Kafka clusters can be separated into two deployment categories—cloud-based and on-premises. This chapter discusses the potential stability issues that may arise from hardware failures in Kafka clusters that are deployed on-premises. Such clusters are heavily dependent on their hardware components and might experience stability issues due to failures in these components. This can impact the cluster stability.

These hardware components specifically include disks, DIMMs, CPUs, network interface cards (NICs), power supplies, cooling systems, motherboards, disk drawers, and cabling and connectors. These components can experience failures for a variety of reasons, including natural wear and tear, manufacturing defects, environmental factors, and improper maintenance.

These failures can significantly degrade the overall performance and stability of the cluster, so we’ll investigate the reasons behind these hardware failures, ranging from aging and environmental conditions to manufacturing defects and maintenance issues. Here are some of the effects of these failures:

  • Disk failures, either complete or subtle ones like latency and I/O errors, can disrupt Kafka’s operation due to its heavy reliance on disk I/O operations.

  • DIMMs are central to Kafka’s in-memory operations, and their failures can lead to crashes or data corruption.

  • CPU failures can reduce the throughput of the Kafka broker, slowing down message delivery. NIC failures can disrupt broker communication, causing delays or data loss.

  • Power supply failures can lead to unexpected shutdowns, and cooling system failures can cause thermal shutdowns, both disrupting the operation of Kafka brokers.

  • Motherboard failures can lead to complete system failure, shutting down the Kafka broker, and failures in disk drawers can cause multiple simultaneous disk failures.

  • Lastly, failures in cabling and connectors can cause disruptions in data transmission, network connectivity, and power supply.

Given that these clusters are Linux-based, this chapter explores how to utilize Linux tools to monitor the health of these hardware components, with a particular emphasis on disk monitoring. Such tools can provide insights into disk performance, helping administrators identify potential issues before they escalate.

We’ll also discuss the impacts of these hardware failures, including data loss, disruption of replication protocols, and data distribution imbalances, all of which negatively affect Kafka cluster performance.

Understanding hardware failures and their effects on Kafka cluster stability, as well as how to use Linux tools for disk monitoring, will equip you with the skills to prevent, identify, and resolve these issues. The aim of this chapter is to simplify the task of maintaining a stable on-premises Kafka cluster and make it more effective.

Common Failures in Hardware Components

Hardware components in an on-premises Kafka cluster can experience failures for a variety of reasons, including natural wear and tear, manufacturing defects, environmental factors, and improper maintenance. Here are the key hardware components that are prone to failures:

  • Disks: Disks are central to Kafka’s operation, as they store all of the incoming data. Issues can include mechanical failures, firmware bugs, or problems caused by physical shock or environmental factors. Failures can be complete, preventing access to all data, or partial, causing increased latency or errors during data read/write operations.

  • DIMMs (memory): Memory is crucial for Kafka’s in-memory operations and buffering of data before it’s written to disk. Issues with memory can lead to crashes, performance degradation, or data corruption. Memory errors can be transient (a one-time error), intermittent (errors at irregular intervals), or solid (persistent errors).

  • Network Interface Cards (NICs): NICs are responsible for data transmission between Kafka brokers and other components inside and outside the Kafka cluster. Failures can cause network slowdowns, loss of connectivity, and data corruption.

  • Power supplies: A failure in the power supply can cause an unexpected shutdown of the hardware, leading to potential data loss or corruption and service unavailability.

  • Motherboards: A motherboard hosts and interconnects all the hardware components. A failure here can cause the entire system to fail or malfunction.

  • Disk drawers/racks: Drawers and racks house multiple disks. Power supply issues, improper cooling, and physical damage can lead to multiple disk failures simultaneously.

The Effect of Hardware Failures on the Stability of On-Prem Kafka Clusters

This section elaborates on the effect of a failure in each of the hardware components that were described in the previous section on the stability of the Kafka cluster.

