5.1 Introduction

Ascending from the syntactic to semantic level is an important component of natural language (NL) understanding, and has immediate applications in tasks such information extraction and question answering (Allen 1987; Cardie and Mooney 1999; Ravichandran and Hovy 2002). A number of studies demonstrated that increase in the complexity of information retrieval (IR) feature space does not lead to a significant improvement of accuracy. Even application of basic syntactic templates like subject-verb-object turns out to be inadequate for typical TREC IR tasks (Strzalkowski et al. 1999). Substantial flexibility in selection and adjustment of such templates for a number of NLP tasks is expected to help. A tool for automated treatment of syntactic templates in the form of parse trees would be desirable.

In this chapter we develop a tool for high-level semantic classification of natural language sentences based on full syntactic parse trees. We introduce the operation of syntactic generalization (SG) which takes a pair of parse trees and finds a set of maximal common sub-trees. We tackle semantic classes which appear in information extraction and knowledge integration problems usually requiring deep natural language understanding (Dzikovska et al. 2005; Galitsky 2003; Banko et al. 2007). One of such problems is opinion mining, in particular detecting sentences or their parts which express self-contained opinion ready to be grouped and shared. We want to separate informative/potentially useful opinion sentences like ‘The shutter lag of this digital camera is annoying sometimes, especially when capturing cute baby moments’ which can serve as recommendations, from uninformative and /or irrelevant opinion expressions such as ‘I received the camera as a Christmas present from relatives and enjoyed it a lot.’ The former sentence characterizes a parameter of a camera component, and in the latter, one talks about circumstances under which a person was given a camera as a gift (Fig. 5.1).

Fig. 5.1
figure 1

Syntactic parse tree for informative (on the top, positive class) and uninformative (negative, on the bottom) sentences

What kind of syntactic and/or semantic properties can separate these two sentences into distinct classes? We assume that the classification is done in a domain-independent manner, so no knowledge of ‘digital camera’ domain is supposed to be applied. Both these sentences have sentiments, the semantic difference between them is that in the former sentiment is attached to a parameter of the camera, and in the letter sentiment is associated with the form in which the camera was received by the author. Can the latter sentence be turned into a meaningful one by referring to its particular feature (e.g. by saying ‘…and enjoyed its LCD a lot’)? No, because then its first part (‘received as a present’) is not logically connected to its second part (‘I enjoyed LCD because the camera was a gift’). Hence we observe that in this example belonging to positive and negative classes constitute somewhat stable patterns.

Learning based on syntactic parse tree generalization is different from kernel methods which are non-parametric density estimation techniques that compute a kernel function between data instances. These instances can include keywords as well as their syntactic parameters, and a kernel function can be thought of as a similarity measure. Given a set of labeled instances, kernel methods determine the label of a novel instance by comparing it to the labeled training instances using this kernel function. Nearest neighbor classification and support-vector machines (SVMs) are two popular examples of kernel methods (Fukunaga 1990; Cortes and Vapnik 1995). Compared to kernel methods, syntactic generalization (SG) can be considered as structure-based and deterministic; linguistic features retain their structure and are not represented as numeric values (Galitsky 2017a).

In this chapter we will be finding a set of maximal common sub-trees for a pair of parse trees for two sentences as a measure of similarity between them. It will be done using representation of constituency parse trees via chunking; each type of phrases (NP, VP PRP etc.) will be aligned and subject to generalization. In studies (Galitsky and Kuznetsov 2008; Galitsky et al. 2009) it was demonstrated that graph-based machine learning can predict plausibility of complaint scenarios based on their argumentation structure. Also, we observed that learning communicative structure of inter-human conflict scenarios can successfully classify the scenarios in a series of domains, from complaint to security-related domains. These findings make us believe that applying similar graph-based machine learning technique to syntactic parse trees, which has even weaker links to high-level semantic properties in comparison with other domains, can nevertheless deliver satisfactory semantic classification results.

Most current learning research in NLP employs particular statistical techniques inspired by research in speech recognition, such as hidden Markov models (HMMs), neural networks and probabilistic context-free grammars (PCFGs). A variety of learning methods including decision tree and rule induction, neural networks, instance-based methods, Bayesian network learning, inductive logic programming, explanation-based learning, and genetic algorithms can also be applied to natural language problems and can have significant advantages in particular applications (Moreda et al. 2007). In addition to specific learning algorithms, a variety of general ideas from traditional machine learning such as active learning, boosting, reinforcement learning, constructive induction, learning with background knowledge, theory refinement, experimental evaluation methods, PAC learnability, etc., may also be usefully applied to natural language problems (Cardie and Mooney 1999). In this chapter we employ nearest neighbor type of learning, which is relatively simple, to focus our investigation on how expressive can similarity between syntactic structures be to detect weak semantic signals. Other more complex learning techniques can be applied, being more sensitive or more cautious, after we confirm that our measure of semantic similarity between texts is adequate.

The computational linguistics community has assembled large data sets on a range of interesting NLP problems. Some of these problems can be reduced to a standard classification task by appropriately constructing features; however, others require using and/or producing complex data structures such as complete parse trees and operations on them. In this chapter we introduce the operation of generalization on the pair of parse tree for two sentences and demonstrate its role in sentence classification. Operation of generalization is defined starting from the level of lemmas to chunks/phrases and all the way to paragraphs/texts (Galitsky 2017b).

This chapter introduces four distinct problems of different complexity where one or another semantic feature has to be inferred from natural language sentences. Then we define syntactic generalization, describe the algorithm and provide a number of examples of SG in various settings. The chapter is concluded by the comparative analysis of classification in selected problem domains, search engine description, a brief review of other studies with semantic inference and the open source implementation.

Learning syntactic parse trees allows performing semantic inference in a domain-independent manner without using thesauri. At the same time, in contrast to the most semantic inference projects, we will be restricted to a very specific semantic domain (limited set of classes), solving a number of problems a usable chatbot needs to solve.

5.2 Syntactic Generalization in Search and Relevance Assessment

In this chapter we leverage parse tree generalization technique for automation of content management and delivery platform (Chap. 9) that combines data mining of web (Chap. 8) and social networks (Chap. 12), content aggregation, reasoning, information extraction (Galitsky et al. 2011b), question/answering (Chap. 6) and advertising to support a number of chatbot components. The chatbot answers questions and provides recommendations based on previous postings of human users determined to be relevant. The key technological requirements is based on finding similarity between various kinds of texts, so use of more complex structures representing text meaning is expected to benefit the accuracy of relevance assessment. SG has been deployed at content management and delivery platforms at a few web portals and data science service providers in Silicon Valley USA including Datran.com, Zvents.com, StubHub.com, Become.com, Ligadata.com, Sysomos.com and RichRelevance.com. We will present evaluation of how the accuracy of relevance assessment has been improved (Sects. 5.4 and 5.5).

We focus on four following problems which are essential for various chatbot components:

  1. 1.

    Differentiating meaningful from meaningless sentences in opinion mining results;

  2. 2.

    Detecting appropriate expressions for automated building of ads as an advertisement management platform of virtual forums;

  3. 3.

    Classifying user posting in respect to her epistemic state: how well she understands her product needs and how specific is she currently with her product choice;

  4. 4.

    Classifying search results in respect to being relevant and irrelevant to search query.

In all these tasks it is necessary to relate a sentence into two classes:

  1. 1.

    informative vs uninformative opinion;

  2. 2.

    suitable vs. unsuitable for ad generation;

  3. 3.

    knowledgeable vs unknowledgeable user;

  4. 4.

    relevant vs irrelevant answer.

In all of these tasks, a decision about belonging to a class cannot be made given occurrence of specific word forms; instead, peculiar and implicit linguistic information needs to be taken into account. It is rather hard to formulate and even to imagine classification rules for all of these problems based on keyword; however finding plentiful examples for respective classes is quite easy. We now outline each of these four problems.

As to the first one, traditionally, an opinion mining problem is formulated as finding and grouping a set of sentences expressing sentiments about given features of products, extracted from customer reviews of products. A number of comparison shopping sites are now showing such features and the ‘strength’ of opinions about them as a number of occurrences of such features. However, to increase user confidence and trust in extracted opinion date, it is advisable to link aggregated sentiments for a feature to the original quotes from customer reviews; this significantly backs up review-based recommendations by comparative shopping sites.

