Much of the data we observe in marketing describes customers purchasing products. For example, as we discussed in Chap. 12, retailers now regularly record the transactions of their customers. In that chapter, we discussed analyzing retail transaction records to determine which products tend to occur together in the same shopping basket. In this chapter we discuss how to analyze customers’ product choices within a category to understand how features and price affect which product a customer will choose. For example, if a customer comes into the store and purchases a 30 oz. jar of Hellman’s brand canola mayonnaise for $3.98, we can conceptualize this as the customer choosing that particular type of mayonnaise among all the other mayonnaise available at that store. This data on customers’ choices can be analyzed to determine which features of a product (e.g., package size, brand, or flavor) are most attractive to customers and how they trade off desirable features against price.

On the surface, this may sound quite similar to what we discussed in Chap. 7, where we cover how to use linear models to identify drivers of outcomes. It is similar, except that product choice data doesn’t fit well into the linear modeling framework, because the outcome we observe is not a number or a rating for each product. Instead, we observe that the customer makes a choice among several options, each of which has its own set of attributes. To accommodate this unique data structure, marketers have adopted choice models, which are well-suited to understanding the relationship between the attributes of products and customers’ choices among sets of products. In this chapter, we focus on the multinomial logit model, the most frequently used choice model in marketing.

While choice models are often used to analyze retail purchase data, there are some settings where it is more difficult to collect data on customers’ product choices. For example, when people shop for a car, they typically gather information from many sources over several months, so it is more difficult to reconstruct the set of products that they considered and the features and prices of those products. In these settings, marketers turn to choice-based conjoint analysis, which is a survey method where customers are asked to make choices among products with varying features and prices. We analyze these survey choices using the multinomial logit model just as we might analyze real purchases. In this chapter, our example focuses on choice-based conjoint analysis, but the methods we describe could be applied to retail purchase data as well.

1 Choice-Based Conjoint Analysis Surveys

Suppose an automotive company such as Toyota or Ford is designing a new line of minivans and is trying to determine how large the minivan should be and what type of engine it should have. To inform this decision it would be helpful to understand how customers value those different features. Do customers like or dislike hybrid engines? If they like them, how much more would they be willing to pay for a hybrid engine? Are there segments of customers who like hybrid engines more than other customers?

Conjoint surveys give marketers information about how customers choose products by asking respondents to answer survey questions like the one shown in Fig. 13.1. In this question, respondents are asked to choose from three product profiles, each with a specific passenger capacity, cargo capacity, engine type, and price. The product options in the survey are called alternatives and the product features are called attributes. This conjoint analysis study has three alternatives in each question, described by four attributes. Each attribute occurs at some level. For example, the possible levels for cargo capacity in our example survey are 2 and 3 ft.

Fig. 13.1
figure 1

An example choice-based conjoint survey question

In a typical choice-based conjoint (CBC) survey, we ask respondents who are likely buyers of minivans to answer a number of questions similar to the one in Fig. 13.1. Each question has the same structure, but varies the levels of the attributes for the alternatives.

In the next section, we generate hypothetical data from a conjoint survey where each respondent answers 15 questions like the one in Fig. 13.1. Each question offers the respondent 3 alternatives to choose from, so each respondent sees a total of \(15 \times 3 = 45\) product profiles. Conjoint surveys often include more attributes, more questions and more alternatives in each question; a typical study might have 5–10 attributes and include 10–20 questions for each respondent.

You may recall that we also discussed “conjoint analysis” in Chap. 9. In that chapter we asked respondents to rate single products instead of having them choose among sets of products. This is called “ratings-based conjoint” or “metric conjoint” and is analyzed with linear models as we did in Chap. 9. While asking respondents to give ratings allows us to use a linear model instead of a choice model, rating profiles is a more difficult task for the respondent. When was the last time you considered whether a product was a 7 or an 8 on a 10-point scale? Choosing products as in Fig. 13.1 is a natural task that consumers do every day. For this reason choice-based conjoint surveys have become a standard tool in the arsenal of marketing researchers. When marketers say “conjoint,” they often mean choice-based conjoint analysis.

The key difference between choice-based conjoint and metric conjoint is the structure of the data you collect. In the minivan CBC survey, each observation is a choice among three alternatives with varying levels of the product attributes. The goal of our analysis is to relate the choice to the product attributes. To do this we use a choice model, which is tailored to this unusual data structure.

The next section, where we simulate CBC data, is written for readers who have some knowledge of choice models already. We encourage those of you who are new to choice modeling to download the data using the commands below and skip ahead to Sect. 13.3. Those who are familiar with choice modeling might wish to work through Sect. 13.2 to see how choice data is structured in R.

figure a

2 Simulating Choice Data*

If you loaded the data above, you can skip this optional section and go to Sect. 13.3.

The first step in creating any conjoint survey is to decide on which product attributes to include in the survey. Since this study focuses on size and engine type, we include four attributes: number of seats in the minivan, the cargo capacity (measured by the depth of the cargo area), the engine type and the price. We create a list in R called attrib to store the attributes:

figure b

Each element of this list is a character vector indicating levels of the attribute to include in the survey.

The next step is to generate part worths for the attributes. Part worths are conceived to be latent values a customer places on levels of an attribute when making choices. Each attribute in the choice model is treated like a factor in a linear model. As we discussed in Chap. 7, when we include a factor as a predictor in any model, that factor has to be coded. In this chapter, we use dummy coding, so that one level of the factor is considered the base level and the model includes coefficients that describe the part worth or value of that factor over the base level. If this is puzzling, you might review Sect. 7.4 on including factors as predictors in a linear model.

We designate the first level of each attribute to be the base level. We create names for the coefficients by looping over the attribute list, dropping the first level of the attribute, and then concatenating the name of the attribute and the level designation:

figure c

Now we have a vector of 7 coefficient names.

To generate the simulated data we assume that the average part worths in the population are:

figure d

You can see that we’ve given names to the elements of the mu. While this isn’t absolutely necessary, by keeping everything labeled using R’s built in names, the output is easier to read.

We assume that each respondent has his or her own unique part worth coefficients and that these follow a multivariate normal distribution in the population with a covariance matrix Sigma:

figure e

The last line above creates a correlation between the part worth for engelec (electric engine) and enghyb (hybrid engine), so respondents who have a stronger preference for engelec over enggas will also have a stronger preference for enghyb over enggas.

With mu and Sigma in hand, we generate each respondent’s part worth coefficients using the mvrnorm function from the MASS package. We create a vector of respondent IDs for the 200 respondents ( and a factor variable indicating whether each respondent intends to use the minivan to carpool (carpool).

figure f

Finally, we adjust the part worths for respondents who use the minivan to carpool:

figure g

coefs is now a matrix where each row contains the part worths for each respondent. To get a better sense of what we have done, you could type head(coefs) or, better yet, head(cbind(carpool, coefs)). You can also use the by() command (Sect. 3.4.5) to compute mean part worths for those who do and do not carpool. Just keep in mind that these coefficients are parameters of the model we plan to simulate from, not the final observed data.

With coefs in hand, we are ready to generate our survey questions and the observed responses. Our survey includes 15 questions that each ask the respondent to choose from 3 alternative minivans. We set the number of questions and alternatives as variables (nques and nalt) so that we might easily change the size of the survey in the future:

figure h

Next, we create a master list of all possible minivan profiles by passing the attrib list to expand.grid(), which we discuss below:

figure i

As you can see, profiles has 54 rows, representing all possible combinations of 3 levels of seating capacity, 2 levels of cargo capacity, 3 levels of engine and 3 levels of price (\(3 \times 2 \times 3 \times 3 = 54\)). We can convert profiles to dummy coding using model.matrix().

figure j

profiles.coded now contains 54 rows, one for each possible combination of features, that are coded using the dummy coding scheme.

