
1 Introduction

Time series classification (TSC) is an important research topic with applications to medicine [3, 9], biology [4], electronics [17], etc. Conventional TSC [2] tasks are fully supervised. However, real-world TSC problems often fall into the category of positive unlabeled (PU) classification [8]. In such cases, only a small set PL of positive and labeled training examples and a large set U of unlabeled ones are available to help distinguish between two classesFootnote 1. For example, in heartbeat classification for medical care, we may need to train a classifier based on a limited number of abnormal heartbeats and a large number of unlabeled (normal or abnormal) ones [3]. To the best of our knowledge, no conventional supervised TSC methods can be applied to such cases where only one class is labeled, thus specialized PU classification methods are required.

Most existing PU classification methods for time series [3, 4, 6, 13, 16, 17] are whole-stream based, utilizing all readings in the training examples. This makes them sensitive to non-characteristic readings [15, 19]. One effective solution to this problem is time series shapelets [7, 10, 15, 18, 19], which are characteristic patternsFootnote 2 that can effectively distinguish between different classes. For instance, consider three electrocardiography time series from the TwoLeadECG dataset [5]. Under whole-stream matching (Fig. 1 left) with the highly effective [4] DTW distance [6, 13, 16], \(ts_2\) is incorrectly deemed to be more similar to \(ts_3\) than \(ts_1\). In contrast, with a shapelet (Fig. 1 right), we can obtain its best matching subsequence in each time series, and uncover the correct link.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

A comparison of whole-stream based and shapelet-based methods. While the former incorrectly links \(ts_2\) with \(ts_3\) (left), the latter uncovers the correct link (right).

In this paper, we undertake the task of shapelet discovery with PU data. To the best of our knowledge, no previous work deals with this problem. Existing shapelet discovery methods are either supervised [7, 10, 18] or unsupervised [15, 19]. Concretely, a classic framework [18, 19] of shapelet discovery is to extract a pool of subsequences as shapelet candidates, rank them with an evaluation metric, and select the top-ranking ones as shapelets. For the choice of the evaluation metric, supervised metrics [7, 10, 18] can effectively discover high-quality shapelets. However, they need labeled examples from both classes, while under PU settings, only one class is (partly) labeled. An unsupervised evaluation metric [15, 19] aims to maximize the inter-class gap and minimize the intra-class variance, yet this rationale often fails to hold, which is likely due to the typically noisy and high-dimensional nature of time series, and the sparsity of small datasets.

Faced with the difficulties of directly applying existing shapelet discovery methods, we propose our novel PU-Shapelets (PUSh) algorithm. To be specific, we opt to first label the unlabeled (U) examples, thus obtaining a fully labeled training set. This enables us to conduct supervised shapelet discovery. To label the U examples, we present a novel Pattern Ensemble (PE) technique that iteratively ranks all U examples by their possibilities of being positive. PE utilizes both potentially characteristic and potentially non-characteristic shapelet candidates, without the need to know their actual quality. We then develop a novel Average Shapelet Precision Maximization (ASPM) stopping criterion. Based on a novel concept called shapelet precision, ASPM determines the point where the PE iterations should stop [3, 4, 6, 13, 16, 17]. All U examples ranked before and at this point are labeled as being positive and the rest are considered negative. ASPM is essentially an estimation of the number of positive examples in U. Having labeled the entire training set, we select the shapelets with the supervised evaluation metric of information gain [10, 18]. The discovered shapelets are used to build a nearest-neighbor classifier for online classification. The complete workflow of PUSh is shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

The workflow of our PU-Shapelets (PUSh) algorithm.

Our main contributions in the paper are as follows.

  • We present PU-Shapelets (PUSh), which addresses the challenging task of discovering time series shapelets [7, 10, 15, 18, 19] with positive unlabeled (PU) data. As far as we know, this is the first time this task has been undertaken.

  • We develop a novel Pattern Ensemble (PE) technique to iteratively rank the unlabeled (U) examples by their possibilities of being positive. PE effectively utilizes both potentially characteristic and potentially non-characteristic patterns, without the need to know their actual quality.

