
1 Introduction

A graph is a common data-structure that can model many real-world objects and pairwise relationships among them. Graphs have a huge number of applications in various fields like social networking, VLSI design, road networks, graphics, blockchains and many more. Usually, these graphs are dynamic in nature, that is, they undergo dynamic changes like addition and removal of vertices and/or edges [9]. These applications also need data-structure which supports dynamic changes and can expand at run-time depending on the availability of memory in the machine.

Nowadays, multi-core systems have become ubiquitous. To fully harness the computational power of these systems, it has become necessary to design efficient data-structures which can be executed by multiple threads concurrently. In the past decade, there have been several efforts to port sequential data-structures to a concurrent setting, like stacks [12], queues [2, 16], sets [10, 11, 17, 23], trees [5, 19].

Most of these data-structure use locks to handle mutual exclusion while doing any concurrent modifications. However, in an asynchronous shared-memory system, where an arbitrary delay or a crash failure of a thread is possible, a lock-based implementation is vulnerable to arbitrary delays or deadlock. For instance, a thread could acquire a lock and then sleep (or get swapped out) for a long time, or the thread could get involved in a deadlock with the other threads while obtaining locks, or even crash after obtaining a lock.

On the other hand, in a lock-free data-structure, threads do not acquire locks. Instead, they use atomic hardware instructions such as compare-and-swap, test-and-set etc. These instructions ensure that at least one non-faulty thread is guaranteed to finish its operation in a finite number of steps. Therefore, lock-free data-structures are highly scalable and naturally fault-tolerant.

Although several concurrent data-structures have been developed, concurrent graph data-structures and the related operation s are still largely unexplored. In several graph applications, one of the crucial requirements is preserving acyclicity. Acyclic graphs are often applied to problems related to databases, data processing, scheduling, finding the best route during navigation, data compression, blockchains etc. Applications relying on graphs mostly use a sequential implementation and the accesses to the shared data-structures are synchronized through the global-locks, which causes serious performance bottlenecks.

A relevant application is Serialization Graph Testing (SGT) in Databases [24, Chap 4] and Transactional Memory (TM) [22]. SGT requires maintaining an acyclic graph on all concurrently executing (database or TM) transactions with edges between the nodes representing conflicts among them. In a concurrent scenario, where multiple threads perform different operations, maintaining acyclicity without using locks is not a trivial task. Indeed, it requires every shared memory access to be checked for the violation of the acyclic property, which necessitates that all the operations be efficient.

Apart from SGT, several popular blockchains maintain acyclic graphs such as tree structure (Bitcoin [3, 18], Ethereum [4] etc.) or general DAGs (Tangle [21]).

1.1 Contributions

In this paper, we present an efficient non-blocking concurrent acyclic directed graph data-structure. Its operations are similar to the concurrent graph proposed by Chatterjee et al. [6] with some non-trivial modifications. The contributions of our work are summarized below:

  1. 1.

    We describe an Abstract Data Type (ADT) that maintains an acyclic directed graph \(G = (V,E)\). It comprises of the following method s on the sets V and E: (1) Add Vertex: \(\textsc {AcyAddV}\) (2) Remove Vertex: \(\textsc {AcyRemV}\), (3) Contains Vertex: \(\textsc {AcyConV}\) (4) Add Edge: \(\textsc {AcyAddE}\) (5) Remove Edge: \(\textsc {AcyRemE}\) and (6) Contains Edge: \(\textsc {AcyConE}\). The ADT remains acyclic after completion of any of the above operations in G. The acyclic graph is represented as an adjacency list.

  2. 2.

    We present an efficient concurrent non-blocking implementation of the ADT (Sect. 3). We present two approaches for maintaining acyclicity: the first one is based on a wait-free reachability query(SCR: Single Collect Reachable) and the second one is based on obstruction-free reachability query (DCR: Double Collect Reachable) similar to the GetPath method of Chatterjee et al. [6] (Sect. 4).

  3. 3.

    We prove the correctness by showing the operations of the concurrent acyclic graph data-structure are linearizable [14]. We also prove the non-blocking progress guarantee, specifically we prove: (a) The operations \(\textsc {AcyConV}\) and \(\textsc {AcyConE}\) are wait-free, only if the vertex keys are finite; (b) Among the two algorithms for maintaining acyclicity, we show that the first algorithm based on searchability is wait-free, whereas the second algorithm based on reachability queries is obstruction-free and (c) The operations \(\textsc {AcyAddV}\), \(\textsc {AcyRemV}\), \(\textsc {AcyConV}\), \(\textsc {AcyAddE}\), \(\textsc {AcyRemE}\), and \(\textsc {AcyConE}\) are lock-free Sect. 5.

