
1 Introduction

Logical database design is a wide field that has been very well studied in the past decades. Schema decomposition is a well known method for logical database design which mainly aims at eliminating anomalies and reducing redundancy. Decomposing a relation involves splitting its attributes to make the schemes of new relations.

In fact, careless selection of a relational database schema can lead to redundancy and related anomalies. It also introduces the potential for several kinds of errors. Therefore, one of the motivations for performing a decomposition is that it may eliminate anomalies and reduce redundancy. Normal forms have long been studied as a means of reducing redundancies caused by data dependencies in the process of schema design.

Besides anomaly elimination, literature suggests two other properties that are desired in a decomposition [1, 16, 27]: information recoverability and dependency preservation. Recoverability of information means that the original relation can be recovered by joining the relations in the decomposition. Dependency preservation means that the set of dependencies of the original schema are preserved within the subschemes of the decomposition. Among all the data dependencies which have been proposed in the literature, functional dependencies (FDs) are the most common kind of constraints in a relational database.

In this paper, we propose a semi-automatic method for decomposing a relational schema in an interactive way. A database designer can build the subschemes step-by-step guided with quantitative measures of the decomposition “goodness”. Our goal is to provide richer insights that help a database designer have a better understanding of the consequences of different decomposition choices and make design decisions accordingly. Therefore, at each step, a ranked set of recommendations are provided to the designer that guide him to the possible next actions that lead to a better design. In order to do so, quantitative “goodness” measures of the decomposition need to be defined.

The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 provides some preliminaries, and Sect. 3 discusses the properties of good decomposition. Quantitative measures of decomposition goodness are defined in Sect. 4. Then, in Sect. 5 we present our proposed method for interactive decomposition using recommendations. Section 6 concludes the paper.

2 Preliminaries

Let \(R(A_1,\cdots ,A_n)\) be a relation scheme, and X and Y be subsets of \(\{A_1, \cdots , A_n\}\). We say X functionally determines Y, denoted \(X \rightarrow Y\) if, in whatever instance r of R, any two tuples that agree on X values they also agree on Y values. We say a relation instance r satisfies functional dependency \(X \rightarrow Y\) if for every two tuples \(t_1\) and \(t_2\) in r such that \(t_1[X]=t_2[X]\), it is also true that \(t_1[Y]=t_2[Y]\).

Let F be a set of FD’s for relation scheme R, and let \(X \rightarrow Y\) be a FD. We say F logically implies \(X \rightarrow Y\), if every instance r for R that satisfies the dependencies in F also satisfies \(X \rightarrow Y\). The closure of F, denoted \(F^+\), is the set of functional dependencies that are logically implied by F.

Armstrong [3] defined a complete and sound set of inference rules for functional dependencies:

  • Reflexivity. If \(Y \subseteq X\), then \(X \rightarrow Y\) holds (called trivial FD).

  • Augmentation. If \(X \rightarrow Y\) holds, then \(XZ \rightarrow YZ\) holds.

  • Transitivity. If \(X \rightarrow Y\) and \(Y \rightarrow Z\) hold, then \(X \rightarrow Z\) holds.

Let F be a set of FD’s on set of attributes U, and let X be a subset of U, then, the closure of X (with respect to F), denoted \(X^+\), is the set of attributes A such that \(X \rightarrow A\) can be deduced from F by Armstrong’s axioms. The FD \(X \rightarrow Y\) follows from a given set of dependencies F using Armstrong’s axioms if and only if \(Y \subseteq X^+\); where the closure of X is taken with respect to F.

If R is a relation scheme with attributes \(A_1,\cdots ,A_n\) and functional dependencies F, and X is a subset of \(A_1,\cdots ,A_n\), we say X is a superkey of R if \(X \rightarrow A_1,\cdots ,A_n\) is in \(F^+\). That is, X functionally determines all attributes of R. We say X is a key of R if X is a superkey and no proper subset \(Y \subset X\) is a superkey of R. Clearly, a relation can have more than one key. An attribute A is called prime if it belongs to any key. Thus, an attribute that does not belong to any key is called non-prime.

Let F and E be two sets of FD’s, we say that F and E are equivalent, denoted \(F \equiv E\), if and only if \(F^+=E^+\). That is, we can deduce all FD’s of E from F, and vice versa. Moreover, we say that E is a minimal cover of F if and only if \(E \equiv F\) and there is no proper subset \(E' \subset E\) such that \(E' \equiv F\).

