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5.1 Introduction

Electrochemical oxidation of aluminum has attracted considerable attention because of the widespread use of aluminum oxide layers in different areas of technology and industry. Traditionally, the anodization of aluminum is used to protect metals from corrosion and to increase the abrasive and adsorption properties, hardness, etc. The oxide layers on aluminum are widely used in electronics due to its excellent dielectric properties, perfect planarity, and good reproducibility during production. In recent years, scientists have focused on the formation of self-ordered oxide structures on aluminum in various electrolytes. This is a result of the application of ordered porous oxide layers with pore dimensions ranging from micrometers to nanometers, as the mold in nanotechnology for the synthesis of nanotubes, nanowires, solar cells, micro-optical elements, photonic crystals, etc.

Anodic oxide layers on aluminum show very interesting luminescence properties. There are two types of luminescent phenomena. The first type of luminescence occurs during the electrochemical oxidation of aluminum in some electrolytes, so-called galvanoluminescence. Another type of luminescence is photoluminescence, i.e., occurrence of light emission, mainly in the visible region of the spectrum, the oxide layer upon exposure to UV light. Luminescent techniques are nondestructive and are very useful, and many properties of the oxide layer such as thickness, growth rate, reflection coefficient, porosity, etc. can be determined by these techniques.

There are four types of galvanoluminescence phenomena. The emission of light, mainly in the visible spectrum, during direct electrochemical oxidation of metals is called the anodic galvanoluminescence. Another type of galvanoluminescence is cathodic flash that occurs in metals that were previously anodically polarized and in which the cathodic polarization results in the appearance of a short-lasted flash. Repeated anodic polarization gives short-lived anodic flash superimposed on the anodic galvanoluminescence. The fourth type of galvanoluminescence occurs during alternating polarization of metals. Actually, alternative galvanoluminescence is a series of anodic and cathodic flashes emitted in the positive and negative half-periods, correspondingly.

A special type of luminescence occurs during the electrochemical oxidation of aluminum at high voltages, when it comes to dielectric breakdown, followed by microdischarges over the entire surface of the oxide. This type of oxidation is called plasma electrolytic oxidation. Spectral characterization of the microdischarge during plasma electrolytic oxidation process gives very important information about the plasma such as electron concentration, electron temperature, ionization temperature, etc.

In this chapter we will present the results of our research of luminescent phenomena during electrochemical oxidation of aluminum, which were done at the Faculty of Physics University of Belgrade in the last 30 years.

5.2 Anodic Oxide Films on Aluminum

Aluminum is recognized as the third most abundant element (after oxygen and silicon) and the most abundant metal in the Earth’s crust. Structural components made from aluminum and its alloys are vital to the aerospace industry and are important in other areas of transportation and structural materials. It is remarkable for the metal’s low density and for its ability to resist corrosion due to the phenomenon of passivation. Namely, because of high affinity for oxygen, aluminum is always covered with natural highly resistant oxide film [1, 2].

By putting such metal, naturally covered with oxide, as an anode in electrolyte that doesn’t dissolve oxide layer, and enabling an adequate current passing through the system, the film starts growing continuously. Its thickness is determined by electrolysis (anodization) parameters (type of electrolyte, anodization voltage and current, electrolyte temperature). This is the way to obtain the oxide layer thicker and more resistive than natural thin oxide film.

During the anodization process the established electric field in the oxide layer enables directed motion of metal and oxygen ions through the layer enabling its growth. This means that the problem of oxide film growth could be reduced to the ionic conduction in the presence of high electric field, but it is further complicated by the presence of two interfaces: metal–oxide and oxide–electrolyte.

There are two custom regimes for anodic formation of oxide films: constant current regime and constant voltage regime. During the constant current process, every thickening of the oxide layer requires an increase of the voltage to keep constant the internal electric field as well as the constant anodization current. In most cases, the electric field doesn’t change with an increase in film thickness if anodization current is constant.

Thickness of oxide film depends on several anodization parameters, but the type of the film depends mostly on the type of electrolyte. The growth of various types of films is followed by characteristic voltage/time (constant current regime) or current/time (constant voltage regime) dependence. According to the dependence characteristic and the type of oxide film the general classification of aluminum anodic behavior is suggested in Fig. 5.1 [3]. Figure 5.1a shows the anodization voltage dependence on time in various electrolytes in constant current regimes, while Fig. 5.1b shows corresponding structures of formed oxide layers.

Fig. 5.1
figure 1

(a) Anodization voltage vs. time dependence in various electrolytes for galvanostatic regime; (b) corresponding structure of obtained oxide films on aluminum (Reproduced by permission from Elsevier No. 3165800675036)

  1. 1.

    Natural oxide layer formed on aluminum sample with thickness of about 2–9 nm.

  2. 2.

    Electrolytes which don’t dissolve previously formed oxide film produce so-called barrier oxide films. Their thickness depends on formation voltage (film growth rate is about 1.4 nm/V). Maximum thickness of grown barrier oxide film depends on breakdown voltage and usually reaches 600–700 nm (corresponding voltages are 450–500 V) [24]. The anodization of aluminum at voltages over the breakdown voltage leads to intensive sparking covering the whole oxide surface and intensive gas evolution [3, 5]. Most commonly used barrier oxide film forming electrolytes are aquatic solutions of boric acid, ammonium borate, ammonium tartrate, and some organic acids such as citric, malic, and glycolic acid [1, 68]. The most important applications of barrier films obtained by anodization are in production of electrolytic capacitors [9] and thin film transistors [10] and for protection of aluminum films obtained by aluminum evaporation in vacuum.

  3. 3.

    Electrolytes which partially (weakly) dissolve oxide film form porous films. Typical examples of such electrolytes are water solutions of sulfuric, oxalic, chromic, and phosphoric acids [11, 12]. During constant current regime voltage increases almost linearly with time, reaches maximum value, and then decreases until attaining a constant value. The thickness of porous oxide films exceeds that of barrier films several times. Porous oxide films consist of two different layers [13]: internal nonporous barrier layer whose thickness depends on formation voltage and external porous part which is generally much thicker, and its thickness doesn’t depend on formation voltage, but depends on other parameters such as anodization current density, time of anodization, electrolyte temperature and concentration, etc. [1, 14].

    Porous oxide layers are utilized in cases where excellent corrosion and abrasion resistivity is needed. For that purpose electrolytically formed porous oxide films are treated in distilled water or water solution of adequate salt on temperature higher than 90 °C. This is a way to close (process of “filling”) the porous structure and get nonporous compact layers whose thicknesses exceed thicknesses of barrier films for several orders of magnitude [1517]. The most probable explanation is the process of bohemite formation by partial hydration of aluminum oxide. Decorative value of these layers increases by their dyeing in chemical or electrochemical processes.

  1. 4.

    Anodic electropolishing occurs during anodization in strong electrolytes (concentrated sulfuric, phosphoric, and perchloric acids and some alkaline electrolytes) and is characterized by initial linear dependence of anodization voltage on time, followed by periodic fluctuation. This process is used for production of highly reflective surfaces [18].

  2. 5.

    The process of anodic etching (“pitting”) is characteristic for some mono-carboxylic acids (formic, acetic, benzoic, etc.) as well as in some electrolytes with chloride addition. This process is followed by the voltage decrease after the short increase [3].

  3. 6.

    High corrosion of aluminum in some acids, strong alkaline solutions, and halides [3]. The initial voltage is low for a given current and remains constant during the anodization.

5.2.1 Structure of Anodic Oxide Films on Aluminum

Barrier oxide films on aluminum primarily consist of amorphous alumina, but small amounts of crystal phases γ-Al2O3 or γ′-Al2O3 are also detected by electron diffraction, as well as by XRD [19]. The contribution of crystalline phases in amorphous alumina depends mostly on the anodization voltage [1, 20]. The contribution of γ-Al2O3 increases with voltage as well as with electrolyte temperature. There are several phases or oxide types in barrier oxide films. Franklin found at least three: hydrated oxide on oxide/electrolyte interface, irregular islands of γ-Al2O3, and amorphous film which occupies the most part of the film [1, 21]. Shimizu et al. found crystal islands of γ-Al2O3 immediately above surface irregularities [22]. They also found that volume of such islands increases with anodization voltage. Dorsey supposed that barrier oxide films consist of aluminum trihydrate passing through certain structural changes during conversion into porous type of film [23]. With respect to the anionic species from the electrolyte incorporation which accompany the oxide growth at the oxide/electrolyte interface, the barrier oxide films on aluminum consist of two distinct layers: an outer layer doped with the anionic species of the electrolyte and an inner layer of pure oxide.

The structure of porous film was also investigated by many authors using various analytical techniques. Franklin discovered the structure of hexagonal cells [24]. Their diameter is proportional to anodization voltage. Cell itself consists of several oxide types with varying crystal contents and hydration degrees. Similar results were obtained by Altenpohl [25]. The model of porous film structure suggested by Keller, Hunter, and Robinson seems as the most acceptable till present time [26]. The schematic presentation of their model is showed in Fig. 5.2. The suggested model proposes that every pore is in the center of hexagonal cell. The radius of the pore doesn’t depend either on anodization voltage or on anodization time, but on type of the electrolyte.

Fig. 5.2
figure 2

The model of porous anodic oxide film on aluminum

5.2.2 Kinetics of Barrier Oxide Films Growth

The model of anodic oxide films growth might be reduced to problem of ionic conduction trough the oxide in the presence of a strong electric field obstructed by processes on interfaces (metal/oxide, oxide/electrolyte). Eventually, the first part of the problem that should be considered is the ionic current in some point in the oxide and then the influence of mentioned interfaces. Also the problem of the spatial electric charge influence on ionic current, e.g., on the electric field, should be taken into consideration. For dealing with specific theories for anodic oxide growth it is necessary to recognize two situations where ionic charge transport is possible. In the case of high-field conduction, it is assumed that the electric field strength is high enough to prevent movement of cations against the field direction. In the case of low-field conduction, where movement of cations against the field direction is not negligible, Guntherschultze and Betz [2730] have shown that under high electric field conditions, the ionic current density j + and the electric field strength E are related through the exponential law:

$$ {j}_{+}={A}_{+} \exp \left({B}_{+}E\right), $$

where A + and B + are temperature dependent constants involving parameters of ionic transport. In order to understand the processes that could lead to such an expression for the ionic current, an analogy can be drawn to a simple electrochemical reaction. As in an electrochemical reaction, the rate-determining step for charge transport control is that which has the highest potential energy with respect to the initial state. The other steps are non-rate determining, because they are much faster. There are three possible rate-determining steps to be postulated in the system metal/oxide/electrolyte: (a) ion transfer across the metal/oxide interface, (b) ion transfer through the oxide bulk, and (c) ion transfer across the oxide/electrolyte interface producing a solvated ion. In any reaction these three rate-determining steps are possible and involve the overcoming of energy barriers. The rate-determining process is the step which has the greatest potential energy with respect to the initial state, under a given set of conditions. Theoretical justification of the exponential relationship proposed by Guntherschultze and Betz has been based upon (a), (b), and a combination of (a) and (b) as the rate-determining steps. Several theories are based on above postulations. In Cabrera–Mott theory [31] the rate-determining step is ion transfer across the metal/oxide interface. In Verwey’s theory [32] ion movement through the oxide bulk is considered as a rate-determining step. Previous two theories are the boundary cases of more general Young’s theory [33].

5.2.3 Kinetics of Porous Oxide Films Growth

Growth of the porous oxide films passes through several phases that can be easily detected by measuring the anodization voltage (or current) with time or by using microscopy techniques in chosen stages of the anodization [34]. These phases are shown in Fig. 5.3. Figure 5.3a presents the voltage–time dependence during anodization of aluminum in galvanostatic regime which is studied by Kanakala et al. [35]. Figure 5.3b shows the current–time characteristic during anodization of aluminum in potentiostatic regime. Hoar and Yahalom supposed that the relationship between current density and time observed under the constant anodizing potential is a resultant of two overlapping processes: the first one is exponential decrease related to the barrier film formation and the second represents the process of pore formation [36]. The first stage in Fig. 5.3a, b is the growth of the barrier part of the oxide film. Relatively flat oxide films are obtained in this stage (following the morphology of the aluminum substrate), before the onset of the formation of pores in stage II. Further anodization leads to the expansion of pores through barrier film and their bottoms become expanded also. Finally, in stationary stage IV, parallel and regularly arranged pores are obtained. As mentioned before pores are placed in centers of hexagonal cells, with barrier film between their bottoms and aluminum substrate.

Fig. 5.3
figure 3

(a) Anodization voltage vs. time dependence during growth of porous oxide on aluminum—galvanostatic anodization regime; (b) Anodization current vs. time dependence during growth of porous oxide on aluminum—potentiostatic anodization regime; (c) corresponding states of porous oxide film

Basic processes involved in pore formation are shown in Fig. 5.4. In stationary regime pores grow perpendicularly to aluminum substrate when balance between oxide dissolution on electrolyte/oxide interface and oxide layer growth on metal/oxide interface is established. Oxide layer grows due to aluminum cation (Al3+) and anions (O2−, OH, and electrolyte anions) migration to opposite sides under the influence of high electric field. Oxide film grows on oxide/electrolyte interface because of aluminum cations migration toward cathode. Al3+ cations which are not consumed during migration through the bulk react with O2− and OH as well as with electrolyte anions forming the oxide layer. Simultaneously, oxide layer dissolves on the oxide/electrolyte interface at the pore bottom as a result of process of electric field assisted dissolution, while shape of the pores is governed by chemical dissolution in the electrolyte. Electrolyte anions are absorbed on the bottom of the pores as well as in the oxide bulk. Typical levels of incorporation of electrolyte anions are 7.6 % in phosphoric acid, 2.4 % in oxalic acid, 11.1 % in sulfuric acid, and 0.1 % in chromic acid [37].