We haven’t yet reviewed expand.grid() and model.matrix(); they are utility functions for handling factor variables. They are used under the hood in linear modeling routines such as lm() and predict() (Chap. 7). Because choice models are a variant of linear models, we can use these to generate our choice data. The only adjustment we need to make is to remove the intercept from the result of model.matrix() because choice models typically do not include intercepts.

Now that the respondent part worth coefficients are in coefs and the set of all possible minivan profiles is in profiles.coded, we are ready to generate our hypothetical survey questions and responses and store them in a data frame called cbc.df. For each of the 200 respondents, we choose nques*nalt (or \(15 \times 3 = 45\)) profiles at random from the list of all possible profiles in profiles.coded. The profiles indicated by the vector profiles.i are the profiles that we show respondent i in the survey: the first 3 profiles are the alternatives shown in choice 1, the next 3 profiles are the alternatives for choice 2, and so forth.

We compute each respondent’s expected utility for each profile by multiplying the respondent’s coefs by the coded product profile. (This happens in the line utility<- profiles.coded[profiles.i, ]%*%coefs[i, ] in the code below. We then compute choice probabilities for each alternative in the question according to the multinomial logit probabilities, computed as probs<- exp(wide. util)/rowSums(exp(wide.util)). We then take a random draw to determine which of the nalt products the customer chooses choice<- apply (probs, 1, function(x) sample(1:nalt, size=1, prob=x)). Finally, we append the choices and profiles to the cbc.df data frame. All of these steps are repeated for each respondent.

figure k

The code above leverages R’s vector and matrix operations quite extensively. Going through it carefully and figuring out how each step works may take some time, but it will help you understand R’s matrix computations and give you a clearer understanding of the assumptions of the multinomial logit model. At the core, this model is very similar to a linear model; the equation for utility is, in fact, a linear model. What makes a choice model distinct is that the utility is not observed directly; we only observe which product the respondent chooses. This why we haven’t stored the utility in our synthetic data in cbc.df.

In the code above, we have generated data from a choice model called a hierarchical multinomial logit model. Hierarchical refers to the fact that there is a different set of coefficients for each respondent and that those coefficients follow an “upper level” model for the population. In our code, the parameters of the upper level model are mu, Sigma and the adjustments we made for people who use their minivan to carpool. At the “lower level,” the choices of an individual consumer follow a multinomial logit. The hierarchical multinomial logit model has become the workhorse of choice-based conjoint and is incorporated into commercial software for conjoint analysis such as Sawtooth Software and JMP. In this chapter, we begin by analyzing the data using the simpler multinomial logit model in Sect. 13.3, and then estimate the hierarchical multinomial logit model in Sects. 13.4 and 13.5.

3 Fitting a Choice Model

The simulated choice-based conjoint data is in the cbc.df data frame.

figure l

The first three rows in cbc.df describe the first question that was asked of respondent 1, which is the question shown in Fig. 13.1. The choice column shows that this respondent chose the third alternative, which was a 6-passenger gas engine minivan with 3ft of cargo capacity at a price of $30000 (represented in $1000s as “30”). indicates which respondent answered this question, ques indicates that these first three rows were the profiles in the first question and alt indicates that the first row was alternative 1, the second was alternative 2 and the third was alternative 3. (The row numbers all the way to the left in the output are not very meaningful. They indicate the profile number from our master list of 54 profiles that were used to generate the question; R carried this information over when we generated the data.) The variable choice indicates which alternative the respondent chose; it takes the value of 1 for the profile in each choice question that was indicated as the preferred alternative.

The cbc.df data frame organizes the data in what is sometimes called “long” format, where each profile is on its own line and there is a column that indicates which question the profile was displayed in. This is generally our preferred format for choice data, since it allows you to have a different number of profiles in each question by including additional rows. However, there are several other popular formats including a “wide” format, where each row corresponds to a different question and another format where the profiles are stored separately from the choices.

Because there is no standard format for choice data, when you work with different R packages or use data collected with other software systems, you need to pay close attention to how the package you are using expects the data to be formatted. Fortunately, there are R functions that can be helpful when reformatting data including base functions such as reshape(). You should never have to resort to tedious manual reformatting using a spreadsheet tool. Often someone else has written reliable R code to do the reformatting. For example, Rcbc [33] provides a helpful set of utilities for converting from the format used by Sawtooth Software into the format used by the ChoiceModelR package.

3.1 Inspecting Choice Data

Once you have your data properly formatted, it is tempting to estimate a complete choice model immediately. Popular choice modeling software packages make easy to fit a model without even doing basic descriptives on the data. Don’t fall into this trap! As with any other modeling, it is important to first get an understanding of the data using basic descriptives. We start with summary:

figure m

We see how many times each level of each attribute appeared in the questions (about 3000 times for three-level attributes and about 4500 times for two-level attributes). However, a more informative way to summarize choice data is to compute choice counts, which are cross tabs on the number of times respondents chose an alternative at each feature level. We can do this easily using xtabs(), covered in Chap. 5:

figure n

Respondents chose a minivan at the $30K price point much more often than they chose minivans priced at $35K or $40K. If we compute counts for the cargo attribute, we find that the choices were more balanced between the two options, suggesting that cargo was not as important to customers as price:

figure o

We encourage you to compute choice counts for each attribute before estimating a choice model. If you find that your model’s estimates or predicted shares are not consistent with the raw counts, consider whether there could be a mistake in the data formatting. Many times, a junior analyst has come to one of us saying, “The predictions from my choice model don’t make sense to the client,” and our first question is always, “Have you looked at the raw choice counts?”

Often this reveals a mistake, but when there is no mistake, it can be helpful to show the clients the raw choice counts to help them understand that your model predictions are based on how people responded in the survey. With that warning, we can now estimate our first choice model. By fitting a choice model, we can get a precise measurement of how much each attribute is associated with respondents’ choices.

3.2 Fitting Choice Models with mlogit()

We use the mlogit package, which you may need to install with install. packages(). mlogit estimates the most basic and commonly-used choice model, the multinomial logit model. This model is also called the conditional logit. For faster computation with large models, you might consider the mnlogit package as an alternative.

mlogit requires the choice data to be in a special data format created using the function. You pass your choice data to, along with a few parameters telling it how the data is organized. accepts data in either a “long” or a “wide” format and you tell it which you have using the shape parameter. The choice, varying and id.var parameters indicate which columns contain the response data, the attributes and the respondent ids, respectively.

figure p

The resulting cbc.mlogit is an object that can be used to estimate a model with mlogit(). The syntax for mlogit uses formula notation similarly to other functions for regression models in R:

figure q

The output also looks quite similar to what we have seen for other models. At the bottom of the output is a table of the estimated part worth coefficients for the population. The Estimate lists the estimated parameter for each level; these must be interpreted relative to the base levels of each attribute. For example, the estimate for seat7 measures the attractiveness of 7 passenger minivans relative to 6 passenger minivans. The negative sign tells us that, on average, our simulated customers preferred 6 seat minivans to 7 seat minivans. Estimates that are larger in magnitude indicate stronger preferences, so we can see that customers strongly disliked electric engines (relative to the base level, which is gas) and disliked the $40K price (relative to the base level price of $30). These parameter estimates are on the logit scale (Sect. 9.2.1) and typically range between −2 and 2.

