8.1 Introduction

With increasing popularity of virtual assistants like SIRI and Google Now, users are interacting with search systems by asking natural language questions that often contain named entity mentions. A large-scale study by Pang and Kumar [40] observed statistically significant temporal increases in the fraction of questions–queries received by search engines and searchers tend to use more question–queries for complex information needs [3]. In case of web search engines, a large fraction of queries contain a named entity (estimates vary from 40% [31] to 60% [42]). Hence, fast and correct identification of named entities in user queries is crucial for query understanding and to map the query to information in structured knowledge base. Advancements in semantic search technology have enabled modern information retrieval systems to utilize structured knowledge bases such as DBPedia [2] and Yago [45] to satisfy users’ information needs.

Most of the existing works on entity linking focus on linking the entities in long documents [26, 30]. These methods make use of the large context around the target mention in the document. Therefore, these methods are limited to perform on long text documents. However, some methods have been proposed that perform entity linking in short sentences [20, 27]. They rely on the collective disambiguation [15] of all the entity mentions appear in the sentences. Thus, these methods take long time in computing the confidence scores for all the combinations.

Most of the existing work on entity linking in search queries utilizes information derived from query logs and open knowledge bases such as DBPedia and Freebase (Sect. 8.2). Such techniques, however, are not suited for enterprise and domain-specific search systems such as legal, medical, and healthcare, due to very small user bases resulting in small query logs and the absence of rich domain-specific knowledge bases. Recently, there have been development of systems for automatic construction of semantic knowledge bases for domain-specific corpora [12, 48] and systems that use such domain-specific knowledge bases [38]. In this chapter, we describe a method for entity disambiguation and linking, developed especially for enterprise settings, where such external resources are often not available. The proposed system offers users a search interface to search for the indexed information and uses the underlying knowledge base to enhance search results and provide additional entity-centric data exploration capabilities that allow users to explore hidden relationships between entities discovered automatically from a domain-specific corpus.

The system automatically constructs a structured knowledge base by identifying entities and their relationships from input text corpora using the method described by Castelli et al. [12]. Thus, for each relationship discovered by the system, the corresponding mention text provides additional contextual information about the entities and relationships present in that mention. We posit that the dense graph structure discovered from the corpus, as well as the additional context provided by the associated mention text, can be utilized together for linking entity name mentions in search queries to corresponding entities in the graph. Our proposed entity linking algorithm is intuitive, relies on a theoretical sound probabilistic framework, and is fast and scalable with an average response time of ≈87 ms. Figure 8.1 shows the working of proposed algorithm in action where top ranked suggestions for named mentions Sergey and Larry are showed. As will be described in detail in Sect. 8.3, note that the algorithm is making these suggestions by utilizing the terms in questions (search, algorithm) as well as relationships between all target entities for mentions “Sergey” and “Larry” in the graph. The algorithm figures out that entities “Sergey Brin” and “Larry Page” have strong evidences from their textual content as well as these two entities are strongly connected in the graph, and hence they are suggested as most probable relevant entities in the context of question.

Fig. 8.1
figure 1

Entity suggestions produced by proposed approach using text and entity context in search query

The material presented in this chapter is an extended version of our ESWC 2016 paper [5], and we provide a detailed survey of the representative work on entity linking and discuss their shortcomings when applied to enterprise settings. We describe our proposed approach in detail with several examples to illustrate the working of the algorithm. We hope that the additional details will help the readers, especially beginners and practitioners, to understand the finer details and workings of the proposed approach and will help them implement the approach for their custom applications.

8.2 Related Work

We first discuss early works that provide the foundation for the general entity linking task and define the problem in context of knowledge graphs. We then review representative works that addressed entity linking in longer documents as well as much shorter text fragments such as web queries and tweets.