If R is a relation scheme with attributes \(A_1,\cdots ,A_n\) and functional dependencies F, and S is a subscheme of R with attributes \(A_{i_1},\cdots ,A_{i_k} \subseteq A_1,\cdots ,A_n\). The projection of F over S, denoted \(F_S\) is the set of functional dependencies \(X \rightarrow Y\) in \(F^+\) such that \((X \cup Y) \subseteq A_{i_1},\cdots ,A_{i_k}\).

Let R be a relation schema with FDs F.

  • We say that R is in First Normal Form (1NF) if all the attributes are atomic (single-valued).

  • We say that R is in Second Normal Form (2NF) [8] if it is in 1NF and for a non-prime attribute A, whenever \(X \rightarrow A\) is in \(F^+\), then X is not a proper subset of any key.

  • We say that R is in Third Normal Form (3NF) if whenever \(X \rightarrow A\) is in \(F^+\), then either X is a superkey of R or A is a prime attribute.

  • We say that R is in Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF) if whenever \(X \rightarrow A\) is in \(F^+\), then X is a superkey of R.

Clearly, if R is in 3NF then it is also in 2NF; and if it is in BCNF then it is also in 3NF.

Other normal forms are formulated in the literature, such as Fourth Normal Form (4NF) [17], Fifth Normal Form (5NF) [11, 18] (also known as Project-Join Normal Form, PJNF), Sixth Normal Form (6NF) [10, 12], and Essential Tuple Normal Form (ETNF) [9]. However, these normal forms are based on other types of dependencies: multivalued-dependencies (MVD’s) and join-dependencies (JD’s). Therefore, they are beyond the scope of this paper.

A decomposition of a relation scheme \(R(A_1, \cdots , A_n)\) is its replacement by a collection \(\delta = \{R_1, \cdots R_k\}\) of subsets of R, called subschemes, such that \(R = R_1 \cup \cdots \cup R_k\). The subsets \(R_i\)’s are not required to be disjoint. If r is an instance of R then the sub-instance of a subscheme \(R_i\) is the projection of r on \(R_i\), that is, \(r_i = \pi _{R_i}(r)\).

One of the motivations for performing a decomposition is that it may eliminate (insert, delete and update) anomalies and reduce redundancy.

3 What Is a Good Decomposition?

A decomposition of a relation scheme R is its replacement by a collection \(\delta = \{R_1, \cdots R_k\}\) of subsets of R, called subschemes, such that \(R = R_1 \cup \cdots \cup R_k\). The subsets \(R_i\)’s are not required to be disjoint. If r is an instance of R then the sub-instance of a subscheme \(R_i\) is the projection of r on \(R_i\), that is, \(r_i = \pi _{R_i}(r)\).

Literature shows three main properties that a decomposition is desired to have: [4, 21, 22]: Elimination of Anomalies, Recoverability of Information, and Preservation of Dependencies.

  1. 1.

    Elimination of Anomalies can be described in terms of normal forms. The literature shows that certain undesirable anomalies can be avoided when the database scheme is in a normal form w.r.t the given dependencies [22].

  2. 2.

    Recoverability of Information (or lossless-join) means that the original relation can be recovered by taking the natural join of the relations in the decomposition. In fact, any decomposition gives back at least the tuples with which we start, but a carelessly chosen decomposition can give tuples in the join that were not in the original relation [19]. Formally, a decomposition \(\delta = \{R_1, \cdots , R_n\}\) of a schema R is recoverable iff for whatever instance r of R: \(\pi _{R_1}(r) \bowtie \cdots \bowtie \pi _{R_n}(r) = r\). Lossless-join property can be checked using chase test [2].

  3. 3.

    Preservation of Dependencies means that all the functional dependencies that hold in the original relation can be deduced from the FD’s in the decomposed relations. Formally, a decomposition \(\delta = \{R_1, \cdots , R_n\}\) of a schema R with a set of FD’s F is dependency preserving iff: \( \bigcup ^{n}_{i=1} F_{R_i} \equiv F \) where \(F_{R_i}\) is the projection of F over \(R_i\). An algorithm to test the dependency preservation property is given in [5].

The literature shows several well known works on decomposition methods that achieve some of the above desired properties. Bernstein [6] proposed a “synthetic” approach for dependency-preserving decomposition into 3NF. Tsou and Fischer [26] proposed a lossless-join decomposition into BCNF. Biskup et al. [7] give a 3NF decomposition with a lossless join and dependency preservation. Demba [13] propose an algorithmic approach for database normalization up to third normal form.