  4. 4.

    We implemented the non-blocking algorithms in C++ and evaluated over a number of micro-benchmarks. Our experimental results depict on an average of 7x improvement over the sequential and global lock implementation (Sect. 6).

1.2 Related Work

Kallimanis and Kanellou [15] presented a concurrent graph that supports wait-free edge updates and traversals. They use an adjacency matrix representation for the graph, with a bounded number of vertices. As a result, their data-structure does not allow any insertion or deletion of vertices after initialization of the graph. This may not be adequate for many real-world applications which need dynamic modifications of vertices as well as unbounded graph size.

A recent work by Chatterjee et al. [6] proposed a non-blocking concurrent graph data-structure which allows multiple threads to perform dynamic insertion and deletion of vertices & edges. Our paper extends this data-structure to maintain acyclicity of a directed graph.

1.3 Overview of the Algorithm Design

Before getting into the technical details (in Sect. 3) of the algorithm, we first provide an overview of the design. We implement an acyclic concurrent unbounded directed graph as a concurrent list of linked lists [11] also used by Chatterjee et al. [6]. The vertex-nodes are placed in a sorted linked-list and the neighboring vertices of each vertex-node are placed in a rooted sorted linked-list of edge-nodes. To achieve efficient graph traversal, we maintain a pointer from each edge-node to its corresponding vertex-node. Each vertex-node’s edge-list and vertex-list are lock-free with respect to concurrent update and lookup operations.

As we know that lock-freedom is not composable [8] and our algorithm is a composition of lock-free operations, we prove the liveness of our algorithm independent of the lock-free list arguments. In addition to that, we also propose some refined optimizations for the concurrent acyclic graph operations that not only enhance the performance but also simplify the design.

Our main requirement is preserving acyclicity and one can see that a cycle is created only after inserting an edge to the graph. So, after the insertion of a new edge to the graph, we verify if the resulting graph is acyclic or not. If it creates a cycle, we simply delete the inserted edge from the graph. However, the challenge is that these intermediate steps must be oblivious to the user and the graph must always appear to be acyclic. We ensure this by adding a transit field to the edges that are temporarily added. To verify the acyclic property of the graph, we propose two efficient algorithms: first one based on a wait-free reachability query and the second one based on obstruction-free reachability query similar to the GetPath operation of [6]. Both the reachability algorithms perform breadth-first search (BFS) traversal. For the sake of efficiency, we implement BFS traversal in a non-recursive manner. However, in order to achieve overall performance, we do not make use of helping descriptors for the reachability queries.

2 System Model and Preliminaries

The Memory Model. We consider an asynchronous shared-memory model with a finite set of p processors accessed by a finite set of n threads. The non-faulty threads communicate with each other by invoking methods on the shared objects. We run our acyclic graph data-structure on a shared-memory multi-core system with multi-threading enabled which supports atomic read, write, fetch-and-add (FAA) and compare-and-swap (CAS) instructions.

Correctness. We consider linearizability proposed by Herlihy and Wing [14] as the correctness criterion for the graph operations. We assume that the execution generated by a data-structure is a collection of method invocation and response events. Each invocation of a method call has a subsequent response. An execution is linearizable if it is possible to assign an atomic event as a linearization point (LP) inside the execution interval of each method such that the result of each of these method s is the same as it would be in a sequential execution in which the method s are ordered by their LP s [14].

Progress. The progress properties specify when a thread invoking operations on the shared memory objects completes in the presence of other concurrent threads. In this context, we present an acyclic graph implementation with operations that satisfies lock-freedom, based on the definitions in Herlihy and Shavit [13].

3 The Data Structure

3.1 Abstract Data Type

An acyclic graph is defined as a directed graph \(G = (V, E)\), where V is the set of vertices and E is the set of directed edges. Each edge in E is an ordered pair of vertices belonging to V. Every vertex has an immutable unique key. The vertex represented by the key k is denoted k. A directed edge from the vertex k to l is denoted as e(kl) \(\in E\).

For a concurrent acyclic graph, we define following ADT operations:

  1. 1.

