
1 Introduction

Lemmatisation, which is one of the most important stages of text preprocessing, consists in grouping the inflected forms of a word together so they can be analysed as a single item, identified by the word’s lemma, or dictionary form. It is not a very complicated task for languages such as English, where a paradigm consists of a few forms close in spelling; but when it comes to morphologically rich languages, such as Russian, Hungarian or Irish, lemmatisation becomes more challenging. However, this task is often considered solved for most resource-rich modern languages irregardless of their morphological type. The situation is dramatically different for ancient languages characterised not only by a rich inflectional system, but also by a high level of orthographic variation. Lemmatisation for ancient languages is still poorly covered in literature, although this task becomes more and more important as manuscripts are being extensively digitized.

There are two suitable approaches to this task that I will describe and compare in this article in regard to Early Irish data: a rule-based approach and character-based neural network models.

2 Related Works

The problem of NLP for historical languages first arose in the last quarter of the XXth century in regard to Ancient Greek [32], Sanskrit [20, 47] and Latin [29, 33] and for a long time was confined to these languages. As more and more medieval manuscripts were being digitised, there appeared a number of works dedicated to spelling variation in historical corpora, its normalisation and further linguistic processing for Early Modern English [3, 4], Old French [44], Old Swedish [6], Early New High German [5], historical Portuguese [17, 19, 39], historical Slovene [40], Middle Welsh [30] and Middle Dutch [24, 25]. Historical data processing in general has been surveyed in a substantial monograph [37] and several articles [16, 36]. Apart from corpus studies, there have emerged several open-source tools for historical language processing, such as a Classical Language ToolkitFootnote 1 [22], which offers NLP support for the languages of Ancient, Classical, and Medieval Eurasia. For the moment, only Greek and Latin functionality in CLTK includes lemmatisation.

Lemmatisation has also been an active area of research in computational linguistics, especially for morphologically rich languages [8, 9, 12, 13, 18, 28, 43, 46].

There are two major approaches to lemmatisation, a rule-based approach and a statistical one. The rule-based approach, which requires much manual intervention but yield very good results due to being language-specific, is widely used, examples being Swedish [11], Icelandic [21], Czech [23], Slovene [38], German [35], Hindi [34], Arabic [1, 15] and many other languages. A classical work on automatic morphological analysis of Ancient Greek describes a stem lexicon, where each stem is marked with inflectional class, and a list of pseudo-suffixes needed to restore these stems to lemmas [32]. A Latin lemmatiser from the aforementioned Python library CLTK also uses stem and suffix lexicons. The best morphological analyser for Russian, Mystem, is based on Zalizniak grammatical dictionary [50]. This dictionary contains a detailed description of ca. 100,000 words that includes their inflectional classes. Mystem analyses unknown words by comparing them to the closest words in its lexicon. The ‘closeness’ is computed using the built-in suffix list [42]. A morphological analyser of modern Irish used in New Corpus of Ireland is based on finite-state transducers and described in [14] and [26].

Statistical approach to lemmatisation is computationally expensive and requires a large annotated corpus to train a model, especially when one deals with a complex inflectional system. Nevertheless, there are a few statistical parsers that achieve excellent results. Morfette, which was developed specially for fusional and agglutinative languages, simultaneously learns lemmas and PoS-tags using maximum entropy classifiers. It does not need hard-coded lists of stems and suffixes and derives lemma classes itself from the working corpus [10]. It shows over 97% lemmatisation accuracy for seen words and over 75% accuracy for unseen words on Romanian, Spanish and Polish data. Another joint lemmatisation and PoS-tagging system, Lemming, achieves more than 93–98% for both known and unknown words on Czech, German, Spanish and Hungaian datasets [31]. Now there are models available for more than 15 languages, including Basque, Hebrew, Korean, Estonian, French and ArabicFootnote 2. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to directly compare the performance of rule-based and statistical-based systems for the same language described in different works due to the discrepancy of training datasets and the absence of evaluation results for some of the models.