Among all sentences mentioning the feature of interest, some of them are indeed irrelevant to this feature, does not really express customer opinion about this particular features (and not about something else). For example, ‘I don’t like touch pads’ in reviews on Dell Latitude notebooks does not mean that this touchpad of these notebook series is bad, instead, we have a general customer opinion about a feature that is not expected to be interesting to another user. One can see that this problem for an opinion sentence has to be resolved for building highly trusted opinion mining applications.

We believe this classification problem is rather hard one and require a sensitive treatment of sentence structure, because a difference between meaningful and meaningless sentence with respect to expressed opinion is frequently subtle. A short sentence can be meaningless, its extension become meaningful, but its further extension can become meaningless again. We selected this problem to demonstrate how a very weak semantic signal concealed in a syntactic structure of sentence can be leveraged; obviously, using keyword-based rules for this problem does not seem plausible.

As to the second problem of ad generation, its practical value is to assist business/website manager in writing ads for search engine marketing. Given the content of a website and its selected landing page, the system needs to select sentences which are most suitable to form an ad.

For example, from the content like

At HSBC we believe in great loan deals, that’s why we offer 9.9% APR typical on our loans of $7,500 to $25,000**. It’s also why we pledge to pay the difference if you’re offered a better deal elsewhere.

What you get with a personal loan from HSBC:

  • * An instant decision if you’re an Online Banking customer and get your money in 3 hours, if accepted†

  • * Our price guarantee: if you’re offered a better deal elsewhere we’ll pledge to pay you the difference between loan repayments***

  • * Apply to borrow up to $25,000

  • * No fees for arrangement or set up

  • * Fixed monthly payments, so you know where you are

  • * Optional tailored Payment Protection Insurance.

We want to generate the following ads

Great Loan Deals

9.9% APR typical on loans of

$7,500 to $25,000. Apply now!

Apply for an HSBC loan

We offer 9.9% APR typical

Get your money in 3 hours!

We show in bold the sentences and their fragments for potential inclusion into an ad line (positive class). This is a semantic IE problem where rules need to be formed automatically (a similar class of problem was formulated in Stevenson and Greenwood 2005). To form criteria for an expression to be a candidate for an ad line, we will apply SG to the sentences of the collected training sets, and then form templates from the generalization results, which are expected to be much more sensitive than just sets of keywords under traditional keyword-based IE approach.

The third problem of classification of epistemic states of a forum user is a more conventional classification problem, where we determine what kind of response a user is expecting:

  • general recommendation,

  • advice on a series of products, a brand, or a particular product,

  • response and feedback on information shared, and others.

For each epistemic state (such as a new user, a user seeking recommendations, an expert user sharing recommendations, a novice user sharing recommendation) we have a training set of sentences, each of which is assigned to this state by a human expert. For example (epistemic states are italicized),

I keep in mind no brand in particular but I have read that Canon makes good cameras’ [a user with one brand in mind],I have read a lot of reviews but still have some questions on what camera is right for me [experienced buyer]. We expect the proper epistemic state to be determined by syntactically closest representative sentence.

Transitioning from keywords match to SG is expected to significantly improve the accuracy of epistemic state classification, since these states can be inferred from the syntactic structure of sentences rather than explicitly mentioned most of times. Hence the results of SGs of the sentences form the training set for each epistemic state will serve as classification templates rather than common keywords among these sentences.

The fourth application area of SG is associated with improvement of search relevance by measuring similarity between query and sentences in search results (or snapshots) by computing SG. Such syntactic similarity is important when a search query contains keywords which form a phrase, domain-specific expression, or an idiom, such as “shot to shot time”, “high number of shots in a short amount of time”. Usually, a search engine is unable to store all of these expressions because they are not necessarily sufficiently frequent, however make sense only if occur within a certain natural language expression (Galitsky and Botros 2015).

In terms of search implementation, this can be done in two steps:

  1. 1.

    Keywords are formed from query in a conventional manner, and search hits are obtained by TF*IDF also taking into account popularity of hits, page rank and others.

  2. 2.

    The above hits are filtered with respect to syntactic similarity of the snapshots of search hits with search query. Parse tree generalization comes into play here

Hence we obtain the results of the conventional search and calculate the score of the generalization results for the query and each sentence and each search hit snapshot. Search results are then re-sorted and only the ones syntactically close to search query are assumes to be relevant and returned to a user.

Let us consider an example of how the use of phrase-level match of a query with its candidate answers instead of keywords-based comparison helps. When a query is relatively complex, it is important to perform match at phrase level instead of keywords level analysis (even taking into account document popularity, TF*IDF, and learning which answers were selected by other users for similar queries previously).

For the following example from 2016 http://www.google.com/search?q=how+to+pay+foreign+business+tax+if+I+live+in+the+US most of the search results are irrelevant. However, once one starts taking into account the syntactic structure of the query phrases, ‘pay-foreign-business-tax’, ‘I-live-in-US’, the irrelevant answers (where the keywords co-occur in phrases in a different way than in the query) are filtered out.

5.3 Generalizing Portions of Text

To measure of similarity of abstract entities expressed by logic formulas, a least-general generalization was proposed for a number of machine learning approaches, including explanation based learning and inductive logic programming. Least general generalization was originally introduced by (Plotkin 1970). It is the opposite of most general unification (Robinson 1965) therefore it is also called anti-unification. Anti-unification was first studied in (Robinson 1965; Plotkin 1970). As the name suggests, given two terms, it produces a more general one that covers both rather than a more specific one as in unification. Let E 1 and E 2 be two terms. Term E is a generalization of E 1 and E 2 if there exist two substitutions σ 1 and σ 2 such that σ 1 (E) = E 1 and σ 2(E) = E 2. The most specific generalization of E 1 and E 2 is called their anti-unifier. Here we apply this abstraction to anti-unify such data as text, traditionally referred to as unstructured.

For two words with the same POS, their generalization is the same word with POS. If lemmas are different but POS is the same, POS stays in the result. If lemmas are the same but POS is different, lemma stays in the result but not POS.

In this chapter, to measure similarity between portions of text such as sentences and phrases, we extend the notion of generalization from logic formulas to sets of syntactic parse trees of these portions of text (Amiridze and Kutsia 2018). If it were possible to define similarity between natural language expressions at pure semantic level, least general generalization would be sufficient. However, in horizontal search domains where construction of full thesauri for complete translation from NL to logic language is not plausible, extension of the abstract operation of generalization to syntactic level is required. Rather than extracting common keywords, generalization operation produces a syntactic expression that can be semantically interpreted as a common meaning shared by two sentences.

Let us represent a meaning of two NL expressions by logic formulas and then construct unification and anti-unification of these formulas. Some words (entities) are mapped into predicates, some are mapped into their arguments, and some other words do not explicitly occur in logic form representation but indicate the above instantiation of predicates with arguments. How to express a commonality between the expressions?

  • camera with digital zoom

  • camera with zoom for beginners

To express the meanings we use logic predicates camera(name_of_feature, type_of_users) (in real life, we would have much higher number of arguments), and zoom(type_of_zoom). The above NL expressions will be represented as:

  • camera(zoom(digital), AnyUser)

  • camera(zoom(AnyZoom), beginner),

where variables (uninstantiated values, not specified in NL expressions) are capitalized. Given the above pair of formulas, unification computes their most general specialization camera(zoom(digital), beginner), and anti-unification computes their most specific generalization, camera(zoom(AnyZoom), AnyUser).

At syntactic level, we have generalization of two noun phrases as:

  • {NN-camera, PRP-with, [digital], NN-zoom [for beginners]}.

We eliminate expressions in square brackets since they occur in one expression and do not occur in another. As a result, we obtain

  • {NN-camera, PRP-with, NN-zoom]}, which is a syntactic analog as the semantic generalization above.

Notice that a typical scalar product of feature vectors in a vector space model would deal with frequencies of these words, but cannot easily express such features as co-occurrence of words in phrases, which is fairly important to express a meaning of a sentence and avoid ambiguity.

Since the constituent trees keep the sentence order intact, building structures upward for phrases, we select constituent trees to introduce our phrase-based generalization algorithm. A dependency tree has the word nodes at different levels and each word modifies another word or the root. Because it does not introduce phrase structures, a dependency tree has fewer nodes than a constituent tree and is less suitable for generalization. Constituent tree explicitly contains word alignment-related information required for generalization at the level of phrases. We use (openNLP 2018) system to derive constituent trees for generalization (chunker and parser). Dependency-tree based, or graph-based similarity measurement algorithms (Bunke 2003; Galitsky et al. 2008) are expected to perform as well as the one we focus on in this chapter.