However, it has been shown that there is no decomposition that guarantees all the three properties at once. That is, sometimes, decomposition into BCNF can lose the dependency-preservation property, while decomposition into 3NF does not guarantee to eliminate all redundancy due to FD’s [19]. Moreover, it is important to remember that not every lossless-join decomposition step is beneficial, and some can be harmful [27]. Codd has argued that we should not insist that a relation schema be in a given normal form. Rather, the database designer should be aware of the issues and have a warning flag that if the relation schema is not in a given normal form, then certain problems may arise.

A database designer may wish to thoroughly investigate many decompositions in order to choose a good one for his design. However, the number of possible decompositions of a schema is exponential; thus, examining the whole the search space of decompositions is almost unfeasible. In order to overcome this drawback, we suggest to navigate step-wisely through this space. That is, from some ‘current’ decomposition, the designer can investigate the neighbors of that decomposition that are one step away; where a step means an action of adding or removing of a subscheme or an attribute.

In this paper, we propose an interactive decomposition method, that supports this idea of navigational search for good decomposition. Our goal is to guide the database designer throughout the decomposition process with quantitative measures that assesses the “goodness” of the decomposition.

In the literature, there are many works that have proposed tools and solutions to support database decomposition, such as Mirco [15], RDBNorma [14], and JMathNorm [28]. Some of such tools have educational purposes only, including: [20, 23,24,25]. However, to the best of our knowledge, there is yet no tool that support interactive decomposition in the manner we do in this paper, where recommendations (equipped with quantitative measures) for next steps are provided to guide the user during the decomposition process.

In the next section, we define decomposition “goodness” measures.

4 Decomposition Goodness Measures

Let R be a relation schema with FD’s F. Let \(D_R\) be the set of all possible decompositions over R, then a goodness measure is a function: \(\vartheta : D_R \longmapsto [0,1]\). Let \(\delta \in D_R\) be a decomposition of k subschemes: \(\delta = \{R_1, \cdots , R_k\}\), we define four goodness measures:

4.1 Join-Lossless Measure \(\vartheta _{J}\)

This is a strict measure that takes value 1 when \(\delta \) is join-lossless, and 0 otherwise:

$$ \vartheta _{J}(\delta ) = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 1 &{} \text { if } \delta \text { is join lossless} \\ 0 &{} \text { otherwise} \end{array}\right. } $$

4.2 Dependency-Preservation Measure \(\vartheta _{P}\)

This measure can also be defined in a strict fashion: \(\vartheta _{P}(\delta ) = 1\) when \(\delta \) is dependency-preserving, 0 otherwise.

$$ \vartheta _{P}(\delta ) = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 1 &{} \text { if } \delta \text { is dependency-preserving} \\ 0 &{} \text { otherwise} \end{array}\right. } $$

Alternatively, it can be defined in a relaxed fashion:

$$\begin{aligned} \vartheta _{P}(\delta ) = \frac{|F_{pr}|}{|F|} \end{aligned}$$

where \(F_{pr} \subseteq F\) is the set of FD’s preserved by \(\delta \).

4.3 Normal-Forms Measure \(\vartheta _{N}\)

Let \(R_i\) be a subscheme in \(\delta \), then the normal-forms measure of \(R_i\) is defined as:

$$ \vartheta _{N}(R_i) = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 3 &{} \text { if } R_i \text { is in BCNF} \\ 2 &{} \text { if } R_i \text { is not in BCNF, but in 3NF} \\ 1 &{} \text { if } R_i \text { is not in 3NF, but in 2NF} \\ 0 &{} \text { if } R_i \text { is not in 2NF} \\ \end{array}\right. } $$

The normal-forms measure \(\vartheta _{N}\) of a decomposition \(\delta \) is then the normalized average of the normal-forms measure of its components:

$$ \vartheta _{N}(\delta ) = \frac{1}{3 k} \sum ^k_{i=1} \vartheta _{N}(R_i) $$

Clearly, \(\vartheta _{N}\) would be 0 when none of the subschemes is in 2NF, and reaches 1 when all the subschemes are in BCNF.

4.4 Structural Issues Measure \(\vartheta _{I}\)

When a decomposition is built in an interactive way by adding or removing subschemes and/or attributes, structural issues may arise. These issues can be classified in different types as shown in Table 1.

Let \(\varOmega _{\delta }\) be the set of all the structural issues occurring in a decomposition \(\delta \), the Structural-Issues Measure \(\vartheta _{I}\) is defined as:

$$ \vartheta _{I}(\delta ) = \frac{1}{1+|\varOmega _{\delta }|} $$

Clearly, \(\vartheta _{I}\) can not be 0; it would be 1 when the decomposition \(\delta \) does not suffer any structural issues (\(\varOmega _{\delta }=\emptyset \)).