Fig. 5.4
figure 4

Electrochemical reactions during anodization of aluminum (Reproduced by permission from American Institute of Physics No. 3165811173729)

There are several theoretical models explaining the growth of porous oxide films [6, 38, 39]. Very good agreement with experimental results gives model proposed by Parkhutik and Shershulsky [38]. Their model takes into account the growth at metal/oxide and oxide/electrolyte interfaces, electrochemical and electric field assisted oxide layer dissolution, three-dimensional configuration of the electric field, and current density at the bottom of the semi-spherical surface of the barrier oxide film.

Standard applications of anodic oxide films on aluminum are mostly related to protection of aluminum surface for aerospace industry, other areas of transportation, and structural materials, but new developments in analytical and measurement techniques and in nanoscience and nanotechnology opened the new field of applications for porous oxide films. In that context and in combination with surface engineering, porous oxide films obtained the new role as medium for forming and arranging nanostructures. The main turnover in using porous oxide films for that purpose was made after Masuda et al. reported improving the regularity of the pores in a two-step anodization process and fabrication of the highly ordered, hexagonal close-packed “honeycomb” structure under appropriate processing conditions [40]. In the first anodization step, the pores with almost ideally arranged bottoms are formed. Oxide film is then removed and only hexagonally arranged concave structures on the aluminum surface remain. These structures serve as places of growth of perfectly arranged pores in the second anodization, with same anodization parameters as in the first one.

The two-step process triggered an avalanche of applications as the nanofabrication method using this highly ordered porous anodic alumina template. Two-step process has many advantages and provides a cheap and easy way to fabricate highly ordered arrays of nanostructures made of magnetic and nonmagnetic metals, superconductors, semiconductors, optical materials, etc. [34]. Many authors reported fabrication of nanotubes and nanowires [4145] using highly ordered porous alumina matrices. These matrices are also used as masks in nanolithography processes such as pattern transferring or forming 2D arrays of nanodots [46, 47]. There are also optical applications of ordered nanopores of porous alumina: filled nanopores with interpore distances from 200 to 350 nm (half the wavelength of light in the visible region) could be used as periodic optical nanostructures called “photonic crystals” [48, 49]. Regardless of applications of ordered porous alumina matrices, the two-step anodization is the most common method for obtaining highly self-ordered pore arrays with regularity along whole pore dimension.

Related methods for obtaining highly ordered arrays of pores are based on artificially pretexturing of aluminum substrate, e.g., forming initiation sites for pore nucleation: nanoimprint method based on SiC molds with an array of convex features, electron beam or focused ion beam lithography, holographic patterning, AFM nanoindentation, etc. [5056].

5.3 Galvanoluminescence During the Anodization of Aluminum

Phenomenon of the light emission from electrode during the anodization is called galvanoluminescence (GL). Depending on the system under investigation or on assumed emission mechanism, this phenomenon is often termed as electroluminescence, luminescence of anodic oxide films, chemiluminescence, electrochemiluminescence, etc.

First investigation of GL goes back to late nineteenth century [57]. Appearance of the light emission was noticed when electrical current was passing through aluminum/oxide/electrolyte system and aluminum was on a more positive potential than the platinum electrode. Besides aluminum, similar light emission was observed on metals that form nonconductive anodic oxide coatings by ionic conduction under high electric field (106–107 V/cm). This group of metals (Ta, Ti, Zr, Zn, Y, W, etc.) is often referred to as “valve metals.” Although a vast number of research groups investigated the GL phenomenon [58105], it has not been completely understood due to the complexity of the system in which GL appears. Metal/oxide/electrolyte system is influenced by many parameters, including the nature of the electrolyte (organic or inorganic), metal surface properties (nature, purity, and pretreatment), anodization conditions (temperature and concentration of the electrolyte, current density, and voltage of anodization), and so on. The influence of these parameters on GL intensity has not been well comprehended and the results differ significantly going from one research group to another. Having in mind that GL appears over the wide range of wavelengths and that its intensity is very low, it is clear that sophisticated optical emission detection systems are required for the investigation of this phenomenon.

5.3.1 Experimental Setup for Galvanoluminescence Measurements

Experimental setup we used for GL measurements is shown in Fig. 5.5. Main parts of the setup are electrolytical cell with heat exchanging system, two independent optical emission detection systems, power supply unit, and data acquisition system. One optical emission detection system uses photomultiplier to detect luminescence, while the other system uses ICCD camera to detect luminescence in the wide range of wavelengths.

Fig. 5.5
figure 5

Experimental setup for GL measurements: PS—power supply unit, DC—dark chamber, EC—electrolytical cell with heat exchanger system, L1—incoming lens system, L2—outgoing lens system, M—monochromator, G1—diffraction grating of monochromator, PM—thermo cooled photomultiplier, A—photomultiplier signal amplification system, RM—rate meter, S—spectrograph, L3—incoming optics, G2—diffraction grating of spectrograph, ICCD—camera, C—ICCD camera controller, DM—digital multimeter HP 34970A, R—1Ω standard resistor, PC1—computer 1, PC2—computer 2 with MCS card

Optical emission detection system with photomultiplier consists of incoming lens system (L1), monochromator (M), outgoing lens system (L2), and photomultiplier with cooling system (PM). Incoming lens system is made of the objective with 58 mm focal length and 25 mm effective radius that projects the image of the GL emitting sample with 1:1 ratio on the incoming slit of the monochromator. Monochromator SPM-2 (Zeiss) is used to select the GL of desired wavelength and to shine it onto the incoming slit of the photomultiplier tube. This is achieved by the reflection type diffraction grating G1 (reciprocal dispersion 4 nm/mm, spectral range from 300 to 1,200 nm). The wavelength of the outgoing beam is selected by the rotation of the diffraction grating, which is controlled by step motor and computer PC2. Both incoming and outgoing monochromator slits are rectangularly shaped, 8 mm high while the width can be changed from 0.1 to 1.5 mm. Outgoing system consists of achromatic 75 mm focal length lens, focusing the outgoing beam on the photomultiplier’s cathode.

For the optical emission detection, we used low-noise photomultiplier RCA J1034 CA (PM) with high quantum efficiency in the wavelength range from 200 to 900 nm. Photomultiplier’s cathode was cooled to about −40 °C in the custom housing made by Product for Research (TE-222TSRF). By doing so, dark current signal is three orders of magnitude lower compared to the one at room temperature. Signal obtained from photomultiplier is amplified (A) and converted to TTL signal which is sent either directly to MCS card on computer PC2 or passes through the rate meter (RM) to 20-channel digital multimeter HP 34970A, which is over the RS-232 interface connected to computer PC1.

Optical emission detection system with ICCD camera consists of incoming lens system (L3), Hilger spectrograph (S), and ICCD camera with controller (C). Pentax objective (135 mm) projects the image of the anodized sample with 1:1 ratio on the spectrograph slit. Diffraction grating of the spectrograph (300 grooves/mm, blaze on 500 nm, angular dispersion 3.32 nm/rad) selects wavelength in the range of 173 nm and sends it to CCD chip of PIMAX ICCD cooled camera with high quantum efficiency in visible spectrum, made by Princeton Instruments. CCD chip has 1024 × 256 pixels, each of about 26 μm × 26 μm. In order to lower the dark current, CCD chip was cooled at −40 °C.

Electrolytical cell with the heat exchanging system is shown in Fig. 5.6. The main elements of the electrolytical cell are a vessel with flat glass windows (6) dimension of 40 mm × 50 mm × 70 mm, anode (sample) holder (1), two platinum wires (2) as cathode, and temperature sensor embedded in teflon tube (3) that measures the temperature of the electrolyte in proximity to the sample. Two glass tubes passing through the sample holder enable the circulation of the electrolyte through the electrolytical cell/heat exchanger system. Electrolytical cell is placed in the dark chamber that prevents any visible light to hinder GL measurements.

Fig. 5.6
figure 6

Electrolytical cell: (1)—sample, (2)—platinum wire, (3)—PTC sensor, (4)—peristaltic pump, (5)—heat exchanging system, (6)—vessel with flat glass windows [96] (Reproduced by permission from Elsevier India)

During the anodization, temperature of the electrolyte increases and the evaporation occurs. Therefore, it is necessary to keep temperature of the electrolyte constant in order to maintain same experimental conditions through the whole anodization process. This is achieved by circulating the electrolyte through the electrolytic cell/heat exchanging system (5). Large volume of the heat exchanging system that is equipped with compressor allows us to maintain the temperature of the electrolyte within 0.1 °C during the experiment.

Before the anodization, pretreatment of the sample surface is required. Most commonly, this is done in three ways [90] (1) electropolishing of the samples—results in flat and shiny surface, (2) chemical cleaning—removes impurities from the surface, and (3) degreasing with acetone, alcohol, and distilled water in ultrasonic bath. In order to define sample’s surface and to prevent crawling of the electrolyte, protective insulating mask is deposited on the top part of the sample (on each side).

Systems presented in Fig. 5.5 were checked for their spectral sensitivity before performing actual GL measurements. Spectral sensitivity of the first system (system with monochromator) was inspected by using the standard tungsten lamp (OSRAM Wi-17G) [106]. However, standard tungsten lamps are not applicable for wide wavelength range detection systems as ICCD. Firstly, the stray light cannot be completely eliminated, and secondly, intensity of the lamp radiation varies over the wide range of the wavelengths. Therefore, it is required to have standardized light source that has approximately the same light intensity over the whole range of wavelengths under investigation.

To inspect spectral sensitivity of the detection system with ICCD camera, unique standardized light source with LEDs was engineered, based on three light emitting diodes, each one with different spectral characteristic (Fig. 5.7) [106]. Light emitted from LEDs (a) is mixed using two integration spheres (b), before it reaches outgoing slit (c). System is thermo cooled to prevent the influence of ambient temperature on light intensity.

Fig. 5.7
figure 7

Standardized light source with LEDs: (a) Thermo cooled LEDs: a.1—LEDs, a.2—aluminum block, a.3—thermal insulation, a.4—thermostat system, a.5—temperature sensor; (b) integrating spheres; (c) exit slit [106] (Reproduced by permission from Society of Applied Spectroscopy)

Standardized light source with LEDs was calibrated with respect to the system with monochromator. Yet again, spectral sensitivity of the system with monochromator was inspected by using the standard tungsten lamp [106]. Emission spectrum of the engineered standardized light source is shown in Fig. 5.8. Clearly, light intensity is of the same magnitude over the wavelength range of interest (400–700 nm), allowing us to inspect the spectral sensitivity of the wide wavelength range detection systems as ICCD.

Fig. 5.8
figure 8

Emission spectrum of standardized light source and individual characteristics of LEDS: (a) turquoise 505 nm; (b) warm white; (c) blue 430 nm; (d) total spectrum [106] (Reproduced by permission from Society of Applied Spectroscopy)

5.3.2 Galvanoluminescence of Anodic Oxide Films Formed in Organic Electrolytes GL of Barrier Anodic Oxide Films

Commonly used electrolyte for GL investigation of barrier anodic oxide films on aluminum in organic electrolytes is ammonium tartrate. Detailed investigation of aluminum pretreatment procedure, anodization conditions, and GL mechanism of barrier oxide films on aluminum was conducted by Tajima and Shimizu [7680].

Influence of the aluminum sample’s pretreatment on GL intensity is shown in Fig. 5.9. GL intensity vs. anodization voltage curve for degreased (unpolished) samples mainly follows van Geel’s equation [64]:

Fig. 5.9
figure 9

Influence of the aluminum sample’s pretreatment on GL intensity [76] (Reproduced by permission from Elsevier No. 3165800868574)

$$ \mathrm{GL}= aj\left[ \exp (bU)-1\right], $$

where a and b are constants, while j is anodization current density. When electropolished samples are used, GL intensity vs. voltage of anodization curve gains in complexity. Zeković et al. showed that interference of light going directly through oxide layer and light reflected from the aluminum surface causes more complex behavior of the curve [83]. In the case of anodization in organic electrolytes, Tajima suggested that carboxylate ions, incorporated into oxide film during the anodization, act as GL centers in such films [76].

Figure 5.9 also shows that GL intensity depends on oxide film thickness, having in mind that relationship between anodization voltage (U) and oxide film thickness (d) follows linear relation d = λ·U, where λ = 1.4 nm/V [1]. Shimizu [80] proposed a model that explains dependence of GL on anodization voltage in organic electrolytes (for electropolished samples), based on the following assumptions:

  1. (a)

    GL appears as a consequence of the excitation of GL centers by their inelastic collisions with electrons from the electronic avalanche, under high electric field 106–107 V/cm condition, during the anodization process. Carboxylate ions incorporated into oxide film during the anodization act as GL centers.

  2. (b)

    Electrons injected into conducting band of the oxide film on the oxide/electrolyte interface produce a large number of small nondestructive avalanches by collision ionization. Avalanches are uniformly distributed over the anodic surface, leaving behind slow positive charge, which lowers the effective electric field in the oxide film and prevents the appearance of destructive avalanching.

  3. (c)

    Number of excited GL centers (and the GL intensity) is proportional to a number of electrons participating in multiplication process.

  4. (d)

    The maximum of avalanche length (l av) is about 100 nm, corresponding to about 80 V voltage of anodization.