The Std. Error column gives a sense of how precise the estimate is, given the data, along with a statistical test of whether the coefficient is different than zero. A non-significant test result indicates that there is no detectible difference in preference for that level relative to the base level. Just as with any statistical model, the more data you have in you conjoint study (for a given set of attributes), the smaller the standard errors will be. Similarly, if there are many attributes and levels in a study (for a fixed number of respondents answering a survey of a given length), the part worth estimates will be very imprecise. We’ll discuss more what this means for an analysis in Sect. 13.6.

You may have wondered why we included 0 + in the formula for m1, indicating that we did not want an intercept included in our model. We could estimate a model with an intercept:

figure r

When we include the intercept, mlogit adds two additional parameters that indicate preference for the different positions in the question (left, right or middle in Fig. 13.1): pos2:(intercept) indicates the relative preference of the second position in the question (versus the first) and pos3:(intercept) indicates the preference for the third position (versus the first.) These are sometimes called alternative specific constants or ASC’s to differentiate them from the single intercept in a linear model.

In a typical conjoint analysis study, we don’t expect that people will choose a minivan because it is on the left or the right in a survey question! For that reason, we would not expect the estimated alternative specific constants to differ from zero. If we found one of these parameters to be significant, that might indicate that some respondents are simply choosing the first or the last option without considering the question.

In this model, the intercept parameter estimates are non-significant and close to zero. This suggests that it was reasonable to leave them out of our first model, but we can test this formally using lrtest():

figure s

This function performs a statistical test called a likelihood ratio test, which can be used to compare two choice models where one model has a subset of the parameters of another model. Comparing m1 to m2, results in a p-value (Pr(>Chisq)) of 0.7122. Since the p-value is much greater than 0.05, we can conclude that m1 and m2 fit the data equally well. This suggests that we don’t need the alternative specific constants to fit the present data.

There are a few occasions where alternative specific constants do make sense. In some conjoint studies, the respondent is presented with several “fixed” alternatives. Option 1 might be a salad, option 2 might be a sandwich and option 3 might be a soup. In each question, the attributes of those options vary, but the respondent is always asked to chose from one salad, one sandwich and one soup. Similarly, there might be a study of commuters’ choice of transportation alternatives where alternative 1 is always a bus, alternative 2 is always a train and alternative 3 is always driving. In such cases, you should include the alternative specific constants, but in the majority of conjoint analysis surveys in marketing, alternative specific constants aren’t used.

You don’t have to treat every attribute in a conjoint study as a factor. As with linear models, some predictors may be factors while others are numeric. For example, we can include price as a numeric predictor with a simple change to the model formula. In the model formula, we convert price to character vector using as.character and then to a number using as.numeric. (If you use as.numeric without as.character first, price will be converted to the values 1, 2 and 3 due to the way R stores factors internally. Converting to a character first results in values of 30, 35 and 40.)

figure t

The output now shows a single parameter for price. The estimate is negative indicating that people prefer lower prices to higher prices. A quick likelihood ratio test suggests that the model with a single price parameter fits just as well as our first model.

figure u

Given this finding, we choose m3 as our preferred model because it has fewer parameters.

3.3 Reporting Choice Model Findings

It is often difficult, even for those with training in choice models, to interpret choice model part worth estimates directly. The coefficients are on an unfamiliar scale and they measure relative preference for the levels, which can make them difficult to understand. So, instead of presenting the coefficients, most choice modelers prefer to focus on using the model to make choice share predictions or to compute willingness-to-pay for each attribute.


In a model like m3 where we estimate a single parameter for price, we can compute the average willingness-to-pay for a particular level of an attribute by dividing the coefficient for that level by the price coefficient.

figure v

The result is a number measured in dollars, $2,750.60 in this case. (We divide by 1000 because our prices were recorded in 1000’s of dollars.) Willingness-to-pay is a bit of a misnomer; the proper interpretation of this number is that, on average, customers would be equally divided between a minivan with 2 ft of cargo space and a minivan with 3 ft of cargo space that costs $2,750.60 more. Another way to think of it is that $2,750.60 is the price at which customers become indifferent between the two cargo capacity options. This same willingness to pay value can be computed for every attribute in the study and reported to decision makers to help them understand how much customers value various features.

Simulating Choice Shares

While willingness-to-pay is more interpretable than attribute coefficients, it can still be difficult to understand. Many analysts prefer to focus exclusively on using the model to make share predictions. A share simulator allows you to define a number of different alternatives and then use the model to predict how customers would choose among those new alternatives. For example, you could use the model to predict choice share for the company’s new minivan design against a set of key competitors. By varying the attributes of the planned minivan design, you can see how changes in the design affect the choice share.

Unfortunately, there isn’t a handy predict() function for mlogit model objects, as there are for many other types of model objects. Luckily, it isn’t too difficult to write our own:

figure w

In a moment, we’ll walk through this code more carefully, but first let’s see how it works. The comments tell us that the function takes two inputs: a model object returned from mlogit() and a data frame containing the set of designs for which you want to predict shares. We already have several model objects, so all we need to do is create new data. One way to do this is to create the full set of possible designs using expand.grid() and select the designs we want by row number:

figure x

We then pass these designs to predict.mnl() to determine what customers would choose if they had to pick among these 6 minivan alternatives:

figure y

The model-predicted shares are shown in the column labeled share and we can see that among this set of products, we would expect respondents to choose the 7 seat hybrid engine minivan with 2 ft of cargo space at $30K a little more than 11% of the time. If a company was planning to launch a minivan like this, they could use the model to see how changing the attributes of this product would affect the choice shares. Note that these share predictions are always made relative to a particular set of competitors; the share for the first minivan would change if the competitive set were different.

For those who are new to choice models, we should caution against using share predictions based on survey data as a market share forecast. While these share predictions are typically a good representation of how respondents would behave if they were asked to choose among these 6 minivans in a new survey, that predicted survey response might not translate directly to sales in the marketplace. Customers might not be able to find the product in stores or they may react differently to the features when they see them in the showroom. We generally recommend that the analyst be careful to communicate this by labeling the predicted shares as “survey shares” or “preference shares” to alert others to this distinction. If you estimate a multinomial logit model using retail purchase data, as we discussed earlier, you would not need to make this caveat, as your predictions would be based on real-world purchases.

We could compute shares using model m1, which treated price as a factor rather than a continuous variable:

figure z

We see that the predicted shares are almost identical, confirming our previous conclusion that m3 is very similar to m1. (Comparing predicted shares is not the best way to compare two models. For a formal comparison of models, we recommend lrtest().)

Now that we have seen how predict.mnl() works, let’s take a closer look at the code for the function. Ignoring the comments, the code is just four lines. We repeat them here so that we can discuss each line, but you don’t need to type them into the console again. On the first line, we convert the data, which is stored as factors, to a coded matrix:

figure aa

We do this using two functions from base R for working with formulas. The function model.matrix, which we saw earlier in the chapter, converts the data from factors to coded effects. It requires the right-hand side of the formula from model, which we obtain using the update function for formulas. We also have to remove the first column of the result of model.matrix, because our choice model doesn’t have an intercept. On the next line, we compute the utility for each product by multiplying the coded data by the model coefficients using matrix multiplication:

figure ab

The result is a utility value for each product in the set based on its attributes. Finally, we convert that to shares using the multinomial logit equation:

figure ac

The function then returns the shares along with the product design data. (Experienced choice modelers will notice that we are slightly abusing terminology when we call this utility. More precisely this should be called the deterministic portion of the utility, since it doesn’t include the error term. We do not include a stochastic component in the share simulator, because we want to report the expected average shares across many choices.)