Recently, neural networks also started being used for lemmatisation. For example, a system combining convolutional architecture that models orthography with distributional word embeddings that represent lexical context was successfully implemented by [25] to lemmatise Middle Dutch data. The authors obtained 94–97% accuracy for known words and 45–59% accuracy for unknown words on four different datasets.

3 Data

3.1 Sources

One of the most difficult problems one faces working on NLP tools for ancient languages is the lack of data. The quality of a machine learning model is widely known to depend upon the size of the training corpus. The only publicly available annotated corpus of Early Irish is POMIC [27], but it is not a very suitable source of data for machine learning because it is represented as parse trees in PSD format. Another substantial resource is the electronic edition of the Dictionary of the Irish LanguageFootnote 3 [45]. The DIL is a historical dictionary of Irish, which covers Old and Middle Irish periods. Each of 43,345 entries consists of a headword (lemma), a list of forms including different spellings and compounds and examples of use with a reference to source text.

However, the list of forms cited in the DIL is incomplete; apart from that, some of the forms are contracted: for example, the list of forms for cruimther ‘priest’ is represented in the dictionary as -ir, which the reader is to read as cruimthir, and the list of forms for carpat ‘chariot’ looks like cairpthiu, -thib, -tiu, -tib which has to be read as cairpthiu, caipthib, cairptiu, cairptib. Words can be abbreviated in many different ways, which is a consequence of the fact that there were many scholars who contributed to the DIL throughout 1913–1976, and each of them used his own notation, as preserved in the digital edition. Some common types of contractions are listed in Table 1.

Table 1. Contracted, restored and missing forms and spellings from the DIL

Still, the DIL is the best source of data for training a lemmatiser. To compile a lexicon for the rule-based lemmatiser and a training corpus for the neural network lemmatiser, I crawled DIL’s website, parsed HTML files and derived a set of rules to restore contractions and remove unnecessary markup. As a result, I got 83,155 unique form-lemma pairs. They were then shuffled and split into training, validation and test sets, the former two being 5,000 samples each. One has to bear in mind, that this amount of training data is insufficient for getting extremely good results in lemmatisation for a language as morphologically complex and orthographically inconsistent as Early Irish.

Also, a test set was manually created to evaluate a rule-based system, because the DIL data cannot be used for evaluation in this case. It is described in detail in the next section.

3.2 Morphology and Orthography

Old Irish is a fusional language with an elaborate system of verbal and nominal inflexion, comparable to Ancient Greek and Sanskrit in its complexity. In Celtic languages, there are two ways to encode morphological information in a word form, which often occur together: regular endings and grammaticalised phonetic changes in the beginning of the word called ‘initial mutations’. It means that the first sound of a word can change under specific grammatical conditions, for example, the word céile ‘servant’ with a definite article in nominative plural will take a form ind chéili ‘the servants’, where the first stop [k] mutated into fricative [x]. This type of mutation is called lenition, and in this particular case it shows the presence of a definite article in nominative plural masculine, while the ending -i means that the noun itself is in nominative plural. There are four types of initial mutations in Early Irish: lenition, eclipsis, t-prothesis and h-prothesis. I will not expand on how exactly they affect consonants and vowels and when they occur, because it is not relevant for the task. I have to mention though, that both in Old and Middle Irish mutations were inconsistently marked in writing, and the orthography on the whole involves much variation. There are several other orthographic features that increase a number of possible forms for a single lemma:

  • inconsistent use of length marks;

  • in later texts mute vowels indicate the neighbouring consonant’s quality;

  • complex verb forms can be spelled either with or without a hyphen or a whitespace.

Moreover, in Old and Middle Irish objective pronouns and relative particles are incorporated into a verb between the preverb and the root: cf. caraid ‘he/she/it loves’ and rob-car-si ‘she has loved you’, where ro- is a perfective particle, -b- is an infixed pronoun for 2nd person plural object, and -si is an emphatic suffixed pronoun 3rd person singular feminine. The presence of a preverb with dependent forms triggers a shift in stress, which causes complex morphophonological changes and often produces a number of very differently looking forms in a verbal paradigm, particularly in the case of compound verbs, cf. do-beir ‘gives,brings’ and ní thabair ‘does not give, bring’. Table 2 illustrates the variety of Early Irish verbal forms through the example of do-beir.