The impact of these failures can be mitigated by employing replication, failover, and backup strategies, as well as by proactively monitoring the health of the Kafka cluster and its hardware components.

  • Disks: Disks store all Kafka messages. A disk failure could lead to loss of data if not properly replicated. Disk latency or I/O errors can lead to slow message processing, thereby increasing the end-to-end latency of messages.

  • DIMMs (memory): Kafka uses memory for buffering data before writing it to disk, and also for caching messages. A failure of a DIMM could lead to increased disk I/O, as more data needs to be read from disk, which could slow down message delivery.

  • Network Interface Cards (NICs): NIC failures can disrupt the communication between Kafka brokers and between brokers and producers/consumers. This can cause delays in message delivery, replication, and in some cases, can cause data loss if the replication hasn’t been completed for some messages.

  • Power supplies: A failure in the power supply can lead to an unexpected shutdown of a Kafka broker, leading to disruption in service. Messages in the process of being written to disk could be lost, and consumers/producers connected to that broker would be disconnected.

  • Motherboards: A motherboard failure is catastrophic, as it can lead to a complete system failure, shutting down the Kafka broker and leading to service disruption. If the failure isn’t detected and fixed quickly, it could lead to prolonged service disruption.

  • Disk drawers/racks: Failures here can cause multiple disk failures simultaneously. This can lead to data loss if the disks contain unique data which isn’t replicated elsewhere, and can cause a significant increase in disk I/O on the remaining disks as they take over the data handling of the failed disks.

HDD Disk Failures

One of the most common hardware problems in any on-prem cluster that works heavily with disks is disk failures. Kafka clusters in particular are not only affected by disk failures but are also more prone than other clusters to such failures because they work so heavily with their disks.

There’s a higher chance of hardware failures in disks that are used more frequently, especially when the disks are under heavy load or performing a large number of read/write operations, such as Kafka clusters. That’s because the mechanical components of the disks are more likely to wear out over time with extended usage, which can eventually lead to hardware failures.

This section discusses reasons for disks to fail and the effects of such failures. Note that I’ll refer only to 2.5-inch and 3.5 inch HDD disks, which are connected to Kafka brokers in either SATA or SAS interfaces which spin at 5400-15000 RPM, since these are the only disk types that I’ve had experience with in Kafka on-prem clusters.

Common Reasons That Disks Fail

There are several common factors that can cause a disk to fail or to disfunction:

  • Wear and tear: A disk may wear out due to the constant reads and writes.

  • Power surge: Data centers may encounter power surges from time to time, due to equipment failures, severe weather, or just electricity being shut down in their region. Some data centers may even lack sufficient backup generators and UPS (uninterruptible power supplies), which prevent them from accessing power until the electricity gets back.

  • Bad sectors: Bad sectors on a disk are typically created due to wear and tear on the disk surface. They’re caused by over-aging of the disks, over-heating, or a filesystem error.

Potential Impacts of Disk Failure on a Kafka Broker

Consider the potential impact of disk failure on a Kafka broker:

  • Data loss: If the failed disk contained partitions for one or more topics, data stored on those partitions may be lost and cannot be recovered.

  • Increased latency: The broker may slow down as it tries to recover the partitions and re-replicate the data to other brokers in the cluster.

  • Reduced throughput: The broker may become a bottleneck for the cluster as it struggles to keep up with incoming traffic and the increased load from recovery and re-replication.

  • Cluster imbalance: The failure of a disk on a broker can cause an imbalance in the distribution of partitions across the brokers in the cluster, potentially leading to further performance degradation.

It’s important to have a proper backup and disaster recovery plan in place to minimize the impact of a disk failure in a Kafka broker and to ensure high availability of the cluster.

HDD Disks Lose Their Write Capability and Become Read-Only

Disks can lose their write capability due to a variety of reasons, including physical damage, wear and tear over time, faulty firmware, and software issues. Let’s delve into some of these reasons:

  • Physical damage: Disks can sustain physical damage through excessive heat, water exposure, electrical surges, or any form of physical impact. Overheating may harm electronic components, while a physical collision could cause misalignment or damage to the read/write head or disk platters.