5.3.1 Generalizing at Various Levels: From Words to Paragraphs

The purpose of an abstract generalization is to find commonality between portions of text at various semantic levels. Generalization operation occurs on the following levels:

  • Text

  • Paragraph

  • Sentence

  • Phrases (noun, verb and others)

  • Individual word

At each level except the lowest one, individual words, the result of generalization of two expressions is a set of expressions. In such set, for each pair of expressions so that one is less general than other, the latter is eliminated. Generalization of two sets of expressions is a set of sets of expressions which are the results of pair-wise generalization of these expressions.

We first outline the algorithm for two sentences and then proceed to the specifics for particular levels. The algorithm we present in this chapter deals with paths of syntactic trees rather than sub-trees, because it is tightly connected with language phrases. In terms of operations on trees we could follow along the lines of (Kapoor and Ramesh 1995).

Being a formal operation on abstract trees, generalization operation nevertheless yields semantic information about commonalities between sentences. Rather than extracting common keywords, generalization operation produces a syntactic expression that can be semantically interpreted as a common meaning shared by two sentences.

  1. 1.

    Obtain parsing tree for each sentence. For each word (tree node) we have lemma, part of speech and form of word information. This information is contained in the node label. We also have an arc to the other node.

  2. 2.

    Split sentences into sub-trees which are phrases for each type: verb, noun, prepositional and others; these sub-trees are overlapping. The sub-trees are coded so that information about occurrence in the full tree is retained.

  3. 3.

    All sub-trees are grouped by phrase types.

  4. 4.

    Extending the list of phrases by adding equivalence transformations (Sect. 5.3.2).

  5. 5.

    For the set of the pairs of sub-trees for both sentences for each phrase type.

  6. 6.

    For each pair in 5) yield an alignment (Gildea 2003), and then generalize each node for this alignment. For the obtained set of trees (generalization results), calculate the score.

  7. 7.

    For each pair of sub-trees for phrases, select the set of generalizations with the highest score (least general).

  8. 8.

    Form the sets of generalizations for each phrase types whose elements are sets of generalizations for this type.

  9. 9.

    Filtering the list of generalization results: for the list of generalization for each phrase type, exclude more general elements from lists of generalization for given pair of phrases.

For a given pair of words, only a single generalization exists: if words are the same in the same form, the result is a node with this word in this form. We refer to generalization of words occurring in syntactic tree as word node. If word forms are different (e.g. one is single and other is plural), then only the lemma of word stays. If the words are different but only parts of speech are the same, the resultant node contains part of speech information only and no lemma. If parts of speech are different, generalization node is empty.

For a pair of phrases, generalization includes all maximum ordered sets of generalization nodes for words in phrases so that the order of words is retained. In the following example

  • To buy digital camera today, on Monday

  • Digital camera was a good buy today, first Monday of the month

Generalization is {<JJ-digital, NN-camera>,<NN- today, ADV,Monday>}, where the generalization for noun phrases is followed by the generalization by adverbial phrase. Verb buy is excluded from both generalizations because it occurs in a different order in the above phrases. Buy – digital – camera is not a generalization phrase because buy occurs in different sequence with the other generalization nodes.

As one can see, multiple maximum generalizations occur depending on how correspondence between words is established. Hence multiple generalizations are possible; a totality of generalizations forms a lattice. To obey the condition of being maximal set, we introduce a score on generalization. Scoring weights of generalizations are decreasing, roughly, in following order: nouns and verbs, other parts of speech, and nodes with no lemma but part of speech only.

To optimize the calculation of generalization score, we conducted a computational study to determine the POS weights to deliver the most accurate similarity measure between sentences possible (Galitsky et al. 2012). The problem was formulated as finding optimal weights for nouns, adjectives, verbs and their forms (such as gerund and past tense) such that the resultant search relevance is maximum. Search relevance was measured as a deviation in the order of search results from the best one for a given query (delivered by Google); current search order was determined based on the score of generalization for the given set of POS weights (having other generalization parameters fixed). As a result of this optimization performed in (Galitsky et al. 2010), we obtained WNN = 1.0, WJJ = 0.32, WRB = 0.71, WCD = 0.64, WVB = 0.83, WPRP = 0.35 excluding common frequent verbs like get/take/set/put for which WVBcommon = 0.57. We also set that W<POS,*> = 0.2 (different words but the same POS), and W<*,word> = 0.3 (the same word but occurs as different POSs in two sentences).

Generalization score (or similarity between sentences sent1, sent2) then can be expressed as sum through phrases of the weighted sum through words

  • word sent1 and word sent2:

  • score(sent 1, sent 2) = ∑ {NP, VP, …}W POS word_generalization(word sent1 word sent2).

(Maximal) generalization can then be defined as the one with the highest score. This way we define a generalization for phrases, sentences and paragraphs.

Result of generalization can be further generalized with other parse trees or generalization. For a set of sentences, totality of generalizations forms a lattice: the order on generalizations is set by the subsumption (subtree) relation and generalization score. We enforce the associativity of generalization of parse trees by means of computation: it has to be verified and resultant list extended each time new sentence is added. Notice that such associativity is not implied by our definition of generalization.

5.3.2 Equivalence Transformation on Phrases

We have manually created and collected from various resources rule base for generic linguistic phenomena. Unlike text entailment system, for our setting we do not need a complete transformation system as long as we have sufficiently rich set of examples. Transformation rules were developed under the assumption that informative sentences should have a relatively simple structure (Romano et al. 2006).

Syntactic-based rules capture entailment inferences associated with common syntactic structures, including simplification of the original parse tree, reducing it into canonical form, extracting embedded propositions, and inferring propositions from non-propositional sub-trees of the source tree (Table 5.1), see also (Zanzotto and Moschitti 2006).

Table 5.1 Rules of graph reduction for generic linguistic structure. Resultant reductions are italicized

Valid matching of sentence parts embedded as verb complements depends on the verb properties, and the polarity of the context in which the verb appears (positive, negative, or unknown). We used a list of verbs for communicative actions from (Galitsky and Kuznetsov 2008) which indicate positive polarity context; the list was complemented with a few reporting verbs, such as say and announce, since opinions in the news domain are often given in reported speech, where an information is usually considered reliable (Galitsky et al. 2011a). We also used annotation rules to mark negation and modality of predicates (mainly verbs), based on their descendent modifiers.

An important class of transformation rules involves noun phrases. For a single noun group, its adjectives can be re-sorted, as well as nouns except the head one. A noun phrase which is a post-modifier of a head noun of a given phrase can be merged to the latter; sometimes the resultant meaning might be distorted by otherwise we would miss important commonalities between expressions containing noun phrases. An expression ‘NP1 < of or for > NP2’ we form a single NP with the head noun head(NP2) and head(NP1) playing modifier role, and arbitrary sort for adjectives.

Sentence compression (Zhao et al. 2018), a partial case of sentence equivalence transformation, shortens a sentence into a compression while retaining syntactic and preserving the underlying meaning of the original sentence. Previous works discovered that linguistic features such as parts-of-speech tags and dependency labels are helpful to compression generation. The authors introduced a gating mechanism and proposed a gated neural network that selectively exploits linguistic knowledge for deletion-based sentence compression.

5.3.3 Simplified Example of Generalization of Sentences

We present an example of generalization operation of two sentences. Intermediate sub-trees are shown as lists for brevity. Generalization of distinct values is denoted by ‘*’. Let us consider three following sentences:

I am curious how to use the digital zoom of this camera for filming insects.

How can I get short focus zoom lens for digital camera?

Can I get auto focus lens for digital camera?

We first draw the parsing trees for these sentences and see how to build their maximal common sub-trees:

One can see that the second and third trees are rather similar, so it is straight-forward to build their common sub-tree as an (interrupted) path of the tree (Fig. 5.2):

  • {MD-can, PRP-I, VB-get, NN-focus, NN-lens, IN-for JJ-digital NN-camera}. At the phrase level, we obtain:

  • Noun pharses: [ [NN-focus NN-* ], [JJ-digital NN-camera ]]

  • Verb phrases: [ [VB-get NN-focus NN-* NN-lens IN-for JJ-digital NN-camera ]] (Fig. 5.3)

Fig. 5.2
figure 2

Parse trees for three sentences. The curve shows the common sub-tree (a single one in this case) for the second and third sentence

Fig. 5.3
figure 3

Generalization results for second and third sentence

One can see that common words remain in the maximum common sub-tree, except ‘can’ which is unique for the second sentence, and modifiers for ‘lens’ which are different in these two sentences (shown as NN-focus NN-* NN-lens ). When sentences are not as similar as sentences 2 and 3, and we proceed to their generalization on phrase-by-phrase basis. Below we express the syntactic parse tree via chunking (Abney 1991), using the format <position (POS – phrase)>.

