
1 Introduction

Recent advances in non-volatile main memory (NVMM) technology [1,2,3] have given rise to designing algorithms that are resilient to process crashes. These memory technologies allow interfacing the processor directly with the non-volatile main memory. Therefore, in the event of a process crash, the system restarts the crashed process and the process then recovers from the crash by consulting the contents of the NVMM.

To leverage this advantage given by the NVMM, there has been a keen interest recently in designing algorithms for such systems. A starting point is to design a variant of the classical mutual exclusion problem [4] in which the objective is to protect access to a shared resource in a manner that atmost one process has access to the resource at any point in time. Thus, it began with Golab and Ramaraju [5] reformulating the classical mutual exclusion problem into the novel Recoverable Mutual Exclusion (RME) problem in 2016. After which there has been a flurry of research in designing algorithms for the RME problem [6,7,8,9,10]. The main interest in these works has been in designing algorithms with various desirable properties while maintaining the remote memory reference (RMR) complexity for Cache-Coherent (CC) multiprocessors and Distributed Shared Memory (DSM) multiprocessors to a minimum.

A straightforward approach to recover from process crashes would be to shut down the entire system and restart it. However, a motive behind designing RME algorithms is to make the crashes less disruptive to other processes which do not crash. Therefore, repairing the damage due to a crash by using the NVMM is far less demanding to a process that did not crash since it does not suffer from such a full-system restart. However, prior works on RME fall short in a crucial aspect when compared to solutions to the classical mutual exclusion problem. Imagine a real-time system with multiple threads that uses one of these RME algorithms to secure access to a critical shared resource. In the event of a crash the waiting time of a non-crashing thread would still be increased by the time it takes for the crashing process to recover from its crash. This issue is further amplified when the crashes are frequent and the system is operating under tight deadlines. Hence, it makes sense for a waiting thread to be able to abort its attempt to acquire access to the shared resource, and not miss any of its other deadlines. Although classical mutual exclusion algorithms are amenable to support the ability to abort, unfortunately, none of the prior works on the RME problem support such an ability to abort.

In this paper, we present the first RME algorithm that provides the abort functionality. Our algorithm has a bounded RMR on the CC and DSM machines besides possessing some additional desirable properties.

Related Research. All of the prior work on RME has focused on designing algorithms that do not provide abortability as a capability. Golab and Ramaraju [5] formalized the RME problem and designed several algorithms by adapting traditional mutual exclusion algorithms. Ramaraju [11], Jayanti and Joshi [7], and Jayanti et al. [9] designed RME algorithms that support the First-Come-First-Served property [12]. Golab and Hendler [6] presented an algorithm that has sub-logarithmic RMR complexity on CC machines. In another work, Golab and Hendler [8] presented an algorithm that has the ideal O(1) passage complexity, but this result assumes that all processes in the system crash simultaneously. Recently, Jayanti et al. [10] presented a unified algorithm that has a sub-logarithmic RMR complexity on both CC and DSM machines. For works not on RME but on the theme of crash-restart systems using non-volatile main-memory, Attiya et al. [13] present linearizable implementations of recoverable objects.

When it comes to abortability for classical mutual exclusion problem, Scott [14] and Scott and Scherer [15] designed abortable algorithms that build on the queue-based algorithms [16, 17]. Jayanti [18] designed an algorithm based on read, write, and comparison primitives having \(O(\log n)\) RMR complexity which is also optimal [19]. Lee [20] designed an algorithm for CC machines that uses the Fetch-and-Add and Fetch-and-Store primitives. Alon and Morrison [21] designed an algorithm for CC machines that has a sub-logarithmic RMR complexity and uses the read, write, Fetch-And-Store, and comparison primitives. Recently, Jayanti and Jayanti [22] designed an algorithm for the CC and DSM machines that has a constant amortized RMR complexity and uses the read, write, and Fetch-And-Store primitives. While the works mentioned so far have been deterministic algorithms, randomized versions of classical mutual exclusion with abortability exist. Pareek and Woelfel [23] give a sublogarithmic RMR complexity randomized algorithm and Giakkoupis and Woelfel [24] give an O(1) expected amortized RMR complexity randomized algorithm.

Our Contribution. We show that, as with classical mutual exclusion, the recoverable mutual exclusion problem is amenable to abortability with a reasonable RMR complexity. We present the first abortable RME algorithm for the CC and DSM machines using only read, write, and comparison primitives. We design our algorithm by developing on ideas from a prior RME algorithm by Jayanti and Joshi [7]. Our algorithm has an RMR complexity of \(O(f + \log n)\) when used on DSM machines and certain type of CC machines, but it has \(O(f + n)\) RMR complexity on another type of CC machines (see Sect. 3.4 for full details), where n is the number of processes for which the algorithm is designed and f is the number of times a process crashes between the time it invokes and exits the algorithm. Attiya et al. [19] proved a lower bound that the RMR complexity is \(\varOmega (\log n)\) for even classical mutual exclusion algorithms that use read, write, and comparison primitives. Therefore, our algorithm adds only O(1) RMR per crash on the DSM machines. In addition to the above, our algorithm satisfies the First-Come-First-Served [12] property. It would be interesting if it is possible to bring down the RMR complexity to \(O(f + \log n)\) for all CC machines.