8.2.1 Entity Linking Background

At its core, the problem of entity linking is similar to the general problem of record linkage that was first introduced by Dunn [18] in the context of assembling all public records of an individual. This idea was further popularized by Newcombe et al. [39] that proposed the use of computers to link multiple separately recorded pieces of information about a particular person or family for census applications. In general, record linkage refers to the task of finding and linking records about an entity spread across multiple datasets. This is an extensively studied problem in the field of databases and data mining, and a detailed survey is out of the scope of this chapter. We direct the interested reader to excellent surveys on this topic by Brizan and Tansel [11] and Christen [14].

Entity linking, as studied in this chapter, refers to the task of linking the mention of a named entity in text (a sentence, keyword query, etc.) to the corresponding entity in a knowledge base. Let us consider the following piece of text about Barack Obama to understand the challenges involved.

Barack Obama served as the 44th President of the United States from 2009 to 2017. He was born in Honolulu, Hawaii. Obama has two daughters.

A named entity recognizer [35, 37] when run on the above text will be able to identify Barack Obama and Obama as two named entities. However, these two different surface forms correspond to the same entity BarackObama in the underlying knowledge base. Hence, it is required for the system to be able to identify that these two different mentions are variations of the same entity name and link them to the same canonical entity, a task known as entity normalization [29]. Also, note that in the above example text, the pronoun he also refers to Barack Obama. This task of determining different expressions (nouns, pronouns, etc.) that refer to the same entity is known as coreference resolution [19]. Note that depending upon the requirements, it may also be required to perform coreference resolution and entity normalization across multiple documents [4, 28, 41]. While the tasks of named entity recognition, coreference resolution, and entity normalization have been studied extensively, entity linking involves the additional step of aligning the identified and normalized entity mention to its corresponding entity in the knowledge base.

8.2.2 Linking Entities in Documents and Web Pages

Entity linking has been studied under various application scenarios. SemTag [17] was one of the first systems to consider the task of linking entities in web pages to entities in a knowledge base (Stanford TAP entity catalog [22]). Wikipedia, owing to exhaustive coverage of general concepts, has been used as the underlying knowledge base to link entity mentions in documents, web pages, news articles, etc. [15, 26, 34, 36, 43]. Mihalcea and Csomai [34] introduced the Wikify! system to extract keywords from documents and link them to their corresponding Wikipedia pages. Cucerzan [15] utilized Wikipedia category information, in addition to contextual similarities between documents and Wikipedia based features entity normalization and linking. Kulkarni et al. [30] premised that entities mentioned in a coherent document are topically related and showed that utilizing this information to collectively link entities in a document can help improve performance. Hoffart et al. [26] proposed a comprehensive framework for collective entity disambiguation and linking that combines local contextual information about the input mention with coherence among candidate entities for all entity mentions together.

8.2.3 Linking Entities in Short Text Fragments

The methods discussed till now have focused on performing entity linking for longer documents like web pages, news articles, etc. Such documents generally contain enough contextual clues as well as additional metadata that could aid identifying appropriate mentions. In case of shorter text documents, such as microblogs, or web search queries that are generally a few keywords long, successful entity linking has to rely on specific application specific contextual clues and metadata in absence of large document context. For example, in case of linking entity mentions in tweets, user characteristics, interest profiles, social network properties such as retweets and likes can be utilized [23, 32, 44]. Ferragina and Scaiella [20] utilize the anchor texts of Wikipedia articles to construct a dictionary of different surface forms or name variations for entities and use that to identify entity mentions in short text fragments. The final set of target entities is then determined by collective agreement among different potential mappings. Hoffart et al. [27] describe an algorithm that performs collective entity linking by computing overlap between the sets of keywords associated with each target entity. For creating the set of keywords, noun phrases from Wikipedia entity pages are used. The proposed algorithm achieves good performance for both short and long texts, as well as for less popular, long tail entities.