    \(\textsc {AcyAddV}(k)\) adds a vertex k to V, only if \(k \notin V\) and then returns true, otherwise it returns false.

  2. 2.

    \(\textsc {AcyRemV}(k)\) deletes a vertex k from V, only if \(k \in V\) and then returns true, otherwise it returns false. Once a vertex k is deleted successfully, all its outgoing and incoming edges are also removed.

  3. 3.

    \(\textsc {AcyConV}(k)\) returns true only if \(k \in V\), otherwise it returns false.

  4. 4.

    \(\textsc {AcyAddE}(k,l)\) operation is slightly involved and works as follows.

    1. (a)

      It adds an edge e(kl) to E, if (i) \(k \in V\) and \(l \in V\) (ii) \(e(k,l) \notin E\) and adding it does not create a cycle in the graph. If either of the conditions (i) or (ii) are not satisfied, the edge is not added to E and it returns false along with an indicative strings VERTEX NOT PRESENT, EDGE ALREADY PRESENT or CYCLE DETECTED depending on execution.

    2. (b)

      If both (i) and (ii) conditions mentioned above are true and there is no concurrent edge addition, then this method adds the edge e(kl) to E and returns true along with an indicative string EDGE ADDED.

    3. (c)

      If both (i) and (ii) conditions, mentioned in Step 4a, are true and there is a concurrent edge addition (such as e(uv)) then the edge e(kl) may or may not get added to E. In case, e(kl) gets added to E, then the method returns true along with an indicative string EDGE ADDED. Otherwise, it returns false along with CYCLE DETECTED.

    There is an inherent non-determinism in this edge addition procedure. It can be seen from Step 4c that this method may return false in presence of other concurrent edge additions. But if the primary requirement is to ensure that the graph remains acyclic such as in SGT or blockchains, then this behaviour is acceptable.

  5. 5.

    \(\textsc {AcyRemE}(k, l)\) deletes the edge e(k, l) from E, only if \(e(k, l) \in E\) and \(k \in V\) and \(l \in V\) then it returns true along with an indicative string EDGE REMOVED. If \(k \notin V\) or \(l \notin V\), it returns false along with a string VERTEX NOT PRESENT. If \(e(k, l) \notin E\), it returns false along with a string EDGE NOT PRESENT.

  6. 6.

    \(\textsc {AcyConE}(k,l)\) if \(e(k, l) \in E\) and \(k \in V\) and \(l \in V\) then it returns true along with a string EDGE PRESENT, otherwise it returns false along with a string VERTEX OR EDGE NOT PRESENT.

3.2 The Data-Structures

The algorithm uses three kinds of nodes structures: VNode, ENode and BFSNode. These structures and the adjacency list representation of an acyclic graph are shown in Fig. 1. The VNode structure has five fields, two pointers vnext and enext, an immutable key k, an atomic counter ecount, and a VisitedArray array. The use of ecount and VisitedArray are described in the later section. The pointer vnext is an atomic pointer pointing to the next VNode in the vertex-list, whereas, an enext pointer points to the edge head of the edge-list of a VNode. Similarly, an ENode structure has three fields, two pointers enext and pointv and an immutable key l. The enext is an atomic pointer pointing to the next ENode in the edge-list and pointv points to the corresponding VNode, which helps direct access to its VNode while performing any traversal like BFS, DFS, etc. We assume that all the VNodes have a unique identification key k and all the adjacency ENodes of a VNode have also a unique key l.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Node structures used in the acyclic graph data-structure: ENode, VNode and BFSNode. (a) An acyclic graph (b) The concurrent acyclic graph representation of data-structure for (a).

A BFSNode has three pointers n, next and p, and a counter lecount. The pointer n holds the corresponding VNode ’s address, next points to the next BFSNode in the BFS-list and p points to the corresponding parent. The local counter lecount stores n’s ecount value which is used in the CompareTree and ComparePath methods.

We initialize the vertex-list with dummy head(vh) and tail(vt) (called sentinels) with values \(\text {-}\infty \) and \(\infty \) respectively. Similarly, each edge-lists is also initialized with dummy head (eh) and tail (et) (refer Fig. 1).

Our acyclic graph data-structure maintains some invariants: (a) the vertex-list is sorted based on the VNode ’s key value k and each unmarked VNode is reachable from vh, (b) also each of the edge-lists are sorted based on the ENode ’s key value l and unmarked ENodes are reachable from eh of the corresponding VNode and (c) the concurrent graph always stays acyclic.