Sensitivity Plots

Often a product design team has a particular product design in mind and wants to know how share would change if they were to change their design. For example, suppose the minivan designers plan to build a 7-passenger hybrid minivan with 2 ft of cargo space and sell it at $30K. The model can be used to predict how share would change if different levels of the attributes were included (while keeping the competitive set fixed.) The plot in Fig. 13.2 shows how share would change if we changed each of the attributes of the design, one at a time. We see that changing the planned 7-seat design to a 6-seat design would increase share by just under 0.07. Increasing the price to $35K would decrease share by about 0.06. This gives the design team an at-a-glance picture of how changes in their design affect choice share.

Fig. 13.2
figure 2

Sensitivity plot showing how share for the planned design changes as we change each attribute, relative to a set of competing designs. The planned design is a 7-passenger hybrid minivan with 2 ft. of cargo space offered at $30000

Producing this plot using R is relatively simple: we just need loop through all the attribute levels, compute a share prediction and save the predicted share for the target design. Since this is an analysis we do regularly, we wrote a function to do it.

figure ad

Using sensitivity.mnl, we create the plot in Fig. 13.2 with four commands:

figure ae

3.4 Share Predictions for Identical Alternatives

Occasionally, you may want to predict shares for two designs that are identical in terms of the attributes that you’ve included in your conjoint study. For example, you might be planning to offer a design that is the same as a competitor. A naive analyst might include both designs in a set to estimate with predict.mnl() and there is nothing to stop one from doing that:

figure af

However, these share predictions may be considered unrealistic. When we estimate shares from m1 with just one copy of design 8, we get a share of about 0.113. With two copies of the same design, each alternative is predicted to get a share of about 0.101 for a total of 0.202 between the two of them. It seems quite unreasonable that people would be more likely to choose a 7-passenger, 2 ft, hybrid at $30K just because there are two of them in the choice set. Beyond that, the relative shares of all the other vehicles have remained the same, including the higher-priced 7 passenger hybrid (design 26 in the last row). Why wouldn’t design 8 steal more share from design 26 than from the other non-hybrid vehicles?

While this is confusing, multinomial logit models make predictions in this way. Much has been written about this property of the multinomial logit model and there are many arguments about whether it is desirable. In fact, the property has been given a name: the independence of irrelevant alternatives or IIA property. It is also sometimes called the “red bus/blue bus problem” based on an classic example that involves predicting share for two different color buses that have otherwise identical features. Predictions from the multinomial logit model for two identical alternatives or even two nearly-identical alternatives will exhibit this property.

More sophisticated hierarchical models, which we discuss in Sect. 13.5, relax this property somewhat, although they still may make predictions for similar or identical alternatives that seem unreasonable [46]. There are a number of proposed methods to estimate choice models that do not have the IIA property including nested logit, generalized logit, and multinomial probit. If you need to predict shares for nearly-identical designs, we encourage you to review those alternatives. However, the majority of marketers today use either the multinomial logit or the hierarchical multinomial logit model, and—we hope—try to avoid including identical or nearly identical designs when estimating shares.

3.5 Planning the Sample Size for a Conjoint Study

A crucial issue in planning a successful conjoint analysis study is to decide how many respondents should complete the survey. To see how sample size affects the model estimates and share predictions, let’s estimate a model using just the data from the first 25 respondents. We do this by creating small.conjoint, which is an object with just the first \(25 \times 15 \times 3 = 1125\) rows of our original cbc.df data, corresponding to the survey responses for the first 25 respondents.

figure ag

If we take a look at the coefficient estimates for m4 and compare them to the coefficient estimates for m1 (above), we can see that the estimated coefficients for m4 are similar, but the standard errors for the coefficients are more than three times as big, reflecting the fact that with less data, our estimates of the model coefficients are less precise.

figure ah

The standard errors are also higher for the attribute-levels that are least often chosen, including the engelec and price40 coefficients. In general, standard errors for less-frequently chosen attributes will be higher. One method for planning sample sizes focuses on reducing the standard errors of the estimates to acceptable levels. We discuss this further when we discuss the design of conjoint surveys in Sect. 13.6.

We can also compare predictions between m1 and m4:

figure ai

Here we find that the two models make similar share predictions. This illustrates the fact that comparing share predictions is not the ideal way to compare two different conjoint survey designs. When we look at the standard errors for the coefficients, we see the difference between m1 and m4 more clearly.

If we looked at the standard errors of the share predictions, they would be more precise for m1, but we can’t see that here because there are no standard errors reported for shares. While it is possible to compute standard errors for share predictions, it requires using the “delta method” or a bootstrapping strategy, both of which are difficult to do outside of a programming environment like R. So, among those who do not use R, it is uncommon to report standard errors or estimates of uncertainty for share predictions.

This is unfortunate; decision makers often see only the point estimates for share predictions and are not informed about the confidence intervals of those shares. An ambitious reader might write code to produce intervals for share predictions from the multinomial logit model, but we will hold off on estimating intervals for share predictions until we review choice models in a Bayesian framework in Sect. 13.5.

4 Adding Consumer Heterogeneity to Choice Models

Up to this point, we have focused on the multinomial logit model, which estimates a single set of part worth coefficients for a whole sample. In this section, we look at a model that allows for each respondent to have his or her own coefficients. Different people have different preferences, and models that estimate individual-level coefficients can fit data better and make more accurate predictions than sample-level models (see [168]). If you are not familiar with hierarchical models, you should review the basics in Sect. 9.3.

To estimate a model where each respondent has his or her own part worths, it is helpful to have multiple observations for each respondent. This is not a problem in a typical conjoint analysis study because each respondent answers multiple question. However, it can be a problem when estimating choice models using retail purchase data, because many people only make a single purchase. Most conjoint analysis practitioners routinely estimate heterogeneous choice models with conjoint survey data and it is easy to do this in R. In this section, we show how to estimate hierarchical choice models using mlogit, which uses frequentist methods. In Sect. 13.5, we show how to estimate heterogeneous choice models using Bayesian methods.

4.1 Estimating Mixed Logit Models with mlogit()

The statistical term for coefficients that vary across respondents (or customers) is random coefficients or random effects (see Sect. 9.3.1). To estimate a multinomial logit model with random coefficients using mlogit, we define a vector indicating which coefficients should vary across customers. mlogit requires a character vector the same length as the coefficient vector with a letter code indicating what distribution the random coefficients should follow across the respondents: ‘n’ for normal, ‘l’ for log-normal, ‘t’ for truncated normal, and ‘u’ for uniform. For this analysis, we assume that all the coefficients are normally distributed across the population and call our vector m1.rpar.

figure aj

We pass this vector to mlogit as the rpar parameter, which is short for “random parameters”. In addition, we tell mlogit that we have multiple choice observations for each respondent (panel=TRUE) and whether we want to allow the random parameters to be correlated or independant. For this first run, we assume that we do not want random parameters to be correlated (correlation=FALSE), a setting we reconsider below.

figure ak

The algorithm to estimate the heterogeneous logit model is computationally intensive, so it may take a few seconds to run. Once it finishes, you can look at the parameter estimates using summary():

figure al

The results show 14 estimated parameters, which is twice as many as we had in m1. These parameters describe the average part worth coefficients across the population of respondents (labeled seat7, seat8, etc.) as well as how those parameters vary across the population (reported as standard deviations and labeled sd.seat7, sd.seat8, etc.)