  • Wear and tear: Hard disk drives (HDD) are particularly vulnerable to wear and tear since they contain moving parts. Over time, these components can deteriorate, hindering the disk’s ability to read or write data.

  • Bad sectors: As disks age, certain areas (sectors) may become faulty and lose the ability to store data. While having a few bad sectors is considered normal, a significant number can signify a failing drive.

  • Full disk: A disk that has reached its storage capacity will not have space available for writing additional data, effectively rendering it read-only.

  • Incorrect mount options: The way a disk is mounted can have a direct impact on its write capabilities. If the mount options are set incorrectly, it can prevent users from writing to the disk. This highlights the importance of properly configuring the mount options, defined in the /etc/fstab file, as part of the Linux filesystem configuration. Ensuring the accuracy of these settings is a crucial step before starting Kafka brokers.

Monitoring Disk Health

Modern hard drives are equipped with self-monitoring, analysis, and reporting technology (SMART), a vital feature that can provide early warning signs of disk failure. Regular monitoring of SMART data helps you uncover potential issues before they escalate into data loss.

The SMART tool can be utilized to inspect disk devices using the following command, just remember to substitute /dev/sda with the path of the disk you need to inspect:

sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda

One indication of disk failure from the SMART tool might be:

SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: FAILED!

For Kafka systems, you can run this command on all devices to detect whether a disk is about to fail:

smartctl -a -d megaraid,0 /dev/sdb | grep Health | awk '{print $NF}' | grep OK

Additional verification information from the SMART tool might include:

  • Current disk drive temperature

  • Disk vendor (useful for replacing faulty disks)

  • Disk serial number

  • Number of hours powered up

  • Total uncorrected errors, indicating the total blocks with uncorrected data errors

  • Elements in the grown defect list

In the case of write failures, system logs (e.g., dmesg or /var/log/syslog) may reveal I/O errors.

For those deploying on-premises servers, hardware-specific event monitoring tools like Dell’s iDRAC Event Monitor or HP’s iLO servers can oversee the health of the system’s hardware, alerting administrators if any issues arise. These tools operate similarly, providing invaluable insights into the disk’s health.

Kernel messages also serve as an additional approach to identify faulty or bad disks, since they might pinpoint problems that event monitoring tools overlook.

Remedying Failed Disks

In a Kafka cluster which is deployed on-premises, disk failures can be not only disruptive but also potentially catastrophic, necessitating rapid and effective responses.

When detecting a disk failure in one of your Kafka brokers, the process generally begins with detecting the issue, utilizing tools like the SMART tool (smartctl) to swiftly identify if a disk is failing or faulty.

If the disk isn’t completely dead yet, you may be able to back up as much data as possible. However, in a production cluster with large disk capacities, backup might be unnecessary and even expensive. When a replication factor of 3 is in place, Kafka’s replication feature ensures that data is not lost, making the backup process less critical.

Furthermore, the smartctl tool can be used to identify the specifications of the failing disk, information that’s vital when choosing a suitable replacement.

Once this assessment is complete, the next step is to replace the faulty hard disk with a new one, ensuring that the new disk meets or exceeds the specifications of the old one.

Once the disk is replaced, format it using a filesystem (such as ext4 or xfs on Linux). Then mount the new disk in the appropriate directory so that it can be used by Kafka. Finally, restart the Kafka broker.

If the failed disk caused an imbalance in the distribution of the partitions across the brokers, it’s better to manually reassign the partitions using Kafka’s partition reassignment tool. Alternatively, if auto.leader.rebalance.enable=true, Kafka will handle it.

After you’ve replaced the disk and restarted Kafka, monitor the cluster closely for a while to ensure everything is functioning correctly.

