The string data type is used to store string constants. They are delimited by double quotes.

string a = "Hello";

String Concatenation

The concatenation operator (+) can combine strings together. It also has an accompanying assignment operator (+=), which appends a string to another and creates a new string.

string b = a + " World"; // Hello World a += " World";           // Hello World

When one of the operands is not of a string type, the concatenation operator will implicitly convert the non-string type into a string, making the following assignment valid.

int i = 1; string c = i + " is " + 1; // 1 is 1

The string conversion is performed implicitly using the ToString method . All types in .NET have this method, which provides a string representation of a variable or expression. As seen in the next example, the string conversion can also be made explicitly.

string d = i.ToString() + " is " + 1.ToString(); // 1 is 1

Another way to compile strings is to use string interpolation. This feature was added in C# 6.0 and enables expressions placed inside curly brackets to be evaluated within a string. To perform string interpolation, a dollar sign ($) is placed before the string.

string s1 = "Hello"; string s2 = "World"; string s = $"{s1} {s2}"; // Hello World

Escape Characters

A statement can be broken up across multiple lines, but a string constant must be on a single line. In order to divide it, the string constant has to first be split up using the concatenation operator.

string myString          = "Hello " +            "World";

To add new lines into the string itself, the escape character (\n) is used.

string myString = "Hello\nWorld";

This backslash notation is used to write special characters, such as a backslash or double quote. Among the special characters is also a Unicode character notation for writing any character.








Form feed


Horizontal tab


Alert sound


Vertical tab


Single quote




Double quote


Carriage return




Null character


Unicode character (four-digit hex number)

Escape characters can be ignored by adding an @ symbol before the string. This is called a verbatim string and can be used to make file paths more readable, for example.

string s1 = "c:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe"; string s2 = @"c:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe";

String Compare

The way to compare two strings is simply by using the equal to operator (==). This will not compare the memory addresses, as in some other languages such as Java.

string greeting = "Hi"; bool b = (greeting == "Hi"); // true

String Members

The string type is an alias for the String class. As such, it provides a multitude of methods related to strings, for example, methods like Replace, Insert, and Remove. An important thing to note is that there are no methods for changing a string. Methods that appear to modify a string actually always return a completely new string. This is because the String class is immutable. The content of a string variable cannot be changed unless the whole string is replaced.

string a = "String"; string b = a.Replace("i", "o"); // Strong        b = a.Insert(0, "My ");  // My String        b = a.Remove(0, 3);      // ing        b = a.Substring(0, 3);   // Str        b = a.ToUpper();         // STRING int    i = a.Length;            // 6

StringBuilder Class

StringBuilder is a mutable string class. Because of the performance cost associated with replacing a string, the StringBuilder class is a better alternative when a string needs to be modified many times.

System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder("Hello");

The class has several methods that can be used to manipulate the actual content of a string, such as Append, Remove, and Insert.

sb.Append(" World");   // Hello World sb.Remove(0, 5);       // World sb.Insert(0, "Bye");   // Bye World

To convert a StringBuilder object back into a regular string, you use the ToString method.

string s = sb.ToString(); // Bye World