The standard deviation parameter estimates indicate that there is a lot of heterogeneity in preference for 7 or 8 seats over 6 seats. For example, the estimate of sd.seat8 is about 0.995—larger than the mean estimate for the level of −0.39—which suggests that some people prefer 6 seats to 8, while others prefer 8. Another way to see this is in the output section labeled random coefficients, which shows the range of respondent-level coefficients. For seat8, the first quartile is −1.06 (indicating a preference for 6 seats) and the 3rd quartile is 0.281 (indicating a preference for 8 seats). Because we specified the random coefficients as normally distributed, the model assumes that the majority of respondents are in the middle, slightly preferring 6 seats to 8. Given that there is a large fraction of respondents who prefer 8 seats, it may make sense for the company to offer a minivan with 6 seats and a minivan with 8 seats. To tell that for certain, you could make several share predictions and compare the potential increase in market share to the costs of offering both options.

You might notice that some of the standard deviation estimates such as sd.seat7 are reported with negative values, which is impossible. This is an artifact of the estimation routine, which occasionally reverses the sign. To check them, you may use the stdev() function instead:

figure am

There is one additional feature we can add to the random coefficients model using mlogit(). Model m1 assumed that there were no correlations between the random coefficients, meaning that if one person prefers 8 seats over 6, we would not expect that they also prefer 7 seats over 6. Including correlations in the random coefficients allows us to determine, based on the data, whether people who like one attribute also tend to like another attribute. This is easily done by including correlations = TRUE as a parameter in the call to mlogit or by using the update function provided by mlogit.

figure an

The model m2.hier now includes many more parameters, so many that we have truncated the output. The additional parameters are the variance and covariance parameters between the random coefficients. seat7.seat7 is the variance of the seat7 random coefficient and seat7.seat8 is our estimate of the covariance between preference for 7 seats and preference for 8 seats. The estimate is significant and positive, indicating that people who prefer 7 seats also tend to prefer 8 seats. To get a better sense of the strength of this association, we can extract the covariance matrix using cov.mlogit and then convert it to a correlation matrix using cov2cor from base R.

figure ao

This matrix shows that the correlation between the part worth for 7 seats and the part worth for 8 seats is 0.77, a strong association. In real data, it is common to find correlations between levels of the same attribute; if an attribute is important to a respondent, then he or she will likely have parameters with larger absolute values for all the levels of that attribute. For this reason, we strongly recommend that you include correlations in all random coefficients choice models. When you review the estimates of those models, you should review both the mean part worth coefficients, which represent the average value that respondents place on each attribute, and the variance and covariances in preferences across the population.

We should emphasize that these model estimates are conditional on our assumption that decision makers’ coefficients are normally distributed. Truncated normal distributions or uniform distributions should be considered in situations where the range of feasible values of the coefficients are bounded, e.g. when it should be assumed that everyone prefers a particular attribute. Recent research has investigated other specifications of heterogeneity, such as the generalized multinomial logit model [59] which is available in the gmnl package.

4.2 Share Prediction for Heterogeneous Choice Models

Reporting share predictions for heterogeneous choice models is largely the same as for standard choice models. The key difference is in how those share predictions are computed. The model assumes that there is a population of respondents, each with different part worth coefficients. So, when we compute shares, we need to compute the choice shares for many different respondents and then average over those to get our overall share predictions. You can see how we do this by comparing our prediction function for the hierarchical multinomial logit model to the prediction function we had for the standard multinomial logit.

figure ap

The key difference is that we now compute the shares for each of nresp=1000 newly sampled, representative respondents. The part worths for these respondents are drawn from a multivariate normal distribution with mean set at our estimated value of mu and covariance equal to our estimated value of Sigma (draws<- mvrnorm(n=nresp,, coef.Sigma). The computation for each respondent is exactly the same as our computation in predict.mnl. Once we have the shares for all of the representative respondents, we average across respondents to get our overall share predictions.

We compute shares using predict.hier.mnl just as we did before with predict.mnl. It may take a moment, because we are doing 1000 times more computation.

figure aq

If you compare these share predictions to those we got with predict.mnl(m1,, you will see that they are similar, but not quite the same. For example, the electric minivan in the second-to-last row gets slightly more share with the heterogeneous model. Models that account for heterogeneity often predict that “niche” products attract a slightly larger share because the model accounts for the fact that there are a small number of respondents who find those “niche” designs very attractive. These models do not strictly follow the IIA property (see Sect. 13.3.4); if two similar products appeal to the same subset of customers, they will compete more closely with each other than with other products.

The share predictions produced by predict.hier.mnl are still based on the point estimates of coef.Sigma and So, while we have accounted for consumer heterogeneity in these predictions, we still haven’t accounted for our uncertainty in the parameter estimates. This makes it difficult to determine what would be a (statistically) meaningful difference in share for two alternative designs. While it is possible to estimate prediction intervals for these models in the frequentist framework, it is easier to do so in a Bayesian framework. We address prediction intervals for shares in the next section where we review Bayesian choice models.

5 Hierarchical Bayes Choice Models

In this section, we show how to estimate choice models with heterogeneity using Bayesian methods and point out advantages (and some disadvantages) of the Bayesian approach.

Moving into the Bayesian framework can be somewhat confusing, both because the Bayesian approach to estimation is different and because Bayesians often use different language to describe the same thing. Those who use the classical methods often refer to the model we estimated in the previous section as the “random-coefficients multinomial logit” or “mixed logit” model. Bayesians tend to refer to these same models (and some extensions of them) as hierarchical Bayes multinomial logit.

There are several available packages for estimating choice models using Bayesian methods. The MCMCpack package we used in Chap. 7 includes a function called MCMCmnl to estimate non-hierarchical multinomial choice models [134]. To estimate the hierarchical choice model here, we use the ChoiceModelR package [179], which builds on the bayesm package [167].

5.1 Estimating Hierarchical Bayes Choice Models with ChoiceModelR

Unfortunately, there isn’t a universal standard for how choice data is stored and we have to reorganize our data slightly to use ChoiceModelR . ChoiceModelR requires the data to be stored in a “long” data frame where each row is an alternative (as we have already in cbc.df), but it requires the selected alternative to be stored as an integer number on the first row of each choice task, with zeros in the remaining rows. It turns out that it takes just a few lines of code to create the new choice data.

figure ar

Since there are three alternatives in each question, the first element of choice indicates that the respondent chose the third alternative in the first choice task; the second and third elements for choice are left as zeros. Similarly, the fourth elements indicates that the respondent chose the second alternative in the second choice task, and the next two elements are zeros.

ChoiceModelR automatically codes factors but it uses a different scheme than mlogit. To be consistent with the models we’ve run before, we’ll go ahead and code the factors manually ourselves using model.matrix.

figure as

Finally, we can create a new data frame that combines the coded attributes and the choice back together with the, ques and alt (which are the first three columns in cbc.df).

figure at

The function we use to estimate the hierarchical Bayes choice model is choicemo delr(), which requires the data to be organized in exactly the format above: a number indicating which respondent answered the question, a number indicating which question the profile belongs to, and a number indicating which alternative this was, and then the attributes followed by the choice. The choice is stored as an integer number in the first row of each question.