Parse 1

0(S-I am curious how to use the digital zoom of this camera for filming insects), 0(NP-I), 2(VP-am curious how to use the digital zoom of this camera for filming insects),


5(ADJP-curious), 5(JJ-curious),

13(SBAR-how to use the digital zoom of this camera for filming insects), 13(WHADVP-how), 13(WRB-how), 17(S-to use the digital zoom of this camera for filming insects),

17(VP-to use the digital zoom of this camera for filming insects), 17(TO-to),

20(VP-use the digital zoom of this camera for filming insects), 20(VB-use),

24(NP-the digital zoom of this camera), 24(NP-the digital zoom), 24(DT-the),


36(NN-zoom), 41(PP-of this camera), 41(IN-of), 44(NP-this camera), 44(DT-this),

49(NN-camera), 56(PP-for filming insects), 56(IN-for),

60(NP-filming insects), 60(VBG-filming), 68(NNS-insects)

Parse 2

[0(SBARQ-How can I get short focus zoom lens for digital camera), 0(WHADVP-How), 0(WRB-How), 4(SQ-can I get short focus zoom lens for digital camera), 4(MD-can), 8(NP-I), 8(PRP-I), 10(VP-get short focus zoom lens for digital camera), 10(VB-get), 14(NP-short focus zoom lens), 14(JJ-short), 20(NN-focus), 26(NN-zoom), 31(NN-lens),

36(PP-for digital camera), 36(IN-for), 40(NP-digital camera), 40(JJ-digital), 48(NN-camera)]

Now we group the above phrases by the phrase type [NP, VP, PP, ADJP, WHADVP. Numbers encode character position at the beginning. Each group contains the phrases of the same type, since the match occurs between the same type.

Grouped Phrases 1

[[NP [DT-the JJ-digital NN-zoom IN-of DT-this NN-camera ], NP [DT-the JJ-digital NN-zoom ], NP [DT-this NN-camera ], NP [VBG-filming NNS-insects ]], [VP [VBP-am ADJP-curious WHADVP-how TO-to VB-use DT-the JJ-digital NN-zoom IN-of DT-this NN-camera IN-for VBG-filming NNS-insects ], VP [TO-to VB-use DT-the JJ-digital NN-zoom IN-of DT-this NN-camera IN-for VBG-filming NNS-insects ], VP [VB-use DT-the JJ-digital NN-zoom IN-of DT-this NN-camera IN-for VBG-filming NNS-insects ]], [], [PP [IN-of DT-this NN-camera ], PP [IN-for VBG-filming NNS-insects ]], [], [], []]

Grouped Phrases 2

[[NP [JJ-short NN-focus NN-zoom NN-lens ], NP [JJ-digital NN-camera ]], [VP [VB-get JJ-short NN-focus NN-zoom NN-lens IN-for JJ-digital NN-camera ]], [], [PP [IN-for JJ-digital NN-camera ]], [], [], [SBARQ [WHADVP-How MD-can NP-I VB-get JJ-short NN-focus NN-zoom NN-lens IN-for JJ-digital NN-camera ], SQ [MD-can NP-I VB-get JJ-short NN-focus NN-zoom NN-lens IN-for JJ-digital NN-camera ]]]

Sample Generalization Between Phrases

At the phrase level, generalization starts with finding an alignment between two phrases, where we attempt to set a correspondence between as many words as possible between two phrases. We assure that the alignment operation retains phrase integrity: in particular, two phrases can be aligned only if the correspondence between their head nouns is established. There is a similar integrity constraint for aligning verb, prepositional and other types of phrases (Fig. 5.4).

Fig. 5.4
figure 4

Alignment between words for two sentences

Here we show the mapping between either words or respective POS to explain how generalization occurs for each pair of phrases for each phrase type. Six mapping links between phrases correspond to six members of generalization result links. The resultant generalization is shown in bold in the example below for verb phrases VP. We specifically use an example of very different phrases now to demonstrate that although the sentences have the same set of keywords, they are not included in generalization (Fig. 5.5) because their syntactic occurrence is different.

Fig. 5.5
figure 5

Generalization results and their score

One can see that that such common concept as ‘digital camera’ is automatically generalized from the examples, as well as the verb phrase “be some-kind-of zoom camera” which expresses the common meaning for the above sentences. Notice the occurrence of expression [digital-camera] in the first sentence: although digital does not refer to camera directly, we merge two noun group and digital becomes one of the adjective of this resultant noun group with its head camera. It is matched against the noun phrase reformulated in a similar way (but with preposition for) from the second sentence with the same head noun camera. We present more complex generalization examples in Sect. 5.4.

5.3.4 From Syntax to Inductive Semantics

To demonstrate how the SG allows us to ascend from syntactic to semantic level, we follow Mill’s Direct method of agreement (induction) as applied to linguistic structures. British philosopher JS Mills wrote in his 1843 book “A System of Logic”: ‘If two or more instances of the phenomenon under investigation have only one circumstance in common, the circumstance in which alone all the instances agree, is the cause (or effect) of the given phenomenon.’ (Ducheyne 2008).

Consider a linguistic property A of a phrase f. For A to be a necessary condition of some effect E, A must always be present in multiple phrases that deal with E. In the linguistic domain, A is a linguistic structure and E is its meaning. Therefore, we check whether linguistic properties considered as ‘possible necessary conditions’ are present or absent in the sentence. Obviously, any linguistic properties As which are absent when the meaning E is present cannot be necessary conditions for this meaning E of a phrase.

For example, the method of agreement can be represented as a phrase f 1 where words {A B C D} occur together with the meaning formally expressed as <w x y z>. Consider also another phrase f 2 where words {A E F G} occur together with the same meaning <w t u v> as in phrase f1. Now by applying generalization to words {A B C D} and {A E F G} we obtain {A} (here, for the sake of example, we ignore the syntactic structure of f 1 and f 2). Therefore, here we can see that word A is the cause of w (has meaning w). Throughout this chapter we do take into account linguistic structures covering A B C D in addition to this list itself, applying the method of agreement.

Hence we can produce (inductive) semantics applying SG. Semantics cannot be obtained given just syntactic information of a sample; however, generalizing two or more phrases (samples), we obtain an (inductive) semantic structure, not just syntactic one. Viewing SG as an inductive cognitive procedure, transition from syntactic to semantic levels can be defined formally. In this work we do not mix syntactic and semantic features to learn a class: instead we derive semantic features from syntactic according to above inductive framework.

5.3.5 Nearest Neighbor Learning of Generalizations

To perform a classification, we apply a simple learning approach to parse tree generalization results. The simplest decision mechanism can be based on maximizing the score of generalization for an input sentence and a member of the training class. However, to maintain deterministic flavor of our approach we select the nearest neighbor method with limitation for both class to be classified and foreign classes. The following conditions hold when a sentence U is assigned to a class R + and not to the other class R :

  1. 1.

    U has a nonempty generalization (having a score above threshold) with a positive example R +. It is possible that the U has also a nonempty common generalization with a negative example R, its score should be below the one for R+ (This would mean that the tree U is similar to both positive and negative examples, with a higher score for the former than for the latter).

  2. 2.

    For any negative example R , if U is similar to R (i.e., U * R  ≠ ∅) then generalization(U, R ) should be a sub-tree of generalization(U, R +). This condition introduces the partial order on the measure of similarity. It says that to be assigned to a class, the similarity between the current sentence U and the closest (in terms of generalization) sentence from the positive class should be higher than the similarity between U and each negative example.

Condition 2 is important to properly handle the nonmonotonic nature of such feature as meaningfulness of an opinion-related sentence. As a sentence gets extended, it can repetitively become meaningless and meaningful over and over again, so we need this condition that the parse tree overlap with a foreign class is covered by the parse tree overlap with the proper class.

In this project we use a modification of nearest neighbor algorithm to tree learning domain. In our previous studies (Galitsky et al. 2009) we explained why this particular algorithm is better suited to graph data, supporting the learning explainability feature (Chap. 3). We apply a more cautious approach to classification compared to the tradition K-nearest neighbor, and some examples remain unclassified due to condition 2).

5.4 Evaluation of a Generalization-Based Search Engine

We evaluate how search precision improves, as search results obtained by default search model are re-ranked based on syntactic generalization of search. This problem is frequently referred to as passage re-ranking. The search engine covers many application areas, from document search to opinion search, and relies on various default search models from TF*IDF to location- or popularity-based search.