4 Working of the Non-blocking Algorithm

In this section, we describe the technical details of all the acyclic graph operations.

Pseudo-code Convention: The acyclic graph algorithm is depicted in Figs. 2, 3, 4, 6. We use p.x to access the member field x of a class object pointer p.To return multiple variables from an operation, we use \(\langle x_1, x_2,\ldots ,x_n \rangle \). To avoid the overhead of another field in the node structure, we use bit-manipulation: we use last two significant bits of a pointer p. We define six methods that manipulate these bits: (a) \(\textsc {isMarked} (p)\) and \(\textsc {isTransit} (p)\), return true if the last two significant bits of pointer p are set to 01 and 10, respectively, else, both return false, (b) \(\textsc {MarkedRef} (p)\), \(\textsc {UnMarkedRef} (p)\), \(\textsc {AddedRef} (p)\) and \(\textsc {TransitRef} (p)\) sets the last two significant bits of the pointer p to 01, 00, 11 and 10, respectively. An invocation of \(\textsc {AcyCVnode} (k)\) creates a new VNode with key k. Similarly, an invocation of \(\textsc {AcyCEnode} (k)\) creates a new ENode with key k in TRANSIT state (explained below). Whereas, an invocation of \(\textsc {AcyCBnode} (k)\) creates a new BFSNode with vertex k. For a newly created VNode, the pointer fields are NULL. Similarly, a newly created ENode initialises its pointer fields to NULL as well. In case of a new BFSNode, the pointer field n, next and p are initialized with k, NULL and parent node, respectively. Each slot of a VisitedArray in each VNode is initialized to 0 and the counter ecount is also initialized to 0.

To ensure acyclicity, we use a operation descriptor with a pointer in a single memory-word with bit-masking. In case of an x86-64 bit architecture, memory has a 64-bit boundary and the last three least significant bits are unused. So, our operator descriptor uses the last two significant bit of the pointer. If the last two bits are set to: (a) 01 then the pointer is MARKED, (b) 10 indicates the pointer is in TRANSIT, (c) 11 value of the pointer indicates ADDED and (d) 00 indicates the pointer is unused and unmarked.

We next describe the vertex and edge operations. We use the term method and operation interchangeably in the rest of this document.

4.1 Acyclic Vertex Operations

The acyclic vertex operations \(\textsc {AcyAddV}\), \(\textsc {AcyRemV}\) and \(\textsc {AcyConV}\) are depicted in Fig. 2. The \(\textsc {AcyConV}\) method does not help other threads in the process of traversal from the vertex head vh to the destination vertex. If the keys in the vertex set are finite, then the \(\textsc {AcyConV}\) operation is wait-free.

An AcyAddV(key) operation is invoked by passing the key to be inserted, in Lines 1 to 14. It first traverses the vertex-list in a lock-free manner starting from vh using \(\textsc {LocV} \) procedure (Line 3) until it finds a vertex with its key greater than or equal to key. In the process of traversal, it physically deletes all logically deleted VNodes using CAS operation for helping previously pending \(\textsc {AcyRemV}\) operations. Once it reaches the appropriate location, say currv and has identified its predecessor, say predv, it checks if the key is already present. If the key is not present, it attempts to add the new VNode, say newv in between the predv and currv (Line 9) using CAS operation. If the CAS is unsuccessful, then these steps are retried. On the other hand, if key is already present then the method returns false.

Like an AcyAddV, an AcyRemV(key) operation is invoked by passing the key to be deleted, in Lines 15 to 31. It traverses the vertex-list in a lock-free manner starting from vh using LocV procedure (Line 17) until it finds a vertex with its key greater than or equal to key. Similar to the \(\textsc {AcyAddV}\), during the traversal it physically deletes all logically removed VNodes using CAS operation s for helping other pending \(\textsc {AcyRemV}\) operations. Once it reaches the appropriate location, say currv and its predecessor, say predv, it checks to see if key is already present. If present, it attempts to remove currv in two steps (like [11]), (a) atomically marking the vnext of currv using a CAS (Line 23), and (b) atomically updating the vnext of the predv to point to the vnext of currv using a CAS (Line 24). On any unsuccessful CAS, these steps are reattempted. If the key is not present then, this method returns false.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Pseudo-codes of AcyAddV, AcyRemV, \(\textsc {AcyConV}\) and AcyConE

When a vertex is deleted from a graph, all its incoming and outgoing edges should also get removed. Once a CAS at Line 23 is successful, the vertex is logically deleted from the vertex-list and its outgoing edges are deleted atomically. Notice that, all the incoming edges are logically deleted from the corresponding ENodes of any edge-lists. This is because each ENode has a direct pointer pointv to its vertex node and calls isMarked to validate the deleted VNode. Finally, these ENodes are physically deleted using CAS operation by any other helping edge operation (which is described later).