Table 1. Types of structural issues

The list shown in Table 1 contains the most common and frequent types of structural issues. These types are what we consider in the current version of our tool. However, we do not claim that this list of issues is exhaustive.

Moreover, the formula of Structural-Issues Measure can be modified to obtain a smoother decay of score when the number of issues increases, for example, using \(\vartheta _{I}(\delta ) = \frac{3}{3+|\varOmega _{\delta }|}\).

Total Score \(\varvec{\theta }\)

To summarize the above goodness measures, a total score \(\theta \) is defined as their weighted average. Let \(w_J, w_P, w_N,\) and \( w_I\) be non-negative weights that sum up to 1. These weights signify the degree of importance of the goodness measures, \(\vartheta _{J}, \vartheta _{P}, \vartheta _{N},\) and \(\vartheta _{I}\), respectively. The total score \(\theta \) is computed as:

$$ \theta (\delta ) = w_J \vartheta _{J}(\delta ) + w_P \vartheta _{P}(\delta ) + w_N \vartheta _{N}(\delta ) + w_I \vartheta _{I}(\delta ) $$

Example 1

Let R(ABCDE) be a schema with FD’s \(F=\{A \rightarrow B, E \rightarrow G, B \rightarrow DE\}\), let \(\delta = \{R_1(B, D, E), R_2(C, E, G)\}\) be a decomposition of R. Then, the FD’s of the subschemes are: \(F_{R_1} = \{B\rightarrow DE\}\) and \(F_{R_2} = \{E \rightarrow G\}\).

  • \(\delta \) is not join-lossless: \(\vartheta _{J}(\delta )=0\).

  • FD’s \(E \rightarrow G\) and \( B \rightarrow DE\) are preserved, but \(A \rightarrow B\) is not: \(\vartheta _{P}(\delta )=2/3\).

  • \(R_1\) is in BCNF, and \(R_2\) is not in 2NF: \(\vartheta _{N}(R_1)=3\), \(\vartheta _{N}(R_2)=0\), thus \(\vartheta _{N}(\delta )=(3+0)/(3 \times 2)=1/2\).

  • \(\delta \) suffers one issue: attribute A is not mentioned in any relation, thus \(|\varOmega |=1\), and \(\vartheta _{I}(\delta )=1/2\).

  • Assuming balanced weights, the total score is: \(\theta = (0+\frac{2}{3}+\frac{1}{2}+\frac{1}{2})/4=\frac{5}{12}\).

5 Interactive Decomposition and Recommendations

In order to help a database designer make a good decomposition, s/he first needs to be able to measure the “goodness” of the decomposition, and second to better understand the consequences of different decomposition choices; thus s/he can make design decisions accordingly. We propose a semi-automatic method for decomposing a relational schema in an interactive way, where the designer can build the subschemes in a step-by-step way.

Given an original database schema R, and a set of FD’s F, the designer starts with one empty subsecheme (with no attributes). Then, s/he can add attributes to this subscheme or add another subscheme. Gradually, the decomposition becomes richer and other types of actions become possible, such as removing an attribute from certain subscheme or removing an entire subscheme. In general, four types of actions are possible at any step:

figure a

Every time an action is taken, two things happen. First, the “goodness” measures (Sect. 4) are computed for the current decomposition \(\delta \), including the total score \(\theta (\delta )\). This involves finding the FD projections and normal forms of each subscheme, and the set of structural issues, if any.

Second, a list of next-possible-actions \(\varPsi = \{\psi _1, \cdots , \psi _m\}\) is generated (Sect. 5.1). For each next-possible-action \(\psi _j \in \varPsi \), the corresponding decomposition \(\delta _{\psi _j}\) (resulting if the action \(\psi _j\) is taken) is computed behind the scene, along with its goodness metrics including the total score \(\theta (\delta _{\psi _j})\). The total score is used to rank the list of actions, such that the actions with higher scores are displayed first. Moreover, each action is annotated as positive, equivalent or negative, respectively, based on whether the action score \(\theta (\delta _{\psi _j})\) is, respectively, higher than, equal to, or less than the score of the current decomposition \(\theta (\delta )\).

This way, a ranked list of action-score pairs is presented to the designer: \( \{ \langle \psi _j, \theta (\delta _{\psi _j})\rangle \}\). In this list, positively annotated actions form the recommendations that are given to the designer to choose one from them. Those recommendations are guaranteed to give, if taken, a better decomposition than the current one in terms of the total score of the goodness measures.

When an action (unnecessarily positive) is taken, the list of recommendations will change (re-computed). That is because the next possible actions would be different, and their corresponding decompositions will vary accordingly.