Based on these assumptions, Shimizu explained experimentally obtained GL intensity vs. oxide film thickness curve [80]. When thickness of the oxide film is less than l av, avalanches originating from oxide/electrolyte interface can grow continuously. Therefore, the number of electrons with kinetic energy high enough to excite GL centers sharply increases with the thickening of the oxide film. Under the assumption that the excitation of GL centers is proportional to the number of electrons in the avalanche, then it is clear why GL intensity sharply increases with the increase of the oxide film’s thickness. On the other hand, when thickness of the oxide film is higher (but not significantly) than l av, effective electric field beyond l av that causes electron avalanching is very low due to the opposite electric field originating from remaining positively charged ions. Therefore, beyond l av electrons are deficient in kinetic energy required to excite GL centers. Beyond l av, GL intensity remains almost constant until the thickness of the oxide film becomes high enough to allow electrons to gain enough energy for excitation of GL centers and to cause an increase in GL intensity.

Having all this in mind, Shimizu and Tajima [79] have developed theoretical model that explains experimentally obtained dependence of GL intensity on the thickness of oxide film. Their model shows exceptional match with experimental data in the area of electronic avalanche growth, where the influence of positive charge can be neglected. Dependence of GL intensity on oxide film’s thickness follows the relation:

$$ \mathrm{GL}\cong a\left[ \exp \left(\alpha bd\right)-1\right], $$

where a is a constant related to electron current density on the oxide/electrolyte interface, α is cationic transport number, and b is a constant equal to reciprocal value of mean free path for electron ionization.

In their experiments Shimizu and Tajima measured only total GL radiation, but not spectrally resolved GL radiation. For this reason, Shimizu and Tajima were not able to make a correction of GL intensity due to interference effects, leading to less successful interpretation of experimental results.

Belča et al. [89] have developed a theory on GL mechanism that explains the dependence of GL intensity on oxide film thickness, taking into account interference effects, as a consequence of high reflectivity of the aluminum surface [83], and electron capture in traps that are usually defects in the oxide film. This model shows excellent match of experimental and theoretically calculated values for dependence of GL intensity of oxide film thickness. Model also enables the calculation of effective electric field in the cylinder of the electronic avalanche and parameters related to the process of electron multiplication (ionization coefficient α and average lifetime of electrons in oxide film τ).

GL intensity of barrier oxide films increases exponentially with respect to voltage of anodization, during the anodization of aluminum under galvanostatic conditions (voltage of anodization increases linearly with time). This exponential dependence prevents measuring of GL spectra by measuring of GL intensities on a wide range of wavelengths, but requires utilization of time-resolved low-intensity measuring optical emission detection system such as ICCD camera [106]. This obstacle can be overcome by working under potentiostatic conditions. Figure 5.10 presents anodization current density and GL intensity versus time of anodization curves for constant voltage of anodization. Clearly, right after applying a constant voltage U, barrier oxide film begins to grow and anodization current density sharply increases to a certain maximum. During this stage of anodization, anodic current mainly consists of ionic current that forms oxide film. Upon reaching certain oxide film thickness d (corresponding voltage of anodization is U), anodization current density begins to decrease. After some time from the beginning of anodization, oxide film ceases to grow significantly, which corresponds to lower values of anodization current density. This, lower, current density is predominantly electronic current that has no influence on oxide film thickening, but influences GL. Constant values of GL intensity and anodization current density allows measurement of GL spectra in steady-state regime by simple measurement of GL intensity at various wavelengths.

Fig. 5.10
figure 10

Typical anodization current density and GL intensity vs. time curves under potentiostatic conditions

Figure 5.11 presents the change of the spectra shape with respect to voltage, during the anodization of aluminum in various barrier oxide film forming organic electrolytes (citric acid, tartaric acid, malic acid, and ammonium tartrate). All spectra are obtained under identical anodizing conditions. Used organic electrolytes are characterized by the presence of carboxylate group; hence, GL spectra have the same shape. This is in agreement with the hypothesis that carboxylate ions incorporated in oxide film during the anodization are GL centers.

Fig. 5.11
figure 11

Shape change of the GL spectra of barrier oxide films with respect to voltage of anodization under galvanostatic conditions (j = 7.5 mA/cm2, t el = 23 °C) in organic electrolytes [95]: (a) 0.1 M citric acid; (b) 0.1 M tartaric acid; (c) malic acid; (d) 0.1 M ammonium tartrate. (1) 75 V; (2) 100 V; (3) 125 V; (4) 150 V; (5) 175 V; (6) 200 V; (7) 225 V (Reproduced by permission from Elsevier No. 3163521207546)

Influence of the anodization current density and electrolyte temperature on GL intensity and GL spectra shape is presented in Fig. 5.12. GL intensity increases with the increase of anodization current density and with the decrease of electrolyte temperature. This conclusion corresponds to the findings of Mason, who has shown that the incorporation of carboxylate ions in oxide film increases as anodization current density increases, or as electrolyte temperature decreases [107]. It has also been reported that electrolyte concentration only weakly influences the GL intensity [76]. Figure 5.12 shows that GL spectra shape (for constant voltage of anodization) does not depend on anodization current density, but on electrolyte temperature only [103].

Fig. 5.12
figure 12

Influence of the anodization parameters on GL spectra shape [95]: (a) anodization current density; (b) electrolyte temperature (Reproduced by permission from Elsevier No. 3163521207546) GL of Porous Anodic Oxide Films

Malonic and oxalic acids are commonly used for the investigation of GL phenomena of porous anodic oxide films, obtained by aluminum anodization in organic electrolytes [64, 87, 88, 96]. Typical GL intensity vs. time and voltage of anodization vs. time curves for galvanostatic anodization, as well as GL intensity vs. time and anodization current density vs. time curves for potentiostatic anodization, are shown in Fig. 5.13. Obviously, after certain time from the beginning of anodization, voltage of anodization and GL intensity reach constant values in galvanostatic regime. Similar conclusion can be drawn for anodization current density and GL intensity in galvanostatic regime. Constant values of anodization parameters in both cases allow simple measurement of GL spectra when steady-state conditions are reached. This can be achieved by plain measurement of GL intensity values over the selected wavelength range. In the case of porous anodic oxide films, GL radiation is being emitted from the barrier part of the oxide film, due to the fact that in that part of the oxide film electric field reaches maximum.

Fig. 5.13
figure 13

(a) GL intensity vs. time and voltage of anodization vs. time curves under galvanostatic conditions; (b) GL intensity vs. time and anodization current density vs. time curves under potentiostatic conditions (t el = 14 °C, λ = 450 nm) [96] (Reproduced by permission from Elsevier India)

Figure 5.14a shows the influence of the anodization current density on GL intensity at 450 nm, in the early stage of anodization, on a constant temperature. Van Geel et al. have shown that GL intensity is proportional to current density for constant film thickness (thickness of the barrier layer in porous oxide film is determined by the voltage of anodization) [64]. This finding is in concert with results presented in Fig. 5.14a, i.e., for same voltage of anodization higher anodization current density results in higher GL intensity. Higher anodization current (ionic + electronic) corresponds to higher number of electrons in conducting zone accelerated by high electric field inside of the barrier layer, resulting in higher GL intensity. GL intensity also depends on temperature of the electrolyte. Figure 5.14b shows the dependence of GL intensity at 450 nm on electrolyte temperature, in the early stage of anodization, for constant anodization current density. Clearly, GL intensity increases for lower temperatures of the electrolyte. Same type of dependence is observed for other organic electrolytes that form both barrier and porous anodic oxide films.

Fig. 5.14
figure 14

Influence of the anodization parameters on GL intensity [96]: (a) anodization current density influence; (b) electrolyte temperature influence (Reproduced by permission from Elsevier India)

GL spectra of porous oxide films obtained by aluminum anodization in malonic acid with respect to voltage of anodization are presented in Fig. 5.15a. Wide GL bands are present in the spectral range from 400 to 700 nm. Each spectrum is dominated by two observable maxima; first one is centered at about 455 nm, while the second maximum shifts with the voltage of anodization. The relative ratio of the second maximum over the first one increases with the increasing voltage of anodization. At the same time, position of GL maximum and their relative ratio depends on the temperature of the electrolyte, as shown in Fig. 5.15b. When the electrolyte temperature increases, second GL maximum becomes more dominant. Similar dependence of GL spectra shape on anodization conditions was reported for aluminum anodization in oxalic acid [88]. Shift of the spectral maxima suggests that GL maxima have fine structure, i.e., they consist of a number of spectral lines and shifting occurs as a consequence of changing contributions of wide GL band lines. Concurrently, GL spectra shape depends on the electronic current. Electronic component of the anodization current is higher for higher voltage of anodization at constant temperature of the electrolyte, or for higher temperature of the electrolyte for constant voltage of anodization [108].

Fig. 5.15
figure 15

(a) GL spectra of porous oxide films for different voltage of anodization in 0.25 M malonic acid [96]: (1) 80 V; (2) 90 V; (3) 100 V; (4) 110 V; (5) 120 V. (b) Influence of electrolyte temperature on GL spectra of porous oxide films (Reproduced by permission from Elsevier India)

Similar shape of GL spectra obtained during the anodization of aluminum in various organic electrolytes suggests that centers responsible for the luminescence are of the same type. Oxide films formed by anodization in organic electrolytes are not pure substrate oxides, but are doped with a small amount (a few percents) of carboxylate species [109, 110]. Figure 5.16a shows EDS spectrum of oxide film surface formed by anodization of aluminum in malonic acid. Main constituting elements of the oxide film are aluminum and oxygen, with some carbon. The presence of carbon points to carboxylate species incorporated into oxide film during anodization. ATR FTIR spectrum of oxide film surface formed in the same electrolyte is shown in Fig. 5.16b. Absorption bands with minima at about 1,560 and 1,460 cm−1 are typical for oxide films formed in organic electrolytes that comprise functional carboxyl group (–COOH). The band at 1,560 cm−1 is related to asymmetric O–C–O stretching vibrations, while the band at 1,460 cm−1 is related to the bond between symmetric O–C–O and C–C stretching vibrations [109, 110].

Fig. 5.16
figure 16

(a) EDS spectrum of porous oxide film; (b) ATR FTIR spectrum of porous oxide film; (0.25 M malonic acid, t el = 24 °C, U = 100 V) [96] (Reproduced by permission from Elsevier India)

Influence of the voltage of anodization and electrolyte temperature on the shape of ATR FTIR spectra is shown in Fig. 5.17. Position of absorption minimum at about 1,460 cm−1 is independent of voltage of anodization value, while the second minimum shifts from about 1,572 cm−1 for voltage of anodization of 80 V, to about 1,558 cm−1 for voltage of anodization of 120 V (Fig. 5.17a). This shift of the second absorption minima with changing voltage of anodization is comparable to the shift of the second GL maximum in Fig. 5.15. Temperature of the electrolyte has similar influence on the shape of GL spectra (Fig. 5.17b). Position of absorption minima is independent on electrolyte temperature, but their relative ratio increases with the increase of electrolyte temperature. The same influence of anodizing conditions on the shape of GL spectra as well as ATR FTIR spectra also confirms the assumption that carboxylate species incorporated in oxide films act as the GL centers.

Fig. 5.17
figure 17

Influence of anodization parameters on ATR FTIR spectra: (a) influence of voltage of anodization; (b) influence of electrolyte temperature [96] (Reproduced by permission from Elsevier India)

5.3.3 Galvanoluminescence of Anodic Oxide Films Obtained in Inorganic Electrolytes GL of Barrier Anodic Oxide Films

Detailed investigation on the influence of aluminum surface pretreatment, anodization conditions, and GL mechanism of barrier oxide films in inorganic electrolytes (ammonium borate) was conducted by Tajima and Shimizu with coworkers [76]. Investigation on GL in boric acid/borax solution, conducted within our research group, yields similar results [105]. Main difference between these two sets of results is in experimental method, because Tajima and Shimizu measured total GL intensity, while we measured GL intensity on selected wavelengths in order to eliminate the effect of interference.

Influence of the pretreatment of aluminum surface on GL intensity is shown in Fig. 5.18. The highest GL intensity was obtained for degreased samples; it significantly decreases for chemically cleaned samples and almost disappears for electropolished samples. This suggests that surface properties control GL intensity in inorganic electrolytes, i.e., defects and impurities (“flaws”) present in oxide film are responsible for GL [77]. In other words, GL intensity is proportional to the concentration of flaws, as first suggested by Smith [66].

Fig. 5.18
figure 18

Influence of aluminum surface pretreatment on GL intensity [105]

Figure 5.19 shows AFM micrographs of aluminum surface after various pretreatment procedures. Degreased sample has the highest surface roughness, higher than 0.1 μm, which is mostly related to the cold-rolling of aluminum. Chemical cleaning removes chemical contaminants from the aluminum surface, while electropolishing serves to obtain the flattest surface.

Fig. 5.19
figure 19

AFM micrographs of aluminum surface after various pretreatment procedures: (a) degreasing; (b) chemical cleaning; (c) electropolishing [100] (Reproduced by permission from Elsevier No. 3163521501120)

Another important factor that influences GL intensity is annealing temperature of the aluminum sample prior to anodization (Fig. 5.20). It has been shown that under identical anodizing conditions (anodization current density, electrolyte temperature, and concentration), GL intensity increases with the increase of annealing temperature, as a consequence of increased number of defects on grain boundaries and their orientation [79].