A key advantage of the hierarchical Bayes framework is that it allows you relate a customer’s part worths for the attributes to characteristics of the customer (sometimes called “demographics,” although this is a very poor name as we discuss later.) In our data set, we happen to know whether each customer uses his or her car to carpool and it seems quite reasonable that people who carpool might have different part worths than people who don’t carpool. To figure out whether this is true, we estimate a model where the part worths are a function of the respondent characteristics, following a linear model. Of course, this means we need to pass the data on the respondent characteristics to choicemodelr(), which expects this data to be formatted as a matrix with one row for each respondent and one column for each respondent characteristic.

figure au

Note that each row in choicemodelr.demos represents a respondent and not a question or an alternative, and so we have 200 rows. A value of 1 indicates that the respondent does use their car to carpool and a value of 0 indicates that they don’t.

With this bit of data re-organization done, we can callchoicemodelr():

figure av

In addition to the data and the demos, there are a couple of additional parameters of choicemodelr that control the estimation routine. The xcoding parameter tells choicemodelr how you want the attributes coded; by setting this to a vector of 1s, we indicate that we’ve already done the coding. The mcmc and options parameters control several aspects of the algorithm, which we discuss below. You can always type ?choicemodelr for more details, although the help files might be more helpful to experienced Bayesian modelers than to novices.

While we recommend ChoiceModelR, there are a few aspects that make it less “R-like” than some packages. For example, choicemodelr() does not use R’s formula notation or the built-in functions for coding factors. It relies on the order of the columns in the data frame, rather than using column names. The package does not include common utility functions like summary() and predict(). Because R is open source, it is up to each package development team to decide how they want to structure their functions and how consistent the package is with other R functions. While it sometimes requires a bit of work to figure out how a particular package works, it is difficult to complain too much, since the package was donated by the developers. If there is some functionality you’d like to see in a package, you can always write it yourself and then suggest to the package developers that they include your extension in their next release. (The name and email address of every package’s maintainer are available in the package listing on CRAN.)

If you ran the code above, you probably noticed that it took a long time to run and produced a lot of output about its process. We omitted that output here. In the graphics window, you might have noticed something similar to Fig. 13.3.

What is Fig. 13.3? The focus of Bayesian inference is on generating a posterior distribution for the parameters of a model. The posterior distribution samples the likely values of a model, given the observed data. Most Bayesian routines like choicemodelr produce a set of random draws from the posterior distribution. Figure 13.3 is called a trace plot and it shows the posterior draws that have been produced so far by the estimation routine.

Fig. 13.3
figure 3

Trace plot of posterior draws for a hierarchical Bayes choice model produced by choicemodelr()

Without getting into the details of how and why these algorithms work, it is important to know that they don’t always start out producing posterior draws. There is typically a burn-in period, where the algorithm settles into the posterior distribution. Before we use draws from the distribution, we have to throw out these initial burn-in draws. The trace plot allows us to see where the burn-in period ends. Judging from Fig. 13.3 the algorithm seems to have settled in after the first 1000 draws, because that is where the lines plotting the estimated values settle into a stable, horizontal pattern (apart from noise).

We used two other arguments with choicemodelr(). The mcmc=list(R= 20000, use=10000) argument tells choicemodelr that we want to produce 20000 posterior draws and that we want to use only the last 10000 (giving us a wide margin on the burn-in). The options=list(save=TRUE) argument tells choicemodelr() to save those last 10000 posterior draws. By default, choicemodelr() saves every tenth draw, so it actually stores 1000 posterior draws.

When choicemodelr() finishes, the posterior draws are saved to the object we specified,, which becomes a list with four elements:

figure aw

The key parameters of the model are the average and the variance of the part worths across the population. We can access one posterior draw of these parameters by selecting an element of$compdraw. We arbitrarily look at draw 567.

figure ax

These are the average population part worths and you can compare them to the parameters we estimated with mlogit(). The parameters above come in the same order as the first 7 parameters estimated by mlogit(). For example, the average part worth for seat7 was -0.642 when we estimated it with mlogit() and for this posterior draw we get a value of -0.657 from choicemodelr().

There is one key difference between this model and the model we estimated with mlogit(). The parameters above represent the average part worth parameters among respondents who do not use their car to carpool. The hierarchical Bayes model also includes a set of “adjustments” for people who carpool; we can look at the 567th draw of these adjustment factors by looking at the appropriate row of$deltadraw.

figure ay

You can see that there are huge adjustments in the part worths for the first two parameters: seat7 and seat8. The average part worth for 7 seats (versus the base level of 6) for people who carpool is \(-0.657 + 1.634 = 0.977\). This means that on average people who carpool actually prefer 7 over 6 seats while people who don’t carpool prefer 6 seats on average. This is a potentially critical insight for product designers that we completely missed when we used the mixed logit model with mlogit. You may not see a major difference in share predictions between these two models, but the insight you get from reviewing the parameters can be quite valuable.

We caution readers that this potential insight comes at a cost. We had to estimate 7 additional parameters to describe the population. Adding a large number of additional parameters can make the burn-in period longer and it can add to uncertainty to the parameter estimates. We suggest you only include respondent characteristics that you believe should be related to the part worths. In this case, it seems reasonable that minivan preferences should be different for people who carpool. In general, covariates that are directly related to product usage are ideal. There are also potential issues with the scaling of these respondent characteristics; binary indicators tend to work well as they avoid these scaling issues. It is generally a bad idea to include general demographic variables like age, race or gender, just because you have them. Often demographic variables are not associated with product preferences [57]. For this reason, we avoid referring to covariates as “demographics.”

We also have a set of parameters that describe the variance in part worths across the population. We can pull out the 567th draw from

figure az

This set of parameters is actually stored as the Cholesky root of the covariance matrix. This is the matrix equivalent of a square root and we can recover the covariance matrix by “squaring” rooti with crossprod():

figure ba

The diagonals of this matrix describe the variance across the population in the part worths and if you compare them to the estimates we got with mlogit, you will find that variation across the population is generally smaller, particularly for the first two parameters that describe preferences for number of seats. The reason for this is that the new model accounts for some of the differences between individuals who carpool versus not, so the remaining unexplained variation between respondents is smaller.

In addition to population level parameters, we look at posterior draws of the individual-level parameters:

figure bb

Each row of this output represents the part worths for each person, which you can see vary widely. For example, for this posterior draw the first respondent really likes 7 seats over 6 or 8, since 1.011 is larger than 0 or 0.628. The second respondent prefers 8 seats over 6 or 7. You could plot histograms of these part worth values to get a sense for how preferences vary across the population.

Up to this point, we’ve been talking about a single draw from the posterior (number 567). But if you look at$betadraw, you can see that there are 1000 posterior draws of the 7 part worths for each of 200 respondents.

figure bc

To fully characterize the posterior and our uncertainty about these parameters, we need summarize all of the posterior draws. Unfortunately, choicemodelr does not provide convenient summaries, but for the respondent-level betadraws, we can find the posterior means using apply.

figure bd

The values in show our best estimate for each individual’s part worths. While it is possible to obtain individual-level estimates using classical methods, it is much more common to for Bayesian choice modelers to focus on individual-level parameters.

It is also important to recognize that with just 15 choice questions for each respondent, there is still a great deal of uncertainty about those individual-level part worths. We can get a sense for how much uncertainty there is by looking at the posterior quantiles of the part worths for each respondent. We compute the 5th and 95th quantiles of the individual betadraws, then display the mean and quantiles for the first respondent:

figure be

These numbers represent how much uncertainty we have in our estimates of the first respondent’s part worth estimates. Roughly, the range of likely values for respondent 1’s preference for 7 seats over 6 (the first parameter) is about −0.538–1.840. In other words, given this data, we can say that our best guess is that respondent 1 prefers 7 seats (i.e., has a positive coefficient), but it is quite possible that the respondent prefers 6 (i.e., has a negative coefficient). This is a huge amount of uncertainty that we need to account for when making share predictions.