Obviously, the designer is not obligated to take the first recommendation in the list, s/he is free to take any action. However, taking top recommended actions would rapidly lead to better decomposition. It is important to note that an optimal decomposition is not always possible. Therefore, the designer may stop the decomposition process whenever s/he feels satisfied with the goodness measures s/he gets.

A prototype of this interactive method is implemented in Java as a user-friendly GUI (Fig. 1). The source code, examples, and other resources are available at:

5.1 Algorithm for Recommendation Generation

The list of recommendations of each step is generated using Algorithm 1. For each subscheme, we consider actions of adding an attribute that is not currently in the subscheme (lines 3:7), and removing an attribute from the subscheme (lines 8:12). If there are more than one subscheme, we also consider removing each subscheme (lines 13:17). For each key, we consider adding a subscheme that consists of the attributes of that key, if such a subscheme is not already present in the decomposition (lines 18:22). For each FD in the minimal cover of F, we consider adding a subscheme that consists of the left and right side attributes of that FD, if such a subscheme is not already in the decomposition (lines 23:28).

For each one of these actions, \(\psi \), the corresponding decomposition \(\delta _{\psi }\) is found and its total score \(\theta (\delta _{\psi })\) is computed. The pairs \(\langle \psi ,\theta _{\psi }\rangle \) are then added to the list of recommendations \(\varPsi \), which is, at the end, ordered by the values of \(\theta _{\psi }\) and returned.

figure b

5.2 Example

Consider the schema R(ABCDEG) with FD’s \(F=\{AB \rightarrow CD, A \rightarrow E, B \rightarrow G, EG \rightarrow C\}\). Let us start a new decomposition \(\delta \) with a new subscheme \(R_1\) and add attribute A to \(R_1\). At this point, the goodness measures are: \(\vartheta _J=0\), \(\vartheta _P=0\), \(\vartheta _N=1\), \(\vartheta _I=0.125\) (due to 7 issues), and \(\theta =0.28125\). The top 3 recommendations are:

figure c

If we take the first recommendation, we get \(\delta =\{R_1(A,E)\}\) with \(F_{R_1}=\{A\rightarrow E\}\). This will make \(\vartheta _P=0.25\) (1 FD is preserved), and \(\vartheta _I=0.1667\) (issues are reduced to 5); therefore, \(\theta =0.3542\) (as the recommendation promised). The top-3 next recommendations are:

figure d

If we again take the first recommendation, we get \(\delta =\{R_1(A,E), R_2(C, E, G)\}\) with \(F_{R_2}=\{EG\rightarrow C\}\). This will make \(\vartheta _P=0.5\) (2 FD’s are preserved), and \(\vartheta _I=0.333\) (2 issues remaining: attributes BD are not mentioned in any subscheme); therefore, \(\theta =0.4583\) (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Decomposition after adding subscheme \(R_2\{C, E, G\}\)

The top-3 next recommendations are:

figure e

Continuing the decomposition process with recommended actions, we shall add \(R_3(A, B, D)\) and \(R_4(B, G)\), hence an optimal decomposition can be achieved: \(\delta = \{R_1(A,E), R_2(C, E, G), R_3(A, B, D), R_4(B, G)\}\) which is lossless-join, all FD’s are preserved, all subschemes are in BCNF, and free from structural issues; thus, \(\theta (\delta )=1\).

6 Conclusions and Future Work

We have proposed a semi-automatic method for interactive decomposition of relational databases. A database designer is guided throughout the decomposition process by a list of recommendations that tell him what are the next possible actions that can lead to a better decomposition.

Interactive decomposition seems to be a good approach to help the designer better understand the pros and cons of every possible action by quantitatively assessing the goodness of the decomposition. This method can be considered as an interesting addition to the arsenal of already established methods and tools within database design literature. As a future work, an extensive experimentation is needed to evaluate the method, and to study the impact of each goodness property on the overall quality of database design. Looking ahead, interactive decomposition can be extended to involve extra goodness measures such as: minimality, freedom from globally redundant attributes, and freedom from attribute replication. Moreover, it can be extended to consider other types of dependencies (e.g. MVDs) and higher normal forms (e.g. 4NF).

Other directions of future work concern improving the tool and making the interface more user-friendly; by introducing, for instance, graphical representation on functional dependencies in the form of FD diagrams, and graphical representation of join- diagram of the decomposition.

Finally, future work should address the usefulness of the decomposition method in real-life situations where the search space is huge. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct some experiments with real-life databases consisting of many, possibly non-normalized, relations.