Fig. 5.20
figure 20

Influence of the annealing temperature on GL intensity [105]

During anodization of aluminum in inorganic electrolytes which form barrier oxide films, when voltage of anodization and thickness of oxide film increase linearly with time, van Geel observed that GL intensity increases exponentially as oxide film thickness (or voltage of anodization) increases [64]. Additional observations can be found in the literature as well. Gardin et al. [111] claim that GL intensity increases linearly as voltage of anodization increases, for all voltages higher than the threshold voltage, while Anderson [59] suggests GL intensity is not directly related to voltage of anodization. Zeković et al. [82] have shown that GL intensity vs. voltage of anodization curve strongly depends on aluminum sample thermal pretreatment. According to [82], exponential and linear increases are related to annealed and non-annealed samples, respectively.

Influence of electrolyte temperature on GL intensity is shown in Fig. 5.21a, while influence of anodization current density on GL intensity is shown in Fig. 5.21b. GL intensity is strongly dependent on electrolyte temperature (GL increases as electrolyte temperature increases), while it shows almost no dependence on anodization current density. This suggests that GL intensity is independent on the amount of electrolyte species incorporated in oxide film. It has been observed that in some electrolytes that contain tungsten species, GL intensity increases with the increase of voltage of anodization, while it is scarcely dependent on electrolyte temperature [101].

Fig. 5.21
figure 21

Influence of anodization parameters on GL intensity: (a) influence of electrolyte temperature; (b) influence of anodization current density [105]

Figure 5.22 presents change of the GL spectra shape with respect to voltage of anodization during anodization of aluminum in boric acid + borax electrolyte. Two maxima are superimposed on wide GL bands in the wavelength range from 400 to 700 nm. First maximum is centered at about 430 nm, while the other one shifts from about 600 nm to about 680 nm, when voltage of anodization changes from 200 to 275 V.

Fig. 5.22
figure 22

Change in GL spectra of barrier oxide films with respect to voltage of anodization during galvanostatic anodization. (1) 100 V; (2) 150 V; (3) 200 V; (4) 225 V; (5) 250 V; (6) 275 V

Influence of anodization conditions on GL intensity in inorganic electrolytes, such as boric acid + borax electrolyte, is utterly different than in the case of anodization in organic electrolytes. As stated earlier, GL in organic electrolytes gains intensity when electrolyte temperature is lower and/or anodization current density is higher, which is in accordance with the electroluminescence theory in homogeneous oxide film. A conclusion can be drawn that different types of GL occur in organic and inorganic electrolytes: GL in inorganic electrolytes does not appear as a result of collisions, but is a local phenomenon associated with scintillation or some other phenomenon concerning “flaws.” “Flaw” is a general term for microfissures, local regions of different composition, and impurities. Confirmation that “flaws” are responsible for GL in inorganic electrolytes is obtained if an electropolished sample is subject to mechanical scratch, chemical etching, or impurity contamination. In that case, “flaws” are artificially introduced on the sample surface, and GL appears only in affected areas [80]. GL of Porous Anodic Oxide Films

Commonly used electrolytes for investigation of GL of porous anodic oxide films formed by aluminum anodization in inorganic electrolytes are phosphoric, sulfuric, chromic, and sulfamic acids [9093, 100]. This paragraph will present the results of GL measurements of porous oxide films obtained by anodization of two types of aluminum samples: ultraclean (99.999 %) aluminum samples (sample A) and 99.5 % pure aluminum samples (sample B). Both sample types were anodized in phosphoric acid. Similar results were obtained for aluminum anodization in sulfuric, chromic, and sulfamic acids, though GL intensity was lower.

Figure 5.23 presents typical voltage of anodization and GL intensity vs. time curves for aluminum sample types A and B, respectively, during anodization in 0.1 M phosphoric acid. Both sample types generate more intense GL in the early phase of anodization (during the formation of barrier oxide layer, i.e., when electric field has highest value). During steady-state regime (thick porous layer) GL almost disappears for sample type A, while for sample type B, GL reaches constant value, which is dependent on voltage of anodization in steady-state regime. Furthermore, maximum GL intensity for sample type A is shifted with respect to voltage of anodization maximum, which corresponds to the onset of pore formation [38]. This shift is insignificant for sample type B.

Fig. 5.23
figure 23

Voltage of anodization and GL intensity vs. time curves [90]: (a) sample type A; (b) sample type B (Reproduced by permission from Elsevier No. 3163520770775)

The difference in GL intensities for sample types A and B points out to surface imperfections (“flaws”) as well as to internal impurities as main sources of GL. Amount of internal impurities is determined by the sample purity, while surface imperfections are related to cold-rolling of aluminum samples. Concentration of surface imperfections is independent on aluminum purity and it solely depends on sample’s surface treatment.

Influence of aluminum surface pretreatment on GL intensity for sample types A and B is shown in Fig. 5.24. It is to be noted that procedure for pretreatment of the sample strongly influences GL intensity for ultraclean samples (type A): degreased samples yield highest GL intensity, chemically cleaned samples have lower GL intensity, and GL of electropolished samples is almost undetectable. These results are similar to results of Tajima and Shimizu, obtained for barrier oxide films in inorganic electrolytes [76]. The maintaining of GL for porous film in B type aluminum can be attributed to a high concentration of impurities. As GL intensity is highest for degreased samples, from now on, only those results will be presented.

Fig. 5.24
figure 24

Influence of Al surface pretreatment procedure on GL intensity [90]: (a) sample type A; (b) sample type B (Reproduced by permission from Elsevier No. 3163520770775)

Another important aluminum surface pretreatment factor that influences GL intensity is the temperature of annealing. Higher GL intensity is obtained for higher annealing temperature (Fig. 5.25). Increase of annealing temperature increases the number of surface defects on grain boundaries and their orientation, i.e., concentration of “flaws” increases [79]. This finding is valid for samples of type A only, while it does not hold for samples of type B. This can be explained by having in mind that for samples of type B impurities in aluminum act as GL centers, so that the influence of surface defects can be neglected.

Fig. 5.25
figure 25

Influence of Al sample annealing temperature on GL intensity for sample type A [90]: (1) 25 °C; (2) 150 °C; (3) 250 °C; (4) 350 °C; (5) 450 °C (Reproduced by permission from Elsevier No. 3163520770775)

Influence of anodizing conditions on GL intensity is presented in Fig. 5.26. According to van Geel [64], GL intensity is proportional to anodization current density for constant oxide film thickness (thickness of the barrier layer of oxide film is determined by voltage of anodization). Curves on Fig. 5.26a confirm this finding, i.e., higher anodization current density results in higher GL intensity, for the same voltage of anodization. Measurement of GL intensity while changing electrolyte temperature shows strong dependence of electrolyte temperature on GL intensity (Fig. 5.26b). Lower electrolyte temperature results in higher GL intensity, which is identical to the relation between these parameters when anodization in organic electrolytes is performed [104]. On the other hand, this is opposite to the relation established between GL intensity and electrolyte temperature when GL of barrier oxide films in inorganic electrolytes is investigated [96]. Literature offers very little data on the influence of electrolyte concentration on GL intensity (Fig. 5.25c). Our investigations show that higher electrolyte concentrations result in lower GL intensity, although it is not clear how temperature and concentration of phosphoric acid influence GL intensity. Influence of these parameters may be indirect, since electrolyte temperature and concentration affect the distribution of net anodization current. Thus, these parameters influence electronic current, which is responsible for GL.

Fig. 5.26
figure 26

Influence of anodization conditions on GL intensity for sample type A [90]: (a) Variation of GL intensity with anodization current density; (b) Variation of GL intensity with electrolyte temperature; (c) Variation of GL intensity with electrolyte concentration (Reproduced by permission from Elsevier No. 3163520770775)

GL spectra of porous oxide films obtained by aluminum anodization in phosphoric acid (sample type B) were recorded in two regimes: in constant current mode (galvanostatic regime) and in constant voltage mode (potentiostatic regime). GL spectra were recorded in the wavelength range from 400 to 700 nm. GL spectra recording in galvanostatic regime is based on fact that after some time from the beginning of anodization (determined by anodization current density), both voltage of anodization and GL intensity reach constant values (Fig. 5.23b).

Experimental results for influence of anodization conditions on GL spectra in galvanostatic regime suggest that spectra shape is independent of anodization current density, while it depends on electrolyte temperature and concentration. Influence of electrolyte temperature on the shape of GL spectra is presented in Fig. 5.27a. Clearly, each emission GL spectrum is dominated by two maximum at about 425 and 595 nm. With the increase of electrolyte temperature, maximum positioned at about 425 nm becomes more pronounced. Ratio of the first to second maximum shows linear dependence on electrolyte temperature (Fig. 5.27b).

Fig. 5.27
figure 27

(a) Influence of electrolyte temperature on GL intensity in phosphoric acid; (b) Influence of electrolyte temperature on the first to second maximum ratio [91] (Reproduced by permission from Elsevier No. 3163520978089)

Influence of electrolyte concentration on GL spectra shape is presented in Fig. 5.28a. It is obvious that increase of electrolyte concentration results in distinction of maximum positioned at about 425 nm. Once again, ratio of the first to second maximum shows linear dependence on electrolyte concentration (Fig. 5.28b).

Fig. 5.28
figure 28

(a) Influence of electrolyte concentration on GL spectra shape in phosphoric acid; (b) Influence of electrolyte concentration on the first to second maximum ratio [91] (Reproduced by permission from Elsevier No. 3163520978089)

During the early stage of anodization in galvanostatic regime (barrier layer type), GL spectra were recorded both for type A and type B samples. Spectrum was obtained by measuring maximum GL intensity at various wavelengths. An example of the spectrum recorded in this mode is presented in Fig. 5.29. Clearly, GL spectrum has the same shape as GL spectrum recorded for thick porous oxide film, which indicates that GL mechanism is the same in both stages of anodization and for both sample types.

Fig. 5.29
figure 29

GL spectrum for sample type A obtained during the early stage of anodization (barrier layer type) [90] (Reproduced by permission from Elsevier No. 3163520770775)

Measuring and investigating GL during anodization of aluminum in potentiostatic regime suggests that GL intensity, as well as anodization current density, reaches constant values after 1–2 h after the onset of anodization (Fig. 5.30). This condition is sufficient for the spectrum to remain unchanged during the recording time (about 400 s). In this regime, spectrum was recorded in succession going back and forth several times, for each sample. It is worth mentioning that GL spectrum did not change during the recording, i.e., spectrum shape was the same in every run, for each sample.

Fig. 5.30
figure 30

Dependence of anodization current density and GL intensity on time [91] (Reproduced by permission from Elsevier No. 3163520978089)

Investigation of the influence of anodization conditions on GL spectra in potentiostatic regime shows that spectra shape is not directly related to voltage of anodization, but is closely connected to electrolyte concentration and temperature. Dependence of GL spectra shape on electrolyte temperature is shown in Fig. 5.31a. As electrolyte temperature increases, spectral maximum at about 425 nm becomes more distinct. Ratio of two observed maxima is a linear function of electrolyte temperature (Fig. 5.31b).

Fig. 5.31
figure 31

(a) Influence of electrolyte temperature on GL spectra shape in phosphoric acid; (b) Influence of electrolyte temperature on the first to second maximum ratio [91] (Reproduced by permission from Elsevier No. 3163520978089)

Experimental results showing influence of electrolyte concentration on GL spectra shape are presented in Fig. 5.32a. As expected (based on the results obtained in galvanostatic regime), increase of electrolyte concentration causes maximum at about 425 nm to be more pronounced. Ratio of the first to second maximum also follows linear dependence on electrolyte temperature (Fig. 5.32b).

Fig. 5.32
figure 32

(a) Influence of electrolyte concentration on GL spectra shape in phosphoric acid; (b) Influence of electrolyte concentration on the first to second maximum ratio [91] (Reproduced by permission from Elsevier No. 3163520978089)

Again, literature offers insufficient amount of data on GL spectra of porous oxide films obtained by aluminum anodization in phosphoric acid. Ganley [68] conducted an investigation on the influence of impurities on GL spectra obtained by anodization in potentiostatic regime. In this work, two maxima centered at about 430 and 600 nm were observed. Relative ratio of the observed maxima changes depending on anodization regime (anodic or AC) and on impurity concentration. However, data presented by Ganley lack information on electrolyte temperature and electrolyte temperature stability throughout the anodization, sample pretreatment, and details on how the spectra were recorded.

Distribution of anodization current depends on electrolyte temperature and concentration [112], i.e., the sum of dissolution current and electronic current constantly increases with respect to the net current, with an increase in electrolyte concentration and/or temperature. Since relative ratio of the first to second spectral maximum follows the same dependence on electrolyte temperature and concentration, this suggests possible relation between anodization current distribution and ratio of GL maxima obtained during the experiment.

5.3.4 Annealing of Aluminum Above 550 °C and Its Influence on Galvanoluminescence

Annealing of aluminum samples above 550 °C, before anodization, results in increased GL intensity and observable change of GL spectral character. This phenomenon is strongly related to alteration of aluminum structure. Experimental results presented in this chapter are obtained on ultra pure (99.999 % Al) aluminum samples that were annealed on 550 °C for 4 h, prior to anodization. Thermal Treatment Influence on GL of Anodic Oxide Films Obtained in Inorganic Electrolytes

Figure 5.33 presents typical GL intensity vs. time and voltage of anodization vs. time curves obtained during the anodization of aluminum in inorganic electrolytes that form either barrier (a) or porous (b) oxide films. Sharp initial increase of voltage of anodization and GL intensity in presented curves is associated with the existence of oxide layer formed during the annealing of aluminum samples.

Fig. 5.33
figure 33

GL intensity and voltage of anodization variation with respect to time of anodization for aluminum samples annealed at 550 °C: (a) boric acid + borax; (b) phosphoric acid [98] (Reproduced by permission from American Chemical Society)

During the anodization of aluminum samples annealed at 550 °C prior to anodization in inorganic electrolytes, GL intensity is about a hundred times higher than for aluminum samples annealed below 500 °C. This is related to the formation of regions of high crystallinity, which act as defects in oxide film, therefore causing an increase in GL intensity.