You must take specific verification steps after disk replacement, including checking that broker leaders are balanced and assigned to the relevant topic’s partitions, confirming that there are no NONE or (-1) entries on leaders, validating that all replicas are in sync as shown in the output of the describe tool (in the row with Isr), and looking for any errors in the server.log.

While this process can help you recover from a disk failure, preventing disk failures is always preferable. Regular monitoring of disk health (using SMART attributes, for instance) can help reduce the risk of disk failures. Moreover, ensuring that Kafka’s data replication is correctly configured can help prevent data loss when disk failures do occur.

RAM DIMMs Failures

RAM DIMMs can sometimes stop functioning correctly due to various issues, including physical damage, manufacturing defects, and power surges. Errors in RAM can lead to system instability, crashes, and data corruption.

Potential Causes of DIMMs Failures

Consider these potential causes of DIMMs failures:

  • Physical damage: Such damage can occur due to mishandling, static discharge, excessive heat or humidity in the server room, or a sudden spike in the power supply (like from a lightning strike or power grid fluctuation). Anything that exceeds the voltage limits of the RAM module’s components can cause them to break down or function incorrectly. This is why it’s good practice to use a surge protector or an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) with your critical hardware.

  • Age and wear: Like any component, RAM can degrade over time. Repeated write cycles, in particular, can lead to memory wear.

In most cases, when a DIMM fails, it needs to be replaced. Unlike some components, RAM typically can’t be repaired, at least not without specialized equipment and expertise.

Monitoring DIMMs Failures

Monitoring the health of RAM DIMMs is crucial to maintaining system stability and performance, and recognizing early signs of failure can prevent unexpected crashes and loss of data. Various methods exist to detect and diagnose DIMM issues.

Machine event monitoring, such as Dell’s Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller (iDRAC) or HP’s Integrated Lights-Out (iLO), offers one such approach. These tools, provided by server manufacturers, continuously monitor the health of hardware components, including RAM. If they detect abnormalities or failures, they can send alerts or log entries. System administrators who keep an eye on these notifications can take preemptive measures before a faulty DIMM leads to serious problems.

Another avenue for monitoring DIMMs comes from the operating system itself. Kernel messages often detect issues with RAM, with error messages related to DIMMs found in system logs, like dmesg or /var/log/syslog in Linux systems. These messages can include details about specific memory addresses or other technical information, aiding in the diagnosis of the problem.

Network Interface Cards (NICs) Failures

Network Interface Cards (NICs) are responsible for managing and maintaining the server’s connections to other systems. In the context of a Kafka cluster deployed on-premises, NIC failures can lead to serious issues.

Potential Causes of NIC Failures

Consider these potential causes of NIC failures:

  • Physical damage: NICs can be damaged through mishandling, static discharge, and overheating.

  • Hardware incompatibility: Sometimes a NIC might fail due to compatibility issues with the motherboard or other hardware components.

  • Faulty or outdated drivers: NICs rely on software drivers to function. If these drivers are faulty or outdated, it can lead to failures.

  • Configuration errors: Incorrect network configurations can cause the NIC to malfunction.

Implications of NIC Failures on a Kafka Cluster

Issues like these can pop up when you suffer a NIC failure on a Kafka cluster:

  • Loss of connectivity: When a NIC fails, the broker loses its ability to communicate with other brokers in the Kafka cluster. This can make the broker unavailable, causing client requests to fail and disrupting data processing.

  • Data loss: If a broker is offline due to a NIC failure and the topic replication factor is low, it could potentially lead to data loss.

Detecting NIC Failures

There are several Linux tools that can help you diagnose and troubleshoot issues related to NICs. They allow you to understand if the NIC is recognized by the system, if the correct drivers are loaded, and if there are any error messages or other issues affecting the NIC.

  • dmesg: dmesg is a command on UNIX-like operating systems that prints the message buffer of the kernel. It’s often used to diagnose issues with hardware, including NICs.