5.4.1 User Interface of Search Engine

The user interface is shown at Fig. 5.6. To search for an opinion, a user specifies a product class, a name of particular products, a set of its features, specific concerns and needs or interests. A search can be narrowed down to a particular source; otherwise, multiple sources of opinions (review portals, vendor-owned reviews, forums and blogs available for indexing) are combined.

Fig. 5.6
figure 6

User interface of generalization-based search engine

Opinion search results are shown on the bottom-left. For each result, a snapshot is generated indicating a product, its features which are attempted by the system to match user opinion request, and sentiments. In case of multiple sentence queries, a search result contains combined snapshot of multiple opinions from multiple sources, dynamically linked to match these queries.

Automatically generated product advertisement compliant with Google sponsored links format are shown on the right. Phrases in generated advertisements are extracted from original product web pages and possibly modified for compatibility, compactness and appeal to potential users. There is a one-to-one correspondence between products in opinion hits on the left and generated advertisements on the right (unlike in Google, where sponsored links list different websites from those on the left). Both respective business representatives and product users are encouraged to edit and add advertisements, expressing product feature highlights and usability opinions respectively.

Search phrase may combine multiple sentences, for example: “I am a beginner user of digital camera. I want to take pictures of my kids and pets. Sometimes I take it outdoors, so it should be waterproof to resist rain”. Obviously, this kind of specific opinion request can hardly be represented by keywords like ‘beginner digital camera kids pets waterproof rain’. For a multi-sentence query (Galitsky et al. 2013) the results are provides as linked search hits:

Take Pictures of Your Kids? … Canon 400D EOS Rebel XTI digital SLR camera review I am by no means a professional or long time user of SLR cameras.

How To Take Pictures Of Pets And Kids … Need help with Digital slr camera please!!!? – Yahoo! Answers I am a beginner in the world of the digital SLR …

Canon 400D EOS Rebel XTI digital SLR camera review (Website Design Tips) / Animal, pet, children, equine, livestock, farm portrait and stock I am a beginner to the slr camera world. I want to take the best picture possible because I know you. Call anytime.

Linking (↔) is determined in real time to address each part in a multi-sentence query which can be, for example, a blog posting seeking advice. Linked search results are providing comprehensive opinion on the topic of user interest, obtained from various sources.

5.4.2 Qualitative Evaluation of Search

Obviously, the generalization-based search performance is higher for longer keyword queries and natural language queries, where high sensitivity comparison of query and search results allows finding semantic relevancy between them.

We start with the example query “National Museum of Art in New York” (Fig. 5.7) which illustrates a typical search situation where a user does not know an exact name of an entity. We present the results as ordered by the generalization-based search engine, retaining the information from the original order obtained for this query on Yahoo.com (#x). Notice that the expected name of the museum is either Metropolitan Museum of Art or National Museum of Catholic Art & History.

Fig. 5.7
figure 7

Sample search results for generalization-based search engine

The match procedure needs to verify that ‘National’ and ‘Art’ from the query belong to the noun group of the main entity (museum), and this entity is linguistically connected to ‘New York’. If these two conditions are satisfied, we get the first few hits relevant (although mutually inconsistent, it is either museum or academy). As to the Yahoo sort, we can see that first few relevant hits are numbered as #5, #18, #29. Yahoo’s #0 and #1 are on the far bottom of generalization-based search engine, the above condition for ‘National’ and ‘Art’ are not satisfied, so these hits do not seem to be as relevant. Obviously, conventional search engines would have no problems delivering answers when the entity is mentioned exactly (Google does a good job answering the above query; it is perhaps achieved by learning what other people ended up clicking through).

Hence we observe that generalization helps for the queries where important components and linguistic link between them in a query has to be retained in the relevant answer abstracts. Conventional search engines use a high number of relevancy dimensions such as page rank, however for answering more complex questions syntactic similarity expressed via generalization presents substantial benefits.

We perform our quantitative evaluation of search re-ranking performance with two settings (neither relies on ML):

  1. 1.

    General web search. WE compute SG score and re-rank online according to this score. We increase the query complexity and observe the contribution of SG;

  2. 2.

    Product search in a vertical domain. We analyze various query types and evaluate how automated SG, as well as the one augmented by manually constructed templates, help to improve search relevance.

5.4.3 Evaluation of Web Search Relevance Improvement

Evaluation of search included an assessment of classification accuracy for search results as relevant vs irrelevant. Since we used the generalization score between the query and each hit snapshot, we drew a threshold of five highest score results as relevant class and the rest of search results as irrelevant. We used the Yahoo search API and also Bing search API and applied the generalization score to find the highest score hits from first 50 Yahoo and Bing search results (Table 5.2). We selected 400 queries for each set from the log of searches for eBay products and eBay entertainment, which were phrased as broad web searches. For each query, the relevance was estimated as a percentage of correct hits among the first ten, using the values: {correct, marginally correct, incorrect}. Evaluation was conducted by the authors. Third and second rows from the bottom contain classification results for the queries of 3–4 keywords which is slightly more complex than an average one (3 keywords); and significantly more complex queries of 5–7 keywords respectively.

Table 5.2 Evaluation of general web search relevance improvement by SG

For a typical search query containing 3–4 words, SG is not in use. One can see that for a 5–7 word phrases SG decreases the accuracy and should not be used. However, for longer queries the results are encouraging (almost 4% improvement), showing a visible improvement over current Yahoo and Bing searches once the results are re-ranked based on SG. Substantial improvement can be seen for multi-sentence queries as well.

5.4.4 Evaluation of Product Search

We conducted evaluation of relevance of SG – enabled search engine, based on Yahoo and Bing search engine APIs. This evaluation was based on eBay product search domain, with a particular focus on entertainment / things-to-do related queries. Evaluation set included a wide range of queries, from simple questions referring to a particular product, a particular user need, as well as a multi-sentence forum-style request to share a recommendation. In our evaluation we split the totality of queries into noun-phrase class, verb-phrase class, how-to class, and also independently split in accordance to query length (from 3 keywords to multiple sentences). The evaluation was conducted by the authors, based on proprietary search quality evaluation logs.

For an individual query, the relevance was estimated as a percentage of correct hits among the first ten, using the values: {correct, marginally correct, incorrect}. Accuracy of a single search session is calculated as the percentage of correct search results plus half of the percentage of marginally correct search results. Accuracy of a particular search setting (query type and search engine type) is calculated, averaging through 20 search sessions. This measure is more suitable for product-related searches delivering multiple products, than Mean Reciprocal Rank (MRR), calculated as

$$ 1/n{\sum}_{\mathrm{i}=1\dots \mathrm{n}}1/{rk}_i $$

where n is the number of questions, and rk i is the rank of the first correct answer to question i. MRR is used for evaluation of a search for information, which can be contained in a single (best) answer, whereas a product search might include multiple valid answers.

For each type of phrase for queries, we formed a positive set of 2000 correct answers and 10,000 incorrect answers (snippets) for training; evaluation is based on 20 searches. These answers were formed from the quality assurance dataset used to improve existing production search engine before the current project started. To compare the relevance values between search settings, we used first 100 search results obtained for a query by Yahoo and Bing APIs, and then re-sorted them according to the score of the given search setting (SG score). The results are shown in Table 5.3.

Table 5.3 Evaluation of product search with manual relevance rules

The answers we select by SG from our evaluation dataset can be a false positive, for example ‘Which US president conducted a war in Iraq?’ answered by ‘The rabbit is in the bush’, or a false negative in case it is not available or SG operation with the correct answer failed.

To further improve the product search relevance in eBay setting, we added manually formed templates that are formed to enforce proper matching with popular questions which are relatively complex, such as

  • see-VB *-JJ -*{movie-NN ∪ picture-NN ∪ film-NN } of-PRP best-JJ {director-NN ∪ producer-NN ∪ artist-NN ∪ academy-NN} award-NN [for-PRP], to match questions with phrases

  • Recommend me a movie which got academy award for best director

  • Cannes Film Festival Best director award movie

  • Give me a movie with National Film Award for Best Producer

  • Academy award for best picture

  • Movies of greatest film directors of all time

Totally 235 templates were added, 10–20 per each entertainment category or genre. Search relevance results for manual templates are shown in Table 5.3 column 6.

One can observe that for rather complex queries, we have 64–67% relevance improvement, using manually coded templates, compared to baseline horizontal product search provided by Yahoo and Bing APIs. Automated relevance learning has 30% improvement over baseline for simpler question, 39% for more complex phrases and 36% for multi-sentence queries.