2 Model and Problem Specification

Our system consists of n asynchronous processes named \(1, 2, \ldots , n\) and atomic persistent variables (which include shared variables and variables used by a single process). The persistent variables support the operations read, write, and compare&swap (CAS). The CAS operation has the signature: \(\text{ CAS }(X, old, new)\), where X is a variable name, and old and new are some values. A \(\text{ CAS }(X, old, new)\) operation atomically changes X’s value to new, if X contained the value old, and returns \(true\); otherwise, it returns \(false\) and leaves X unchanged. The persistent variables are assumed to reside in the non-volatile main memory (NVMM) [1,2,3], which allows them to retain their values in the event of a process crash. Note, our algorithm also uses process local variables, which are assumed to be stored in the process registers (we clarify in the description of the algorithm the nature of variables used). A configuration of the system is specified by the values of all shared variables and the states of the n processes, where the state of a process p is in turn specified by the value of \(PC_p\), p’s program counter, and the values of p’s local variables. The configuration changes when a process takes a step. Any process can execute either a normal step or a crash step at any time. In a normal step of p, p executes the instruction pointed by its program counter \(PC_{p}\). A crash step models the crash of a process and can occur regardless of what portion of code the process is executing.

The Abortable RME Problem. In the RME problem, each process repeatedly cycles through four sections of code—Remainder, Try, Critical, and Exit sections. An algorithm for RME specifies the code for the Try and Exit sections of each process. If a process p executes a normal step when in Remainder, p moves to Try; and if p executes a normal step when in CS, p moves to Exit (therefore, we encapsulate the CS of p with one normal step). A crash step of p sets \(PC_{p}\) to point to its Remainder section and sets all other registers of p to \(\bot \). In addition, in the Abortable RME problem, p can receive an external signal to abort continuing to the CS while inside Try, in which case p may execute Exit without executing CS to go back to the RemainderFootnote 1. A run of an algorithm is an infinite sequence of steps. We assume every run satisfies the following conditions: (i) if a process is in Try, Critical, or Exit sections, it later executes a (normal or crash) step, and (ii) if a process enters Remainder because of a crash step, it later executes a normal step.

RMR Complexity and Passages. In a CC machine each process has a cache. A read operation by a process p on a shared variable X fetches a copy of X from shared memory to p’s cache, if a copy is not already present. Any non-read operation on X by any process invalidates copies of X at all caches. An operation on X by p counts as a remote memory reference (RMR) if either the operation is not a read or X’s copy is not in p’s cache. When a process crashes, we assume that its cache contents are lost. In a DSM machine, instead of caches, shared memory is partitioned, with one partition residing at each process, and each shared variable resides in exactly one partition. Any operation (read or non-read) by a process on a shared variable X is counted as an RMR if X is not in p’s partition.

A passage of a process p in a run starts when p enters Try (from Remainder) and ends at the earliest later time when p returns to Remainder (either because p crashes or because p completes Exit and moves back to Remainder). A super-passage of a process p in a run starts when p either enters Try for the first time in the run or when p enters Try for the first time after the previous super-passage has ended, and it ends when p returns to Remainder not by a crash step but by completing the Exit section. Note that p’s super-passage can contain an unbounded number of p’s passages because of its repeated crashes during the super-passage. The passage RMR complexity (respectively, super-passage RMR complexity) of an RME algorithm is the worst-case number of RMRs that a process incurs in a passage (respectively, in a super-passage). We express this RMR complexity in terms of n and f, where n is the number of processes for which the algorithm is designed and f is the number of times the process crashes during the super-passage.

Problem Statement. The goal is to design an algorithm (i.e., code for Try and Exit sections) for the Abortable RME problem, such that, all of the following conditions are met in every run of the algorithm. Conditions P1, P4, P5 are from Golab and Ramaraju [5], and P2, P6, P7, P8 are from Jayanti and Joshi [7]. The additional property P3 and the modifications needed for other properties to accomodate abortability are emphasized in italics.

  1. P1.

    Mutual Exclusion: At most one process is in the CS at any point.

  2. P2.

    Bounded Exit: There is a bound b such that, if a process p is in the Exit section and it executes steps without crashing, it enters the Remainder section in atmost b of its own steps.

  3. P3.

    Bounded Abort: There is a bound b such that, if a process p receives the abort signal and p executes steps without crashing, then p enters the CS or the Remainder section in b of its own steps.

    This property captures the intuition that a process frees itself from all waiting once it receives the abort signal.