  • We present a novel Average Shapelet Precision Maximization (ASPM) stopping criterion. Based on a novel concept called shapelet precision, ASPM can effectively estimate the number of positive examples in U and determine when to stop the PE iterations. We combine PE and ASPM to label all U examples. We then conduct supervised shapelet selection and build a nearest-neighbor classifier for online classification.

  • We conduct extensive experiments to demonstrate the effectiveness of our PUSh method.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces the preliminaries. Section 3 presents our PUSh algorithm. Section 4 reports the experimental results. Section 5 reviews the related work. Section 6 concludes the paper.

2 Preliminaries

We now formally define several important concepts used in this paper. We begin with the concept of positive unlabeled classification [8].

Definition 1

Positive unlabeled (PU) classification. Given a training set with a (small) set PL of positive labeled examples and a (large) set U of unlabeled examples, the task of positive unlabeled (PU) classification is to train a classifier with P and U and apply it to predicting the class of future examples.

We move on to the definitions of time series and subsequence.

Definition 2

Time series and subsequence. A time series is a sequence of real values in timestamp ascending order. For a length-L time series \( T=t_1, \ldots , t_L \), a subsequence S of T is a sequence of contiguous data points in T. The length-l \( (l \le L) \) subsequence that begins with the p-th data point in T is written as \( S=t_p, \ldots , t_{p+l-1} \).

We then introduce the concept of subsequence matching distance (SMD).

Definition 3

Subsequence matching distance (SMD). For a length-l subsequence \( Q=q_1, \ldots , q_l \) and a length-L time series \( T=t_1, \ldots , t_L \), the subsequence matching distance (SMD) between Q and T is the minimum distance between Q and all length-l subsequences of T under some distance measure D, i.e. \( SMD(Q,T)=min\{D(Q,S)| S=t_p, \ldots , t_{p+l-1}, \forall p, 1\le p \le L-l+1\} \).

For the choice of the distance measure, we apply the length-normalized Euclidean distance [10], which is the Euclidean distance between two equal-length subsequences divided by the square root of the length of the subsequences.

We now formally define the concept of orderline [10, 15, 18, 19].

Definition 4

Orderline. Given a subsequence S and a time series dataset DS, the corresponding orderline \(O_S\) is a sorted vector of SMDs between S and all time series in DS.

We conclude with the definition of time series shapelets.

Definition 5

Time series shapelets. Given a set DS of training time series, time series shapelets are characteristic subsequences that can distinguish between different classes in DS. Concretely, given a shapelet candidate set CS consisting of subsequences extracted from time series in DS, let m be the desired number of shapelets. Time series shapelets are the top-m ranking subsequences in CS under some evaluation matric E. E indicates how well separated different classes are on the orderline of a shapelet candidate.

3 The PU-Shapelets Algorithm

We now present our PU-Shapelets (PUSh) algorithm. Following the workflow shown in Fig. 2, we will first elaborate on how to label the unlabeled (U) set, and then introduce the shapelet selection and classifier construction processes.

3.1 Labeling U Examples

We now introduce the process of labeling U examples. Our first step is to obtain a pool of patterns as shapelet candidates, which will also be useful when labeling the U set. Concretely, we set a range of possible shapelet lengths. For each length l, we apply a length-l sliding window to each training time series (regardless of whether it is labeled or not), extracting all length-l subsequences in the training set and adding them to the candidate pool. The final pool of shapelet candidates is obtained when all possible lengths are exhausted [7, 10, 15, 18, 19].

Having obtained all shapelet candidates, we now move on to labeling the U set. This is typically achieved by first rank the U examples by their possibilities of being positive, and then estimate the number \(np_u\) of positive examples in U [3, 4, 6, 11,12,13, 16, 17], thus the top-ranking \(np_u\) examples in U are labeled as being positive and the rest are labeled as being negative. This workflow has been illustrated in Fig. 2. We now separately discuss how to rank the U examples, and how to estimate the number of positive examples.