It is worth comparing our search re-ranking accuracy with other studies of learning parse trees, especially statistical approach such as tree kernels (Galitsky et al. 2014). In the TREC dataset of question, (Moschitti 2008) used a number of various tree kernels to evaluate the accuracy of re-ranking of Google search results. In Moschitti’s approach, questions are classified as relevant or irrelevant based on building tree kernels from all common sub-trees, and using SVM to build a boundary between the classes. The authors achieved 65% over the baseline (Google in 2008) in a specific domain of definitional questions by using word sequences and parsing results-based kernel. In our opinion these results for an educational domain are comparable with our results of real-world product related queries without manual templates. As we demonstrate in this chapter, using manual templates in product searches further increases search relevance for complex multi-phrased questions.

In some learning setting tree kernel approach can provide explicit commonality expressions, similar to the SG approach. (Pighin and Moschitti 2009) show the examples of automatically learned commonality expressions for selected classification tasks, which are significantly simpler than commonality structures. Definitional questions from TREC evaluation (Voorhees 2004) are frequently less ambiguous and better structured than longer queries of real-world users. The maximal common sub-trees are linear structures (and can be reduced to common phrases) such as

  • president-NN (very specific)

  • and (VP(VBD)(NP)(PP(IN)(NP)))(very broad).

5.5 Evaluation of Text Classification Problems

5.5.1 Comparative Performance Analysis in Text Classification Domains

To evaluate expressiveness and sensitivity of SG operation and associated scoring system, we applied the nearest neighbor algorithm to the series of text classification tasks outlined in Sect. 5.2 (Table 5.4). We form a few datasets for each problem, conduct independent evaluation for this dataset and then average the resultant accuracy (F-measure). Building of the training and evaluation datasets of texts, as well as class assignments, was done by the authors. Half of each set was used for training, and the other half for evaluation; the spilt was random but no cross-validation was conducted. Due to the nature of the problem, the positive sets are larger than the negative sets for sensible/meaningless and ad line problems. For epistemic state classification, the negative set includes all other epistemic states or no state at all.

Table 5.4 Accuracies of text classification problems

For digital camera reviews, we classify each sentence with respect to sensible/meaningless classes by two approaches:

  • A baseline WEKA C4.5, as a popular text classification approach;

  • SG – based approach.

We demonstrate that a traditional text classification approach poorly handles such a complex classification task, in particular due to slight differences between phrasings for these classes, and the property of non-monotonicity. Using SG instead of WEKA C4.5 brought us 16.1% increase in F-measure for the set of digital camera reviews. In other domains in Table 5.4, being more traditional for text classification, we do not expect as dramatic improvement (not shown).

Rows 4–7 contain classification data for the reviews on different products, and variability in accuracies can be explained by various levels of diversity in phrasings. For example, the ways people express their feelings about cars is much more diverse than that of about kitchen appliances. Therefore, the accuracy of the former task is lower than that of the latter task. One can see that it is hard to form verbalized rules for the classes, and the hypotheses are mostly domain-dependent; therefore, substantial coverage of varieties of phrasing is required.

To form the training set for ad lines information extraction, we collected positive examples from existing Google ads, scraping more than 2000 ad lines. The precision for extraction of such lines for the same five categories of products is higher than the one for the above tasks of sensible/meaningless classes. A the same time, the recall of the former is lower than that of the latter, and the resultant F-measure is slightly higher for ad lines information extraction, although the complexity of this problem is significantly lower. In can be explained by a rather high variability of acceptable ad lines (‘sales pitches’) which have not been captured by the training set.

Overall, the recognition accuracy of the epistemic state classification is higher than for the other two domains because manually built templates for particular states cover a significant portion of cases. At the same time, recognition accuracy for particular epistemic states significantly varies from state to state and is mostly determined by how well various phrasings are covered in the training dataset. We used the same set of reviews as we did for evaluation of the meaningless sentences classification and manually selected sentences where the epistemic state of interest was explicitly mentioned or can be unambiguously inferred. For the evaluation dataset, we recognized which epistemic state exists in each of 200 sentences. Frequently, there are two or more of such states (without contradictions) per sentence. Note also that epistemic states overlap. Low classification accuracy occurs when classes are defined approximately and the boundary between them are fuzzy and beyond of what can be expressed in NL. Therefore, we observe that SG gives us some semantic cues which would be hard to obtain at the level of keywords or superficial parsing.

5.5.2 Example of Recognizing Meaningless Sentences

We use two sorts of training examples to demonstrate typical classes of meaningless sentences which express customer opinions. The first class is specific to the expression of the type <entity – sentiment – for – possible_feature >. In most cases, this possible_feature is related to entity, characterizes it. However, in this sentence it is not the case: ‘For the remainder of the trip the camera was just fine; not even a crack or scratch’. Here possible_feature = ‘remainder of the trip’ which is not a feature of entity=’camera’ so we want all sentences similar to this one to be classified as meaningless. To obtain a hypothesis for that, we generalize the above phrase with a sentence like ‘For the whole trip we did not have a chance to use this nice camera’:

  • { [for – DT – trip], [camera ]}

The latter sentence can be further generalized with ‘I bought Sony in Walwart but did not use this adorable thing’. We obtain {[not – use]} which gives a new meaning of meaningless sentences, where an entity is ‘was not used’ and therefore the sentiment is irrelevant.

What is important for classification is that generalizations obtained from negative examples are not annihilated in positive examples such as ‘I could not use the camera’, so the expected positive hypothesis will include {[sentiment – NN](NN=entity)} where ‘could not use’ as a subtree should be substituted as <sentiment> placeholder. Hence the generalization of the sentence to be classified ‘I didn’t have time to use the Canon camera which is my friend’s’ with the above negative hypothesis is not a subsumption of (empty) generalization with the above positive hypothesis (and will not be classified as a meaningful opinion sentence).

As one can see, the main barrier to high classification accuracy is the fact that the feature of being meaningless is not monotonic with respect to expanding sentence. A short sentence ‘I liked the Panasonic camera’ is meaningful, its extension ‘I liked the Panasonic camera as a gift of my friend’ is not because the sentiment is now associated with gift. The further expansion of this sentence ‘I liked the Panasonic camera as a gift of my friend because of nice zoom’ is meaningful again since nice zoom is informative.

This case of montonicity can be handled by nearest neighbor learning with moderate success, and it is a very hard case for kernel-based methods because a positive area occurs inside a negative area in turn surrounded by a broader positive area; therefore it can not be separated by hyperplanes, so non-linear SVM kernels would be required (which is not a typical case for text classification types of SVM).

There is another application area such as programming in NL where recognition of meaningless sentences is essential (Galitsky and Usikov 2008).

5.6 Implementation of OpenNLP.Similarity Component

OpenNLP.Similarity component performs text relevance assessment, accepting two portions of texts (phrases, sentences, paragraphs) and returning a similarity score.

Similarity component can be used on top of search to improve relevance, computing similarity score between a question and all search results (snippets). Also, this component is useful for web mining of images, videos, forums, blogs, and other media with textual descriptions. Such applications as content generation and filtering meaningless speech recognition results are included in the sample applications of this component. The objective of Similarity component is to give an application engineer a tool for text relevance that can be used as a black box, so that no deep understanding of computational linguistics or machine learning is required.

5.6.1 First Use Case of Similarity Component: Search

To start with this component, please refer to SearchResultsProcessorTest.java in package opennlp.tools.similarity.apps

public void testSearchOrder() runs web search using Bing API and improves search relevance.

Look at the code of

public List<HitBase> runSearch(String query)

 and then at

private BingResponse calculateMatchScoreResortHits(BingResponse resp , String searchQuery)

 which gets search results from Bing and re-ranks them based on computed similarity score.

The main entry to Similarity component is

SentencePairMatchResult matchRes = sm.assessRelevance(snapshot, searchQuery);

 where we pass the search query and the snapshot and obtain the similarity assessment structure which includes the similarity score.

To run this test you need to obtain search API key from Bing at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure / and specify it in

  • public class BingQueryRunner in

  • protected static final String APP_ID.

5.6.2 Solving a Content Generation Problem

To demonstrate the usability of Similarity component to tackle a problem which is hard to solve without a linguistic-based technology, we introduce a content generation component:


The entry point here is the function call

hits = f.generateContentAbout("Albert Einstein");

 which writes a biography of Albert Einstein by finding sentences on the web about various kinds of his activities (such as ‘born’, ‘graduate’, ‘invented’ etc.).