  • lshw: This is a hardware listing tool that can provide detailed information on the hardware configuration of the system. For NICs, lshw -class network will display the configuration, driver, and status of each network interface. This can help identify any NICs that are not working or are not configured correctly.

  • lsmod: This command shows the status of modules in the Linux kernel. If the driver for a NIC is loaded as a kernel module, lsmod can be used to check if that module is loaded. If the module is not listed in the lsmod output, that might explain why the NIC is not working.

Resolving NIC Failures

There are several ways to resolve NIC failures, depending on the kind of failure. If the issue is software-related, you might need to update or reinstall the network driver. You may also need to fix any configuration errors that are causing the issue.

If it’s a hardware issue with the NIC itself, consider replacing the NIC if it’s a physical card. For built-in NICs, it might be necessary to replace the entire motherboard, or disable the faulty NIC and install a new network card. For redundancy reasons, it’s recommended to set two separate network cards for each broker.

Power Supply Failures

Power supplies are a critical component that can fail, either due to issues with the power supply unit itself or problems with the power source. Such a failure can have significant effects on a Kafka broker, so let’s look at the potential causes, implications, and ways to monitor and resolve such failures.

Potential Causes of Power Supply Failures

Consider these potential causes of power supply failures:

  • Power surges or dips: A sudden surge in power can damage the power supply unit. Conversely, voltage dips can cause the power supply to fail to provide the necessary power to components.

  • Overheating: If the power supply’s cooling system (usually a built-in fan) fails, the unit can overheat and fail.

  • Component failure: The power supply unit contains many different components, such as capacitors, which can fail over time.

  • Poor quality or age: Lower-quality power supply units are more likely to fail, as are older units. Even high-quality power supplies can fail as they age.

Implications of Power Supply Failures

Issues like these can pop up when you suffer a power supply failure on a Kafka cluster:

  • Unexpected shutdown: This could potentially lead to data loss or corruption if Kafka is in the middle of a write operation when the power is lost.

  • Service unavailability: If a power supply fails in a server running a Kafka broker, that broker will go offline. Depending on the replication factor of the Kafka topics, this could lead to service disruption.

  • Hardware damage: A failing power supply can potentially damage other hardware components in the broker, leading to further issues.

Resolving Power Supply Failures

Resolving a power supply failure usually involves replacing the failed power supply unit. If you have a redundant power supply, you can replace the failed unit without bringing down the server. Otherwise, you’ll need to schedule downtime for the server to replace the power supply.

To avoid disruption due to power supply failures, consider using servers with redundant power supplies, and use a UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) to protect against power surges and dips. Also, make sure the server room is well-ventilated to avoid overheating. Regular preventive maintenance can also help detect potential issues before they cause a failure.

Motherboard Failures

The motherboard is a critical component of any computer system, and its failure can have serious implications.

Potential Causes of Motherboard Failures

Consider these potential causes of motherboard failures:

  • Power fluctuations: Sudden power surges or outages can cause damage to the motherboard and other components.

  • Overheating: If the system cooling is not effective, the motherboard can overheat and potentially fail. This can be caused by a failure of the cooling fan or a buildup of dust.

  • Physical damage: This could be due to mishandling of the system, for example during transport or maintenance.

  • Component failures: Failures of other components, especially the power supply, can cause damage to the motherboard.

  • Age: As with all hardware, motherboards can fail due to age.

Implications of Motherboard Failures

Issues like these can pop up when you suffer a motherboard failure on a Kafka cluster:

  • System failure: A motherboard failure can cause the broker to fail, leading to an unexpected shutdown. This can cause potential data loss or corruption and service unavailability. In a Kafka cluster, this would cause one of the brokers to go offline, potentially impacting data availability if the replication factor is not sufficient.

  • Hardware damage: A failing motherboard can cause damage to other components, leading to further failures.

Resolving Motherboard Failures

Resolving a motherboard failure usually requires replacing the motherboard, which requires a significant amount of downtime, as it involves disassembling and reassembling the server.