  4. P4.

    Starvation Freedom: If the total number of crashes in the run is finite and a process p has infinite number of steps, then p enters the CS in each super-passage in which it does not receive an abort signal.

  5. P5.

    Critical Section Reentry (CSR) [5]: If a process p crashes while in the CS, then no other process enters the CS during the interval from p’s crash to the point in the run when p next enters the CS.

  6. P6.

    Wait-Free Critical Section Reentry (Wait-Free CSR) [7]: There is a bound b such that, if a process p crashes while in the CS, then p reenters the CS before completing b consecutive normal steps.

  7. P7.

    First-Come-First-Served (FCFS) [7]: There is a bound b such that, if a process p performs b contiguous normal steps in its super-passage s before another process \(p'\) initiates its super-passage \(s'\) and p does not receive an abort signal in s, then \(p'\) does not enter the CS in super-passage \(s'\) before p first enters the CS in super-passage \(s'\).

  8. P8.

    Well-formedness: Let s be a normal step by p in which p completes the Try section, and \(s'\) be the latest step by p before s in which p starts a super-passage or p crashes outside of the Try section in CS, or Exit. Well-formedness stipulates where the control moves to after step s, as follows:

    • If \(s'\) is a step when the super-passage starts, then s moves control to CS, Exit section or Remainder section.

    • If \(s'\) is a crash step while p is in Try section, then s moves control to CS, Exit section or Remainder section.

    • If \(s'\) is a crash step while p is in CS, then s moves control to CS.

    • If \(s'\) is a crash step while p is in Exit, then s moves control to CS, Exit section, or Remainder section.

3 The Algorithm

We present our abortable RME algorithm in Fig. 1. The algorithm is designed for n processes, with each process getting a distinct name from the set \(\{ 1, 2, \ldots , n \}\). All the persistent variables used by our algorithm are stored in the non-volatile main memory. Variables with names in small letters and a subscript of p to their name are variables local to the process p, and are stored in p’s registers. We assume that the CS is an idempotent block of code, which allows a process to re-execute it from start even if the process crashes in the middle of the CS. We assume that the external signal to an arbitrary process p asking it to abort is made available at \({\textsc {AbortSignal}}[p]\) as a boolean value, with a value of \(true\) indicating that the signal is active and a value of \(false\) indicating otherwise. Our algorithm is obtained by expanding on ideas of Jayanti and Joshi’s [7] algorithm. Therefore, like their algorithm, our algorithm relies on a special object called min-array. For more details about the \(\min \)-array, please read the description of \({\textsc {Registry}}\) in Sect. 3.1.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Abortable RME Algorithm. Code for process p.

3.1 Shared Variables and Their Purpose

We describe below the role played by each shared variable used in the algorithm.

: This is a flag that process p waits on before entering the CS and supports the read, write, and CAS operations. To achieve the local-spin property, \({\textsc {Go}}[p]\) is allocated to p’s memory module on DSM machines. This variable is set to a non-zero integer value by p inside the Try Section. A process q makes p the owner of the CS first, and then q releases p from its wait loop by assigning 0 to \({\textsc {Go}}[p]\). In our algorithm it is also possible that a process \(r \ne q\) notices that p is the owner of the CS and hence may try to set \({\textsc {Go}}[p]\) to 0 by attempting a CAS operation on this variable. Hence, in such cases a different process r, instead of q who captured CS for p, releases p from its wait.

: \({\textsc {Token}}\) is an integer variable supporting read and CAS operations. \({\textsc {Token}}\) is used to implement a counter so that its values can be used to assign token numbers to processes requesting the CS: in the Try section, a process reads \({\textsc {Token}}\) to get its token number and then increments \({\textsc {Token}}\). The token thus obtained by a process is used for the entirety of its super-passage.

: \({\textsc {Registry}}\) is a \(\min \)-array that has the same purpose as the one in Jayanti and Joshi’s [7] work, which we reiterate here for clarity. The \(\min \)-array, henceforth referred only as \({\textsc {Registry}}\), is an array and has n locations, one per process. It supports two operations: \(\mathtt{write}()\) and \(\mathtt{findmin}()\). \({\textsc {Registry}}.\mathtt{write}(p, v)\), when executed by p, sets \({\textsc {Registry}}[p]\) to v. The operation \({\textsc {Registry}}.\mathtt{findmin}()\) returns the minimum value in the array. Like in [7], \({\textsc {Registry}}\) acts like a queue by holding the names of processes waiting to enter the CS, and orders them according to their token numbers. p inserts in \({\textsc {Registry}}\) an element \((p, tok_{p})\) (Line 7), where \(tok_{p}\) holds p’s token number (we call this step by p as “registering” its super-passage). When exiting or aborting, p deletes this element (Line 13) by writing \((p, \infty )\) (we call this step by p as “unregistering” its super-passage). The elements in \({\textsc {Registry}}\) are ordered according to their token numbers: \((p, t) < (q, t')\) if \(t < t'\) or \(t = t' \wedge p < q\). Thus, the \(\mathtt{findmin}()\) operation returns (pt), where p is the process in \({\textsc {Registry}}\) with the smallest token. If \({\textsc {Registry}}\) is empty (i.e., every location in the array is empty), \(\mathtt{findmin}()\) returns a value \((q, \infty )\), with some process name q. We require that the two operations satisfy wait-freedom and idempotence, which allows the algorithm to repeatedly execute these operations in presence of a crash. As mentioned in Sect. 4 of [7], the implementation given in Appendix A of [7] does satisfy these properties. We therefore use that implementation in our algorithm. Their implementation of \({\textsc {Registry}}\) uses read, write, and CAS and is adapted from f-arrays [25].