Another challenging setting for performing entity linking is in the context of web search queries that are often just a collection of few keywords. Typical ways to perform entity linking in such systems is to approximate semantic similarity between queries and entities by utilizing their respective language models [21, 25]. Successful identification and linking of entity mentions in queries can also help improve retrieval performance by means of query expansion using entity features from the knowledge base [16]. Another challenge for entity linking in search systems is that it has to be performed before the actual retrieval takes place and thus, needs to be completed in just a few milliseconds. Blanco, Ottaviano, and Meij [10] describe a space efficient algorithm for entity linking for web search queries that is able to process queries in sub-milliseconds time.

These methods use features derived from query logs to gather user context, target documents, etc., to get context. However, in many enterprise systems, such additional metadata is not readily available [7]. Further, the knowledge bases used in such systems may not be as rich as Wikipedia lacking hyperlinks, metadata, etc., and are often constructed using automated methods [8]. However, context is important [6]. In this work, we discuss how we can utilize the limited context available in the input query (text, entity mentions) and utilize the textual information in background corpus coupled with rich graph structure to perform entity linking in enterprise search systems.

8.3 Proposed Approach

We first describe the problem setting and our assumptions, and provide a probabilistic formulation of the entity linking problem. We also discuss how different application settings can be mapped to the proposed formulation and then provide a solution for entity linking that utilizes structural properties of entities in the knowledge graph and information from the background text corpus.

8.3.1 Problem Setting

Let us consider a knowledge graph \(\mathcal {K = \{E,R\}}\) where \(\mathcal {E}\) is the set of entities (nodes) and \(\mathcal {R}\) is the set of relationships (edges). Let us also assume the availability of a background text corpus \(\mathcal {C}\).Footnote 1 Let \(\mathcal {M}_r\) be the set of all the mentions of the relationship r in the background text corpus. As an example, consider the relationship 〈SteveJobs〉, founderOf, 〈AppleInc.〉 and one of its many mentions from Wikipedia, “Jobs and Wozniak co-founded Apple in 1976 to sell Wozniak’s Apple I personal computer.” Note that in addition to the relationship under consideration, this mention also provides additional contextual clues about the entities SteveJobs and AppleInc. (Wozniak, personal computer are related to Steve Jobs and Apple Inc.)

8.3.2 Problem Formulation

Let Q = {C, T} be the input query where T is the ambiguous token, and C = {E c, W c} is the context under which we have to disambiguate T. The context is provided by the words (W c = {w c1, w c2, …, w cl}) in the query and the set of unambiguous entities E c = {e c1, e c2, …, e cm}. Note that initially, this entity set can be empty if there are no unambiguous entity mentions in the query and in such cases, only textual information is considered. The task is to map the ambiguous token T to one of the possible target entities.

This is a generalized statement of the entity linking task and covers a variety of end-applications and scenarios as discussed below.

  • Search Systems: The user typically enters a few keywords and the task is to link the keywords in query to an entity in the knowledge graph. Note that not all the terms in the query correspond to entity mentions and the problem is further exacerbated by the inherent ambiguity of keyword queries [24]. For example, in the query obama speeches, obama corresponds to the entity Barack Obama and speeches provides the information need of the user. Also note that keyword queries lack the additional contextual information that is present while linking entities in documents. To overcome this, web search systems often utilize query logs and user activity to gather context about users’ information needs [24]. Once terms in the queries are linked to corresponding entities in the graph, related entities can also be offered as recommendations to the end-user for further browsing [9].

  • Question Answering Systems: By identifying entities of interest in the question, the underlying knowledge base can be used to retrieve the appropriate facts required to answer the question [47]. In a typical QA system, the user enters a natural language question such as When did Steve become ceo of Microsoft? Here, the terms of interest are Steve and Microsoft. Also note that in this example, Microsoft also provides contextual evidence that provides additional support for Steve Ballmer compared to many other person entities named Steve such Steve Jobs or Steve Wozniak that will have less relevance to Microsoft than Steve Ballmer. Once the system correctly links steve to Steve Ballmer, appropriate facts from the knowledge graph can be easily retrieved and presented as answer to the user.