An AcyConV(key) operation, first traverses the vertex-list in a wait-free manner skipping all the logically marked VNodes until it finds a vertex with its key greater than or equal to key (in Lines 32 to 42). Once it reaches the appropriate VNode, it checks if its key value is equal to the key and if it is unmarked, then it returns true otherwise returns false. \(\textsc {AcyConV}\) method does not help other threads during the traversal.

4.2 Acyclic Edge Operations

The acyclic edge operations \(\textsc {AcyAddE}\) and \(\textsc {AcyRemE}\) are depicted in Fig. 3 and \(\textsc {AcyConE}\) is depicted in Fig. 2.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Pseudo-codes of \(\textsc {AcyAddE}\) and AcyRemE.

An AcyAddE(k, l) operation, begins in Lines 58 to 86 by validating the presence of the k and l in the vertex-list by invoking AcyConVPlus (Line 59) and validating that both the vertices are unmarked (Line 64). If the validations fail, it returns false along with an indicative string VERTEX NOT PRESENT. Once the validation succeeds, LocE is invoked(Line 67) to find the location to insert e(kl) in the edge-list of the k. The operation LocE works similar to the helping method LocV; except that in the traversal phase, it physically deletes two kinds of logically deleted ENodes (to help a pending incompleted \(\textsc {AcyAddE}\) or \(\textsc {AcyRemE}\) operations): (a) ENodes whose VNode has already been logically deleted using a CAS, and (b) the logically deleted ENodes using a CAS. The operation LocE traverses the edge-list until it finds an ENode with its key greater than or equal to l. Once it reaches the appropriate location, say curre and its predecessor, say prede, it checks if the key l is already present. If the key is already present, it simply returns false along with an indicative string EDGE ALREADY PRESENT. Otherwise, it attempts a CAS to add a new e(kl) with TRANSIT state in between prede and curre (Line 75). On an unsuccessful CAS, the operation is re-tried.

Once the edge e(kl) is inserted in a transit state, it invokes the reachability method to test whether this edge has created a cycle. As explained earlier, this method returns false if adding this edge creates a cycle. Further, the reachability method can return false even if this edge does not create a cycle in presence of other concurrent AcyAddEmethod s.

As mentioned earlier, we have proposed two algorithms to maintain the acyclicity property. First one is the wait-free reachable algorithm \(\textsc {SCR} \), and the second one is the obstruction-free reachable algorithm \(\textsc {DCR} \). The detailed working of these algorithms is given in the subsequent subsections. If the edge e(kl) creates a cycle, we delete it by setting its state from TRANSIT to MARKED (Line 81) and return false along with an indicative string CYCLE DETECTED. Otherwise, we set the state from TRANSIT to ADDED (Line 77) and return true along with an indicative string EDGE ADDED. Like AcyAddE, an AcyRemE(k,l) operation (Lines 87 to 111), first validates the presence of the corresponding VNodes and check if they are unmarked. If the validations fail, it returns false along with an indicative string VERTEX NOT PRESENT. Once the validation succeeds, it finds the location to delete the e(kl) in the edge-list of the k. Similar to AcyAddE, in the traversal phase, it also physically deletes two kinds of logically deleted ENodes: (a) ENodes whose VNode has been logically deleted, and (b) the logically deleted ENodes. It traverses the edge-list until it finds an ENode with its key greater than or equal to l. Once it reaches the appropriate location, say curre and its predecessor, say prede, it checks if the key l is already present. If the key is not present, it returns false along with a string EDGE NOT PRESENT; otherwise it attempts to remove curre in two steps: (a) atomically marking the enext of curre using a CAS (Line 102), and then (b) atomically updating the enext of prede to point to the enext of curre using a CAS (Line 104). On any unsuccessful CAS, it reattempts this process. After a successful CAS, it returns true along with a string EDGE REMOVED.