: This variable is a record with three fields: \((bit_{}, peer_{}, peertok_{})\). The first field, \(bit_{}\), is a single bit field denoting whether the CS is occupied or not. A value of 0 in the bit indicates the CS is free and in that case \(peer_{}\) denotes the process that last wrote to \({\textsc {CSStatus}}\) while using \(peertok_{}\) as the token for its super-passage. If the value of the bit is 1, it indicates the CS is occupied and in that case, \(peer_{}\) denotes the name of the process that currently owns the CS and \(peertok_{}\) is the token used by the process with name \(peer_{}\) for its current super-passage. The operations supported by \({\textsc {CSStatus}}\) are read and CAS.

This is a boolean variable that supports the read and write operations. p might crash while executing the Exit section, so we use the \({\textsc {Exiting}}[p]\) variable to remind p that it was executing the Exit section. Hence, \({\textsc {Exiting}}[p] = true\) indicates that p should be executing the Exit section after restarting from a crash; \({\textsc {Exiting}}[p] = false\) indicates p is yet to execute the Exit section in the current super-passage.

A Remark on Wrap-Around of Token Numbers. In our algorithm the bit size of the token numbers generated using \({\textsc {Token}}\) is constrained by the \(peertok_{}\) field of \({\textsc {CSStatus}}\). Assuming a word length of 64-bits, a reasonable assumption on modern multiprocessor systems, we argue as follows that wrap-around of token numbers is not a practical concern. Assume that the system consists of 16, 384 processes, it would therefore need 14 bits to represent each process. Accounting for the \(bit_{}\) field from \({\textsc {CSStatus}}\), we are left with 49 bits to represent a token number. For the token number to wrap around, there must be \(2^{49}\) passages. If there are \(2^{20}\) (a million) passages per second, it would take 17 years for the token number to wrap around. Therefore, wrap-around is not a practical concern.

3.2 Informal Description

In this section we informally describe the working of our algorithm presented in Fig. 1. We first describe how a process p would execute the Try and Exit section in absence of a crash or an abort signal, and then proceed to explain the algorithm if a crash is encountered anywhere or an abort signal is activated.

Crash-Free and Abort-Free Super-Passage. When p wants to enter the CS from the Remainder section, it starts executing the Try section. Lines 1–3 perform a check if the preceding passage by p ended in a crash. Our algorithm maintains the invariant that whenever p is starting a super-passage, the following holds about the shared variables: \({\textsc {CSStatus}}\ne (1, p, *)\) (i.e., \({\textsc {CSStatus}}\) says that p is not the owner of CS), \({\textsc {Exiting}}[p] = false\), and \({\textsc {Go}}[p] = 0\). Therefore, after reading the above shared variables, none of the if  conditions from Lines 1–3 are met, hence, p proceeds execution from Line 4. At Line 4 p obtains a token for itself and then increments the global counter (Line 5). It then saves the obtained token into \({\textsc {Go}}[p]\) (Line 6) for its own use so that in the event of a crash it does not obtain a different token. Then, at Line 7, it inserts its name, tagged with its token, into the \({\textsc {Registry}}\) (i.e., p “registers” its super-passage). If p executes normal steps upto Line 7 in super-passage s before another process q initiates its super-passage \(s'\) and p does not receive an abort signal in s, then q does not enter the CS in \(s'\) before p first enters the CS in s (this is useful for the FCFS property). After executing Line 7, p executes the \(\mathtt{promote}()\) procedure (Line 8) whose job is to capture the CS for the longest waiting process q registered in \({\textsc {Registry}}\) and inform q that it no longer needs to wait (we describe the procedure in detail shortly). Following this, p waits until it is informed that it no longer needs to wait (Line 9) all the while simultaneously checking if it received an abort signal (Line 10). If p reads that \({\textsc {AbortSignal}}[p] = true\) at Line 10, it has received the external signal to abort continuing to the CS, hence, it starts executing the Exit section at Line 12. Upon being informed about its turn to enter the CS (i.e., \({\textsc {Go}}[p] = 0\)), p enters the CS. Note, we assume that starting when p enters the CS and so long as it is executing the CS \(PC_{p}\) remains 11, except after crashes where for a brief while p executes some code from Try to get back to CS and \(PC_{p}\) changes back to 11. When p leaves the CS, it first sets a checkpoint at Line 12 signifying that it has started executing the Exit section by writing \(true\) into \({\textsc {Exiting}}[p]\), so that in the event of a crash it comes back to Exit section. At Line 13, it removes its own name from the \({\textsc {Registry}}\) (i.e., it “unregisters” its own super-passage). Following that it executes Lines 14–15 whose job is to check if p entered Exit section upon receiving an abort signal. Since at present we are considering a super-passage in absence of a crash or an abort signal, p entered the CS on noticing \({\textsc {Go}}[p] = 0\). Hence, at Line 14 p takes note of the current value of \({\textsc {Go}}[p]\) and at Line 15 it checks if that value is 0. By the above, the if  condition at Line 15 is not met, hence, p resumes execution from Line 19. At Line 19 p reads the current content of \({\textsc {CSStatus}}\). Our algorithm maintains the invariant that so long as p has ownership of the CS, \({\textsc {CSStatus}}\) has the value \((1, p, tok_{p})\), where \(tok_{p}\) is the value of p’s token for current super-passage. Therefore, the if  condition at Line 20 is met, hence p marks the CS as available by performing the CAS at Line 20. Following this, p tries to capture the CS for the longest waiting process by executing \(\mathtt{promote}()\) (Line 21). Whether p lets another process into the CS or not, it completes its own super-passage by setting \({\textsc {Exiting}}[p]\) to \(false\) (Line 22) to indicate that it has completed executing the Exit Section.