Table 2. Some forms of the verb ‘do-beir’

I should also mention, that the DIL is not strictly grammatical in the following assumptions, and so are the models trained on it:

  • verbal forms with infixed pronouns are lemmatised as verbal forms without a pronoun (notbéra ‘will bring you’ > beirid ‘brings’);

  • compound forms of a preposition and a definite article are lemmatised as prepositions without an article (isin ‘in + DET’ > i ‘in’ );

  • prepositional pronouns are lemmatised as prepositions (indtib ‘in them’ > i ‘in’);

  • emphatic suffixed pronouns (-som, -siu, -si, -sa etc.) are lemmatised as independent personal pronouns.

4 Rule-Based Approach

At first, I chose rule-based approach to lemma prediction over machine learning due to the scarcity of available data.

Morphophonological complexity of Early Irish compounded by the many non-transparent orthographic features makes traditional rule-based approach to lemmatisation with hard-coded lists of possible pseudo-suffixes and rules of their treatment less suitable for Early Irish than for other languages. A more reliable way for a start is building a full form lexicon where every word form corresponds to a lemma. I used the DIL described in the previous section for this purpose.

There was a series of experiments conducted on Early Irish prose texts that resulted into the following architecture of the rule-based lemmatiser. Every word in a text fed to the system is first demutated (i.e. the changes at the beginning of the word are eliminated) and then looked up in the dictionary. The lemmatiser returns a lemma for each known word and a demutated form for each unknown word by default; there is also an option to predict lemmas for unknown words with the help of Damerau-Levenshtein edit distance. For every unknown word, the program generates all possible strings on edit distance 1 and 2, checks them up in the dictionary and adds those that prove to be real words to the candidate list. Then the candidates are filtered by the first character: if the unknown word starts with a vowel, the candidate should also start with a vowel, and if the unknown word starts with a consonant, the candidate should start with the same consonant. Those parameters were chosen empirically as they yield the best results, i.e. the highest percentage of correctly predicted lemmas. Finally, the lemma of the candidate that has the highest probability is taken as a lemma for the unknown word.

In this work, I did not focus on word sense disambiguation, which means that if two or more different lemmas have identical forms, we cannot say for sure which lemma should be chosen for a particular instance of a homonymous form. The system provides two options for such cases: either return a list of all possible lemmas or choose the lemma with the highest probability. I should point out, that probability here is not a probability in a strict mathematical sense. Word form probability is formulated as a frequency count computed for each word in the test corpus, and lemma probability is the the sum of probabilities of forms belonging to a lemma.

Rule based lemmatiser was evaluated using accuracy score, which is a common metric for this task, on a set of manually annotated sentences, randomly chosen from Early Irish texts given in Table 3, which belong to different periods. The test set consists of 50 sentences, 840 tokens in total. It is worth mentioning, that the lemmatiser’s lexicon contains mostly Old Irish forms with a small amount of Middle Irish ones and barely any Early Modern Irish ones. While Old Irish data helps to check how the system copes with unknown words’ grammar, Middle and Early Modern Irish data is supposed to show its achievements with spelling variation. One also has to bear in mind, that the lemmatisers’s performance is affected by form homonymy, which, given the absence of disambiguation, worsens the results.

Table 3. Early Irish texts used for creating a test set

The system’s performance is given in tables below; Table 4 compares the rule-based lemmatiser results with the baseline, defined as demutating a form, and Table 5 gives more detailed information.

Table 4. Rule-based model accuracy

The system outperforms the baseline algorithm only by 8.2%, and these results are undoubtedly poor and not promising enough to continue the development of a rule-based system.