Ranking U Examples with Pattern Ensemble (PE). We first discuss ranking the U examples. Previous works [3, 4, 6, 13, 16, 17] have adopted the propagating one-nearest-neighbor (P-1NN) algorithm [21]. P-1NN works in an iterative fashion. In each iteration, the nearest neighbor of the positive labeled (PL) set in the unlabeled (U) set is moved from U to PL. The nearest neighbor of PL in U is defined as the U example with the minimum nearest neighbor distance to PL, i.e.

$$\begin{aligned} NN(PL, U) = {\text {arg min}} \{NNDist(u, PL)\ |\ u \in U\} \end{aligned}$$

The iterations go on until U is exhausted. The order by which the U examples are added into PL is their rankings.

The problem with previous works is that when obtaining the nearest neighbors, they calculate the distances between entire time series, utilizing all the readings. This makes them susceptible to non-characteristic readings. In contrast, we attempt to actively minimize the interference from non-characteristic shapelet candidates. However, as was discussed in Sect. 1, no existing evaluation metric can effectively estimate the qualities of the candidates under PU settings. Without such prior knowledge, which candidates should we rely on? The answer is surprisingly simple: All of them.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

The workflow of pattern ensemble (PE).

To be specific, we develop the following Pattern Ensemble (PE) technique, whose workflow is shown in Fig. 3. PE adopts a similar iterative process as P-1NN. However, in each iteration of PE, we let each shapelet candidate individually identify the nearest neighbor of PL in U on its orderline (Fig. 4), and vote for it. The U example receiving the most votes is moved to PL. The iterations stop when U is exhausted, and the order by which U examples are moved to PL is their rankings.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

An illustration of finding the nearest neighbor of PL in U on an orderline.

At first glance, PE seems highly unlikely to perform well, especially when the number of non-characteristic patterns significantly exceeds that of characteristic ones. However, note that in many cases, while the non-characteristic patterns do not significantly favor the positive set, they are not significantly biased to the negative set either. This is because non-characteristic readings exist not only in negative examples, but also positive ones. As a result, various non-characteristic patterns can vote for both negative and positive examples, thus cancelling out the effect of each other. On the other hand, the characteristic patterns strongly favor the positive class, ensuring that an actual positive example wins the vote. This effect is illustrated in Fig. 5.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

An illustration of the rationale of pattern ensemble. Here PL contains only one example. While the votes from non-characteristic patterns cancel each other out, the characteristic patterns ensure the correct example is chosen.

Compared with previous works [3, 4, 6, 13, 16, 17], our method also utilizes potentially non-characteristic readings. The critical difference is that for each time series, our method exploits multiple patterns. In contrast, previous works utilize only one pattern (i.e. the entire time series itself). This means the negative effect of one non-characteristic pattern cannot be cancelled out by the positive effect of another, making previous works less robust than our method.

figure a

The complete process of ranking U examples with PE is illustrated in Algorithm 1. To begin with, we cache the number of initial positive labeled examples (line 1), then iteratively take the following steps until U is exhausted (line 2): We first initiate a vote counter (line 3; note that among the \(|PL| + |U|\) indices, only |U| are valid. The others are simply used to avoid index mapping.). Then, we let every shapelet candidate S (line 4) identify the nearest neighbor \(u_s\) of PL in U on its orderline (line 5) and vote for it (line 6). The U example receiving the most votes (line 7) is moved to PL (line 8). The order by which the U examples are added into PL is their rankings. (lines 9–10).

The Average Shapelet Precision Maximization (ASPM) Stopping Criterion. With the U examples ranked, we can now move on to estimating the number \(np_u\) of positive examples in U. Note that for iterative algorithms such as the aforementioned P-1NN [21] and our PE, estimating \(np_u\) is essentially finding a stopping criterion to decide when to stop the iterations. All examples ranked before and at the stopping point is labeled as being positive, and the rest are considered negative. Previous works [3, 6, 13, 16, 17] have proposed several stopping criteria for whole-stream based P-1NN algorithms. However, these methods are susceptible to interference from non-characteristic readings, and some [6, 13, 17] are incompatible with our PE technique.