Executing promote(). We describe the \(\mathtt{promote}()\) procedure as follows. This procedure identifies a process that has been waiting the longest to enter the CS, and lets that process into the CS, if the CS is free. To this purpose, at Line 23, p reads the contents of \({\textsc {CSStatus}}\). If the first bit of \({\textsc {CSStatus}}\) is 0, it means the CS is free, therefore, p performs this check at Line 24. If p finds that the bit is 0, at Line 25 p retrieves the information of the longest waiting process q from \({\textsc {Registry}}\) (i.e., the name of that process and its token). It then checks if q has a valid token at Line 26 (if an invalid token number denoted by \(\infty \) is received, it means the \({\textsc {Registry}}\) is empty). If so, then p tries to install q as the new owner of the CS. p does this by performing a CAS at Line 26 that attempts to write into \({\textsc {CSStatus}}\) the information of q. A successful CAS will indicate that q is the one who is going to occupy the CS now. Note, while p is executing Lines 24–26 in the manner described above, another process might be executing the same lines and could execute Line 26 before p. This would result in p’s CAS at Line 26 to fail. It is also possible that p succeeded in doing the CAS at Line 26, but crashed immediately. Our algorithm ensures that if p crashes while performing the \(\mathtt{promote}()\) procedure, it will come back to re-execute the procedure from start. And in that re-execution of \(\mathtt{promote}()\), p will notice that the if  condition at Line 24 does not meet (although, it had captured the CS for q prior to the crash). In either of the two cases described above, in Lines 27–28 p takes the responsibility to “wake” any process that is currently occupying the CS. Hence, at Line 27, p again reads \({\textsc {CSStatus}}\) to identify the process r whose name was last written into \({\textsc {CSStatus}}\). If p finds that the first bit of \({\textsc {CSStatus}}\) is 1, it does a CAS on \({\textsc {Go}}[r]\) to write a 0 (Line 28). If r was not woken up already, this CAS ensures that it is woken up now. Otherwise, p’s CAS is bound to fail because either \({\textsc {Go}}[r] = 0\) already or r started a new super-passage with a different token in \({\textsc {Go}}[r]\) (which was written at Line 6).

Servicing an Abort Signal. Next we describe how p services an abort when it notices that an abort signal has been activated after reading \({\textsc {AbortSignal}}[p]\). p notices the abort signal when it reads \({\textsc {AbortSignal}}[p]\) at Line 10 and as a result it starts executing the Exit section at Line 12. At Line 12 p first sets a checkpoint to signify that it has started executing the Exit section by writing \(true\) into \({\textsc {Exiting}}[p]\), so that in the event of a crash it comes back to Exit section. At Line 13, it unregisters its own super-passage by removing its name from the \({\textsc {Registry}}\). Following that it executes Lines 14–15 whose job is to check if p entered Exit section upon receiving an abort signal from the Remainder. Suppose it finds that \(tok_{p}= 0\) (i.e., \({\textsc {Go}}[p] = 0\)), which is possible because some other process captured the CS for p while p left the Try section for aborting. In that case, it executes the remaining Exit section as described above. This is because the case is as if p entered the CS and then is completing its super-passage by executing Exit section. Assume otherwise that it finds \(tok_{p}\ne 0\) (i.e., \({\textsc {Go}}[p] \ne 0\)). It then reads the contents of \({\textsc {CSStatus}}\) at Line 16 and checks if the CS is free by checking the first bit of \({\textsc {CSStatus}}\) (Line 17). If it finds that the CS is free, p attempts to update the content of \({\textsc {CSStatus}}\) by writing its own name and token into it by performing a CAS at Line 17. This updating of the content of \({\textsc {CSStatus}}\) in spite of CS being free might not be intuitive, but it is one of the subtle features of our algorithm which we will explain shortly. p then clears its own token from its \({\textsc {Go}}[p]\) variable to prepare itself for the next super-passage (Line 18). Note, when aborting \({\textsc {Go}}[p]\) might hold a token value p obtained for its current super-passage. If \({\textsc {Go}}[p]\) is not explicitly wiped, on its next super-passage p might re-use its old token due to Lines 2–3. This will lead to a violation of FCFS property, hence, clearing its own token from \({\textsc {Go}}[p]\) at Line 18 is important. From Line 19 onwards p executes the Exit section as described above. However, it is important to note that having to do Lines 19–20 is another subtle feature of our algorithm, whose discussion we defer for later.