Similarly, an AcyConE(k,l) operation, in Lines 43 to 57, validates the presence of the corresponding VNodes. Then it traverses the edge-list of k in a wait-free manner skipping all logically marked ENodes until it finds an edge with its key greater than or equal to l. Once it reaches the appropriate ENode, checks its key value equal to l and it is unmarked and not in TRANSIT state and also k and l are unmarked, then it returns true along with a string EDGE PRESENT otherwise it returns false along with a sting VERTEX OR EDGE NOT PRESENT. Like AcyConV, we also do not allow \(\textsc {AcyConE}\) for any helping thread in the process of traversal.

4.3 Wait-Free Single Collect Reachable Algorithm

In this subsection, we describe one of our algorithms to detect the cycle of a concurrent graph in a wait-free manner. As mentioned earlier, a cycle can be only be formed on adding an edge to the graph. The SCR (k,l) operation, in Lines 112 to 137, performs non-recursive BFS traversal starting from the vertex k. Reader can refer [7] to know the working of the BFS traversals in graphs. In the process of BFS traversal, it explores VNodes which are reachable from k and unmarked. If it reaches l, then it terminates by returning true to the \(\textsc {AcyAddE}\) operation. Then \(\textsc {AcyAddE}\) deletes e(kl) by setting enext pointer from the \(\texttt {TRANSIT} \) state to \(\texttt {MARKED} \) state and returns false along with an indicative string CYCLE DETECTED. If it is unable to reach l from k after exploring all reachable VNodes through TRANSIT or ADDED or unmarked ENodes, then it terminates by returning false to the \(\textsc {AcyAddE}\) operation. Now \(\textsc {AcyAddE}\) adds e(l) by setting enext pointer from the \(\texttt {TRANSIT} \) state to ADDED state and then it returns true along with an indicative string EDGE ADDED, which preserves the acyclic property after AcyAddE (Figs. 4 and 5).

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Pseudo-codes of \(\textsc {SCR} \) and BFSTreeCollect.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

An example working of the methods while preserving acyclicity. (a) The initial graph, \(T_1\), \(T_2\) and \(T_3\) are concurrently performing operations. The corresponding data-structure is shown in (b). In (c), \(T_3\) is traversing the vertex list, while \(T_1\) and \(T_2\) have added their corresponding edges in TRANSIT, T state and performing cycle detection. (d) \(T_1\) has succeeded; and changed the status to ADDED, A. However, \(T_2\) failed; it changes the status to MARKED, M. Meanwhile, \(T_3\) finds the respective edge. (e) One possible linearization of this concurrent execution.

In the process of BFS traversal, we have used a VisitedArray (with size as that of the number of threads) to put all the visited VNodes locally. This is because multiple threads repeatedly invoke reachable operation concurrently, a boolean variable or a boolean array would not suffice like in case of sequential execution. We have used a thread local variable cnt as a counter for the number of repeated traversals by a thread. So, a VisitedArray slot maintains cnt value (see Line 116).

However, an ENode in TRANSIT state cannot be removed by any other concurrent thread other than the thread that added it, only if it creates a cycle. The threads which are performing cycle detection can see all the ENodes in TRANSIT or ADDED state. Further, a concurrent \(\textsc {AcyConE}\) operation will ignore all the ENodes with TRANSIT state. This ensures that when an ENode is in the ADDED state, an \(\textsc {AcyAddE}\) operation will return true along with a string EDGE ADDED.

However, it is to be noted that with this algorithm, it is possible that an edge may not get added to the graph even though it does not create a cycle. This can happen in the following scenario; two threads \(T_1\) and \(T_2\) are adding edges lying in the path of a single cycle. In this case, both the threads detect that the newly added ENode (in TRANSIT state) has led to the formation of a cycle and both may delete their respective edges. However, in a sequential execution, only one of the edges would be removed. But, this implementation is correct w.r.t our sequential specification (thereby preserving our correctness criteria, linearizability) as the graph at the end of each operation remains acyclic. The proof of the acyclicity is given in the technical report [20].

Although the wait-free \(\textsc {SCR} \) algorithm does not add an edge at times even when it does not create a cycle, it can be seen its working is non-trivial. A trivial algorithm can always return false for AddEdge while not violating the specification and hence satisfying linearizability. \(\textsc {SCR} \) algorithm is much stronger and allows insertion of edges even in the presence of concurrent updates, as explained in the working.