In light of these drawbacks, we present a brand new stopping criterion tailored to our PE technique. We first introduce the novel concept of shapelet precision. In a certain iteration of PE, for the current PL set and a pattern S, let LS and RS be the sets of the leftmost and rightmost |PL| examples on the orderline of S. The shapelet precision (SP) of S with respect to PL is

$$\begin{aligned} SP^{PL}_{S} = \frac{\max (|PL \cap LS|, |PL \cap RS|)}{|PL|} \end{aligned}$$

For example, for the orderline in Fig. 4, we have \(|PL| = 2\) in the current iteration. One of the two leftmost examples is in PL, and none of the two rightmost examples is in PL, thus the shapelet precision is \(max(1, 0) / 2 = 0.5\).

Note that SP is derived from the concept of precision in the classification literature. Essentially, we “classify” the leftmost (or rightmost) |PL| examples on the orderline as being positive, and evaluate the “classification” performance with SP. Intuitively, at the best stopping point where PL is most similar to the actual positive set (which is unknown for U), the average SP (ASP) value of the top shapelet candidates should be the highest. Based on this intuition, we develop the following Average Shapelet Precision Maximization (ASPM) stopping criterion, whose workflow is illustrated in Fig. 6.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

The workflow of the Average Shapelet Precision Maximization (ASPM) stopping criterion.

To be specific, after each iteration of PE (lines 3–10 of Algorithm 1), we select the top-k assumed shapelets (rather than actual shapelets, since we do not know if they are actually the final shapelets yet) with the highest SP values and calculate their ASP score. Each iteration with the highest ASP value is considered to be a potential stopping iteration (PSI). Note that the ASP score of the last iteration is always 1, since at this point all examples are labeled as being positive and the SP scores of all shapelet candidates are 1. In response, we disregard this trivial case.

To break the ties between multiple PSIs, we consider their gaps. Suppose iterations i and j \((i < j)\) are two consecutive PSIs (i.e. all iterations between them, if any, are non-PSIs with lower ASP scores), their gap is defined as

$$\begin{aligned} gap(i, j) = \left\{ \begin{array}{l} j - i - 1, \hbox { if j - i - 1 > 1}\\ 0, \hbox { otherwise}\\ \end{array} \right. \end{aligned}$$

Essentially, the gap between i and j is the number of non-PSIs between them. If the gap is 1, we consider it accidental and reset the gap to 0.

After getting all gaps, we set a gap threshold gTh that equals half the maximum gap between consecutive PSIs (except when the maximum gap is 0, where gTh is set to a random positive value). We find the first “large” gap \(gap_0 \ge gTh\). Under the assumption that the positive class is relatively compact while the negative class can be diverse [4], \(gap_0\) indicates a decision boundary between the positive and negative classes. Later “large” gaps may indicate boundaries between sub-classes of the negative class. At \(gap_0\), we select the final stopping point in one of three cases (Fig. 7).

  1. 1.

    No \(gap_0\) exists (namely the maximum gap is 0). Here we select the last PSI as the stopping point. The rationale is that on the orderlines of multiple assumed shapelets, the rankings of the negative examples are too diverse to yield a high ASP score, thus all PSIs correspond to the positive class.

  2. 2.

    Neither of the PSIs i before \(gap_0\) and j after \(gap_0\) is isolated (we say a PSI is isolated if there are no PSIs before and after it within the range of gTh). Here we select i as the stopping point. The rationale is that in the last few iterations before i, the rankings of the remaining positive unlabeled examples are relatively uniform on multiple orderlines, resulting in high ASPs before and at i. Similarly, the rankings of the first few negative unlabeled examples are relatively uniform, resulting in high ASPs at and after j.

  3. 3.

    At least one of i and j is isolated. Here we select j as the stopping point. Empirically, if i is isolated, i being a PSI is more likely a coincidence. If j is isolated, it is more likely that on multiple orderlines, the rankings are diverse for both the last few positive unlabeled examples (between i and j) and the first few negative unlabeled examples (after j), yet a clear decision boundary between the positive and negative classes is at j, resulting in an isolated point with a high ASP score.

