In Chapter 1, you learned in detail how to get your Windows computer, Linux, and Raspberry Pi ready for working with GNU Octave and Jupyter Notebook. You also learned how to get started with GNU Octave programming and Jupyter Notebook. In this chapter, you will delve deeper into GNU Octave programming and you will mostly use Jupyter Notebook for programming demonstrations in interactive mode. The following is the list of topics you will learn and demonstrate in this chapter:

  • Simple mathematical operations

  • Built-in mathematical constants

  • Getting help

  • Variables in GNU Octave

  • Global variables

  • Conventions for naming variables

  • Clearing the command prompt

Simple Mathematical Operations

Let’s get started with some simple concepts. In this section, you will learn how to perform simple mathematical operations on numerical operands. It is recommended to create a new notebook for every chapter and save all of the notebooks in the same directory on your computer. So create a new notebook and create a markup cell with a heading that says Simple Mathematical Operations . Then run the following statement in the next cell:

2 + 5

It will execute and show the following output:

ans =  7

Similarly, run the following statements and see the output:

2 – 5 5 / 2 2 / 5 5 % 2 5 * 2 2 ^ 5

After executing the statements above, you’ll get the output shown in Figure 2-1.

Figure 2-1
figure 1

Screenshot of the simple mathematical operations in action

When various operators are used in a single expression, the operator precedence is similar to the behavior you find in mathematics or other programming languages. In mathematics, it is commonly referred to as BODMAS or PEDMAS, which is shown in Table 2-1.


In Octave, the operator preference is parentheses over other operators, and division and multiplication over addition and subtraction. When operators with equal precedence occur, the operator precedence goes from left to right.

For example, the answer to the expression

10 * 5 - (5 + 2)^2 + 10 / 5 10 * 5 – 7^2 + 10 / 5      expression inside the parentheses is computed 10 * 5 - 49 + 10 / 5                  exponents are computed 50 – 49 + 2 division and multiplication (operators of equal precedence) are computed 3 addition and subtraction (operators of equal precedence) are computed

You can run this complex expression in a new cell. It will execute the following output:

ans = 3

It is advisable to use parentheses when writing complex expressions because they overrule any operator, make your code readable, and you can avoid mistakes that are easy to overlook.

Built-in Mathematical Constants

There are many built-in mathematical constants in GNU Octave. In a new cell, create a markdown cell with a heading that says Built-in Mathematical Constants. You can retrieve them in multiple formats. Run the following code:


This returns the value of the constant e that is the base of natural logarithms:

ans =  2.7183

Run the following code:


It returns a 3x3 matrix of es as follows:

ans =    2.7183   2.7183   2.7183    2.7183   2.7183   2.7183    2.7183   2.7183   2.7183

You will learn about matrices in the next chapter. You can even have a custom sized matrix of es as follows:

e(3, 2) ans =    2.7183   2.7183    2.7183   2.7183    2.7183   2.7183

You can also create a matrix of more than two dimensions:

e(2, 2, 3) ans = ans(:,:,1) =    2.7183   2.7183    2.7183   2.7183 ans(:,:,2) =    2.7183   2.7183    2.7183   2.7183 ans(:,:,3) =    2.7183   2.7183    2.7183   2.7183

You can have these constants in single (32-bit representation) or double (64-bit representation) precision as follows:

e(3, 2, class="single") e(3, 2, class="double")

Similarly, there are other constants that can return a single value or matrices as demonstrated above. Let’s look at each of them one by one. If you run pi, it returns the value of the constant pi. The constants i, j, I, and J return the imaginary unit that is \( \sqrt{-1} \). Inf returns infinity and NaN returns Not a Number. The next three constants are system-dependent (processor-dependent, to be precise). The first one is eps. It returns the relative spacing between any two adjacent numbers in the machine's floating-point system representation. realmax returns the largest floating-point number, and realmin returns the smallest floating-point number represented by the system. Check these constants and their respective matrices yourself, like you did in the demonstration for the constant e.

Getting Help

You can get help for built-in constants and functions (you will learn about them later in the book). Suppose you want to get more information about the built-in constant pi. You can run the following in the command prompt of the GNU Octave GUI:

help pi

The output is shown in Figure 2-2.