Disk Drawer and Rack Failures

Disk drawers and racks are physical structures that house multiple disks. They play a crucial role in the organization, cooling, and supplying power to these disks. Failures associated with these components can lead to multiple simultaneous disk failures, which can have serious implications for your Kafka clusters.

Potential Causes of Disk Drawer and Rack Failures

Consider these potential causes of disk drawer and rack failures:

  • Power supply issues: If the power supply to the disk drawer or rack fails, all the disks it houses can fail simultaneously. This could be due to a faulty power distribution unit (PDU), power cable, or even a power surge that damages the unit.

  • Cooling issues: Disk drawers and racks often have built-in cooling mechanisms. If these fail, that can cause the disks to overheat and fail.

  • Physical damage: This can be from accidents like dropping the rack, water damage, or even simple wear and tear over time.

  • Connectivity issues: This can be due to faulty cables, connectors, or the failure of the host bus adapter (HBA) that connects the disks to the rest of the system.

Implications of Disk Drawer and Rack Failures

Issues like these can pop up when you suffer disk drawer and rack failures on a Kafka cluster:

  • Data loss or corruption: Multiple simultaneous disk failures can lead to data loss or corruption, especially if the replication factor in Kafka is not high enough to ensure data is stored on other brokers.

  • Service unavailability: Since each Kafka broker typically runs on a separate machine, a full rack failure can lead to multiple brokers going offline, leading to a significant drop in the availability of your Kafka service.

Resolving Disk Drawer and Rack Failures

Try these methods to resolve disk drawer and rack failures:

  • Replacement: If a disk drawer or rack fails, it often needs to be replaced. This can require significant downtime, especially if it involves moving multiple disks.

  • Preventive maintenance: Regular preventive maintenance, including cleaning and physical inspection, can help prevent failures.

  • Good Kafka configuration: An appropriate replication factor in the Kafka cluster can help mitigate the impact of disk or machine failures.

In summary, while disk drawer and rack failures can have serious implications, proper preventive measures and monitoring can help mitigate the risks associated with such failures.

Potential Negative Effects of Enabling Firewalls and Antivirus on Kafka Brokers

Antiviruses scans files for malware, often in real-time while files are accessed, created, or modified. Firewalls monitor and control network traffic based on predefined security rules in order to prevent unauthorized access and protect against threats. Enabling antivirus and/or firewall software on the disks of a Kafka broker can potentially introduce latency and affect the consuming and producing rates. Here are some of the effects that they can have on a Kafka cluster:

  • Disk I/O latency: If your AV is configured to scan the directories where Kafka is storing its log files, it could potentially cause a significant increase in disk I/O operations, as every write to a Kafka topic log file would also involve a read operation by the antivirus software. This added I/O overhead could result in higher disk latency, slowing down the rate at which Kafka can write to or read from its log files. This could in turn affect the latency for Kafka producers and consumers. If possible, it’s recommended to configure the antivirus software to scan only at specific times or to exclude the Kafka broker data directories from scanning.

  • System resources: If the AV is configured to run frequent scans, it can consume a significant amount of system resources and impact the performance of the Kafka broker.

  • Network traffic: Kafka is a distributed system that relies heavily on network communication. Misconfigured or overly restrictive firewall rules can impede this communication, affecting the performance of the Kafka cluster.

  • Inter-node communication: Kafka brokers communicate with each other (inter-broker communication), especially in replication scenarios. Firewalls need to be configured to allow this inter-broker communication.

  • Impact on ZooKeeper: Kafka uses ZooKeeper to maintain and coordinate brokers. Firewall rules should allow traffic between Kafka and ZooKeeper processes.

It’s important to carefully consider the impact of firewalls and antivirus software on the performance of a Kafka broker before enabling them. Moreover, sometimes Kafka administrators just don’t notice that this software is installed on the Kafka broker, so it’s a good practice to develop a verification script that will run once in a while on the brokers and verify whether firewalls and antivirus programs are installed. If they are installed, the program should also ensure that they aren’t enabled.