8.3.3 Proposed Solution

On receiving the input query, the first step in the solution to the problem as formulated above is to identify entity mentions in the query. These mentions are then linked to the corresponding entity in the knowledge graph. These entity mentions could be identified using NLP libraries such as Apache Open NLPFootnote 2 and Stanford Named Entity Recognizer.Footnote 3

After identifying the token T that is a named entity mention in the query Q, the next step is to generate a list of target candidate entities. Such a list could be generated by using a dictionary that contains different surface forms of the entity names [30, 46, 49, 50]. For example, a dictionary could be constructed that maps different surface forms of the entity Barack Obama such as Barack Obama, Barack H. Obama, and President Obama to the entity. Since we are interested in mapping the token to entities in the knowledge graph \(\mathcal {K = \{E,R\}}\), we select all the entities that contain token T as a sub-string in their name. For example, for the token Steve all entities such as Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Steve Lawrence constitute the set of target entities. Note that for domain-specific applications, such a dictionary could also be constructed by using domain-specific sources such as the gene and protein dictionaries used in the KnIT system for studying protein–protein interactions [38]. For generic, open-domain systems, Wikipedia has been used extensively to create such dictionaries by utilizing disambiguation and redirect pages, anchor text and hyperlinks, etc.

Formally, let E T = {e T1, e T2, …, e Tm} be the set of target entities for the ambiguous token T in the query. Using the context information, we can produce a ranked list of target entities by computing P(e Ti|C), i.e., the probability that the user is interested in entity e Ti given the context C. Using Bayes’ theorem, we can write P(e Ti|C) as follows:

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} P(e_{Ti} | C) = \dfrac{P(e_{Ti})P(C|e_{Ti})}{P(C)} {} \end{aligned} $$

Here P(e Ti) represents the prior probability of the entity e Ti to be relevant without any context information. This prior probability can be computed in multiple ways based on the application requirements. For example, priors can be computed based on frequency of individual entities or temporal information (such as recency) in case of news domain. In this work, we assume a frequency based prior indicating that in the absence of any context information, the probability of an entity being relevant is directly proportional to its frequency in the graph. Further, since we are only interested in relative ordering of the target entities, we can ignore the denominator P(C) as its value will be same for all the target entities. With these assumptions, Eq. (8.1) can be re-written as follows:

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} P(e_{Ti}|C) \propto P(e_{Ti}) \times P(C|e_{Ti}) \end{aligned} $$

Here P(C|e Ti) represents the probability of observing the context C after having seen the entity e Ti. Note that the context C consists of two components—text context and entity context. Assuming that the probability of observing text and entity context is conditionally independent, above equation can be reduced as follows:

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} P(e_{Ti}|C) & \propto P(e_{Ti}) \times P(W_c|e_{Ti}) \times P(E_c|e_{Ti}) \end{aligned} $$
$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} & = \underbrace{P(e_{Ti})}_{\mathrm{entity prior}} \times \underbrace{\displaystyle\prod_{w_c \in W_c} P(w_c|e_{Ti})}_{\mathrm{text context}} \times \underbrace{\displaystyle\prod_{e_c \in E_c} P(e_c|e_{Ti})}_{\mathrm{entity context}} {} \end{aligned} $$
(8.4) Computing Entity Context Contribution

The entity context factor in Eq. (8.4) corresponds to the evidence for target entity given E c, the set of entities forming the context. For each individual entity e c forming the context, we need to compute P(e c|e Ti), i.e., the probability of observing e c after observing the target entity e Ti. Intuitively, there is a higher chance of observing an entity that is involved in multiple relationship with e Ti than an entity that only has a few relationships with e Ti. Thus, we can estimate P(e c|e Ti) as follows:

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} P(e_c|e_{Ti}) = \dfrac{{\mathrm{relCount}}(e_c,e_{Ti}) + 1}{{\mathrm{relCount}}(e_c) + |E|} \end{aligned} $$

Note that the factor of 1 in numerator and |E| (size of entity set E) in the denominator have been added to smoothen the probability values for entities that are not involved in any relationship with e Ti. Computing Text Context Contribution

The text context factor in Eq. (8.4) corresponds to the evidence for target entity given W c, the terms present in the input query. For each individual query term w c, we need to compute P(w c|e Ti), i.e., the probability of observing w c given e Ti. In order to compute this probability, we construct mention language models for each entity in the knowledge graph that capture different contexts in which the entity appears in the corpus.

To construct such a mention language model for an entity e, we need to capture all the mention sentences, i.e., the sentences from the text corpus that talk about entity e. In automatically constructed graphs, where rule based or machine learned systems identify entity and relationship mentions from text, the source text for each extracted relationship and entity can be utilized to capture all the mention sentences for entity e by combining all the source sentences from which the entity and its relationships were identified. The mention documents created in this way capture different contexts under which the entity has been observed in the input corpus. For example, a lot of relationships of Steve Jobs are with Apple products, executives, etc. So sentences for these relationships will contain mentions of things related to Apple, in addition to entity names. For example, sentences containing relationships of Steve Jobs with iPhone will contain words like design, touchscreen, mobile, apps, battery, etc., and all these contextual clues are captured in mention document for Steve Jobs.

The mention documents created in this way can be used to compute the probability P(w c|e Ti) as follows:

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} P(w_c|E_{Ti}) & = P(w_c|M_{E_{Ti}}) \end{aligned} $$
$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} & = \dfrac{\text{no. of times }w_c\text{ appears in }M_{E_{Ti}}\text{ + 1}}{|M_{E_{Ti}}| + N } \end{aligned} $$

Here N is the size of the vocabulary and \(M_{E_{Ti}}\) is the mention document for entity E Ti. Putting It All Together

We now illustrate the working of the proposed approach through an example as illustrated in Fig. 8.2. Consider the input question, “Which search algorithm did sergey and larry invent.” In this question, the NER module identifies sergey and larry as the two named entities that need to be linked to the corresponding entities in the knowledge graph. The two ambiguous tokens and the natural language question are fed as input to the system. As discussed, the first step is to generate a list of target entities that is performed by retrieving all entities from the graph containing sergey and larry in their names. For each such target entity, we need to compute the entity and text context components as described in Eq. (8.4). The entity context component helps in collective disambiguation of entities by taking into account the pairwise relevance of the target entities for the two ambiguous tokens. For example, the pair < Sergey Brin, Larry Page>  will have much stronger connections in the graph (both Google co-founders share many common relations) compared to the pair < Sergey Brin, Larry Ellison>  (Larry Ellison being co-founder of Oracle shares much less relations with Sergey Brin). Likewise, for the text context component, the mention language models of all target entities are used to find the entities that have the highest probability of generating the context terms in the questions such as search and algorithm. Thus, entities such as Sergey Brin, Larry page, and Larry Ellison get high text context component scores due to their relations with computer science related concepts. The two scores for all the target entities are combined to produce a final ranked list as illustrated in the figure.

Fig. 8.2
figure 2

Illustration of the proposed approach

8.4 Evaluation

8.4.1 Data Description

We use a semantic graph constructed from text of all articles in Wikipedia by automatically extracting the entities and their relations by using IBM’s Watson natural language understanding (NLU) services.Footnote 4 Even though there exist popular knowledge bases like DBPedia that contain high quality data, we chose to construct a semantic graph using automated means as such a graph will be closer to many practical real-world scenarios where high quality curated graphs are often not available and one has to resort to automatic methods of constructing knowledge bases. Our graph contains more than 30 million entities and 192 million distinct relationships in comparison to 4.5 million entities and 70 million relationships in DBpedia.