Recovery from a Crash. When p begins a passage after the preceding passage ended in a crash, p starts by reading \({\textsc {Exiting}}[p]\) at Line 1. If it finds that \({\textsc {Exiting}}[p] = true\), then p crashed while executing the Exit section in the previous passage. p could be executing the Exit section in the previous passage as a result of an abort or due to p coming out of CS prior to crash. In any case, p executes the Exit section from Line 12. Our Exit section is designed to be idempotent, i.e., if p crashes in the middle of Exit section and re-executes it from the start multiple times, then it would appear to take effect once. Hence, it allows us to execute the Exit section from Line 12 after a crash in the Exit section. If \({\textsc {Exiting}}[p] = false\), then p reads the contents of \({\textsc {Go}}[p]\) and \({\textsc {CSStatus}}\) (Lines 2–3). If p finds that \({\textsc {CSStatus}}== (1, p, *)\) (i.e., p has ownership of the CS with a certain token) and \({\textsc {Go}}[p] = 0\), then p has exclusive access to the CS. Hence, p moves to the CS at Line 11. Otherwise, p checks if \(tok_{p}\ne 0\) at Line 3, which implies that it has obtained a token prior to the crash, stored it in \({\textsc {Go}}[p]\), but does not have the ownership of CS yet. In that case p goes on to continue with the super-passage from Line 7, where it starts with registering the super-passage and continuing as described above. If p finds that \(tok_{p}= 0\), it means p is yet to even get a token for itself. In that case p starts from Line 4 as if it started a new super-passage (see description above).

3.3 Subtle Features of the Algorithm

In the description of the algorithm given above, we deferred the discussion of a few subtle features of the algorithm. We discuss those subtle features in this section, namely, (A) Maintaining \({\textsc {Go}}[p]\) as an integer variable instead of a boolean, (B) why does a process p perform a blind \(\text{ CAS }\) on \({\textsc {Go}}[peer_{p}]\) at Line 28, (C) updating the content of \({\textsc {CSStatus}}\) at Line 17 in spite of CS being free, and (D) performing Lines 19–20 even when servicing an abort. We demonstrate below the reason behind performing these operations as follows.

The Need for Feature A. In local-spin mutual exclusion algorithms (e.g., [7, 16]) it is generally the case that the spin variable is a boolean flag. However, in our algorithm a process spins on an integer for a specific reason which we describe as follows. Suppose a boolean flag was used instead of an integer, the following scenario shows that it would result in violating mutual exclusion property. Suppose process p is in the CS in a configuration where every other process is in the Remainder section. A process q from the Remainder section needs access to the CS and hence executes the Try section and eventually makes a call to the \(\mathtt{promote}()\) procedure at Line 8 in the Try. q executes the \(\mathtt{promote}()\) procedure upto but not including Line 27, where it is supposed to wake up the current owner of the CS. At this point p comes out of the CS and starts executing the Exit section so that it eventually calls the \(\mathtt{promote}()\) procedure. p executes Lines 23–27 to make q the new owner of CS, reads the content of \({\textsc {CSStatus}}\) into \(bit_{p}\) (\(= 1\)) and \(peer_{p}\) (\(= q\)) at Line 27, and at Line 28 p stops (i.e., just before letting q into the CS). At this point q resumes execution from Line 27, notes that it itself is now the owner of the CS and hence sets its own \({\textsc {Go}}\) flag to \(true\) at Line 28. Therefore, q enters the CS, completes executing it, and then eventually finishes its super-passage. Now assume that another process r executes the Try section, finds the CS to be free and hence puts itself into the CS. After this q again decides to enter the CS, hence it starts a new super-passage. It executes the Try section to find the CS to be occupied by r, hence it waits for its turn by looping at Lines 9–10. At this moment, p which had stopped at Line 28 resumes its execution and since it read the first bit of \({\textsc {CSStatus}}\) to be 1 with \(peer_{p}= q\), p lets q into the CS by writing \(true\) into \({\textsc {Go}}[q]\). q reads the \({\textsc {Go}}[q]\) flag and enters the CS. Since in the next configuration q and r are in the CS, mutual exclusion is violated. To avoid this issue we use the \({\textsc {Go}}\) flag as an integer variable so that \({\textsc {Go}}[q]\) either stores 0 or the token q uses for its current super-passage. This way when p resumes later as described in the scenario above, it tries to CAS into \({\textsc {Go}}[q]\) with a token that q used in its earlier super-passage. Such a CAS is bound to fail in the scenario above since \({\textsc {Go}}[q]\) would use a new token in the next super-passage.