Figure 5.34 shows the influence of aluminum surface pretreatment on GL intensity of porous oxide films obtained by anodization of aluminum in phosphoric acid. The most intense GL is observed for degreased samples, it slightly decreases for chemical treated samples, and it is not present for electropolished samples. The same influence of surface pretreatment procedure on GL intensity is observed for samples anodized in boric acid + borax electrolyte. These results are visibly different than results obtained on samples annealed on temperatures below 500 °C (Figs. 5.18 and 5.24a), where chemical treatment of aluminum samples considerably decreases GL intensity.

Fig. 5.34
figure 34

Influence of aluminum surface pretreatment on GL intensity [98] (Reproduced by permission from American Chemical Society)

Chemical treatment serves as a tool to remove amorphous alumina, as well as surface impurities, leaving the regions of crystalline alumina almost intact. On the other hand, electropolishing removes the regions of crystalline alumina from the surface as well. SEM micrograph of chemically treated aluminum sample and corresponding XRD pattern are shown in Fig. 5.35, with clearly visible regions of γ-alumina present of the surface.

Fig. 5.35
figure 35

SEM micrograph and XRD pattern of chemically treated aluminum surface annealed at 550 °C [98] (Reproduced by permission from American Chemical Society)

Figure 5.36 shows GL spectra change with anodization time for aluminum samples annealed at 550 °C in phosphoric acid. At the beginning of anodization, six broad intensive emission bands can be observed. Emission band maxima are centered at about 430, 483, 544, 575, 601, and 648 nm. Same GL spectra shape is obtained in boric acid + borax electrolyte. A semiquantitative analysis based on literature data [113] for simple molecular species involving aluminum atom, as well as those atoms whose presence is possible under given experimental conditions (hydrogen, oxygen, etc.), showed that the GL in the range from 400 to 700 nm originated from spectral transitions: X1A1 ← A1П of AlH, X2Σ+ ← B2Σ+ of AlO, X3Σg  ← A3Σu of Al2, and X2A1 ← A2A1(2Пu) of triatomic radical AlH2. Since broad GL bands are not present for samples annealed below 500 °C, this clearly indicates that their existence is a consequence of annealing on temperatures above 550 °C, i.e., broad GL bands are related to the presence of γ-alumina crystalline regions. Crystalline γ-alumina is porous and consists of spinel structures that form aluminum vacancies in order to gain stability [114]. It is probable that molecules responsible for GL are localized in γ-alumina pores (average pore diameter is 2–5 nm). Another possible explanation of this phenomenon originates from the assumption that regions of crystalline γ-alumina perturbate strong electric field during anodization and generate local dielectric breakdown, similar to DC discharge.

Fig. 5.36
figure 36

(a) GL spectrum shape change during anodization of aluminum annealed at 550 °C in 0.1 M H3PO4; (b) GL spectrum for 100 V anodization voltage (j = 10 mA/cm2, t el = 12 °C) [98] (Reproduced by permission from American Chemical Society) Thermal Treatment Influence on GL of Anodic Oxide Films Obtained in Organic Electrolytes

Figure 5.37 presents typical GL intensity and voltage of anodization variations with respect to time of anodization for porous oxide films in oxalic acid. Curves in Fig. 5.37a, b are recorded for aluminum samples annealed at 450 °C and at 550 °C, respectively. Clearly, GL intensity for samples annealed at 550 °C is higher, especially in the early stage of anodization.

Fig. 5.37
figure 37

GL intensity and voltage of anodization variation with respect to time of anodization for aluminum samples annealed at (a) 450 °C; (b) 550 °C [99] (Reproduced by permission from Elsevier No. 3163521319336)

Influence of annealing on GL intensity is shown in Fig. 5.38. Annealing on temperatures lower than 500 °C has no significant influence on GL intensity. When annealing temperature is higher than 500 °C, GL intensity increases with an increase of annealing temperature. Oxide films formed on aluminum samples annealed on temperatures higher than 500 °C contain large surface regions of crystalline γ-alumina, while oxide layers formed on aluminum samples annealed on temperatures lower than 500 °C are amorphous.

Fig. 5.38
figure 38

Influence of aluminum annealing temperature on GL intensity [99] (Reproduced by permission from Elsevier No. 3163521319336)

Influence of pretreatment of aluminum samples annealed at 550 °C on GL intensity is shown in Fig. 5.39. Intense GL is obtained for degreased and chemically cleaned samples, while considerably lower intensities are recorded for electropolished samples.

Fig. 5.39
figure 39

Influence of pretreatment of aluminum samples annealed at 550 °C on GL intensity [99] (Reproduced by permission from Elsevier No. 3163521319336)

GL spectrum shape change during the anodization of aluminum annealed at 550 °C in oxalic acid is shown in Fig. 5.40a. In the early stage of anodization GL spectrum has six intense and broad emission maxima centered at about 430, 483, 544, 575, 601, and 648 nm. Just like in the case of aluminum anodization in inorganic electrolytes, identified spectral maxima can be ascribed to transitions X1A1 ← A1П of AlH, X2Σ+ ← B2Σ+ of AlO, X3Σg  ← A3Σu of Al2, and X2A1 ← A2A1(2Пu) AlH2. During anodization, oxide film grows vertically on the surface of aluminum, balancing between dissolution of oxide film on oxide/electrolyte interface and oxide film growth on aluminum/oxide and oxide/electrolyte interfaces. In the case of porous oxide films, GL originates only from the barrier layer of the oxide film. Clearly pronounced maxima in GL spectrum can be observed until γ-alumina crystalline grains start moving from barrier to porous layer of the oxide film. From that moment on, GL spectrum has characteristic shape as the GL spectrum of porous oxide films formed by anodization of aluminum samples annealed below 500 °C (Fig. 5.40b) and total emission comes from carboxylate ions incorporated in oxide film during the anodization. Similar spectral features are observed in barrier anodic oxide films [99].

Fig. 5.40
figure 40

(a) GL spectrum shape change during anodization of aluminum annealed at 550 °C: (1) 10 s; (2) 30 s; (3) 60 s; (4) 100 s; (5) 200 s; (6) 600 s; (b) GL spectrum of porous oxide film during anodization of aluminum annealed at 450 °C [99] (Reproduced by permission from Elsevier No. 3163521319336) GL Spectral Characterization in UV Range

During the anodization of aluminum samples, annealed on temperatures below 500 °C prior to anodization, extremely low GL intensity in UV range is observed. However, upon annealing of aluminum on 550 °C, GL spectrum during anodization features a wide emission band with maximum centered at about 313 nm (Fig. 5.41) [102]. This emission band is observable independently of the electrolyte type. An analysis based on literature data [113], for simple molecules that include aluminum, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms, identifies that observed maximum corresponds to transitions between vibrational levels C2Π ← X2Σ+ of AlO molecule, which are partially overlapped with transitions from vibrational levels A2Σ+ ← X2Π of OH molecule.

Fig. 5.41
figure 41

GL spectrum in UV range of anodic oxide film on aluminum annealed at 550 °C [102] (Reproduced by permission from Elsevier No. 3163530121723)

5.3.5 Galvanoluminescence Methods as a Tool for Investigation of Anodic Oxide Films

GL of anodic oxide films formed on highly reflective aluminum surfaces in organic electrolytes features clearly pronounced interference maxima that can be used as a tool for determining oxide film thickness and inherent optical parameters. Two methods (based on particular observation angle) for determining such properties are developed:

  1. (a)

    Measurement at right angle—optical axis is set perpendicular to the oxide film surface,

  2. (b)

    Measurement at an angle close to total reflection—optical axis is set parallel to the oxide film surface. Investigation of Porous Anodic Oxide Films Measurement at Right Angle

In this measurement method, GL emission perpendicular to the oxide film surface is detected at a fixed wavelength λ [86]. Figure 5.42 presents detected GL emission pathway (a) and observed GL intensity (b).

Fig. 5.42
figure 42

Measurement at right angle: (a) detected GL emission pathway and (b) observed GL intensity

Method for determining oxide film thickness is developed based on the assumption that excited GL center (located at distance x from the metal/oxide interface) emits the ray E a1 in the optical detection system direction and the ray E b1 in the opposite direction. High reflectivity of aluminum surface (obtained by electropolishing) creates multiple reflections on metal/oxide and oxide/electrolyte interfaces, causing interference of rays that have different optical paths. Thickness of obtained oxide films can be determined from these interference maxima as follows:

  • Instead of primal ray E a1, under multiple reflections condition, a family of rays is detected

    $$ {E}_{\mathrm{a}1}=\left(1-r\right){E}_{\mathrm{o}} \exp \left( i\omega t\right){E}_{\mathrm{a}2}=\left(1-r\right)(rR){E}_{\mathrm{o}} \exp \left[i\left(\omega t+\pi -\varphi -\frac{4\pi {n}_2d}{\lambda}\right)\right]= rR{E}_{\mathrm{a}1} \exp \left[i\left(\pi -\varphi -\frac{4\pi {n}_2d}{\lambda}\right)\right]{E}_{\mathrm{a}3}=\left(1-r\right){(rR)}^2{E}_{\mathrm{o}} \exp \left[i\left(\omega t+2\left(\pi -\varphi \right)-\frac{8\pi {n}_2d}{\lambda}\right)\right]={(rR)}^2{E}_{\mathrm{a}1} \exp \left[2i\left(\pi -\varphi -\frac{4\pi {n}_2d}{\lambda}\right)\right]\vdots {E}_{\mathrm{a}\left(p+1\right)}=\left(1-r\right){(rR)}^p{E}_{\mathrm{o}} \exp \left[i\left(\omega t+p\left(\pi -\varphi \right)-\frac{4\pi {n}_2d}{\lambda }p\right)\right]={(rR)}^p{E}_{\mathrm{a}1} \exp \left[ pi\left(\pi -\varphi -\frac{4\pi {n}_2d}{\lambda}\right)\right]. $$

    E o is the amplitude of electric field vector associated with emitted electromagnetic wave, λ is the wavelength of emitted radiation, r is the reflection coefficient on oxide/electrolyte interface, R is the reflection coefficient at metal/oxide interface, and (π − φ) is the phase shift on metal/oxide interface. Reflection coefficient r is defined by equation:

    $$ r=\frac{n_2-{n}_1}{n_2+{n}_1}, $$

    where n 2 is the refraction index of oxide film (n 2 ≅ 1.65), while n 1 is the refraction index of the electrolyte. Reflection coefficient R and phase shift φ can be calculated from Fresnel’s formulae:

    $$ R=\sqrt{\frac{{\left(n-{n}_2\right)}^2-{k}^2}{{\left(n-{n}_2\right)}^2+{k}^2}}\cong 0.92-0.95, $$
    $$ \varphi = arctg\left(\frac{2{n}_2k}{n^2+{k}^2-{n}_2^2}\right), $$

    where n and k are real and imaginary part of complex refraction index of aluminum, respectively (n* = n − ik).

    Summation of all rays in Eq. (5.4) yields

    $$ {E}_{\mathrm{a}}=\underset{p\to \infty }{ \lim }{\displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^{p+1}{E}_{\mathrm{a}i}}={E}_{\mathrm{a}1}{\displaystyle \sum_{n=0}^{\infty }{\rho}^n}, $$


    $$ \rho = rR\cdot \exp \left[i\left(\pi -\varphi -\frac{4\pi {n}_2d}{\lambda}\right)\right]. $$

    Having in mind that ∣ρ∣ < 1, it follows that

    $$ {\displaystyle \sum_{n=0}^{\infty }{\rho}^n=\frac{1}{1-\rho }}, $$

    or, consequently,

    $$ {E}_{\mathrm{a}}=\frac{\left(1-r\right){E}_{\mathrm{o}} \exp \left( i\omega t\right)}{1-r\operatorname{R} \exp \left[i\left(\pi -\varphi -\frac{4\pi {n}_2d}{\lambda}\right)\right]}. $$
  • Multiple reflections of primal ray E b1 result in formation of rays:

    $$ \begin{array}{c}\hfill \kern-1.6em {E}_{\mathrm{b}1}=R{E}_{\mathrm{a}1} \exp \left[i\left(\pi -\varphi -\frac{2\pi {n}_2}{\lambda }2x\right)\right]\hfill \\ {}\hfill \kern-1em {E}_{\mathrm{b}2}={E}_{\mathrm{b}1}(rR) \exp \left[i\left(\pi -\varphi -\frac{4\pi {n}_2d}{\lambda}\right)\right]\hfill \\ {}\hfill {E}_{\mathrm{b}3}={E}_{\mathrm{b}1}{(rR)}^2 \exp \left[2i\left(\pi -\varphi -\frac{4\pi {n}_2d}{\lambda}\right)\right]\hfill \\ {}\hfill \vdots \hfill \\ {}\hfill \kern-1.5em {E}_{\mathrm{b}\left(p+1\right)}={E}_{\mathrm{b}1}{(rR)}^p \exp \left[ pi\left(\pi -\varphi -\frac{4\pi {n}_2d}{\lambda}\right)\right].\hfill \end{array} $$

    Upon summation,

    $$ {E}_{\mathrm{b}}=\underset{p\to \infty }{ \lim }{\displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^{p+1}{E}_{\mathrm{b}i}=\frac{\left(1-r\right){E}_{\mathrm{o}}R\kern0.5em \exp \left[i\left(\omega t+\pi -\varphi -\frac{4\pi {n}_2x}{\lambda}\right)\right]}{1- rR \exp \left[i\left(\pi -\varphi -\frac{4\pi {n}_2d}{\lambda}\right)\right]}}. $$