The key here is to compute similarity between the seed expression like “Albert Einstein invented relativity theory” and search result like

Albert Einstein College of Medicine | Medical Education | Biomedical …

www.einstein.yu.edu/Albert Einstein College of Medicine is one of the nation’s premier institutions for medical education, …

and filter out irrelevant search results like this one.

This is done in function

public HitBase augmentWithMinedSentencesAndVerifyRelevance(HitBase item, String originalSentence, List<String> sentsAll) SentencePairMatchResult matchRes = sm.assessRelevance(pageSentence + " " + title, originalSentence);

You can consult the results in ‘gen.txt’, where an essay on Einstein bio is written.

5.6.3 Filtering Out Meaningless Speech Recognition Results

Speech recognitions SDKs usually produce a number of phrases as results, such as

  • remember to buy milk tomorrow from trader joes ,

  • remember to buy milk tomorrow from 3 to jones

One can see that the former is meaningful, and the latter is meaningless (although similar in terms of how it is pronounced). We use web mining and Similarity component to detect a meaningful option (a mistake caused by trying to interpret meaningless request by a query understanding system such as Siri for iPhone can be costly).

  • SpeechRecognitionResultsProcessor.java does the job:

public List<SentenceMeaningfullnessScore> runSearchAndScoreMeaningfulness(List<String> sents )

re-ranks the phrases in the order of decrease of meaningfulness.

Similarity component internals are in the package opennlp.tools.textsimilarity.chunker2matcher

ParserChunker2MatcherProcessor.java does parsing of two portions of text and matching the resultant parse trees to assess similarity between

these portions of text.

To run ParserChunker2MatcherProcessor

private static String MODEL_DIR = "resources/models"; needs to be specified.

The key function

public SentencePairMatchResult assessRelevance(String para1, String para2)

takes two portions of text and does similarity assessment by finding the set of all maximum common subtrees of the set of parse trees for each portion of text. It splits paragraphs into sentences, parses them, obtained chunking information and produces grouped phrases (noun, verb, prepositional etc.):

public synchronized List<List<ParseTreeChunk>> formGroupedPhrasesFromChunksForPara(String para)

and then attempts to find common subtrees:

ParseTreeMatcherDeterministic.java List<List<ParseTreeChunk>> res = md.matchTwoSentencesGroupedChunksDeterministic( sent1GrpLst, sent2GrpLst)

Phrase matching functionality is in package



Here is the key matching function which takes two phrases, aligns them and finds a set of maximum common sub-phrase

   public List<ParseTreeChunk> generalizeTwoGroupedPhrasesDeterministic

Package structure is as follows:

  • opennlp.tools.similarity.apps: 3 main applications

  • opennlp.tools.similarity.apps.utils: utilities for above applications

opennlp.tools.textsimilarity.chunker2matcher: parser which converts text into a form for matching parse trees

  • opennlp.tools.textsimilarity: parse tree matching functionality.

5.6.4 Comparison with Bag-of-Words Approach

We first demonstrate how similarity expression for DIFFERENT cases have too high score for bagOfWords

String phrase1 = "How to deduct rental expense from income ";

String phrase2 = "How to deduct repair expense from rental income.";

List<List<ParseTreeChunk>> matchResult = parser.assessRelevance(phrase1,


assertEquals (


  "[[ [NN-expense IN-from NN-income ], [JJ-rental NN-* ], [NN-income ]], [ [TO-to VB-deduct JJ-rental NN-* ], [VB-deduct NN-expense IN-from NN-income ]]]");

System. out .println(matchResult);

double matchScore = parseTreeChunkListScorer


double bagOfWordsScore = parserBOW.assessRelevanceAndGetScore(phrase1,


assertTrue (matchScore + 2 < bagOfWordsScore);

System. out .println("MatchScore is adequate ( = " + matchScore

  + ") and bagOfWordsScore = " + bagOfWordsScore + " is too high");

We now demonstrate how similarity can be captured by POS and cannot be captured by bagOfWords

phrase1 = "Way to minimize medical expense for my daughter";

phrase2 = "Means to deduct educational expense for my son";

matchResult = parser.assessRelevance(phrase1, phrase2).getMatchResult();

assertEquals (


  "[[ [JJ-* NN-expense IN-for PRP$-my NN-* ], [PRP$-my NN-* ]], [ [TO-to VB-* JJ-* NN-expense IN-for PRP$-my NN-* ]]]");

System. out .println(matchResult);

matchScore = parseTreeChunkListScorer


bagOfWordsScore = parserBOW.assessRelevanceAndGetScore(phrase1, phrase2);

assertTrue (matchScore > 2 * bagOfWordsScore);

System. out .println("MatchScore is adequate ( = " + matchScore

  + ") and bagOfWordsScore = " + bagOfWordsScore + " is too low");

5.7 Related Work

Most work in automated semantic inference from syntax deals with much lower semantic level than the semantic classes we manage in this chapter. de Salvo Braz et al. (2005) present a principled, integrated approach to semantic entailment. The authors developed an expressive knowledge representation that provides a hierarchical encoding of structural, relational and semantic properties of the text and populated it using a variety of machine learning based tools. An inferential mechanism over a knowledge representation that supports both abstractions and several levels of representations allowed them to begin to address important issues in abstracting over the variability in natural language. Certain reasoning patterns from this work are implicitly implemented by parsing tree matching approach proposed in the current study.

Notice that the set of semantic problems addressed in this chapter is of a much higher semantic level compared to semantic role labeling; therefore, more sensitive tree matching algorithm is required for such semantic level. Semantic role labeling does not aim to produce complete formal meanings, in contrast to our approach. Our classification classes such as meaningful opinion, proper extraction and relevant/irrelevant search results are at rather high semantic level, but cannot be fully formalized; it is hard to verbalize criteria for these classes even for human experts.

Usually, classical approaches to semantic inference rely on complex logical representations. However, practical applications usually adopt shallower lexical or lexical-syntactic representations, but lack a principled inference framework. Bar-Haim et al. (2005) proposed a generic semantic inference framework that operates directly on syntactic trees. New trees are inferred by applying entailment rules, which provide a unified representation for varying types of inferences. Rules are generated by manual and automatic methods, covering generic linguistic structures as well as specific lexical-based inferences. The current work deals with syntactic tree transformation in the graph learning framework (compare with Chakrabarti and Faloutsos 2006, Kapoor and Ramesh 1995), treating various phrasings for the same meaning in a more unified and automated manner.

Traditionally, semantic parsers are constructed manually, or are based on manually constructed semantic ontologies, but these are is too delicate and costly. A number of supervised learning approaches to building formal semantic representation have been proposed (Zettlemoyer and Collins 2005). Unsupervised approaches have been proposed as well, however they applied to shallow semantic tasks (e.g., paraphrasing (Lin and Pantel 2001), information extraction (Banko et al. 2007), and semantic parsing (Poon and Domingos 2008). The problem domain in the current study required much deeper handling syntactic peculiarities to perform classification into semantic classes. In terms of learning, our approach is closer in merits to unsupervised learning of complete formal semantic representation. Compared to semantic role labeling (Carreras and Marquez 2004) and other forms of shallow semantic processing, our approach maps text to formal meaning representations, obtained via generalization.

In the past, unsupervised approaches have been applied to some semantic tasks. For example, DIRT (Lin and Pantel 2001) learns paraphrases of binary relations based on distributional similarity of their arguments; TextRunner (Banko et al. 2007) automatically extracts relational triples in open domains using a self-trained extractor; SNE system applies relational clustering to generate a semantic network from TextRunner triples (Kok and Domingos 2008). While these systems illustrate the promise of unsupervised methods, the semantic content they extract is nonetheless shallow and we believe it is insufficient for the benchmarking problems presented in this chapter.

A number of semantic-based approaches have been suggested for problems similar to the four ones used for evaluation in this work. Lamberti et al. (2009) proposed a relation-based page rank algorithm to augment Semantic Web search engines. It employs data extracted from user query and annotated resource. Relevance is measured as the probability that retrieved resource actually contains those relations whose existence was assumed by the user at the time of query definition. In this chapter we demonstrated how such problem as search results ranking can be solved based on semantic generalizations based on local data – just queries and search result snippets.

Statistical learning has been applied to syntactic parse trees as well. Statistical approaches are generally based on stochastic models (Zhang et al. 2008). Given a model and an observed word sequence, semantic parsing can be viewed as a pattern recognition problem and statistical decoding can be used to find the most likely semantic representation.