5.2 Share Prediction for Hierarchical Bayes Choice Models

The 1000 posterior draws in$betadraw give us a sense of the range of part worth values that each respondent might have and we can use these draws to figure out the likely range of shares that we might get for new vehicle designs. For each posterior draw, we can compute the shares for a new set of product designs based on the values of the part worth coefficients for that draw. Each time we do this, the shares we obtain represent a a posterior draw for the shares. (Being able to compute posterior draws for any function of the parameters in this way is one of the great advantages of Bayesian MCMC.) We can compute the shares for a number of different posterior draws (selected at random from the draws that we produced when we called choicemodelr) and then analyze the range of shares that we get.

We create a function for computing shares that loops over both the respondents and the posterior draws:

figure bf

The inner loop in this function for i in 1:nresp computes the shares for each respondent for a given posterior draw. The outer loop for d in 1:ndraws loops over the posterior draws. (If there were too many posterior draws, we could also use a random subset of them.) The function stores the share estimates for each user for each draw in shares. In the last few lines, the function averages the shares across respondents resulting in an estimate of the shares for each posterior draw. We then compute the mean as well as the quantiles of those posterior draws to get a sense for the likely range of shares.

When we compute the shares in this function, we use the estimated individual-level part worths for the respondents in our data, which is what most analysts do in practice. In contrast, when we computed share predictions in the previous section using the output from mlogit(), we sampled new representative respondents based on our estimates of the population mean and covariance. We should point out that it is possible to use the same approach with a Bayesian choice model, using the posterior draws of mu, delta and rooti and sampling a new set of respondents from the multivariate normal distribution. This would require a relatively small change to predict.hb.mnl.

When we apply predict.hb.mnl to the designs in, we get both point estimates and ranges of potential shares for each design:

figure bg

There is quite a bit of uncertainty in these share predictions. Our “best guess” estimate of the shares for the 6-passenger base engine minivan (number 1 in the second row) is 45.3%, but it could be as low as 42.9% or as high as 47.8%. Understanding the uncertainty in our model predictions helps in interpreting differences in share. For example, if we make a minor change such that 6-passenger gas minivan share increases to 46.0%, we would recognize that this change in share is well within the prediction error of our model, and we probably shouldn’t make strong statements that one design will do better than the other in the marketplace. But if we change the seating to 7 passenger for that vehicle, the predicted share is 30.2% with a range of 28.2–32.1%. Because the prediction intervals do not overlap, we can say that the 7-passenger version of the design has significantly lower share, knowing that we are not over-interpreting the limited data that we have.

Given how easy it is to compute these share prediction ranges, we think it is surprising how rarely practitioners report prediction intervals of choice model shares. Many conjoint analysis studies unfortunately report only point estimates of share predictions. This leaves decision makers blind to the possibility that the share predictions they are relying on may not be very accurate. In extreme cases, when there are many attributes in the model and very few choice questions, one may find that the prediction intervals are extremely wide. This is an indication that there isn’t sufficient data to make precise predictions and suggests that one might wish to collect more or different data. In the next section, we discuss the design of choice-based conjoint surveys.

6 Design of Choice-Based Conjoint Surveys*

Once you start looking at parameter estimates and share predictions for your choice models, you may start to wonder how you can make your parameter estimates and prediction intervals tighter. The easiest way to do this is to increase the amount of data you collect, either by increasing the number of respondents or increasing the number of questions that you ask each respondent. If you were to recreate data as we’ve used in this chapter with 1000 respondents instead of 200, you would see that the standard deviations for the parameter estimates and the prediction intervals would be smaller (as is true for any model).

A good way to assess sample sizes before fielding a conjoint analysis project is to simulate data from known parameters, estimate the model from the synthetic data, and examine the resulting prediction intervals. This would only require a few changes to the code presented in this chapter. Such analysis can help you determine how many respondents you need for a given number of attributes and levels, or, as is more often the case, how many attribute and levels you can afford given your available budget for collecting data.

Beyond getting more data, choosing the right questions to ask can also result in more precise parameter estimates and share predictions. The selection of questions to include in the conjoint survey is example of an experimental design problem.

If you review the code in Sect. 13.2, you will notice that when we generated the conjoint questions we selected a different set of minivan profiles at random to create the choice questions for each respondent. This approach works well and is robust, as long as you can give a different set of questions to each respondent. If your survey platform is limited so that every respondent must answer the same questions, a random design will not be very efficient. There are several other approaches you can use that can improve upon selecting questions randomly. The main design approaches are the following.

  • Random designs use a randomly-selected set of profiles in each question.

  • Fractional factorial designs are based on the assumption that there are no interactions between different attributes (e.g., there isn’t some additional boost to having 8-seats combined with 3 ft of cargo space). Many of the advantages of fractional factorial designs, such as orthogonality, are only beneficial in the context of linear models and not choice models. However, fractional factorial designs are occasionally used in practice because they are readily available and were once the standard approach for conjoint analysis surveys. These designs are often constrained so that every respondent answers the same questions, or such that there are only a few survey versions.

  • Optimal designs are created by selecting a set of questions that minimizes the standard error of the estimated parameters (called D-Optimal designs) or minimizes the standard error of share predictions (called G-Optimal designs). These designs are created by starting with an arbitrary design and then iteratively changing questions and assessing whether those changes make the sampling error or posterior intervals smaller. The routines may not always produce the true optimal design, but they can often improve substantially on the starting design. These designs may also be constrained so that every respondent answers the same question.

  • There are a number of heuristic conjoint design strategies that aren’t based a formal theory, but have produced good quality predictions in the past.

  • Adaptive designs select successive choice questions based on the respondent’s answers as he or she takes the survey. For instance, a survey might ask about preferred options and then focus on the features that a respondent identifies as important. One approach is called fast-polyhedral conjoint design [189]. Another method is Adaptive Choice-Based Conjoint (ACBC) from Sawtooth Software [174].

There is much debate in the conjoint analysis community about which of these methods is the best. While we can’t answer that, we can say that each has worked well in at least some conditions. A common mistake when comparing these conjoint design methods is to look at whether different methods result in different point estimates of the share predictions (either in-sample or for holdout questions). Since many of these methods produce similar point estimates for shares, that is a poor way to compare different experimental design strategies. A better approach is to compare the prediction range between approaches. Better designs produce smaller prediction ranges, meaning that there will be less uncertainty in predictions.

Unfortunately, there aren’t yet readily-available tools for the design of choice experiments in R. The AlgDesign package can produce fractional factorial and optimal designs, but it isn’t customized for choice models and the package is no longer being maintained. For our own work, we tend to use random designs (which are easy to produce in R) or use other software to create designs. JMP includes routines for creating D-Optimal designs for choice models. Sawtooth Software offers a variety of heuristic and adaptive design strategies for choice models.

7 Key Points

  • Choice models are used to understand how product attributes drive customers’ choices. The most popular choice model in practice is the multinomial logit model. This model can be estimated using frequentist methods with mlogit or using Bayesian methods with MCMCmnl (Sect. 13.3).