    Total radiation amplitude emitted from the luminescent center is equal to the sum of these two ray families:

    $$ {E}_{\mathrm{t}}={E}_{\mathrm{a}}+{E}_{\mathrm{b}}=\frac{\left(1-r\right){E}_{\mathrm{o}} \exp \left( i\omega t\right)\left\{1+R\kern0.5em \exp \left[i\left(\pi -\varphi -\frac{4\pi {n}_2x}{\lambda}\right)\right]\right\}}{1- rR \exp \left[i\left(\pi -\varphi -\frac{4\pi {n}_2d}{\lambda}\right)\right]}. $$

    Corresponding spectral intensity is proportional to the squared radiation amplitude:

    $$ {I}_{\lambda }(x)\cong {E}_{\mathrm{t}}\cdot {E}_{\mathrm{t}}^{*}, $$


    $$ {I}_{\lambda }(x)\cong \frac{1+{R}^2-2R \cos \left(\varphi +\frac{4\pi {n}_2x}{\lambda}\right)}{1+{(rR)}^2+2 rR \cos \left(\varphi +\frac{4\pi {n}_2d}{\lambda}\right)}. $$

    Total measured intensity of spectral radiation coming from the oxide film can be obtained upon integration of Eq. (5.16):

    $$ {N}_{\lambda}\cong \frac{{\displaystyle \underset{0}{\overset{x_{\mathrm{a}}}{\int }}{I}_{\mathrm{o},\lambda}\cdot {n}_{\mathrm{c}}(x)\left[1+{R}^2-2R \cos \left(\varphi +\frac{4\pi {n}_2x}{\lambda}\right)\right] dx}}{1+{(rR)}^2+2 rR \cos \left(\varphi +\frac{4\pi {n}_2d}{\lambda}\right)}. $$

    where x a is the average range of electron avalanches that excite GL centers, n c(x) is the spatial distribution of GL centers, and I o,λ is the initial GL intensity (without interference effect). For the measurement of oxide film thickness only relative intensity of interference maxima as a function of anodization time is taken into consideration. Clearly, Fig. 5.42 shows that interference maxima N λ (t), according to Eq. (5.17), can be associated with the thickness of oxide film d m:

    $$ \varphi +\frac{4\pi {n}_2{d}_{\mathrm{m}}}{\lambda }=\left(2m+1\right)\pi; \kern1em m=0,1,2\dots $$

    For the interference maximum m and (m + f) it can be obtained that

    $$ {d}_{\mathrm{m}+\mathrm{f}}-{d}_{\mathrm{m}}=\frac{ f\lambda}{2{n}_2}. $$

    Taking into consideration the relation between oxide film thickness and anodization time,

    $$ d=\chi \cdot j\cdot t, $$

    where χ is the velocity of anodization, and j is the anodization current density. From Eqs. (5.19) and (5.20) the velocity of anodization can be determined:

    $$ \chi =\frac{\lambda }{2{n}_2j}\cdot \frac{f}{t_{\mathrm{m}+\mathrm{f}}-{t}_{\mathrm{m}}}=\frac{\lambda }{2{n}_2 j\varDelta t}. $$

    Upon determination of the anodization velocity, Eq. (5.20) serves to calculate actual oxide film thickness, for known anodization time t. Measurement at an Angle Close to Total Reflection

In this method, the system detects only the rays with emission angles α close to the total reflection angle (Fig. 5.43) [86]:

Fig. 5.43
figure 43

Measurement at angle close to total reflection: (a) detected GL emission pathway and (b) observed GL intensity

$$ {n}_2 \sin \alpha ={n}_1 \sin \beta \cong {n}_1. $$

Excited GL center located at distance x from metal/oxide interface emits the ray E a1 in the direction of the detection system and the ray E b1 in the opposite direction. Again, multiple reflections on metal/oxide and oxide/electrolyte interfaces occur as a result of high reflectivity of electropolished aluminum surface. Rays following different optical paths interfere and form interference pattern. During multiple reflections, normal and parallel components of the electrical field vector have different phase shifts. On the oxide/electrolyte interface, normal component (s) remains unchanged, because the angle is higher than Brewster’s. On the other hand, parallel component (p) shifts its phase for π. On the metal/oxide interface normal component undergoes phase shift of (π − φ s ), while parallel component shifts for (π − φ p ). It is worth mentioning that φ represents the phase shift originating from light absorption on metal surface.

Basic derivation of this method is similar as in the case of measurement under perpendicular angle, but polarized components are treated separately. In the experiment, we select one of the polarized components only by simply placing polarization filter in front of the incoming slit of the detector.

In case of the normal component (s), instead of primal ray E a1, a family of rays is obtained:

$$ \begin{array}{l}\kern1.4em {E}_{\mathrm{a}1}=\left(1-{r}_s\right){E}_{\mathrm{o}} \exp \left( i\omega t\right)\hfill \\ {}\kern1.5em {E}_{\mathrm{a}2}=\left(1-{r}_s\right)\left({r}_s{R}_s\right){E}_{\mathrm{o}} \exp \left[i\left(\omega t+\pi -{\varphi}_s-{K}_sd\right)\right]\hfill \\ {}\kern2.74em ={r}_s{R}_s{E}_{\mathrm{a}1} \exp \left[i\left(\pi -{\varphi}_s-{K}_sd\right)\right]\hfill \\ {}\kern1.4em {E}_{\mathrm{a}3}=\left(1-{r}_s\right){\left({r}_s{R}_s\right)}^2{E}_{\mathrm{o}} \exp \left[i\left(\omega t+2\left(\pi -{\varphi}_s\right)-2{K}_sd\right)\right]\hfill \\ {}\kern2.7em ={\left({r}_s{R}_s\right)}^2{E}_{\mathrm{a}1} \exp \left[2i\left(\pi -{\varphi}_s-{K}_sd\right)\right]\hfill \\ {}\kern2.7em \vdots \hfill \\ {}{E}_{\mathrm{a}\left(p+1\right)}=\left(1-{r}_s\right){\left({r}_s{R}_s\right)}^p{E}_{\mathrm{o}} \exp \left[i\left(\omega t+p\left(\pi -{\varphi}_s\right)-p{K}_sd\right)\right]\hfill \\ {}\kern2.7em ={\left({r}_s{R}_s\right)}^p{E}_{\mathrm{a}1} \exp \left[ pi\left(\pi -{\varphi}_s-{K}_sd\right)\right].\hfill \end{array} $$

Summation of these rays yields

$$ {E}_{\mathrm{a}}=\underset{p\to \infty }{ \lim }{\displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^{p+1}{E}_{\mathrm{a}i}}={E}_{\mathrm{a}1}{\displaystyle \sum_{n=0}^{\infty }{\rho}^n}, $$


$$ \rho ={r}_s{R}_s\cdot \exp \left[i\left(\pi -{\varphi}_s-{K}_sd\right)\right]. $$

Again, by applying ∣ρ∣ < 1, from Eq. (5.10) is obtained:

$$ {E}_{\mathrm{a}}=\frac{\left(1-{r}_s\right){E}_{\mathrm{o}} \exp \left( i\omega t\right)}{1-{r}_s{R}_s \exp \left[i\left(\pi -{\varphi}_s-{K}_sd\right)\right]}. $$

Instead of primal ray E b1, under multiple reflections condition, a family of rays is obtained:

$$ \begin{array}{l}\kern1.4em {E}_{\mathrm{b}1}={R}_s{E}_{\mathrm{a}1} \exp \left[i,\left(\pi -{\varphi}_s-{K}_sx\right)\right]\hfill \\ {}\kern1.4em {E}_{\mathrm{b}2}={E}_{\mathrm{b}1}\left({r}_s{R}_s\right) \exp \left[i,\left(\pi -{\varphi}_s-{K}_sd\right)\right]\hfill \\ {}\kern1.4em {E}_{\mathrm{b}3}={E}_{\mathrm{b}1}{\left({r}_s{R}_s\right)}^2 \exp \left[2i\left(\pi -{\varphi}_s-{K}_sd\right)\right]\hfill \\ {}\kern2.7em \vdots \hfill \\ {}{E}_{\mathrm{b}\left(p+1\right)}={E}_{\mathrm{b}1}{\left({r}_s{R}_s\right)}^p \exp \left[ pi\left(\pi -{\varphi}_s-{K}_sd\right)\right].\hfill \end{array} $$

Summation yields

$$ {E}_{\mathrm{b}}=\underset{p\to \infty }{ \lim }{\displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^{p+1}{E}_{\mathrm{b}i}=\frac{\left(1-{r}_s\right){E}_{\mathrm{o}}{R}_s \exp \left[i\left(\omega t+\pi -{\varphi}_s-{K}_sx\right)\right]}{1-{r}_s{R}_s \exp \left[i\left(\pi -{\varphi}_s-{K}_sd\right)\right]}}. $$

Total amplitude of radiation emitted from GL center is

$$ {E}_{\mathrm{t}}={E}_{\mathrm{a}}+{E}_{\mathrm{b}}=\frac{\left(1-{r}_s\right){E}_{\mathrm{o}} \exp \left( i\omega t\right)\left\{1+{R}_s \exp \left[i\left(\pi -{\varphi}_s-{K}_sx\right)\right]\right\}}{1-{r}_s{R}_s \exp \left[i\left(\pi -{\varphi}_s-{K}_sd\right)\right]}. $$

Corresponding spectral intensity is proportional to this amplitude squared:

$$ {I}_{\lambda }(x)\cong {E}_{\mathrm{t}}\cdot {E}_{\mathrm{t}}^{*}, $$


$$ {I}_{s\lambda}(x)\cong \frac{1+{R}_s^2-2{R}_s \cos \left({\varphi}_s+{K}_sx\right)}{1+{\left({r}_s{R}_s\right)}^2+2{r}_s{R}_s \cos \left({\varphi}_s+{K}_sd\right)}. $$

Similar analysis gives the expression for spectral intensity of parallel component (p):

$$ {I}_{p\lambda}(x)\cong \frac{1+{R}_p^2-2{R}_p \cos \left({\varphi}_p+{K}_px\right)}{1+{\left({r}_p{R}_p\right)}^2+2{r}_p{R}_p \cos \left(\pi +{\varphi}_p+{K}_pd\right)}, $$


$$ {K}_s=\frac{4\pi }{\lambda}\sqrt{n_{2\mathrm{s}}^2-{n}_1^2}, $$
$$ {K}_p=\frac{4\pi }{\lambda}\sqrt{n_{2\mathrm{p}}^2-{n}_1^2}. $$

Reflection coefficients r s , r p , R s , and R p and phase shifts φ s and φ p can be calculated from Fresnel’s formulae:

$$ {r}_s=\frac{n_2 \cos \left(\alpha \right)-{n}_1 \cos \left(\beta \right)}{n_2 \cos \left(\alpha \right)+{n}_1 \cos \left(\beta \right)}=-\frac{ \sin \left(\alpha -\beta \right)}{ \sin \left(\alpha +\beta \right)}, $$
$$ {r}_p=\frac{n_2 \cos \left(\beta \right)-{n}_1 \cos \left(\alpha \right)}{n_2 \cos \left(\beta \right)+{n}_1 \cos \left(\alpha \right)}=-\frac{ tg\left(\alpha -\beta \right)}{ tg\left(\alpha +\beta \right)}, $$
$$ {R}_s^2=\frac{a^2+{b}^2-2a \cos \left(\alpha \right)+{ \cos}^2\left(\alpha \right)}{a^2+{b}^2+2a \cos \left(\alpha \right)+{ \cos}^2\left(\alpha \right)}, $$
$$ {R}_p^2={R}_s^2\frac{a^2+{b}^2-2a \sin \left(\alpha \right) tg\left(\alpha \right)+{ \sin}^2\left(\alpha \right)t{g}^2\left(\alpha \right)}{a^2+{b}^2+2a \sin \left(\alpha \right) tg\left(\alpha \right)+{ \sin}^2\left(\alpha \right)t{g}^2\left(\alpha \right)}, $$
$$ {\varphi}_s= arctg\left[\frac{2b \cos \left(\alpha \right)}{a^2+{b}^2-{ \cos}^2\left(\alpha \right)}\right], $$
$$ {\varphi}_p= arctg\left\{\frac{2{n}_2^2 \cos \left(\alpha \right)\left[2 ank-b\left({n}^2-{k}^2\right)\right]}{{\left({n}^2+{k}^2\right)}^2{ \cos}^2\left(\alpha \right)-\left({a}^2+{b}^2\right){n}_2^4}\right\}. $$

Parameters a and b are

$$ {a}^2=\frac{1}{2{n}_2}\left\{\sqrt{{\left[{n}^2-{k}^2-{n}_2^2{ \sin}^2\left(\alpha \right)\right]}^2+4{n}^2{k}^2}+\left({n}^2-{k}^2-{n}_2^2{ \sin}^2\left(\alpha \right)\right)\right\}, $$
$$ {b}^2=\frac{1}{2{n}_2}\left\{\sqrt{{\left[{n}^2-{k}^2-{n}_2^2{ \sin}^2\left(\alpha \right)\right]}^2+4{n}^2{k}^2}-\left({n}^2-{k}^2-{n}_2^2{ \sin}^2\left(\alpha \right)\right)\right\}. $$