Fig. 7.
figure 7

Different strategies of stopping point selection in the three cases of ASPM. Note that we have left out the last iteration for its triviality.

To determine the number of assumed shapelets k, we set a largest allowed value maxK and examine all \(k \in [1, maxK]\). We find the stopping point for each k and pick the one with the maximum \(gap_0\). Ties are broken by picking the one with the latest stop. This reduces the risk of false negatives, which is more troublesome than false positives in applications such as anomaly detection in medical care. Also, to prevent too early or too late a stop, we pre-set the lower and upper bounds of the stopping point. Note that we usually only need loose bounds to yield satisfactory performance, which are relatively easy to estimate in real applications.

Our ASPM stopping criterion is illustrated in Algorithm 2. After initiation (line 1), we examine each possible number k of assumed shapelets (line 2). We first calculate the ASP values for all iterations except the last (lines 3–6), and then obtain the PSIs (line 7). Next, we obtain the gap threshold gTh (line 8) and \(gap_0\) along with the two PSIs before and after it (line 9). We then select the stopping point for the current k (lines 10–12), and update the best-so-far stopping point if the current k is the better than previous ones (lines 13–14). The best stopping point is obtained after examining all k values (line 15).

figure b

Having obtained the stopping point, we label all U examples ranked before and at it as being positive and the rest as being negative. The newly labeled U examples and the initial PL examples make up a fully labeled training set.

3.2 Selecting the Shapelets and Building the Classifier

With a fully labeled training set, we can now select the shapelets using a supervised evaluation metric [7, 10, 18]. Concretely, we adopt the classic [18] information gain metric [10, 18] to rank and select the top-m shapelet candidates as the final shapelets. Next, we conduct feature extraction with the shapelets. To be specific, we represent each training time series with an m-dimensional feature vector in which each value is the SMD between the time series and one of the shapelets. This representation is called shapelet transformed representation [7]. The feature vectors are used to train a one-nearest-neighbor classifier. To classify a future time series, we obtain its shapelet transformed representation and assign to it the label of its nearest neighbor in the training set.

4 Experiments

For experiments, we use 21 datasets from [5]. For brevity, we omit further description of the datasets. The names of the datasets will be presented along with the experimental results, and their detailed information can be found on [5].

All datasets have been separated into training and test sets by the original contributors [5]. We designate examples with the label “1” in each dataset as being positive, and all others as being negative. Let the number of positive training examples in each dataset be np, For datasets with \(np \ge 10\), we randomly generate 10 initial PL sets for each dataset, each containing 10% of all positive training examples. For datasets with \(np < 10\), we generate np initial PL sets, each containing one positive training example. All experimental results are averaged over the 10 (or np) runs.

Our baseline methods come from [3, 4, 6, 13, 17]. Like our PUSh method, they also label the U examples by first ranking them, and then find a stopping criterion. To rank the U examples, the baselines utilize the P-1NN algorithm [21] (see Sect. 3.1) on the original time series with one of three distance measures: Euclidean distance (ED) [3, 4, 17] DTW [6, 13], and DTW-D [4]. As to stopping criteria, our baselines utilize eight stopping criteria: W [17], R [13], B [3] and G1–G5 [6] which are a family of five stopping criteria. The description of criterion W in [17] is insufficient for us to accurately implement it. Luckily, another criterion is implicitly used by [17], which is the one we use. To make up for not testing the former, we first find a stopping point using the latter and then examine all iterations before and at this point, reporting only the best performance achieved. Also, criterion B [3] only supports initial PL sets with a single example. For initial PL sets with multiple examples, we use each example to individually find a stopping point and pick the one with the minimum RDL value (RDL is a metric used in [3] to determine the stopping point). We compare PUSh (i.e. PE+ASPM) against the combination of each of the three U example ranking methods with each of the eight stopping criteria, resulting in a total of 24 baseline methods. For all 25 methods being compared, we label all U examples before and at the stopping point as being positive, and the rest as being negative. The fully labeled training set is used for one-nearest-neighbor classification.