The Need for Feature B. Our algorithm is based on a previous RME algorithm by Jayanti and Joshi [7] in which the delegation of ownership of the CS to a process and writing to the spin variable of that process is done by a single process. However, in our algorithm from this paper a process p performs a blind \(\text{ CAS }\) on \({\textsc {Go}}[peer_{p}]\) at Line 28, if it finds that a process \(peer_{p}\) occupies the CS, although p might not have made \(peer_{p}\) the owner of the CS. The reason behind designing the algorithm this way is as follows. Suppose a process p is executing the \(\mathtt{promote}()\) procedure such that it executes Lines 23–27, where it is makes a process q the owner of the CS. However, p crashes just before writing 0 to \({\textsc {Go}}[q]\) at Line 28. When p restarts, it cannot tell by reading any of the shared variables if it was the one who made q the owner of the CS (unlike in [7], where reading the \(\textsc {CSOwner}\) variable would give this information). Hence, regardless of whether p made q the owner of CS or not, p assumes the responsibility of waking q from its wait loop and performs the CAS at Line 28.

The Need for Feature C. When p is aborting from its super-passage by executing the Exit section, at Line 17 it performs a CAS on \({\textsc {CSStatus}}\) to declare that the CS is free in spite of noticing that the CS is free and the first bit of \({\textsc {CSStatus}}\) is 0 already. As we describe below, if this step is not performed, p could be made the owner of CS even though p has aborted its super-passage and is in the Remainder section. Assume that the CAS at Line 17 is not performed and the if  block at Lines 15–18 contains only one step to write the value 0 to \({\textsc {Go}}[p]\). Assume there is a process q in the CS and all other processes including p are in the Remainder section. p decides to acquire access to CS, therefore, it executes the Try section and waits for its turn by looping at Lines 9–10. q then comes out of the CS and starts executing the Exit section. q executes the Exit section all the way calling the \(\mathtt{promote}()\) procedure and right upto Line 25 and stops at Line 26. Therefore, the value of \({\textsc {CSStatus}}= (0, q, tok_{q})\) and q has read p’s entry from \({\textsc {Registry}}\) such that q is enabled to perform the CAS at Line 26 and would succeed in doing so. At this moment p decides to abort its super-passage and hence it starts executing the Exit section. p first removes its entry from \({\textsc {Registry}}\) at Line 13 (therefore, \({\textsc {Registry}}\) becomes empty now). Since p was not woken up by q to go into the CS, \({\textsc {Go}}[p] = tok_{p}\), hence p writes 0 to \({\textsc {Go}}[p]\) at Line 18. The \(\mathbf{if} \,\) condition at Line 20 is not met (since \({\textsc {CSStatus}}= (0, q, tok_{q})\)), therefore, p calls the \(\mathtt{promote}()\) procedure at Line 21. Inside the call to \(\mathtt{promote}()\), p finds that the \({\textsc {Registry}}\) is empty at Line 25, and the \(\mathbf{if} \,\) condition at Line 28 is not met because \({\textsc {CSStatus}}= (0, q, tok_{q})\). Hence, p completes \(\mathtt{promote}()\) without modifying any shared variable, goes back to Exit where it writes \(false\) to \({\textsc {Exiting}}[p]\) and then goes back to Remainder. At this point q resumes execution and performs the CAS at Line 26. Since \({\textsc {CSStatus}}\) is unchanged in the meantime, q succeeds in doing the CAS thus making p the owner of the CS. This situation is undesirable because p is in the Remainder section and is made the owner of the CS. If instead the CAS at Line 18 is performed by p, then q’s CAS at Line 26 would not succeed and hence the undesirable situation is avoided.