Total measured intensity of spectral radiation emitted from the whole oxide film can be obtained by integration of Eqs. (5.31) and (5.32):

$$ {N}_{\lambda, s}\cong \frac{{\displaystyle \underset{0}{\overset{x_{\mathrm{a}}}{\int }}{I}_{\mathrm{o},\lambda }{n}_{\mathrm{c}}(x)\left[1+{R}_s^2-2{R}_s \cos \left(\varphi +{K}_sx\right)\right] dx}}{1+{\left({r}_s{R}_s\right)}^2+2{r}_s{R}_s \cos \left(\varphi +{K}_sd\right)}, $$
$$ {N}_{\lambda, p}\cong \frac{{\displaystyle \underset{0}{\overset{x_{\mathrm{a}}}{\int }}{I}_{\mathrm{o},\lambda }{n}_{\mathrm{c}}(x)\left[1+{R}_p^2-2{R}_p \cos \left(\varphi +{K}_px\right)\right] dx}}{1+{\left({r}_p{R}_p\right)}^2+2{r}_p{R}_p \cos \left(\pi +\varphi +{K}_pd\right)}. $$

Regardless of the spatial distribution of luminescent centers, maximal intensity for s component can be calculated from the condition:

$$ {K}_s{d}_m+{\varphi}_s=\left(2m+1\right)\pi; \kern1em m=0,1,2\dots $$

And for the p component from the condition:

$$ {K}_p{d}_m+{\varphi}_p+\pi =\left(2m+1\right)\pi; \kern1em m=0,1,2\dots $$

Utilizing the similar procedure as in the case of measurement at right angle, velocity of anodization can be calculated as

$$ \chi =\frac{\lambda }{2j\sqrt{n_{2s}^2-{n}_1^2}\cdot \varDelta {t}_s}=\frac{\lambda }{2j\sqrt{n_{2p}^2-{n}_1^2}\cdot \varDelta {t}_p}. $$

For isotropic oxide films Δt s  = Δt p  = Δt, or n 2s  = n 2p  = n 2 and K s  = K p . Therefore, the velocity of anodization for isotropic oxide films is

$$ \chi =\frac{\lambda }{2j\sqrt{n_2^2-{n}_1^2}\cdot \varDelta t}. $$
(5.46) Overall Equations

By measuring I λ (t) for both geometries (A and B), on the same selected wavelength λ, and for the same anodization current j, Eqs. (5.20), (5.21), and (5.46) yield

$$ {n}_{2,\lambda }=\frac{\varDelta {t}_{\mathrm{B}}}{\sqrt{\varDelta {t}_{\mathrm{B}}^2-\varDelta {t}_{\mathrm{A}}^2}}\cdot {n}_1, $$
$$ \chi =\frac{\lambda \cdot \sqrt{\varDelta {t}_{\mathrm{B}}^2-\varDelta {t}_{\mathrm{A}}^2}}{2{n}_1j\left(\varDelta {t}_{\mathrm{A}}\cdot \varDelta {t}_{\mathrm{B}}\right)}, $$
$$ d=\frac{\lambda \cdot \sqrt{\varDelta {t}_{\mathrm{B}}^2-\varDelta {t}_{\mathrm{A}}^2}}{2{n}_1\left(\varDelta {t}_{\mathrm{A}}\cdot \varDelta {t}_{\mathrm{B}}\right)}\cdot t. $$
(5.49) Investigation of Barrier Anodic Oxide Films Measurement at Right Angle

Figure 5.44 shows emitted GL radiation ray pathways (a) and measured GL intensity (b) for constant anodization current and for changing wavelength. Overall GL emission ray E t is a sum of direct ray E a and reflected ray. If one assumes that multiple reflections can be neglected [83], then

Fig. 5.44
figure 44

Measurement at right angle: (a) detected GL emission pathway and (b) observed GL intensity

$$ {E}_t={E}_{\mathrm{a}}+{E}_{\mathrm{b}}, $$

or, equivalently,

$$ E \exp \left[i\left(\omega t+\delta \right)\right]={E}_{\mathrm{o}} \exp \left(i\kern2pt \omega t\right)+R{E}_{\mathrm{o}} \exp \left[i\left(\omega t+\pi -\varphi -\phi \right)\right]. $$

E o is the amplitude of electric field vector of the directly emitted electromagnetic radiation, E is the resultant amplitude of the electric field vector, φ is the phase shift related to the absorption on aluminum surface, and ϕ is the phase shift related to the difference in traveling paths of the direct and reflected ray. Phase shift ϕ equals

$$ \phi =\frac{4\pi {n}_2\left(d-x\right)}{\lambda }, $$

with values for R and φ given by Fresnel’s formulae (5.6) and (5.7). Using the Eq. (5.51) one can obtain

$$ {E}^2={E}_{\mathrm{o}}^2\left[1+{R}^2-2R \cos \left(\phi +\varphi \right)\right]. $$

Corresponding spectral intensity is proportional to the amplitude squared:

$$ {I}_{\lambda }(x)\cong E\cdot {E}^{*}. $$

Measured GL intensity emitted from GL center on distance x from the oxide/electrolyte interface is

$$ {I}_{\lambda }(x)={I}_{\mathrm{o},\lambda}\left\{1+{R}^2-2R \cos \left[\frac{4\pi n\left(d-x\right)}{\lambda}\right]\right\}, $$

where I o,λ represents GL intensity corrected with respect to the interference of emitted rays, i.e., it corresponds to the R = 0 (E b = 0, E t  = E a) case. Total measured intensity of spectral radiation from the oxide film can be obtained by simple integration of Eq. (5.55):

$$ {N}_{\lambda }={\displaystyle {\int}_0^d{I}_{\mathrm{o},\lambda}\left\{1+{R}^2-2R \cos \left[\varphi +\frac{4\pi n\left(d-x\right)}{\lambda}\right]\right\} dx}. $$

In order to calculate spectral intensity, spatial distribution of electrons forming electron avalanche, spatial distribution of GL centers, electronic energy distribution, and excitation probabilities have to be available. It is difficult (if possible) to calculate all these parameters, but good approximation of such system can be obtained under the assumption that spatial distributions of electronic avalanches along mean free path a v and GL centers throughout the whole oxide film d are uniform and that all electrons in the avalanche have the same probability to excite GL centers. Under these assumptions:

$$ {I}_{\lambda }(x)=\left\{\begin{array}{cc}\hfill {I}_{o,\lambda}\hfill & \hfill x\kern2pt \in \kern2pt \left(0,{a}_v\right)\hfill \\ {}\hfill 0\hfill & \hfill x\kern2pt \in \kern2pt \left({a}_v,d\right)\hfill \end{array}\right.. $$

For d < a v , from Eq. (5.56) can be obtained:

$$ {N}_{\lambda}\cong {I}_{\lambda}^{\mathrm{o}}{\displaystyle \underset{0}{\overset{d}{\int }}\left\{1+{R}^2-2R \cos \left[\varphi +\frac{4\pi {n}_2\left(d-x\right)}{\lambda}\right]\right\}} dx={I}_{\lambda}^{\mathrm{o}}{\left\{\left(1+{R}^2\right)x+2R\frac{\lambda }{4\pi {n}_2} \sin \left[\varphi +\frac{4\pi {n}_2\left(d-x\right)}{\lambda}\right]\right\}}_0^d={I}_{\lambda}^{\mathrm{o}}\left[\left(1+{R}^2\right)d+\frac{ R\lambda}{2\pi {n}_2} \sin \left(\varphi \right)-\frac{ R\lambda}{2\pi {n}_2} \sin \left(\varphi +\frac{4\pi {n}_2d}{\lambda}\right)\right] $$

For d > a v , from Eq. (5.56) can be obtained:

$$ {N}_{\lambda}\cong {I}_{\lambda}^{\mathrm{o}}{\displaystyle \underset{0}{\overset{a_v}{\int }}\left\{1+{R}^2-2R \cos \left[\varphi +\frac{4\pi {n}_2\left(d-x\right)}{\lambda}\right]\right\}} dx={I}_{\lambda}^{\mathrm{o}}{\left\{\left(1+{R}^2\right)x+2R\frac{\lambda }{4\pi {n}_2} \sin \left[\varphi +\frac{4\pi {n}_2\left(d-x\right)}{\lambda}\right]\right\}}_0^{a_v}={I}_{\lambda}^{\mathrm{o}}\left\{\left(1+{R}^2\right){a}_v+\frac{ R\lambda}{2\pi {n}_2}\left[ \sin \left(\varphi +\frac{4\pi {n}_2\left(d-{a}_v\right)}{\lambda}\right)- \sin \left(\varphi +\frac{4\pi {n}_2d}{\lambda}\right)\right]\right\}={I}_{\lambda}^{\mathrm{o}}\left[\left(1+{R}^2\right){a}_v-\frac{ R\lambda}{\pi {n}_2} \sin \left(\frac{2\pi {n}_2}{\lambda }{a}_v\right)\cdot \cos \left(\frac{4\pi {n}_2d}{\lambda }+\varphi -\frac{2\pi {n}_2{a}_v}{\lambda}\right)\right].\kern1.25em $$

From Eqs. (5.58) and (5.59) oxide films’ thickness d, velocity of anodization χ, average range of electronic avalanche a v , and shape of GL spectra corrected with respect to interference I o,λ can be calculated. Positions of maxima and minima of the curve N λ = f(d) are obtained by differentiation of Eq. (5.59):

$$ \frac{4\pi {n}_2d}{\lambda }+\varphi -\frac{2\pi {n}_2{a}_v}{\lambda }=p\cdot \pi \kern1em p=0,1,2,3\dots $$

Further analysis (taking into consideration sign of the second derivative) shows that for

$$ {a}_v<\frac{\lambda }{2{n}_2}, $$
$$ \sin \left(\frac{2\pi {n}_2{a}_v}{\lambda}\right)<0. $$

Minima are obtained for p = 0, 2, 4,…, while maxima are obtained for p = 1, 3, 5,… For p = 1 and p = 3, from Eq. (5.60) can be obtained that

$$ \frac{4\pi {n}_2{d}_1}{\lambda }+\varphi -\frac{2\pi {n}_2{a}_v}{\lambda }=\pi, $$
$$ \frac{4\pi {n}_2{d}_2}{\lambda }+\varphi -\frac{2\pi {n}_2{a}_v}{\lambda }=3\pi, $$

where oxide film thickness d 1 and d 2 correspond to first and second maximum of the N λ  = f(d) curve. From Eqs. (5.63) and (5.64) d 2 − d 1 can be calculated:

$$ {d}_2-{d}_1=\frac{\lambda }{2{n}_2}. $$

Taking into consideration an experimentally derived linear relationship between oxide film thickness d and voltage of anodization U:

$$ d=\chi \cdot U, $$

velocity of anodization can be calculated as

$$ \chi =\frac{\lambda }{2{n}_2\left({U}_2-{U}_1\right)}, $$

where U 1 and U 2 are voltages of anodization corresponding to the first and second maximum, respectively. Oxide film thickness d obtained by anodization up to voltage of anodization U can be calculated from Eq. (5.66), upon determining the velocity of anodization χ from the positions of successive maxima in the N λ  = f(d) curve.

Average range of electronic avalanche a v can be determined from the position of maxima using the following equation:

$$ {a}_v=2\chi {U}_1-\frac{\left(\pi -\varphi \right)\lambda }{2\pi {n}_2}. $$
(5.68) Measurement at an Angle Close to Total Reflection

Figure 5.45 shows emitted GL radiation (a) and measured GL intensity for constant anodization current density (b). By applying similar derivation procedure as in the case of porous anodic oxide films [85], position of maxima for normal (s) and parallel (p) component can be obtained from conditions:

Fig. 5.45
figure 45

Measurement at angle close to total reflection: (a) detected GL emission pathway; (b) observed GL intensity: (1) measurements without separation of s and p polarized components; (2) only the s component; (3) only the p component

$$ K{d}_m+{\varphi}_s=\left(2m+1\right)\pi; \kern1em m=0,1,2\dots $$
$$ K{d}_m+{\varphi}_p=\left(2m+2\right)\pi; \kern1em m=0,1,2\dots $$

If d 1 and d 3 are oxide film thicknesses corresponding to first and third maximum, respectively (Fig. 5.45), then for m = 0 and m = 1 in Eq. (5.69) one obtains

$$ K{d}_1+{\varphi}_s=\pi, $$
$$ K{d}_3+{\varphi}_s=3\pi, $$


$$ K\left({d}_3-{d}_1\right)=2\pi . $$

Having in mind that parameter K is defined by Eq. (5.33), velocity of anodization χ and oxide film thickness d can be calculated from

$$ \chi =\frac{\lambda }{2\left({U}_3-{U}_1\right)\sqrt{n_2^2-{n}_1^2}}, $$
$$ d=\frac{\lambda U}{2\left({U}_3-{U}_1\right)\sqrt{n_2^2-{n}_1^2}}, $$

where U is the voltage of formation of the oxide film.

Starting from Eq. (5.75) dependence of refraction index of oxide film on wavelength can be calculated as

$$ {n}_2=\sqrt{n_1^2+\frac{\lambda^2}{4{\chi}^2{\left({U}_3-{U}_1\right)}^2}}=\sqrt{n_1^2+\frac{A^2\left(\lambda \right)}{\chi^2}}, $$

where parameter A(λ) is equal to

$$ A\left(\lambda \right)=\frac{\lambda }{2\left({U}_3-{U}_1\right)}. $$

At the same time, phase shifts φ s and φ p are given by equations:

$$ {\varphi}_s=\pi -K{d}_1, $$
$$ {\varphi}_p=\pi -K{d}_3, $$

or, equivalently,

$$ {\varphi}_s=\pi \frac{U_3-3{U}_1}{U_3-{U}_1}=\pi \left(1-\frac{4A{U}_1}{\lambda}\right), $$
$$ {\varphi}_p=2\pi \frac{U_3-{U}_1-{U}_2}{U_3-{U}_1}=2\pi \left(1-\frac{2A{U}_2}{\lambda}\right). $$

Optical constants of aluminum (n and k) can be determined from measured values for phase shifts φ s and φ p using graphical method that is based on plotting of φ s = f(n, k) and φ p = g(n, k) [calculated from Fresnel’s formulae (5.39) and (5.40)], and then for known values of φ s and φ p corresponding pair of n and k can be determined.