Convolution kernels are an alternative to the explicit feature design which we performed in this chapter. They measure similarity between two syntactic trees in terms of their sub-structures (e.g. Collins and Duffy 2002). These approaches use embedded combinations of trees and vectors (e.g. all vs all summation, each tree and vector of the first object are evaluated against each tree and vector of the second object) and have given optimal results (Moschitti et al. 2006) handling the semantic rolling tasks. For example, given the question “What does S.O.S stand for?”, the following representations are used, where the different trees are: the question parse tree, the bag-of-words tree, the bag-of-POS-tags tree and the predicate argument tree

  1. 1.

    (SBARQ (WHNP (WP What))(SQ (AUX does)(NP (NNP S.O.S.))(VP (VB stand)(PP (IN for)));

  2. 2.

    (What *)(does *)(S.O.S. *)(stand *)(for *)(? *);

  3. 3.

    (WP *)(AUX *)(NNP *)(VB *)(IN *)(. *);

  4. 4.

    (ARG0 (R-A1 (What *)))(ARG1 (A1 (S.O.S. NNP)))(ARG2 (rel stand)).

Although statistical approaches will most likely find practical application, we believe that currently structural machine learning approaches would give a more explicit insight on important featured of syntactic parse trees.

Web-based metrics that compute the semantic similarity between words or terms (Iosif and Potamianos 2009) are complementary to our measure of similarity. The fundamental assumption is used that similarity of context implies similarity of meaning, relevant web documents are downloaded via a web search engine and the contextual information of words of interest is compared (context-based similarity metrics). It is shown that context-based similarity metrics significantly outperform co-occurrence based metrics, in terms of correlation with human judgment.

5.8 Conclusions

In this chapter we demonstrated that such high-level sentences semantic features as being meaningful, informative and relevant can be learned from the low level linguistic data of complete parse tree. Unlike the traditional approaches to multilevel derivation of semantics from syntax, we explored the possibility of linking low level but detailed syntactic level with high-level pragmatic and semantic levels directly.

For a few decades, most approaches to NL semantics relied on mapping to First Order Logic representations with a general prover and without using acquired rich knowledge sources. Significant development in NLP, specifically the ability to acquire knowledge and induce some level of abstract representation is expected to support more sophisticated and robust approaches. A number of recent approaches are based on shallow representations of the text that capture lexico-syntactic relations based on dependency structures and are mostly built from grammatical functions extending keyword matching (Durme et al. 2003). Such semantic information as WordNet’s lexical chains (Moldovan et al. 2003) can slightly enrich the representation. Learning various logic representations (Thompson et al. 1997) is reported to improve accuracy as well. de Salvo Braz et al. (2003) makes global use of a large number of resources and attempts to develop a flexible, hierarchical representation and an inference algorithm for it. However, we believe neither of these approaches reaches the high semantic level required for practical application.

Moschitti et al. (2008) proposed several kernel functions to model parse tree properties in kernel-based machines such as perceptrons or support vector machines. In this chapter, instead of tackling a high dimensional space of features formed from syntactic parse trees, we apply a structural machine learning approach to learn syntactic parse trees themselves, measuring similarities via sub-parse trees and not distances in the feature space. Moschitti et al. (2008) define different kinds of tree kernels as general approaches to feature engineering for semantic role labeling and conduct experiments with such kernels to investigate their contribution to individual stages of the semantic role labeling architecture both in isolation and in combination with other traditional manually coded features. The results for boundary recognition, classification, and re-ranking stages provide systematic evidence about the significant impact of tree kernels on the overall accuracy, especially when the amount of training data is small. Structure-based methods of this chapter can leverage limited amount of training cases too.

The tree kernel method assumes we are dealing with arbitrary trees. In this chapter we are interested in properties of linguistic parse trees only, so the method of matching is specific to them. We use the tree rewrite rules specific to parse trees, significantly reducing the dimension of feature space we operate with. In our other studies Galitsky et al. (2011b) we used ontologies, further reducing the size of common subtrees. Table 5.5 performs the further comparative analysis of tree kernel and SG approaches.

Table 5.5 Comparative analysis of two approaches to parse tree learning

Structural method allows combining learning and rule-based approaches to improve the accuracy, visibility and explainability of text classification. Explainability of machine learning results is a key feature in industrial environment. Quality assurance personnel should be able to verify the reason for every decision of automated system.

Visibility show all intermediate generalization results, which allows tracking of how class separation rules are built at each level (pair-wise generalization, generalization ^ sentence, generalization ^ generalization, (generalization ^ generalization) ^ generalization, etc.). Among the disadvantages of SVM (Suykens et al. 2003) is a lack of transparence of results: it is hard to represent the similarity as a simple parametric function, since the dimension of feature space is rather high. While the tree kernel approach is statistical AI, the proposed approach follows along the line of logical AI traditionally applied in linguistics two–three decades ago.

Parsing and chunking (conducted by OpenNLP) followed by SG are significantly slower than other conventional operations in a content management system such as indexing and comparable with operations like duplicate search. Verifying relevance, application of SG should be preceded by statistical keyword-based methods. In real time application components, such as search, we use conventional TF*IDF based approach (such as SOLR/Lucene) to find a set of candidate answers of up to 100 from millions of documents and then apply SG for each candidate. For off-line components, we use parallelized map/reduce jobs (Hadoop) to apply parsing and SG to large volumes of data. This approach allowed a successful combination of efficiency and relevance for serving more than ten million unique site users monthly at datran.com/allvoices.com, zvents.com and stubhub.com.

Proposed approach is tolerant to errors in parsing. For more complex sentences where parsing errors are likely, using OpenNLP, we select multiple versions of parsings and their estimated confidence levels (probabilities). Then we cross-match these versions and if parsings with lower confidence levels provide a higher match score, we select them.

In this chapter we manually encoded paraphrases for more accurate sentence generalizations. Automated unsupervised acquisition of paraphrase has been an active research field in recent years, but its effective coverage and performance have rarely been evaluated. Romano et al. (2006) proposed a generic paraphrase-based approach for a specific case such as relation extraction to obtain a generic configuration for relations between objects from text. There is a need for novel robust models for matching paraphrases in texts, which should address syntactic complexity and variability. We believe the current study is a next step in that direction.

Similarly to the above studies, we address the semantic inference in a domain-independent manner. At the same time, in contrast to most semantic inference projects, we narrow ourselves to a very specific semantic domain (limited set of classes), solving a number of practical problems for chatbots. Learned structures would significantly vary from one semantic domain to another, in contrast to general linguistic resources designed for horizontal domains.

Complexity of SG operation is constant. Computing relation Γ 2 ≤ Γ 1 for arbitrary graphs Γ 2 and Γ 1 is an NP-complete problem (since it is a generalization of the subgraph isomorphism problem from (Garey and Johnson 1979)). Finding X ^ Y = Z for arbitrary X, Y, and Z is generally an NP-hard problem. In (Ganter and Kuznetsov 2001) a method based on so-called projections was proposed, which allows one to establish a trade-off between accuracy of representation by labeled graphs and complexity of computations with them. Pattern structures consist of objects with descriptions (called patterns) that allow a semilattice operation on them. Pattern structures arise naturally from ordered data, e.g., from labeled graphs ordered by graph morphisms. It is shown that pattern structures can be reduced to formal contexts; in most cases processing the former is more efficient and obvious than processing the latter. Concepts, implications, plausible hypotheses, and classifications are defined for data given by pattern structures. Since computation in pattern structures may be intractable, approximations of patterns by means of projections are introduced. It is shown how concepts, implications, hypotheses, and classifications in projected pattern structures are related to those in original ones (Strok et al. 2014; Makhalova et al. 2015).

In particular, for a fixed size of projections, the worst-case time complexity of computing operation ^ and testing relation becomes constant. Application of projections was tested in various experiments with chemical (molecular) graphs (Kuznetsov and Samokhin 2005) and conflict graphs (Galitsky et al. 2009). As to the complexity of tree kernel algorithms, they can be run in linear average time O(m + n), where m and n are number of nodes in a first and second trees (Moschitti 2008).

Using semantic information for query ranking has been proposed in (Aleman-Meza et al. 2003; Ding et al. 2004). However, we believe the current study is a pioneering one in deriving semantic information required for ranking from syntactic parse tree directly. In our further studies we plan to proceed from syntactic parse trees to higher semantic level and to explore applications which would benefit from it.

The code for SG is available at https://github.com/bgalitsky/relevance-based-on-parse-trees/tree/master/src/main/java/opennlp/tools/textsimilarity.