8.4.2 Benchmark Test Set and Baselines

For evaluating the proposed approach, we use the KORE50 [27] dataset that contains 50 short sentences with highly ambiguous entity mentions (Table 8.1). This widely used dataset is considered among the hardest dataset for entity disambiguation and is being used widely for evaluating entity disambiguation/linking approaches. Further, on an average, there are only 14 words and roughly 3 mentions per sentence, thus making it ideal for evaluating our approach as it enables us to identify our interactive approach. Average sentence length (after stop word removal) is 6.88 words per sentence and each sentence has 2.96 entity mentions on an average. Every mention has an average of 631 candidates to disambiguate in YAGO knowledge base [45]. However, it varies for different knowledge bases. Our automatically constructed knowledge base has 2261 candidates per mention to disambiguate illustrating the difficulty in entity linking due to high noise in automatically constructed knowledge bases when compared with manually curated/cleaned knowledge bases such as DBpedia. We also provide the performance numbers for a number of commonly used methods on the same dataset for reference [1, 13, 26, 27, 33] (Table 8.2).

Table 8.1 Characteristics of KORE50 dataset
Table 8.2 Entity disambiguation accuracy, measured in terms of precision, as achieved by the proposed approach

8.4.3 Results and Discussions

The results of our proposed approach and various other state-of-the-art methods for entity linking on the same dataset are tabulated in Table 8.2. We note that on the standard KORE 50 dataset for entity disambiguation, our proposed approach, while being much simpler than the other reported methods, achieves comparable performance in terms of precision values at Rank 1. The top achieving methods do achieve better accuracy number but at the cost of higher complexity, reliance on many external resources of data, and consequently, slower speeds. For example, as reported by Hoffart et al. [27], the average time taken for disambiguation is 1.285 s with a standard deviation of 3.925 s. On the other hand, as we observe from Table 8.3, median response time for the proposed approach is about 86 ms, with the maximum response time being 125 ms. Such low response times were possible due to the fact that we utilized the signals from mention text and relationship information about entities that are much more computationally efficient to compute,Footnote 5 instead of performing complex and time-consuming graph operations as in other methods, while not sacrificing on the accuracy.

Table 8.3 Average candidate list size and response times per query

Figure 8.3 illustrates the working of proposed system in action for a variety of input < query,context>  combinations. In Fig. 8.3a, the token Steve is provided without any context and the system returns a list sorted by entity prior (frequency). Next, in Fig. 8.3b–d, the results for the token Steve under different context terms are shown. Note how the system finds different entities in each case with changing context. Likewise, Fig. 8.3e shows the results for token larry without any context. However, as soon as we provide another token to disambiguate (Sergey) in Fig. 8.3f, the entity context component kicks in and collectively determines the most probable entities for both sergey and larry.

Fig. 8.3
figure 3

Some examples of the proposed entity linking approach in action. Note how the suggestions for entities change in sub-figures (a)–(d) with varying contexts. Also note that how the entity context helps retrieve relevant results for larry in sub-figures (e) and (f). First, in sub-figure (e), in the absence of any context, the suggestions offered for Larry are simply ranked by the frequency prior, suggesting most popular entities containing larry in their name. Next, in sub-figure (f), when the user types Sergey, the system collectively disambiguates Larry as Larry Page and Sergey as Sergey Brin—note that this corresponds to the entity context component of the ranking function

8.5 Conclusions

In this chapter, we discussed the problem of mapping entity mentions in natural language search queries to corresponding entities in an automatically constructed knowledge graph. We provided a review of representative works on entity linking and their shortcomings when applied to enterprise settings. We then proposed an approach that utilizes the dense graph structure as well as additional context provided by the mention text. Experimental evaluation on a standard dataset shows that the proposed approach is able to achieve high accuracy (comparable to other state-of-the-art methods) with a median response time of 86 ms.