ZooKeeper Best Practices in On-Premises Kafka Data Centers

The efficiency and stability of an on-premises Kafka data center are inextricably linked to the underlying infrastructure and configuration practices. Among the critical components of this ecosystem is Apache ZooKeeper, a distributed coordination service that plays a pivotal role in managing the Kafka cluster. As it houses the metadata and provides synchronization across the cluster, its reliability is paramount for the proper functioning and stability of the entire Kafka system.

Ensuring that ZooKeeper is optimized, both in terms of hardware configuration and monitoring practices, can significantly contribute to the overall robustness of a Kafka deployment. This section delves into key best practices that cater to the specific needs of ZooKeeper in a Kafka environment, including considerations for disk performance, the importance of dedicated machines, and strategies for continuous monitoring and assessment.

Disk Performance

Ensuring optimal disk performance is vital for maintaining a healthy ZooKeeper cluster. Solid State Drives (SSDs) are strongly advised for ZooKeeper, as they offer the low-latency disk writes required for optimal functioning. Since each request to ZooKeeper must be committed to disk on every server in the quorum before the result becomes available for reading, having efficient and fast storage is a non-negotiable requirement. Monitoring the I/O performance, disk latency, and write speeds can prevent bottlenecks that might otherwise hamper the overall system performance.

Dedicated Machines

Another significant recommendation for ZooKeeper deployment is to host the servers on dedicated machines, separate from the Kafka broker cluster. This isolation ensures that ZooKeeper can function at its best without competing for resources with Kafka brokers. Such a setup allows for more precise tuning, monitoring, and maintenance of the ZooKeeper instances, which are crucial for stability.

Monitoring ZooKeeper

To make sure the Kafka cluster remains stable, you must pay careful attention to several aspects of ZooKeeper. Keeping an eye on the up or down status of the nodes in the ZooKeeper quorum is vital, as is monitoring the response time for client requests to detect performance issues early on. It’s also essential to watch the data stored by ZooKeeper, ensuring it stays within healthy limits. Regular checks on the number of client connections to the ZooKeeper servers help you understand the load and potential stress on the system.

Developing a Dedicated Smoke Test for Kafka and ZooKeeper Stability

In a complex and dynamic environment such as Kafka, staying ahead of potential issues and inconsistencies is essential to maintaining the desired level of performance and stability. One robust way to accomplish this is by developing and implementing dedicated smoke tests. Smoke tests are quick preliminary tests that cover essential functions of a system. In the context of Kafka and ZooKeeper, they can be incredibly valuable in catching and addressing problems in a timely manner, before they escalate into more significant challenges.

The idea behind smoke testing in this environment is to create a script that can periodically run a series of checks and validations on the hardware and the Kafka cluster in production. Here’s a detailed look at the various validations that you can include:

  • DIMM’s issues: Check for any RAM issues from kernel messages, as these can impact overall system stability.

  • Disk issues: Analyze kernel messages or use tools like smartctl to inspect disks for any problems that might hinder performance.

  • Network/NIC problems: Utilize kernel messages or dedicated tools like ethtool to ensure that the network interfaces are operating correctly.

  • Available memory across Kafka machines: Ensure that there is enough memory available for smooth Kafka operation.

  • Number of open files: Check that the number of open files has not reached a critical threshold, which could limit Kafka’s ability to function.

  • Kafka disk usage: Monitor the disk space dedicated to storing Kafka topics across machines to avoid running out of space.

  • /root and /var filesystem usage: Confirm that these filesystems have not reached critical usage levels, which can lead to storage-related issues.

  • Time synchronization: Ensure all machines are in sync with the NTP server, as inconsistent time-keeping can lead to various issues.

  • Disk balance across Kafka machines: Check that disk space usage is more or less balanced, to prevent certain machines from being overloaded.

  • Out-of-memory problems on Kafka service: Monitor the kafka.err log for memory-related errors, which can impact Kafka’s performance.

