d_2\le \ldots \le d_n\).

For a binary relation \(\bowtie \) over \({\mathbb R}_{\ge 0}\) and \(c\in {\mathbb N}\), let \({\bowtie c}\) be the binary relation defined as \({\bowtie c} = \{ (r,r') \mid r,r'\in {\mathbb R}_{\ge 0}, ~ r'-r \bowtie c \}\). Note that \((\theta ,d)\,\models \, x_i^{\bowtie c}\) means \(d - \theta (i) \bowtie c\), not \(\theta (i) -d \bowtie c\). We let the data structure \({\mathbb D}^{\mathrm{timed}} = \langle {\mathbb R}_{\ge 0}, \{ {\bowtie c} \mid {\bowtie }\in \{<,=,>\}, c\in {\mathbb N} \} \rangle \) with the initial value \(\bot =0\).

Definition 8

([5]). A k-register weighted timed automaton (abbreviated as k-WTA) over \(\varSigma \) is a k-WRA \(\mathcal{A}^{\mathrm{timed}} = (Q, Q_0, T, Q_f, (\mathrm{wtt}, \mathrm{wtd}))\) over \(\varSigma \), \({\mathbb D}^{\mathrm{timed}}\) and \(\mathcal{R}_{\mathrm{trpc}}\) where

  • \(A^{\mathrm{timed}}_b = (Q, Q_0, T, Q_f)\) is a k-RA (called the base k-TA of \(\mathcal{A}^{\mathrm{timed}}\)) such that for each transition \({q}\rightarrow ^{a}_{{\varphi },{\varLambda }}{q^\prime }\in T\), \(\varphi = \varphi ^\prime \wedge x^{\ge 0}_k\) for some \(\varphi ' \in F_k\),

  • \(\mathrm{wtt}\) is a function from T to \({\mathbb N}\), and

  • for each \(q\in Q\), a constant natural number \(w_q \in {\mathbb N}\) is specified and for each transition \(t={q}\rightarrow ^{a}_{{\varphi },{\varLambda }}{q^\prime }\in T\) and \(d,d'\in {\mathbb R}_{\ge 0}\),

    $$\begin{aligned} \mathrm{wtd}(t,j)(d,d')= & {} 0 ~~ (j\in [k-1]), \end{aligned}$$
    $$\begin{aligned} \mathrm{wtd}(t,k)(d,d')= & {} w_q(d'-d). \end{aligned}$$

\(L(A^{\mathrm{timed}}_b)\) is the timed language recognized by \(A^{\mathrm{timed}}_b\) and \([\![\mathcal{A}^{\mathrm{timed}}]\!]\) is the timed series recognized by \(\mathcal{A}^{\mathrm{timed}}\).    \(\square \)

By the above definition, the weight of a switch \((q,\theta ) \vdash _{t,d} (q',\theta ')\) is \(\mathrm{wtt}(t) + \mathrm{wtd}(t,k)(\theta (k),d) = \mathrm{wtt}(t)+w_q(d-\theta (k))\). Intuitively, \(\mathrm{wtt}\) represents the cost of executing t and \(w_q(d-\theta (k))\) is the cost of time consumption at state q. (Remember that \(\theta (k)\) is the time at which the latest event occurred.) As in the case of k-WRA, we define the optimal run problem for k-WTA as follows.

Definition 9

(The optimal run problem)

Input: k-WTA \(\mathcal{A}^{\mathrm{timed}}\)

Output: The infimum of \(\{ \mathrm{wt}(\rho ) \mid \exists w\in (\varSigma \times {\mathbb R}_{\ge 0})^+. ~ \rho \in \mathrm{Run}_{\mathcal{A}^\mathrm{timed}}(w) \}\)

Example 5

([4]). Let \(\mathcal{A}^{\mathrm{timed}}_1\) be a 3-WTA shown in Fig. 3 where \(w_{q_0}=3\), \(w_{q_1}=1\), \(w_{q_2}=0\), \(\mathrm{wtt}(t_j)=1\) (\(j\in [3]\)). Let \(A^{\mathrm{timed}}_{1,b}\) be the base k-TA of \(\mathcal{A}^{\mathrm{timed}}_1\). Then, \(L(A^{\mathrm{timed}}_{1,b}) = \{(a,2)\} \cup \{ (a,d)(a,2) \mid 0\le d<2 \}\). \(\rho _{1} \in \mathrm{Run}_{\mathcal{A}^{\mathrm{timed}}_1}((a,2))\) is unique and \(\mathrm{wt}(\rho _1) = \mathrm{wtd}(t_1,3)(0,2)+\mathrm{wtt}(t_1) = 3\cdot 2 + 1 = 7.\) For each \(w_d=(a,d)(a,2)\) where \(0\le d<2\), \(\rho _{d} \in \mathrm{Run}_{\mathcal{A}^{\mathrm{timed}}_1}(w_d)\) is unique and \(\mathrm{wt}(\rho _d) = \mathrm{wtd}(t_2,3)(0,d)+\mathrm{wtt}(t_2) +\mathrm{wtd}(t_3,3)(d,2)+\mathrm{wtt}(t_3) = 3d+1 + (2-d)+1 = 4+2d.\) We have \(\inf \{ \mathrm{wt}(\rho ) \mid \exists w\in (\varSigma \times D)^+. ~ \rho \in \mathrm{Run}_{\mathcal{A}^{\mathrm{timed}}_1}(w) \}=4\).