5 Neural Network Approach

The main problem Early Irish poses to machine learning methods is that its morphological complexity implies too many possible lemma classes, which, in addition to that, cannot always be reduced to a combination of a stem type and a suffix. Therefore some statistical models popular in sequence tagging that involves multi-class classification, such as HMM, MaxEnt, MEMM, SVM or CRF, are quite useless for this task. The best solution here seems to be turning from statistical machine learning to deep learning and using a sequence-to-sequence model, which allows going down to the character level. Basically, a sequence-to-sequence model is an ensemble of recurrent neural networks, or RNNs, that takes a sequence of a dynamic length as input and produces another sequence of a dynamic length. Sequence-to-sequence networks are used for a wide variety of tasks, such as grapheme-to-phoneme encoding [49], OCR post-processing, spelling correction, lemmatisation [41], machine translation [2, 7] and even dialogue systems development [48]. Thus, if we reformulate the lemmatisation task as taking a sequence of characters (form) as input and generating another sequence of characters (lemma), we can forget about tens of verbal and nominal inflection classes, let alone spelling variation.

Table 5. Rule-based lemmatiser performance: details
Fig. 1.
figure 1

Character-to-character model accuracy

The data used in this experiment consists of 83,155 unique form-lemma pairs from the electronic edition of the DIL [45], shuffled and split into training, validation and test sets, the former two being 5,000 samples each. All experiments were run on a personal laptop with Intel Core i7 2,5 GHz processor and 12 Gb RAM, which took about 36 h each.

A character-to-character model was trained during 34,000 iterations, but reached minimum loss and maximum accuracy of 69.8% on a validation set after 10,000 iterations. When the training set accuracy reached its maximum, the validation set accuracy dropped to 64.9%; on the test set the model achieved 63.9%, as shown in Fig. 1.

These results are a serious improvement over the rule-based model, which showed only 45.2% on unknown words. Dots on accuracy graphs represent maximums on known (training set) and unknown (validation set) forms.

Having a closer look some mistakes in Table 6, made by the character-to-character model in its best configuration (further referred as char2char), we can clearly see that it learned to demutate forms (cf. the last two examples), but some inflection models are still unknown to it, which can be explained by the lack of training data. The model experiences most difficulties with compound verbs, which is not surprising.

Table 6. Character-to-character model mistakes

As poor as the results may seem, they are not very different from those achieved by sequence-to-sequence models on analogous tasks. For example, the best results for the OCR post-correction and spelling correction tasks according to [41] fall between 62.75% and 74.67% on different datasets. The score is even lower for grapheme-to-phoneme task, 44.74%–72.23% [41]. Lemmatisation scores described in the article are much higher, 94.22% for German verbs and 94.08% for Finnish verbs [41], but taking the inflectional diversity and abundant orthographic variation of Early Irish into account, this task is closer to spelling correction and grapheme-to-phoneme translation rather than to lemmatisation of any modern language. In any case, a character-level sequence-to-sequence model reached the accuracy score of 99.2% for known words and 64.9% for unknown words on a rather small corpus of 83,155 samples, which is a serious improvement over the rule-based model described above. Table 7 shows the performance of different models on Early Irish data.

Table 7. Performance of different models on Early Irish data

The model also meets the results of other systems working with historical data. Table 8 provides a summary of best accuracy scores achieved by Early Irish, Middle Dutch [25], Latin [31] and Old French [44] lemmatisers having different architectures. Unfortunately, it is not possible to cite more results as there are no clear figures in other works concerning lemmatisation for ancient languages.

Table 8. Best accuracy scores on historical language data

6 Conclusion

Although the task of lemmatisation for Early Irish data is quite challenging, there is a number of promising solutions. A character-level sequence-to-sequence model appears to be the best one for the moment, reaching the accuracy score of 99.2% for known words and 64.9% for unknown words on a rather small corpus of 83,155 samples. It outperforms both the baseline and the rule-based model and meets the results of other systems working with historical data.

Nevertheless, there is still much space for improvement and further research, and the first priority task that could help to ameliorate the performance is creating an open-source searchable corpus of Early Irish. It is also important to develop a detailed sensible grammatical notation to avoid such things as dropping out infixed pronouns when lemmatising verbal forms that persist in the DIL.