  • Service availability: Confirm that all Kafka broker services and ZooKeeper services are up and running.

  • Max connections on ZooKeeper servers: Ensure that connections have not reached critical thresholds, especially when ZooKeeper serves other services.

  • Disk mounting and read/write status: Check that all disks are mounted correctly and that none are in a read-only state, which could limit functionality.

  • Broker IDs in ZooKeeper: Ensure that broker IDs are appropriately registered in ZooKeeper, which is essential for the correct operation of the cluster.


This chapter delved into various factors that can influence the stability of on-premises Kafka data centers. It began by outlining the potential failures in key hardware components. These included disks, RAM DIMMs, NICs, power supplies, motherboards, and disk drawers or racks, which can all experience failures due to natural wear and tear, manufacturing defects, environmental factors, and improper maintenance.

Next, the chapter delved into the impact of these hardware failures on the stability of a Kafka cluster. It highlighted that the consequences of these failures could be lessened by employing strategies such as replication, failover, and backups, as well as proactively monitoring the health of the Kafka cluster and its hardware components.

A particular focus was given to HDD disk failures. We discussed the reasons for these failures and their effects on Kafka clusters. The discussion broke down common reasons for disk failures, their potential impacts on a Kafka broker, the process of monitoring disk health, and ways to resolve disk failure issues.

We also looked at RAM DIMMs failures, learning potential causes such as physical damage or natural wear and tear. We learned about the effects of these failures on system stability and data integrity.

Then, we shifted focus to Network Interface Cards (NICs), which are vital for managing server connections. That section explored how failures in NICs, caused by factors like physical damage, hardware incompatibility, and faulty drivers, can lead to significant problems in on-premises Kafka clusters.

Power supplies, a critical but often overlooked component, were discussed next. That section explored the potential causes for power supply failures, their effects on a Kafka broker, and methods to monitor and resolve such issues.

The next section covered motherboards. As the backbone of a computer system, motherboard failures can have severe implications. That section covered potential causes, impacts, and solutions for these failures.

We then moved on to discuss disk drawers and racks, which house multiple disks. The section illustrated how a failure of any of these components could result in multiple simultaneous disk failures, and we looked into the causes, implications, and ways to mitigate such failures.

We also discussed the potential negative effects of enabling firewalls and antivirus programs on Kafka brokers. We touched upon potential latency issues and the impact on consuming and producing rates that may occur when enabling antivirus and firewall software on the disks of a Kafka broker.

We also explored ZooKeeper’s best practices in on-premises Kafka data centers and emphasized optimal disk performance, low-latency writes using SSDs, and the significance of dedicated machines for ZooKeeper. Comprehensive monitoring strategies were outlined, highlighting ZooKeeper’s role in Kafka cluster stability.

We concluded with an in-depth look at the development of dedicated smoke tests for maintaining Kafka and ZooKeeper stability. Detailed insights were provided on various tests for hardware and Kafka cluster validations, including RAM issues, disk problems, network functionality, memory availability, disk usage, and more. The section underscored the preventive role of smoke tests in identifying and addressing potential problems early.

The next chapter focuses on an aspect that can significantly impact the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of a Kafka cluster: optimizing hardware resources.

While the stability and robustness of the Kafka cluster are of paramount importance, an equally critical consideration is ensuring that the system is not over-provisioned. Over-provisioning can lead to unnecessary costs and underutilized resources, resulting in an inefficient system.

Chapter 12 dissects the various metrics and considerations to accurately assess the cluster’s usage, such as RAM, CPU, disk storage, and disk IOPS. It explores the nuanced differences in scaling on-prem versus cloud-based clusters and investigates the pros and cons of different scaling alternatives from various perspectives, including technical, managerial, and financial. Through six illustrative examples, you will get a detailed guide on how to effectively implement scale-in and scale-down strategies to maximize cost savings without compromising the stability of your Kafka cluster.