Example 6

([4]). Let \(\mathcal{A}^{\mathrm{timed}}_2\) be a 2-WTA shown in Fig. 4 where \(w_{q_0}=1\), \(w_{q_1}=2\), \(w_{q_2}=0\), \(\mathrm{wtt}(t_1)=\mathrm{wtt}(t_2)=1\). Let \(A^{\mathrm{timed}}_{2,b}\) be the base k-TA of \(\mathcal{A}^{\mathrm{timed}}_2\). Then, \(L(A^{\mathrm{timed}}_{2,b}) = \{ (a,2-\xi )(a,2) \mid 0<\xi \le 2 \}\). For each \(w_{\xi }=(a,2-\xi )(a,2)\) where \(0<\xi \le 2\), \(\rho _{\xi } \in \mathrm{Run}_{\mathcal{A}^{\mathrm{timed}}_2}(w_{\xi })\) is unique and

$$\begin{aligned} \mathrm{wt}(\rho _{\xi })= & {} \mathrm{wtd}(t_1,2)(0,2-\xi )+\mathrm{wtt}(t_1) + \mathrm{wtd}(t_2,2)(2-\xi ,2)+\mathrm{wtt}(t_2) \\= & {} (1\cdot (2-\xi ))+1 + (2\cdot \xi )+1 = 4+\xi . \end{aligned}$$

Hence, \(\inf \{ \mathrm{wt}(\rho ) \mid \exists w\in (\varSigma \times D)^+. ~ \rho \in \mathrm{Run}_{\mathcal{A}^{\mathrm{timed}}_2}(w) \} = 4\).    \(\square \)

Fig. 3.
figure 3

WTA \(\mathcal{A}^{\mathrm{timed}}_1\)

Fig. 4.
figure 4

WTA \(\mathcal{A}^{\mathrm{timed}}_2\)

In [4], an algorithm that solves the optimal run problem for WTA is proposed by extending the region construction for TA. Region construction is a well-known method to divide the infinite set of IDs of TA into a finite set of regions where two IDs in a same region are indistinguishable (or bisimilar) with respect to any transition and time progress. In [4], a sub-region is defined as a refinement of a region by distinguishing \(x<y\) and \(x\lesssim y\) where the distance of x and y is large in the former case while the distance is very (arbitrarily) small in the latter case. This distinction is needed because it may happen that there is no run that has the minimum weight but there are infinite number of runs whose weights has the infimum as shown in Example 5 (see [4] for details). An edge-weighted directed graph, called the sub-region graph G is constructed from a given WTA and a minimum weight path of G is computed by any existing graph algorithm, which corresponds to a solution to the optimal run problem for the WTA.

The method proposed in this paper can also compute an optimal run of a WTA by distinguishing < and \(\lesssim \) as follows. Let \(c_{\max }\) be the largest natural number appearing in the guard formula of some transition in a given WTA and let \(\mathcal{R}^{\mathrm{BL}}\) be the collection of relations \(\{ {\bowtie c} \mid {\bowtie }\in \{\lesssim ,=,\gtrsim \}, c\in {\mathbb N}, c\le c_{\max } \} \backslash \{ \lesssim 0 \}\). We redefine the data structure for WTA as \({\mathbb D}^{\mathrm{timed,BL}} = \langle {\mathbb R}_{\ge 0}, \mathcal{R}^{\mathrm{BL}} \rangle \). A boundary region is a region specified by at least one constraints using \(=\) and no constraints using \(\lesssim \) or \(\gtrsim \). A limit region is a region specified by at least one constraints using \(\lesssim \) or \(\gtrsim \). Since the guard formula of any transition of WTA is a linear constraint on the contents of registers, it suffices to consider only the boundary regions and limit regions to compute the solution of the optimal run problem for WTA (see [4] for example). This implies weighted simulation and weight computability if we replace every < and > with \(\lesssim \) and \(\gtrsim \), respectively, and use \({\mathbb D}^{\mathrm{timed,BL}}\) instead of \({\mathbb D}^{\mathrm{timed}}\).