For parameter settings, we set the range of possible shapelet lengths to \(10 : (L - 10) / 10 : L\), where L is the time series length. For Algorithm 2, we set the lower bound lb to 5 if the number of positive examples \(np \ge 10\). Otherwise, it is set to 1 which is essentially no lower bound at all. The upper bound ub is set to \(n \times 2 / 3 - np_0\), where n is the total number of training examples and \(np_0\) is the size of the initial PL set. This means we assume that the positive class makes up no more than two thirds of all training data. Again, we stress that these settings are usually loose bounds than can be estimated relatively easily. For fairness, we apply the same lower and upper bounds to our baselines. The maximum number of assumed shapelets maxK is set to 200. The number of final shapelets m is set to 10. As we will show later, our method is not sensitive to m. For DTW and DTW-D, we set the warping constraints as the values provided on [5], including the setting of no constraint if it yields better supervised performance. If this setting is 0, DTW is reduced to ED and DTW-D is ineffective. In such cases, we set the constraints to 1%, 2%, ..., 10% of the time series length L, and only report the best results. The parameters cardinality and \(\beta \) for criteria B [3] and G1–G5 [6] are set to 16 and 0.3 as suggested by the original authors.

For reproducibility, our source code and all raw experimental results can be found on [1]. All experiments were run on a laptop computer with Intel Core i7-4710HQ @2.50 GHz CPU, NVIDIA GTX850M graphics card (GPU acceleration was used to speed up DTW computation [14]), 12 GB memory and Windows 10 operating system.

4.1 Performance of Labeling the U Examples

We first look into the performance of labeling the U set. Note that this can be seen as classifying the U set, thus we can apply an evaluation metric for classification. Here we adopt the widely used [6, 11,12,13, 16] F1-score, which is defined as \( F1 = 2\times precision\times recall/(precision+recall) \).

Fig. 8.
figure 8

Performances of ranking the U examples (disregarding the stopping criteria). (left) Precision-recall breakeven points. (right) Critical difference diagram for all four methods. PE outperforms all baseline methods and significantly outperforms DTW.

We first evaluate the performance of PE. In this case, we need to disregard the effect of the stopping criterion. Therefore, we assume the actual number of positive examples np is known, and the stopping point is where there are np examples in PL. At this point, precision, recall and F1-score share the same value, which is called precision-recall (P-R) breakeven point [17]. The P-R breakeven points for all methods are illustrated in Fig. 8. There are no significant differences among the performances of the three baseline methods. Our PE outperforms all baselines and significantly outperforms DTW.

Fig. 9.
figure 9

Performances of labeling the U set (taking into account the stopping criteria). (left) F1-scores. (right) Critical difference diagram for PUSh (PE+ASPM) and the top-10 baselines. PUSh significantly outperforms the others.

We then take the stopping criteria into account. The F1-scores at the stopping points are shown in Fig. 9. Among the top-10 baselines, no significant difference in performance is observed. Most top ranking baselines utilize one of G1–G5. Their high performances is likely due to G1–G5’s abilities to take into account long term trends in minimum nearest neighbor distances [6]. Our PUSh (PE+ASPM) significantly outperforms the top-10 baselines.

4.2 Performance of Online Classification

We now move on to classification performance. Once again we use the F1-score for evaluation. We need to first set the number of shapelets m for our PUSh. We have set \(m = 10 : 10 : 50\) and performed pairwise Wilcoxon signed rank test on the performances of PUSh under these settings. The minimum p-value is 0.0766. With 0.05 as the significance threshold, there are no significant differences among these settings. We set m to 10 for shorter running time.

The classification performances are shown in Fig. 10. Not surprisingly, most of the top ranking methods in the U example labeling process (Fig. 9) remain highly competitive. This is because for online classification, the labels of the training examples are the labels obtained from the U example labeling process, not the actual labels (which are unknown for U). Therefore the performance of labeling U directly affects the classification performance. While no significant difference is observed among the top-10 baselines, our PUSh (PE+ASPM) significantly outperforms nine of them and is as competitive as DTWD-R.