  • Choice data can be stored in “long” or “wide” formats and there is no universal standard for how the data should be organized. Before you use any choice modeling package, read the documentation carefully to understand how the package expects the data to be formatted (Sect. 13.3).

  • Before analyzing any choice data, it is useful to compute raw choice counts for each attribute. This can be done very easily using xtabs (Sect. 13.3.1).

  • Estimating a choice model is similar to estimating simpler linear models. The key output of the estimation is a set of parameters that describe how much each attribute is associated with the observed choices.

  • Choice models can include both factors and numeric attributes in the choice alternatives. When you use a factor as a predictor, the factor has to be dummy coded, just as it would for a linear model. With dummy coding, the estimates are interpreted as the preference for a particular level of the attribute relative to the base level of the attribute (Sect. 13.3).

  • Most choice models do not include intercepts. When a choice models does include intercepts, there is an intercept for each alternative in the choice questions; these are called alternative specific constants or ASCs (Sect. 13.3).

  • When reporting choice models, it is best to focus on reporting share predictions from the model because parameter estimates are difficult for non-experts to interpret. If you model price as a numeric predictor, you can also report the willingness to pay for each attribute (Sect. 13.3.3).

  • Heterogeneous choice models allow each respondent to have individually estimated part worths. This may result in share predictions that are slightly (and appropriately) higher for “niche” products (Sect. 13.4.2).

  • Hierarchical choice models can be estimated using frequentist methods with mlogit and with Bayesian methods using choicemodelr (Sects. 13.4 and 13.5).

  • Bayesian methods produce draws from the posterior distribution of the parameters. To understand the uncertainty in the parameters (given the data), examine the range of the posterior draws. To find the uncertainty in predicted shares, compute the share values for each posterior draw of the estimated parameters. The range of share estimates indicates the uncertainty in share predictions (Sect. 13.5).

  • Bayesian methods allow you to incorporate an upper level model that relates respondent characteristics to attribute preferences. Good candidates for respondent characteristics are binary variables that describe product usage. (Sect. 13.5).

  • In general, if you collect more data, your estimates of the parameters will be more precise and your prediction intervals will be smaller. Prediction intervals can also be made smaller by selecting better choice questions. There are several alternative approaches to choosing profiles to include in choice questions (Sect. 13.6).

8 Data Sources

Data for choice-based conjoint analysis is commonly collected through an online survey, authored using a survey platform that supports the specialized layout and randomization requirements for a CBC study. Large research suppliers often have proprietary systems for authoring CBC surveys. Several commercially available survey platforms, such as SurveyGizmo and Qualtrics, support CBC surveys. These tend to have various limitations with regards to experimental design, survey layout, and analyses. Sawtooth Software is a specialist provider for conjoint analysis survey tools that supports a large range of options (with corresponding platform complexity).

Unfortunately there is no common standard for formatting CBC data; many survey platforms have unique data file formats. As we’ll see, different R packages also use slightly different formats. Depending on your choice of a survey platform and R package, you may need to reshape your data. Our examples in this chapter demonstrate proper formats for the relevant R packages (Sects. 13.3, 13.3.2, and 13.5.1).

9 Learning More*

In this chapter, we have given a brief overview of choice modeling in the context of conjoint analysis surveys, with examples of how to estimate choice models in R. For those who want to learn more about choice modeling, there are many additional resources, although no single text covers everything of importance.

For those who are interested strictly in conjoint surveys, Orme’s Getting Started with Conjoint Analysis [149] offers an accessible introduction to how conjoint surveys are constructed and analyzed in practice while Louvier, Hensher, and Swait’s Stated Choice Methods [131] provides a more extensive (but slightly dated) overview of the topic, including coverage of several variations on non-hierarchical multinomial logit models and how to create fractional factorial designs. Rossi, Allenby, McCulloch’s Bayesian Statistics and Marketing provides technical coverage of the multinomial and hierarchical multinomial logit model from the Bayesian perspective and describes the bayesm package that ChoiceModelR uses heavily.

As we mentioned in the introduction, there are uses of choice models other than choice-based conjoint analysis surveys. One broad application area is the modeling of consumers’ transportation choices. Kenneth Train (2009) offers an clear and concise overview of discrete choice methods [190] and their use in transportation economics, including coverage of both the mixed logit and hierarchical Bayes logit models; it is an ideal introduction for those using hierarchical choice models in nearly any context. Train also covers a number of alternative choice models including the nested logit model and the multinomial probit model. While there are advantages and disadvantages to each of these models, they are all based on the same premise that customers choose among a set of products based on part worths of the attributes of those products.

Another major application for choice models in marketing is to understand how consumers choose products in retail stores, such as grocery stores. Using data collected by grocery store scanners where customers are tracked over multiple visits (called scanner panel data), one can assemble observations that are nearly identical in structure to conjoint data [85]. Many marketing academics have used choice models with such data to assess the relationship between marketing actions such as price, promotion, and in-store display, and customers’ product and brand choices. Much work has been published on extending these models to accommodate different types of consumer behavior such as stockpiling goods, learning about products, strategically trying new products, and changes in preferences over time.

10 Excercises

For the exercises in this chapter, we use a simulated conjoint data set where we observe respondents choices from among sets of sportscars. The attributes of sportscars in this data are number of seats, convertible top, transmission type and price. The data also includes a segment variable that indicates which sportscar segment each respondent belongs to.

You can load the data by typing:

figure bh
  1. 1.

    Data inspection:

    • Use summary to identify the levels of each attribute in the data.

    • What was the price of the chosen alternative in the last question in the data frame?

    • Use xtabs() to determine the number of times a sportscar with automatic transmission was chosen. How does this compare to the number of times a sportscar with a manual transmission was chosen? What does that tell you about consumer preferences?

  2. 2.

    Fitting and interpreting a choice model:

    1. (a)

      Fit a (non-hierarchical) choice model to predict choice as a function of all four attributes. Don’t forget to convert the data to an object before passing it to mlogit. Also, be sure to remove the intercept in the model formula. Report the estimated coefficients and their standard errors.

    2. (b)

      What is the ideal sportscar for the respondents based on this model. That is, what is most desirable level of each feature? You may have to look at both the model coefficients and the data summary to figure this out.

    3. (c)

      Which coefficient is the most precisely estimated?

    4. (d)

      Is it reasonable to charge $5000 for a convertable top? Hint: Compute the WTP for convertible top and compare it to $5000.

    5. (e)

      Use the predict.mnl() function from the chapter to predict shares for the following set of sportscars:

      figure bi

      Note that it is very important that the factors in the newcars data frame have exactly the same levels as the factors in the data frame used to estimate the model.

    6. (f)

      Use the sensitivity.mnl() function from the chapter to produce a sensitivity plot for the first sportscar in newcars. What suggestions would you make on changing the features of the product to get higher market share?

  3. 3.

    In the previous question, you fit a choice model using all the respondents and so your estimates represented the average preferences across the entire population of customers. Fit another choice model using just the customers from the racer segment and predict shares for newcars. Are your predictions different than what you found in the previous question?

  4. 4.

    Estimate a hierarchical multinomial logit model using the sportscar data, using the rpar input to the mlogit() function. Assume all the parameters are normally distributed. Which parameter has the greatest variation across respondents?

  5. 5.

    Estimate a hierarchical model using the Bayesian ChoiceModelR function. Don’t forget you will have to re-format the data to be suitable for ChoiceModelR as described in Sect. 13.5.1. Use the segment variable for the demographics. Are the parameter estimates similar to those obtained with mlogit()?