Example 7

Let us revisit Example 6. First, we replace every < and > with \(\lesssim \) and \(\gtrsim \), respectively, and consider its normal form. Since \(c_{\max }=2\), \(\mathcal{R}^{\mathrm{BL}} = \{ =0, \gtrsim 0, \lesssim 1, =1, \gtrsim 1, \lesssim 2, =2, \gtrsim 2 \}\). After simplifications by using properties of the total order on \({\mathbb N}\), we have the following eight register types to be considered in this example: \(\gamma _1: x_2-x_1=0\), \(\gamma _2: x_2-x_1\gtrsim 0\), \(\gamma _3: x_2-x_1 \lesssim 1\), \(\gamma _4: x_2-x_1=1\), \(\gamma _5: x_2-x_1\gtrsim 1\), \(\gamma _6: x_2-x_1 \lesssim 2\), \(\gamma _7: x_2-x_1=2\), \(\gamma _8: x_2-x_1\gtrsim 2\). Note that by the above specification, \(\gamma _m(2,1)(R)\) and \(\gamma _m(i,i)(R)\) (\(m\in [8]\), \(i=1,2\), \(R\in \mathcal{R}^{\mathrm{BL}}\)) are uniquely determined and not described. \(\mathcal{A}^{\mathrm{timed}}_2\) is transformed to \(\mathcal{A}^\prime _2 = (\{(q_i,\gamma _j) \mid i=0,1,2,~j\in [8]\}\), \(\{(q_0,\gamma _1)\}\), \(T^\prime \), \(\{(q_2,\gamma _7)\}\), \((\mathrm{wtt}^\prime , \mathrm{wtd}^\prime ))\) where \(T^\prime \) consists of the following transitions:

$$ \begin{array}{ll} (q_0,\gamma _1) \rightarrow ^a_{x_1^{=0},\{2\}} (q_1,\gamma _1), &{} (q_0,\gamma _1) \rightarrow ^a_{x_1^{\gtrsim 0},\{2\}} (q_1,\gamma _2), \\ (q_0,\gamma _1) \rightarrow ^a_{x_1^{\lesssim 1},\{2\}} (q_1,\gamma _3), &{} (q_0,\gamma _1) \rightarrow ^a_{x_1^{=1},\{2\}} (q_1,\gamma _4), \\ (q_0,\gamma _1) \rightarrow ^a_{x_1^{\gtrsim 1},\{2\}} (q_1,\gamma _5), &{} (q_0,\gamma _1) \rightarrow ^a_{x_1^{\lesssim 2},\{2\}} (q_1,\gamma _6), \\ (q_1,\gamma _j) \rightarrow ^a_{x_1^{=2},\{2\}} (q_2,\gamma _7) &{} (j\in [6]) \end{array} $$

and \(\mathrm{wtt}^\prime \), \(\mathrm{wtd}^\prime \) are defined accordingly. Note that \((\theta ,d)\,\models \,\mathrm{in}^{{=0}} \wedge \lnot \mathrm{in}^{{R}} \wedge \lnot \mathrm{in}^{{R^{-1}}}\) for \(R\in \mathcal{R}^{\mathrm{BL}} \backslash \{=0\}\) and an input data value is always loaded to \(x_2\) (the previous data in \(x_2\) is overwritten), and hence constraints on \(x_2\) and an input data value are not needed in the guard formulas. We have the following six kinds of runs, each of which corresponds to one of the above six transitions from \((q_0,\gamma )\) followed by the last transition, which have the following weights: \(\mathrm{wt}(\rho _1)=6\), \(\mathrm{wt}(\rho _1)=6-\xi \), \(\mathrm{wt}(\rho _1)=5+\xi \), \(\mathrm{wt}(\rho _1)=5\), \(\mathrm{wt}(\rho _1)=5-\xi \), \(\mathrm{wt}(\rho _1)=4+\xi \) for small \(\xi >0\). Hence, the solution of the optimal run problem for this example is 4, which is realized by \(\rho _6\) by \(\xi \rightarrow 0\).    \(\square \)

7 Conclusion

In this paper, we discussed the optimal run problem for weighted register automata (WRA). We first introduced register type to WRA and provided a transformation from a given WRA into a normal form such that the register types before and after each transition are uniquely determined. Because the decision problem related to the optimal run problem is undecidable, we proposed a sufficient condition called weighted simulation and weight computability for the problem to become decidable. Lastly, we illustrated computing the optimal run of weighted timed automata as an example. Investigating the problem for semirings other than the tropical reals is an interesting future study.