The Need for Feature D. When p aborts from its super-passage, it is possible that p is made the owner of the CS even though it is aborting. In such a scenario it is necessary that p relinquishes its ownership of the CS and continues with the abort. We demonstrate below (with an argument similar to the above) that not performing Lines 19–20 when p is aborting leads to an undesirable scenario. Like above, assume there is a process q in the CS and all other processes including p are in the Remainder section. p decides to acquire access to CS, therefore, it executes the Try section and waits for its turn by looping at Lines 9–10. q then comes out of the CS and starts executing the Exit section. q executes the Exit section all the way calling the \(\mathtt{promote}()\) procedure and right upto Line 27 and stops at Line 28. Therefore, the value of \({\textsc {CSStatus}}= (1, p, tok_{p})\) and q is enabled to perform the CAS at Line 28. At this moment p decides to abort its super-passage and hence it starts executing the Exit section. p first removes its entry from \({\textsc {Registry}}\) at Line 13 (therefore, \({\textsc {Registry}}\) becomes empty now). Since p was not woken up by q to go into the CS, \({\textsc {Go}}[p] = tok_{p}\), hence p writes 0 to \({\textsc {Go}}[p]\) (the if  condition at Line 17 fails due to the value of \({\textsc {CSStatus}}\)). By our assumption p does not perform Lines 19–20 but executes \(\mathtt{promote}()\) procedure at Line 21 where it sets its own \({\textsc {Go}}[p]\) variable to 0 at Line 28 (because \({\textsc {CSStatus}}= (1, p, tok_{p})\)). It then goes back to the Remainder after updating \({\textsc {Exiting}}[p]\). At this moment q starts taking steps and is unsuccessful at the CAS at Line 28. q then goes back to the Remainder after updating \({\textsc {Exiting}}[q]\). It follows that \({\textsc {CSStatus}}= (1, p, tok_{p})\), where \(tok_{p}\) is the token p used in previous super-passage, although p is in Remainder. Had p performed Lines 19–20, it would have updated \({\textsc {CSStatus}}\) to \((0, p, tok_{p})\) denoting that the CS should be kept free.

3.4 RMR Complexity

We discuss the RMR complexity a process incurs per passage as follows. As described in Lemma 2 of Jayanti and Joshi’s work [7], the \({\textsc {Registry}}.\mathtt{write}()\) operation incurs \(O(\log n)\) RMRs and the \({\textsc {Registry}}.\mathtt{findmin}()\) operation incurs O(1) RMRs on both CC and DSM machines. On DSM machines, where we host the variables \({\textsc {Go}}[p]\) and \({\textsc {Exiting}}[p]\) in p’s memory partition, p’s operations on these variables incur zero RMRs. Therefore, on DSM machines our algorithm incurs \(O(\log n)\) RMR per passage.

On CC machines, similarly, it would be tempting to believe that all these other operations incur constant RMRs, however, it depends on the way the cache is managed in the machine. Therefore, for this discussion we divide CC machines into two categories: (1) strict CC machines and (2) relaxed CC machines, which we describe below and discuss how the RMR is calculated in each category. On strict CC machines, a process will incur an RMR when a failed CAS is performed on a variable it is about to read even though the process had a cached copy of the variable prior to the CAS. On relaxed CC machines a process will not incur an RMR if a CAS operation fails on a variable it is about to read. Note, this behavior of incurring RMRs on CC machines is in addition to our discussion from Sect. 2. Therefore, the RMR complexity remains \(O(\log n)\) on the relaxed CC machines (similar to DSM machines), but shoots up to O(n) on strict CC machines for the following reason. Assume a process p is waiting to enter the CS at Line 9, \(n/2 - 1\) processes are in the Remainder section and there are n / 2 processes that are about to execute Line 28 to perform a CAS on \({\textsc {Go}}[p]\). Out of these processes only one performs the CAS, goes back to the Remainder while letting p into the CS due to the CAS, and the rest \(n/2 - 1\) process have still not executed Line 28. Now there are n / 2 processes in the Remainder section, p in the CS, and \(n/2 - 1\) processes that are about to execute Line 28 to perform a CAS on \({\textsc {Go}}[p]\). Assume p completes the CS, executes the Exit section, and goes back to Remainder section. Meanwhile the n / 2 processes from Remainder come out of the Remainder for a new passage and queue up. p then queues up behind these processes with a new token and starts waiting at Line 9 to enter the CS. At this moment those \(n/2 - 1\) processes that had stopped at Line 28 execute a step causing a failed CAS. This causes p to incur an RMR for every failed CAS incurring O(n) RMRs. Therefore, on strict CC machines our algorithm incurs O(n) RMRs per passage. To summarize, the algorithm incurs \(O(\log n)\) RMRs per passage on DSM and relaxed CC machines, and O(n) RMRs per passage on strict CC machines. Likewise, it incurs \(O(f + \log n)\) RMRs per super-passage on DSM and relaxed CC machines, and \(O(f + n)\) RMRs per super-passage on strict CC machines.

3.5 Main Theorem

The theorem below summarizes the result of our paper.

Theorem 1

The algorithm in Fig. 1 is an abortable recoverable mutual exclusion algorithm for n processes and satisfies properties P1-P8 described in Sect. 2. The algorithm incurs \(O(\log n)\) RMRs per passage on DSM and relaxed CC machines and O(n) RMRs per passage on strict CC machines.