Figure 2-2
figure 2

The output of the command help

Similarly, you can execute the following command for documentation:

doc pi

It opens the relevant documentation in the documentation tab of the GNU Octave GUI, as shown in Figure 2-3.

Figure 2-3
figure 3

GNU Octave documentation

This way, you can find out more information about the built-in functions and constants offered by GNU Octave.

Variables in GNU Octave

A variable is an addressable memory (RAM) location where you can store data temporarily as long as your program (in script mode) or session (in interactive mode) is running. You can address the variable with a name. Each variable in the same program or session has a unique name. Let’s look at how you can create a variable. Type and run the following statement:

a = 3.14

It will immediately show the value of variable a in the following line. = assigns the value on the left to the variable on the right (in the above case, a). You can suppress the display of output by adding ; to the statement as follows:

a = 3.14;

If you type the variable again in a new cell and execute it, it shows the value of the variable. You can also assign values to multiple variables as follows:

a = 1, b = 2, c = 3 a =  1 b =  2 c =  3

As you can see, you use the comma (,) between assign statements to do this.

We will discuss different types of variables later in this book.

Global Variables

There is a special way of declaring some variables as global variables: you use the keyword global before the variable name. The global variables may only be initialized once. If you run the following two lines one after the other

global a = 1 global a = 2

the variable a still contains a value of 1.

Using global variables has other benefits which will be addressed in later chapters.

Conventions for Naming Variables

In order to avoid errors and confusion while programming, you should adhere to the following conventions when naming variables:

  • Names should not start with a number but you can use numbers in the variable name anywhere after the first character.

  • Variable names are case sensitive.

  • Names can include the underscore character.

  • Keywords cannot be used as names of variables.

It is a good practice to use meaningful variable names because the code will be easier to read and debug.

You can retrieve the list of the current keywords in the Octave version by running the statement iskeyword(). The following is the list of reserved keywords in the current version of Octave:

ans = {   [1,1] = __FILE__   [2,1] = __LINE__   [3,1] = break   [4,1] = case   [5,1] = catch   [6,1] = classdef   [7,1] = continue   [8,1] = do   [9,1] = else   [10,1] = elseif   [11,1] = end   [12,1] = end_try_catch   [13,1] = end_unwind_protect   [14,1] = endclassdef   [15,1] = endenumeration   [16,1] = endevents   [17,1] = endfor   [18,1] = endfunction   [19,1] = endif   [20,1] = endmethods   [21,1] = endparfor   [22,1] = endproperties   [23,1] = endswitch   [24,1] = endwhile   [25,1] = enumeration   [26,1] = events   [27,1] = for   [28,1] = function   [29,1] = global   [30,1] = if   [31,1] = methods   [32,1] = otherwise   [33,1] = parfor   [34,1] = persistent   [35,1] = properties   [36,1] = return   [37,1] = switch   [38,1] = try   [39,1] = until   [40,1] = unwind_protect   [41,1] = unwind_protect_cleanup   [42,1] = while }

The commands who and whos show the list of variables and details, respectively. Create a few variables in Octave’s interactive prompt in the GUI and run the command. First, create a few variables as follows:

>> a = 1; >> b = 2; >> c = 3;

The output of the who and whos commands and the workspace panel in the Octave GUI is shown in Figure 2-4.

Figure 2-4
figure 4

The output of the commands who and whos

Try running the commands who and whos in the Jupyter notebook too. The output will be the same. Many times, it is recommended to purge all the unused variables from memory. You are required to manage the memory manually when you handle large datasets. You can purge all the variables from memory with the command clear. If you run this command in the Octave GUI’s command prompt, you can see all of the variables disappear from the workspace. Use the doc and help commands to obtain more information about the usage of clear.

Clearing the Command Prompt

You can clear the command prompt of Octave (running in terminal or the GUI, both) by running the clc command. You don’t need to use this command in Jupyter Notebook. We discussed the methods to clear the output in the cells of Jupyter Notebook in the last chapter.


In this chapter, you learned about the basics of GNU Octave programming and explored the GUI interface in a bit more detail. The concepts you use in this book will be helpful to you in further chapters.

In the next chapter, you will explore different data types in GNU Octave in detail. The next chapter will be more coding-extensive than this one.