Fig. 10.
figure 10

Online classification performances. (left) F1-scores. (right) critical difference diagram for PUSh (PE+ASPM) and the top-10 baselines. PUSh is as competitive as DTWD-R and significantly outperforms the others.

4.3 Running Time

We now look into the efficiency aspect of PUSh. For the training step (from labeling the U examples to building the classifier, see Fig. 2), the computational bottlenecks are obtaining the orderlines and calculating the shapelet precisions. Let the number of training examples be N and the length of the time series be L, there are O(NL) shapelet candidates. For each candidate, the amortized time to obtain its orderline is O(NL) using the fast algorithm proposed by [10], and the time to calculate its SP values in all iterations is O(\(N^2\)), thus the total time is O(\(N^2L^2\)) \(+\) O(\(N^3L\)). As is shown in Fig. 11 (left), despite the relatively high time complexity, PUSh is able to achieve reasonable running time, with the longest average running time less than 1100 s.

Fig. 11.
figure 11

Running time of PUSh. Note that all axes are in log scale. (left) Training time. (right) Online classification time per example.

For online classification, the bottleneck is to obtain the shapelet transformed representation [7] (see Sect. 3.2), whose time is O(\(L^2\)) per test example. As is shown in Fig. 11 (right), for time series lengths in the order of \(10^2\) to \(10^{2.5}\) (which is typical in applications such as heartbeat classification [3] in medicine), the average time is in the order of \(10^{-3}\) to \(10^{-2}\) s, which is sufficient for real-time processing.

5 Related Work

PU classification of time series [3, 4, 6, 11,12,13, 16, 17] is a relatively less well-studied task in time series mining. Most existing works [3, 4, 6, 13, 16, 17] are whole-stream based propagating one-nearest-neighbor [21] algorithms which tend to be sensitive to non-characteristic readings [15, 19]. [11, 12] selects local features from time series. However, the selected features are discrete readings that do not necessarily form continuous patterns, while the latter often contains valuable information on the trend of the data. In this work, we explicitly discover characteristic patterns called shapelets, which have been applied to supervised classification [7, 10, 18] and clustering [15, 19, 20]. Previous works utilize supervised [7, 10, 18] and unsupervised evaluation [15, 19] metrics to assess shapelet candidates. However, both are not directly suitable for PU settings. Therefore we opt to first label the U set and then conduct supervised shapelet discovery.

Most previous works on PU classification of time series [3, 4, 6, 13, 16, 17] iteratively rank the U examples by their possibilities of being positive. A stopping criterion is needed to determine where to stop the iterations. Existing stopping criteria can be divided into two types: Distance-based criteria [6, 13, 17] utilize distances between PL and U to decide the stopping point. Minimum description length based criteria [3, 16] utilize the initial PL to encode the training set. The stopping point is where the encoding is most compact. Both types of criteria suffer from the interference from non-characteristic readings, and distance-based criteria are not compatible to our method. This has motivated us to develop our novel ASPM stopping criterion.

6 Conclusions and Future Work

In this paper, we have taken on the challenging task of positive unlabeled [8] discovery of time series shapelets [7, 10, 15, 18, 19]. To label the U set, we have developed a novel pattern ensemble (PE) method that ranks U examples with both potentially characteristic and potentially non-characteristic patterns, with no need to know their actual qualities. We have also developed a novel ASPM stopping criterion, which estimates the number of positive examples based on the novel concept of shapelet precision. After labeling the entire training set, we have conducted supervised shapelet selection and built a one-nearest-neighbor classifier. Extensive experiments have demonstrated the effectiveness and efficiency of our method. Currently, our method utilizes the orderlines of all shapelet candidates, which is highly costly in terms of space and time efficiency. For future work, we plan to develop heuristics for more efficient selection of shapelet candidates for the PE subroutine. We also plan to apply GPU acceleration to our method.