5.4 Luminescence of Anodic Oxide Films on Aluminum During the Dielectric Breakdown

Anodization of aluminum in electrolytes that form barrier oxide films on voltages higher than dielectric breakdown voltage is associated with the appearance of sparks (microdischarges) over the whole oxide surface and intensive gas evolution [115, 116]. This phenomenon is often termed plasma electrolytical oxidation (PEO) or micro-arc oxidation (MAO). Understanding microdischarge parameters (temperature of plasma in microdischarges, electronic density of plasma, spatial density of microdischarges, active surface covered by microdischarges, and dimensional distribution of microdischarges in various stages of PEO process) is very important for the characterization of PEO process. Distribution and microdischarge type have significant influence on formation mechanism, chemical composition, morphology, and other characteristics of obtained oxide films. There are several available methods used to investigate microdischarges: real-time microdischarge imaging, measuring electrical parameters during the process, optical emission spectroscopy (OES), and surface characterization. Given the liquid environment OES is the best available technique for PEO plasma characterization. The most popular application of OES for PEO diagnostics is spectra characterization and observation of temporal evolution of spectral lines in the visible and near UV spectral region [117125]. The main difficulty in an application of OES for PEO characterization comes from space and time inhomogeneity of microdischarges appearing randomly across the anode surface. Results presented in this chapter are obtained by PEO process on aluminum in citric acid and in sodium tungstate.

5.4.1 Time Variation of Voltage and Luminescence Intensity During Anodization

Figure 5.46 shows typical voltage vs. time and luminescence intensity vs. time characteristics during anodization of aluminum samples in 0.01 M sodium tungstate at current density of 15 mA/cm2. Depending on the increasing trend of the voltage and luminescence intensity during anodization, three regions can be clearly identified. From the beginning on anodization, the voltage increases approximately linearly with time to about 380 V with average slope of 6 V/s, resulting in the constant rate of increase of the oxide film thickness (stage I). Simultaneously, low anodic luminescence (galvanoluminescence—GL) is observed. This stage of anodization is followed by apparent deflection from linearity in voltage–time curve, starting from so-called breakdown voltage (stage II). After the breakdown, voltage continually increases, but the voltage–time slope decreases and a large number of small size microdischarges appear, evenly distributed over the whole sample surface. Sparking luminescence combines with the anodic luminescence and, as a result, the total luminescence intensity increases. Further anodization results in relatively stable value of the voltage of anodization (stage III).

Fig. 5.46
figure 46

Typical voltage–time and luminescence intensity–time dependence during anodization of aluminum in 0.01 M sodium tungstate (j = 15 mA/cm2, t el = 20 °C)

In the anodization process total current density is the sum of ionic current density and of electron current density [126]. In the stage I, the electric field strength for a given current density remains constant during the anodic growth and the ionic current is two to three orders of magnitude larger than the electronic component. During anodization electrons are injected into the conduction band of the anodic oxide and accelerated by the electric field producing avalanches by an impact ionization mechanism [126]. When the avalanche electronic current reaches critical value the breakdown occurs [127]. In stage II a relatively low voltage is required to maintain the same total current density (compared with the stage I), due to the independence of electron current density with anodic oxide film thickness. In stage III, the fraction of electron current density in total current density becomes the dominant one. In this stage, the total current density is almost independent of the anodic oxide film thickness and the voltage–time slope is close to zero.

Figure 5.47 shows the appearance of microdischarges at various stages of PEO process. Microdischarges are visible after about 1.5 min. The size of microdischarges becomes larger, while spatial density of microdischarges becomes lower, with increasing time of PEO. It can be seen that relatively small microdischarges, with average cross-sectional area ~0.03 mm2, are dominant in the early stage of PEO process. The population of small microdischarges decreases during PEO. On the other hand, large microdischarges become noticeable with extended PEO time and after about 30 min large microdischarges with average cross-sectional area ~0.35 mm2 are dominant. In view of the fact that microdischarges are generated by dielectric breakdown through weak sites in the oxide film, the number of weak sites is reduced with increasing time of anodization, i.e., with increasing thickness of the oxide films. The increased size of microdischarges with increasing time of PEO is ascribed to reduced number of discharging sites through which higher anodic current is able to pass [128].

Fig. 5.47
figure 47

Appearance of microdischarges at various stages of PEO process: (a) 2 min; (b) 5 min; (c) 15 min; (d) 30 min; (e) 45 min

5.4.2 OES of PEO Process on Aluminum

Typical optical emission spectra of microdischarges during PEO process of aluminum in citric acid and sodium tungstate are presented in Fig. 5.48. The species that are identified originate either from aluminum electrode or from the electrolyte. Two strong emission lines at 394.40 and 396.15 nm belong to Al I. Also, four lines of Al II at 466.31, 704.20, 705.67, and 706.38 nm are observed. The spectral lines of oxygen, hydrogen, tungsten, and sodium from electrolyte are observed, too. The strongest lines belong to Na I at 588.99 and 589.59 nm, Balmer lines Hα (656.27 nm) and Hβ (486.13 nm), and three lines of O I at 844.62, 844.64, and 844.68 nm. Also, line of O I at 715.67 nm, three lines at 777.19, 777.42, and 777.54 nm, and many lines of O II and W I are detected. In aforementioned results notations I and II refer to neutral atoms and the single ionized atoms, respectively. Apart from atomic and ionic lines, strong AlO band at 484.23 nm and broad AlO bands in the range between 500 and 556 nm are presented, corresponding to the transition of the AlO from the excited state B2Σ+ into ground state X2Σ+ [129]. The continuum emission between 380 and 850 nm results from collision—radiative recombination of electrons [101] and bremsstrahlung radiation [117].

Fig. 5.48
figure 48

Optical emission spectrum of PEO process on aluminum in (a) 0.01 M citric acid; (b) 0.01 M sodium tungstate [123] (Reproduced by permission from Elsevier No. 3163530232265)

Determination of PEO electron number density (N e) is possible using broadened profiles of the hydrogen lines Hα and Hβ (Fig. 5.49) and the Al II 704.2 nm line (Fig. 5.50). Analysis of the Hα line shape in Fig. 5.49a shows that this line can be properly fitted only if two Lorentz profiles having the Full Width at Half Maximum (FWHM) of 0.1 and 0.6 nm are applied. These Lorentz profiles correspond to electron number density N e = 0.7 × 1016 cm−3 and N e = 1.0 × 1017 cm−3, respectively [130]. Although the fit quality is exceptionally good, these results are not considered confident. The Hα line is very strong in PEO and self-absorption may broaden the line considerably, while the line shape may be still well fitted with Lorentz profiles [131]. The presence of the Hα self-absorption can be proven after analysis of the Hβ line profile (Fig. 5.49b). In spite of interference with AlO molecular band, the upper part of the profile allows the estimation of FWHM ~0.17 nm which corresponds to N e ≈ 0.8 × 1015 cm−3 (estimated error ±20 %) [132]. This indicates that the Hα line is probably self-absorbed.

Fig. 5.49
figure 49

(a) The Hα line experimental profile fitted with two Lorentzians and residue plot; (b) The Hβ line profile [123] (Reproduced by permission from Elsevier No. 3163530232265)

Fig. 5.50
figure 50

(a) The recording of Al II 3s4s-3s(2S)4p multiplet 3; (b) Experimental profile and best fit of the Al II 704.2 nm line [123] (Reproduced by permission from Elsevier No. 3163530232265)

Analysis of hydrogen lines Hα and Hβ during PEO process on tantalum [133], titanium [134], and magnesium [124] shows that Hα line also can be properly fitted only with two Lorentz profiles. FWHM of these Lorentz profiles correspond to similar values for the electron number density as for aluminum. However, Hβ lines of these metals do not overlap with the AlO band. Analysis of the Hβ line profile shows that this line can be properly fitted only by using two Lorentz profiles with FWHMs corresponding to the electron number density of N e ≅ 0.9 × 1015 cm−3 and N e ≅ 2.2 × 1016 cm−3. This shows that Hα line is self-absorbed during the PEO process and cannot be used to determine the electron number density.

The electron number density can be calculated by using the shape of Al II line at 704.2 nm, belonging to multiplet no. 3 (3s4s-3s(2S)4p transition) (Fig. 5.50). FWHM of this line corresponds to electron number density of N e ≅ 6.0 × 1016 cm−1 with the estimated error of 20 % [123]. Relative intensities of the Al II lines from multiplets are used to check for the presence of any self-absorption. Ratio of the intensity of the strongest and the medium lines is equal to the theoretical relative intensities 5:3, which confirms that there is no self-absorption during the PEO process.

Three different electron number densities obtained by analyzing hydrogen Hα and Hβ lines and Al II line indicate three different types of microdischarges. Hussein et al. have proposed three types of plasma discharge models (Fig. 5.51): metal/oxide interface discharge type (B) and oxide/electrolyte interface discharge types within the coating upper layer (A) and at the coating top layer (C) [121]. Two electron number densities obtained from the hydrogen lines are probably related to the discharge of types A and C, while the electron number density obtained from Al II lines corresponds to discharge type B. Investigation of PEO process of different metals has shown that type of discharge with evaporation of anodic material (type B) always occurs during PEO of aluminum and magnesium (metals with a low melting temperature), regardless of the type of electrolyte [123, 124], whereas in metals with high melting temperature (tantalum, titanium, and zirconium), this type of discharge is strongly dependent on the type of electrolyte [104, 133135].

Fig. 5.51
figure 51

Model of PEO process on aluminum

Spectral lines used for calculation of electron temperature must belong to the same atomic or ionic species and are emitted in the same ionization stage. Hussein et al. [121] used the relative intensities of Al I at 396.2 and 309.1 nm in order to estimate the electron temperature. Their results pinpoint the electron temperature range from (4,500 ± 450) K and (10,000 ± 1,000) K, with the assumption that it was optically thin plasma in partial thermodynamic equilibrium. The relative intensities of O II and W I lines can also be used to determine the electron temperature using Boltzmann plot technique (BP) [123]. For the application of this assumption one must be sure that energy levels used for BP are populated in accordance with Boltzmann equilibrium distribution, i.e., that the upper energy level of the spectral line used for BP is above the lowest level determined by partial local thermal equilibrium condition. The electron temperature of about 40,000 K is obtained from relative intensity of O II lines and about 3,300 K from relative intensity of W I [123].

Temperature of microdischarge during PEO process on aluminum can be estimated from the B2Σ+ − X2Σ+ emission transition of AlO molecule [129]. The luminescent spectrum in the wavelength range from 500 to 550 nm is shown in Fig. 5.52. Measured luminescence intensities in combination with quantum–chemical calculations allow calculation of relative populations of vibrational levels of B2Σ+ electronic state and hence the estimation of plasma temperature. Estimated plasma temperature is (8,000 ± 2,000) K [129]. Similar results are obtained from the intensity of vibrational bands B1Σ+ − X1Σ+ of MgO molecules during the PEO process on magnesium alloy [136, 137].

Fig. 5.52
figure 52

Optical emission spectrum of PEO process on aluminum in the range from 500 to 550 nm. The peaks are assigned to bands of the B2Σ+ − X2Σ+ system of AlO

5.5 Conclusions

This chapter presents the main findings of the research focused on galvanoluminescence during the electrochemical oxidation of aluminum. It is shown that type of oxide films that forms on aluminum surface is electrolyte dependent (organic or inorganic). Carboxylate ions are identified as responsible for appearance of GL in organic electrolytes, while surface pretreatment of samples (surface preparation and annealing) influences GL in inorganic electrolytes. The pretreatment of samples governs the concentration of “flaws” in oxide films, which are related to the GL mechanism. The annealing temperature of samples is another pretreatment factor that affects the GL intensity. Higher annealing temperature results in higher GL intensity. Annealing at different temperatures influences state of the sample’s surface, number of defects, crystal grains, and their orientation, in other words, on the concentration of “flaws.” GL of oxide films formed by anodization of aluminum samples annealed at temperatures above 500 °C showed that the sudden rise in the formation of gamma-alumina crystalline regions is strongly related to the appearance of GL and its intensity. An analysis on simple molecular species involving the Al atom, as well as those atoms whose presence was possible under given experimental conditions (hydrogen, oxygen, etc.), showed that the sources of GL are molecules AlH, AlO, Al2, and AlH2. In the case of organic electrolytes GL is agitated by collision of electrons, injected into the oxide film at the electrolyte–oxide interface and accelerated by high electric field (nearly 107 V/cm), with luminescence centers (carboxylate ions) inside the oxide film.

GL of anodic oxide films formed on highly reflective aluminum surfaces in organic electrolytes features clearly pronounced interference maxima that can be used as a tool for determining oxide film thickness and inherent optical parameters. Following this finding, two methods (based on particular observation angle) for determining such properties are developed and presented in this work.

Anodization of aluminum above the breakdown voltage leads to a formation of plasma, as indicated by the presence of sparks on the metal surface, accompanied by gas evolution. Sparking luminescence combines with GL, and as a result, total luminescence intensity increases. Spectroscopy characterization of plasma allows the determination of electron temperature and electron number density.