4.4 Obstruction-Free Double Collect Reachable Algorithm

In this subsection, we present an obstruction-free reachability, \(\textsc {DCR} \) algorithm, which is designed based on the atomic snapshot algorithm by Afek et al. [1] and reachable algorithm by Chatterjee et al. [6]. There is no non-determinism in the DCR algorithm. It never fails to add an edge if the edge does not create a cycle. However, unlike wait-free \(\textsc {SCR} \), \(\textsc {DCR} \) is obstruction-free. It returns only in the absence of any other concurrent updates.

The DCR (k,l) algorithm, in Lines 167 to 175, performs a Scan starting from k. It checks whether l is reachable from k. This reachable information is returned to the \(\textsc {AcyAddE}\) operation and then \(\textsc {AcyAddE}\) decides whether to add e(kl) (is in the TRANSIT state) to the edge-list of k.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Pseudo-codes of DCR, Scan, \(\textsc {CompareTree} \) and ComparePath.

The Scan method, in Lines 176 to 191, first creates two BFS-trees, otree and ntree to hold the VNodes in two consecutive BFS traversal. It performs repeated BFS-tree collection by invoking BFSTreeCollect until two consecutive collects are the same. The BFSTreeCollect procedure, in Lines 138 to 166, performs a non-recursive BFS traversal starting from the vertex k. In the process of BFS traversal, it explores all the reachable and unmarked VNodes through adjacent ENodes which are in the TRANSIT or ADDED or unmarked state. However, it keeps adding all these VNodes in the bTree(see Line 142, 152, 158). If it reaches l, then it terminates by returning bTree and a reachable status true (Line 153) to the Scan method. If it is unable to reach l from k after exploring all reachable VNodes, then it terminates by returning bTree and a reachable status false (Line 165) to the Scan method.

If two consecutive BFSTreeCollect method return the same boolean status value true, then we invoke ComparePath to compare if the two BFS-trees are same. If both the trees are same, then the Scan method returns true to \(\textsc {DCR} \) operation, which means that l is reachable from k. Then \(\textsc {DCR} \) returns true to the \(\textsc {AcyAddE}\) operation and subsequently \(\textsc {AcyAddE}\) deletes e(kl) by setting enext pointer from the \(\texttt {TRANSIT} \) state to the MARKED state and returns false (this is because e(kl) created a cycle). However, if two consecutive BFSTreeCollect methods return the same status value false, then we invoke CompareTree to compare if the two BFS-trees are same. If they are, the Scan method returns false to the \(\textsc {DCR} \) operation which implies that l is not reachable from k. Then \(\textsc {DCR} \) returns false to the \(\textsc {AcyAddE}\) operation and then \(\textsc {AcyAddE}\) adds e(l) by setting the enext pointer from the \(\texttt {TRANSIT} \) state to ADDED state and then it returns true, which confirms the acyclic property after AcyAddE. If two consecutive BFSTreeCollect methods return the same boolean status value true or false but do not match in the ComparePath or CompareTree, then we discard the older BFS-tree and restart the BFSTreeCollect.

The ComparePath method, in Lines 206 to 219, compares two BFS-tree based on the path along with the lecount values. It starts from the last BFSNode and follows the parent pointer p until it reaches to the starting BFSNode or any mismatch that occurred at a BFSNode. It returns false for any mismatch occurred, otherwise returns true. Similarly, the CompareTree method, in Lines 192 to 205, compares two BFS-tree based on all explored VNodes in the process of BFS traversal and along with the lecount values. It starts from the starting BFSNode and follows with the next pointer next until it reaches the last BFSNode or any mismatch that occurred at a BFSNode. It returns false for any mismatch occurred and otherwise returns true.

To capture the modifications along the path of BFS-traversal, we have an atomic counter ecount associated with each vertex. During any edge update operation, before e(kl) gets physically deleted, the counter ecount of the source vertex k is certainly incremented at Line 78 or 103 either by the operation that logically deleted the e(kl) or any edge helping operations. To verify the double collect, we compare the BFS-tree along with the counter.

It is to be noted that even though the \(\textsc {DCR} \) algorithm is better than \(\textsc {SCR} \) as the specification of \(\textsc {AcyAddE}\) operation does not exhibit any non-determinism, it does not exploit as much concurrency as the \(\textsc {SCR} \) algorithm. As explained, the \(\textsc {SCR} \) algorithm is wait-free without using helping descriptors, whereas \(\textsc {DCR} \) is obstruction-free. In Sect. 6, we compared the performance of both these algorithms and as expected observed that \(\textsc {SCR} \) performs better.

5 Correctness and Progress Guarantee

In this section, we prove the correctness of our concurrent acyclic graph data-structure based on \(LP \) [14] events inside the execution interval of each of the operations.

Theorem 1

The non-blocking concurrent acyclic graph operations are linearizable.

Theorem 2

For the presented concurrent acyclic graph algorithm, (1). The operations \(\textsc {AcyConV}\), \(\textsc {AcyConE}\) and \(\textsc {SCR} \) are wait-free, if the vertex keys are finite, (2). The operation \(\textsc {DCR} \) is obstruction-free and, (3). The operations \(\textsc {AcyAddV}\), \(\textsc {AcyRemV}\), \(\textsc {AcyConV}\), \(\textsc {AcyAddE}\), \(\textsc {AcyRemE}\), and \(\textsc {AcyConE}\) are lock-free.

The proof of Theorems 1 and 2 can be referred to from the technical report [20].

Fig. 7.
figure 7

Acyclic graph data-structure.

6 Experimental Evaluation

We performed our tests on 56 cores machine with Intel Xeon (R) CPU E5-2630 v4 running at 2.20 GHz frequency. Each core supports 2 logical threads. Every core’s L1 cache has 64k, L2 has 256k cache memory private to that core; L3 cache (25 MB) is shared across all cores of a processor. The tests were performed in a controlled environment, where we were the sole users of the system. The implementationFootnote 1 has been done in C++ (without any garbage collection) and threading is achieved by using Posix threads. All the programs were optimized at -O3 level.

We start our experiments by creating an initial directed graph with 1000 vertices and nearly \(\left( {\begin{array}{c}1000\\ 2\end{array}}\right) /4 \approx 125000\) edges added randomly. Then we create a fixed number of threads with each thread randomly performing a set of operations chosen by a particular workload distribution. We evaluate the number of operations finished their execution in unit time and then calculate the throughput. We run each experiment for 20 seconds and the final data point values are collected after taking an average of 7 iterations. We present the results for the following workload distributions for acyclic directed graph over the ordered set of operations \(\{\textsc {AcyAddV}, \textsc {AcyRemV}, \textsc {AcyConV}, \textsc {AcyAddE}, \textsc {AcyRemE}, \textsc {AcyConE}\}\) as: (1) High Lookup: (\(2.5\%\), \(2.5\%\), \(45\%\), \(2.5\%\), \(2.5\%\), \(45\%\)), see the Fig. 7a. (2) Equal Lookup and Update: (\(12.5\%\), \(12.5\%\), \(25\%\), \(12.5\%\), \(12.5\%\), \(25\%\)), see the Fig. 7b. (3) High Update: (\(22.5\%\), \(22.5\%\), \(5\%\), \(22.5\%\), \(22.5\%\), \(5\%\)), Fig. 7c.

From Fig. 7, we notice that both \(\textsc {SCR} \) and \(\textsc {DCR} \) algorithms perform well with the number of threads in comparison with sequential and coarse-lock based version. The wait-free single collect reachable algorithm performs better than the obstruction-free double collect reachable algorithm. However, we notice that the performance of the coarse lock-based algorithm decreases with the number of threads. Moreover also, it performs worse than even the sequential implementation. On average, both the non-blocking algorithms are able to achieve nearly \(7\times \) times higher throughput over the sequential implementation.

7 Conclusion

In this paper, we presented two efficient non-blocking concurrent algorithms for maintaining acyclicity in a directed graph where vertices & edges are dynamically inserted and/or deleted. The first algorithm is based on a wait-free reachability query, SCR, and the second one is based on partial snapshot-based obstruction-free reachability query, DCR. Both these algorithms maintain the acyclic property of the graph throughout the concurrent execution. We prove that the acyclic graph data-structure operations are linearizable. We also present a proof to show that the graph remains acyclic at all times in the concurrent setting. We evaluated both the algorithms in C++ implementation and tested through a number of micro-benchmarks. Our experimental results show that our proposed algorithms obtain an average of 7x improvement over the sequential implementation and the coarse lock based ones.

In spite of the performance of the SCR, it suffers from the non-determinism during concurrent addition of edges. It can be seen that DCR gets rid of the non-determinism and makes sure that an edge surely gets added if it does not create a cycle. In the future, we plan to measure the number of false positives incurred by the SCR algorithm on varying workloads and suggest ways to reduce them.